Numerical Anal.

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rJ qnen c4 I n,r"r|.

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Lec.fure I

o "o.
u'te Conailer
V oa'i+ivenrtmb€n 1-1rs6agt1^rcd ir ocppt,'c"^bte
R.:. btr th P obi r ay <-
l{nJ ne,acfi,e n(rmb 04-

r\e deorr -^{ nq^b en cqn b € Okr-n i*the (nr-rr.

. n , - f l - l
( t r - d n l 0 - t d n _ ,| , 0 " ] " , . , t l
+ e* \0"' = , a .R l 0 1 - \ .| )
iph,ere n )m .4.,d aR
, v--fn(-,)rn |5 et^ tntVec be}."w<-e'n 0 +nd )
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_, e_r^ e^ q\.2)

eqta" ole , r" ;' ,'z

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"rbb21 - 215 -r _2 -3

Q ,3 , 2 - . , 1tn ' , - \ *( r\ ,o1t o+ r r t 0 + b i ( t o

+ 3*lo-r(tu
J *Ot r"1>'t or nLLVnbevte
-f -r \ A'("'\o en n'a
\,rrO X -'n

-f ib i-€-"^i+t Por rr ,J; , y"

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[-*-l f6re-t o fr
anA tlrene'i c ot- e-^;t Pu' r'tqrlt+taJeo4 6

a- c-aleuLnxu, sr (o r'-f+tea"
(httr '51-at<tctcon
*enr"f re-ainctton *ua ^o9r*r.J u o+nr'''^^'be-c ,

a reat( nctrqb9n a.a & YLrtm\"@\-

ce^ b e obfc(i^eJ bg eq(preStr%

pt ' eJ b6 c( ?owe,col
beX-) een J erO a,.d uruig rr"tr-f*t
& = b x " wL oJ b 3 r ) ( \ ,

'(n d' Nf i: c-q'tteJ t!"e e,k'q-Y'ototeri6tic-

u ie n\4nx(6sq,
rhrie €-ot ,,^ cq"nbe obtei v",. ? "a 't 0 "t )

o"= (e^tot* en-r\t *.'.sG.*.,\f-u) l;u ft4t this i. etfnl to


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' J (1u1s4.7 L
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vqMl<_ I\eor"_*,, , J . ' l '
b rectc 5 thit
t['e,tE e-rut61 otF lx""at o n e ]u_t'n 6 er c- Swch t\{t ( <C <lt
^/ *D
n t c ) = L ( b ) - * C o ) ^L^\ 2 )
t or-y
lo r

B, t -nre s

T"Ytrt 6e^r1e3 ir i,^pI e,r1-qrvt flo. q.( warV iwvolu,y o?prm)".qfi,0vr6

fr9 tu1 g,qVa*t,gn

* t u 1 ' $ c a )* t b - q ) & ' ( c )

t\'''"..t iS 4bi1fe Toyfor =*t**iot.

w , 0 , ^v ) s C o ^ b i J e C = -F ,C * ,i f f i F , G) 6/lter?-
\ t * l
l i c " "l - * L b > - f c " - l ',^rith t\'q e_ C_o"ud.t1re,rr5

Q,to\ --o q*J 4q(b)..o u u i t h C o n d n t { o n@ , @ f o . b . % r < -

flr'e PtP,ntS tt' i

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*ketrt- <tvioi. qt t
Lcn4 f On L
VUJ,t e, 4,-z_ C- , q1 e< b
q,'(e ) --o
-#trs-!c",) /

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f, c^^ b-q
:--7 ?, {u'1=-qs :_>

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frcel z-
\" --q.

^/o w w e. Con6iyu"
frL* I _

tr6\ = gtrr ) --#Ct ) - t\2 -rn) *'c'';

I A z . - /
Clvsr.!-J Q.L+)*q-(b)-o u^l|(1-',, 1 it Conttntq,-5 {or <Jq<, < b

o v.I i P &rU.r e;rria ro *r- ot { qt {b tL e knp-tton qL(% ) bn"J4bp1c,6

t1^.e (-pnJrt'btts i,^, RO$!,"'5 0-.o ret^. 'eq,r.rrtc
l\,we-^- a- poi,rt- q,_z-C-
o\-(c < b tr"ah,_
V^tur e,r(.> >o
_F\e Z
o+wrqrudl5ot rn.^ut b< fer.uiuwrt_.d ond th,"S Ln^ S
tg tl'e floati^3 -poinr Fo. * o { a, f\\o
c r tu l'ric[ v,e- dre^otcb; f,ttt1

) =0.d,J,J
9trtq *Iod,^l},ff*" "-, "^Hu'?rT*l.irirg
i:'",:nf #
rMo v"ethrl is aD c]^oppi? -r\€ o*t,erwdtwJ i ttJ"dJ
5 to tu'e- d'tgif Jo-\ a,',d tke,. .vp ckrcc,c,r
F/(a ) = 0-5,Jr)B ..),- "\o( h. *c-ttuJr1 r\rund^".6
tt do*,{b , ybqi; ,J!.1,L-tg \u el,np,-+
d, CgrnoLeA)

a . *= 0 , C . C r C*b C r r l { Cro..^"d" d r,tr.u^"L


&*-IKqS ( \.t-:

\ ot- .t*\ o'.bsa{"^tte Srrpn

\o- Fetottr v n- €-rrP{-
\a\ to aP?v6wuws( *ta k' b\Y'Li'!t*"\t
L l.-e hq*b er av ir
l t
Non* nVo'Hve i""t"gn. {-. utt">Lt.
&,Ai'bo il- lcir tLa \a'6eat
\ a -^ o| 1 n n l i L C t .B )
\ q'(

@T he- hea/.\ valpe t\,eoru,t , a".d Rol_te's tle-or<-^

Ctneld,eT a, -f-^nion =
6 &c-) ^^ d
>,-fPose tk/'Lr
0 tf. ${,,""tilfrl i b C-onfi^ww6 {a r- cL!qt, < b
@ *t" {ro^^o,*^ hsusderrwr,,h,reqt e,t.e.,Uur&LoL
q-z-a- oI, qt-ovJ6ye- .1^! -kU)
@ t\.e uou[^re"-l- *-"r]Jon,o,(i-
wi'tl" qbove
ag4qme in*e,r- e!- B"lleb *lreste,r-, tke,re it o,rf .!-.^"r
0 n e- p oi^l 4,,2-c- it, tL,tt- ot (c- { b a,n l, *'Co) =o
tf,'e- hntetn
vr\I.^^e $e-ore'n ir dn e,xen6l6 n uL Rrff.! ther..,.
' -*') ( , '"'
>L F " t n r ) - r 2 [b
flL. I e (n ) ---f t' ) I *rt^^)-0^)$(9
n / A

: ., r-z(e)
= - t b -q,t)' 0tr" (^n) :)

-*[ol- (bAfl7qt t(b-q)'t-G\

Q'rt',) -,,)-ffi, 1#cu)
-rLe ", '
ttu ) - 3tq ) -t tV -q) f-tc*) -r ! Lb-o )' $ )
to obt€i^ ywbLLtt w. Con1'tder
t\.e- %e/^€^-o'l

4^t"n) , E^tr ) - lv -n)n

lb -o')\ n -l

F^L")= ftr) -*C*) - ( b-ifl-)- \:! Lbl -_0

l- (-) \'A2
ru.ri t1^ (-o nd,ition re-adrt S ) r'^te- t" i'LL V*us-

?tul --*t^l -eLb-o )&'G, - ld-q)- -r !u!+ I n

-*]"-' (vt -( )

*"(o) i C,,) t
a'( tn-r)l

rb-q)" 4^ th^t t-t*(t i a c, R<-^ e*1l resse-d i *-tv.=-

Y1 t
n-( w-l
to t* L I t
t .& Lq-)tR*t.",1
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St"nl ,-St*.")'1- [,$trt-"1t 2\ fn-t)t

R.t^n5 = +^cq) % "< c { q < ,\ t\-a'-L-Lo

7r\ver A\of. i-
2 h
\ n
u /coc")
< LL\, +
-t- lgs

t L*" * t) =-&Lt") t P (*.


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