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ICH guidance was developed with consideration of the current good clinical practices of [a] European Union, Japan and the United States [b] Australia, Canada the Nordic countries [c] World Health Organization WHO! [d] All abo"e#

14. Protection of Human Subjects Common ule! is [a] $itle %& C'( )art %* [b] %*#+,+ C'( )art %* [c] $itle %& C'( )art %% [d] $itle *#+,+ )art %% 1". #asic HHS Polic$ for Protection of Human esearch Subjects %I # membership&function& operation and Informed Consent e'uirements( comes under ) [a] $itle %& C'( )art %* ub-)art A [b] $itle %& C'( )art %* ub-)art . [c] $itle %& C'( )art %* ub-)art C [d] $itle %& C'( )art %* ub-)art /

1*. +he Council for International ,rgani-ations of .edical Sciences %CI,.S( is an international non governmental organi-ation in official relations with [a] 0CON [b] 0C11 [c] ECH( [d] World Health Organization WHO!

1/. Council for International ,rgani-ations of .edical Sciences %CI,.S( was founded under the auspices of ) [a] WHO [b] UNESCO [c] '/A [d] UNESCO 2 WHO

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