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February 2014
Monda y Tuesday Wednesda y Thursday Saturda Sunday y 1 2 Count Read for at by 5s to least 20 100. minutes. 7 8 9 Put the #s Count Read a in order: from story on 24, 19, 8 56-110. Starfall. __,__,__ 14 Happy Valentine s Day! 15 16 Write a Find short Washingto story n on a map about an or globe. animal. 22 23 Put the Write a #s in story about order: an Olympic 52 69,47 sport. __,__,__ Friday

3 4 Solve: Find an 18+12= object 15+8= that looks 1 ft. 10 Find four ways to write 13. 17 Count the # of rooms in your house. 11 Identify the setting and events in a story. 18 Find somethin g that weighs one pound.

5 Practice you spelling words. 12 Count by 2s to 74.

6 Write a how-to story.

13 Practice writing complete sentences . 20 Write a sentence using and.

19 Count backwards from 11667.

21 Read for at least 20 minutes.

24 25 26 27 28 Check Try and Count by Write Solve: out a add: 2s to 100. your full 16-7= book at 126+372 name 10 9-5= the = times. library. Choose three activities per week to complete and put a check in the box. Turn in at the end of the month. _________________________________ (Parents Signature)

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