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Weekly Knowledge #35 08 Feb 1996


Miami Beach, Florida !"

Question: God is all abundant, all full and we are connected to God. Then why are we in debt, except for some? Why do they have, and we don't have? Guru i: !s it only money? "ou have abundance, yet at the same time, you are indebted. #o how can both be true? $ow can you be indebted and at the same time have abundance? #omebody says: %n abundance of indebtedness& Guru i: When you say you are indebted, that means you have received. 'therwise how can you be indebted? #o be than(ful for bein) indebted, because you have received. Those who have received should feel indebted. !f you don't feel indebted, you cannot have abundance. #o the more indebted you feel, the more abundance you have. Question: When the disciples met *esus, they were not very successful, did not catch very many fish. When they met *esus, he told them exactly where to fish and that's when they )ot lots of fish and then they decided to follow *esus. +,au)hterGuru i: .eel indebted. .eel )ratitude. Then abundance comes. %s lon) as you are wantin) for abundance you )et indebted. .eel indebtedness and )ratitude, then abundance comes. %bundance and indebtedness coexist. "ou thin( you are indebted, but you really are not. !t is better to feel totally indebted, because every bit of what you have, doesn't belon) to you, includin) your body. Then you are infinitely indebted for your body, for /nowled)e, for thin)s you have received, and for your own life. Then you bas( in the abundance of the 0reator. #omeone says: ! feel very indebted. Than( you&

NEWS FLASH: 1hysicians of %pple 2alley had or)ani3ed memorable meetin)s and #atsan)s. Guru i was on 044 4ews. Guru i was in the media and newspapers for several days before the much awaited event. ,ocal T2 stations were announcin) the event every hour. .rom there 55 unbelievable #atsan)s in pac(ed halls in ,os %n)eles. The drummers and 6ivya )ot everyone on their feet. The atmosphere was electrifyin). Guru i went to the 7niversity of 4ortheast 8issouri that had sponsored his visit. #tudents

and ,loyd had or)ani3ed 9:: people to welcome Guru i.

Guru i, not only in spirit, but also physically, piloted a twin en)ine 0essna plane bac( to #t. ,ouis, 8issouri on his way to .ort ,auderdale, .lorida. The church was filled with devotion and decorations. The way Guru i loo(ed 55 the Grace and /nowled)e were so ma)ical 55 the scene is impossible to describe. The hurricane of Satva has moved on to 8iami.

Jai Guru Dev

Jai Guru Dev Jai Guru Dev Jai Guru Dev


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