Internship Log

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Domain II- Competency 6 Professional Staff Evaluation & Development Course-Embedded Internship Log

Course Number: EDLD 5396 Internship/Practicum in Administration Description of the Activity Place of Activity Sealy ISD Superintendents Office

! Intern Plan
Time Spent on Activity 10 hours

Students will colla orate with the district site super!isor and de!elop the 1" month internship plan# Plans will e ased on sel$% assessment $indin&s' pro$essional &oals' and the uni(ue needs o$ the intern and school#

Personal Reflection/Learning: ocus reflection on the lea!ership s"ill# $)inimum o$ 150 *ords%

I met with Dr. Walker on February 11, !1" concernin# my internship plan. $e also went throu#h %amar &ni'ersitys superintendent certification classes and educational doctoral pro#ram. $e related to the tasks I would ha'e to accomplish throu#h the course of the plan. We talked about his time at %amar and the e(pectations for the students. $e then went on to discuss the responsibilities of a superintendent and the inherent stru##les that #o alon# with the position. $e offered encoura#ement and continued to e(press a sense of support for my plan. $e talked about his prior e(periences as a superintendent and the thin#s he sees as priorities for the superintendent of Sealy ISD. )he district is currently under#oin# a superintendent search. $e is the interim superintendent until the search is completed. $e brin#s some #ood insi#ht into the position while also assistin# me on *ourney. )he comments he makes about learnin# how to be a superintendent seem 'ery insi#htful and meanin#ful. I will continue to collaborate with him on numerous acti'ities and philosophies as my internship unfolds. )he o'erall perception of my plan was positi'e and supporti'e.

+e'ised 11, !,!-

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