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IVAN PAVLOV Classic conditioning occurs when a natural reflex responds to a stimulus. Behaviors can be reinforced by creating memories

The principles of learning would account for the largest share of behavioral development and are exercised almost exclusively through environmental learning opportunities provided for children.

E.L. THORNDIKE Learning is the result of associations forming between stimulus and responses.
Consequences of behavior effect behavior, responses resulting in satisfying consequences are learned. Behavioral theories explain learning in terms of environmental events.

Practical Implications Experiment

Believed that environmental shaping of behavior began prenatally, and focused his studies on infants and children.

He demonstrated the conditioned Taught a dog to expect food response in the case of Little after a bell was rung. Once the Albert(Watson, 1925), who was dog had become habituated, exposed to an alarming noise and a bell alone was needed to rat at the same time, and developed produce salivation not only a fear of rats, but transferred the fear to all furry objects. Conditioning process.

A cat was confined in cages. They had to open the box or cage to get the food.


Conditioning process.

Law of Readiness Law of Effect Law of Exercise

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