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Disclaimer - Justice Network - Neil J Gillespie Information on this blog or website is a free public service.

While the information on this site deals with legal issues, it does not constitute legal advice. If you have specific questions related to information available on this site, you are encouraged to consult an attorney who can investigate the particular circumstances of your situation. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, this website does not warranty or guarantee the accuracy or availability of the content on this site or on other sites to which we link. In no event will this website be held liable to any party for any damages arising in any way out of the availability, use, reliance on or inability to use this website or any information provided by or through this website, or for any claim attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in, or destructive properties of any information provided by or through, this website. Note: My disclaimer relies upon the substance of disclaimer of The Florida Bar: 28e685256b2f006c53b2?OpenDocument Neil J. Gillespie: 1. Does not give legal advice. 2. Not a lawyer. 3. Not an attorney. 4. Not licensed to practice law. 5. Did not go to law school. Justice Network blog Neil Gillespie Scribd Justice Network website

The Justice Network is engaged in advocacy, education, news gathering & dissemination, and helping people fight injustice. This blog is part of my therapy as a survivor of legal injustice. In 2010 I started the Justice Network with the domain name, chosen in the spirit of YouTube, the video-sharing site that empowered ordinary people to produce and share video, and changed the world. Through my old website I met folks from around the country. Some of their stories are profiled there. Many believe that Americas justice system is broken. The Justice Network website address is now, and NoSueorg.blogspot. This reflects a sad truth for many Americans that the justice system is broken, just a parody of justice. Reform American courts or avoid them. Your life, health and wealth is at risk. But dont just take my word, read what the experts say in stories posted here. For more law news, see the American Bar Association (ABA) Law News Now Journal

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