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In an ever changing society where knowledge is at our fingertips, learners must be able to adapt and learn throughout their lives. Our ultimate goal as teachers must be to encourage all of our students to become lifelong learners. Teachers should help learners question the world around them and grapple with global problems. I do not wish for my classroom to be an easy place; a safe place, yes, but not an easy one. Cognitive dissonance leads to growth. My goals as a teacher librarian stem from a deep desire to instill lifelong learning in my students. I want my students to always be working towards independence. The use of scaffolding will enable this independence to take place. Scaffolding allows the learner to complete tasks outside their level of independence by the teacher modeling and structuring the tasks in the classroom. The ability to perform skills and concepts independently is imperative. Once independence is achieved, generalization across multiple settings is possible and real world application can occur. A second goal I have for my teaching is to meet each of my learners where they are at and take them farther than they think they are able to go. In order to reach this goal it is essential to collaborate with the educational professionals in the building. By fostering this collaboration I will be able to learn students strengths and weakness and differentiate my classroom instruction. The library is my classroom, a learning commons where teaching takes place. By using differentiated instruction, I will make my classroom one where everyone can learn. I want our library to reflect the idea that all are capable of learning. Differentiated instruction allows all learners at different levels to engage with the same material at a level that is beneficial for them. I also have thoughts about the school itself. School should be a place where a collaborative community of educators believes in the students of their school, and are working fervently to create a positive climate where lifelong learning is promoted. Collaboration between educators can take place in multiple ways from mentor teachers, professional development, cross classroom observation, book clubs, and staff meetings. I aspire to become a teacher librarian that is never stagnant and is always looking for ways to improve her teaching. I think that is an imperative mindset to have as an educational professional. As a teacher librarian and a media specialist I embrace technology. In a 21st century world technology is critical to students long-term success. I want the lessons I teach and the technology we use to be useful and practical for students. Furthermore, I plan to coordinate and collaborate with teachers throughout the building, planning technology rich projects and providing technology tips and support as needed. I hope to have a library in a school community where I can watch these goals become a reality. I hope that my classroom is one in which students are able to blossom both cognitively and emotionally as they continue on their journey of life.

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