Number Theory

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Rose-Marie Espina

Number Theory


SIEVE OF ERATOSTHENES A procedure for finding prime numbers that involves writing down the odd numbers from 2 up in succession and crossing out every 3rd number after 3, every 5th after 5 including those already crossed out, every 7th after 7 and so on with the numbers that are never crossed but being prime. It identifies all prime number up to a given number n as follows: Write down the numbers 1,2,3,n. We will eliminate composites by marking them. Initially all numbers are unmarked. Mark the number 1 s special ( it is neither prime or composite ). Set k=1. Until k exceeds or equals the square root of n, do this : Find the 1st number in the list greater than k that has been identified as composite. Call it m. Mark the numbers 2m, 3m, 4m,... as composite. m is a prime number set k=m and repeat

PROVE THE FOLLOWING: Number of Subsets of a Set Theorem 5.3.6 For all integers n 0, if a set X has n elements then the Power Set of X, denoted P(X), has 2n elements. Proof: Suppose S is a set with n elements. Then every subset of S has some number of elements k, where k is between 0 and n. It follows that the total number of subsets of S, the cardinality of the power set of S, can be expressed as the following sum: Number of subsets of S Number of subsets of size 0 Number of subsets of size 1 Number of subsets of size n

Now the number of subsets of size k of a set with n elements is nCk . Hence the number of subsets of S :

Example 6.7.3 Deriving Another Combinatorial Identity from the Binomial Theorem Use the Binomial theorem to show that

for all integers n 0. Solution: Since 2 = (1 + 1) and 2n = (1 + 1)n, apply the binomial theorem to this expression.

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