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The future isnt what you choose to be

Nowadays, in a society in which the competition is in every domain, the problem of having a certain future is largely debatable and we have different point of views who support or not the idea that no one is able to know his future, but I disagree with the fact that your personal future isnt what you choose to be and I have two arguments in which I my opinion. Firstly, I think that there are two groups of people: the ones that know what they want and choose what they want to be and the ones that tend to be careless with their future. From the time we are children the educational system helps us to choose what we want to study. In Romania, when a child graduate the middle school he may opt for going to a real or humanistic class during high-school. In England and France the student may choose 6 to 8 school subjects he wants to study. Homework, lessons, the educational systems tries to teach us the most important lesson of life: we are there to learn to establish our own targets. I consider that a person who aim his target has already choose his future because, it doesnt matter how hard its going to be the journey, they know where it ends and they will do anything to reach the final point of the destination. Secondly, I think that even the people who tend to be careless with their future choose it because the future of a person is like that person. If they have a careless attitude their future will be uncertain. Every decision we make has an influence in our life. Life is full of decisions and we have to choose the most suitable option for us in every situation and if we dont like them all there is still one option: to choose not to be put in that situation again and continue the hard work. As you sow, so shall you reap. Everything that happens to you is a result of your own actions. If you treat your future like that, of course itll drop you. However, many people think that a lot of factors will influence you so that your decisions will not always been what you want from that situation, but ,as I said in my 2 nd argument, I think that its your choice whenever you want to take the situation in your favor or not in the future. In conclusion, I disagree with the fact that the future isnt what you choose to be. Everything comes with a price. The future of a person depends on the attitude of that person and physics is very clear: every action has its reaction.

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