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1.) An API user is given an account but is not able to view that account through the interface.

The reason being: c. API user has API Only access 2.) API allows evelo!ers to use a!!lications that: . Interact irectly with the A "or s server #.) $u woul li%e to test new logic that uses API without &o ifying his live ca&!aigns. "hich tools woul allow hi& to o this' b. A "or s API (an bo) #.) *.) "hich of the following allows a vertisers to auto&ate A "or s re!orting an ca&!aign &anage&ent' a. +se of an API web service ,.) "hat is the benefit of the API' a. A vertisers can &a%e yna&ic changes to their A "or s accounts at scale. -.) If so&eone wants to &a%e fre.uent/ s!ecific changes to bi s base on criteria for &ore than 100% %eywor s/ what tool is &ost efficient' b. A "or s API 1.) A user clic%s on an a for snea%ers. 2e isn3t irecte to a !age with snea%ers. 2e also receives : c. 4in% to a relevant !age an re&ove the !o!5u! 6.) A goo lan ing !age for s!ring resses woul is!lay' a. (everal colors of s!ring resses 7.) A benefit of inclu ing a %eywor within an a te)t is that the %eywor will: . It will a!!ear bol within the a 10.) To ifferentiate a s fro& co&!etitors a vertisers shoul : c. Inclu e !rice/ !ro&otions an a call5to5action 11.) 2ow can a vertisers eter&ine the &ost !rofitable %eywor s within a co&!any' b. 8o&!are the cost incurre by each %eywor with the conversion ata for that %eywor . 12.) 9ou search %eywor s that shoul trigger your a but your a oesn3t a!!ear. "hy is this' a. 9our ca&!aigns are targeting a location outsi e where you are !hysically locate . 1#.) 9ou want to increase the !osition of an a but on3t want to raise the bi . 2ow can you increase a ran%' c. :a%e changes to i&!rove the .uality score of the a 3s %eywor s. 1*.) A high .uality score can: b. I&!rove an a 3s !osition

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