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Name _________________________________________________ Date ____________________

______________ Adverb Worksheet Adverbs of time, place, and manner modify the ve
rb. Ask about the verb, when? How often? (time), where? (place) how? (manner). 1
. Our soccer game was played yesterday. 2. Sometimes, my family goes to the movi
es. 3. My friends and I played outside in the snow. 4. The people talked quietly
at the hospital. 5. Tomorrow, the students will have a show in the gym. 6. Occa
sionally, my aunt and uncle will visit us from Florida. 7. Joey fell down and br
oke his wrist. ______________________ ______________________ ___________________
______________________ ______________________
8. Put your games away ______________________________. (time) 9. The children sa
t ______________________ (place) and watched TV. 10. The speaker spoke _________
_____________ (manner) at the meeting.
11. The extremely tall basketball player blocked the shot. 12. The surgeon did t
he operations very carefully. 13. Bob nearly broke his arm in the fall.
14. Sammy was __________________________ able to reach that top shelf. Adverbs o
f affirmation or negation tells whether a statement in true or false.
17. You will undoubtedly win that writing contest.
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16. We never play that school in basketball.
15. My father is positively the best coach my team has ever had.
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Adverbs of degree answer the question how much? or how little?. It describes a v
erb, an adjective, or another adverb. Modifies what part of speech? ____________
Modifies what part of speech? __________________
Modifies what part of speech? __________________
18. I would ____________________________ like to go see that movie. (affirmation
) 19. The truck driver can ___________________ find that building. (negation) Wr
ite a sentence with an adverb of time, place, or manner.
Write a sentence with an adverb of degree. _____________________________________
___________________________________________________________ Write a sentence wit
h an adverb of affirmation.
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