Brown, Dan - Digital Fortress

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For my parents... my mentors and heroes

A debt of gratit de! to my editors at St. "artin#s $ress% Thomas D nne and the e&'eptiona((y ta(ented "e(issa )a'obs. To my agents in *ew +or,% George -ieser% O(ga -ieser% and )a,e E(we((. To a(( those

who read and 'ontrib ted to the man s'ript a(ong the way. And espe'ia((y to my wife% B(ythe% for her enth siasm and patien'e. A(so... a . iet than, yo to the two fa'e(ess e&/*SA 'ryptographers who made in0a( ab(e 'ontrib tions 0ia anonymo s remai(ers. -itho t them this boo, wo (d not ha0e been written.


$LA2A DE ES$A3A SE4ILLE% S$AI* 55!66 A.". It is said that in death% a(( things be'ome '(ear7 Ensei Tan,ado now ,new it was tr e. As he '( t'hed his 'hest and fe(( to the gro nd in pain% he rea(i8ed the horror of his mista,e. $eop(e appeared% ho0ering o0er him% trying to he(p. B t Tan,ado did not want he(p//it was too (ate for that. Tremb(ing% he raised his (eft hand and he(d his fingers o tward. Loo, at my hand9 The fa'es aro nd him stared% b t he 'o (d te(( they did not nderstand. On his finger was an engra0ed go(den ring. For an instant% the mar,ings g(immered in the Anda( sian s n. Ensei Tan,ado ,new it was the (ast (ight he wo (d e0er see.

:;A$TER 5

They were in the smo,y mo ntains at their fa0orite bed/and/brea,fast. Da0id was smi(ing down at her. <-hat do yo say% gorgeo s= "arry me=< Loo,ing p from their 'anopy bed% she ,new he was the one. Fore0er. As she stared into his deep/green eyes% somewhere in the distan'e a deafening be(( began to ring. It was p ((ing him away. She rea'hed for him% b t her arms '( t'hed empty air. It was the so nd of the phone that f ((y awo,e S san F(et'her from her dream. She gasped% sat p in bed% and f mb(ed for the re'ei0er. <;e((o=< <S san% it#s Da0id. Did I wa,e yo =< She smi(ed% ro((ing o0er in bed. <I was > st dreaming of yo . :ome o0er and p(ay.< ;e (a ghed. <It#s sti(( dar, o t.< <"mm.< She moaned sens o s(y. <Then definite(y 'ome o0er and p(ay. -e 'an s(eep in before we head north.< Da0id (et o t a fr strated sigh. <That#s why I#m 'a((ing. It#s abo t o r trip. I#0e got to postpone.<

S san was s dden(y wide awa,e. <-hat9< <I#m sorry. I#0e got to (ea0e town. I#(( be ba', by tomorrow. -e 'an head p first thing in the morning. -e#(( sti(( ha0e two days.< <B t I made reser0ations%< S san said% h rt. <I got o r o(d room at Stone "anor.< <I ,now% b t//< <Tonight was s pposed to be spe'ia(//to 'e(ebrate si& months. +o do remember we#re engaged% don#t yo =< <S san.< ;e sighed. <I rea((y 'an#t go into it now% they#0e got a 'ar waiting. I#(( 'a(( yo from the p(ane and e&p(ain e0erything.< <$(ane=< she repeated. <-hat#s going on= -hy wo (d the ni0ersity...=< <It#s not the ni0ersity. I#(( phone and e&p(ain (ater. I#0e rea((y got to go7 they#re 'a((ing for me. I#(( be in to 'h. I promise.< <Da0id9< she 'ried. <-hat#s//< B t it was too (ate. Da0id had h ng p. S san F(et'her (ay awa,e for ho rs waiting for him to 'a(( ba',. The phone ne0er rang. ??? Later that afternoon S san sat de>e'ted in the t b. She s bmerged herse(f in the soapy water and tried to forget Stone "anor and the Smo,y "o ntains. -here 'o (d he be= she wondered. -hy hasn#t he 'a((ed= Grad a((y the water aro nd her went from hot to ( ,ewarm and fina((y to 'o(d. She was abo t to get o t when her 'ord(ess phone b 88ed to (ife. S san bo(ted pright% s(oshing water on the f(oor as she grapp(ed for the re'ei0er she#d (eft on the sin,. <Da0id=< <It#s Strathmore%< the 0oi'e rep(ied. S san s( mped. <Oh.< She was nab(e to hide her disappointment. <Good afternoon% :ommander.< <;oping for a yo nger man=< The 0oi'e 'h ',(ed. <*o% sir%< S san said% embarrassed. <It#s not how it//< <S re it is.< ;e (a ghed. <Da0id Be',er#s a good man. Don#t e0er (ose him.< <Than, yo % sir.< The 'ommander#s 0oi'e t rned s dden(y stern. <S san% I#m 'a((ing be'a se I need yo in here. $ronto.< She tried to fo' s. <It#s Sat rday% sir. -e don#t s a((y//< <I ,now%< he said 'a(m(y. <It#s an emergen'y.< S san sat p. Emergen'y= She had ne0er heard the word 'ross :ommander Strathmore#s (ips. An

emergen'y= In :rypto= She 'o (dn#t imagine. <+/yes% sir.< She pa sed. <I#(( be there as soon as I 'an.< <"a,e it sooner.< Strathmore h ng p. ??? S san F(et'her stood wrapped in a towe( and dripped on the neat(y fo(ded '(othes she#d set o t the night before//hi,ing shorts% a sweater for the 'oo( mo ntain e0enings% and the new (ingerie she#d bo ght for the nights. Depressed% she went to her '(oset for a '(ean b(o se and s,irt. An emergen'y= In :rypto= As she went downstairs% S san wondered how the day 'o (d get m 'h worse. She was abo t to find o t.

:;A$TER @

Thirty tho sand feet abo0e a dead/'a(m o'ean% Da0id Be',er stared miserab(y from the Lear>et A6#s sma((% o0a( window. ;e#d been to(d the phone on board was o t of order% and he#d ne0er had a 'han'e to 'a(( S san. <-hat am I doing here=< he gr mb(ed to himse(f. B t the answer was simp(e//there were men to whom yo > st didn#t say no. <"r. Be',er%< the (o dspea,er 'ra',(ed. <-e#(( be arri0ing in ha(f an ho r.< Be',er nodded g(oomi(y to the in0isib(e 0oi'e. -onderf (. ;e p ((ed the shade and tried to s(eep. B t he 'o (d on(y thin, of her.


S san#s 4o(0o sedan ro((ed to a stop in the shadow of the ten/foot/high% barbed :y'(one fen'e. A yo ng g ard p(a'ed his hand on the roof. <ID% p(ease.< S san ob(iged and sett(ed in for the s a( ha(f/min te wait. The offi'er ran her 'ard thro gh a 'omp teri8ed s'anner. Fina((y he (oo,ed p. <Than, yo % "s. F(et'her.< ;e ga0e an imper'eptib(e sign% and the gate sw ng open. ;a(f a mi(e ahead S san repeated the entire pro'ed re at an e. a((y imposing e(e'trified fen'e. :ome on% g ys... I#0e on(y been thro gh here a mi((ion times. As she approa'hed the fina( 'he',point% a sto',y sentry with two atta', dogs and a ma'hine g n g(an'ed down at her (i'ense p(ate and wa0ed her thro gh. She fo((owed :anine Road for another @C6 yards and p ((ed into Emp(oyee Lot :. 1nbe(ie0ab(e% she tho ght. Twenty/si& tho sand emp(oyees and a twe(0e/ bi((ion/do((ar b dget7 yo #d thin, they 'o (d ma,e it thro gh the wee,end witho t me. S san g nned the 'ar into her reser0ed spot and ,i((ed the engine.

After 'rossing the (ands'aped terra'e and entering the main b i(ding% she '(eared two more interna( 'he',points and fina((y arri0ed at the window(ess t nne( that (ed to the new wing. A 0oi'e/s'an booth b(o',ed her entry. *ATIO*AL SE:1RIT+ AGE*:+ D*SAE :R+$TO FA:ILIT+ A1T;ORI2ED $ERSO**EL O*L+ The armed g ard (oo,ed p. <Afternoon% "s. F(et'her.< S san smi(ed tired(y. <;i% )ohn.< <Didn#t e&pe't yo today.< <+eah% me neither.< She (eaned toward the parabo(i' mi'rophone. <S san F(et'her%< she stated '(ear(y. The 'omp ter instant(y 'onfirmed the fre. en'y 'on'entrations in her 0oi'e% and the gate '(i',ed open. She stepped thro gh. ??? The g ard admired S san as she began her wa(, down the 'ement 'a seway. ;e noti'ed that her strong ha8e( eyes seemed distant today% b t her 'hee,s had a f( shed freshness% and her sho (der/(ength% a b rn hair (oo,ed new(y b(own dry. Trai(ing her was the faint s'ent of )ohnson#s Baby $owder. ;is eyes fe(( the (ength of her s(ender torso//to her white b(o se with the bra bare(y 0isib(e beneath% to her ,nee/(ength ,ha,i s,irt% and fina((y to her (egs... S san F(et'her#s (egs. ;ard to imagine they s pport a 5F6 IG% he m sed to himse(f. ;e stared after her a (ong time. Fina((y he shoo, his head as she disappeared in the distan'e. ??? As S san rea'hed the end of the t nne(% a 'ir' (ar% 0a (t(i,e door b(o',ed her way. The enormo s (etters read! 'rypto. Sighing% she p(a'ed her hand inside the re'essed 'ipher bo& and entered her fi0e/digit $I*. Se'onds (ater the twe(0e/ton s(ab of stee( began to re0o(0e. She tried to fo' s% b t her tho ghts ree(ed ba', to him. Da0id Be',er. The on(y man she#d e0er (o0ed. The yo ngest f (( professor at Georgetown 1ni0ersity and a bri((iant foreign/(ang age spe'ia(ist% he was pra'ti'a((y a 'e(ebrity in the wor(d of a'ademia. Born with an eideti' memory and a (o0e of (ang ages% he#d mastered si& Asian dia(e'ts as we(( as Spanish% Fren'h% and Ita(ian. ;is ni0ersity (e't res on etymo(ogy and (ing isti's were standing/room on(y% and he in0ariab(y stayed (ate to answer a barrage of . estions. ;e spo,e with a thority and enth siasm% apparent(y ob(i0io s to the adoring ga8es of his star/str ', 'oeds. Be',er was dar,//a r gged% yo thf ( thirty/fi0e with sharp green eyes and a wit to mat'h. ;is strong >aw and ta t feat res reminded S san of 'ar0ed marb(e. O0er si& feet ta((% Be',er mo0ed a'ross a s. ash 'o rt faster than any of his 'o((eag es 'o (d 'omprehend. After so nd(y beating his opponent% he wo (d 'oo( off by do sing his head in a drin,ing fo ntain and soa,ing his t ft of thi',% b(a', hair. Then% sti(( dripping% he#d treat his opponent to a fr it sha,e and a bage(. As with a(( yo ng professors% Da0id#s ni0ersity sa(ary was modest. From time to time% when he needed to renew his s. ash '( b membership or restring his o(d D n(op with g t% he earned e&tra money by doing trans(ating wor, for go0ernment agen'ies in and aro nd -ashington. It was on one of those >obs

that he#d met S san. It was a 'risp morning d ring fa(( brea, when Be',er ret rned from a morning >og to his three/room fa' (ty apartment to find his answering ma'hine b(in,ing. ;e downed a . art of orange > i'e as he (istened to the p(ayba',. The message was (i,e many he re'ei0ed//a go0ernment agen'y re. esting his trans(ating ser0i'es for a few ho rs (ater that morning. The on(y strange thing was that Be',er had ne0er heard of the organi8ation. <They#re 'a((ed the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y%< Be',er said% 'a((ing a few of his 'o((eag es for ba',gro nd. The rep(y was a(ways the same. <+o mean the *ationa( Se' rity :o n'i(=< Be',er 'he',ed the message. <*o. They said Agen'y. The *SA.< <*e0er heard of #em.< Be',er 'he',ed the GAO Dire'tory% and it showed no (isting either. $ 88(ed% Be',er 'a((ed one of his o(d s. ash b ddies% an e&/po(iti'a( ana(yst t rned resear'h '(er, at the Library of :ongress. Da0id was sho',ed by his friend#s e&p(anation. Apparent(y% not on(y did the *SA e&ist% b t it was 'onsidered one of the most inf( entia( go0ernment organi8ations in the wor(d. It had been gathering g(oba( e(e'troni' inte((igen'e data and prote'ting 1.S. '(assified information for o0er ha(f a 'ent ry. On(y B per'ent of Ameri'ans were e0en aware it e&isted. <*SA%< his b ddy >o,ed% <stands for #*o S 'h Agen'y.# < -ith a mi&t re of apprehension and ' riosity% Be',er a''epted the mysterio s agen'y#s offer. ;e dro0e the thirty/se0en mi(es to their eighty/si&/a're head. arters hidden dis'reet(y in the wooded hi((s of Fort "eade% "ary(and. After passing thro gh end(ess se' rity 'he',s and being iss ed a si&/ho r% ho(ographi' g est pass% he was es'orted to a p( sh resear'h fa'i(ity where he was to(d he wo (d spend the afternoon pro0iding <b(ind s pport< to the :ryptography Di0ision//an e(ite gro p of mathemati'a( brainia's ,nown as the 'ode/brea,ers. For the first ho r% the 'ryptographers seemed naware Be',er was e0en there. They ho0ered aro nd an enormo s tab(e and spo,e a (ang age Be',er had ne0er heard. They spo,e of stream 'iphers% se(f/ de'imated generators% ,napsa', 0ariants% 8ero ,now(edge proto'o(s% ni'ity points. Be',er obser0ed% (ost. They s'raw(ed symbo(s on graph paper% pored o0er 'omp ter printo ts% and 'ontin o s(y referred to the > mb(e of te&t on the o0erhead pro>e'tor. );d>aB>H;DhmadoIertwt>(wJ>g>B@K C>ha(sfn;HhhhfafOhhdfgafIf>BFwe ohiLBMC6sLd>fd@hI;;rtyF;LfKLB6B LC>sp>f@>6KL6Ih>LKyhfi6K6ewrt6B >o>rKMCh6ro.J>t6e Mt.ef.eIIo >w 6K1+6I;6LBM>tpwfia>er6L. M>rLg i0>$Nd wMhLCpeKrt g0>wBpMeIi,,' mff erhfg06.BLMi,>rmgJ nh0sLoer

ir,I6LCAyF 6poi,IO>pLfKFA6.wer.i E0ent a((y one of them e&p(ained what Be',er had a(ready s rmised. The s'ramb(ed te&t was a 'ode//a <'ipher te&t<//gro ps of n mbers and (etters representing en'rypted words. The 'ryptographers# >ob was to st dy the 'ode and e&tra't from it the origina( message% or <'(earte&t.< The *SA had 'a((ed Be',er be'a se they s spe'ted the origina( message was written in "andarin :hinese7 he was to trans(ate the symbo(s as the 'ryptographers de'rypted them. For two ho rs% Be',er interpreted an end(ess stream of "andarin symbo(s. B t ea'h time he ga0e them a trans(ation% the 'ryptographers shoo, their heads in despair. Apparent(y the 'ode was not ma,ing sense. Eager to he(p% Be',er pointed o t that a(( the 'hara'ters they#d shown him had a 'ommon trait//they were a(so part of the Han>i (ang age. Instant(y the b st(e in the room fe(( si(ent. The man in 'harge% a (an,y 'hain/smo,er named "orante% t rned to Be',er in disbe(ief. <+o mean these symbo(s ha0e m (tip(e meanings=< Be',er nodded. ;e e&p(ained that Han>i was a )apanese writing system based on modified :hinese 'hara'ters. ;e#d been gi0ing "andarin trans(ations be'a se that#s what they#d as,ed for. <)es s :hrist.< "orante 'o ghed. <Let#s try the Han>i.< Li,e magi'% e0erything fe(( into p(a'e. The 'ryptographers were d (y impressed% b t nonethe(ess% they sti(( made Be',er wor, on the 'hara'ters o t of se. en'e. <It#s for yo r own safety%< "orante said. <This way% yo won#t ,now what yo #re trans(ating.< Be',er (a ghed. Then he noti'ed nobody e(se was (a ghing. -hen the 'ode fina((y bro,e% Be',er had no idea what dar, se'rets he#d he(ped re0ea(% b t one thing was for 'ertain//the *SA too, 'ode/brea,ing serio s(y7 the 'he', in Be',er#s po',et was more than an entire month#s ni0ersity sa(ary. On his way ba', o t thro gh the series of se' rity 'he', points in the main 'orridor% Be',er#s e&it was b(o',ed by a g ard hanging p a phone. <"r. Be',er% wait here% p(ease.< <-hat#s the prob(em=< Be',er had not e&pe'ted the meeting to ta,e so (ong% and he was r nning (ate for his standing Sat rday afternoon s. ash mat'h. The g ard shr gged. <;ead of :rypto wants a word. She#s on her way o t now.< <She=< Be',er (a ghed. ;e had yet to see a fema(e inside the *SA. <Is that a prob(em for yo =< a woman#s 0oi'e as,ed from behind him. Be',er t rned and immediate(y fe(t himse(f f( sh. ;e eyed the ID 'ard on the woman#s b(o se. The head of the *SA#s :ryptography Di0ision was not on(y a woman% b t an attra'ti0e woman at that. <*o%< Be',er f mb(ed. <I > st...< <S san F(et'her.< The woman smi(ed% ho(ding o t her s(ender hand. Be',er too, it. <Da0id Be',er.< <:ongrat (ations% "r. Be',er. I hear yo did a fine >ob today. "ight I 'hat with yo abo t it=<

Be',er hesitated. <A't a((y% I#m in a bit of a r sh at the moment.< ;e hoped sp rning the wor(d#s most powerf ( inte((igen'e agen'y wasn#t a foo(ish a't% b t his s. ash mat'h started in forty/fi0e min tes% and he had a rep tation to pho(d! Da0id Be',er was ne0er (ate for s. ash... '(ass maybe% b t ne0er s. ash. <I#(( be brief.< S san F(et'her smi(ed. <Right this way% p(ease.< Ten min tes (ater% Be',er was in the *SA#s 'ommissary en>oying a popo0er and 'ranberry > i'e with the *SA#s (o0e(y head 'ryptographer% S san F(et'her. It . i',(y be'ame e0ident to Da0id that the thirty/ eight/year/o(d#s high/ran,ing position at the *SA was no f( ,e//she was one of the brightest women he had e0er met. As they dis' ssed 'odes and 'ode/brea,ing% Be',er fo nd himse(f str gg(ing to ,eep p//a new and e&'iting e&perien'e for him. An ho r (ater% after Be',er had ob0io s(y missed his s. ash mat'h and S san had b(atant(y ignored three pages on the inter'om% both of them had to (a gh. There they were% two high(y ana(yti'a( minds% pres mab(y imm ne to irrationa( infat ations//b t somehow% whi(e they sat there dis' ssing (ing isti' morpho(ogy and pse doOrandom n mber generators% they fe(t (i,e a 'o p(e of teenagers//e0erything was firewor,s. S san ne0er did get aro nd to the rea( reason she#d wanted to spea, to Da0id Be',er//to offer him a tria( post in their Asiati' :ryptography Di0ision. It was '(ear from the passion with whi'h the yo ng professor spo,e abo t tea'hing that he wo (d ne0er (ea0e the ni0ersity. S san de'ided not to r in the mood by ta(,ing b siness. She fe(t (i,e a s'hoo(gir( a(( o0er again7 nothing was going to spoi( it. And nothing did. ??? Their 'o rtship was s(ow and romanti'//sto(en es'apes whene0er their s'hed (es permitted% (ong wa(,s thro gh the Georgetown 'amp s% (ate/night 'app ''inos at "er( tti#s% o''asiona( (e't res and 'on'erts. S san fo nd herse(f (a ghing more than she#d e0er tho ght possib(e. It seemed there was nothing Da0id 'o (dn#t twist into a >o,e. It was a we('ome re(ease from the intensity of her post at the *SA. One 'risp% a t mn afternoon they sat in the b(ea'hers wat'hing Georgetown so''er get p mme(ed by R tgers. <-hat sport did yo say yo p(ay=< S san teased. <2 ''hini=< Be',er groaned. <It#s 'a((ed s. ash.< She ga0e him a d mb (oo,. <It#s (i,e 8 ''hini%< he e&p(ained% <b t the 'o rt#s sma((er.< S san p shed him. Georgetown#s (eft wing sent a 'orner/,i', sai(ing o t of bo nds% and a boo went p from the 'rowd. The defensemen h rried ba', downfie(d. <;ow abo t yo =< Be',er as,ed. <$(ay any sports=< <I#m a b(a', be(t in Stairmaster.< Be',er 'ringed. <I prefer sports yo 'an win.< S san smi(ed. <O0era'hie0er% are we=< Georgetown#s star defenseman b(o',ed a pass% and there was a 'omm na( 'heer in the stands. S san (eaned o0er and whispered in Da0id#s ear. <Do'tor.<

;e t rned and eyed her% (ost. <Do'tor%< she repeated. <Say the first thing that 'omes to mind.< Be',er (oo,ed do btf (. <-ord asso'iations=< <Standard *SA pro'ed re. I need to ,now who I#m with.< She eyed him stern(y. <Do'tor.< Be',er shr gged. <Se ss.< S san ga0e him a frown. <O,ay% try this one... #,it'hen.# < ;e didn#t hesitate. <Bedroom.< S san ar'hed her eyebrows 'oy(y. <O,ay% how abo t this... #'at.# < <G t%< Be',er fired ba',. <G t=< <+eah. :atg t. S. ash ra'. et string of 'hampions.< <That#s p(easant.< She groaned. <+o r diagnosis=< Be',er in. ired. S san tho ght a min te. <+o #re a 'hi(dish% se& a((y fr strated s. ash fiend.< Be',er shr gged. <So nds abo t right.< ??? It went on (i,e that for wee,s. O0er dessert at a((/night diners Be',er wo (d as, end(ess . estions. -here had she (earned mathemati's= ;ow did she end p at the *SA= ;ow did she get so 'apti0ating= S san b( shed and admitted she#d been a (ate b(oomer. Lan,y and aw,ward with bra'es thro gh her (ate teens% S san said her A nt :(ara had on'e to(d her God#s apo(ogy for S san#s p(ainness was to gi0e her brains. A premat re apo(ogy% Be',er tho ght. S san e&p(ained that her interest in 'ryptography had started in > nior high s'hoo(. The president of the 'omp ter '( b% a towering eighth grader named Fran, G tmann% typed her a (o0e poem and en'rypted it with a n mber/s bstit tion s'heme. S san begged to ,now what it said. Fran, f(irtatio s(y ref sed. S san too, the 'ode home and stayed p a(( night with a f(ash(ight nder her 'o0ers nti( she fig red o t the se'ret//e0ery n mber represented a (etter. She 'aref ((y de'iphered the 'ode and wat'hed in wonder as the seeming(y random digits t rned magi'a((y into bea tif ( poetry. In that instant% she ,new she#d fa((en in (o0e//'odes and 'ryptography wo (d be'ome her (ife. A(most twenty years (ater% after getting her master#s in mathemati's from )ohns ;op,ins and st dying n mber theory on a f (( s'ho(arship from "IT% she s bmitted her do'tora( thesis% :ryptographi' "ethods% $roto'o(s% and A(gorithms for "an a( App(i'ations. Apparent(y her professor was not the on(y one who read it7 short(y afterward% S san re'ei0ed a phone 'a(( and a p(ane ti',et from the *SA.

E0eryone in 'ryptography ,new abo t the *SA7 it was home to the best 'ryptographi' minds on the p(anet. Ea'h spring% as the pri0ate/se'tor firms des'ended on the brightest new minds in the wor,for'e and offered obs'ene sa(aries and sto', options% the *SA wat'hed 'aref ((y% se(e'ted their targets% and then simp(y stepped in and do b(ed the best standing offer. -hat the *SA wanted% the *SA bo ght. Tremb(ing with anti'ipation% S san f(ew to -ashington#s D ((es Internationa( Airport where she was met by an *SA dri0er% who whis,ed her off to Fort "eade. There were forty/one others who had re'ei0ed the same phone 'a(( that year. At twenty/eight% S san was the yo ngest. She was a(so the on(y fema(e. The 0isit t rned o t to be more of a p b(i' re(ations bonan8a and a barrage of inte((igen'e testing than an informationa( session. In the wee, that fo((owed% S san and si& others where in0ited ba',. A(tho gh hesitant% S san ret rned. The gro p was immediate(y separated. They nderwent indi0id a( po(ygraph tests% ba',gro nd sear'hes% handwriting ana(yses% and end(ess ho rs of inter0iews% in'( ding taped in. iries into their se& a( orientations and pra'ti'es. -hen the inter0iewer as,ed S san if she#d e0er engaged in se& with anima(s% she a(most wa(,ed o t% b t somehow the mystery 'arried her thro gh//the prospe't of wor,ing on the ' tting edge of 'ode theory% entering <The $ 88(e $a(a'e%< and be'oming a member of the most se'reti0e '( b in the wor(d//the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y. Be',er sat ri0eted by her stories. <They a't a((y as,ed yo if yo #d had se& with anima(s=< S san shr gged. <$art of the ro tine ba',gro nd 'he',.< <-e((...< Be',er fo ght off a grin. <-hat did yo say=< She ,i',ed him nder the tab(e. <I to(d them no9< Then she added% <And nti( (ast night% it was tr e.< ??? In S san#s eyes% Da0id was as '(ose to perfe't as she 'o (d imagine. ;e on(y had one nfort nate . a(ity7 e0ery time they went o t% he insisted on pi',ing p the 'he',. S san hated seeing him (ay down a f (( day#s sa(ary on dinner for two% b t Be',er was immo0ab(e. S san (earned not to protest% b t it sti(( bothered her. I ma,e more money than I ,now what to do with% she tho ght. I sho (d be paying. *onethe(ess% S san de'ided that aside from Da0id#s o tdated sense of 'hi0a(ry% he was idea(. ;e was 'ompassionate% smart% f nny% and best of a((% he had a sin'ere interest in her wor,. -hether it was d ring trips to the Smithsonian% bi,e rides% or b rning spaghetti in S san#s ,it'hen% Da0id was perpet a((y ' rio s. S san answered what . estions she 'o (d and ga0e Da0id the genera(% n'(assified o0er0iew of the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y. -hat Da0id heard enthra((ed him. Fo nded by $resident Tr man at 5@!65 a.m. on *o0ember M% 5LC@% the *SA had been the most '(andestine inte((igen'e agen'y in the wor(d for a(most fifty years. The *SA#s se0en/page in'eption do'trine (aid o t a 0ery 'on'ise agenda! to prote't 1.S. go0ernment 'omm ni'ations and to inter'ept the 'omm ni'ations of foreign powers. The roof of the *SA#s main operations b i(ding was (ittered with o0er fi0e h ndred antennas% in'( ding two (arge radomes that (oo,ed (i,e enormo s go(f ba((s. The b i(ding itse(f was mammoth//o0er two mi((ion s. are feet% twi'e the si8e of :IA head. arters. Inside were eight mi((ion feet of te(ephone wire and eighty tho sand s. are feet of permanent(y sea(ed windows. S san to(d Da0id abo t :O"I*T% the agen'y#s g(oba( re'onnaissan'e di0ision//a mind/bogg(ing 'o((e'tion of (istening posts% sate((ites% spies% and wiretaps aro nd the g(obe. Tho sands of 'omm ni. Ps and 'on0ersations were inter'epted e0ery day% and they were a(( sent to the *SA#s ana(ysts for de'ryption. The FBI% :IA% and 1.S. foreign po(i'y ad0isors a(( depended on the *SA#s inte((igen'e to ma,e their de'isions. Be',er was mesmeri8ed. <And 'ode/brea,ing= -here do yo fit in=<

S san e&p(ained how the inter'epted transmissions often originated from dangero s go0ernments% hosti(e fa'tions% and terrorist gro ps% many of whom were inside 1.S. borders. Their 'omm ni'ations were s a((y en'oded for se're'y in 'ase they ended p in the wrong hands//whi'h% than,s to :O"I*T% they s a((y did. S san to(d Da0id her >ob was to st dy the 'odes% brea, them by hand% and f rnish the *SA with the de'iphered messages. This was not entire(y tr e. S san fe(t a pang of g i(t o0er (ying to her new (o0e% b t she had no 'hoi'e. A few years ago it wo (d ha0e been a'' rate% b t things had 'hanged at the *SA. The who(e wor(d of 'ryptography had 'hanged. S san#s new d ties were '(assified% e0en to many in the highest e'he(ons of power. <:odes%< Be',er said% fas'inated. <;ow do yo ,now where to start= I mean... how do yo brea, them=< S san smi(ed. <+o of a(( peop(e sho (d ,now. It#s (i,e st dying a foreign (ang age. At first the te&t (oo,s (i,e gibberish% b t as yo (earn the r (es defining its str 't re% yo 'an start to e&tra't meaning.< Be',er nodded% impressed. ;e wanted to ,now more. -ith "er( tti#s nap,ins and 'on'ert programs as her 'ha(,board% S san set o t to gi0e her 'harming new pedagog e a mini 'o rse in 'ryptography. She began with ) (i s :aesar#s <perfe't s. are< 'ipher bo&. :aesar% she e&p(ained% was the first 'ode/writer in history. -hen his foot/messengers started getting amb shed and his se'ret 'omm ni. Ps sto(en% he de0ised a r dimentary way to en'rypt this dire'ti0es. ;e rearranged the te&t of his messages s 'h that the 'orresponden'e (oo,ed sense(ess. Of 'o rse% it was not. Ea'h message a(ways had a (etter/'o nt that was a perfe't s. are//si&teen% twenty/fi0e% one h ndred// depending on how m 'h :aesar needed to say. ;e se'ret(y informed his offi'ers that when a random message arri0ed% they sho (d trans'ribe the te&t into a s. are grid. If they did% and read top/to/bottom% a se'ret message wo (d magi'a((y appear. O0er time :aesar#s 'on'ept of rearranging te&t was adopted by others and modified to be'ome more diffi' (t to brea,. The pinna'(e of non 'omp ter/based en'ryption 'ame d ring -or(d -ar II. The *a8is b i(t a baff(ing en'ryption ma'hine named Enigma. The de0i'e resemb(ed an o(d/fashioned typewriter with brass inter(o',ing rotors that re0o(0ed in intri'ate ways and sh ff(ed '(earte&t into 'onfo nding arrays of seeming(y sense(ess 'hara'ter gro pings. On(y by ha0ing another Enigma ma'hine% 'a(ibrated the e&a't same way% 'o (d the re'ipient brea, the 'ode. Be',er (istened% spe((bo nd. The tea'her had be'ome the st dent. One night% at a ni0ersity performan'e of The * t'ra',er% S san ga0e Da0id his first basi' 'ode to brea,. ;e sat thro gh the entire intermission% pen in hand% p 88(ing o0er the e(e0en/(etter message! ;L FH2: 4D LDS Fina((y% > st as the (ights dimmed for the se'ond ha(f% he got it. To en'ode% S san had simp(y rep(a'ed ea'h (etter of her message with the (etter pre'eding it in the a(phabet. To de'rypt the 'ode% a(( Be',er had to do was shift ea'h (etter one spa'e forward in the a(phabet//<A< be'ame <B%< <B< be'ame <:%< and so on. ;e . i',(y shifted the remaining (etters. ;e ne0er imagined fo r (itt(e sy((ab(es 'o (d ma,e him so happy! I" GLAD -E "ET ;e . i',(y s'raw(ed his response and handed it to her! LD S** S san read it and beamed.

Be',er had to (a gh7 he was thirty/fi0e years/o(d% and his heart was doing ba', f(ips. ;e#d ne0er been so attra'ted to a woman in his (ife. ;er de(i'ate E ropean feat res and soft brown eyes reminded him of an ad for EstPe La der. If S san#s body had been (an,y and aw,ward as a teenager% it s re wasn#t now. Somewhere a(ong the way% she had de0e(oped a wi((owy gra'e//s(ender and ta(( with f ((% firm breasts and a perfe't(y f(at abdomen. Da0id often >o,ed that she was the first swims it mode( he#d e0er met with a do'torate in app(ied mathemati's and n mber theory. As the months passed% they both started to s spe't they#d fo nd something that 'o (d (ast a (ifetime. They#d been together a(most two years when% o t of the b( e% Da0id proposed to her. It was on a wee,end trip to the Smo,y "o ntains. They were (ying on a big 'anopy bed at Stone "anor. ;e had no ring//he > st b( rted it o t. That#s what she (o0ed abo t him//he was so spontaneo s. She ,issed him (ong and hard. ;e too, her in his arms and s(ipped off her nightgown. <I#(( ta,e that as a yes%< he said% and they made (o0e a(( night by the warmth of the fire. That magi'a( e0ening had been si& months ago//before Da0id#s ne&pe'ted promotion to 'hairman of the "odern Lang age Department. Their re(ationship had been in a downhi(( s(ide e0er sin'e.


The 'rypto door beeped on'e% wa,ing S san from her depressing re0erie. The door had rotated past its f ((y open position and wo (d be '(osed again in fi0e se'onds% ha0ing made a 'omp(ete BA6/degree rotation. S san gathered her tho ghts and stepped thro gh the opening. A 'omp ter made note of her entry. A(tho gh she had pra'ti'a((y (i0ed in :rypto sin'e its 'omp(etion three years ago% the sight of it sti(( ama8ed her. The main room was an enormo s 'ir' (ar 'hamber that rose fi0e stories. Its transparent% domed 'ei(ing towered 5@6 feet at its 'entra( pea,. The $(e&ig(as ' po(a was embedded with a po(y'arbonate mesh//a prote'ti0e web 'apab(e of withstanding a two/megaton b(ast. The s'reen fi(tered the s n(ight into de(i'ate (a'ewor, a'ross the wa((s. Tiny parti'(es of d st drifted pward in wide ns spe'ting spira(s//'apti0es of the dome#s powerf ( deioni8ing system. The room#s s(oping sides ar'hed broad(y at the top and then be'ame a(most 0erti'a( as they approa'hed eye (e0e(. Then they be'ame s bt(y trans( 'ent and grad ated to an opa. e b(a', as they rea'hed the f(oor//a shimmering e&panse of po(ished b(a', ti(e that shone with an eerie ( ster% gi0ing one the nsett(ing sensation that the f(oor was transparent. B(a', i'e. $ shing thro gh the 'enter of the f(oor (i,e the tip of a 'o(ossa( torpedo was the ma'hine for whi'h the dome had been b i(t. Its s(ee, b(a', 'onto r ar'hed twenty/three feet in the air before p( nging ba', into the f(oor be(ow. : r0ed and smooth% it was as if an enormo s ,i((er wha(e had been fro8en mid brea'h in a frigid sea. This was TRA*SLTR% the sing(e most e&pensi0e pie'e of 'omp ting e. ipment in the wor(d//a ma'hine the *SA swore did not e&ist. Li,e an i'eberg% the ma'hine hid L6 per'ent of its mass and power deep beneath the s rfa'e. Its se'ret was (o',ed in a 'erami' si(o that went si& stories straight down//a ro',et(i,e h (( s rro nded by a winding ma8e of 'atwa(,s% 'ab(es% and hissing e&ha st from the freon 'oo(ing system. The power generators at the bottom droned in a perpet a( (ow/fre. en'y h m that ga0e the a'o sti's in :rypto a dead% ghost(i,e . a(ity. ???

TRA*SLTR% (i,e a(( great te'hno(ogi'a( ad0an'ements% had been a 'hi(d of ne'essity. D ring the 5LK6s% the *SA witnessed a re0o( tion in te(e'omm ni'ations that wo (d 'hange the wor(d of inte((igen'e re'onnaissan'e fore0er//p b(i' a''ess to the Internet. "ore spe'ifi'a((y% the arri0a( of E/mai(. :rimina(s% terrorists% and spies had grown tired of ha0ing their phones tapped and immediate(y embra'ed this new means of g(oba( 'omm ni'ation. E/mai( had the se' rity of 'on0entiona( mai( and the speed of the te(ephone. Sin'e the transfers tra0e(ed thro gh ndergro nd fiber/opti' (ines and were ne0er transmitted into the airwa0es% they were entire(y inter'ept/proof//at (east that was the per'eption. In rea(ity% inter'epting E/mai( as it 8ipped a'ross the Internet was 'hi(d#s p(ay for the *SA#s te'hno/g r s. The Internet was not the new home 'omp ter re0e(ation that most be(ie0ed. It had been 'reated by the Department of Defense three de'ades ear(ier//an enormo s networ, of 'omp ters designed to pro0ide se' re go0ernment 'omm ni'ation in the e0ent of n '(ear war. The eyes and ears of the *SA were o(d Internet pros. $eop(e 'ond 'ting i((ega( b siness 0ia E/mai( . i',(y (earned their se'rets were not as pri0ate as they#d tho ght. The FBI% DEA% IRS% and other 1.S. (aw enfor'ement agen'ies//aided by the *SA#s staff of wi(y ha',ers//en>oyed a tida( wa0e of arrests and 'on0i'tions. Of 'o rse% when the 'omp ter sers of the wor(d fo nd o t the 1.S. go0ernment had open a''ess to their E/mai( 'omm ni'ations% a 'ry of o trage went p. E0en pen pa(s% sing E/mai( for nothing more than re'reationa( 'orresponden'e% fo nd the (a', of pri0a'y nsett(ing. A'ross the g(obe% entreprene ria( programmers began wor,ing on a way to ,eep E/mai( more se' re. They . i',(y fo nd one and p b(i'/ ,ey en'ryption was born. $ b(i'/,ey en'ryption was a 'on'ept as simp(e as it was bri((iant. It 'onsisted of easy/to/ se% home/ 'omp ter software that s'ramb(ed persona( E/mai( messages in s 'h a way that they were tota((y nreadab(e. A ser 'o (d write a (etter and r n it thro gh the en'ryption software% and the te&t wo (d 'ome o t the other side (oo,ing (i,e random nonsense//tota((y i((egib(e//a 'ode. Anyone inter'epting the transmission fo nd on(y an nreadab(e garb(e on the s'reen. The on(y way to ns'ramb(e the message was to enter the sender#s <pass/,ey<//a se'ret series of 'hara'ters that f n'tioned m 'h (i,e a $I* n mber at an a tomati' te((er. The pass/,eys were genera((y . ite (ong and 'omp(e&7 they 'arried a(( the information ne'essary to instr 't the en'ryption a(gorithm e&a't(y what mathemati'a( operations to fo((ow tore/'reate the origina( message. A ser 'o (d now send E/mai( in 'onfiden'e. E0en if the transmission was inter'epted% on(y those who were gi0en the ,ey 'o (d e0er de'ipher it. The *SA fe(t the 'r n'h immediate(y. The 'odes they were fa'ing were no (onger simp(e s bstit tion 'iphers 'ra',ab(e with pen'i( and graph paper//they were 'omp ter/generated hash f n'tions that emp(oyed 'haos theory and m (tip(e symbo(i' a(phabets to s'ramb(e messages into seeming(y hope(ess randomness. At first% the pass/,eys being sed were short eno gh for the *SA#s 'omp ters to <g ess.< If a desired pass/,ey had ten digits% a 'omp ter was programmed to try e0ery possibi(ity between 6666666666 and LLLLLLLLLL. Sooner or (ater the 'omp ter hit the 'orre't se. en'e. This method of tria(/and/error g essing was ,nown as <br te for'e atta',.< It was time/'ons ming b t mathemati'a((y g aranteed to wor,. As the wor(d got wise to the power of br te/for'e 'ode/brea,ing% the pass/,eys started getting (onger and (onger. The 'omp ter time needed to <g ess< the 'orre't ,ey grew from wee,s to months and fina((y to years. By the 5LL6s% pass/,eys were o0er fifty 'hara'ters (ong and emp(oyed the f (( @CA/'hara'ter AS:II a(phabet of (etters% n mbers% and symbo(s. The n mber of different possibi(ities was in the neighborhood of 565@6//ten with 5@6 8eros after it. :orre't(y g essing a pass/,ey was as mathemati'a((y n(i,e(y as 'hoosing the 'orre't grain of sand from a three/mi(e bea'h. It was estimated that a s ''essf ( br te/for'e

atta', on a standard si&ty/fo r/bit ,ey wo (d ta,e the *SA#s fastest 'omp ter//the top/se'ret :rayI)osephson II//o0er nineteen years to brea,. By the time the 'omp ter g essed the ,ey and bro,e the 'ode% the 'ontents of the message wo (d be irre(e0ant. :a ght in a 0irt a( inte((igen'e b(a',o t% the *SA passed a top/se'ret dire'ti0e that was endorsed by the $resident of the 1nited States. B oyed by federa( f nds and a 'arte b(an'he to do whate0er was ne'essary to so(0e the prob(em% the *SA set o t to b i(d the impossib(e! the wor(d#s first ni0ersa( 'ode/brea,ing ma'hine. Despite the opinion of many engineers that the new(y proposed 'ode/brea,ing 'omp ter was impossib(e to b i(d% the *SA (i0ed by its motto! E0erything is possib(e. The impossib(e > st ta,es (onger. Fi0e years% ha(f a mi((ion man/ho rs% and N5.L bi((ion (ater% the *SA pro0ed it on'e again. The (ast of the three mi((ion% stamp/si8e pro'essors was hand/so(dered in p(a'e% the fina( interna( programming was finished% and the 'erami' she(( was we(ded sh t. TRA*SLTR had been born. A(tho gh the se'ret interna( wor,ings of TRA*SLTR were the prod 't of many minds and were not f ((y nderstood by any one indi0id a(% its basi' prin'ip(e was simp(e! "any hands ma,e (ight wor,. Its three mi((ion pro'essors wo (d a(( wor, in para((e(//'o nting pward at b(inding speed% trying e0ery new perm tation as they went. The hope was that e0en 'odes with nthin,ab(y 'o(ossa( pass/,eys wo (d not be safe from TRA*SLTR#s tena'ity. This m (tibi((ion/do((ar masterpie'e wo (d se the power of para((e( pro'essing as we(( as some high(y '(assified ad0an'es in '(ear te&t assessment to g ess pass/,eys and brea, 'odes. It wo (d deri0e its power not on(y from its staggering n mber of pro'essors b t a(so from new ad0an'es in . ant m 'omp ting//an emerging te'hno(ogy that a((owed information to be stored as . ant m/me'hani'a( states rather than so(e(y as binary data. The moment of tr th 'ame on a b( stery Th rsday morning in O'tober. The first (i0e test. Despite n'ertainty abo t how fast the ma'hine wo (d be% there was one thing on whi'h the engineers agreed//if the pro'essors a(( f n'tioned in para((e(% TRA*SLTR wo (d be powerf (. The . estion was how powerf (. The answer 'ame twe(0e min tes (ater. There was a st nned si(en'e from the handf ( in attendan'e when the printo t sprang to (ife and de(i0ered the '(earte&t//the bro,en 'ode. TRA*SLTR had > st (o'ated a si&ty/fo r/'hara'ter ,ey in a (itt(e o0er ten min tes% a(most a mi((ion times faster than the two de'ades it wo (d ha0e ta,en the *SA#s se'ond/fastest 'omp ter. Led by the dep ty dire'tor of operations% :ommander Tre0or ). Strathmore% the *SA#s Offi'e of $rod 'tion had tri mphed. TRA*SLTR was a s ''ess. In the interest of ,eeping their s ''ess a se'ret% :ommander Strathmore immediate(y (ea,ed information that the pro>e't had been a 'omp(ete fai( re. A(( the a'ti0ity in the :rypto wing was s pposed(y an attempt to sa(0age their N@ bi((ion fias'o. On(y the *SA e(ite ,new the tr th//TRA*SLTR was 'ra',ing h ndreds of 'odes e0ery day. -ith word on the street that 'omp ter/en'rypted 'odes were entire(y nbrea,ab(e//e0en by the a((/ powerf ( *SA//the se'rets po red in. Dr g (ords% terrorists% and embe88(ers a(i,e//weary of ha0ing their 'e(( (ar phone transmissions inter'epted//were t rning to the e&'iting new medi m of en'rypted E/mai( for instantaneo s g(oba( 'omm ni'ations. *e0er again wo (d they ha0e to fa'e a grand > ry and hear their own 0oi'e ro((ing off tape% proof of some (ong/forgotten 'e(( (ar phone 'on0ersation p( ',ed from the air by an *SA sate((ite. Inte((igen'e gathering had ne0er been easier. :odes inter'epted by the *SA entered TRA*SLTR as tota((y i((egib(e 'iphers and were spit o t min tes (ater as perfe't(y readab(e '(earte&t. *o more se'rets. To ma,e their 'harade of in'ompeten'e 'omp(ete% the *SA (obbied fier'e(y against a(( new 'omp ter en'ryption software% insisting it 'ripp(ed them and made it impossib(e for (awma,ers to 'at'h and prose' te the 'rimina(s. :i0i( rights gro ps re>oi'ed% insisting the *SA sho (dn#t be reading their mai(

anyway. En'ryption software ,ept ro((ing off the presses. The *SA had (ost the batt(e//e&a't(y as it had p(anned. The entire e(e'troni' g(oba( 'omm nity had been foo(ed... or so it seemed.


<-here is e0eryone=< S san wondered as she 'rossed the deserted :rypto f(oor. Some emergen'y. A(tho gh most *SA departments were f ((y staffed se0en days a wee,% :rypto was genera((y . iet on Sat rdays. :ryptographi' mathemati'ians were by nat re high/str ng wor,aho(i's% and there e&isted an nwritten r (e that they ta,e Sat rdays off e&'ept in emergen'ies. :ode/brea,ers were too 0a( ab(e a 'ommodity at the *SA to ris, (osing them to b rno t. As S san tra0ersed the f(oor% TRA*SLTR (oomed to her right. The so nd of the generators eight stories be(ow so nded odd(y omino s today. S san ne0er (i,ed being in :rypto d ring off ho rs. It was (i,e being trapped a(one in a 'age with some grand% f t risti' beast. She . i',(y made her way toward the 'ommander#s offi'e. Strathmore#s g(ass/wa((ed wor,station% ni',named <the fishbow(< for its appearan'e when the drapes were open% stood high atop a set of 'atwa(, stairs on the ba', wa(( of :rypto. As S san '(imbed the grated steps% she ga8ed pward at Strathmore#s thi',% oa, door. It bore the *SA sea(//a ba(d eag(e fier'e(y '( t'hing an an'ient s,e(eton ,ey. Behind that door sat one of the greatest men she#d e0er met. :ommander Strathmore% the fifty/si&/year/o(d dep ty dire'tor of operations% was (i,e a father to S san. ;e was the one who#d hired her% and he was the one who#d made the *SA her home. -hen S san >oined the *SA o0er a de'ade ago% Strathmore was heading the :rypto De0e(opment Di0ision//a training gro nd for new 'ryptographers//new ma(e 'ryptographers. A(tho gh Strathmore ne0er to(erated the ha8ing of anyone% he was espe'ia((y prote'ti0e of his so(e fema(e staff member. -hen a'' sed of fa0oritism% he simp(y rep(ied with the tr th! S san F(et'her was one of the brightest yo ng re'r its he#d e0er seen% and he had no intention of (osing her to se& a( harassment. One of the 'ryptographers foo(ish(y de'ided to test Strathmore#s reso(0e. One morning d ring her first year% S san dropped by the new 'ryptographers# (o nge to get some paperwor,. As she (eft% she noti'ed a pi't re of herse(f on the b ((etin board. She a(most fainted in embarrassment. There she was% re'(ining on a bed and wearing on(y panties. As it t rned o t% one of the 'ryptographers had digita((y s'anned a photo from a pornographi' maga8ine and edited S san#s head onto someone e(se#s body. The effe't had been . ite 'on0in'ing. 1nfort nate(y for the 'ryptographer responsib(e% :ommander Strathmore did not find the st nt e0en remote(y am sing. Two ho rs (ater% a (andmar, memo went o t! E"$LO+EE :ARL A1STI* TER"I*ATED FOR I*A$$RO$RIATE :O*D1:T. From that day on% nobody messed with her7 S san F(et'her was :ommander Strathmore#s go(den gir(. B t Strathmore#s yo ng 'ryptographers were not the on(y ones who (earned to respe't him7 ear(y in his 'areer Strathmore made his presen'e ,nown to his s periors by proposing a n mber of northodo& and high(y s ''essf ( inte((igen'e operations. As he mo0ed p the ran,s% Tre0or Strathmore be'ame ,nown for his 'ogent% red 'ti0e ana(yses of high(y 'omp(e& sit ations. ;e seemed to ha0e an n'anny abi(ity to see past the mora( perp(e&ities s rro nding the *SA#s diffi' (t de'isions and to a't witho t remorse in the interest of the 'ommon good.

There was no do bt in anyone#s mind that Strathmore (o0ed his 'o ntry. ;e was ,nown to his 'o((eag es as a patriot and a 0isionary... a de'ent man in a wor(d of (ies. In the years sin'e S san#s arri0a( at the *SA% Strathmore had s,yro',eted from head of :rypto De0e(opment to se'ond/in/'ommand of the entire *SA. *ow on(y one man o tran,ed :ommander Strathmore there//Dire'tor Le(and Fontaine% the mythi'a( o0er(ord of the $ 88(e $a(a'e//ne0er seen% o''asiona((y heard% and eterna((y feared. ;e and Strathmore se(dom saw eye to eye% and when they met% it was (i,e the '(ash of the titans. Fontaine was a giant among giants% b t Strathmore didn#t seem to 'are. ;e arg ed his ideas to the dire'tor with a(( the restraint of an impassioned bo&er. *ot e0en the $resident of the 1nited States dared 'ha((enge Fontaine the way Strathmore did. One needed po(iti'a( imm nity to do that//or% in Strathmore#s 'ase% po(iti'a( indifferen'e. ??? S san arri0ed at the top of the stairs. Before she 'o (d ,no',% Strathmore#s e(e'troni' door (o', b 88ed. The door sw ng open% and the 'ommander wa0ed her in. <Than,s for 'oming% S san. I owe yo one.< <*ot at a((.< She smi(ed as she sat opposite his des,. Strathmore was a rangy% thi',/f(eshed man whose m ted feat res somehow disg ised his hard/nosed effi'ien'y and demand for perfe'tion. ;is gray eyes s a((y s ggested a 'onfiden'e and dis'retion born from e&perien'e% b t today they (oo,ed wi(d and nsett(ed. <+o (oo, beat%< S san said. <I#0e been better.< Strathmore sighed. I#(( say% she tho ght. Strathmore (oo,ed as bad as S san had e0er seen him. ;is thinning gray hair was dishe0e(ed% and e0en in the room#s 'risp air/'onditioning% his forehead was beaded with sweat. ;e (oo,ed (i,e he#d s(ept in his s it. ;e was sitting behind a modern des, with two re'essed ,eypads and a 'omp ter monitor at one end. It was strewn with 'omp ter printo ts and (oo,ed (i,e some sort of a(ien 'o',pit propped there in the 'enter of his ' rtained 'hamber. <To gh wee,=< she in. ired. Strathmore shr gged. <The s a(. The EFF#s a(( o0er me abo t 'i0i(ian pri0a'y rights again.< S san 'h ',(ed. The EFF% or E(e'troni's Frontier Fo ndation% was a wor(dwide 'oa(ition of 'omp ter sers who had fo nded a powerf ( 'i0i( (iberties 'oa(ition aimed at s pporting free spee'h on/(ine and ed 'ating others to the rea(ities and dangers of (i0ing in an e(e'troni' wor(d. They were 'onstant(y (obbying against what they 'a((ed <the Orwe((ian ea0esdropping 'apabi(ities of go0ernment agen'ies<// parti' (ar(y the *SA. The EFF was a perpet a( thorn in Strathmore#s side. <So nds (i,e b siness as s a(%< she said. <So what#s this big emergen'y yo got me o t of the t b for=< Strathmore sat a moment% absent(y fingering the 'omp ter tra',ba(( embedded in his des,top. After a (ong si(en'e% he 'a ght S san#s ga8e and he(d it. <-hat#s the (ongest yo #0e e0er seen TRA*SLTR ta,e to brea, a 'ode=< The . estion 'a ght S san entire(y off g ard. It seemed meaning(ess. This is what he 'a((ed me in for= <-e((...< She hesitated. <-e hit a :O"I*T inter'ept a few months ago that too, abo t an ho r% b t it had

a ridi' (o s(y (ong ,ey//ten tho sand bits or something (i,e that.< Strathmore gr nted. <An ho r% h h= -hat abo t some of the bo ndary probes we#0e r n=< S san shr gged. <-e((% if yo in'( de diagnosti's% it#s ob0io s(y (onger.< <;ow m 'h (onger=< S san 'o (dn#t imagine what Strathmore was getting at. <-e((% sir% I tried an a(gorithm (ast "ar'h with a segmented mi((ion/bit ,ey. I((ega( (ooping f n'tions% 'e(( (ar a tomata% the wor,s. TRA*SLTR sti(( bro,e it.< <;ow (ong=< <Three ho rs.< Strathmore ar'hed his eyebrows. <Three ho rs= That (ong=< S san frowned% mi(d(y offended. ;er >ob for the (ast three years had been to fine/t ne the most se'ret 'omp ter in the wor(d7 most of the programming that made TRA*SLTR so fast was hers. A mi((ion/bit ,ey was hard(y a rea(isti' s'enario. <O,ay%< Strathmore said. <So e0en in e&treme 'onditions% the (ongest a 'ode has e0er s r0i0ed inside TRA*SLTR is abo t three ho rs=< S san nodded. <+eah. "ore or (ess.< Strathmore pa sed as if afraid to say something he might regret. Fina((y he (oo,ed p. <TRA*SLTR#s hit something...< ;e stopped. S san waited. <"ore than three ho rs=< Strathmore nodded. She (oo,ed n'on'erned. <A new diagnosti'= Something from the Sys/Se' Department=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <It#s an o tside fi(e.< S san waited for the p n'h (ine% b t it ne0er 'ame. <An o tside fi(e= +o #re >o,ing% right=< <I wish. I . e ed it (ast night aro nd e(e0en thirty. It hasn#t bro,en yet.< S san#s >aw dropped. She (oo,ed at her wat'h and then ba', at Strathmore. <It#s sti(( going= O0er fifteen ho rs=< Strathmore (eaned forward and rotated his monitor toward S san. The s'reen was b(a', e&'ept for a sma((% ye((ow te&t bo& b(in,ing in the midd(e. TI"E ELA$SED! 5C!6L!BB A-AITI*G HE+! QQQQQQQQ S san stared in ama8ement. It appeared TRA*SLTR had been wor,ing on one 'ode for o0er fifteen ho rs. She ,new the 'omp ter#s pro'essors a ditioned thirty mi((ion ,eys per se'ond//one h ndred bi((ion per ho r. If TRA*SLTR was sti(( 'o nting% that meant the ,ey had to be enormo s//o0er ten bi((ion digits (ong. It was abso( te insanity.

<It#s impossib(e9< she de'(ared. <;a0e yo 'he',ed for error f(ags= "aybe TRA*SLTR hit a g(it'h and//< <The r n#s '(ean.< <B t the pass/,ey m st be h ge9< Strathmore shoo, his head. <Standard 'ommer'ia( a(gorithm. I#m g essing a si&ty/fo r/bit ,ey.< "ystified% S san (oo,ed o t the window at TRA*SLTR be(ow. She ,new from e&perien'e that it 'o (d (o'ate a si&ty/fo r/bit ,ey in nder ten min tes. <There#s got to be some e&p(anation.< Strathmore nodded. <There is. +o #re not going to (i,e it.< S san (oo,ed neasy. <Is TRA*SLTR ma(f n'tioning=< <TRA*SLTR#s fine.< <;a0e we got a 0ir s=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <*o 0ir s. ) st hear me o t.< S san was f(abbergasted. TRA*SLTR had ne0er hit a 'ode it 'o (dn#t brea, in nder an ho r. 1s a((y the '(earte&t was de(i0ered to Strathmore#s printo t mod (e within min tes. She g(an'ed at the high/speed printer behind his des,. It was empty. <S san%< Strathmore said . iet(y. <This is going to be hard to a''ept at first% b t > st (isten a min te.< ;e 'hewed his (ip. <This 'ode that TRA*SLTR#s wor,ing on//it#s ni. e. It#s (i,e nothing we#0e e0er seen before.< Strathmore pa sed% as if the words were hard for him to say. <This 'ode is nbrea,ab(e.< S san stared at him and a(most (a ghed. 1nbrea,ab(e= -hat was T;AT s pposed to mean= There was no s 'h thing as an nbrea,ab(e 'ode//some too, (onger than others% b t e0ery 'ode was brea,ab(e. It was mathemati'a((y g aranteed that sooner or (ater TRA*SLTR wo (d g ess the right ,ey. <I beg yo r pardon=< <The 'ode#s nbrea,ab(e%< he repeated f(at(y. 1nbrea,ab(e= S san 'o (dn#t be(ie0e the word had been ttered by a man with twenty/se0en years of 'ode ana(ysis e&perien'e. <1nbrea,ab(e% sir=< she said neasi(y. <-hat abo t the Bergofs,y $rin'ip(e=< S san had (earned abo t the Bergofs,y $rin'ip(e ear(y in her 'areer. It was a 'ornerstone of br te/for'e te'hno(ogy. It was a(so Strathmore#s inspiration for b i(ding TRA*SLTR. The prin'ip(e '(ear(y stated that if a 'omp ter tried eno gh ,eys% it was mathemati'a((y g aranteed to find the right one. A 'ode#s se' rity was not that its pass/,ey was nfindab(e b t rather that most peop(e didn#t ha0e the time or e. ipment to try. Strathmore shoo, his head. <This 'ode#s different.< <Different=< S san eyed him as,an'e. An nbrea,ab(e 'ode is a mathemati'a( impossibi(ity9 ;e ,nows that9 Strathmore ran a hand a'ross his sweaty s'a(p. <This 'ode is the prod 't of a brand/new en'ryption a(gorithm//one we#0e ne0er seen before.< *ow S san was e0en more do btf (. En'ryption a(gorithms were > st mathemati'a( form (as% re'ipes for

s'ramb(ing te&t into 'ode. "athemati'ians and programmers 'reated new a(gorithms e0ery day. There were h ndreds of them on the mar,et//$G$% Diffie/;e((man% 2I$% IDEA% E( Gama(. TRA*SLTR bro,e a(( of their 'odes e0ery day% no prob(em. To TRA*SLTR a(( 'odes (oo,ed identi'a(% regard(ess of whi'h a(gorithm wrote them. <I don#t nderstand%< she arg ed. <-e#re not ta(,ing abo t re0erse/engineering some 'omp(e& f n'tion% we#re ta(,ing br te for'e. $G$% L 'ifer% DSA//it doesn#t matter. The a(gorithm generates a ,ey it thin,s is se' re% and TRA*SLTR ,eeps g essing nti( it finds it.< Strathmore#s rep(y had the 'ontro((ed patien'e of a good tea'her. <+es% S san% TRA*SLTR wi(( a(ways find the ,ey//e0en if it#s h ge.< ;e pa sed a (ong moment. <1n(ess...< S san wanted to spea,% b t it was '(ear Strathmore was abo t to drop his bomb. 1n(ess what= <1n(ess the 'omp ter doesn#t ,now when it#s bro,en the 'ode.< S san a(most fe(( o t of her 'hair. <-hat9< <1n(ess the 'omp ter g esses the 'orre't ,ey b t > st ,eeps g essing be'a se it doesn#t rea(i8e it fo nd the right ,ey.< Strathmore (oo,ed b(ea,. <I thin, this a(gorithm has got a rotating '(earte&t.< S san gaped. The notion of a rotating '(earte&t f n'tion was first p t forth in an obs' re% 5LKF paper by a ; ngarian mathemati'ian% )osef ;arne. Be'a se br te/for'e 'omp ters bro,e 'odes by e&amining '(earte&t for identifiab(e word patterns% ;arne proposed an en'ryption a(gorithm that% in addition to en'rypting% shifted de'rypted '(earte&t o0er a time 0ariant. In theory% the perpet a( m tation wo (d ens re that the atta',ing 'omp ter wo (d ne0er (o'ate re'ogni8ab(e word patterns and th s ne0er ,now when it had fo nd the proper ,ey. The 'on'ept was somewhat (i,e the idea of 'o(oni8ing "ars//fathomab(e on an inte((e't a( (e0e(% b t% at present% we(( beyond h man abi(ity. <-here did yo get this thing=< she demanded. The 'ommander#s response was s(ow. <A p b(i' se'tor programmer wrote it.< <-hat=< S san 'o((apsed ba', in her 'hair. <-e#0e got the best programmers in the wor(d downstairs9 A(( of s wor,ing together ha0e ne0er e0en 'ome '(ose to writing a rotating '(earte&t f n'tion. Are yo trying to te(( me some p n, with a $: fig red o t how to do it=< Strathmore (owered his 0oi'e in an apparent effort to 'a(m her. <I wo (dn#t 'a(( this g y a p n,.< S san wasn#t (istening. She was 'on0in'ed there had to be some other e&p(anation! A g(it'h. A 0ir s. Anything was more (i,e(y than an nbrea,ab(e 'ode. Strathmore eyed her stern(y. <One of the most bri((iant 'ryptographi' minds of a(( time wrote this a(gorithm.< S san was more do btf ( than e0er7 the most bri((iant 'ryptographi' minds of a(( time were in her department% and she 'ertain(y wo (d ha0e heard abo t an a(gorithm (i,e this. <-ho=< she demanded. <I#m s re yo 'an g ess.< Strathmore said. <;e#s not too fond of the *SA.< <-e((% that narrows it down9< she snapped sar'asti'a((y.

<;e wor,ed on the TRA*SLTR pro>e't. ;e bro,e the r (es. A(most 'a sed an inte((igen'e nightmare. I deported him.< S san#s fa'e was b(an, on(y an instant before going white. <Oh my God...< Strathmore nodded. <;e#s been bragging a(( year abo t his wor, on a br te/for'eOresistant a(gorithm.< <B/b t...< S san stammered. <I tho ght he was b( ffing. ;e a't a((y did it=< <;e did. The (timate nbrea,ab(e 'ode/writer.< S san was si(ent a (ong moment. <B t... that means...< Strathmore (oo,ed her dead in the eye. <+es. Ensei Tan,ado > st made TRA*SLTR obso(ete.<


A(tho gh Ensei Tan,ado was not a(i0e d ring the Se'ond -or(d -ar% he 'aref ((y st died e0erything abo t it//parti' (ar(y abo t its ' (minating e0ent% the b(ast in whi'h 566%666 of his 'o ntrymen where in'inerated by an atomi' bomb. ;iroshima% K!5C a.m. A g st A% 5LMC//a 0i(e a't of destr 'tion. A sense(ess disp(ay of power by a 'o ntry that had a(ready won the war. Tan,ado had a''epted a(( that. B t what he 'o (d ne0er a''ept was that the bomb had robbed him of e0er ,nowing his mother. She had died gi0ing birth to him//'omp(i'ations bro ght on by the radiation poisoning she#d s ffered so many years ear(ier. In 5LMC% before Ensei was born% his mother% (i,e many of her friends% tra0e(ed to ;iroshima to 0o( nteer in the b rn 'enters. It was there that she be'ame one of the hiba, sha//the radiated peop(e. *ineteen years (ater% at the age of thirty/si&% as she (ay in the de(i0ery room b(eeding interna((y% she ,new she was fina((y going to die. -hat she did not ,now was that death wo (d spare her the fina( horror//her on(y 'hi(d was to be born deformed. Ensei#s father ne0er e0en saw his son. Bewi(dered by the (oss of his wife and shamed by the arri0a( of what the n rses to(d him was an imperfe't 'hi(d who probab(y wo (d not s r0i0e the night% he disappeared from the hospita( and ne0er 'ame ba',. Ensei Tan,ado was p(a'ed in a foster home. E0ery night the yo ng Tan,ado stared down at the twisted fingers ho(ding his dar ma wish/do(( and swore he#d ha0e re0enge//re0enge against the 'o ntry that had sto(en his mother and shamed his father into abandoning him. -hat he didn#t ,now was that destiny was abo t to inter0ene. In Febr ary of Ensei#s twe(fth year% a 'omp ter man fa't rer in To,yo 'a((ed his foster fami(y and as,ed if their 'ripp(ed 'hi(d might ta,e part in a test gro p for a new ,eyboard they#d de0e(oped for handi'apped 'hi(dren. ;is fami(y agreed. A(tho gh Ensei Tan,ado had ne0er seen a 'omp ter% it seemed he instin'ti0e(y ,new how to se it. The 'omp ter opened wor(ds he had ne0er imagined possib(e. Before (ong it be'ame his entire (ife. As he got o(der% he ga0e '(asses% earned money% and e0ent a((y earned a s'ho(arship to Doshisha 1ni0ersity. Soon Ensei Tan,ado was ,nown a'ross To,yo as f g sha ,isai//the 'ripp(ed geni s. Tan,ado e0ent a((y read abo t $ear( ;arbor and )apanese war 'rimes. ;is hatred of Ameri'a s(ow(y faded. ;e be'ame a de0o t B ddhist. ;e forgot his 'hi(dhood 0ow of re0enge7 forgi0eness was the on(y path to en(ightenment.

By the time he was twenty% Ensei Tan,ado was somewhat of an ndergro nd ' (t fig re among programmers. IB" offered him a wor, 0isa and a post in Te&as. Tan,ado > mped at the 'han'e. Three years (ater he had (eft IB"% was (i0ing in *ew +or,% and was writing software on his own. ;e rode the new wa0e of p b(i'/,ey en'ryption. ;e wrote a(gorithms and made a fort ne. Li,e many of the top a thors of en'ryption a(gorithms% Tan,ado was 'o rted by the *SA. The irony was not (ost on him//the opport nity to wor, in the heart of the go0ernment in a 'o ntry he had on'e 0owed to hate. ;e de'ided to go on the inter0iew. -hate0er do bts he had disappeared when he met :ommander Strathmore. They ta(,ed fran,(y abo t Tan,ado#s ba',gro nd% the potentia( hosti(ity he might fee( toward the 1.S.% his p(ans for the f t re. Tan,ado too, a po(ygraph test and nderwent fi0e wee,s of rigoro s psy'ho(ogi'a( profi(es. ;e passed them a((. ;is hatred had been rep(a'ed by his de0otion to B ddha. Fo r months (ater Ensei Tan,ado went to wor, in the :ryptography Department of the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y. Despite his (arge sa(ary% Tan,ado went to wor, on an o(d "oped and ate a bag ( n'h a(one at his des, instead of >oining the rest of the department for prime rib and 0i'hyssoise in the 'ommissary. The other 'ryptographers re0ered him. ;e was bri((iant//as 'reati0e a programmer as any of them had e0er seen. ;e was ,ind and honest% . iet% and of impe''ab(e ethi's. "ora( integrity was of paramo nt importan'e to him. It was for this reason that his dismissa( from the *SA and s bse. ent deportation had been s 'h a sho',. ??? Tan,ado% (i,e the rest of the :rypto staff% had been wor,ing on the TRA*SLTR pro>e't with the nderstanding that if s ''essf (% it wo (d be sed to de'ipher E/mai( on(y in 'ases pre/appro0ed by the ) sti'e Department. The *SA#s se of TRA*SLTR was to be reg (ated in m 'h the same way the FBI needed a federa( 'o rt order to insta(( a wiretap. TRA*SLTR was to in'( de programming that 'a((ed for passwords he(d in es'row by the Federa( Reser0e and the ) sti'e Department in order to de'ipher a fi(e. This wo (d pre0ent the *SA from (istening indis'riminate(y to the persona( 'omm ni'ations of (aw/ abiding 'iti8ens aro nd the g(obe. ;owe0er% when the time 'ame to enter that programming% the TRA*SLTR staff was to(d there had been a 'hange of p(ans. Be'a se of the time press res often asso'iated with the *SA#s anti/terrorist wor,% TRA*SLTR was to be a free/standing de'ryption de0i'e whose day/to/day operation wo (d be reg (ated so(e(y by the *SA. Ensei Tan,ado was o traged. This meant the *SA wo (d% in effe't% be ab(e to open e0eryone#s mai( and resea( it witho t their ,nowing. It was (i,e ha0ing a b g in e0ery phone in the wor(d. Strathmore attempted to ma,e Tan,ado see TRA*SLTR as a (aw/enfor'ement de0i'e% b t it was no se7 Tan,ado was adamant that it 'onstit ted a gross 0io(ation of h man rights. ;e . it on the spot and within ho rs 0io(ated the *SA#s 'ode of se're'y by trying to 'onta't the E(e'troni' Frontier Fo ndation. Tan,ado stood poised to sho', the wor(d with his story of a se'ret ma'hine 'apab(e of e&posing 'omp ter sers aro nd the wor(d to nthin,ab(e go0ernment trea'hery. The *SA had had no 'hoi'e b t to stop him. Tan,ado#s 'apt re and deportation% wide(y p b(i'i8ed among on/(ine newsgro ps% had been an nfort nate p b(i' shaming. Against Strathmore#s wishes% the *SA damage/'ontro( spe'ia(ists//ner0o s that Tan,ado wo (d try to 'on0in'e peop(e of TRA*SLTR#s e&isten'e//generated r mors that destroyed his 'redibi(ity. Ensei Tan,ado was sh nned by the g(oba( 'omp ter 'omm nity//nobody tr sted a 'ripp(e a'' sed of spying% parti' (ar(y when he was trying to b y his freedom with abs rd a((egations abo t a 1.S. 'ode/brea,ing ma'hine. The oddest thing of a(( was that Tan,ado seemed to nderstand7 it was a(( part of the inte((igen'e game. ;e appeared to harbor no anger% on(y reso(0e. As se' rity es'orted him away% Tan,ado spo,e his fina( words to Strathmore with a 'hi((ing 'a(m. <-e a(( ha0e a right to ,eep se'rets%< he#d said. <Someday I#(( see to it we 'an.<


S san#s mind was ra'ing//Ensei Tan,ado wrote a program that 'reates nbrea,ab(e 'odes9 She 'o (d bare(y grasp the tho ght. <Digita( Fortress%< Strathmore said. <That#s what he#s 'a((ing it. It#s the (timate 'o nterinte((igen'e weapon. If this program hits the mar,et% e0ery third grader with a modem wi(( be ab(e to send 'odes the *SA 'an#t brea,. O r inte((igen'e wi(( be shot.< B t S san#s tho ghts were far remo0ed from the po(iti'a( imp(i'ations of Digita( Fortress. She was sti(( str gg(ing to 'omprehend its e&isten'e. She#d spent her (ife brea,ing 'odes% firm(y denying the e&isten'e of the (timate 'ode. E0ery 'ode is brea,ab(e//the Bergofs,y $rin'ip(e9 She fe(t (i,e an atheist 'oming fa'e to fa'e with God. <If this 'ode gets o t%< she whispered% <'ryptography wi(( be'ome a dead s'ien'e.< Strathmore nodded. <That#s the (east of o r prob(ems.< <:an we pay Tan,ado off= I ,now he hates s% b t 'an#t we offer him a few mi((ion do((ars= :on0in'e him not to distrib te=< Strathmore (a ghed. <A few mi((ion= Do yo ,now what this thing is worth= E0ery go0ernment in the wor(d wi(( bid top do((ar. :an yo imagine te((ing the $resident that we#re sti(( 'ab(e/snooping the b t we 'an#t read the inter'epts anymore= This isn#t > st abo t the *SA% it#s abo t the entire inte((igen'e 'omm nity. This fa'i(ity pro0ides s pport for e0eryone//the FBI% :IA% DEA7 they#d a(( be f(ying b(ind. The dr g 'arte(s# shipments wo (d be'ome ntra'eab(e% ma>or 'orporations 'o (d transfer money with no paper trai( and (ea0e the IRS o t in the 'o(d% terrorists 'o (d 'hat in tota( se're'y//it wo (d be 'haos.< <The EFF wi(( ha0e fie(d day%< S san said% pa(e. <The EFF doesn#t ha0e the first '( e abo t what we do here%< Strathmore rai(ed in disg st. <If they ,new how many terrorist atta',s we#0e stopped be'a se we 'an de'rypt 'odes% they#d 'hange their t ne.< S san agreed% b t she a(so ,new the rea(ities7 the EFF wo (d ne0er ,now how important TRA*SLTR was. TRA*SLTR had he(ped foi( do8ens of atta',s% b t the information was high(y '(assified and wo (d ne0er be re(eased. The rationa(e behind the se're'y was simp(e! The go0ernment 'o (d not afford the mass hysteria 'a sed by re0ea(ing the tr th7 no one ,new how the p b(i' wo (d rea't to the news that there had been two n '(ear '(ose 'a((s by f ndamenta(ist gro ps on 1.S. soi( in the (ast year. * '(ear atta',% howe0er% was not the on(y threat. On(y (ast month TRA*SLTR had thwarted one of the most ingenio s(y 'on'ei0ed terrorist atta',s the *SA had e0er witnessed. An anti/go0ernment organi8ation had de0ised a p(an% 'ode/named Sherwood Forest. It targeted the *ew +or, Sto', E&'hange with the intention of <redistrib ting the wea(th.< O0er the 'o rse of si& days% members of the gro p p(a'ed twenty/se0en none&p(osi0e f( & pods in the b i(dings s rro nding the E&'hange. These de0i'es% when detonated% 'reate a powerf ( b(ast of magnetism. The sim (taneo s dis'harge of these 'aref ((y p(a'ed pods wo (d 'reate a magneti' fie(d so powerf ( that a(( magneti' media in the Sto', E&'hange wo (d be erased//'omp ter hard dri0es% massi0e RO" storage ban,s% tape ba', ps% and e0en f(oppy dis,s. A(( re'ords of who owned what wo (d disintegrate permanent(y. Be'a se pinpoint timing was ne'essary for sim (taneo s detonation of the de0i'es% the f( & pods were inter'onne'ted o0er Internet te(ephone (ines. D ring the two/day 'o ntdown% the pods# interna( '(o',s e&'hanged end(ess streams of en'rypted syn'hroni8ation data. The *SA inter'epted the data/p (ses as a

networ, anoma(y b t ignored them as a seeming(y harm(ess e&'hange of gibberish. B t after TRA*SLTR de'rypted the data streams% ana(ysts immediate(y re'ogni8ed the se. en'e as a networ,/syn'hroni8ed 'o ntdown. The pods were (o'ated and remo0ed a f (( three ho rs before they were s'hed (ed to go off. S san ,new that witho t TRA*SLTR the *SA was he(p(ess against ad0an'ed e(e'troni' terrorism. She eyed the R n/"onitor. It sti(( read o0er fifteen ho rs. E0en if Tan,ado#s fi(e bro,e right now% the *SA was s n,. :rypto wo (d be re(egated to brea,ing (ess than two 'odes a day. E0en at the present rate of 5C6 a day% there was sti(( a ba',(og of fi(es awaiting de'ryption. ??? <Tan,ado 'a((ed me (ast month%< Strathmore said% interr pting S san#s tho ghts. S san (oo,ed p. <Tan,ado 'a((ed yo =< ;e nodded. <To warn me.< <-arn yo = ;e hates yo .< <;e 'a((ed to te(( me he was perfe'ting an a(gorithm that wrote nbrea,ab(e 'odes. I didn#t be(ie0e him.< <B t why wo (d he te(( yo abo t it=< S san demanded. <Did he want yo to b y it=< <*o. It was b(a',mai(.< Things s dden(y began fa((ing into p(a'e for S san. <Of 'o rse%< she said% ama8ed. <;e wanted yo to '(ear his name.< <*o%< Strathmore frowned. <Tan,ado wanted TRA*SLTR.< <TRA*SLTR=< <+es. ;e ordered me to go p b(i' and te(( the wor(d we ha0e TRA*SLTR. ;e said if we admitted we 'an read p b(i' E/mai(% he wo (d destroy Digita( Fortress.< S san (oo,ed do btf (. Strathmore shr gged. <Either way% it#s too (ate now. ;e#s posted a 'omp(imentary 'opy of Digita( Fortress at his Internet site. E0eryone in the wor(d 'an down(oad it.< S san went white. <;e what9< <It#s a p b(i'ity st nt. *othing to worry abo t. The 'opy he posted is en'rypted. $eop(e 'an down(oad it% b t nobody 'an open it. It#s ingenio s% rea((y. The so r'e 'ode for Digita( Fortress has been en'rypted% (o',ed sh t.< S san (oo,ed ama8ed. <Of 'o rse9 So e0erybody 'an ha0e a 'opy% b t nobody 'an open it.< <E&a't(y. Tan,ado#s dang(ing a 'arrot.< <;a0e yo seen the a(gorithm=< The 'ommander (oo,ed p 88(ed. <*o% I to(d yo it#s en'rypted.< S san (oo,ed e. a((y p 88(ed. <B t we#0e got TRA*SLTR7 why not > st de'rypt it=< B t when S san saw Strathmore#s fa'e% she rea(i8ed the r (es had 'hanged. <Oh my God.< She gasped% s dden(y

nderstanding. <Digita( Fortress is en'rypted with itse(f=< Strathmore nodded. <Bingo.< S san was ama8ed. The form (a for Digita( Fortress had been en'rypted sing Digita( Fortress. Tan,ado had posted a pri'e(ess mathemati'a( re'ipe% b t the te&t of the re'ipe had been s'ramb(ed. And it had sed itse(f to do the s'ramb(ing. <It#s Bigg(eman#s Safe%< S san stammered in awe. Strathmore nodded. Bigg(eman#s Safe was a hypotheti'a( 'ryptography s'enario in whi'h a safe b i(der wrote b( eprints for an nbrea,ab(e safe. ;e wanted to ,eep the b( eprints a se'ret% so he b i(t the safe and (o',ed the b( eprints inside. Tan,ado had done the same thing with Digita( Fortress. ;e#d prote'ted his b( eprints by en'rypting them with the form (a o t(ined in his b( eprints. <And the fi(e in TRA*SLTR=< S san as,ed. <I down(oaded it from Tan,ado#s Internet site (i,e e0eryone e(se. The *SA is now the pro d owner of the Digita( Fortress a(gorithm7 we > st 'an#t open it.< S san mar0e(ed at Ensei Tan,ado#s ingen ity. -itho t re0ea(ing his a(gorithm% he had pro0en to the *SA that it was nbrea,ab(e. Strathmore handed her a newspaper '(ipping. It was a trans(ated b( rb from the *i,,ei Shimb n% the )apanese e. i0a(ent of the -a(( Street )o rna(% stating that the )apanese programmer Ensei Tan,ado had 'omp(eted a mathemati'a( form (a he '(aimed 'o (d write nbrea,ab(e 'odes. The form (a was 'a((ed Digita( Fortress and was a0ai(ab(e for re0iew on the Internet. The programmer wo (d be a 'tioning it off to the highest bidder. The 'o( mn went on to say that a(tho gh there was enormo s interest in )apan% the few 1.S. software 'ompanies who had heard abo t Digita( Fortress deemed the '(aim prepostero s% a,in to t rning (ead to go(d. The form (a% they said% was a hoa& and not to be ta,en serio s(y. S san (oo,ed p. <An a 'tion=< Strathmore nodded. <Right now e0ery software 'ompany in )apan has down(oaded an en'rypted 'opy of Digita( Fortress and is trying to 'ra', it open. E0ery se'ond they 'an#t% the bidding pri'e '(imbs.< <That#s abs rd%< S san shot ba',. <A(( the new en'rypted fi(es are n'ra',ab(e n(ess yo ha0e TRA*SLTR. Digita( Fortress 'o (d be nothing more than a generi'% p b(i'/domain a(gorithm% and none of these 'ompanies 'o (d brea, it.< <B t it#s a bri((iant mar,eting p(oy%< Strathmore said. <Thin, abo t it//a(( brands of b ((etproof g(ass stop b ((ets% b t if a 'ompany dares yo to p t a b ((et thro gh theirs% s dden(y e0erybody#s trying.< <And the )apanese a't a((y be(ie0e Digita( Fortress is different= Better than e0erything e(se on the mar,et=< <Tan,ado may ha0e been sh nned% b t e0erybody ,nows he#s a geni s. ;e#s pra'ti'a((y a ' (t i'on among ha',ers. If Tan,ado says the a(gorithm#s nbrea,ab(e% it#s nbrea,ab(e.< B t they#re a(( nbrea,ab(e as far as the p b(i' ,nows9< <+es...< Strathmore m sed. <For the moment.< <-hat#s that s pposed to mean=< Strathmore sighed. <Twenty years ago no one imagined we#d be brea,ing twe(0e/bit stream 'iphers. B t

te'hno(ogy progressed. It a(ways does. Software man fa't rers ass me at some point 'omp ters (i,e TRA*SLTR wi(( e&ist. Te'hno(ogy is progressing e&ponentia((y% and e0ent a((y ' rrent p b(i'/,ey a(gorithms wi(( (ose their se' rity. Better a(gorithms wi(( be needed to stay ahead of tomorrow#s 'omp ters.< <And Digita( Fortress is it=< <E&a't(y. An a(gorithm that resists br te for'e wi(( ne0er be'ome obso(ete% no matter how powerf ( 'ode/ brea,ing 'omp ters get. It 'o (d be'ome a wor(d standard o0ernight.< S san p ((ed in a (ong breath. <God he(p s%< she whispered. <:an we ma,e a bid=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <Tan,ado ga0e s o r 'han'e. ;e made that '(ear. It#s too ris,y anyway7 if we get 'a ght% we#re basi'a((y admitting that we#re afraid of his a(gorithm. -e#d be ma,ing a p b(i' 'onfession not on(y that we ha0e TRA*SLTR b t that Digita( Fortress is imm ne.< <-hat#s the time frame=< Strathmore frowned. <Tan,ado p(anned to anno n'e the highest bidder tomorrow at noon.< S san fe(t her stoma'h tighten. <Then what=< <The arrangement was that he wo (d gi0e the winner the pass/,ey.< <The pass/,ey=< <$art of the p(oy. E0erybody#s a(ready got the a(gorithm% so Tan,ado#s a 'tioning off the pass/,ey that n(o',s it.< S san groaned. <Of 'o rse.< It was perfe't. :(ean and simp(e. Tan,ado had en'rypted Digita( Fortress% and he a(one he(d the pass/,ey that n(o',ed it. She fo nd it hard to fathom that somewhere o t there// probab(y s'raw(ed on a pie'e of paper in Tan,ado#s po',et//there was a si&ty/fo r/'hara'ter pass/,ey that 'o (d end 1.S. inte((igen'e gathering fore0er. S san s dden(y fe(t i(( as she imagined the s'enario. Tan,ado wo (d gi0e his pass/,ey to the highest bidder% and that 'ompany wo (d n(o', the Digita( Fortress fi(e. Then it probab(y wo (d embed the a(gorithm in a tamper/proof 'hip% and within fi0e years e0ery 'omp ter wo (d 'ome pre(oaded with a Digita( Fortress 'hip. *o 'ommer'ia( man fa't rer had e0er dreamed of 'reating an en'ryption 'hip be'a se norma( en'ryption a(gorithms e0ent a((y be'ome obso(ete. B t Digita( Fortress wo (d ne0er be'ome obso(ete7 with a rotating '(earte&t f n'tion% no br te/for'e atta', wo (d e0er find the right ,ey. A new digita( en'ryption standard. From now nti( fore0er. E0ery 'ode nbrea,ab(e. Ban,ers% bro,ers% terrorists% spies. One wor(d//one a(gorithm. Anar'hy. <-hat are the options=< S san probed. She was we(( aware that desperate times 'a((ed for desperate meas res% e0en at the *SA. <-e 'an#t remo0e him% if that#s what yo #re as,ing.< It was e&a't(y what S san was as,ing. In her years with the *SA% S san had heard r mors of its (oose affi(iations with the most s,i((ed assassins in the wor(d//hired hands bro ght in to do the inte((igen'e 'omm nity#s dirty wor,. Strathmore shoo, his head. <Tan,ado#s too smart to (ea0e s an option (i,e that.<

S san fe(t odd(y re(ie0ed. <;e#s prote'ted=< <*ot e&a't(y.< <In hiding=< Strathmore shr gged. <Tan,ado (eft )apan. ;e p(anned to 'he', his bids by phone. B t we ,now where he is.< <And yo don#t p(an to ma,e a mo0e=< <*o. ;e#s got ins ran'e. Tan,ado ga0e a 'opy of his pass/,ey to an anonymo s third party... in 'ase anything happened.< Of 'o rse% S san mar0e(ed. A g ardian ange(. <And I s ppose if anything happens to Tan,ado% the mystery man se((s the ,ey=< <-orse. Anyone hits Tan,ado% and his partner p b(ishes.< S san (oo,ed 'onf sed. <;is partner p b(ishes the ,ey=< Strathmore nodded. <$osts it on the Internet% p ts it in newspapers% on bi((boards. In effe't% he gi0es it away.< S san#s eyes widened. <Free down(oads=< <E&a't(y. Tan,ado fig red if he was dead% he wo (dn#t need the money//why not gi0e the wor(d a (itt(e farewe(( gift=< There was a (ong si(en'e. S san breathed deep(y as if to absorb the terrifying tr th. Ensei Tan,ado has 'reated an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm. ;e#s ho(ding s hostage. She s dden(y stood. ;er 0oi'e was determined. <-e m st 'onta't Tan,ado9 There m st be a way to 'on0in'e him not to re(ease9 -e 'an offer him trip(e the highest bid9 -e 'an '(ear his name9 Anything9< <Too (ate%< Strathmore said. ;e too, a deep breath. <Ensei Tan,ado was fo nd dead this morning in Se0i((e% Spain.<


The twin/engine Lear>et A6 to 'hed down on the s'or'hing r nway. O tside the window% the barren (ands'ape of Spain#s (ower e&tremad ra b( rred and then s(owed to a 'raw(. <"r. Be',er=< a 0oi'e 'ra',(ed. <-e#re here.< Be',er stood and stret'hed. After n(at'hing the o0erhead 'ompartment% he remembered he had no ( ggage. There had been no time to pa',. It didn#t matter//he#d been promised the trip wo (d be brief% in and o t. As the engines wo nd down% the p(ane eased o t of the s n and into a deserted hangar opposite the main termina(. A moment (ater the pi(ot appeared and popped the hat'h. Be',er tossed ba', the (ast of his 'ranberry > i'e% p t the g(ass on the wet bar% and s'ooped p his s it 'oat.

The pi(ot p ((ed a thi', mani(a en0e(ope from his f(ight s it. <I was instr 'ted to gi0e yo this.< ;e handed it to Be',er. On the front% s'raw(ed in b( e pen% were the words! HEE$ T;E :;A*GE. Be',er th mbed thro gh the thi', sta', of reddish bi((s. <-hat the...=< <Lo'a( ' rren'y%< the pi(ot offered f(at(y. <I ,now what it is%< Be',er stammered. <B t it#s... it#s too m 'h. A(( I need is ta&i fare.< Be',er did the 'on0ersion in his head. <-hat#s in here is worth tho sands of do((ars9< <I ha0e my orders% sir.< The pi(ot t rned and hoisted himse(f ba', into the 'abin. The door s(id sh t behind him. Be',er stared p at the p(ane and then down at the money in his hand. After standing a moment in the empty hangar% he p t the en0e(ope in his breast po',et% sho (dered his s it 'oat% and headed o t a'ross the r nway. It was a strange beginning. Be',er p shed it from his mind. -ith a (itt(e ( ', he#d be ba', in time to sa(0age some of his Stone "anor trip with S san. In and o t% he to(d himse(f. In and o t. There was no way he 'o (d ha0e ,nown.


Systems se' rity te'hni'ian $hi( :hartr ,ian had on(y intended to be inside :rypto a min te//> st (ong eno gh to grab some paperwor, he#d forgotten the day before. B t it was not to be. After ma,ing his way a'ross the :rypto f(oor and stepping into the Sys/Se' (ab% he immediate(y ,new something was not right. The 'omp ter termina( that perpet a((y monitored TRA*SLTR#s interna( wor,ings was nmanned and the monitor was swit'hed off. :hartr ,ian 'a((ed o t% <;e((o=< There was no rep(y. The (ab was spot(ess//as if no one had been there for ho rs. A(tho gh :hartr ,ian was on(y twenty/three and re(ati0e(y new to the Sys/Se' s. ad% he#d been trained we((% and he ,new the dri((! There was a(ways a Sys/Se' on d ty in :rypto... espe'ia((y on Sat rdays when no 'ryptographers were aro nd. ;e immediate(y powered p the monitor and t rned to the d ty board on the wa((. <-ho#s on wat'h=< he demanded a(o d% s'anning the (ist of names. A''ording to the s'hed (e% a yo ng roo,ie named Seidenberg was s pposed to ha0e started a do b(e shift at midnight the night before. :hartr ,ian g(an'ed aro nd the empty (ab and frowned. <So where the he(( is he=< As he wat'hed the monitor power p% :hartr ,ian wondered if Strathmore ,new the Sys/Se' (ab was nmanned. ;e had noti'ed on his way in that the ' rtains of Strathmore#s wor,station were '(osed% whi'h meant the boss was in//not at a(( n'ommon for a Sat rday7 Strathmore% despite re. esting his 'ryptographers ta,e Sat rdays off% seemed to wor, BAC days a year. There was one thing :hartr ,ian ,new for 'ertain//if Strathmore fo nd o t the Sys/Se' (ab was

nmanned% it wo (d 'ost the absent roo,ie his >ob. :hartr ,ian eyed the phone% wondering if he sho (d 'a(( the yo ng te'hie and bai( him o t7 there was an nspo,en r (e among Sys/Se' that they wo (d wat'h ea'h other#s ba',s. In :rypto% Sys/Se's were se'ond/'(ass 'iti8ens% 'onstant(y at odds with the (ords of the manor. It was no se'ret that the 'ryptographers r (ed this m (tibi((ion/do((ar roost7 Sys/Se's were to(erated on(y be'a se they ,ept the toys r nning smooth(y. :hartr ,ian made his de'ision. ;e grabbed the phone. B t the re'ei0er ne0er rea'hed his ear. ;e stopped short% his eyes transfi&ed on the monitor now 'oming into fo' s before him. As if in s(ow motion% he set down the phone and stared in open/mo thed wonder. In eight months as a Sys/Se'% $hi( :hartr ,ian had ne0er seen TRA*SLTR#s R n/"onitor post anything other than a do b(e 8ero in the ho rs fie(d. Today was a first. TI"E ELA$SED! 5C!5F!@5 <Fifteen ho rs and se0enteen min tes=< he 'ho,ed. <Impossib(e9< ;e rebooted the s'reen% praying it hadn#t refreshed proper(y. B t when the monitor 'ame ba', to (ife% it (oo,ed the same. :hartr ,ian fe(t a 'hi((. :rypto#s Sys/Se's had on(y one responsibi(ity! Heep TRA*SLTR <'(ean<//0ir s free. :hartr ,ian ,new that a fifteen/ho r r n 'o (d on(y mean one thing//infe'tion. An imp re fi(e had gotten inside TRA*SLTR and was 'orr pting the programming. Instant(y his training ,i',ed in7 it no (onger mattered that the Sys/Se' (ab had been nmanned or the monitors swit'hed off. ;e fo' sed on the matter at hand//TRA*SLTR. ;e immediate(y 'a((ed p a (og of a(( the fi(es that had entered TRA*SLTR in the (ast forty/eight ho rs. ;e began s'anning the (ist. Did an infe'ted fi(e get thro gh= he wondered. :o (d the se' rity fi(ters ha0e missed something= As a pre'a tion% e0ery fi(e entering TRA*SLTR had to pass thro gh what was ,nown as Ga nt(et//a series of powerf ( 'ir' it/(e0e( gateways% pa',et fi(ters% and disinfe'tant programs that s'anned inbo nd fi(es for 'omp ter 0ir ses and potentia((y dangero s s bro tines. Fi(es 'ontaining programming < n,nown< to Ga nt(et were immediate(y re>e'ted. They had to be 'he',ed by hand. O''asiona((y Ga nt(et re>e'ted entire(y harm(ess fi(es on the basis that they 'ontained programming the fi(ters had ne0er seen before. In that 'ase% the Sys/Se's did a s'r p (o s man a( inspe'tion% and on(y then% on 'onfirmation that the fi(e was '(ean% did they bypass Ga nt(et#s fi(ters and send the fi(e into TRA*SLTR. :omp ter 0ir ses were as 0aried as ba'teria( 0ir ses. Li,e their physio(ogi'a( 'o nterparts% 'omp ter 0ir ses had one goa(//to atta'h themse(0es to a host system and rep(i'ate. In this 'ase% the host was TRA*SLTR. :hartr ,ian was ama8ed the *SA hadn#t had prob(ems with 0ir ses before. Ga nt(et was a potent sentry% b t sti((% the *SA was a bottom feeder% s ',ing in massi0e amo nts of digita( information from systems a(( o0er the wor(d. Snooping data was a (ot (i,e ha0ing indis'riminate se&//prote'tion or no prote'tion% sooner or (ater yo 'a ght something. :hartr ,ian finished e&amining the fi(e (ist before him. ;e was now more p 88(ed than before. E0ery fi(e 'he',ed o t. Ga nt(et had seen nothing o t of the ordinary% whi'h meant the fi(e in TRA*SLTR was tota((y '(ean. <So what the he((#s ta,ing so (ong=< he demanded of the empty room. :hartr ,ian fe(t himse(f brea, a sweat. ;e wondered if he sho (d go dist rb Strathmore with the news. <A 0ir s probe%< :hartr ,ian said firm(y% trying to 'a(m himse(f down. <I sho (d r n a 0ir s probe.<

:hartr ,ian ,new that a 0ir s probe wo (d be the first thing Strathmore wo (d re. est anyway. G(an'ing o t at the deserted :rypto f(oor% :hartr ,ian made his de'ision. ;e (oaded the 0ira( probe software and (a n'hed it. The r n wo (d ta,e abo t fifteen min tes. <:ome ba', '(ean%< he whispered. <S. ea,y '(ean. Te(( Daddy it#s nothing.< B t :hartr ,ian sensed it was not <nothing.< Instin't to(d him something 0ery n s a( was going on inside the great de'oding beast.

:;A$TER 56

<Ensei Tan,ado is dead=< S san fe(t a wa0e of na sea. <+o ,i((ed him= I tho ght yo said//< <-e didn#t to 'h him%< Strathmore ass red her. <;e died of a heart atta',. :O"I*T phoned ear(y this morning. Their 'omp ter f(agged Tan,ado#s name in a Se0i((e po(i'e (og thro gh Interpo(.< <;eart atta',=< S san (oo,ed do btf (. <;e was thirty years o(d.< <Thirty/two%< Strathmore 'orre'ted. <;e had a 'ongenita( heart defe't.< <I#d ne0er heard that.< <T rned p in his *SA physi'a(. *ot something he bragged abo t.< S san was ha0ing tro b(e a''epting the serendipity of the timing. <A defe'ti0e heart 'o (d ,i(( him//> st (i,e that=< It seemed too 'on0enient. Strathmore shr gged. <-ea, heart... 'ombine it with the heat of Spain. Throw in the stress of b(a',mai(ing the *SA....< S san was si(ent a moment. E0en 'onsidering the 'onditions% she fe(t a pang of (oss at the passing of s 'h a bri((iant fe((ow 'ryptographer. Strathmore#s gra0e((y 0oi'e interr pted her tho ghts. <The on(y si(0er (ining on this who(e fias'o is that Tan,ado was tra0e(ing a(one. :han'es are good his partner doesn#t ,now yet he#s dead. The Spanish a thorities said they#d 'ontain the information for as (ong as possib(e. -e on(y got the 'a(( be'a se :O"I*T was on the ba((.< Strathmore eyed S san '(ose(y. <I#0e got to find the partner before he finds o t Tan,ado#s dead. That#s why I 'a((ed yo in. I need yo r he(p.< S san was 'onf sed. It seemed to her that Ensei Tan,ado#s time(y demise had so(0ed their entire prob(em. <:ommander%< she arg ed% <if the a thorities are saying he died of a heart atta',% we#re off the hoo,7 his partner wi(( ,now the *SA is not responsib(e.< <*ot responsib(e=< Strathmore#s eyes widened in disbe(ief. <Somebody b(a',mai(s the *SA and t rns p dead a few days (ater//and we#re not responsib(e= I#d bet big money Tan,ado#s mystery friend won#t see it that way. -hate0er happened% we (oo, g i(ty as he((. It 'o (d easi(y ha0e been poison% a rigged a topsy% any n mber of things.< Strathmore pa sed. <-hat was yo r first rea'tion when I to(d yo Tan,ado was dead=< She frowned. <I tho ght the *SA had ,i((ed him.< <E&a't(y. If the *SA 'an p t fi0e Rhyo(ite sate((ites in geosyn'hrono s orbit o0er the "ideast% I thin, it#s safe to ass me we ha0e the reso r'es to pay off a few Spanish po(i'emen.< The 'ommander had made his

point. S san e&ha(ed. Ensei Tan,ado is dead. The *SA wi(( be b(amed. <:an we find his partner in time=< <I thin, so. -e#0e got a good (ead. Tan,ado made n mero s p b(i' anno n'ements that he was wor,ing with a partner. I thin, he hoped it wo (d dis'o rage software firms from doing him any harm or trying to stea( his ,ey. ;e threatened that if there was any fo ( p(ay% his partner wo (d p b(ish the ,ey% and a(( firms wo (d s dden(y find themse(0es in 'ompetition with free software.< <:(e0er.< S san nodded. Strathmore went on. <A few times% in p b(i'% Tan,ado referred to his partner by name. ;e 'a((ed him *orth Da,ota.< <*orth Da,ota= Ob0io s(y an a(ias of some sort.< <+es% b t as a pre'a tion I ran an Internet in. iry sing *orth Da,ota as a sear'h string. I didn#t thin, I#d find anything% b t I t rned p an E/mai( a''o nt.< Strathmore pa sed. <Of 'o rse I ass med it wasn#t the *orth Da,ota we were (oo,ing for% b t I sear'hed the a''o nt > st to be s re. Imagine my sho', when I fo nd the a''o nt was f (( of E/mai( from Ensei Tan,ado.< Strathmore raised his eyebrows. <And the messages were f (( of referen'es to Digita( Fortress and Tan,ado#s p(ans to b(a',mai( the *SA.< S san ga0e Strathmore a s,epti'a( (oo,. She was ama8ed the 'ommander was (etting himse(f be p(ayed with so easi(y. <:ommander%< she arg ed% <Tan,ado ,nows f (( we(( the *SA 'an snoop E/mai( from the Internet7 he wo (d ne0er se E/mai( to send se'ret information. It#s a trap. Ensei Tan,ado ga0e yo *orth Da,ota. ;e ,new yo #d r n a sear'h. -hate0er information he#s sending% he wanted yo to find//it#s a fa(se trai(.< <Good instin't%< Strathmore fired ba',% <e&'ept for a 'o p(e of things. I 'o (dn#t find anything nder *orth Da,ota% so I twea,ed the sear'h string. The a''o nt I fo nd was nder a 0ariation//*DAHOTA.< S san shoo, her head. <R nning perm tations is standard pro'ed re. Tan,ado ,new yo #d try 0ariations nti( yo hit something. *DAHOTA#s far too easy an a(teration.< <$erhaps%< Strathmore said% s'ribb(ing words on apie'e of paper and handing it to S san. <B t (oo, at this.< S san read the paper. She s dden(y nderstood the :ommander#s thin,ing. On the paper was *orth Da,ota#s E/mai( address. * It was the (etters ARA in the address that had 'a ght S san#s eye. ARA stood for Ameri'an Remai(ers Anonymo s% a we((/,nown anonymo s ser0er. Anonymo s ser0ers were pop (ar among Internet sers who wanted to ,eep their identities se'ret. For a fee% these 'ompanies prote'ted an E/mai(er#s pri0a'y by a'ting as a midd(eman for e(e'troni' mai(. It was (i,e ha0ing a n mbered post offi'e bo&//a ser 'o (d send and re'ei0e mai( witho t e0er re0ea(ing his tr e address or name. The 'ompany re'ei0ed E/mai( addressed to a(iases and then forwarded it to the '(ient#s rea( a''o nt. The remai(ing 'ompany was bo nd by 'ontra't ne0er to re0ea( the identity or (o'ation of its rea( sers. <It#s not proof%< Strathmore said. <B t it#s pretty s spi'io s.< S san nodded% s dden(y more 'on0in'ed. <So yo #re saying Tan,ado didn#t 'are if anybody sear'hed for *orth Da,ota be'a se his identity and (o'ation are prote'ted by ARA.<

<E&a't(y.< S san s'hemed for a moment. <ARA ser0i'es main(y 1.S. a''o nts. +o thin, *orth Da,ota might be o0er here somewhere=< Strathmore shr gged. <:o (d be. -ith an Ameri'an partner% Tan,ado 'o (d ,eep the two pass/,eys separated geographi'a((y. "ight be a smart mo0e.< S san 'onsidered it. She do bted Tan,ado wo (d ha0e shared his pass/,ey with anyone e&'ept a 0ery '(ose friend% and as she re'a((ed% Ensei Tan,ado didn#t ha0e many friends in the States. <*orth Da,ota%< she m sed% her 'rypto(ogi'a( mind m ((ing o0er the possib(e meanings of the a(ias. <-hat does his E/mai( to Tan,ado so nd (i,e=< <*o idea. :O"I*T on(y 'a ght Tan,ado#s o tbo nd. At this point a(( we ha0e on *orth Da,ota is an anonymo s address.< S san tho ght a min te. <Any 'han'e it#s a de'oy=< Strathmore raised an eyebrow. <;ow so=< <Tan,ado 'o (d be sending bog s E/mai( to a dead a''o nt in hopes we#d snoop it. -e#d thin, he#s prote'ted% and he#d ne0er ha0e to ris, sharing his pass/,ey. ;e 'o (d be wor,ing a(one.< Strathmore 'h ',(ed% impressed. <Tri',y idea% e&'ept for one thing. ;e#s not sing any of his s a( home or b siness Internet a''o nts. ;e#s been dropping by Doshisha 1ni0ersity and (ogging on to their mainframe. Apparent(y he#s got an a''o nt there that he#s managed to ,eep se'ret. It#s a 0ery we((/hidden a''o nt% and I fo nd it on(y by 'han'e.< Strathmore pa sed. <So... if Tan,ado wanted s to snoop his mai(% why wo (d he se a se'ret a''o nt=< S san 'ontemp(ated the . estion. <"aybe he sed a se'ret a''o nt so yo wo (dn#t s spe't a p(oy= "aybe Tan,ado hid the a''o nt > st deep eno gh that yo #d st mb(e on to it and thin, yo got ( ',y. It gi0es his E/mai( 'redibi(ity.< Strathmore 'h ',(ed. <+o sho (d ha0e been a fie(d agent. The idea#s a good one. 1nfort nate(y% e0ery (etter Tan,ado sends gets a response. Tan,ado writes% his partner responds.< S san frowned. <Fair eno gh. So% yo #re saying *orth Da,ota#s for rea(.< <Afraid so. And we#0e got to find him. And . iet(y. If he 'at'hes wind that we#re onto him% it#s a(( o0er.< S san now ,new e&a't(y why Strathmore had 'a((ed her in. <Let me g ess%< she said. <+o want me to snoop ARA#s se' re database and find *orth Da,ota#s rea( identity=< Strathmore ga0e her a tight smi(e. <"s. F(et'her% yo read my mind.< -hen it 'ame to dis'reet Internet sear'hes% S san F(et'her was the woman for the >ob. A year ago% a senior -hite ;o se offi'ia( had been re'ei0ing E/mai( threats from someone with an anonymo s E/mai( address. The *SA had been as,ed to (o'ate the indi0id a(. A(tho gh the *SA had the '(o t to demand the remai(ing 'ompany re0ea( the ser#s identity% it opted for a more s bt(e method//a <tra'er.< S san had 'reated% in effe't% a dire'tiona( bea'on disg ised as a pie'e of E/mai(. She 'o (d send it to the ser#s phony address% and the remai(ing 'ompany% performing the d ty for whi'h it had been 'ontra'ted% wo (d forward it to the ser#s rea( address. On'e there% the program wo (d re'ord its Internet (o'ation and send word ba', to the *SA. Then the program wo (d disintegrate witho t a tra'e. From that day on% as far as the *SA was 'on'erned% anonymo s remai(ers were nothing more than a minor annoyan'e.

<:an yo find him=< Strathmore as,ed. <S re. -hy did yo wait so (ong to 'a(( me=< <A't a((y<//he frowned//<I hadn#t p(anned on 'a((ing yo at a((. I didn#t want anyone e(se in the (oop. I tried to send a 'opy of yo r tra'er myse(f% b t yo wrote the damn thing in one of those new hybrid (ang ages7 I 'o (dn#t get it to wor,. It ,ept ret rning nonsensi'a( data. I fina((y had to bite the b ((et and bring yo in.< S san 'h ',(ed. Strathmore was a bri((iant 'ryptographi' programmer% b t his repertoire was (imited primari(y to a(gorithmi' wor,7 the n ts and bo(ts of (ess (ofty <se' (ar< programming often es'aped him. -hat was more% S san had written her tra'er in a new% 'rossbreed programming (ang age 'a((ed LI"BO7 it was nderstandab(e that Strathmore had en'o ntered prob(ems. <I#(( ta,e 'are of it.< She smi(ed% t rning to (ea0e. <I#(( be at my termina(.< <Any idea on a time frame=< S san pa sed. <-e((... it depends on how effi'ient(y ARA forwards their mai(. If he#s here in the States and ses something (i,e AOL or :omp ser0e% I#(( snoop his 'redit 'ard and get a bi((ing address within the ho r. If he#s with a ni0ersity or 'orporation% it#(( ta,e a (itt(e (onger.< She smi(ed neasi(y. <After that% the rest is p to yo .< S san ,new that <the rest< wo (d be an *SA stri,e team% ' tting power to the g y#s ho se and 'rashing thro gh his windows with st n g ns. The team wo (d probab(y thin, it was on a dr g b st. Strathmore wo (d ndo bted(y stride thro gh the r bb(e himse(f and (o'ate the si&ty/fo r/'hara'ter pass/,ey. Then he wo (d destroy it. Digita( Fortress wo (d (ang ish fore0er on the Internet% (o',ed for a(( eternity. <Send the tra'er 'aref ((y%< Strathmore rged. <If *orth Da,ota sees we#re onto him% he#(( pani'% and I#(( ne0er get a team there before he disappears with the ,ey.< <;it and r n%< she ass red. <The moment this thing finds his a''o nt% it#(( disso(0e. ;e#(( ne0er ,now we were there.< The 'ommander nodded tired(y. <Than,s.< S san ga0e him a soft smi(e. She was a(ways ama8ed how e0en in the fa'e of disaster Strathmore 'o (d m ster a . iet 'a(m. She was 'on0in'ed it was this abi(ity that had defined his 'areer and (ifted him to the pper e'he(ons of power. As S san headed for the door% she too, a (ong (oo, down at TRA*SLTR. The e&isten'e of an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm was a 'on'ept she was sti(( str gg(ing to grasp. She prayed they#d find *orth Da,ota in time. <"a,e it . i',%< Strathmore 'a((ed% <and yo #(( be in the Smo,y "o ntains by nightfa((.< S san fro8e in her tra',s. She ,new she had ne0er mentioned her trip to Strathmore. She whee(ed. Is the *SA tapping my phone= Strathmore smi(ed g i(ti(y. <Da0id to(d me abo t yo r trip this morning. ;e said yo #d be pretty ti',ed abo t postponing it.< S san was (ost. <+o ta(,ed to Da0id this morning=< <Of 'o rse.< Strathmore seemed p 88(ed by S san#s rea'tion. <I had to brief him.< <Brief him=< she demanded. <For what=<

<For his trip. I sent Da0id to Spain.<

:;A$TER 55

Spain. I sent Da0id to Spain. The 'ommander#s words st ng. <Da0id#s in Spain=< S san was in'red (o s. <+o sent him to Spain=< ;er tone t rned angry. <-hy=< Strathmore (oo,ed d mbfo nded. ;e was apparent(y not a'' stomed to being ye((ed at% e0en by his head 'ryptographer. ;e ga0e S san a 'onf sed (oo,. She was f(e&ed (i,e a mother tiger defending her ' b. <S san%< he said. <+o spo,e to him% didn#t yo = Da0id did e&p(ain=< She was too sho',ed to spea,. Spain= That#s why Da0id postponed o r Stone "anor trip= <I sent a 'ar for him this morning. ;e said he was going to 'a(( yo before he (eft. I#m sorry. I tho ght//< <-hy wo (d yo send Da0id to Spain=< Strathmore pa sed and ga0e her an ob0io s (oo,. <To get the other pass/,ey.< <-hat other pass/,ey=< <Tan,ado#s 'opy.< S san was (ost. <-hat are yo ta(,ing abo t=< Strathmore sighed. <Tan,ado s re(y wo (d ha0e had a 'opy of the pass/,ey on him when he died. I s re as he(( didn#t want it f(oating aro nd the Se0i((e morg e.< <So yo sent Da0id Be',er=< S san was beyond sho',. *othing was ma,ing sense. <Da0id doesn#t e0en wor, for yo 9< Strathmore (oo,ed start(ed. *o one e0er spo,e to the dep ty dire'tor of the *SA that way. <S san%< he said% ,eeping his 'oo(% <that#s the point. I needed//< The tiger (ashed o t. <+o #0e got twenty tho sand emp(oyees at yo r 'ommand9 -hat gi0es yo the right to send my fian'P=< <I needed a 'i0i(ian 'o rier% someone tota((y remo0ed from go0ernment. If I went thro gh reg (ar 'hanne(s and someone 'a ght wind//< <And Da0id Be',er is the on(y 'i0i(ian yo ,now=< <*o9 Da0id Be',er is not the on(y 'i0i(ian I ,now9 B t at si& this morning% things were happening . i',(y9 Da0id spea,s the (ang age% he#s smart% I tr st him% and I tho ght I#d do him a fa0or9< <A fa0or=< S san sp ttered. <Sending him to Spain is a fa0or=< <+es9 I#m paying him ten tho sand for one day#s wor,. ;e#(( pi', p Tan,ado#s be(ongings% and he#(( f(y home. That#s a fa0or9<

S san fe(( si(ent. She nderstood. It was a(( abo t money. ;er tho ghts whee(ed ba', fi0e months to the night the president of Georgetown 1ni0ersity had offered Da0id a promotion to the (ang age department 'hair. The president had warned him that his tea'hing ho rs wo (d be ' t ba', and that there wo (d be in'reased paperwor,% b t there was a(so a s bstantia( raise in sa(ary. S san had wanted to 'ry o t Da0id% don#t do it9 +o #(( be miserab(e. -e ha0e p(enty of money//who 'ares whi'h one of s earns it= B t it was not her p(a'e. In the end% she stood by his de'ision to a''ept. As they fe(( as(eep that night% S san tried to be happy for him% b t something inside ,ept te((ing her it wo (d be a disaster. She#d been right//b t she#d ne0er 'o nted on being so right. <+o paid him ten tho sand do((ars=< she demanded. <That#s a dirty tri',9< Strathmore was f ming now. <Tri',= It wasn#t any goddamn tri',9 I didn#t e0en te(( him abo t the money. I as,ed him as a persona( fa0or. ;e agreed to go.< <Of 'o rse he agreed9 +o #re my boss9 +o #re the dep ty dire'tor of the *SA9 ;e 'o (dn#t say no9< <+o #re right%< Strathmore snapped. <-hi'h is why I 'a((ed him. I didn#t ha0e the ( & ry of//< <Does the dire'tor ,now yo sent a 'i0i(ian=< <S san%< Strathmore said% his patien'e ob0io s(y wearing thin% <the dire'tor is not in0o(0ed. ;e ,nows nothing abo t this.< S san stared at Strathmore in disbe(ief. It was as if she no (onger ,new the man she was ta(,ing to. ;e had sent her fian'P//a tea'her//on an *SA mission and then fai(ed to notify the dire'tor abo t the biggest 'risis in the history of the organi8ation. <Le(and Fontaine hasn#t been notified=< Strathmore had rea'hed the end of his rope. ;e e&p(oded. <S san% now (isten here9 I 'a((ed yo in here be'a se I need an a((y% not an in. iry9 I#0e had one he(( of morning. I down(oaded Tan,ado#s fi(e (ast night and sat here by the o tp t printer for ho rs praying TRA*SLTR 'o (d brea, it. At dawn I swa((owed my pride and dia(ed the dire'tor//and (et me te(( yo % that was a 'on0ersation I was rea((y (oo,ing forward to. Good morning% sir. I#m sorry to wa,e yo . -hy am I 'a((ing= I > st fo nd o t TRA*SLTR is obso(ete. It#s be'a se of an a(gorithm my entire top/do((ar :rypto team 'o (dn#t 'ome '(ose to writing9< Strathmore s(ammed his fist on the des,. S san stood fro8en. She didn#t ma,e a so nd. In ten years% she had seen Strathmore (ose his 'oo( on(y a handf ( of times% and ne0er on'e with her. Ten se'onds (ater neither one of them had spo,en. Fina((y Strathmore sat ba', down% and S san 'o (d hear his breathing s(owing to norma(. -hen he fina((y spo,e% his 0oi'e was eeri(y 'a(m and 'ontro((ed. <1nfort nate(y%< Strathmore said . iet(y% <it t rns o t the dire'tor is in So th Ameri'a meeting with the $resident of :o(ombia. Be'a se there#s abso( te(y nothing he 'o (d do from down there% I had two options//re. est he ' t his meeting short and ret rn% or hand(e this myse(f.< There was a(ong si(en'e. Strathmore fina((y (oo,ed p% and his tired eyes met S san#s. ;is e&pression softened immediate(y. <S san% I#m sorry. I#m e&ha sted. This is a nightmare 'ome tr e. I ,now yo #re pset abo t Da0id. I didn#t mean for yo to find o t this way. I tho ght yo ,new.< S san fe(t a wa0e of g i(t. <I o0errea'ted. I#m sorry. Da0id is a good 'hoi'e.< Strathmore nodded absent(y. <;e#(( be ba', tonight.< S san tho ght abo t e0erything the 'ommander was going thro gh//the press re of o0erseeing

TRA*SLTR% the end(ess ho rs and meetings. It was r mored his wife of thirty years was (ea0ing him. Then on top of it% there was Digita( Fortress//the biggest inte((igen'e threat in the history of the *SA% and the poor g y was f(ying so(o. *o wonder he (oo,ed abo t to 'ra',. <:onsidering the 'ir' mstan'es%< S san said% <I thin, yo sho (d probab(y 'a(( the dire'tor.< Strathmore shoo, his head% a bead of sweat dripping on his des,. <I#m not abo t to 'ompromise the dire'tor#s safety or ris, a (ea, by 'onta'ting him abo t a ma>or 'risis he 'an do nothing abo t.< S san ,new he was right. E0en in moments (i,e these% Strathmore was '(ear/headed. <;a0e yo 'onsidered 'a((ing the $resident=< Strathmore nodded. <+es. I#0e de'ided against it.< S san had fig red as m 'h. Senior *SA offi'ia(s had the right to hand(e 0erifiab(e inte((igen'e emergen'ies witho t e&e' ti0e ,now(edge. The *SA was the on(y 1.S. inte((igen'e organi8ation that en>oyed tota( imm nity from federa( a''o ntabi(ity of any sort. Strathmore often a0ai(ed himse(f of this right7 he preferred to wor, his magi' in iso(ation. <:ommander%< she arg ed% <this is too big to be hand(ed a(one. +o #0e got to (et somebody e(se in on it.< <S san% the e&isten'e of Digita( Fortress has ma>or imp(i'ations for the f t re of this organi8ation. I ha0e no intention of informing the $resident behind the dire'tor#s ba',. -e ha0e a 'risis% and I#m hand(ing it.< ;e eyed her tho ghtf ((y. <I am the dep ty dire'tor of operations.< A weary smi(e 'rept a'ross his fa'e. <And besides% I#m not a(one. I#0e got S san F(et'her on my team.< In that instant% S san rea(i8ed what she respe'ted so m 'h abo t Tre0or Strathmore. For ten years% thro gh thi', and thin% he had a(ways (ed the way for her. Steadfast. 1nwa0ering. It was his dedi'ation that ama8ed her//his nsha,ab(e a((egian'e to his prin'ip(es% his 'o ntry% and his idea(s. :ome what may% :ommander Tre0or Strathmore was a g iding (ight in a wor(d of impossib(e de'isions. <+o are on my team% aren#t yo =< he as,ed. S san smi(ed. <+es% sir% I am. One h ndred per'ent.< <Good. *ow 'an we get ba', to wor,=<

:;A$TER 5@

Da0id Be',er had been to f nera(s and seen dead bodies before% b t there was something parti' (ar(y nner0ing abo t this one. It was not an imma' (ate(y groomed 'orpse resting in a si(,/(ined 'offin. This body had been stripped na,ed and d mped n'eremonio s(y on an a( min m tab(e. The eyes had not yet fo nd their 0a'ant% (ife(ess ga8e. Instead they were twisted pward toward the 'ei(ing in an eerie free8e/ frame of terror and regret. <SDTnde estUn s s efe'tos=< Be',er as,ed in f( ent :asti((ian Spanish. <-here are his be(ongings=< <A((V%< rep(ied the ye((ow/toothed (ie tenant. ;e pointed to a 'o nter of '(othing and other persona( items. <SEs todo= Is that a((=< <SV.<

Be',er as,ed for a 'ardboard bo&. The (ie tenant h rried off to find one. It was Sat rday e0ening% and the Se0i((e morg e was te'hni'a((y '(osed. The yo ng (ie tenant had (et Be',er in nder dire't orders from the head of the Se0i((e G ardia//it seemed the 0isiting Ameri'an had powerf ( friends. Be',er eyed the pi(e of '(othes. There was a passport% wa((et% and g(asses st ffed in one of the shoes. There was a(so a sma(( d ffe( the G ardia had ta,en from the man#s hote(. Be',er#s dire'tions were '(ear! To 'h nothing. Read nothing. ) st bring it a(( ba',. E0erything. Don#t miss anything. Be',er s r0eyed the pi(e and frowned. -hat 'o (d the *SA possib(y want with this > n,= The (ie tenant ret rned with a sma(( bo&% and Be',er began p tting the '(othes inside. The offi'er po,ed at the 'ada0er#s (eg. <SG ienes= -ho is he=< <*o idea.< <Loo,s :hinese.< )apanese% Be',er tho ght. <$oor bastard. ;eart atta',% h h=< Be',er nodded absent(y. <That#s what they to(d me.< The (ie tenant sighed and shoo, his head sympatheti'a((y. <The Se0i((e s n 'an be 'r e(. Be 'aref ( o t there tomorrow.< <Than,s%< Be',er said. <B t I#m headed home.< The offi'er (oo,ed sho',ed. <+o > st got here9< <I ,now% b t the g y paying my airfare is waiting for these items.< The (ie tenant (oo,ed offended in the way on(y a Spaniard 'an be offended. <+o mean yo #re not going to e&perien'e Se0i((e=< <I was here years ago. Bea tif ( 'ity. I#d (o0e to stay.< <So yo #0e seen La Gira(da=< Be',er nodded. ;e#d ne0er a't a((y '(imbed the an'ient "oorish tower% b t he#d seen it. <;ow abo t the A('a8ar=< Be',er nodded again% remembering the night he#d heard $a'ode L 'ia p(ay g itar in the 'o rtyard// F(amen'o nder the stars in a fifteenth/'ent ry fortress. ;e wished he#d ,nown S san ba', then. <And of 'o rse there#s :hristopher :o( mb s.< The offi'er beamed. <;e#s b ried in o r 'athedra(.< Be',er (oo,ed p. <Rea((y= I tho ght :o( mb s was b ried in the Domini'an Rep b(i'.< <;e(( no9 -ho starts these r mors= :o( mb s#s body is here in Spain9 I tho ght yo said yo went to 'o((ege.<

Be',er shr gged. <I m st ha0e missed that day.< <The Spanish 'h r'h is 0ery pro d to own his re(i's.< The Spanish 'h r'h. Be',er ,new here was on(y one 'h r'h in Spain//the Roman :atho(i' 'h r'h. :atho(i'ism was bigger here than in 4ati'an :ity. <-e don#t% of 'o rse% ha0e his entire body%< the (ie tenant added. <So(o e( es'roto.< Be',er stopped pa',ing and stared at the (ie tenant. So(o e( es'roto= ;e fo ght off a grin. <) st his s'rot m=< The offi'er nodded pro d(y. <+es. -hen the 'h r'h obtains the remains of a great man% they saint him and spread the re(i's to different 'athedra(s so e0eryone 'an en>oy their sp(endor.< <And yo got the...< Be',er stif(ed a (a gh. <Oye9 It#s a pretty important part9< the offi'er defended. <It#s not (i,e we got a rib or a ,n ',(e (i,e those 'h r'hes in Ga(i'ia9 +o sho (d rea((y stay and see it.< Be',er nodded po(ite(y. <"aybe I#(( drop in on my way o t of town.< <"a(a s erte.< The offi'er sighed. <Bad ( ',. The 'athedra(#s '(osed ti(( s nrise mass.< <Another time then.< Be',er smi(ed% hoisting the bo&. <I sho (d probab(y get going. "y f(ight#s waiting. <;e made a fina( g(an'e aro nd the room. <+o want a ride to the airport=< the offi'er as,ed. <I#0e got a "oto G 88i o t front.< <*o than,s. I#(( 'at'h a 'ab.< Be',er had dri0en a motor'y'(e on'e in 'o((ege and near(y ,i((ed himse(f on it. ;e had no intention of getting on one again% regard(ess of who was dri0ing. <-hate0er yo say%< the offi'er said% heading for the door. <I#(( get the (ights.< Be',er t ',ed the bo& nder his arm. ;a0e I got e0erything= ;e too, a (ast (oo, at the body on the tab(e. The fig re was star, na,ed% fa'e p nder f( ores'ent (ights% '(ear(y hiding nothing. Be',er fo nd his eyes drawn again to the strange(y deformed hands. ;e ga8ed a min te% fo' sing more intent(y. The offi'er ,i((ed the (ights% and the room went dar,. <;o(d on%< Be',er said. <T rn those ba', on.< The (ights f(i',ered ba', on. Be',er set his bo& on the f(oor wa(,ed o0er to the 'orpse. ;e (eaned down and s. inted at the man#s (eft hand. The offi'er fo((owed Be',er#s ga8e. <$retty g(y% h h=< B t the deformity was not what had 'a ght Be',er#s eye. ;e#d seen something e(se. ;e t rned to the offi'er. <+o #re s re e0erything#s in this bo&=< The offi'er nodded. <+eah. That#s it.< Be',er stood for moment with his hands on his hips. Then he pi',ed p the bo&% 'arried it ba', o0er to the 'o nter% and d mped it o t. :aref ((y% pie'e by pie'e% he shoo, o t the '(othing. Then he emptied the

shoes and tapped them as if trying to remo0e a pebb(e. After going o0er e0erything a se'ond time% he stepped ba', and frowned. <$rob(em=< as,ed the (ie tenant. <+eah%< Be',er said. <-e#re missing something.<

:;A$TER 5B

To, gen * mata,a stood in his p( sh% pentho se offi'e and ga8ed o t at the To,yo s,y(ine. ;is emp(oyees and 'ompetitors ,new him a sa, ta same//the dead(y shar,. For three de'ade she#d o tg essed% o tbid% and o t ad0ertised a(( the )apanese 'ompetition7 now he was on the brin, of be'oming a giant in the wor(d mar,et as we((. ;e was abo t to '(ose the biggest dea( of his (ife//a dea( that wo (d ma,e his * mate'h :orp. the "i'rosoft of the f t re. ;is b(ood was a(i0e with the 'oo( r sh of adrena(ine. B siness was war//and war was e&'iting. A(tho gh To, gen * mata,a had been s spi'io s when the 'a(( had 'ome three days ago% he now ,new the tr th. ;e was b(essed with myo ri//good fort ne. The gods had 'hosen him. ??? <I ha0e a 'opy of the Digita( Fortress pass/,ey%< the Ameri'an a''ent had said. <-o (d yo (i,e to b y it=< * mata,a had a(most (a ghed a(o d. ;e ,new it was a p(oy. * mate'h :orp. had bid genero s(y for Ensei Tan,ado#s new a(gorithm% and now one of * mate'h#s 'ompetitors was p(aying games% trying to find o t the amo nt of the bid. <+o ha0e the pass/,ey=< * mata,a feigned interest. <I do. "y name is *orth Da,ota.< * mata,a stif(ed a (a gh. E0eryone ,new abo t *orth Da,ota. Tan,ado had to(d the press abo t his se'ret partner. It had been a wise mo0e on Tan,ado#s part to ha0e a partner7 e0en in )apan% b siness pra'ti'es had be'ome dishonorab(e. Ensei Tan,ado was not safe. B t one fa(se mo0e by an o0ereager firm% and the pass/,ey wo (d be p b(ished7 e0ery software firm on the mar,et wo (d s ffer. * mata,a too, a (ong p (( on his 1mami 'igar and p(ayed a(ong with the 'a((er#s patheti' 'harade. <So yo #re se((ing yo r pass/,ey= Interesting. ;ow does Ensei Tan,ado fee( abo t this=< <I ha0e no a((egian'e to "r. Tan,ado. "r. Tan,ado was foo(ish to tr st me. The pass/,ey is worth h ndreds of times what he is paying me to hand(e it for him.< <I#m sorry%< * mata,a said. <+o r pass/,ey a(one is worth nothing to me. -hen Tan,ado finds o t what yo #0e done% he wi(( simp(y p b(ish his 'opy% and the mar,et wi(( be f(ooded.< <+o wi(( re'ei0e both pass/,eys%< the 0oi'e said. <"r. Tan,ado#s and mine.< * mata,a 'o0ered the re'ei0er and (a ghed a(o d. ;e 'o (dn#t he(p as,ing. <;ow m 'h are yo as,ing for both ,eys=<

<Twenty mi((ion 1.S. do((ars.< Twenty mi((ion was a(most e&a't(y what * mata,a had bid. <Twenty mi((ion=< ;e gasped in mo', horror. <That#s o trageo s9< <I#0e seen the a(gorithm. I ass re yo it#s we(( worth it.< *o shit% tho ght * mata,a. It#s worth ten times that. <1nfort nate(y%< he said% tiring of the game% <we both ,now "r. Tan,ado wo (d ne0er stand for this. Thin, of the (ega( reper' ssions.< The 'a((er pa sed omino s(y. <-hat if "r. Tan,ado were no (onger a fa'tor=< * mata,a wanted to (a gh% b t he noted an odd determination in the 0oi'e. <If Tan,ado were no (onger a fa'tor=< * mata,a 'onsidered it. <Then yo and I wo (d ha0e a dea(.< <I#(( be in to 'h%< the 0oi'e said. The (ine went dead.

:;A$TER 5M

Be',er ga8ed down at the 'ada0er. E0en ho rs after death% the Asian#s fa'e radiated with a pin,ish g(ow of a re'ent s nb rn. The rest of him was a pa(e ye((ow//a(( e&'ept the sma(( area of p rp(ish br ising dire't(y o0er his heart. $robab(y from the :$R% Be',er m sed. Too bad it didn#t wor,. ;e went ba', to st dying the 'ada0er#s hands. They were (i,e nothing Be',er had e0er seen. Ea'h hand had on(y three digits% and they were twisted and as,ew. The disfig rement% howe0er% was not what Be',er was (oo,ing at. <-e((% I#(( be.< The (ie tenant gr nted from a'ross the room. <;e#s )apanese% not :hinese.< Be',er (oo,ed p. The offi'er was th mbing thro gh the dead man#s passport. <I#d rather yo didn#t (oo, at that%< Be',er re. ested. To 'h nothing. Read nothing. <Ensei Tan,ado... born )an ary//< <$(ease%< Be',er said po(ite(y. <$ t it ba',.< The offi'er stared at the passport a moment (onger and then tossed it ba', on the pi(e. <This g y#s got a '(ass/B 0isa. ;e 'o (d ha0e stayed here for years.< Be',er po,ed at the 0i'tim#s hand with a pen. <"aybe he (i0ed here.< <*ope. Date of entry was (ast wee,.< <"aybe he was mo0ing here%< Be',er offered ' rt(y. <+eah% maybe. :r mmy first wee,. S nstro,e and a heart atta',. $oor bastard.< Be',er ignored the offi'er and st died the hand. <+o #re positi0e he wasn#t wearing any >ewe(ry when he died=<

The offi'er (oo,ed p% start(ed. <)ewe(ry=< <+eah. Ta,e a (oo, at this.< The offi'er 'rossed the room. The s,in on Tan,ado#s (eft hand showed tra'es of s nb rn% e0erywhere e&'ept a narrow band of f(esh aro nd the sma((est finger. Be',er pointed to the strip of pa(e f(esh. <See how this isn#t s nb rned here= Loo,s (i,e he was wearing a ring.< The offi'er seemed s rprised. <A ring=< ;is 0oi'e so nded s dden(y perp(e&ed. ;e st died the 'orpse#s finger. Then he f( shed sheepish(y. <"y God.< ;e 'h ',(ed. <The story was tr e=< Be',er had a s dden sin,ing fee(ing. <I beg yo r pardon=< The offi'er shoo, his head in disbe(ief. <I wo (d ha0e mentioned it before... b t I tho ght the g y was n ts.< Be',er was not smi(ing. <-hat g y=< <The g y who phoned in the emergen'y. Some :anadian to rist. Hept ta(,ing abo t a ring. Babb(ing in the worst damn Spanish I e0er heard.< <;e said "r. Tan,ado was wearing a ring=< The offi'er nodded. ;e p ((ed o t a D 'ado 'igarette% eyed the no f mar sign% and (it p anyway. <G ess I sho (d ha0e said something% b t the g y so nded tota((y (o'o.< Be',er frowned. Strathmore#s words e'hoed in his ears. I want e0erything Ensei Tan,ado had with him. E0erything. Lea0e nothing. *ot e0en a tiny s'rap of paper. <-here is the ring now=< Be',er as,ed. The offi'er too, a p ff. <Long story.< Something to(d Be',er this was not good news. <Te(( me anyway.<

:;A$TER 5C

S san F(et'her sat at her 'omp ter termina( inside *ode B. *ode B was the 'ryptographers# pri0ate% so ndproofed 'hamber > st off the main f(oor. A two/in'h sheet of ' r0ed one/way g(ass ga0e the 'ryptographers a panorama of the :rypto f(oor whi(e prohibiting anyone e(se from seeing inside. At the ba', of the e&pansi0e *ode B 'hamber% twe(0e termina(s sat in a perfe't 'ir'(e. The ann (ar arrangement was intended to en'o rage inte((e't a( e&'hange between 'ryptographers% to remind them they were part of a (arger team//something (i,e a 'ode/brea,er#s Hnights of the Ro nd Tab(e. Ironi'a((y% se'rets were frowned on inside *ode B. *i',named the $(aypen% *ode B had none of the steri(e fee( of the rest of :rypto. It was designed to fee( (i,e home//p( sh 'arpets% high/te'h so nd system% f ((y sto',ed fridge% ,it'henette% a *erf bas,etba((

hoop. The *SA had a phi(osophy abo t :rypto! Don#t drop a 'o p(e bi((ion b ',s into a 'ode/brea,ing 'omp ter witho t enti'ing the best of the best to sti', aro nd and se it. S san s(ipped o t of her Sa(0atore Ferragamo f(ats and d g her sto',inged toes into the thi', pi(e 'arpet. -e((/paid go0ernment emp(oyees were en'o raged to refrain from (a0ish disp(ays of persona( wea(th. It was s a((y no prob(em for S san//she was perfe't(y happy with her modest d p(e&% 4o(0o sedan% and 'onser0ati0e wardrobe. B t shoes were another matter. E0en when S san was in 'o((ege% she#d b dgeted for the best. +o 'an#t > mp for the stars if yo r feet h rt% her a nt had on'e to(d her. And when yo get where yo #re going% yo darn we(( better (oo, great9 S san a((owed herse(f a ( & rio s stret'h and then sett(ed down to b siness. She p ((ed p her tra'er and prepared to 'onfig re it. She g(an'ed at the E/mai( address Strathmore had gi0en her. * The man 'a((ing himse(f *orth Da,ota had an anonymo s a''o nt% b t S san ,new it wo (d not remain anonymo s for (ong. The tra'er wo (d pass thro gh ARA% get forwarded to *orth Da,ota% and then send information ba', 'ontaining the man#s rea( Internet address. If a(( went we((% it wo (d (o'ate *orth Da,ota soon% and Strathmore 'o (d 'onfis'ate the pass/,ey. That wo (d (ea0e on(y Da0id. -hen he fo nd Tan,ado#s 'opy% both pass/,eys 'o (d be destroyed7 Tan,ado#s (itt(e time bomb wo (d be harm(ess% a dead(y e&p(osi0e witho t a detonator. S san do b(e/'he',ed the address on the sheet in front of her and entered the information in the 'orre't data fie(d. She 'h ',(ed that Strathmore had en'o ntered diffi' (ty sending the tra'er himse(f. Apparent(y he#d sent it twi'e% both times re'ei0ing Tan,ado#s address ba', rather than *orth Da,ota#s. It was a simp(e mista,e% S san tho ght7 Strathmore had probab(y inter'hanged the data fie(ds% and the tra'er had sear'hed for the wrong a''o nt. S san finished 'onfig ring her tra'er and . e ed it for re(ease. Then she hit ret rn. The 'omp ter beeped on'e. TRA:ER SE*T. *ow 'ame the waiting game. S san e&ha(ed. She fe(t g i(ty for ha0ing been hard on the 'ommander. If there was anyone . a(ified to hand(e this threat sing(e/handed% it was Tre0or Strathmore. ;e had an n'anny way of getting the best of a(( those who 'ha((enged him. Si& months ago% when the EFF bro,e a story that an *SA s bmarine was snooping nderwater te(ephone 'ab(es% Strathmore 'a(m(y (ea,ed a 'onf(i'ting story that the s bmarine was a't a((y i((ega((y b rying to&i' waste. The EFF and the o'eani' en0ironmenta(ists spent so m 'h time bi',ering o0er whi'h 0ersion was tr e% the media e0ent a((y tired of the story and mo0ed on. E0ery mo0e Strathmore made was meti' (o s(y p(anned. ;e depended hea0i(y on his 'omp ter when de0ising and re0ising his p(ans. Li,e many *SA emp(oyees% Strathmore sed *SA/de0e(oped software 'a((ed BrainStorm//a ris,/free way to 'arry o t <what/if< s'enarios in the safety of a 'omp ter. BrainStorm was an artifi'ia( inte((igen'e e&periment des'ribed by its de0e(opers as a :a se W Effe't Sim (ator. It origina((y had been intended for se in po(iti'a( 'ampaigns as a way to 'reate rea(/time mode(s of a gi0en <po(iti'a( en0ironment.< Fed by enormo s amo nts of data% the program 'reated a re(ationary web//a hypothesi8ed mode( of intera'tion between po(iti'a( 0ariab(es% in'( ding ' rrent prominent fig res% their staffs% their persona( ties to ea'h other% hot iss es% indi0id a(s# moti0ations

weighted by 0ariab(es (i,e se&% ethni'ity% money% and power. The ser 'o (d then enter any hypotheti'a( e0ent and BrainStorm wo (d predi't the e0ent#s effe't on <the en0ironment.< :ommander Strathmore wor,ed re(igio s(y with BrainStorm//not for po(iti'a( p rposes% b t as a TF" de0i'e7 Time/Line% F(ow'hart% W "apping software was a powerf ( too( for o t(ining 'omp(e& strategies and predi'ting wea,nesses. S san s spe'ted there were s'hemes hidden in Strathmore#s 'omp ter that someday wo (d 'hange the wor(d. +es% S san tho ght% I was too hard on him. ;er tho ghts were >arred by the hiss of the *ode B doors. Strathmore b rst in. <S san%< he said. <Da0id > st 'a((ed. There#s been a setba',.<

:;A$TER 5A

<A ring=< S san (oo,ed do btf (. <Tan,ado#s missing a ring=< <+es. -e#re ( ',y Da0id 'a ght it. It was a rea( heads/ p p(ay.< <B t yo #re after a pass/,ey% not >ewe(ry.< <I ,now%< Strathmore said% <b t I thin, they might be one and the same.< S san (oo,ed (ost. <It#s a (ong story.< She motioned to the tra'er on her s'reen. <I#m not going anywhere.< Strathmore sighed hea0i(y and began pa'ing. <Apparent(y% there were witnesses to Tan,ado#s death. A''ording to the offi'er at the morg e% a :anadian to rist 'a((ed the G ardia this morning in a pani'//he said a )apanese man was ha0ing a heart atta', in the par,. -hen the offi'er arri0ed% he fo nd Tan,ado dead and the :anadian there with him% so he radioed the paramedi's. -hi(e the paramedi's too, Tan,ado#s body to the morg e% the offi'er tried to get the :anadian to te(( him what happened. A(( the o(d g y did was babb(e abo t some ring Tan,ado had gi0en away right before he died.< S san eyed him s,epti'a((y. <Tan,ado ga0e away a ring=< <+eah. Apparent(y he for'ed it in this o(d g y#s fa'e//(i,e he was begging him to ta,e it. So nds (i,e the o(d g y got a '(ose (oo, at it.< Strathmore stopped pa'ing and t rned. <;e said the ring was engra0ed// with some sort of (ettering.< <Lettering=< <+es% and a''ording to him% it wasn#t Eng(ish.< Strathmore raised his eyebrows e&pe'tant(y. <)apanese=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <"y first tho ght too. B t get this//the :anadian 'omp(ained that the (etters didn#t spe(( anything. )apanese 'hara'ters 'o (d ne0er be 'onf sed with o r Roman (ettering. ;e said the engra0ing (oo,ed (i,e a 'at had gotten (oose on a typewriter.<

S san (a ghed. <:ommander% yo don#t rea((y thin,//< Strathmore ' t her off. <S san% it#s 'rysta( '(ear. Tan,ado engra0ed the Digita( Fortress pass/,ey on his ring. Go(d is d rab(e. -hether he#s s(eeping% showering% eating//the pass/,ey wo (d a(ways be with him% ready at a moment#s noti'e for instant p b(i'ation.< S san (oo,ed d bio s. <On his finger= In the open (i,e that=< <-hy not= Spain isn#t e&a't(y the en'ryption 'apita( of the wor(d. *obody wo (d ha0e any idea what the (etters meant. Besides% if the ,ey is a standard si&ty/fo r/bit//e0en in broad day(ight% nobody 'o (d possib(y read and memori8e a(( si&ty/fo r 'hara'ters.< S san (oo,ed perp(e&ed. <And Tan,ado ga0e this ring to a tota( stranger moments before he died= -hy=< Strathmore#s ga8e narrowed. <-hy do yo thin,=< It too, S san on(y a moment before it '(i',ed. ;er eyes widened. Strathmore nodded. <Tan,ado was trying to get rid of it. ;e tho ght we#d ,i((ed him. ;e fe(t himse(f dying and (ogi'a((y ass med we were responsib(e. The timing was too 'oin'identa(. ;e fig red we#d gotten to him% poison or something% a s(ow/a'ting 'ardia' arrestor. ;e ,new the on(y way we#d dare ,i(( him is if we#d fo nd *orth Da,ota.< S san fe(t a 'hi((. <Of 'o rse%< she whispered. <Tan,ado tho ght that we ne tra(i8ed his ins ran'e po(i'y so we 'o (d remo0e him too.< It was a(( 'oming '(ear to S san. The timing of the heart atta', was so fort nate for the *SA that Tan,ado had ass med the *SA was responsib(e. ;is fina( instin't was re0enge. Ensei ga0e away his ring as a (ast/dit'h effort to p b(ish the pass/,ey. *ow% in'redib(y% some ns spe'ting :anadian to rist he(d the ,ey to the most powerf ( en'ryption a(gorithm in history. S san s ',ed in a deep breath and as,ed the ine0itab(e . estion. <So where is the :anadian now=< Strathmore frowned. <That#s the prob(em.< <The offi'er doesn#t ,now where he is=< <*o. The :anadian#s story was so abs rd that the offi'er fig red he was either in sho', or seni(e. So he p t the o(d g y on the ba', of his motor'y'(e to ta,e him ba', to his hote(. B t the :anadian didn#t ,now eno gh to hang on7 he fe(( off before they#d gone three feet//'ra',ed his head and bro,e his wrist.< <-hat9< S san 'ho,ed. <The offi'er wanted to ta,e him to a hospita(% b t the :anadian was f rio s//said he#d wa(, ba', to :anada before he#d get on the motor'y'(e again. So a(( the offi'er 'o (d do was wa(, him to a sma(( p b(i' '(ini' near the par,. ;e (eft him there to get 'he',ed o t.< S san frowned. <I ass me there#s no need to as, where Da0id is headed.<

:;A$TER 5F

Da0id Be',er stepped o t onto the s'or'hing ti(e 'on'o rse of $(a8a de EspaXa. Before him% E( Ay nta

miento//the an'ient 'ity 'o n'i( b i(ding//rose from the trees on a three/a're bed of b( e and white a8 (e>o ti(es. Its Arabi' spires and 'ar0ed fa'ade ga0e the impression it had been intended more as a pa(a'e than a p b(i' offi'e. Despite its history of mi(itary 'o ps% fires% and p b(i' hangings% most to rists 0isited be'a se the (o'a( bro'h res p( gged it as the Eng(ish mi(itary head. arters in the fi(m Lawren'e of Arabia. It had been far 'heaper for :o( mbia $i't res to fi(m in Spain than in Egypt% and the "oorish inf( en'e on Se0i((e#s ar'hite't re was eno gh to 'on0in'e mo0iegoers they were (oo,ing at :airo. Be',er reset his Sei,o for (o'a( time! L!56 p.m.//sti(( afternoon by (o'a( standards7 a proper Spaniard ne0er ate dinner before s nset% and the (a8y Anda( sian s n se(dom s rrendered the s,ies before ten. E0en in the ear(y/e0ening heat% Be',er fo nd himse(f wa(,ing a'ross the par, at a bris, '(ip. Strathmore#s tone had so nded a (ot more rgent this time than it had that morning. ;is new orders (eft no room for misinterpretation! Find the :anadian% get the ring. Do whate0er is ne'essary% > st get that ring. Be',er wondered what 'o (d possib(y be so important abo t a ring with (ettering a(( o0er it. Strathmore hadn#t offered% and Be',er hadn#t as,ed. *SA% he tho ght. *e0er Say Anything. ??? On the other side of A0enida Isabe(a :atT(i'a% the '(ini' was '(ear(y 0isib(e//the ni0ersa( symbo( of a red 'ross in a white 'ir'(e painted on the roof. The G ardia offi'er had dropped the :anadian off ho rs ago. Bro,en wrist% b mped head//no do bt the patient had been treated and dis'harged by now. Be',er > st hoped the '(ini' had dis'harge information//a (o'a( hote( or phone n mber where the man 'o (d be rea'hed. -ith a (itt(e ( ',% Be',er fig red he 'o (d find the :anadian% get the ring% and be on his way home witho t any more 'omp(i'ations. Strathmore had to(d Be',er% <1se the ten tho sand 'ash to b y the ring if yo ha0e to. I#(( reimb rse yo .< <That#s not ne'essary%< Be',er had rep(ied. ;e#d intended to ret rn the money anyway. ;e hadn#t gone to Spain for money% he#d gone for S san. :ommander Tre0or Strathmore was S san#s mentor and g ardian. S san owed him a (ot7 a one/day errand was the (east Be',er 'o (d do. 1nfort nate(y% things this morning hadn#t gone . ite as Be',er had p(anned. ;e#d hoped to 'a(( S san from the p(ane and e&p(ain e0erything. ;e 'onsidered ha0ing the pi(ot radio Strathmore so he 'o (d pass a(ong a message b t was hesitant to in0o(0e the dep ty dire'tor in his romanti' prob(ems. Three times Be',er had tried to 'a(( S san himse(f//first from a def n't 'e(( (ar on board the >et% ne&t from a pay phone at the airport% then again from the morg e. S san was not in. Da0id wondered where she 'o (d be. ;e#d gotten her answering ma'hine b t had not (eft a message7 what he wanted to say was not a message for an answering ma'hine. As he approa'hed the road% he spotted a phone booth near the par, entran'e. ;e >ogged o0er% snat'hed p the re'ei0er% and sed his phone 'ard to p(a'e the 'a((. There was a (ong pa se as the n mber 'onne'ted. Fina((y it began to ring. :ome on. Be there. After fi0e rings the 'a(( 'onne'ted. <;i. This is S san F(et'her. Sorry I#m not in right now% b t if yo (ea0e yo r name...< Be',er (istened to the message. -here is she= By now S san wo (d be pani',ed. ;e wondered if maybe she#d gone to Stone "anor witho t him. There was a beep. <;i. It#s Da0id.< ;e pa sed% ns re what to say. One of the things he hated abo t answering ma'hines was that if yo stopped to thin,% they ' t yo off. <Sorry I didn#t 'a((%< he b( rted > st in time. ;e

wondered if he sho (d te(( her what was going on. ;e tho ght better of it. <:a(( :ommander Strathmore. ;e#(( e&p(ain e0erything.< Be',er#s heart was po nding. This is abs rd% he tho ght. <I (o0e yo %< he added . i',(y and h ng p. Be',er waited for some traffi' to pass on A0enida Borbo((a. ;e tho ght abo t how S san ndo bted(y wo (d ha0e ass med the worst7 it was n(i,e him not to 'a(( when he#d promised to. Be',er stepped o t onto the fo r/(ane bo (e0ard. <In and o t%< he whispered to himse(f. <In and o t.< ;e was too preo'' pied to see the man in wire/rim g(asses wat'hing from a'ross the street.

:;A$TER 5K

Standing before the h ge p(ate/g(ass window in his To,yo s,yrise% * mata,a too, a (ong p (( on his 'igar and smi(ed to himse(f. ;e 'o (d s'ar'e(y be(ie0e his good fort ne. ;e had spo,en to the Ameri'an again% and if a(( was going a''ording to the timetab(e% Ensei Tan,ado had been e(iminated by now% and his 'opy of the pass/,ey had been 'onfis'ated. It was ironi'% * mata,a tho ght% that he himse(f wo (d end p with Ensei Tan,ado#s pass/,ey. To, gen * mata,a had met Tan,ado on'e many years ago. The yo ng programmer had 'ome to * mate'h :orp. fresh o t of 'o((ege% sear'hing for a >ob. * mata,a had denied him. There was no . estion that Tan,ado was bri((iant% b t at the time there were other 'onsiderations. A(tho gh )apan was 'hanging% * mata,a had been trained in the o(d s'hoo(7 he (i0ed by the 'ode of menbo,o//honor and fa'e. Imperfe'tion was not to be to(erated. If he hired a 'ripp(e% he wo (d bring shame on his 'ompany. ;e had disposed of Tan,ado#s rPs mP witho t a g(an'e. * mata,a 'he',ed his wat'h again. The Ameri'an% *orth Da,ota% sho (d ha0e 'a((ed by now. * mata,a fe(t a tinge of ner0o sness. ;e hoped nothing was wrong. If the pass/,eys were as good as promised% they wo (d n(o', the most so ght/after prod 't of the 'omp ter age//a tota((y in0 (nerab(e digita( en'ryption a(gorithm. * mata,a 'o (d embed the a(gorithm in tamper/proof% spray/sea(ed 4SLI 'hips and mass mar,et them to wor(d 'omp ter man fa't rers% go0ernments% ind stries% and perhaps% e0en the dar,er mar,ets... the b(a', mar,et of wor(d terrorists. * mata,a smi(ed. It appeared% as s a(% that he had fo nd fa0or with the shi'higosan//the se0en deities of good ( ',. * mate'h :orp. was abo t to 'ontro( the on(y 'opy of Digita( Fortress that wo (d e0er e&ist. Twenty mi((ion do((ars was a (ot of money//b t 'onsidering the prod 't% it was the stea( of the 'ent ry.

:;A$TER 5L

<-hat if someone e(se is (oo,ing for the ring=< S san as,ed% s dden(y ner0o s. <:o (d Da0id be in danger=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <*obody e(se ,nows the ring e&ists. That#s why I sent Da0id. I wanted to ,eep it that way. : rio s spoo,s don#t s a((y tai( Spanish tea'hers.< <;e#s a professor%< S san 'orre'ted% immediate(y regretting the '(arifi'ation. E0ery now and again S san got the fee(ing Da0id wasn#t good eno gh for the 'ommander% that he tho ght somehow she 'o (d do better than a s'hoo(tea'her.

<:ommander%< she said% mo0ing on% <if yo briefed Da0id by 'ar phone this morning% someone 'o (d ha0e inter'epted the//< <One/in/a/mi((ion shot%< Strathmore interr pted% his tone reass ring. <Any ea0esdropper had to be in the immediate 0i'inity and ,now e&a't(y what to (isten for.< ;e p t his hand on her sho (der. <I wo (d ne0er ha0e sent Da0id if I tho ght it was dangero s.< ;e smi(ed. <Tr st me. Any sign of tro b(e% and I#(( send in the pros.< Strathmore#s words were p n't ated by the s dden so nd of someone po nding on the *ode B g(ass. S san and Strathmore t rned. Sys/Se' $hi( :hartr ,ian had his fa'e pressed against the pane and was po nding fier'e(y% straining to see thro gh. -hate0er he was e&'ited(y mo thing was not a dib(e thro gh the so ndproofed g(ass. ;e (oo,ed (i,e he#d seen a ghost. <-hat the he(( is :hartr ,ian doing here=< Strathmore grow(ed. <;e#s not on d ty today.< <Loo,s (i,e tro b(e%< S san said. <;e probab(y saw the R n/"onitor.< <Goddamn it9< the 'ommander hissed. <I spe'ifi'a((y 'a((ed the s'hed (ed Sys/Se' (ast night and to(d him not to 'ome in9< S san was not s rprised. :an'e(ing a Sys/Se' d ty was irreg (ar% b t Strathmore ndo bted(y had wanted pri0a'y in the dome. The (ast thing he needed was some paranoid Sys/Se' b(owing the (id off Digita( Fortress. <-e better abort TRA*SLTR%< S san said. <-e 'an reset the R n/"onitor and te(( $hi( he was seeing things.< Strathmore appeared to 'onsider it% then shoo, his head. <*ot yet. TRA*SLTR is fifteen ho rs into this atta',. I want to r n it a f (( twenty/fo r//> st to be s re.< This made sense to S san. Digita( Fortress was the first e0er se of a rotating '(earte&t f n'tion. "aybe Tan,ado had o0er(oo,ed something7 maybe TRA*SLTR wo (d brea, it after twenty/fo r ho rs. Somehow S san do bted it. <TRA*SLTR ,eeps r nning%< Strathmore reso(0ed. <I need to ,now for s re this a(gorithm is nto 'hab(e.< :hartr ,ian 'ontin ed po nding on the pane. <;ere goes nothing.< Strathmore groaned. <Ba', me p.< The 'ommander too, a deep breath and then strode to the s(iding g(ass doors. The press re p(ate on the f(oor a'ti0ated% and the doors hissed open. :hartr ,ian pra'ti'a((y fe(( into the room. <:ommander% sir. I... I#m sorry to bother yo % b t the R n/ "onitor... I ran a 0ir s probe and//< <$hi(% $hi(% $hi(%< the 'ommander g shed p(easant(y as he p t a reass ring hand on :hartr ,ian#s sho (der. <S(ow down. -hat seems to be the prob(em=< From the easygoing tone in Strathmore#s 0oi'e% nobody wo (d e0er ha0e g essed his wor(d was fa((ing in aro nd him. ;e stepped aside and shered :hartr ,ian into the sa'red wa((s of *ode B. The Sys/Se' stepped o0er the thresho(d hesitant(y% (i,e a we((/trained dog that ,new better.

From the p 88(ed (oo, on :hartr ,ian#s fa'e% it was ob0io s he#d ne0er seen the inside of this p(a'e. -hate0er had been the so r'e of his pani' was momentari(y forgotten. ;e s r0eyed the p( sh interior% the (ine of pri0ate termina(s% the 'o 'hes% the boo,she(0es% the soft (ighting. -hen his ga8e fe(( on the reigning . een of :rypto% S san F(et'her% he . i',(y (oo,ed away. S san intimidated the he(( o t of him. ;er mind wor,ed on a different p(ane. She was nsett(ing(y bea tif (% and his words a(ways seemed to get > mb(ed aro nd her. S san#s nass ming air made it e0en worse. <-hat seems to be the prob(em% $hi(=< Strathmore said% opening the refrigerator. <Drin,=< <*o% ah//no% than, yo % sir.< ;e seemed tong e/tied% not s re he was tr (y we('ome. <Sir... I thin, there#s a prob(em with TRA*SLTR.< Strathmore '(osed the refrigerator and (oo,ed at :hartr ,ian 'as a((y. <+o mean the R n/"onitor=< :hartr ,ian (oo,ed sho',ed. <+o mean yo #0e seen it=< <S re. It#s r nning at abo t si&teen ho rs% if I#m not mista,en.< :hartr ,ian seemed p 88(ed. <+es% sir% si&teen ho rs. B t that#s not a((% sir. I ran a 0ir s probe% and it#s t rning p some pretty strange st ff.< <Rea((y=< Strathmore seemed n'on'erned. <-hat ,ind of st ff=< S san wat'hed% impressed with the 'ommander#s performan'e. :hartr ,ian st mb(ed on. <TRA*SLTR#s pro'essing something 0ery ad0an'ed. The fi(ters ha0e ne0er seen anything (i,e it. I#m afraid TRA*SLTR may ha0e some sort of 0ir s.< <A 0ir s=< Strathmore 'h ',(ed with > st a hint of 'ondes'ension. <$hi(% I appre'iate yo r 'on'ern% I rea((y do. B t "s. F(et'her and I are r nning a new diagnosti'% some 0ery ad0an'ed st ff. I wo (d ha0e a(erted yo to it% b t I wasn#t aware yo were on d ty today.< The Sys/Se' did his best to 'o0er gra'ef ((y. <I swit'hed with the new g y. I too, his wee,end shift.< Strathmore#s eyes narrowed. <That#s odd. I spo,e to him (ast night. I to(d him not to 'ome in. ;e said nothing abo t swit'hing shifts.< :hartr ,ian fe(t a ,not rise in his throat. There was a tense si(en'e. <-e((.< Strathmore fina((y sighed. <So nds (i,e an nfort nate mi&/ p.< ;e p t a hand on the Sys/Se'#s sho (der and (ed him toward the door. <The good news is yo don#t ha0e to stay. "s. F(et'her and I wi(( be here a(( day. -e#(( ho(d the fort. +o > st en>oy yo r wee,end.< :hartr ,ian was hesitant. <:ommander% I rea((y thin, we sho (d 'he', the//< <$hi(%< Strathmore repeated a (itt(e more stern(y% <TRA*SLTR is fine. If yo r probe saw something strange% it#s be'a se we p t it there. *ow if yo don#t mind...< Strathmore trai(ed off% and the Sys/Se' nderstood. ;is time was p. ??? <A diagnosti'% my ass9< :hartr ,ian m ttered as he f med ba', into the Sys/Se' (ab. <-hat ,ind of (ooping f n'tion ,eeps three mi((ion pro'essors b sy for si&teen ho rs=< :hartr ,ian wondered if he sho (d 'a(( the Sys/Se' s per0isor. Goddamn 'ryptographers% he tho ght. They > st don#t nderstand se' rity9

The oath :hartr ,ian had ta,en when he >oined Sys/Se' began r nning thro gh his head. ;e had sworn to se his e&pertise% training% and instin't to prote't the *SA#s m (tibi((ion/do((ar in0estment. <Instin't%< he said defiant(y. It doesn#t ta,e a psy'hi' to ,now this isn#t any goddamn diagnosti'9 Defiant(y% :hartr ,ian strode o0er to the termina( and fired p TRA*SLTR#s 'omp(ete array of system assessment software. <+o r baby#s in tro b(e% :ommander%< he gr mb(ed. <+o don#t tr st instin't= I#(( get yo proof9<

:;A$TER @6

La :(Vni'a de Sa( d $Yb(i'a was a't a((y a 'on0erted e(ementary s'hoo( and didn#t m 'h resemb(e a hospita( at a((. It was a (ong% one/story bri', b i(ding with h ge windows and a r sted swing set o t ba',. Be',er headed p the 'r mb(ing steps. Inside% it was dar, and noisy. The waiting room was a (ine of fo(ding meta( 'hairs that ran the entire (ength of a (ong narrow 'orridor. A 'ardboard sign on a sawhorse read ofi'ina with an arrow pointing down the ha((. Be',er wa(,ed the dim(y (it 'orridor. It was (i,e some sort of eerie set 'on> red p for a ;o((ywood horror f(i',. The air sme((ed of rine. The (ights at the far end were b(own o t% and the (ast forty or fifty feet re0ea(ed nothing b t m ted si(ho ettes. A b(eeding woman... a yo ng 'o p(e 'rying... a (itt(e gir( praying... Be',er rea'hed the end of the dar,ened ha((. The door to his (eft was s(ight(y a>ar% and he p shed it open. It was entire(y empty e&'ept for an o(d% withered woman na,ed on a 'ot str gg(ing with her bedpan. Lo0e(y. Be',er groaned. ;e '(osed the door. -here the he(( is the offi'e= Aro nd a sma(( dog/(eg in the ha((% Be',er heard 0oi'es. ;e fo((owed the so nd and arri0ed at a trans( 'ent g(ass door that so nded as if a braw( were going on behind it. Re( 'tant(y% Be',er p shed the door open. The offi'e. "ayhem. ) st as he#d feared. The (ine was abo t ten peop(e deep% e0eryone p shing and sho ting. Spain was not ,nown for its effi'ien'y% and Be',er ,new he 'o (d be there a(( night waiting for dis'harge info on the :anadian. There was on(y one se'retary behind the des,% and she was fending off disgr nt(ed patients. Be',er stood in the doorway a moment and pondered his options. There was a better way. <:on permiso9< an order(y sho ted. A fast/ro((ing g rney sai(ed by. Be',er sp n o t of the way and 'a((ed after the order(y. <SDTnde estU e( te(Pfono=< -itho t brea,ing stride% the man pointed to a set of do b(e doors and disappeared aro nd the 'orner. Be',er wa(,ed o0er to the doors and p shed his way thro gh. The room before him was enormo s//an o(d gymnasi m. The f(oor was a pa(e green and seemed to swim in and o t of fo' s nder the h m of the f( ores'ent (ights. On the wa((% a bas,etba(( hoop h ng (imp(y from its ba',board. S'attered a'ross the f(oor were a few do8en patients on (ow 'ots. In the far 'orner% > st beneath a b rned/o t s'oreboard% was an o(d pay phone. Be',er hoped it wor,ed. As he strode a'ross the f(oor% he f mb(ed in his po',et for a 'oin. ;e fo nd FC pesetas in 'in'o/d ros 'oins% 'hange from the ta&i//> st eno gh for two (o'a( 'a((s. ;e smi(ed po(ite(y to an e&iting n rse and

made his way to the phone. S'ooping p the re'ei0er% Be',er dia(ed Dire'tory Assistan'e. Thirty se'onds (ater he had the n mber for the '(ini'#s main offi'e. Regard(ess of the 'o ntry% it seemed there was one ni0ersa( tr th when it 'ame to offi'es! *obody 'o (d stand the so nd of an nanswered phone. It didn#t matter how many ' stomers were waiting to be he(ped% the se'retary wo (d a(ways drop what she was doing to pi', p the phone. Be',er p n'hed the si&/digit e&'hange. In a moment he#d ha0e the '(ini'#s offi'e. There wo (d ndo bted(y be on(y one :anadian admitted today with a bro,en wrist and a 'on' ssion7 his fi(e wo (d be easy to find. Be',er ,new the offi'e wo (d be hesitant to gi0e o t the man#s name and dis'harge address to a tota( stranger% b t he had a p(an. The phone began to ring. Be',er g essed fi0e rings was a(( it wo (d ta,e. It too, nineteen. <:(Vni'a de Sa( d $Yb(i'a%< bar,ed the franti' se'retary. Be',er spo,e in Spanish with a thi', Fran'o/Ameri'an a''ent. <This is Da0id Be',er. I#m with the :anadian Embassy. One of o r 'iti8ens was treated by yo today. I#d (i,e his information s 'h that the embassy 'an arrange to pay his fees.< <Fine%< the woman said. <I#(( send it to the embassy on "onday.< <A't a((y%< Be',er pressed% <it#s important I get it immediate(y.< <Impossib(e%< the woman snapped. <-e#re 0ery b sy.< Be',er so nded as offi'ia( as possib(e. <It is an rgent matter. The man had a bro,en wrist and a head in> ry. ;e was treated sometime this morning. ;is fi(e sho (d be right on top.< Be',er thi',ened the a''ent in his Spanish//> st '(ear eno gh to 'on0ey his needs% > st 'onf sing eno gh to be e&asperating. $eop(e had a way of bending the r (es when they were e&asperated. Instead of bending the r (es% howe0er% the woman ' rsed se(f/important *orth Ameri'ans and s(ammed down the phone. Be',er frowned and h ng p. Stri,eo t. The tho ght of waiting ho rs in (ine didn#t thri(( him7 the '(o', was ti',ing//the o(d :anadian 'o (d be anywhere by now. "aybe he had de'ided to go ba', to :anada. "aybe he wo (d se(( the ring. Be',er didn#t ha0e ho rs to wait in (ine. -ith renewed determination% Be',er snat'hed p the re'ei0er and redia(ed. ;e pressed the phone to his ear and (eaned ba', against the wa((. It began to ring. Be',er ga8ed o t into the room. One ring... two rings... three// A s dden s rge of adrena(ine 'o rsed thro gh his body. Be',er whee(ed and s(ammed the re'ei0er ba', down into its 'rad(e. Then he t rned and stared ba', into the room in st nned si(en'e. There on a 'ot% dire't(y in front of him% propped p on a pi(e of o(d pi((ows% (ay an e(der(y man with a '(ean white 'ast on his right wrist.

:;A$TER @5

The Ameri'an on To, gen * mata,a#s pri0ate (ine so nded an&io s. <"r. * mata,a//I on(y ha0e a moment.<

<Fine. I tr st yo ha0e both pass/,eys.< <There wi(( be a sma(( de(ay%< the Ameri'an answered. <1na''eptab(e%< * mata,a hissed. <+o said I wo (d ha0e them by the end of today9< <There is one (oose end.< <Is Tan,ado dead=< <+es%< the 0oi'e said. <"y man ,i((ed "r. Tan,ado% b t he fai(ed to get the pass/,ey. Tan,ado ga0e it away before he died. To a to rist.< <O trageo s9< * mata,a be((owed. <Then how 'an yo promise me e&'( si0e//< <Re(a&%< the Ameri'an soothed. <+o wi(( ha0e e&'( si0e rights. That is my g arantee. As soon as the missing pass/,ey is fo nd% Digita( Fortress wi(( be yo rs.< <B t the pass/,ey 'o (d be 'opied9< <Anyone who has seen the ,ey wi(( be e(iminated.< There was a (ong si(en'e. Fina((y * mata,a spo,e. <-here is the ,ey now=< <A(( yo need to ,now is that it wi(( be fo nd.< <;ow 'an yo be so 'ertain=< <Be'a se I am not the on(y one (oo,ing for it. Ameri'an Inte((igen'e has 'a ght wind of the missing ,ey. For ob0io s reasons they wo (d (i,e to pre0ent the re(ease of Digita( Fortress. They ha0e sent a man to (o'ate the ,ey. ;is name is Da0id Be',er.< <;ow do yo ,now this=< <That is irre(e0ant.< * mata,a pa sed. <And if "r. Be',er (o'ates the ,ey=< <"y man wi(( ta,e it from him.< <And after that=< <+o needn#t be 'on'erned%< the Ameri'an said 'o(d(y. <-hen "r. Be',er finds the ,ey% he wi(( be proper(y rewarded.<

:;A$TER @@

Da0id Be',er strode o0er and stared down at the o(d man as(eep on the 'ot. The man#s right wrist was wrapped in a 'ast. ;e was between si&ty and se0enty years o(d. ;is snow/white hair was parted neat(y to the side% and in the 'enter of his forehead was a deep p rp(e we(t that spread down into his right eye. A (itt(e b mp= he tho ght% re'a((ing the (ie tenant#s words. Be',er 'he',ed the man#s fingers. There was

no go(d ring anywhere. Be',er rea'hed down and to 'hed the man#s arm. <Sir=< ;e shoo, him (ight(y. <E&' se me... sir=< The man didn#t mo0e. Be',er tried again% a (itt(e (o der. <Sir=< The man stirred. <G #est/'e... . e((e he re est//< ;e s(ow(y opened his eyes and fo' sed on Be',er. ;e s'ow(ed at ha0ing been dist rbed. <G #est/'e/. e 0o s 0o (e8=< +es% Be',er tho ght% a Fren'h :anadian9 Be',er smi(ed down at him. <Do yo ha0e a moment=< A(tho gh Be',er#s Fren'h was perfe't% he spo,e in what he hoped wo (d be the man#s wea,er (ang age% Eng(ish. :on0in'ing a tota( stranger to hand o0er a go(d ring might be a (itt(e tri',y7 Be',er fig red he 'o (d se any edge he 'o (d get. There was a (ong si(en'e as the man got his bearings. ;e s r0eyed his s rro ndings and (ifted a (ong finger to smooth his (imp white m sta'he. Fina((y he spo,e. <-hat do yo want=< ;is Eng(ish 'arried a thin% nasa( a''ent. <Sir%< Be',er said% o0er prono n'ing his words as if spea,ing to a deaf person% <I need to as, yo a few . estions.< The man g(ared p at him with a strange (oo, on his fa'e. <Do yo ha0e some sort of prob(em=< Be',er frowned7 the man#s Eng(ish was impe''ab(e. ;e immediate(y (ost the 'ondes'ending tone. <I#m sorry to bother yo % sir% b t were yo by any 'han'e at the $(a8a de EspaXa today=< The o(d man#s eyes narrowed. <Are yo from the :ity :o n'i(=< <*o% a't a((y I#m//< <B rea of To rism=< <*o% I#m//< <Loo,% I ,now why yo #re here9< The o(d man str gg(ed to sit p. <I#m not going to be intimidated9 If I#0e said it on'e% I#0e said it a tho sand times//$ierre :(o 'harde writes the wor(d the way he (i0es the wor(d. Some of yo r 'orporate g ideboo,s might sweep this nder the tab(e for a free night on the town% b t the "ontrea( Times is not for hire9 I ref se9< <I#m sorry% sir. I don#t thin, yo nder//<

<"erde a(ors9 I nderstand perfe't(y9< ;e wagged a bony finger at Be',er% and his 0oi'e e'hoed thro gh the gymnasi m. <+o #re not the first9 They tried the same thing at the "o (in Ro ge% Brown#s $a(a'e% and the Go(figno in Lagos9 B t what went to press= The tr th9 The worst -e((ington I#0e e0er eaten9 The fi(thiest t b I#0e e0er seen9 And the ro',iest bea'h I#0e e0er wa(,ed9 "y readers e&pe't no (ess9< $atients on nearby 'ots began sitting p to see what was going on. Be',er (oo,ed aro nd ner0o s(y for a n rse. The (ast thing he needed was to get ,i',ed o t. :(o 'harde was raging. <That miserab(e e&' se for a po(i'e offi'er wor,s for yo r 'ity9 ;e made me get on his motor'y'(e9 Loo, at me9< ;e tried to (ift his wrist. <*ow who#s going to write my 'o( mn=< <Sir% I//<

<I#0e ne0er been so n'omfortab(e in my forty/three years of tra0e(9 Loo, at this p(a'e9 +o ,now% my 'o( mn is syndi'ated in o0er//< <Sir9< Be',er he(d p both hands rgent(y signa(ing tr 'e. <I#m not interested in yo r 'o( mn7 I#m from the :anadian :ons (ate. I#m here to ma,e s re yo #re o,ay9< S dden(y there was a dead . iet in the gymnasi m. The o(d man (oo,ed p from his bed and eyed the intr der s spi'io s(y. Be',er 0ent red on in a(most a whisper. <I#m here to see if there#s anything I 'an do to he(p.< Li,e bring yo a 'o p(e of 4a(i m. After a (ong pa se% the :anadian spo,e. <The 'ons (ate=< ;is tone softened 'onsiderab(y. Be',er nodded. <So% yo #re not here abo t my 'o( mn=< <*o% sir.< It was as if a giant b bb(e had b rst for $ierre :(o 'harde. ;e sett(ed s(ow(y ba', down onto his mo nd of pi((ows. ;e (oo,ed heartbro,en. <I tho ght yo were from the 'ity... trying to get me to...< ;e faded off and then (oo,ed p. <If it#s not abo t my 'o( mn% then why are yo here=< It was a good . estion% Be',er tho ght% pi't ring the Smo,y "o ntains. <) st an informa( dip(omati' 'o rtesy%< he (ied. The man (oo,ed s rprised. <A dip(omati' 'o rtesy=< <+es% sir. As I#m s re a man of yo r stat re is we(( aware% the :anadian go0ernment wor,s hard to prote't its 'o ntrymen from the indignities s ffered in these% er//sha(( we say//(ess refined 'o ntries.< :(o 'harde#s thin (ips parted in a ,nowing smi(e. <B t of 'o rse... how p(easant.< <+o are a :anadian 'iti8en% aren#t yo =< <+es% of 'o rse. ;ow si((y of me. $(ease forgi0e me. Someone in my position is often approa'hed with... we((... yo nderstand.< <+es% "r. :(o 'harde% I 'ertain(y do. The pri'e one pays for 'e(ebrity.< <Indeed.< :(o 'harde (et o t a tragi' sigh. ;e was an nwi((ing martyr to(erating the masses. <:an yo be(ie0e this hideo s p(a'e=< ;e ro((ed his eyes at the bi8arre s rro ndings. <It#s a mo',ery. And they#0e de'ided to ,eep me o0ernight.< Be',er (oo,ed aro nd. <I ,now. It#s terrib(e. I#m sorry it too, me so (ong to get here.< :(o 'harde (oo,ed 'onf sed. <I wasn#t e0en aware yo were 'oming.< Be',er 'hanged the s b>e't. <Loo,s (i,e a nasty b mp on yo r head. Does it h rt=< <*o% not rea((y. I too, a spi(( this morning//the pri'e one pays for being a good Samaritan. The wrist is the thing that#s h rting me. St pid G ardia. I mean% rea((y9 $ tting a man of my age on a motor'y'(e. It#s reprehensib(e.< <Is there anything I 'an get for yo =<

:(o 'harde tho ght a moment% en>oying the attention. <-e((% a't a((y...< ;e stret'hed his ne', and ti(ted his head (eft and right. <I 'o (d se another pi((ow if it#s not too m 'h tro b(e.< <*ot at a((.< Be',er grabbed a pi((ow off a nearby 'ot and he(ped :(o 'harde get 'omfortab(e. The o(d man sighed 'ontented(y. <" 'h better... than, yo .< <$as d to t%< Be',er rep(ied. <Ah9< The man smi(ed warm(y. <So yo do spea, the (ang age of the 'i0i(i8ed wor(d.< <That#s abo t the e&tent of it%< Be',er said sheepish(y. <*ot a prob(em%< :(o 'harde de'(ared pro d(y. <"y 'o( mn is syndi'ated in the 1.S.7 my Eng(ish is first rate.< <So I#0e heard.< Be',er smi(ed. ;e sat down on the edge of :(o 'harde#s 'ot. <*ow% if yo don#t mind my as,ing% "r. :(o 'harde% why wo (d a man s 'h as yo rse(f 'ome to a p(a'e (i,e this= There are far better hospita(s in Se0i((e.< :(o 'harde (oo,ed angry. <That po(i'e offi'er... he b ',ed me off his motor'y'(e and then (eft me b(eeding in the street (i,e a st ', pig. I had to wa(, o0er here.< <;e didn#t offer to ta,e yo to a better fa'i(ity=< <On that godawf ( bi,e of his= *o than,s9< <-hat e&a't(y happened this morning=< <I to(d it a(( to the (ie tenant.< <I#0e spo,en to the offi'er and//< <I hope yo reprimanded him9< :(o 'harde interr pted. Be',er nodded. <In the se0erest terms. "y offi'e wi(( be fo((owing p.< <I sho (d hope so.< <"onsie r :(o 'harde.< Be',er smi(ed% p ((ing a pen o t of his >a',et po',et. <I#d (i,e to ma,e a forma( 'omp(aint to the 'ity. -o (d yo he(p= A man of yo r rep tation wo (d be a 0a( ab(e witness.< :(o 'harde (oo,ed b oyed by the prospe't of being . oted. ;e sat p. <-hy% yes... of 'o rse. It wo (d be my p(eas re.< Be',er too, o t a sma(( note pad and (oo,ed p. <O,ay% (et#s start with this morning. Te(( me abo t the a''ident.< The o(d man sighed. <It was sad rea((y. The poor Asian fe((ow > st 'o((apsed. I tried to he(p him//b t it was no se.< <+o ga0e him :$R=< :(o 'harde (oo,ed ashamed. <I#m afraid I don#t ,now how. I 'a((ed an amb (an'e.< Be',er remembered the b( ish br ises on Tan,ado#s 'hest. <Did the paramedi's administer :$R=<

<;ea0ens% no9< :(o 'harde (a ghed. <*o reason to whip a dead horse//the fe((ow was (ong gone by the time the amb (an'e got there. They 'he',ed his p (se and 'arted him off% (ea0ing me with that horrifi' po(i'eman.< That#s strange% Be',er tho ght% wondering where the br ise had 'ome from. ;e p shed it from his mind and got to the matter at hand. <-hat abo t the ring=< he said as non'ha(ant(y as possib(e. :(o 'harde (oo,ed s rprised. <The (ie tenant to(d yo abo t the ring=< <+es% he did.< :(o 'harde seemed ama8ed. <Rea((y= I didn#t thin, he be(ie0ed my story. ;e was so r de//as if he tho ght I were (ying. B t my story was a'' rate% of 'o rse. I pride myse(f on a'' ra'y.< <-here is the ring=< Be',er pressed. :(o 'harde didn#t seem to hear. ;e was g(assy/eyed% staring into spa'e. <Strange pie'e rea((y% a(( those (etters//(oo,ed (i,e no (ang age I#d e0er seen.< <)apanese% maybe=< Be',er offered. <Definite(y not.< <So yo got a good (oo, at it=< <;ea0ens% yes9 -hen I ,ne(t down to he(p% the man ,ept p shing his fingers in my fa'e. ;e wanted to gi0e me the ring. It was most bi8arre% horrib(e rea((y//his hands were . ite dreadf (.< <And that#s when yo too, the ring=< :(o 'harde went wide/eyed. <That#s what the offi'er to(d yo 9 That I too, the ring=< Be',er shifted neasi(y. :(o 'harde e&p(oded. <I ,new he wasn#t (istening9 That#s how r mors get started9 I to(d him the )ap fe((ow ga0e away the ring//b t not to me9 There#s no way I wo (d ta,e anything from a dying man9 "y hea0ens9 The tho ght of it9< Be',er sensed tro b(e. <So yo don#t ha0e the ring=< <;ea0ens% no9< A d (( a'he 'rept thro gh the pit of his stoma'h. <Then who has it=< :(o 'harde g(ared at Be',er indignant(y. <The German9 The German has it9< Be',er fe(t (i,e the f(oor had been p ((ed o t from nder him. <German= -hat German=< <The German in the par,9 I to(d the offi'er abo t him9 I ref sed the ring b t the fas'ist swine a''epted it9< Be',er set down his pen and paper. The 'harade was o0er. This was tro b(e. <So a German has the ring=< <Indeed.< <-here did he go=<

<*o idea. I ran to 'a(( the po(i'e. -hen I got ba',% he was gone.< <Do yo ,now who he was=< <Some to rist.< <Are yo s re=< <"y (ife is to rists%< :(o 'harde snapped. <I ,now one when I see one. ;e and his (ady friend were o t stro((ing the par,.< Be',er was more and more 'onf sed e0ery moment. <Lady friend= There was somebody with the German=< :(o 'harde nodded. <An es'ort. Gorgeo s redhead. "on Die 9 Bea tif (.< <An es'ort=< Be',er was st nned. <As in... a prostit te=< :(o 'harde grima'ed. <+es% if yo m st se the 0 (gar term.< <B t... the offi'er said nothing abo t//< <Of 'o rse not9 I ne0er mentioned the es'ort.< :(o 'harde dismissed Be',er with a patroni8ing wa0e of his good hand. <They aren#t 'rimina(s//it#s abs rd that they#re harassed (i,e 'ommon thie0es.< Be',er was sti(( in a mi(d state of sho',. <-as there anyone e(se there=< <*o% > st the three of s. It was hot.< <And yo #re positi0e the woman was a prostit te=< <Abso( te(y. *o woman that bea tif ( wo (d be with a man(i,e that n(ess she were we(( paid9 "on Die 9 ;e was fat% fat% fat9 A (o dmo thed% o0erweight% obno&io s German9< :(o 'harde win'ed momentari(y as he shifted his weight% b t he ignored the pain and p(owed on. <This man was a beast// three h ndred po nds at (east. ;e (o',ed onto that poor dear (i,e she was abo t to r n away//not that I#d b(ame her. I mean rea((y9 ;ands a(( o0er her. Bragged that he had her a(( wee,end for three h ndred do((ars9 ;e#s the one who sho (d ha0e dropped dead% not that poor Asian fe((ow.< :(o 'harde 'ame p for air% and Be',er > mped in. <Did yo get his name=< :(o 'harde tho ght for a moment and then shoo, his head. <*o idea.< ;e win'ed in pain again and sett(ed s(ow(y ba', into his pi((ows. Be',er sighed. The ring had > st e0aporated before his eyes. :ommander Strathmore was not going to be happy. :(o 'harde dabbed at his forehead. ;is b rst of enth siasm had ta,en its to((. ;e s dden(y (oo,ed i((. Be',er tried another approa'h. <"r. :(o 'harde% I#d (i,e to get a statement from the German and his es'ort as we((. Do yo ha0e any idea where they#re staying=< :(o 'harde '(osed his eyes% his strength fading. ;is breathing grew sha((ow. <Anything at a((=< Be',er pressed. <The es'ort#s name=

There was a (ong si(en'e. :(o 'harde r bbed his right temp(e. ;e was s dden(y (oo,ing pa(e. <-e((... ah... no. I don#t be(ie0e...< ;is 0oi'e was sha,y. Be',er (eaned toward him. <Are yo a(( right=< :(o 'harde nodded (ight(y. <+es% fine... > st a (itt(e... the e&'itement maybe...< ;e trai(ed off. <Thin,% "r. :(o 'harde.< Be',er rged . iet(y. <It#s important.< :(o 'harde win'ed. <I don#t ,now... the woman... the man ,ept 'a((ing her...< ;e '(osed his eyes and groaned. <-hat was her name=< <I rea((y don#t re'a((...< :(o 'harde was fading fast. <Thin,.< Be',er prodded. <It#s important that the 'ons (ar fi(e be as 'omp(ete as possib(e. I#(( need to s pport yo r story with statements from the other witnesses. Any information yo 'an gi0e me to he(p (o'ate them...< B t :(o 'harde was not (istening. ;e was dabbing his forehead with the sheet. <I#m sorry... perhaps tomorrow...< ;e (oo,ed na seated. <"r. :(o 'harde% it#s important yo remember this now.< Be',er s dden(y rea(i8ed he was spea,ing too (o d(y. $eop(e on nearby 'ots were sti(( sitting p wat'hing what was going on. On the far side of the room a n rse appeared thro gh the do b(e doors and strode bris,(y toward them. <Anything at a((%< Be',er pressed rgent(y. <The German 'a((ed the woman//< Be',er (ight(y shoo, :(o 'harde% trying to bring him ba',. :(o 'harde#s eyes f(i',ered momentari(y. <;er name...< Stay with me% o(d fe((a... <Dew...< :(o 'harde#s eyes '(osed again. The n rse was '(osing in. She (oo,ed f rio s. <Dew=< Be',er shoo, :(o 'harde#s arm. The o(d man groaned. <;e 'a((ed her...< :(o 'harde was m mb(ing now% bare(y a dib(e. The n rse was (ess than ten feet away ye((ing at Be',er in angry Spanish. Be',er heard nothing. ;is eyes were fi&ed on the o(d man#s (ips. ;e shoo, :(o 'harde one (ast time as the n rse bore down on him. The n rse grabbed Da0id Be',er#s sho (der. She p ((ed him to his feet > st as :(o 'harde#s (ips parted. The sing(e word (ea0ing the o(d man#s mo th was not a't a((y spo,en. It was soft(y sighed//(i,e a distant sens a( remembran'e. <Dewdrop...< The s'o(ding grasp yan,ed Be',er away. Dewdrop= Be',er wondered. -hat the he(( ,ind of name is Dewdrop= ;e sp n away from the n rse and t rned one (ast time to :(o 'harde. <Dewdrop= Are yo s re=<

B t $ierre :(o 'harde was fast as(eep.

:;A$TER @B

S san sat a(one in the p( sh s rro ndings of *ode B. She n rsed a (emon mist herb tea and awaited the ret rn of her tra'er. As senior 'ryptographer% S san en>oyed the termina( with the best 0iew. It was on the ba', side of the ring of 'omp ters and fa'ed the :rypto f(oor. From this spot% S san 'o (d o0ersee a(( of *ode B. She 'o (d a(so see% on the other side of the one/way g(ass% TRA*SLTR standing dead/'enter of the :rypto f(oor. S san 'he',ed the '(o',. She had been waiting a(most an ho r. Ameri'an Remai(ers Anonymo s was apparent(y ta,ing their time forwarding *orth Da,ota#s mai(. She sighed hea0i(y. Despite her efforts to forget her morning 'on0ersation with Da0id% the words p(ayed o0er and o0er in her head. She ,new she#d been hard on him. She prayed he was o,ay in Spain. ;er tho ghts were >arred by the (o d hiss of the g(ass doors. She (oo,ed p and groaned. :ryptographer Greg ;a(e stood in the opening. Greg ;a(e was ta(( and m s' (ar with thi', b(ond hair and a deep '(eft 'hin. ;e was (o d% thi',/f(eshed% and perpet a((y o0erdressed. ;is fe((ow 'ryptographers had ni',named him <;a(ite<//after the minera(. ;a(e had a(ways ass med it referred to some rare gem//para((e(ing his nri0a(ed inte((e't and ro',/hard physi. e. ;ad his ego permitted him to 'ons (t an en'y'(opedia% he wo (d ha0e dis'o0ered it was nothing more than the sa(ty resid e (eft behind when o'eans dried p. Li,e a(( *SA 'ryptographers% ;a(e made a so(id sa(ary. ;owe0er% he had a hard time ,eeping that fa't to himse(f. ;e dro0e a white Lot s with a moon roof and a deafening s bwoofer system. ;e was a gadget > n,ie% and his 'ar was his showpie'e7 he#d insta((ed a g(oba( positioning 'omp ter system% 0oi'e/ a'ti0ated door (o',s% a fi0e/point radar >ammer% and a 'e(( (ar fa&Iphone so he#d ne0er be o t of to 'h with his message ser0i'es. ;is 0anity p(ate read megabyte and was framed in 0io(et neon. Greg ;a(e had been res' ed from a 'hi(dhood of petty 'rime by the 1.S. "arine :orps. It was there that he#d (earned abo t 'omp ters. ;e was one of the best programmers the "arines had e0er seen% we(( on his way to a disting ished mi(itary 'areer. B t two days before the 'omp(etion of his third to r of d ty% his f t re s dden(y 'hanged. ;a(e a''identa((y ,i((ed a fe((ow "arine in a dr n,en braw(. The Horean art of se(f/defense% Tae ,won do% pro0ed more dead(y than defensi0e. ;e was prompt(y re(ie0ed of his d ty. After ser0ing a brief prison term% ;a(ite began (oo,ing for wor, in the pri0ate se'tor as a programmer. ;e was a(ways p front abo t the in'ident in the marines% and he 'o rted prospe'ti0e emp(oyers by offering a month#s wor, witho t pay to pro0e his worth. ;e had no shortage of ta,ers% and on'e they fo nd o t what he 'o (d do with a 'omp ter% they ne0er wanted to (et him go. As his 'omp ter e&pertise grew% ;a(e began ma,ing Internet 'onne'tions a(( o0er the wor(d. ;e was one of the new breed of 'yberfrea,s with E/mai( friends in e0ery nation% mo0ing in and o t of seedy e(e'troni' b ((etin boards and E ropean 'hat gro ps. ;e#d been fired by two different emp(oyers for sing their b siness a''o nts to p(oad pornographi' photos to some of his friends. ??? <-hat are yo doing here=< ;a(e demanded% stopping in the doorway and staring at S san. ;e#d ob0io s(y e&pe'ted to ha0e *ode B to himse(f today.

S san for'ed herse(f to stay 'oo(. <It#s Sat rday% Greg. I 'o (d as, yo the same . estion.< B t S san ,new what ;a(e was doing there. ;e was the 'ons mmate 'omp ter addi't. Despite the Sat rday r (e% he often s(ipped into :rypto on wee,ends to se the *SA#s nri0a((ed 'omp ting power to r n new programs he was wor,ing on. <) st wanted to re/twea, a few (ines and 'he', my E/mai(%< ;a(e said. ;e eyed her ' rio s(y. <-hat was it yo said yo #re doing here=< <I didn#t%< S san rep(ied. ;a(e ar'hed a s rprised eyebrow. <*o reason to be 'oy. -e ha0e no se'rets here in *ode B% remember= A(( for one and one for a((.< S san sipped her (emon mist and ignored him. ;a(e shr gged and strode toward the *ode B pantry. The pantry was a(ways his first stop. As ;a(e 'rossed the room% he sighed hea0i(y and made a point of og(ing S san#s (egs stret'hed o t beneath her termina(. S san% witho t (oo,ing p% retra'ted her (egs and ,ept wor,ing. ;a(e smir,ed. S san had gotten sed to ;a(e hitting on her. ;is fa0orite (ine was something abo t interfa'ing to 'he', the 'ompatibi(ity of their hardware. It t rned S san#s stoma'h. She was too pro d to 'omp(ain to Strathmore abo t ;a(e7 it was far easier > st to ignore him. ;a(e approa'hed the *ode B pantry and p ((ed open the (atti'e doors (i,e a b ((. ;e s(id a T pperware 'ontainer of tof o t of the fridge and popped a few pie'es of the ge(atino s white s bstan'e in his mo th. Then he (eaned on the sto0e and smoothed his gray Be((0ienne s(a',s and we((/star'hed shirt. <+o gonna be here (ong=< <A(( night%< S san said f(at(y. <;mm...< ;a(ite 'ooed with his mo th f ((. <A 'o8y Sat rday in the $(aypen% > st the two of s.< <) st the three of s%< S san inter>e'ted. <:ommander Strathmore#s pstairs. +o might want to disappear before he sees yo .< ;a(e shr gged. <;e doesn#t seem to mind yo here. ;e m st rea((y en>oy yo r 'ompany.< S san for'ed herse(f to ,eep si(ent. ;a(e 'h ',(ed to himse(f and p t away his tof . Then he grabbed a . art of 0irgin o(i0e oi( and too, a few swigs. ;e was a hea(th fiend and '(aimed o(i0e oi( '(eaned o t his (ower intestine. -hen he wasn#t p shing 'arrot > i'e on the rest of the staff% he was prea'hing the 0irt es of high 'o(oni's. ;a(e rep(a'ed the o(i0e oi( and went to down his 'omp ter dire't(y opposite S san. E0en a'ross the wide ring of termina(s% S san 'o (d sme(( his 'o(ogne. She 'rin,(ed her nose. <*i'e 'o(ogne% Greg. 1se the entire bott(e= ;a(e f(i',ed on his termina(. <On(y for yo % dear.< As he sat there waiting for his termina( to warm p% S san had a s dden nsett(ing tho ght. -hat if ;a(e a''essed TRA*SLTR#s R n/"onitor= There was no (ogi'a( reason why he wo (d% b t nonethe(ess S san ,new he wo (d ne0er fa(( for some ha(f/ba,ed story abo t a diagnosti' that st mped TRA*SLTR for si&teen ho rs. ;a(e wo (d demand to ,now the tr th. The tr th was something S san had no intention of te((ing him. She did not tr st Greg ;a(e. ;e was not *SA materia(. S san had been against hiring him in the first p(a'e% b t the *SA had had no 'hoi'e. ;a(e had been the prod 't of damage 'ontro(.

The S,ip>a', fias'o. Fo r years ago% in an effort to 'reate a sing(e% p b(i'/,ey en'ryption standard% :ongress 'harged the nation#s best mathemati'ians% those at the *SA% to write a new s per a(gorithm. The p(an was for :ongress to pass (egis(ation that made the new a(gorithm the nation#s standard% th s a((e0iating the in'ompatibi(ities now s ffered by 'orporations that sed different a(gorithms. Of 'o rse% as,ing the *SA to (end a hand in impro0ing p b(i'/,ey en'ryption was somewhat a,in to as,ing a 'ondemned man to b i(d his own 'offin. TRA*SLTR had not yet been 'on'ei0ed% and an en'ryption standard wo (d on(y he(p to pro(iferate the se of 'ode/writing and ma,e the *SA#s a(ready diffi' (t >ob that m 'h harder. The EFF nderstood this 'onf(i't of interest and (obbied 0ehement(y that the *SA might 'reate an a(gorithm of poor . a(ity//something it 'o (d brea,. To appease these fears% :ongress anno n'ed that when the *SA#s a(gorithm was finished% the form (a wo (d be p b(ished for e&amination by the wor(d#s mathemati'ians to ens re its . a(ity. Re( 'tant(y% the *SA#s :rypto team% (ed by :ommander Strathmore% 'reated an a(gorithm they 'hristened S,ip>a',. S,ip>a', was presented to :ongress for their appro0a(. "athemati'ians from a(( o0er the wor(d tested S,ip>a', and were nanimo s(y impressed. They reported that it was a strong% ntainted a(gorithm and wo (d ma,e a s perb en'ryption standard. B t three days before :ongress was to 0ote their 'ertain appro0a( of S,ip>a',% a yo ng programmer from Be(( Laboratories% Greg ;a(e% sho',ed the wor(d by anno n'ing he#d fo nd a ba', door hidden in the a(gorithm. The ba', door 'onsisted of a few (ines of ' nning programming that :ommander Strathmore had inserted into the a(gorithm. It had been added in so shrewd a way that nobody% e&'ept Greg ;a(e% had seen it. Strathmore#s 'o0ert addition% in effe't% meant that any 'ode written by S,ip>a', 'o (d be de'rypted 0ia a se'ret password ,nown on(y to the *SA. Strathmore had 'ome within in'hes of t rning the nation#s proposed en'ryption standard into the biggest inte((igen'e 'o p the *SA had e0er seen7 the *SA wo (d ha0e he(d the master ,ey to e0ery 'ode written in Ameri'a. The 'omp ter/sa00y p b(i' was o traged. The EFF des'ended on the s'anda( (i,e 0 (t res% ripping :ongress to shreds for their naZ0etP and pro'(aiming the *SA the biggest threat to the free wor(d sin'e ;it(er. The en'ryption standard was dead. It had 'ome as (itt(e s rprise when the *SA hired Greg ;a(e two days (ater. Strathmore fe(t it was better to ha0e him on the inside wor,ing for the *SA than on the o tside wor,ing against it. Strathmore fa'ed the S,ip>a', s'anda( head/on. ;e defended his a'tions 0ehement(y to :ongress. ;e arg ed that the p b(i'#s 'ra0ing for pri0a'y wo (d 'ome ba', to ha nt them. ;e insisted the p b(i' needed someone to wat'h o0er them7 the p b(i' needed the *SA to brea, 'odes in order to ,eep the pea'e. Gro ps (i,e the EFF fe(t different(y. And they#d been fighting him e0er sin'e.

:;A$TER @M

Da0id Be',er stood in a phone booth a'ross the street from La :(Vni'a de Sa( d $Yb(i'a7 he#d > st been e>e'ted for harassing patient n mber 56M% "onsie r :(o 'harde. Things were s dden(y more 'omp(i'ated than he#d anti'ipated. ;is (itt(e fa0or to Strathmore//pi',ing p some persona( be(ongings//had t rned into a s'a0enger h nt for some bi8arre ring. ;e#d > st 'a((ed Strathmore and to(d him abo t the German to rist. The news had not been re'ei0ed we((.

After demanding the spe'ifi's% Strathmore had fa((en si(ent for a (ong time. <Da0id%< he had fina((y said 0ery gra0e(y% <finding that ring is a matter of nationa( se' rity. I#m (ea0ing it in yo r hands. Don#t fai( me.< The phone had gone dead. Da0id stood in the phone booth and sighed. ;e pi',ed p the tattered G Va Te(efTni'a and began s'anning the ye((ow pages. <;ere goes nothing%< he m ttered to himse(f. There were on(y three (istings for Es'ort Ser0i'es in the dire'tory% and he didn#t ha0e m 'h to go on. A(( he ,new was that the German#s date had red hair% whi'h 'on0enient(y was rare in Spain. The de(irio s :(o 'harde had re'a((ed the es'ort#s name as Dewdrop. Be',er 'ringed//Dewdrop= It so nded more (i,e a 'ow than a bea tif ( gir(. *ot a good :atho(i' name at a((7 :(o 'harde m st ha0e been mista,en. Be',er dia(ed the first n mber. ??? <Ser0i'io So'ia( de Se0i((a%< a p(easant fema(e 0oi'e answered. Be',er affe'ted his Spanish with a thi', German a''ent. <;o(a% Shab(as A(eman=< <*o. B t I spea, Eng(ish< 'ame the rep(y. Be',er 'ontin ed in bro,en Eng(ish. <Than, yo . I wondering if yo to he(p me=< <;ow 'an we be of ser0i'e=< The woman spo,e s(ow(y in an effort to aid her potentia( '(ient. <$erhaps yo wo (d (i,e an es'ort=< <+es% p(ease. Today my brother% H(a s% he has gir(% 0ery bea tif (. Red hair. I want same. For tomorrow% p(ease.< <+o r brother H(a s 'omes here=< The 0oi'e was s dden(y effer0es'ent% (i,e they were o(d friends. <+es. ;e 0ery fat. +o remember him% no=< <;e was here today% yo say=< Be',er 'o (d hear her 'he',ing the boo,s. There wo (d be no H(a s (isted% b t Be',er fig red '(ients se(dom sed their rea( names. <;mm% I#m sorry%< she apo(ogi8ed. <I don#t see him here. -hat was the gir(#s name yo r brother was with=< <;ad red hair%< Be',er said% a0oiding the . estion. <Red hair=< she repeated. There was a pa se. <This is Ser0i'io So'ia( de Se0i((a. Are yo s re yo r brother 'omes here=< <S re% yes.< <SeXor% we ha0e no redheads. -e ha0e on(y p re Anda( sian bea ties.< <Red hair%< Be',er repeated% fee(ing st pid. <I#m sorry% we ha0e no redheads at a((% b t if yo //< <*ame is Dewdrop%< Be',er b( rted% fee(ing e0en st pider.

The ridi' (o s name apparent(y meant nothing to the woman. She apo(ogi8ed% s ggested Be',er was 'onf sing her with another agen'y% and po(ite(y h ng p. Stri,e one. ??? Be',er frowned and dia(ed the ne&t n mber. It 'onne'ted immediate(y. <B enas no'hes% " >eres EspaXa. "ay I he(p yo =< Be',er (a n'hed into his same spie(% a German to rist who was wi((ing to pay top do((ar for the red/haired gir( who was o t with his brother today. This time the response was in po(ite German% b t again no redheads. <Heine Rot,[pfe% I#m sorry.< The woman h ng p. Stri,e two. Be',er (oo,ed down at the phone boo,. There was on(y one n mber (eft. The end of the rope a(ready. ;e dia(ed. ??? <Es'ortes Be(Pn%< a man answered in a 0ery s(i', tone. Again Be',er to(d his story. <SV% sV% seXor. "y name is SeXor Ro(dUn. I wo (d be p(eased to he(p. -e ha0e two redheads. Lo0e(y gir(s.< Be',er#s heart (eapt. <4ery bea tif (=< he repeated in his German a''ent. <Red hair=< <+es% what is yo r brother#s name= I wi(( te(( yo who was his es'ort today. And we 'an send her to yo tomorrow.< <H(a s S'hmidt.< Be',er b( rted a name re'a((ed from an o(d te&tboo,. A (ong pa se. <-e((% sir... I don#t see a H(a s S'hmidt on o r registry% b t perhaps yo r brother 'hose to be dis'reet//perhaps a wife at home=< ;e (a ghed inappropriate(y. <+es% H(a s married. B t he 0ery fat. ;is wife no (ie with him.< Be',er ro((ed his eyes at himse(f ref(e'ted in the booth. If S san 'o (d hear me now% he tho ght. <I fat and (one(y too. I want (ie with her. $ay (ots of money.< Be',er was gi0ing an impressi0e performan'e% b t he#d gone too far. $rostit tion was i((ega( in Spain% and SeXor Ro(dUn was a 'aref ( man. ;e#d been b rned before by G ardia offi'ia(s posing as eager to rists. I want (ie with her. Ro(dUn ,new it was a set p. If he said yes% he wo (d be hea0i(y fined and% as a(ways% for'ed to pro0ide one of his most ta(ented es'orts to the po(i'e 'ommissioner free of 'harge for an entire wee,end. -hen Ro(dUn spo,e% his 0oi'e not . ite as friend(y. <Sir% this is Es'ortes Be(Pn. "ay I as, who#s 'a((ing=< <Aah... Sigm nd S'hmidt%< Be',er in0ented wea,(y.

<-here did yo get o r n mber=< <La G Va Te(efTni'a//ye((ow pages.< <+es% sir% that#s be'a se we are an es'ort ser0i'e.< <+es. I want es'ort.< Be',er sensed something was wrong. <Sir% Es'ortes Be(Pn is a ser0i'e pro0iding es'orts to b sinessmen for ( n'heons and dinners. This is why we are (isted in the phone boo,. -hat we do is (ega(. -hat yo are (oo,ing for is a prostit te.< The word s(id off his tong e (i,e a 0i(e disease. <B t my brother...< <Sir% if yo r brother spent the day ,issing a gir( in the par,% she was not one of o rs. -e ha0e stri't reg (ations abo t '(ient/es'ort 'onta't.< <B t...< <+o ha0e s 'onf sed with someone e(se. -e on(y ha0e two redheads% Inma' (ada and Ro'Vo% and neither wo (d a((ow a man to s(eep with them for money. That is 'a((ed prostit tion% and it is i((ega( in Spain. Good night% sir.< <B t//< :LI:H. Be',er swore nder his breath and dropped the phone ba', into its 'rad(e. Stri,e three. ;e was 'ertain :(o 'harde had said the German had hired the gir( for the entire wee,end. ??? Be',er stepped o t of the phone booth at the interse'tion of :a((e Sa(ado and A0enida As n'iTn. Despite the traffi'% the sweet s'ent of Se0i((e oranges h ng a(( aro nd him. It was twi(ight//the most romanti' ho r. ;e tho ght of S san. Strathmore#s words in0aded his mind! Find the ring. Be',er f(opped miserab(y on a ben'h and pondered his ne&t mo0e. -hat mo0e=

:;A$TER @C

Inside the :(Vni'a de Sa( d $Yb(i'a% 0isiting ho rs were o0er. The gymnasi m (ights had been t rned o t. $ierre :(o 'harde was fast as(eep. ;e did not see the fig re h n'hed o0er him. The need(e of a sto(en syringe g(inted in the dar,. Then it disappeared into the I4 t be > st abo0e :(o 'harde#s wrist. The hypodermi' 'ontained B6 '' of '(eaning f( id sto(en from a >anitor#s 'art. -ith great for'e% a strong th mb rammed the p( nger down and for'ed the b( ish (i. id into the o(d man#s 0eins. :(o 'harde was awa,e on(y for a few se'onds. ;e might ha0e s'reamed in pain had a strong hand not been '(amped a'ross his mo th. ;e (ay trapped on his 'ot% pinned beneath a seeming(y immo0ab(e weight. ;e 'o (d fee( the po',et of fire searing its way p his arm. There was an e&'r 'iating pain tra0e(ing thro gh his armpit% his 'hest% and then% (i,e a mi((ion shattering pie'es of g(ass% it hit his brain. :(o 'harde saw a bri((iant f(ash of (ight... and then nothing.

The 0isitor re(eased his grip and peered thro gh the dar,ness at the name on the medi'a( 'hart. Then he s(ipped si(ent(y o t. On the street% the man in wire/rim g(asses rea'hed to a tiny de0i'e atta'hed to his be(t. The re'tang (ar pa', was abo t the si8e of a 'redit 'ard. It was a prototype of the new "ono'(e 'omp ter. De0e(oped by the 1.S. *a0y to he(p te'hni'ians re'ord battery 0o(tages in 'ramped . arters on s bmarines% the miniat re 'omp ter pa',ed a 'e(( (ar modem and the newest ad0an'es in mi'ro te'hno(ogy. Its 0is a( monitor was a transparent (i. id 'rysta( disp(ay% mo nted in the (eft (ens of a pair of eyeg(asses. The "ono'(e ref(e'ted a who(e new age in persona( 'omp ting7 the ser 'o (d now (oo, thro gh his data and sti(( intera't with the wor(d aro nd him. The "ono'(e#s rea( 'o p% tho gh% was not its miniat re disp(ay b t rather its data entry system. A ser entered information 0ia tiny 'onta'ts fi&ed to his fingertips7 to 'hing the 'onta'ts together in se. en'e mimi',ed a shorthand simi(ar to 'o rt stenography. The 'omp ter wo (d then trans(ate the shorthand into Eng(ish. The ,i((er pressed a tiny swit'h% and his g(asses f(i',ered to (ife. ;is hands in'onspi' o s(y at his sides% he began to 'hing different fingertips together in rapid s ''ession. A message appeared before his eyes. S1B)E:T! $. :LO1:;ARDE//TER"I*ATED ;e smi(ed. Transmitting notifi'ation of ,i((s was part of his assignment. B t in'( ding 0i'tim#s names... that% to the man in the wire/rim g(asses% was e(egan'e. ;is fingers f(ashed again% and his 'e(( (ar modem a'ti0ated. "ESSAGE SE*T

:;A$TER @A

Sitting on the ben'h a'ross from the p b(i' '(ini'% Be',er wondered what he was s pposed to do now. ;is 'a((s to the es'ort agen'ies had t rned p nothing. The 'ommander% neasy abo t 'omm ni'ation o0er nse' red p b(i' phones% had as,ed Da0id not to 'a(( again nti( he had the ring. Be',er 'onsidered going to the (o'a( po(i'e for he(p//maybe they had a re'ord of a red/headed hoo,er//b t Strathmore had gi0en stri't orders abo t that too. +o are in0isib(e. *o one is to ,now this ring e&ists. Be',er wondered if he was s pposed to wander the dr gged/o t distri't of Triana in sear'h of this mystery woman. Or maybe he was s pposed to 'he', a(( the resta rants for an obese German. E0erything seemed (i,e a waste of time. Strathmore#s words ,ept 'oming ba',! It#s a matter of nationa( se' rity... yo m st find that ring. A 0oi'e in the ba', of Be',er#s head to(d him he#d missed something//something 'r 'ia(//b t for the (ife of him% he 'o (dn#t thin, what it wo (d be. I#m a tea'her% not a damned se'ret agent9 ;e was beginning to wonder why Strathmore hadn#t sent a professiona(. Be',er stood p and wa(,ed aim(ess(y down :a((e De(i'ias pondering his options. The 'obb(estone sidewa(, b( rred beneath his ga8e. *ight was fa((ing fast. Dewdrop. There was something abo t that abs rd name that nagged at the ba', of his mind. Dewdrop. The s(i', 0oi'e of SeXor Ro(dUn at Es'ortes Be(Pn was on end(ess (oop in his head. <-e on(y ha0e two redheads...

Two redheads% Inma' (ada and Ro'Vo... Ro'Vo... Ro'Vo...< Be',er stopped short. ;e s dden(y ,new. And I 'a(( myse(f a (ang age spe'ia(ist= ;e 'o (dn#t be(ie0e he#d missed it. Ro'Vo was one of the most pop (ar gir(#s names in Spain. It 'arried a(( the right imp(i'ations for a yo ng :atho(i' gir(//p rity% 0irginity% nat ra( bea ty. The 'onnotations of p rity a(( stemmed from the name#s (itera( meaning//Drop of Dew9 The o(d :anadian#s 0oi'e rang in Be',er#s ears. Dewdrop. Ro'Vo had trans(ated her name to the on(y (ang age she and her '(ient had in 'ommon//Eng(ish. E&'ited% Be',er h rried off to find a phone. A'ross the street% a man in wire/rim g(asses fo((owed > st o t of sight.

:;A$TER @F

On the :rypto f(oor% the shadows were growing (ong and faint. O0erhead% the a tomati' (ighting grad a((y in'reased to 'ompensate. S san was sti(( at her termina( si(ent(y awaiting news from her tra'er. It was ta,ing (onger than e&pe'ted. ;er mind had been wandering//missing Da0id and wi((ing Greg ;a(e to go home. A(tho gh ;a(e hadn#t b dged% than,f ((y he#d been si(ent% engrossed in whate0er he was doing at his termina(. S san 'o (dn#t 'are (ess what ;a(e was doing% as (ong as he didn#t a''ess the R n/"onitor. ;e ob0io s(y hadn#t//si&teen ho rs wo (d ha0e bro ght an a dib(e ye(p of disbe(ief. S san was sipping her third ' p of tea when it fina((y happened//her termina( beeped on'e. ;er p (se . i',ened. A f(ashing en0e(ope i'on appeared on her monitor anno n'ing the arri0a( of E/mai(. S san shot a . i', g(an'e toward ;a(e. ;e was absorbed in his wor,. She he(d her breath and do b(e/'(i',ed the en0e(ope. <*orth Da,ota%< she whispered to herse(f. <Let#s see who yo are.< -hen the E/mai( opened% it was a sing(e (ine. S san read it. And then she read it again. DI**ER AT ALFREDO#S= K $"= A'ross the room% ;a(e m ff(ed a 'h ',(e. S san 'he',ed the message header. FRO"! G;ALER'rypto.nsa.go0 S san fe(t a s rge of anger b t fo ght it off. She de(eted the message. <4ery mat re% Greg.< <They ma,e a great 'arpa''io.< ;a(e smi(ed. <-hat do yo say= Afterward we 'o (d//< <Forget it.< <Snob.< ;a(e sighed and t rned ba', to his termina(. That was stri,e eighty/nine with S san F(et'her. The bri((iant fema(e 'ryptographer was a 'onstant fr stration to him. ;a(e had often fantasi8ed abo t ha0ing se& with her//pinning her against TRA*SLTR#s ' r0ed h (( and ta,ing her right there against the warm b(a', ti(e. B t S san wo (d ha0e nothing to do with him. In ;a(e#s mind% what made things worse was that she was in (o0e with some ni0ersity tea'her who s(a0ed for ho rs on end for pean ts. It wo (d be a pity for S san to di( te her s perior gene poo( pro'reating with some gee,//parti' (ar(y when she 'o (d

ha0e Greg. -e#d ha0e perfe't 'hi(dren% he tho ght. <-hat are yo wor,ing on=< ;a(e as,ed% trying a different approa'h. S san said nothing. <Some team p(ayer yo are. S re I 'an#t ha0e a pee,=< ;a(e stood and started mo0ing aro nd the 'ir'(e of termina(s toward her. S san sensed that ;a(e#s ' riosity had the potentia( to 'a se some serio s prob(ems today. She made a snap de'ision. <It#s a diagnosti'%< she offered% fa((ing ba', on the 'ommander#s (ie. ;a(e stopped in his tra',s. <Diagnosti'=< ;e so nded do btf (. <+o #re spending Sat rday r nning a diagnosti' instead of p(aying with the prof=< <;is name is Da0id.< <-hate0er.< S san g(ared at him. <;a0en#t yo got anything better to do=< <Are yo trying to get rid of me=< ;a(e po ted. <A't a((y% yes.< <Gee% S e% I#m h rt.< S san F(et'her#s eyes narrowed. She hated being 'a((ed S e. She had nothing against the ni',name% b t ;a(e was the on(y one who#d e0er sed it. <-hy don#t I he(p yo =< ;a(e offered. ;e was s dden(y 'ir'(ing toward her again. <I#m great with diagnosti's. Besides% I#m dying to see what diagnosti' 'o (d ma,e the mighty S san F(et'her 'ome to wor, on a Sat rday.< S san fe(t a s rge of adrena(ine. She g(an'ed down at the tra'er on her s'reen. She ,new she 'o (dn#t (et ;a(e see it//he#d ha0e too many . estions. <I#0e got it 'o0ered% Greg%< she said. B t ;a(e ,ept 'oming. As he 'ir'(ed toward her termina(% S san ,new she had to a't fast. ;a(e was on(y a few yards away when she made her mo0e. She stood to meet his towering frame% b(o',ing his way. ;is 'o(ogne was o0erpowering. She (oo,ed him straight in the eye. <I said no.< ;a(e 'o',ed his head% apparent(y intrig ed by her odd disp(ay of se're'y. ;e p(ayf ((y stepped '(oser. Greg ;a(e was not ready for what happened ne&t. -ith nwa0ering 'oo(% S san pressed a sing(e inde& finger against his ro',/hard 'hest% stopping his forward motion. ;a(e ha(ted and stepped ba', in sho',. Apparent(y S san F(et'her was serio s7 she had ne0er to 'hed him before% e0er. It wasn#t . ite what ;a(e had had in mind for their first 'onta't% b t it was a start. ;e ga0e her a (ong p 88(ed (oo, and s(ow(y ret rned to his termina(. As he sat ba', down% one thing be'ame perfe't(y '(ear! The (o0e(y S san F(et'her was wor,ing on something important% and it s re as he(( wasn#t any diagnosti'.

:;A$TER @K

SeXor Ro(dUn was sitting behind his des, at Es'ortes Be(Pn 'ongrat (ating himse(f for deft(y sidestepping the G ardia#s newest patheti' attempt to trap him. ;a0ing an offi'er fa,e a German a''ent and re. est a gir( for the night//it was entrapment7 what wo (d they thin, of ne&t= The phone on his des, b 88ed (o d(y. SeXor Ro(dUn s'ooped p the re'ei0er with a 'onfident f(air. <B enas no'hes% Es'ortes Be(Pn.< <B enas no'hes%< a man#s 0oi'e said in (ightning/fast Spanish. ;e so nded nasa(% (i,e he had a s(ight 'o(d. <Is this a hote(=< <*o% sir. -hat n mber are yo dia(ing=< SeXor Ro(dUn was not going to fa(( for any more tri',s this e0ening. <BM/A@/56%< the 0oi'e said. Ro(dUn frowned. The 0oi'e so nded 0ag e(y fami(iar. ;e tried to p(a'e the a''ent//B rgos% maybe= <+o #0e dia(ed the 'orre't n mber%< Ro(dUn offered 'a tio s(y% <b t this is an es'ort ser0i'e.< There was a pa se on the (ine. <Oh... I see. I#m sorry. Somebody wrote down this n mber7 I tho ght it was a hote(. I#m 0isiting here% from B rgos. "y apo(ogies for dist rbing yo . Good nigh//< <EspPre9 -ait9< SeXor Ro(dUn 'o (dn#t he(p himse(f7 he was a sa(esman at heart. -as this a referra(= A new '(ient from p north= ;e wasn#t going to (et a (itt(e paranoia b(ow a potentia( sa(e. <"y friend%< Ro(dUn g shed into the phone. <I tho ght I re'ogni8ed a bit of a B rgos a''ent on yo . I myse(f am from 4a(en'ia. -hat brings yo to Se0i((e=< <I se(( >ewe(ry. "a>Tri'a pear(s.< <"a>Tri'as% reeaa((y9 +o m st tra0e( . ite a bit.< The 0oi'e 'o ghed si',(y. <-e((% yes% I do.< <In Se0i((e on b siness=< Ro(dUn pressed. There was no way in he(( this g y was G ardia7 he was a ' stomer with a 'apita( :. <Let me g ess//a friend ga0e yo o r n mber= ;e to(d yo to gi0e s a 'a((. Am I right=< The 0oi'e was ob0io s(y embarrassed. <-e((% no% a't a((y% it#s nothing (i,e that.< <Don#t be shy% seXor. -e are an es'ort ser0i'e% nothing to be ashamed of. Lo0e(y gir(s% dinner dates% that is a((. -ho ga0e yo o r n mber= $erhaps he is a reg (ar. I 'an gi0e yo a spe'ia( rate.< The 0oi'e be'ame f( stered. <Ah... nobody a't a((y ga0e me this n mber. I fo nd it with a passport. I#m trying to find the owner.< Ro(dUn#s heart san,. This man was not a ' stomer after a((. <+o fo nd the n mber% yo say=< <+es% I fo nd a man#s passport in the par, today. +o r n mber was on a s'rap of paper inside. I tho ght perhaps it was the man#s hote(7 I was hoping to ret rn his passport to him. "y mista,e. I#(( > st drop it off at a po(i'e station on my way o t of//< <$erdTn%< Ro(dUn interr pted ner0o s(y. <"ight I s ggest a better idea=< Ro(dUn prided himse(f on

dis'retion% and 0isits to the G ardia had a way of ma,ing his ' stomers e&/' stomers. <:onsider this%< he offered. <Be'a se the man with the passport had o r n mber% he is most (i,e(y a '(ient here. $erhaps I 'o (d sa0e yo a trip to the po(i'e.< The 0oi'e hesitated. <I don#t ,now. I sho (d probab(y > st//< <Do not be too hasty% my friend. I#m ashamed to admit that the po(i'e here in Se0i((e are not a(ways as effi'ient as the po(i'e p north. It 'o (d be days before this man#s passport is ret rned to him. If yo te(( me his name% I 'o (d see that he gets his passport immediate(y.< <+es% we((... I s ppose there#s no harm...< Some paper r st(ed% and the 0oi'e ret rned. <It#s a German name. I 'an#t . ite prono n'e it... G sta... G stafson=< Ro(dUn didn#t re'ogni8e the name% b t he had '(ients from a(( o0er the wor(d. They ne0er (eft their rea( names. <-hat does he (oo, (i,e//in his photo= $erhaps I wi(( re'ogni8e him.< <-e((...< the 0oi'e said. <;is fa'e is 0ery% 0ery fat.< Ro(dUn immediate(y ,new. ;e remembered the obese fa'e we((. It was the man with Ro'Vo. It was odd% he tho ght% to ha0e two 'a((s abo t the German in one night. <"r. G stafson=< Ro(dUn for'ed a 'h ',(e. <Of 'o rse9 I ,now him we((. If yo bring me his passport% I#(( see he gets it.< <I#m downtown witho t a 'ar%< the 0oi'e interr pted. <"aybe yo 'o (d 'ome to me=< <A't a((y%< Ro(dUn hedged% <I 'an#t (ea0e the phone. B t it#s rea((y not that far if yo //< <I#m sorry% it#s (ate to be o t wandering abo t. There#s a G ardia pre'in't nearby. I#(( drop it there% and when yo see "r. G stafson% yo 'an te(( him where it is.< <*o% wait9< Ro(dUn 'ried. <The po(i'e rea((y needn#t be in0o(0ed. +o said yo #re downtown% right= Do yo ,now the A(fonso \III ;ote(= It#s one of the 'ity#s finest.< <+es%< the 0oi'e said. <I ,now the A(fonso \III. It#s nearby.< <-onderf (9 "r. G stafson is a g est there tonight. ;e#s probab(y there now.< The 0oi'e hesitated. <I see. -e((% then... I s ppose it wo (d be no tro b(e.< <S perb9 ;e#s ha0ing dinner with one of o r es'orts in the hote( resta rant.< Ro(dUn ,new they were probab(y in bed by now% b t he needed to be 'aref ( not to offend the 'a((er#s refined sensibi(ities. <) st (ea0e the passport with the 'on'ierge% his name is "an e(. Te(( him I sent yo . As, him to gi0e it to Ro'Vo. Ro'Vo is "r. G stafson#s date for the e0ening. She wi(( see that the passport is ret rned. +o might s(ip yo r name and address inside//perhaps "r. G stafson wi(( send yo a (itt(e than, yo .< <A fine idea. The A(fonso \III. 4ery we((% I#(( ta,e it o0er right now. Than, yo for yo r he(p.< ??? Da0id Be',er h ng p the phone. <A(fonso \III.< ;e 'h ',(ed. <) st ha0e to ,now how to as,.< "oments (ater a si(ent fig re fo((owed Be',er p :a((e De(i'iasinto the soft(y sett(ing Anda( sian night.

:;A$TER @L

Sti(( nner0ed from her en'o nter with ;a(e% S san ga8ed o t thro gh the one/way g(ass of *ode B. The :rypto f(oor was empty. ;a(e was si(ent again% engrossed. She wished he wo (d (ea0e. She wondered if she sho (d 'a(( Strathmore7 the 'ommander 'o (d simp(y ,i', ;a(e o t//after a((% it was Sat rday. S san ,new% howe0er% that if ;a(e got ,i',ed o t% he wo (d immediate(y be'ome s spi'io s. On'e dismissed% he probab(y wo (d start 'a((ing other 'ryptographers as,ing what they tho ght was going on. S san de'ided it was better > st to (et ;a(e be. ;e wo (d (ea0e on his own soon eno gh. An nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm. She sighed% her tho ghts ret rning to Digita( Fortress. It ama8ed her that an a(gorithm (i,e that 'o (d rea((y be 'reated//then again% the proof was right there in front of her7 TRA*SLTR appeared se(ess against it. S san tho ght of Strathmore% nob(y bearing the weight of this ordea( on his sho (ders% doing what was ne'essary% staying 'oo( in the fa'e of disaster. S san sometimes saw Da0id in Strathmore. They had many of the same . a(ities//tena'ity% dedi'ation% inte((igen'e. Sometimes S san tho ght Strathmore wo (d be (ost witho t her7 the p rity of her (o0e for 'ryptography seemed to be an emotiona( (ife(ine to Strathmore% (ifting him from the sea of 'h rning po(iti's and reminding him of his ear(y days as a 'ode/brea,er. S san re(ied on Strathmore too7 he was her she(ter in a wor(d of power/h ngry men% n rt ring her 'areer% prote'ting her% and% as he often >o,ed% ma,ing a(( her dreams 'ome tr e. There was some tr th to that% she tho ght. As nintentiona( as it may ha0e been% the 'ommander was the one who#d made the 'a(( that bro ght Da0id Be',er to the *SA that fatef ( afternoon. ;er mind ree(ed ba', to him% and her eyes fe(( instin'ti0e(y to the p ((/s(ide beside her ,eyboard. There was a sma(( fa& taped there. The fa& had been there for se0en months. It was the on(y 'ode S san F(et'her had yet to brea,. It was from Da0id. She read it for the fi0e/h ndredth time. $LEASE A::E$T T;IS ;1"BLE FA\ "+ LO4E FOR +O1 IS -IT;O1T -A\. ;e#d sent it to her after a minor tiff. She#d begged him for months to te(( her what it meant% b t he had ref sed. -itho t wa&. It was Da0id#s re0enge. S san had ta ght Da0id a (ot abo t 'ode/brea,ing% and to ,eep him on his toes% she had ta,en to en'oding a(( of her messages to him with some simp(e en'ryption s'heme. Shopping (ists% (o0e notes//they were a(( en'rypted. It was a game% and Da0id had be'ome . ite a good 'ryptographer. Then he#d de'ided to ret rn the fa0or. ;e#d started signing a(( his (etters <-itho t wa&% Da0id.< S san had o0er two do8en notes from Da0id. They were a(( signed the same way. -itho t wa&. S san begged to ,now the hidden meaning% b t Da0id wasn#t ta(,ing. -hene0er she as,ed% he simp(y smi(ed and said% <+o #re the 'ode/brea,er.< The *SA#s head 'ryptographer had tried e0erything//s bstit tions% 'ipher bo&es% e0en anagrams. She#d r n the (etters <witho t wa&< thro gh her 'omp ter and as,ed for rearrangements of the (etters into new phrases. A(( she#d gotten ba', was! ta&i h t wow. It appeared Ensei Tan,ado was not the on(y one who 'o (d write nbrea,ab(e 'odes. ;er tho ghts were interr pted by the so nd of the pne mati' doors hissing open. Strathmore strode in. <S san% any word yet=< Strathmore saw Greg ;a(e and stopped short. <-e((% good e0ening% "r. ;a(e.< ;e

frowned% his eyes narrowing. <On a Sat rday% no (ess. To what do we owe the honor=< ;a(e smi(ed inno'ent(y. <) st ma,ing s re I p (( my weight.< <I see.< Strathmore gr nted% apparent(y weighing his options. After a moment% it seemed he too de'ided not to ro', ;a(e#s boat. ;e t rned 'oo((y to S san. <"s. F(et'her% 'o (d I spea, to yo for a moment= O tside=< S san hesitated. <Ah... yes% sir.< She shot an neasy g(an'e at her monitor and then a'ross the room at Greg ;a(e. <) st a min te.< -ith a few . i', ,eystro,es% she p ((ed p a program 'a((ed S'reenLo',. It was a pri0a'y ti(ity. E0ery termina( in *ode B was e. ipped with it. Be'a se the termina(s stayed on aro nd the '(o',% S'reenLo', enab(ed 'ryptographers to (ea0e their stations and ,now that nobody wo (d tamper with their fi(es. S san entered her fi0e/'hara'ter pri0a'y 'ode% and her s'reen went b(a',. It wo (d remain that way nti( she ret rned and typed the proper se. en'e. Then she s(ipped on her shoes and fo((owed the 'ommander o t. ??? <-hat the he(( is he doing here=< Strathmore demanded as soon as he and S san were o tside *ode B. <;is s a(%< S san rep(ied. <*othing.< Strathmore (oo,ed 'on'erned. <;as he said anything abo t TRA*SLTR=< <*o. B t if he a''esses the R n/"onitor and sees it registering se0enteen ho rs% he#(( ha0e something to say a(( right.< Strathmore 'onsidered it. <There#s no reason he#d a''ess it.< S san eyed the 'ommander. <+o want to send him home=< <*o. -e#(( (et him be.< Strathmore g(an'ed o0er at the Sys/Se' offi'e. <;as :hartr ,ian (eft yet=< <I don#t ,now. I ha0en#t seen him.< <)es s.< Strathmore groaned. <This is a 'ir' s.< ;e ran a hand a'ross the beard st bb(e that had dar,ened his fa'e o0er the past thirty/si& ho rs. <Any word yet on the tra'er= I fee( (i,e I#m sitting on my hands p there.< <*ot yet. Any word from Da0id=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <I as,ed him not to 'a(( me nti( he has the ring.< S san (oo,ed s rprised. <-hy not= -hat if he needs he(p=< Strathmore shr gged. <I 'an#t he(p him from here//he#s on his own. Besides% I#d rather not ta(, on nse' red (ines > st in 'ase someone#s (istening.< S san#s eyes widened in 'on'ern. <-hat#s that s pposed to mean=< Strathmore immediate(y (oo,ed apo(ogeti'. ;e ga0e her a reass ring smi(e. <Da0id#s fine. I#m > st being 'aref (.<

??? Thirty feet away from their 'on0ersation% hidden behind the one/way g(ass of *ode B% Greg ;a(e stood at S san#s termina(. ;er s'reen was b(a',. ;a(e g(an'ed o t at the 'ommander and S san. Then he rea'hed for his wa((et. ;e e&tra'ted a sma(( inde& 'ard and read it. Do b(e/'he',ing that Strathmore and S san were sti(( ta(,ing% ;a(e 'aref ((y typed fi0e ,eystro,es on S san#s ,eyboard. A se'ond (ater her monitor sprang to (ife. <Bingo.< ;e 'h ',(ed. Stea(ing the *ode B pri0a'y 'odes had been simp(e. In *ode B% e0ery termina( had an identi'a( deta'hab(e ,eyboard. ;a(e had simp(y ta,en his ,eyboard home one night and insta((ed a 'hip that ,ept a re'ord of e0ery ,eystro,e made on it. Then he had 'ome in ear(y% swapped his modified ,eyboard for someone e(se#s% and waited. At the end of the day% he swit'hed ba', and 0iewed the data re'orded by the 'hip. E0en tho gh there were mi((ions of ,eystro,es to sort thro gh% finding the a''ess 'ode was simp(e7 the first thing a 'ryptographer did e0ery morning was type the pri0a'y 'ode that n(o',ed his termina(. This% of 'o rse% made ;a(e#s >ob effort(ess//the pri0a'y 'ode a(ways appeared as the first fi0e 'hara'ters on the (ist. It was ironi'% ;a(e tho ght as he ga8ed at S san#s monitor. ;e#d sto(en the pri0a'y 'odes > st for ,i',s. ;e was happy now he#d done it7 the program on S san#s s'reen (oo,ed signifi'ant. ;a(e p 88(ed o0er it for a moment. It was written in LI"BO//not one of his spe'ia(ties. ) st by (oo,ing at it% tho gh% ;a(e 'o (d te(( one thing for 'ertain//this was not a diagnosti'. ;e 'o (d ma,e sense of on(y two words. B t they were eno gh. TRA:ER SEAR:;I*G... <Tra'er=< he said a(o d. <Sear'hing for what=< ;a(e fe(t s dden(y neasy. ;e sat a moment st dying S san#s s'reen. Then he made his de'ision. ;a(e nderstood eno gh abo t the LI"BO programming (ang age to ,now that it borrowed hea0i(y from two other (ang ages//: and $as'a(//both of whi'h he ,new 'o(d. G(an'ing p to 'he', that Strathmore and S san were sti(( ta(,ing o tside% ;a(e impro0ised. ;e entered a few modified $as'a( 'ommands and hit ret rn. The tra'er#s stat s window responded e&a't(y as he had hoped. TRA:ER ABORT= ;e . i',(y typed! +ES ARE +O1 S1RE= Again he typed! +ES After a moment the 'omp ter beeped. TRA:ER ABORTED ;a(e smi(ed. The termina( had > st sent a message te((ing S san#s tra'er to se(f/destr 't premat re(y. -hate0er she was (oo,ing for wo (d ha0e to wait. "indf ( to (ea0e no e0iden'e% ;a(e e&pert(y na0igated his way into her system a'ti0ity (og and de(eted a(( the 'ommands he#d > st typed. Then he reentered S san#s pri0a'y 'ode. The monitor went b(a',.

-hen S san F(et'her ret rned to *ode B% Greg ;a(e was seated . iet(y at his termina(.

:;A$TER B6

A(fonso \III was a sma(( fo r/star hote( set ba', from the $ erta de )ere8 and s rro nded by a thi', wro ght/iron fen'e and (i(a's. Da0id made his way p the marb(e stairs. As he rea'hed for the door% it magi'a((y opened% and a be((hop shered him inside. <Baggage% seXor= "ay I he(p yo =< <*o% than,s. I need to see the 'on'ierge.< The be((hop (oo,ed h rt% as if something in their two/se'ond en'o nter had not been satisfa'tory. <$or a. V% seXor.< ;e (ed Be',er into the (obby% pointed to the 'on'ierge% and h rried off. The (obby was e&. isite% sma(( and e(egant(y appointed. Spain#s Go(den Age had (ong sin'e passed% b t for a whi(e in the mid/5A66s% this sma(( nation had r (ed the wor(d. The room was a pro d reminder of that era//s its of armor% mi(itary et'hings% and a disp(ay 'ase of go(d ingots from the *ew -or(d. ;o0ering behind the 'o nter mar,ed 'onser>e was a trim% we((/groomed man smi(ing so eager(y that it appeared he#d waited his entire (ife to be of assistan'e. <En . P p edo ser0ir(e% seXor= ;ow may I ser0e yo =< ;e spo,e with an affe'ted (isp and ran his eyes p and down Be',er#s body. Be',er responded in Spanish. <I need to spea, to "an e(.< The man#s we((/tanned fa'e smi(ed e0en wider. <SV% sV% seXor. I am "an e(. -hat is it yo desire=< <SeXor Ro(dUn at Es'ortes Be(Pn to(d me yo wo (d//< The 'on'ierge si(en'ed Be',er with a wa0e and g(an'ed ner0o s(y aro nd the (obby. <-hy don#t yo step o0er here=< ;e (ed Be',er to the end of the 'o nter. <*ow%< he 'ontin ed% pra'ti'a((y in a whisper. <;ow may I he(p yo =< Be',er began again% (owering his 0oi'e. <I need to spea, to one of his es'orts whom I be(ie0e is dining here. ;er name is Ro'Vo.< The 'on'ierge (et o t his breath as tho gh o0erwhe(med. <Aaah% Ro'Vo//a bea tif ( 'reat re.< <I need to see her immediate(y.< <B t% seXor% she is with a '(ient.< Be',er nodded apo(ogeti'a((y. <It#s important.< A matter of nationa( se' rity. The 'on'ierge shoo, his head. <Impossib(e. $erhaps if yo (eft a//< <It wi(( on(y ta,e a moment. Is she in the dining room=< The 'on'ierge shoo, his head. <O r dining room '(osed ha(f an ho r ago. I#m afraid Ro'Vo and her g est ha0e retired for the e0ening. If yo #d (i,e to (ea0e me a message% I 'an gi0e it to her in the morning.< ;e motioned to the ban, of n mbered message bo&es behind him.

<If I 'o (d > st 'a(( her room and//< <I#m sorry%< the 'on'ierge said% his po(iteness e0aporating. <The A(fonso \III has stri't po(i'ies regarding '(ient pri0a'y.< Be',er had no intention of waiting ten ho rs for a fat man and a prostit te to wander down for brea,fast. <I nderstand%< Be',er said. <Sorry to bother yo .< ;e t rned and wa(,ed ba', into the (obby. ;e strode dire't(y to a 'herry ro((/top des, that had 'a ght his eye on his way in. It he(d a genero s s pp(y of A(fonso \III post'ards and stationery as we(( as pens and en0e(opes. Be',er sea(ed a b(an, pie'e of paper in an en0e(ope and wrote one word on the en0e(ope. RO:]O. Then he went ba', to the 'on'ierge. <I#m sorry to tro b(e yo again%< Be',er said approa'hing sheepish(y. <I#m being a bit of a foo(% I ,now. I was hoping to te(( Ro'Vo persona((y how m 'h I en>oyed o r time together the other day. B t I#m (ea0ing town tonight. $erhaps I#(( > st (ea0e her a note after a((.< Be',er (aid the en0e(ope on the 'o nter. The 'on'ierge (oo,ed down at the en0e(ope and '( ',ed sad(y to himse(f. Another (o0esi', heterose& a(% he tho ght. -hat a waste. ;e (oo,ed p and smi(ed. <B t of 'o rse% "r. ...=< <B isUn%< Be',er said. <"ig e( B isUn.< <Of 'o rse. I#(( be s re Ro'Vo gets this in the morning.< <Than, yo .< Be',er smi(ed and t rned to go. The 'on'ierge% after dis'reet(y 'he',ing o t Be',er#s ba',side% s'ooped p the en0e(ope off the 'o nter and t rned to the ban, of n mbered s(ots on the wa(( behind him. ) st as the man s(ipped the en0e(ope into one of the s(ots% Be',er sp n with one fina( in. iry. <-here might I 'a(( a ta&i=< The 'on'ierge t rned from the wa(( of ' bbyho(es and answered. B t Be',er did not hear his response. The timing had been perfe't. The 'on'ierge#s hand was > st emerging from a bo& mar,ed S ite B65. Be',er than,ed the 'on'ierge and s(ow(y wandered off (oo,ing for the e(e0ator. In and o t% he repeated to himse(f.

:;A$TER B5

S san ret rned to *ode B. ;er 'on0ersation with Strathmore had made her in'reasing(y an&io s abo t Da0id#s safety. ;er imagination was r nning wi(d. <So%< ;a(e spo ted from his termina(. <-hat did Strathmore want= A romanti' e0ening a(one with his head 'ryptographer=< S san ignored the 'omment and sett(ed in at her termina(. She typed her pri0a'y 'ode and the s'reen 'ame to (ife. The tra'er program 'ame into 0iew7 it sti(( had not ret rned any information on *orth Da,ota.

Damn% S san tho ght. -hat#s ta,ing so (ong= <+o seem ptight%< ;a(e said inno'ent(y. <;a0ing tro b(e with yo r diagnosti'=< <*othing serio s%< she rep(ied. B t S san wasn#t so s re. The tra'er was o0erd e. She wondered if maybe she#d made a mista,e whi(e writing it. She began s'anning the (ong (ines of LI"BO programming on her s'reen% sear'hing for anything that 'o (d be ho(ding things p. ;a(e obser0ed her sm g(y. <;ey% I meant to as, yo %< he 0ent red. <-hat do yo ma,e of that nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm Ensei Tan,ado said he was writing=< S san#s stoma'h did a f(ip. She (oo,ed p. <1nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm=< She 'a ght herse(f. <Oh% yeah... I thin, I read something abo t that.< <$retty in'redib(e '(aim.< <+eah%< S san rep(ied% wondering why ;a(e had s dden(y bro ght it p. <I don#t b y it% tho gh. E0eryone ,nows an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm is a mathemati'a( impossibi(ity.< ;a(e smi(ed. <Oh% yeah... the Bergofs,y $rin'ip(e.< <And 'ommon sense%< she snapped. <-ho ,nows...< ;a(e sighed dramati'a((y. <There are more things in hea0en and earth than are dreamt of in yo r phi(osophy.< <I beg yo r pardon=< <Sha,espeare%< ;a(e offered. <;am(et.< <Read a (ot whi(e yo were in >ai(=< ;a(e 'h ',(ed. <Serio s(y% S san% did yo e0er thin, that maybe it is possib(e% that maybe Tan,ado rea((y did write an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm=< This 'on0ersation was ma,ing S san neasy. <-e((% we 'o (dn#t do it.< <"aybe Tan,ado#s better than we are.< <"aybe.< S san shr gged% feigning disinterest. <-e 'orresponded for a whi(e%< ;a(e offered 'as a((y. <Tan,ado and me. Did yo ,now that=< S san (oo,ed p% attempting to hide her sho',. <Rea((y=< <+eah. After I n'o0ered the S,ip>a', a(gorithm% he wrote me//said we were brothers in the g(oba( fight for digita( pri0a'y.< S san 'o (d bare(y 'ontain her disbe(ief. ;a(e ,nows Tan,ado persona((y9 She did her best to (oo, ninterested. ;a(e went on. <;e 'ongrat (ated me for pro0ing that S,ip>a', had a ba', door//'a((ed it a 'o p for pri0a'y rights of 'i0i(ians a(( o0er the wor(d. +o gotta admit% S san% the ba',door in S,ip>a', was an nderhanded p(ay. Reading the wor(d#s E/mai(= If yo as, me% Strathmore deser0ed to get 'a ght.< <Greg%< S san snapped% fighting her anger% <that ba', door was so the *SA 'o (d de'ode E/mai( that

threatened this nation#s se' rity.< <Oh% rea((y=< ;a(e sighed inno'ent(y. <And snooping the a0erage 'iti8en was > st a ( ',y by/prod 't=< <-e don#t snoop a0erage 'iti8ens% and yo ,now it. The FBI 'an tap te(ephones% b t that doesn#t mean they (isten to e0ery 'a(( that#s e0er made.< <If they had the manpower% they wo (d.< S san ignored the remar,. <Go0ernments sho (d ha0e the right to gather information that threatens the 'ommon good.< <)es s :hrist<//;a(e sighed//<yo so nd (i,e yo #0e been brainwashed by Strathmore. +o ,now damn we(( the FBI 'an#t (isten in whene0er they want//they#0e got to get a warrant. A spi,ed en'ryption standard wo (d mean the *SA 'o (d (isten in to anyone% anytime% anywhere.< <+o #re right//as we sho (d be ab(e to9< S san#s 0oi'e was s dden(y harsh. <If yo hadn#t n'o0ered the ba', door in S,ip>a',% we#d ha0e a''ess to e0ery 'ode we need to brea,% instead of > st what TRA*SLTR 'an hand(e.< <If I hadn#t fo nd the ba', door%< ;a(e arg ed% <someone e(se wo (d ha0e. I sa0ed yo r asses by n'o0ering it when I did. :an yo imagine the fa((o t if S,ip>a', had been in 'ir' (ation when the news bro,e=< <Either way%< S san shot ba',% <now we#0e got a paranoid EFF who thin, we p t ba', doors in a(( o r a(gorithms.< ;a(e as,ed sm g(y% <-e((% don#t we=< S san eyed him 'o(d(y. <;ey%< he said% ba',ing off% <the point is moot now anyway. +o b i(t TRA*SLTR. +o #0e got yo r instant information so r'e. +o 'an read what yo want% when yo want//no . estions as,ed. +o win.< <Don#t yo mean we win= Last I heard% yo wor,ed for the *SA.< <*ot for (ong%< ;a(e 'hirped. <Don#t ma,e promises.< <I#m serio s. Someday I#m getting o t of here.< <I#(( be 'r shed.< In that moment% S san fo nd herse(f wanting to ' rse ;a(e for e0erything that wasn#t going right. She wanted to ' rse him for Digita( Fortress% for her tro b(es with Da0id% for the fa't that she wasn#t in the Smo,ys//b t none of it was his fa (t. ;a(e#s on(y fa (t was that he was obno&io s. S san needed to be the bigger person. It was her responsibi(ity as head 'ryptographer to ,eep the pea'e% to ed 'ate. ;a(e was yo ng and n^i0e. S san (oo,ed o0er at him. It was fr strating% she tho ght% that ;a(e had the ta(ent to be an asset in :rypto% b t he sti(( hadn#t grasped the importan'e of what the *SA did. <Greg%< S san said% her 0oi'e . iet and 'ontro((ed% <I#m nder a (ot of press re today. I > st get pset when yo ta(, abo t the *SA (i,e we#re some ,ind of high/te'h peeping Tom. This organi8ation was fo nded for one p rpose//to prote't the se' rity of this nation. That may in0o(0e sha,ing a few trees and

(oo,ing for the bad app(es from time to time. I thin, most 'iti8ens wo (d g(ad(y sa'rifi'e some pri0a'y to ,now that the bad g ys 'an#t mane 0er n'he',ed.< ;a(e said nothing. <Sooner or (ater%< S san arg ed% <the peop(e of this nation need to p t their tr st somewhere. There#s a (ot of good o t there//b t there#s a(so a (ot of bad mi&ed in. Someone has to ha0e a''ess to a(( of it and separate the right from wrong. That#s o r >ob. That#s o r d ty. -hether we (i,e it or not% there is a frai( gate separating demo'ra'y from anar'hy. The *SA g ards that gate.< ;a(e nodded tho ghtf ((y. <G is ' stodiet ipsos ' stodes=< S san (oo,ed p 88(ed. <It#s Latin%< ;a(e said. <From Satires of ) 0ena(. It means #-ho wi(( g ard the g ards=# < <I don#t get it%< S san said. < #-ho wi(( g ard the g ards=# < <+eah. If we#re the g ards of so'iety% then who wi(( wat'h s and ma,e s re that we#re not dangero s=< S san nodded% ns re how to respond. ;a(e smi(ed. <It#s how Tan,ado signed a(( his (etters to me. It was his fa0orite saying.<

:;A$TER B@

Da0id Be',er stood in the ha((way o tside s ite B65. ;e ,new that somewhere behind the ornate(y 'ar0ed door was the ring. A matter of nationa( se' rity. Be',er 'o (d hear mo0ement inside the room. Faint ta(,ing. ;e ,no',ed. A deep German a''ent 'a((ed o t. <)a=< Be',er remained si(ent. <)a=< The door opened a 'ra',% and a rot nd Germani' fa'e ga8ed down at him. Be',er smi(ed po(ite(y. ;e did not ,now the man#s name. <De ts'her% >a=< he as,ed. <German% right=< The man nodded% n'ertain. Be',er 'ontin ed in perfe't German. <"ay I spea, to yo a moment=< The man (oo,ed neasy. <-as wi((st d = -hat do yo want=< Be',er rea(i8ed he sho (d ha0e rehearsed this before bra8en(y ,no',ing on a stranger#s door. ;e sear'hed for the right words. <+o ha0e something I need.< These were apparent(y not the right words. The German#s eyes narrowed.

<Ein ring%< Be',er said. <D hast einen Ring. +o ha0e a ring.< <Go away%< the German grow(ed. ;e started to '(ose the door. -itho t thin,ing% Be',er s(id his foot into the 'ra', and >ammed the door open. ;e immediate(y regretted the a'tion. The German#s eyes went wide. <-as t st d =< he demanded. <-hat are yo doing=< Be',er ,new he was in o0er his head. ;e g(an'ed ner0o s(y p and down the ha((. ;e#d a(ready been thrown o t of the '(ini'7 he had no intention of going two for two. <*imm deinen F _ weg9< the German be((owed. <Remo0e yo r foot9< Be',er s'anned the man#s p dgy fingers for a ring. *othing. I#m so '(ose% he tho ght. <Ein Ring9< Be',er repeated as the door s(ammed sh t. ??? Da0id Be',er stood a (ong moment in the we((/f rnished ha((way. A rep(i'a of a Sa(0ador Da(i h ng nearby. <Fitting.< Be',er groaned. S rrea(ism. I#m trapped in an abs rd dream. ;e#d wo,en p that morning in his own bed b t had somehow ended p in Spain brea,ing into a stranger#s hote( room on a . est for some magi'a( ring. Strathmore#s stern 0oi'e p ((ed him ba', to rea(ity! +o m st find that ring. Be',er too, a deep breath and b(o',ed o t the words. ;e wanted to go home. ;e (oo,ed ba', to the door mar,ed B65. ;is ti',et home was > st on the other side//a go(d ring. A(( he had to do was get it. ;e e&ha(ed p rposef ((y. Then he strode ba', to s ite B65 and ,no',ed (o d(y on the door. It was time to p(ay hardba((. ??? The German yan,ed open the door and was abo t to protest% b t Be',er ' t him off. ;e f(ashed his "ary(and s. ash '( b ID and bar,ed% <$o(i8ei9< Then Be',er p shed his way into the room and threw on the (ights. -hee(ing% the German s. inted in sho',. <-as ma'hst//< <Si(en'e9< Be',er swit'hed to Eng(ish. <Do yo ha0e a prostit te in this room=< Be',er peered aro nd the room. It was as p( sh as any hote( room he#d e0er seen. Roses% 'hampagne% a h ge 'anopy bed. Ro'Vo was nowhere to be seen. The bathroom door was '(osed. <$rostit iert=< The German g(an'ed neasi(y at the '(osed bathroom door. ;e was (arger than Be',er had imagined. ;is hairy 'hest began right nder his trip(e 'hin and s(oped o tward to his 'o(ossa( g t. The drawstring of his white terry/'(oth A(fonso \III bathrobe bare(y rea'hed aro nd his waist. Be',er stared p at the giant with his most intimidating (oo,. <-hat is yo r name=< A (oo, of pani' ripp(ed a'ross the German#s 'orp (ent fa'e. <-as wi((st d = -hat do yo want=< <I am with the to rist re(ations bran'h of the Spanish G ardia here in Se0i((e. Do yo ha0e a prostit te in this room=< The German g(an'ed ner0o s(y at the bathroom door. ;e hesitated. <)a%< he fina((y admitted. <Do yo ,now this is i((ega( in Spain=<

<*ein%< the German (ied. <I did not ,now. I#(( send her home right now.< <I#m afraid it#s too (ate for that%< Be',er said with a thority. ;e stro((ed 'as a((y into the room. <I ha0e a proposition for yo .< <Ein 4ors'h(ag=< The German gasped. <A proposition=< <+es. I 'an ta,e yo to head. arters right now...< Be',er pa sed dramati'a((y and 'ra',ed his ,n ',(es. <Or what=< the German as,ed% his eyes widening in fear. <Or we ma,e a dea(.< <-hat ,ind of dea(=< The German had heard stories abo t the 'orr ption in the Spanish G ardia :i0i(. <+o ha0e something I want%< Be',er said. <+es% of 'o rse9< the German eff sed% for'ing a smi(e. ;e went immediate(y to the wa((et on his dresser. <;ow m 'h=< Be',er (et his >aw drop in mo', indignation. <Are yo trying to bribe an offi'er of the (aw=< he be((owed. <*o9 Of 'o rse not9 I > st tho ght...< The obese man . i',(y set down his wa((et. <I... I...< ;e was tota((y f( stered. ;e 'o((apsed on the 'orner of the bed and wr ng his hands. The bed groaned nder his weight. <I#m sorry.< Be',er p ((ed a rose from the 0ase in the 'enter of the room and 'as a((y sme((ed it before (etting it fa(( to the f(oor. ;e sp n s dden(y. <-hat 'an yo te(( me abo t the m rder=< The German went white. <"ord= " rder=< <+es. The Asian man this morning= In the par,= It was an assassination//Ermord ng.< Be',er (o0ed the German word for assassination. Ermord ng. It was so 'hi((ing. <Ermord ng= ;e... he was...=< <+es.< <B t... b t that#s impossib(e%< the German 'ho,ed. <I was there. ;e had a heart atta',. I saw it. *o b(ood. *o b ((ets.< Be',er shoo, his head 'ondes'ending(y. <Things are not a(ways as they seem.< The German went whiter sti((. Be',er ga0e an inward smi(e. The (ie had ser0ed its p rpose. The poor German was sweating prof se(y. <-h/wh/at do yo want=< he stammered. <I ,now nothing.< Be',er began pa'ing. <The m rdered man was wearing a go(d ring. I need it.< <I/I don#t ha0e it.< Be',er sighed patroni8ing(y and motioned to the bathroom door. <And Ro'Vo= Dewdrop=< The man went from white to p rp(e. <+o ,now Dewdrop=< ;e wiped the sweat from his f(eshy forehead

and dren'hed his terry/'(oth s(ee0e. ;e was abo t to spea, when the bathroom door sw ng open. Both men (oo,ed p. Ro'Vo E0a Granada stood in the doorway. A 0ision. Long f(owing red hair% perfe't Iberian s,in% deep/ brown eyes% a high smooth forehead. She wore a white terry/'(oth robe that mat'hed the German#s. The tie was drawn sn g(y o0er her wide hips% and the ne', fe(( (oose(y open to re0ea( her tanned '(ea0age. She stepped into the bedroom% the pi't re of 'onfiden'e. <"ay I he(p yo =< she as,ed in throaty Eng(ish. Be',er ga8ed a'ross the room at the st nning woman before him and did not b(in,. <I need the ring%< he said 'o(d(y. <-ho are yo =< she demanded. Be',er swit'hed to Spanish with a dead/on Anda( sian a''ent. <G ardia :i0i(.< She (a ghed. <Impossib(e%< she rep(ied in Spanish. Be',er fe(t a ,not rise in his throat. Ro'Vo was '(ear(y a (itt(e to gher than her '(ient. <Impossib(e=< he repeated% ,eeping his 'oo(. <Sha(( I ta,e yo downtown to pro0e it=< Ro'Vo smir,ed. <I wi(( not embarrass yo by a''epting yo r offer. *ow% who are yo =< Be',er st ', to his story. <I am with the Se0i((e G ardia.< Ro'Vo stepped mena'ing(y toward him. <I ,now e0ery po(i'e offi'er on the for'e. They are my best '(ients.< Be',er fe(t her stare ' tting right thro gh him. ;e regro ped. <I am with a spe'ia( to rist tas, for'e. Gi0e me the ring% or I#(( ha0e to ta,e yo down to the pre'in't and//< <And what=< she demanded% raising her eyebrows in mo', anti'ipation. Be',er fe(( si(ent. ;e was in o0er his head. The p(an was ba',firing. -hy isn#t she b ying this= Ro'Vo 'ame '(oser. <I don#t ,now who yo are or what yo want% b t if yo don#t get o t of this s ite right now% I wi(( 'a(( hote( se' rity% and the rea( G ardia wi(( arrest yo for impersonating a po(i'e offi'er.< Be',er ,new that Strathmore 'o (d ha0e him o t of >ai( in fi0e min tes% b t it had been made 0ery '(ear to him that this matter was s pposed to be hand(ed dis'reet(y. Getting arrested was not part of the p(an. Ro'Vo had stopped a few feet in front of Be',er and was g(aring at him. <O,ay.< Be',er sighed% a''ent ating the defeat in his 0oi'e. ;e (et his Spanish a''ent s(ip. <I am not with the Se0i((e po(i'e. A 1.S. go0ernment organi8ation sent me to (o'ate the ring. That#s a(( I 'an re0ea(. I#0e been a thori8ed to pay yo for it.< There was a (ong si(en'e. Ro'Vo (et his statement hang in the air a moment before parting her (ips in a s(y smi(e. <*ow that wasn#t so hard% was it=< She sat down on a 'hair and 'rossed her (egs. <;ow m 'h 'an yo pay=< Be',er m ff(ed his sigh of re(ief. ;e wasted no time getting down to b siness. <I 'an pay yo FC6%666 pesetas. Fi0e tho sand Ameri'an do((ars.< It was ha(f what he had on him b t probab(y ten times what the

ring was a't a((y worth. Ro'Vo raised her eyebrows. <That#s a (ot of money.< <+es it is. Do we ha0e a dea(=< Ro'Vo shoo, her head. <I wish I 'o (d say yes.< <A mi((ion pesetas=< Be',er b( rted. <It#s a(( I ha0e.< <"y% my.< She smi(ed. <+o Ameri'ans don#t bargain 0ery we((. +o wo (dn#t (ast a day in o r mar,ets.< <:ash% right now%< Be',er said% rea'hing for the en0e(ope in his >a',et. I > st want to go home. Ro'Vo shoo, her head. <I 'an#t.< Be',er brist(ed angri(y. <-hy not=< <I no (onger ha0e the ring%< she said apo(ogeti'a((y. <I#0e a(ready so(d it.<


To, gen * mata,a stared o t his window and pa'ed (i,e a 'aged anima(. ;e had not yet heard from his 'onta't% *orth Da,ota. Damn Ameri'ans9 *o sense of p n't a(ity9 ;e wo (d ha0e 'a((ed *orth Da,ota himse(f% b t he didn#t ha0e a phone n mber for him. * mata,a hated doing b siness this way//with someone e(se in 'ontro(. The tho ght had 'rossed * mata,a#s mind from the beginning that the 'a((s from *orth Da,ota 'o (d be a hoa&//a )apanese 'ompetitor p(aying him for the foo(. *ow the o(d do bts were 'oming ba',. * mata,a de'ided he needed more information. ;e b rst from his offi'e and too, a (eft down * mate'h#s main ha((way. ;is emp(oyees bowed re0erent(y as he stormed past. * mata,a ,new better than to be(ie0e they a't a((y (o0ed him//bowing was a 'o rtesy )apanese emp(oyees offered e0en the most r th(ess of bosses. * mata,a went dire't(y to the 'ompany#s main swit'hboard. A(( 'a((s were hand(ed by a sing(e operator on a :oren'o @666% twe(0e/(ine swit'hboard termina(. The woman was b sy b t stood and bowed as * mata,a entered. <Sit down%< he snapped. She obeyed. <I re'ei0ed a 'a(( at fo r forty/fi0e on my persona( (ine today. :an yo te(( me where it 'ame from=< * mata,a ,i',ed himse(f for not ha0ing done this ear(ier. The operator swa((owed ner0o s(y. <-e don#t ha0e 'a((er identifi'ation on this ma'hine% sir. B t I 'an 'onta't the phone 'ompany. I#m s re they 'an he(p.< * mata,a had no do bt the phone 'ompany 'o (d he(p. In this digita( age% pri0a'y had be'ome a thing of the past7 there was a re'ord of e0erything. $hone 'ompanies 'o (d te(( yo e&a't(y who had 'a((ed yo

and how (ong yo #d spo,en. <Do it%< he 'ommanded. <Let me ,now what yo find o t.<


S san sat a(one in *ode B% waiting for her tra'er. ;a(e had de'ided to step o tside and get some air//a de'ision for whi'h she was gratef (. Odd(y% howe0er% the so(it de in *ode B pro0ided (itt(e asy( m. S san fo nd herse(f str gg(ing with the new 'onne'tion between Tan,ado and ;a(e. <-ho wi(( g ard the g ards=< she said to herse(f. G is ' stodiet ipsos ' stodes. The words ,ept 'ir'(ing in her head. S san for'ed them from her mind. ;er tho ghts t rned to Da0id% hoping he was a(( right. She sti(( fo nd it hard to be(ie0e he was in Spain. The sooner they fo nd the pass/,eys and ended this% the better. S san had (ost tra', of how (ong she#d been sitting there waiting for her tra'er. Two ho rs= Three= She ga8ed o t at the deserted :rypto f(oor and wished her termina( wo (d beep. There was on(y si(en'e. The (ate/s mmer s n had set. O0erhead% the a tomati' f( ores'ents had ,i',ed on. S san sensed time was r nning o t. She (oo,ed down at her tra'er and frowned. <:ome on%< she gr mb(ed. <+o #0e had p(enty of time.< She pa(med her mo se and '(i',ed her way into her tra'er#s stat s window. <;ow (ong ha0e yo been r nning% anyway=< S san opened the tra'er#s stat s window//a digita( '(o', m 'h (i,e the one on TRA*SLTR7 it disp(ayed the ho rs and min tes her tra'er had been r nning. S san ga8ed at the monitor e&pe'ting to see a reado t of ho rs and min tes. B t she saw something e(se entire(y. -hat she saw stopped the b(ood in her 0eins. TRA:ER ABORTED <Tra'er aborted9< she 'ho,ed a(o d. <-hy=< In a s dden pani'% S san s'ro((ed wi(d(y thro gh the data% sear'hing the programming for any 'ommands that might ha0e to(d the tra'er to abort. B t her sear'h went in 0ain. It appeared her tra'er had stopped a(( by itse(f. S san ,new this 'o (d mean on(y one thing//her tra'er had de0e(oped a b g. S san 'onsidered <b gs< the most maddening asset of 'omp ter programming. Be'a se 'omp ters fo((owed a s'r p (o s(y pre'ise order of operations% the most min s' (e programming errors often had 'ripp(ing effe'ts. Simp(e synta'ti'a( errors//s 'h as a programmer mista,en(y inserting a 'omma instead of a period//'o (d bring entire systems to their ,nees. S san had a(ways tho ght the term <b g< had an am sing origin! It 'ame from the wor(d#s first 'omp ter//the "ar, 5//a room/si8e ma8e of e(e'trome'hani'a( 'ir' its b i(t in 5LMM in a (ab at ;ar0ard 1ni0ersity. The 'omp ter de0e(oped a g(it'h one day% and no one was ab(e to (o'ate the 'a se. After ho rs of sear'hing% a (ab assistant fina((y spotted the prob(em. It seemed a moth had (anded on one of the 'omp ter#s 'ir' it boards and shorted it o t. From that moment on% 'omp ter g(it'hes were referred to as b gs. <I don#t ha0e time for this%< S san ' rsed. Finding a b g in a program was a pro'ess that 'o (d ta,e days. Tho sands of (ines of programming

needed to be sear'hed to find a tiny error//it was (i,e inspe'ting an en'y'(opedia for a sing(e typo. S san ,new she had on(y one 'hoi'e//to send her tra'er again. She a(so ,new the tra'er was a(most g aranteed to hit the same b g and abort a(( o0er again. Deb gging the tra'er wo (d ta,e time% time she and the 'ommander didn#t ha0e. B t as S san stared at her tra'er% wondering what error she#d made% she rea(i8ed something didn#t ma,e sense. She had sed this e&a't same tra'er (ast month with no prob(ems at a((. -hy wo (d it de0e(op a g(it'h a(( of a s dden= As she p 88(ed% a 'omment Strathmore made ear(ier e'hoed in her mind. S san% I tried to send the tra'er myse(f% b t the data it ret rned was nonsensi'a(. S san heard the words again. The data it ret rned... She 'o',ed her head. -as it possib(e= The data it ret rned= If Strathmore had re'ei0ed data ba', from the tra'er% then it ob0io s(y was wor,ing. ;is data was nonsensi'a(% S san ass med% be'a se he had entered the wrong sear'h strings//b t nonethe(ess% the tra'er was wor,ing. S san immediate(y rea(i8ed that there was one other possib(e e&p(anation for why her tra'er aborted. Interna( programming f(aws were not the on(y reasons programs g(it'hed7 sometimes there were e&terna( for'es//power s rges% d st parti'(es on 'ir' it boards% fa (ty 'ab(ing. Be'a se the hardware in *ode B was so we(( t ned% she hadn#t e0en 'onsidered it. S san stood and strode . i',(y a'ross *ode B to a (arge boo,she(f of te'hni'a( man a(s. She grabbed a spira( binder mar,ed S+S/O$ and th mbed thro gh. She fo nd what she was (oo,ing for% 'arried the man a( ba', to her termina(% and typed a few 'ommands. Then she waited whi(e the 'omp ter ra'ed thro gh a (ist of 'ommands e&e' ted in the past three ho rs. She hoped the sear'h wo (d t rn p some sort of e&terna( interr pt//an abort 'ommand generated by a fa (ty power s pp(y or defe'ti0e 'hip. "oments (ater S san#s termina( beeped. ;er p (se . i',ened. She he(d her breath and st died the s'reen. ERROR :ODE @@ S san fe(t a s rge of hope. It was good news. The fa't that the in. iry had fo nd an error 'ode meant her tra'er was fine. The tra'e had apparent(y aborted d e to an e&terna( anoma(y that was n(i,e(y to repeat itse(f. Error 'ode @@. S san ra',ed her memory trying to remember what 'ode @@ stood for. ;ardware fai( res were so rare in *ode B that she 'o (dn#t remember the n meri'a( 'odings. S san f(ipped thro gh the S+S/O$ man a(% s'anning the (ist of error 'odes. 5L! :ORR1$T ;ARD $ARTITIO* @6! D: S$IHE @5! "EDIA FAIL1RE -hen she rea'hed n mber @@% she stopped and stared a (ong moment. Baff(ed% she do b(e/'he',ed her monitor. ERROR :ODE @@

S san frowned and ret rned to the S+S/O$ man a(. -hat she saw made no sense. The e&p(anation simp(y read! @@! "A*1AL ABORT


Be',er stared in sho', at Ro'Vo. <+o so(d the ring=< The woman nodded% her si(,y red hair fa((ing aro nd her sho (ders. Be',er wi((ed it not to be tr e. <$ero... b t...< She shr gged and said in Spanish% <A gir( near the par,.< Be',er fe(t his (egs go wea,. This 'an#t be9 Ro'Vo smi(ed 'oy(y and motioned to the German. <`( . erVa . e (o g ardara. ;e wanted to ,eep it% b t I to(d him no. I#0e got Gitana b(ood in me% Gypsy b(ood7 we Gitanas% in addition to ha0ing red hair% are 0ery s perstitio s. A ring offered by a dying man is not a good sign.< <Did yo ,now the gir(=< Be',er interrogated. Ro'Vo ar'hed her eyebrows. <4aya. +o rea((y want this ring% don#t yo =< Be',er nodded stern(y. <-ho did yo se(( it to=< The enormo s German sat bewi(dered on the bed. ;is romanti' e0ening was being r ined% and he apparent(y had no idea why. <-as passiert=< he as,ed ner0o s(y. <-hat#s happening=< Be',er ignored him. <I didn#t a't a((y se(( it%< Ro'Vo said. <I tried to% b t she was > st a ,id and had no money. I ended p gi0ing it to her. ;ad I ,nown abo t yo r genero s offer% I wo (d ha0e sa0ed it for yo .< <-hy did yo (ea0e the par,=< Be',er demanded. <Somebody had died. -hy didn#t yo wait for the po(i'e= And gi0e them the ring=< <I so(i'it many things% "r. Be',er% b t tro b(e is not one of them. Besides% that o(d man seemed to ha0e things nder 'ontro(.< <The :anadian=< <+es% he 'a((ed the amb (an'e. -e de'ided to (ea0e. I saw no reason to in0o(0e my date or myse(f with the po(i'e.< Be',er nodded absent(y. ;e was sti(( trying to a''ept this 'r e( twist of fate. She ga0e the damn thing away9 <I tried to he(p the dying man%< Ro'Vo e&p(ained. <B t he didn#t seem to want it. ;e started with the ring// ,ept p shing it in o r fa'es. ;e had these three 'ripp(ed fingers sti',ing p. ;e ,ept p shing his hand at s//(i,e we were s pposed to ta,e the ring. I didn#t want to% b t my friend here fina((y did. Then the g y

died.< <And yo tried :$R=< Be',er g essed. <*o. -e didn#t to 'h him. "y friend got s'ared. ;e#s big% b t he#s a wimp.< She smi(ed sed 'ti0e(y at Be',er. <Don#t worry//he 'an#t spea, a word of Spanish.< Be',er frowned. ;e was wondering again abo t the br ises on Tan,ado#s 'hest. <Did the paramedi's gi0e :$R=< <I ha0e no idea. As I to(d yo % we (eft before they arri0ed.< <+o mean after yo sto(e the ring.< Be',er s'ow(ed. Ro'Vo g(ared at him. <-e did not stea( the ring. The man was dying. ;is intentions were '(ear. -e ga0e him his (ast wish.< Be',er softened. Ro'Vo was right7 he probab(y wo (d ha0e done the same damn thing. <B t then yo ga0e the ring to some gir(=< <I to(d yo . The ring made me ner0o s. The gir( had (ots of >ewe(ry on. I tho ght she might (i,e it.< <And she didn#t thin, it was strange= That yo #d > st gi0e her a ring=< <*o. I to(d her I fo nd it in the par,. I tho ght she might offer to pay me for it% b t she didn#t. I didn#t 'are. I > st wanted to get rid of it.< <-hen did yo gi0e it to her=< Ro'Vo shr gged. <This afternoon. Abo t an ho r after I got it.< Be',er 'he',ed his wat'h! 55!MK p.m. The trai( was eight ho rs o(d. -hat the he(( am I doing here= I#m s pposed to be in the Smo,ys. ;e sighed and as,ed the on(y . estion he 'o (d thin, of. <-hat did the gir( (oo, (i,e=< <Era n p n,i%< Ro'Vo rep(ied. Be',er (oo,ed p% p 88(ed. <1n p n,i=< <SV. $ n,i.< <A p n,=< <+es% a p n,%< she said in ro gh Eng(ish% and then immediate(y swit'hed ba', to Spanish. <" 'ha >oyerVa. Lots of >ewe(ry. A weird pendant in one ear. A s, ((% I thin,.< <There are p n, ro',ers in Se0i((e=< Ro'Vo smi(ed. <Todo ba>o e( so(. E0erything nder the s n.< It was the motto of Se0i((e#s To rism B rea . <Did she gi0e yo her name=< <*o.< <Did she say where she was going=<

<*o. ;er Spanish was poor.< <She wasn#t Spanish=< Be',er as,ed. <*o. She was Eng(ish% I thin,. She had wi(d hair//red% white% and b( e.< Be',er win'ed at the bi8arre image. <"aybe she was Ameri'an%< he offered. <I don#t thin, so%< Ro'Vo said. <She was wearing a T/shirt that (oo,ed (i,e the British f(ag.< Be',er nodded d mb(y. <O,ay. Red% white% and b( e hair% a British f(ag T/shirt% a s, (( pendant in her ear. -hat e(se=< <*othing. ) st yo r a0erage p n,.< A0erage p n,= Be',er was from a wor(d of 'o((egiate sweatshirts and 'onser0ati0e hair' ts//he 'o (dn#t e0en pi't re what the woman was ta(,ing abo t. <:an yo thin, of anything e(se at a((=< he pressed. Ro'Vo tho ght a moment. <*o. That#s it.< ) st then the bed 'rea,ed (o d(y. Ro'Vo#s '(ient shifted his weight n'omfortab(y. Be',er t rned to him and spo,e inf( ent German. <*o'h et was= Anything e(se= Anything to he(p me find the p n, ro',er with the ring=< There was a (ong si(en'e. It was as if the giant man had something he wanted to say% b t he wasn#t s re how to say it. ;is (ower (ip . i0ered momentari(y% there was a pa se% and then he spo,e. The fo r words that 'ame o t were definite(y Eng(ish% b t they were bare(y inte((igib(e beneath his thi', German a''ent. <Fo', off nd die.< Be',er gaped in sho',. <I beg yo r pardon= <Fo', off nd die%< the man repeated% patting his (eft pa(m against his f(eshy right forearm//a 'r de appro&imation of the Ita(ian gest re for <f ', yo .< Be',er was too drained to be offended. F ', off and die= -hat happened to Das -imp= ;e t rned ba', to Ro'Vo and spo,e in Spanish. <So nds (i,e I#0e o0erstayed my we('ome.< <Don#t worry abo t him.< She (a ghed. <;e#s > st a (itt(e fr strated. ;e#(( get what#s 'oming to him.< She tossed her hair and win,ed. <Is there anything e(se=< Be',er as,ed. <Anything yo 'an te(( me that might he(p=< Ro'Vo shoo, her head. <That#s a((. B t yo #(( ne0er find her. Se0i((e is a big 'ity//it 'an be 0ery de'epti0e.< <I#(( do the best I 'an.< It#s a matter of nationa( se' rity... <If yo ha0e no ( ',%< Ro'Vo said% eyeing the b (ging en0e(ope in Be',er#s po',et% <p(ease stop ba',. "y friend wi(( be s(eeping% no do bt. Hno', . iet(y. I#(( find s an e&tra room. +o #(( see a side of Spain yo #(( ne0er forget.< She po ted ( s'io s(y. Be',er for'ed a po(ite smi(e. <I sho (d be going.< ;e apo(ogi8ed to the German for interr pting his e0ening. The giant smi(ed timid(y. <Heine 1rsa'he.<

Be',er headed o t the door. *o prob(em= -hate0er happened to <F ', off and die<=


<"an a( abort=< S san stared at her s'reen% mystified. She ,new she hadn#t typed any man a( abort 'ommand//at (east not intentiona((y. She wondered if maybe she#d hit the wrong se. en'e of ,eys by mista,e. <Impossib(e%< she m ttered. A''ording to the headers% the abort 'ommand had been sent (ess than twenty min tes ago. S san ,new the on(y thing she#d typed in the (ast twenty min tes washer pri0a'y 'ode when she#d stepped o t to ta(, to the 'ommander. It was abs rd to thin, the pri0a'y 'ode 'o (d ha0e been misinterpreted as an abort 'ommand. Hnowing it was a waste of time% S san p ((ed p her S'reenLo', (og and do b(e/'he',ed that her pri0a'y 'ode had been entered proper(y. S re eno gh% it had. <Then where%< she demanded angri(y% <where did it get a man a( abort=< S san s'ow(ed and '(osed the S'reenLo', window. 1ne&pe'ted(y% howe0er% in the sp(it se'ond as the window b(ipped away% something 'a ght her eye. She reopened the window and st died the data. It made no sense. There was a proper <(o',ing< entry when she#d (eft *ode B% b t the timing of the s bse. ent < n(o',< entry seemed strange. The two entries were (ess than one min te apart. S san was 'ertain she#d been o tside with the 'ommander for more than one min te. S san s'ro((ed down the page. -hat she saw (eft her aghast. Registering three min tes (ater% a se'ond set of (o',/ n(o', entries appeared. A''ording to the (og% someone had n(o',ed her termina( whi(e she was gone. <*ot possib(e9< she 'ho,ed. The on(y 'andidate was Greg ;a(e% and S san was . ite 'ertain she#d ne0er gi0en ;a(e her pri0a'y 'ode. Fo((owing good 'ryptographi' pro'ed re% S san had 'hosen her 'ode at random and ne0er written it down7 ;a(e#s g essing the 'orre't fi0e/'hara'ter a(phan meri' was o t of the . estion//it was thirty/si& to the fifth power% o0er si&ty mi((ion possibi(ities. B t the S'reenLo', entries were as '(ear as day. S san stared at them in wonder. ;a(e had somehow been on her termina( whi(e she was gone. ;e had sent her tra'er a man a( abort 'ommand. The . estions of how . i',(y ga0e way to . estions of why= ;a(e had no moti0e to brea, into her termina(. ;e didn#t e0en ,now S san was r nning a tra'er. E0en if he did ,now% S san tho ght% why wo (d he ob>e't to her tra',ing some g y named *orth Da,ota= The nanswered . estions seemed to be m (tip(ying in her head. <First things first%< she said a(o d. She wo (d dea( with ;a(e in a moment. Fo' sing on the matter at hand% S san re(oaded her tra'er and hit the enter ,ey. ;er termina( beeped on'e. TRA:ER SE*T S san ,new the tra'er wo (d ta,e ho rs to ret rn. She ' rsed ;a(e% wondering how in the wor(d he#d gotten her pri0a'y 'ode% wondering what interest he had in her tra'er. S san stood p and strode immediate(y for ;a(e#s termina(. The s'reen was b(a',% b t she 'o (d te(( it was not (o',ed//the monitor was g(owing faint(y aro nd the edges. :ryptographers se(dom (o',ed their

termina(s e&'ept when they (eft *ode B for the night. Instead% they simp(y dimmed the brightness on their monitors//a ni0ersa(% honor/'ode indi'ation that no one sho (d dist rb the termina(. S san rea'hed for ;a(e#s termina(. <S'rew the honor 'ode%< she said. <-hat the he(( are yo p to=<

Throwing a . i', g(an'e o t at the deserted :rypto f(oor% S san t rned p ;a(e#s brightness 'ontro(s. The monitor 'ame into fo' s% b t the s'reen was entire(y empty. S san frowned at the b(an, s'reen. 1n'ertain how to pro'eed% she 'a((ed p a sear'h engine and typed! SEAR:; FOR! <TRA:ER< It was a (ong shot% b t if there were any referen'es to S san#s tra'er in ;a(e#s 'omp ter% this sear'h wo (d find them. It might shed some (ight on why ;a(e had man a((y aborted her program. Se'onds (ater the s'reen refreshed. *O "AT:;ES FO1*D S san sat a moment% ns re what she was e0en (oo,ing for. She tried again. SEAR:; FOR! <S:REE*LO:H< The monitor refreshed and pro0ided a handf ( of inno' o s referen'es//no hint that ;a(e had any 'opies of S san#s pri0a'y 'ode on his 'omp ter. S san sighed (o d(y. So what programs has he been sing today= She went to ;a(e#s <re'ent app(i'ations< men to find the (ast program he had sed. It was his E/mai( ser0er. S san sear'hed his hard dri0e and e0ent a((y fo nd his E/mai( fo(der hidden dis'reet(y inside some other dire'tories. She opened the fo(der% and additiona( fo(ders appeared7 it seemed ;a(e had n mero s E/mai( identities and a''o nts. One of them% S san noti'ed with (itt(e s rprise% was an anonymo s a''o nt. She opened the fo(der% '(i',ed one of the o(d% inbo nd messages% and read it. She instant(y stopped breathing. The message read! TO! *DAHOTARARA.A*O*.ORG FRO"! ETRDOS;IS;A.ED1 GREAT $ROGRESS9 DIGITAL FORTRESS IS AL"OST DO*E. T;IS T;I*G -ILL SET T;E *SA BA:H DE:ADES9 As if in a dream% S san read the message o0er and o0er. Then% tremb(ing% she opened another. TO! *DAHOTARARA.A*O*.ORG FRO"! ETRDOS;IS;A.ED1 ROTATI*G :LEARTE\T -ORHS9 "1TATIO* STRI*GS ARE T;E TRI:H9 It was nthin,ab(e% and yet there it was. E/mai( from Ensei Tan,ado. ;e had been writing to Greg ;a(e. They were wor,ing together. S san went n mb as the impossib(e tr th stared p at her from the termina(. Greg ;a(e is *DAHOTA= S san#s eyes (o',ed on the s'reen. ;er mind sear'hed desperate(y for some other e&p(anation% b t there was none. It was proof//s dden and ines'apab(e! Tan,ado had sed m tation strings to 'reate a rotating

'(earte&t f n'tion% and ;a(e had 'onspired with him to bring down the *SA. <It#s...< S san stammered. <It#s... not possib(e.< As if to disagree% ;a(e#s 0oi'e e'hoed from the past! Tan,ado wrote me a few times... Strathmore too, a gamb(e hiring me... I#m getting o t of here someday. Sti((% S san 'o (d not a''ept what she was seeing. Tr e% Greg ;a(e was obno&io s and arrogant//b t he wasn#t a traitor. ;e ,new what Digita( Fortress wo (d do to the *SA7 there was no way he was in0o(0ed in a p(ot to re(ease it9 And yet% S san rea(i8ed% there was nothing to stop him//nothing e&'ept honor and de'en'y. She tho ght of the S,ip>a', a(gorithm. Greg ;a(e had r ined the *SA#s p(ans on'e before. -hat wo (d pre0ent him from trying again= <B t Tan,ado...< S san p 88(ed. -hy wo (d someone as paranoid as Tan,ado tr st someone as nre(iab(e as ;a(e= She ,new that none of it mattered now. A(( that mattered was getting to Strathmore. By some ironi' stro,e of fate% Tan,ado#s partner was right there nder their noses. She wondered if ;a(e ,new yet that Ensei Tan,ado was dead. She . i',(y began '(osing ;a(e#s E/mai( fi(es in order to (ea0e the termina( e&a't(y as she had fo nd it. ;a(e 'o (d s spe't nothing//not yet. The Digita( Fortress pass/,ey% she rea(i8ed in ama8ement% was probab(y hidden somewhere inside that 0ery 'omp ter. B t as S san '(osed the (ast of the fi(es% a shadow passed o tside the *ode B window. ;er ga8e shot p% and she saw Greg ;a(e approa'hing. ;er adrena(ine s rged. ;e was a(most to the doors. <Damn9< she ' rsed% eyeing the distan'e ba', to her seat. She ,new she#d ne0er ma,e it. ;a(e was a(most there. She whee(ed desperate(y% sear'hing *ode B for options. The doors behind her '(i',ed. Then they engaged. S san fe(t instin't ta,eo0er. Digging her shoes into the 'arpet% she a''e(erated in (ong% rea'hing strides toward the pantry. As the doors hissed open% S san s(id to a stop in front of the refrigerator and yan,ed open the door. A g(ass pit'her on top tipped pre'ario s(y and then ro',ed to a stop. <; ngry=< ;a(e as,ed% entering *ode B and wa(,ing toward her. ;is 0oi'e was 'a(m and f(irtatio s. <-ant to share some tof =< S san e&ha(ed and t rned to fa'e him. <*o than,s%< she offered. <I thin, I#(( > st//< B t the words got 'a ght in her throat. She went white. ;a(e eyed her odd(y. <-hat#s wrong=< S san bit her (ip and (o',ed eyes with him. <*othing% <she managed. B t it was a (ie. A'ross the room% ;a(e#s termina( g(owed bright(y. She#d forgotten to dim it.


Downstairs at the A(fonso \III% Be',er wandered tired(y o0er to the bar. A dwarf/(i,e bartender (ay a nap,in in front of him. <G P bebe 1sted= -hat are yo drin,ing=<

<*othing% than,s%< Be',er rep(ied. <I need to ,now if there are any '( bs in town for p n, ro',ers=< The bartender eyed him strange(y. <:( bs= For p n,s=< <+eah. Is there anyp(a'e in town where they a(( hango t=< <*o (o sP% seXor. I don#t now. B t 'ertain(y not here9< ;e smi(ed. <;ow abo t a drin,=< Be',er fe(t (i,e sha,ing the g y. *othing was going . ite the way he#d p(anned. <SG iere 4d. a(go=< The bartender repeated. <SFino= S)ere8=< Faint strains of '(assi'a( m si' were being piped in o0erhead. Brandenb rg :on'ertos% Be',er tho ght. * mber fo r. ;e and S san had seen the A'ademy of St. "artin in the Fie(ds p(ay the Brandenb rgs at the ni0ersity (ast year. ;e s dden(y wished she were with him now. The bree8e from an o0erhead air/ 'onditioning 0ent reminded Be',er what it was (i,e o tside. ;e pi't red himse(f wa(,ing the sweaty% dr gged/o t streets of Triana (oo,ing for some p n, in a British f(ag T/shirt. ;e tho ght of S san again. <2 mo de arUndano%< he heard himse(f say. <:ranberry > i'e.< The bartender (oo,ed baff(ed. <So(o=< :ranberry > i'e was a pop (ar drin, in Spain% b t drin,ing it a(one was nheard of. <SV.< Be',er said. <So(o.< <SE'ho n po'o de Smirnoff=< The bartender pressed. <A sp(ash of 0od,a=< <*o% gra'ias.< <SGratis=< he 'oa&ed. <On the ho se=< Thro gh the po nding in his head% Be',er pi't red the fi(thy streets of Triana% the stif(ing heat% and the (ong night ahead of him. -hat the he((. ;e nodded. <SV% P'hame n po'o de 0od,a.< The bartender seemed m 'h re(ie0ed and h st(ed off to ma,e the drin,. Be',er g(an'ed aro nd the ornate bar and wondered if he was dreaming. Anything wo (d ma,e more sense than the tr th. I#m a ni0ersity tea'her% he tho ght% on a se'ret mission. The bartender ret rned with a f(o rish and presented Be',er#s be0erage. <A s g sto% seXor. :ranberry with a sp(ash of 0od,a.< Be',er than,ed him. ;e too, a sip and gagged. That#s a sp(ash=


;a(e stopped ha(fway to the *ode B pantry and stared at S san. <-hat#s wrong% S e= +o (oo, terrib(e.< S san fo ght her rising fear. Ten feet away% ;a(e#s monitor g(owed bright(y. <I#m... I#m o,ay%< she managed% her heart po nding. ;a(e eyed her with a p 88(ed (oo, on his fa'e. <+o want some water=<

S san 'o (d not answer. She ' rsed herse(f. ;ow 'o (d I forget to dim his damn monitor= S san ,new the moment ;a(e s spe'ted her of sear'hing his termina(% he#d s spe't she ,new his rea( identity% *orth Da,ota. She feared ;a(e wo (d do anything to ,eep that information inside *ode B. S san wondered if she sho (d ma,e a dash for the door. B t she ne0er got the 'han'e. S dden(y there was a po nding at the g(ass wa((. Both ;a(e and S san > mped. It was :hartr ,ian. ;e was banging his sweaty fists against the g(ass again. ;e (oo,ed (i,e he#d seen Armageddon. ;a(e s'ow(ed at the 'ra8ed Sys/Se' o tside the window% then t rned ba', to S san. <I#(( be right ba',. Get yo rse(f a drin,. +o (oo, pa(e.< ;a(e t rned and went o tside. S san steadied herse(f and mo0ed . i',(y to ;a(e#s termina(. She rea'hed down and ad> sted the brightness 'ontro(s. The monitor went b(a',. ;er head was po nding. She t rned and eyed the 'on0ersation now ta,ing p(a'e on the :rypto f(oor. Apparent(y% :hartr ,ian had not gone home% after a((. The yo ng Sys/Se' was now in a pani'% spi((ing his g ts to Greg ;a(e. S san ,new it didn#t matter//;a(e ,new e0erything there was to ,now. I#0e got to get to Strathmore% she tho ght. And fast.


Room B65. Ro'Vo E0a Granada stood na,ed in front of the bathroom mirror. This was the moment she#d been dreading a(( day. The German was on the bed waiting for her. ;e was the biggest man she#d e0er been with. Re( 'tant(y% she too, an i'e ' be from the water b ',et and r bbed it a'ross her nipp(es. They . i',(y hardened. This was her gift//to ma,e men fee( wanted. It#s what ,ept them 'oming ba',. She ran her hands a'ross her s pp(e% we((/tanned body and hoped it wo (d s r0i0e another fo r or fi0e more years nti( she had eno gh to retire. SeXor Ro(dUn too, most of her pay% b t witho t him she ,new she#d be with the rest of the hoo,ers pi',ing p dr n,s in Triana. These men at (east had money. They ne0er beat her% and they were easy to satisfy. She s(ipped into her (ingerie% too, a deep breath% and opened the bathroom door. As Ro'Vo stepped into the room% the German#s eyes b (ged. She was wearing a b(a', neg(igee. ;er 'hestn t s,in radiated in the soft (ight% and her nipp(es stood at attention beneath the (a'y fabri'. <Homm do'h hierher%< he said eager(y% shedding his robe and ro((ing onto his ba',. Ro'Vo for'ed a smi(e and approa'hed the bed. She ga8ed down at the enormo s German. She 'h ',(ed in re(ief. The organ between his (egs was tiny. ;e grabbed at her and impatient(y ripped off her neg(igee. ;is fat fingers groped at e0ery in'h of her body. She fe(( on top of him and moaned and writhed in fa(se e'stasy. As he ro((ed her o0er and '(imbed on top of her% she tho ght she wo (d be 'r shed. She gasped and 'ho,ed against his p tty(i,e ne',. She prayed he wo (d be . i',. <SV9 SV9< she gasped in between thr sts. She d g her fingernai(s into his ba',side to en'o rage him. Random tho ghts 'as'aded thro gh her mind//fa'es of the 'o nt(ess men she#d satisfied% 'ei(ings she#d stared at for ho rs in the dar,% dreams of ha0ing 'hi(dren...

S dden(y% witho t warning% the German#s body ar'hed% stiffened% and a(most immediate(y 'o((apsed on top of her. That#s a((= she tho ght% s rprised and re(ie0ed. She tried to s(ide o t from nder him. <Dar(ing%< she whispered h s,i(y. <Let me get on top.< B t the man did not mo0e. She rea'hed p and p shed at his massi0e sho (ders. <Dar(ing% I... I 'an#t breathe9< She began fee(ing faint. She fe(t her ribs 'ra',ing. <aDespiPrtate9< ;er fingers instin'ti0e(y started p ((ing at his matted hair. -a,e p9 It was then that she fe(t the warm sti',y (i. id. It was matted in his hair//f(owing onto her 'hee,s% into her mo th. It was sa(ty. She twisted wi(d(y beneath him. Abo0e her% a strange shaft of (ight i(( minated the German#s 'ontorted fa'e. The b ((et ho(e in his temp(e was g shing b(ood a(( o0er her. She tried to s'ream% b t there was no air (eft in her ( ngs. ;e was 'r shing her. De(irio s% she '(awed toward the shaft of (ight 'oming from the doorway. She saw a hand. A g n with a si(en'er. A f(ash of (ight. And then nothing.

:;A$TER M6

O tside *ode B% :hartr ,ian (oo,ed desperate. ;e was trying to 'on0in'e ;a(e that TRA*SLTR was in tro b(e. S san ra'ed by them with on(y one tho ght in mind//to find Strathmore. The pani',ed Sys/Se' grabbed S san#s arm as she passed. <"s. F(et'her9 -e ha0e a 0ir s9 I#m positi0e9 +o ha0e to//< S san shoo, herse(f free and g(ared fero'io s(y. <I tho ght the 'ommander to(d yo to go home.< <B t the R n/"onitor9 It#s registering eighteen//< <:ommander Strathmore to(d yo to go home9< <F1:H STRAT;"ORE9< :hartr ,ian s'reamed% the words reso nding thro gho t the dome. A deep 0oi'e boomed from abo0e. <"r. :hartr ,ian=< The three :rypto emp(oyees fro8e. ;igh abo0e them% Strathmore stood at the rai(ing o tside his offi'e. For a moment% the on(y so nd inside the dome was the ne0en h m of the generators be(ow. S san tried desperate(y to 'at'h Strathmore#s eye. :ommander9 ;a(e is *orth Da,ota9 B t Strathmore was fi&ated on the yo ng Sys/Se'. ;e des'ended the stairs witho t so m 'h as a b(in,% ,eeping his eyes trained on :hartr ,ian the who(e way down. ;e made his way a'ross the :rypto f(oor and stopped si& in'hes in front of the tremb(ing te'hni'ian. <-hat did yo say=< <Sir%< :hartr ,ian 'ho,ed% <TRA*SLTR#s in tro b(e.< <:ommander=< S san inter>e'ted. <If I 'o (d//< Strathmore wa0ed her off. ;is eyes ne0er (eft the Sys/Se'.

$hi( b( rted% <-e ha0e an infe'ted fi(e% sir. I#m s re of it9< Strathmore#s 'omp(e&ion t rned a deep red. <"r. :hartr ,ian% we#0e been thro gh this. There is no fi(e infe'ting TRA*SLTR9< <+es% there is9< he 'ried. <And if it ma,es its way to the main databan,//< <-here the he(( is this infe'ted fi(e=< Strathmore be((owed. <Show it to me9< :hartr ,ian hesitated. <I 'an#t.< <Of 'o rse yo 'an#t9 It doesn#t e&ist9< S san said% <:ommander% I m st//< Again Strathmore si(en'ed her with an angry wa0e. S san eyed ;a(e ner0o s(y. ;e seemed sm g and deta'hed. It ma,es perfe't sense% she tho ght. ;a(e wo (dn#t be worried abo t a 0ir s7 he ,nows what#s rea((y going on inside TRA*SLTR. :hartr ,ian was insistent. <The infe'ted fi(e e&ists% sir. B t Ga nt(et ne0er pi',ed it p.< <If Ga nt(et ne0er pi',ed it p%< Strathmore f med% <then how the he(( do yo ,now it e&ists=< :hartr ,ian s dden(y so nded more 'onfident. <" tation strings% sir. I ran a f (( ana(ysis% and the probe t rned p m tation strings9< S san now nderstood why the Sys/Se' was so 'on'erned. " tation strings% she m sed. She ,new m tation strings were programming se. en'es that 'orr pted data in e&treme(y 'omp(e& ways. They were 0ery 'ommon in 'omp ter 0ir ses% parti' (ar(y 0ir ses that a(tered (arge b(o',s of data. Of 'o rse% S san a(so ,new from Tan,ado#s E/mai( that the m tation strings :hartr ,ian had seen were harm(ess//simp(y part of Digita( Fortress. The Sys/Se' went on. <-hen I first saw the strings% sir% I tho ght Ga nt(et#s fi(ters had fai(ed. B t then I ran some tests and fo nd o t...< ;e pa sed% (oo,ing s dden(y neasy. <I fo nd o t that somebody man a((y bypassed Ga nt(et.< The statement met with a s dden h sh. Strathmore#s fa'e t rned an e0en deeper shade of 'rimson. There was no do bt whom :hartr ,ian was a'' sing7 Strathmore#s termina( was the on(y one in :rypto with '(earan'e to bypass Ga nt(et#s fi(ters. -hen Strathmore spo,e% his 0oi'e was (i,e i'e. <"r. :hartr ,ian% not that it is any 'on'ern of yo rs% b t I bypassed Ga nt(et.< ;e went on% his temper ho0ering near the boi(ing point. <As I to(d yo ear(ier% I#m r nning a 0ery ad0an'ed diagnosti'. The m tation strings yo see in TRA*SLTR are part of that diagnosti'7 they are there be'a se I p t them there. Ga nt(et ref sed to (et me (oad the fi(e% so I bypassed its fi(ters.< Strathmore#s eyes narrowed sharp(y at :hartr ,ian. <*ow% wi(( there be anything e(se before yo go=< In a f(ash% it a(( '(i',ed for S san. -hen Strathmore had down(oaded the en'rypted Digita( Fortress a(gorithm from the Internet and tried to r n it thro gh TRA*SLTR% the m tation strings had tripped Ga nt(et#s fi(ters. Desperate to ,now whether Digita( Fortress was brea,ab(e% Strathmore de'ided to bypass the fi(ters. *orma((y% bypassing Ga nt(et was nthin,ab(e. In this sit ation% howe0er% there was no danger in sending Digita( Fortress dire't(y into TRA*SLTR7 the 'ommander ,new e&a't(y what the fi(e was and where it 'ame from.

<-ith a(( d e respe't% sir%< :hartr ,ian pressed% <I#0e ne0er heard of a diagnosti' that emp(oys m tation//< <:ommander%< S san inter>e'ted% not ab(e to wait another moment. <I rea((y need to//< This time her words were ' t short by the sharp ring of Strathmore#s 'e(( (ar phone. The 'ommander snat'hed p the re'ei0er. <-hat is it9< he bar,ed. Then he fe(( si(ent and (istened to the 'a((er. S san forgot abo t ;a(e for an instant. She prayed the 'a((er was Da0id. Te(( me he#s o,ay% she tho ght. Te(( me he fo nd the ring9 B t Strathmore 'a ght her eye and he ga0e her a frown. It was not Da0id. S san fe(t her breath grow short. A(( she wanted to ,now was that the man she (o0ed was safe. Strathmore% S san ,new% was impatient for other reasons7 if Da0id too, m 'h (onger% the 'ommander wo (d ha0e to send ba', p//*SA fie(d agents. It was a gamb(e he had hoped to a0oid. <:ommander=< :hartr ,ian rged. <I rea((y thin, we sho (d 'he',//< <;o(d on%< Strathmore said% apo(ogi8ing to his 'a((er. ;e 'o0ered his mo thpie'e and (e0e(ed a fiery stare at his yo ng Sys/Se'. <"r. :hartr ,ian%< he grow(ed% <this dis' ssion is o0er. +o are to (ea0e :rypto. *ow. That#s an order.< :hartr ,ian stood st nned. <B t% sir% m tation str//< <*O-9< Strathmore be((owed. :hartr ,ian stared a moment% spee'h(ess. Then he stormed off toward the Sys/Se' (ab. Strathmore t rned and eyed ;a(e with a p 88(ed (oo,. S san nderstood the 'ommander#s mystifi'ation. ;a(e had been . iet//too . iet. ;a(e ,new 0ery we(( there was no s 'h thing as a diagnosti' that sed m tation strings% m 'h (ess one that 'o (d ,eep TRA*SLTR b sy eighteen ho rs. And yet ;a(e hadn#t said a word. ;e appeared indifferent to the entire 'ommotion. Strathmore was ob0io s(y wondering why. S san had the answer. <:ommander%< she said insistent(y% <if I 'o (d > st spea,//< <In a min te%< he inter>e'ted% sti(( eyeing ;a(e . i88i'a((y. <I need to ta,e this 'a((.< -ith that% Strathmore t rned on his hee( and headed for his offi'e. S san opened her mo th% b t the words sta((ed on the tip of her tong e. ;a(e is *orth Da,ota9 She stood rigid% nab(e to breathe. She fe(t ;a(e staring at her. S san t rned. ;a(e stepped aside and sw ng his arm gra'io s(y toward the *ode B door. <After yo % S e.<

:;A$TER M5

In a (inen '(oset on the third f(oor of the A(fonso \III% a maid (ay n'ons'io s on the f(oor. The man with wire/rim g(asses was rep(a'ing a hote( master ,ey in her po',et. ;e had not sensed her s'ream when he str ', her% b t he had no way of ,nowing for s re//he had been deaf sin'e he was twe(0e. ;e rea'hed to the battery pa', on his be(t with a 'ertain ,ind of re0eren'e7 a gift from a '(ient% the ma'hine had gi0en him new (ife. ;e 'o (d now re'ei0e his 'ontra'ts anywhere in the wor(d. A(( 'omm ni'ations arri0ed instantaneo s(y and ntra'eab(y.

;e was eager as he to 'hed the swit'h. ;is g(asses f(i',ered to (ife. On'e again his fingers 'ar0ed into the empty air and began '(i',ing together. As a(ways% he had re'orded the names of his 0i'tims//a simp(e matter of sear'hing a wa((et or p rse. The 'onta'ts on his fingers 'onne'ted% and the (etters appeared in the (ens of his g(asses (i,e ghosts in the air. S1B)E:T! RO:IO E4A GRA*ADA//TER"I*ATED S1B)E:T! ;A*S ;1BER//TER"I*ATED

Three stories be(ow Da0id Be',er paid his tab and wandered a'ross the (obby% his ha(f/finished drin, in hand. ;e headed toward the hote(#s open terra'e for some fresh air. In and o t% he m sed. Things hadn#t panned o t . ite as he e&pe'ted. ;e had a de'ision to ma,e. Sho (d he > st gi0e p and go ba', to the airport= A matter of nationa( se' rity. ;e swore nder his breath. So why the he(( had they sent a s'hoo(tea'her= Be',er mo0ed o t of sight of the bartender and d mped the remaining drin, in a potted >asmine. The 0od,a had made him (ight/headed. :heapest dr n, in history% S san often 'a((ed him. After refi((ing the hea0y 'rysta( g(ass from a water fo ntain% Be',er too, a (ong swa((ow. ;e stret'hed a few times trying to sha,e off the (ight ha8e that had sett(ed o0er him. Then he set down his g(ass and wa(,ed a'ross the (obby. As he passed the e(e0ator% the doors s(id opened. There was a man inside. A(( Be',er saw were thi', wire/rim g(asses. The man raised a hand,er'hief to b(ow his nose. Be',er smi(ed po(ite(y and mo0ed on... o t into the stif(ing Se0i((ian night.

:;A$TER M@

Inside *ode B% S san 'a ght herse(f pa'ing franti'a((y. She wished she#d e&posed ;a(e when she#d had the 'han'e. ;a(e sat at his termina(. <Stress is a ,i((er% S e. Something yo want to get off yo r 'hest=< S san for'ed herse(f to sit. She had tho ght Strathmore wo (d be off the phone by now and ret rn to spea, to her% b t he was nowhere to be seen. S san tried to ,eep 'a(m. She ga8ed at her 'omp ter s'reen. The tra'er was sti(( r nning//for the se'ond time. It was immateria( now. S san ,new whose address it wo (d ret rn! G;ALER'rypto.nsa.go0. S san ga8ed p toward Strathmore#s wor,station and ,new she 'o (dn#t wait any (onger. It was time to interr pt the 'ommander#s phone 'a((. She stood and headed for the door. ;a(e seemed s dden(y neasy% apparent(y noti'ing S san#s odd beha0ior. ;e strode . i',(y a'ross the room and beat her to the door. ;e fo(ded his arms and b(o',ed her e&it. <Te(( me what#s going on%< he demanded. <There#s something going on here today. -hat is it=< <Let me o t%< S san said as e0en(y as possib(e% fee(ing a s dden twinge of danger. <:ome on%< ;a(e pressed. <Strathmore pra'ti'a((y fired :hartr ,ian for doing his >ob. -hat#s going on inside TRA*SLTR= -e don#t ha0e any diagnosti's that r n eighteen ho rs. That#s b ((shit% and yo ,now

it. Te(( me what#s going on.< S san#s eyes narrowed. +o ,now damn we(( what#s going on9 <Ba', off% Greg%< she demanded. <I need to se the bathroom.< ;a(e smir,ed. ;e waited a (ong moment and then stepped aside. <Sorry S e. ) st f(irting.< S san p shed by him and (eft *ode B. As she passed the g(ass wa((% she sensed ;a(e#s eyes boring into her from the other side. Re( 'tant(y% she 'ir'(ed toward the bathrooms. She wo (d ha0e to ma,e a deto r before 0isiting the :ommander. Greg ;a(e 'o (d s spe't nothing.


A >a nty forty/fi0e% :had Brin,erhoff was we((/pressed% we((/groomed% and we((/informed. ;is s mmer/ weight s it% (i,e his tan s,in% showed not a wrin,(e or hint of wear. ;is hair was thi',% sandy b(ond% and most important(y//a(( his own. ;is eyes were a bri((iant b( e//s bt(y enhan'ed by the mira'(e of tinted 'onta't (enses. ;e s r0eyed the wood/pane(ed offi'e aro nd him and ,new he had risen as far as he wo (d rise in the *SA. ;e was on the ninth f(oor//"ahogany Row. Offi'e LA5LF. The Dire'toria( S ite. It was a Sat rday night% and "ahogany Row was a(( b t deserted% its e&e' ti0es (ong gone//off en>oying whate0er pastimes inf( entia( men en>oyed in their (eis re. A(tho gh Brin,erhoff had a(ways dreamed of a <rea(< post with the agen'y% he had somehow ended p as a <persona( aide<//the offi'ia( ' ( de sa' of the po(iti'a( rat ra'e. The fa't that he wor,ed side by side with the sing(e most powerf ( man in Ameri'an inte((igen'e was (itt(e 'onso(ation. Brin,erhoff had grad ated with honors from Ando0er and -i((iams% and yet here he was% midd(e/aged% with no rea( power//no rea( sta,e. ;e spent his days arranging someone e(se#s 'a(endar. ??? There were definite benefits to being the dire'tor#s persona( aide//Brin,erhoff had a p( sh offi'e in the dire'toria( s ite% f (( a''ess to a(( the *SA departments% and a 'ertain (e0e( of distin'tion that 'ame from the 'ompany he ,ept. ;e ran errands for the highest e'he(ons of power. Deep down Brin,erhoff ,new he was born to be a $A//smart eno gh to ta,e notes% handsome eno gh to gi0e press 'onferen'es% and (a8y eno gh to be 'ontent with it. The sti',y/sweet 'hime of his mante( '(o', a''ented the end of another day of his patheti' e&isten'e. Shit% he tho ght. Fi0e o#'(o', on a Sat rday. -hat the he(( am I doing here= <:had=< A woman appeared in his doorway. Brin,erhoff (oo,ed p. It was "idge "i(,en% Fontaine#s interna( se' rity ana(yst. She was si&ty% s(ight(y hea0y% and% m 'h to the p 88(ement of Brin,erhoff% . ite appea(ing. A 'ons mmate f(irt and an e&/wife three times o0er% "idge prow(ed the si&/room dire'toria( s ite with a sa 'y a thority. She was sharp% int iti0e% wor,ed ngod(y ho rs% and was r mored to ,now more abo t the *SA#s inner wor,ings than God himse(f. Damn% Brin,erhoff tho ght% eyeing her in her gray 'ashmere/dress. Either I#m getting o(der% or she#s (oo,ing yo nger.

<-ee,(y reports.< She smi(ed% wa0ing a fanfo(d of paper. <+o need to 'he', the fig res.< Brin,erhoff eyed her body. <Fig res (oo, good from here.< <Rea((y :had%< she (a ghed. <I#m o(d eno gh to be yo r mother.< Don#t remind me% he tho ght. "idge strode in and sid(ed p to his des,. <I#m on my way o t% b t the dire'tor wants these 'ompi(ed by the time he gets ba', from So th Ameri'a. That#s "onday% bright and ear(y.< She dropped the printo ts in front of him. <-hat am I% an a''o ntant=< <*o% hon% yo #re a 'r ise dire'tor. Tho ght yo ,new that.< <So what am I doing 'r n'hing n mbers=< She r ff(ed his hair. <+o wanted more responsibi(ity. ;ere it is.< ;e (oo,ed p at her sad(y. <"idge... I ha0e no (ife.< She tapped her finger on the paper. <This is yo r (ife% :had Brin,erhoff.< She (oo,ed down at him and softened. <Anything I 'an get yo before I go=< ;e eyed her p(eading(y and ro((ed his a'hing ne',. <"y sho (ders are tight.< "idge didn#t bite. <Ta,e an aspirin.< ;e po ted. <*o ba', r b=< She shoo, her head. <:osmopo(itan says two/thirds of ba',r bs end in se&.< Brin,erhoff (oo,ed indignant. <O rs ne0er do9< <$re'ise(y.< She win,ed. <That#s the prob(em.< <"idge//< <*ight% :had.< She headed for the door. <+o #re (ea0ing=< <+o ,now I#d stay%< "idge said% pa sing in the doorway% <b t I do ha0e some pride. I > st 'an#t see p(aying se'ond fidd(e//parti' (ar(y to a teenager.< <"y wife#s not a teenager%< Brin,erhoff defended. <She > st a'ts (i,e one.< "idge ga0e him a s rprised (oo,. <I wasn#t ta(,ing abo t yo r wife.< She battered her eyes inno'ent(y. <I was ta(,ing abo t :armen.< She spo,e the name with a thi', $ erto Ri'an a''ent. Brin,erhoff#s 0oi'e 'ra',ed s(ight(y. <-ho=< <:armen= In food ser0i'es=< Brin,erhoff fe(t himse(f f( sh. :armen ; erta was a twenty/se0en/year/o(d pastry 'hef who wor,ed in

the *SA 'ommissary. Brin,erhoff had en>oyed a n mber of pres mab(y se'ret after/ho rs f(ings with her in the sto',room. She ga0e him a wi',ed win,. <Remember% :had... Big Brother ,nows a((.< Big Brother= Brin,erhoff g (ped in disbe(ief. Big Brother wat'hes the STO:HROO"S too= Big Brother% or <Brother< as "idge often 'a((ed it% was a :entre& BBB that sat in a sma(( '(oset(i,e spa'e off the s ite#s 'entra( room. Brother was "idge#s who(e wor(d. It re'ei0ed data from 5MK '(osed 'ir' it 0ideo 'ameras% BLL e(e'troni' doors% BFF phones taps% and @5@ free/standing b gs in the *SA 'omp(e&. The dire'tors of the *SA had (earned the hard way that @A%666 emp(oyees were not on(y a great asset b t a great (iabi(ity. E0ery ma>or se' rity brea'h in the *SA#s history had 'ome from within. It was "idge#s >ob as interna( se' rity ana(yst% to wat'h e0erything that went on within the wa((s of the *SA... in'( ding% apparent(y% the 'ommissary sto',room. Brin,erhoff stood to defend himse(f% b t "idge was a(ready on her way o t. <;ands abo0e the des,%< she 'a((ed o0er her sho (der. <*o f nny st ff after I go. The wa((s ha0e eyes.< Brin,erhoff sat and (istened to the so nd of her hee(s fading down the 'orridor. At (east he ,new "idge wo (d ne0er te((. She was not witho t her wea,nesses. "idge had ind (ged in a few indis'retions of her own//most(y wandering ba', r bs with Brin,erhoff. ;is tho ghts t rned ba', to :armen. ;e pi't red her (issome body% those dar, thighs% that A" radio she p(ayed f (( b(ast//hot San ) an sa(sa. ;e smi(ed. "aybe I#(( drop by for a sna', when I#m done. ;e opened the first printo t. :R+$TO//$ROD1:TIO*IE\$E*DIT1RE ;is mood immediate(y (ightened. "idge had gi0en him a freebie7 the :rypto report was a(ways a pie'e of 'a,e. Te'hni'a((y he was s pposed to 'ompi(e the who(e thing% b t the on(y fig re the dire'tor e0er as,ed for was the ":D//the mean 'ost per de'ryption. The ":D represented the estimated amo nt it 'ost TRA*SLTR to brea, a sing(e 'ode. As (ong as the fig re was be(ow N5%666 per 'ode% Fontaine didn#t f(in'h. A grand a pop. Brin,erhoff 'h ',(ed. O r ta& do((ars at wor,. As he began p(owing thro gh the do' ment and 'he',ing the dai(y ":Ds% images of :armen ; erta smearing herse(f with honey and 'onfe'tioner#s s gar began p(aying in his head. Thirty se'onds (ater he was a(most done. The :rypto data was perfe't//as a(ways. B t > st before mo0ing on to the ne&t report% something 'a ght his eye. At the bottom of the sheet% the (ast ":D was off. The fig re was so (arge that it had 'arried o0er into the ne&t 'o( mn and made a mess of the page. Brin,erhoff stared at the fig re in sho',. LLL%LLL%LLL= ;e gasped. A bi((ion do((ars= The images of :armen 0anished. A bi((ion/do((ar 'ode= Brin,erhoff sat there a min te% para(y8ed. Then in a b rst of pani'% he ra'ed o t into the ha((way. <"idge9 :omeba',9<


$hi( :hartr ,ian stood f ming in the Sys/Se' (ab. Strathmore#s words e'hoed in his head! Lea0e now9 That#s an order9 ;e ,i',ed the trash 'an and swore in the empty (ab. <Diagnosti'% my ass9 Sin'e when does the dep ty dire'tor bypass Ga nt(et#s fi(ters9=< The Sys/Se's were we(( paid to prote't the 'omp ter systems at the *SA% and :hartr ,ian had (earned that there were on(y two >ob re. irements! be tter(y bri((iant and e&ha sti0e(y paranoid. ;e((% he ' rsed% this isn#t paranoia9 The f ',ing R n/"onitor#s reading eighteen ho rs9 It was a 0ir s. :hartr ,ian 'o (d fee( it. There was (itt(e do bt in his mind what was going on! Strathmore had made a mista,e by bypassing Ga nt(et#s fi(ters% and now he was trying to 'o0er it p with some ha(f/ ba,ed story abo t a diagnosti'. :hartr ,ian wo (dn#t ha0e been . ite so edgy had TRA*SLTR been the on(y 'on'ern. B t it wasn#t. Despite its appearan'e% the great de'oding beast was by no means an is(and. A(tho gh the 'ryptographers be(ie0ed Ga nt(et was 'onstr 'ted for the so(e p rpose of prote'ting their 'ode/brea,ing masterpie'e% the Sys/Se's nderstood the tr th. The Ga nt(et fi(ters ser0ed a m 'h higher god. The *SA#s main databan,. The history behind the databan,#s 'onstr 'tion had a(ways fas'inated :hartr ,ian. Despite the efforts of the Department of Defense to ,eep the Internet to themse(0es in the (ate 5LF6s% it was too sef ( a too( not to attra't the p b(i'/se'tor. E0ent a((y ni0ersities pried their way on. Short(y after that 'ame the 'ommer'ia( ser0ers. The f(oodgates opened% and the p b(i' po red in. By the ear(y L6#s% the go0ernment#s on'e/se' re <Internet< was a 'ongested waste(and of p b(i' E/mai( and 'yberporn. Fo((owing a n mber of np b(i'i8ed% yet high(y damaging 'omp ter infi(trations at the Offi'e of *a0a( Inte((igen'e% it be'ame in'reasing(y '(ear that go0ernment se'rets were no (onger safe on 'omp ters 'onne'ted to the b rgeoning Internet. The $resident% in 'on> n'tion with the Department of Defense% passed a '(assified de'ree that wo (d f nd a new% tota((y se' re go0ernment networ, to rep(a'e the tainted Internet and f n'tion as a (in, between 1.S. inte((igen'e agen'ies. To pre0ent f rther 'omp ter pi(fering of go0ernment se'rets% a(( sensiti0e data was re(o'ated to one% high(y se' re (o'ation//the new(y 'onstr 'ted *SA databan,//the Fort Hno& of 1.S. inte((igen'e data. Litera((y mi((ions of the 'o ntry#s most '(assified photos% tapes% do' ments% and 0ideos were digiti8ed and transferred to the immense storage fa'i(ity and then the hard 'opies were destroyed. The databan, was prote'ted by a trip(e/(ayer power re(ay and a tiered digita( ba', p system. It was a(so @5M feet ndergro nd to shie(d it from magneti' fie(ds and possib(e e&p(osions. A'ti0ities within the 'ontro( room were designated Top Se'ret 1mbra... the 'o ntry#s highest (e0e( of se' rity. The se'rets of the 'o ntry had ne0er been safer. This impregnab(e databan, now ho sed b( eprints for ad0an'ed weaponry% witness prote'tion (ists% a(iases of fie(d agents% detai(ed ana(yses and proposa(s for 'o0ert operations. The (ist was end(ess. There wo (d be no more b(a',/bag >obs damaging 1.S. inte((igen'e. Of 'o rse% the offi'ers of the *SA rea(i8ed that stored data had 0a( e on(y if it was a''essib(e. The rea( 'o p of the databan, was not getting the '(assified data off the streets% it was ma,ing it a''essib(e on(y to the 'orre't peop(e. A(( stored information had a se' rity rating and% depending on the (e0e( of se're'y% was a''essib(e to go0ernment offi'ia(s on a 'ompartmenta(i8ed basis. A s bmarine 'ommander 'o (d dia( in and 'he', the *SA#s most re'ent sate((ite photos of R ssian ports% b t he wo (d not ha0e a''ess to the p(ans for an anti/dr g mission in So th Ameri'a. :IA ana(ysts 'o (d a''ess histories of ,nown assassins b t 'o (d not a''ess (a n'h 'odes reser0ed for the $resident. Sys/Se's% of 'o rse% had no '(earan'e for the information in the databan,% b t they were responsib(e for its safety. Li,e a(( (arge databan,s//from ins ran'e 'ompanies to ni0ersities//the *SA fa'i(ity was 'onstant(y nder atta', by 'omp ter ha',ers trying to snea, a pee, at the se'rets waiting inside. B t the *SA se' rity programmers were the best in the wor(d. *o one had e0er 'ome '(ose to infi(trating the

*SA databan,//and the *SA had no reason to thin, anybody e0er wo (d. ??? Inside the Sys/Se' (ab% :hartr ,ian bro,e into a sweat trying to de'ide whether to (ea0e. Tro b(e in TRA*SLTR meant tro b(e in the databan, too. Strathmore#s (a', of 'on'ern was bewi(dering. E0eryone ,new that TRA*SLTR and the *SA main databan, were ine&tri'ab(y (in,ed. Ea'h new 'ode% on'e bro,en% was fired from :rypto thro gh MC6 yards of fiber/opti' 'ab(e to the *SA databan, for safe ,eeping. The sa'red storage fa'i(ity had (imited points of entry//and TRA*SLTR was one of them. Ga nt(et was s pposed to be the impregnab(e thresho(d g ardian. And Strathmore had bypassed it. :hartr ,ian 'o (d hear his own heart po nding. TRA*SLTR#s been st ', eighteen ho rs9 The tho ght of a 'omp ter 0ir s entering TRA*SLTR and then r nning wi(d in the basement of the *SA pro0ed too m 'h. <I#0e got to report this%< he b( rted a(o d. In a sit ation (i,e this% :hartr ,ian ,new there was on(y one person to 'a((! the *SA#s senior Sys/Se' offi'er% the short/f sed% M66/po nd 'omp ter g r who had b i(t Ga nt(et. ;is ni',name was )abba. ;e was a demigod at the *SA//roaming the ha((s% p tting o t 0irt a( fires% and ' rsing the feeb(emindedness of the inept and the ignorant. :hartr ,ian ,new that as soon as )abba heard Strathmore had bypassed Ga nt(et#s fi(ters% a(( he(( wo (d brea, (oose. Too bad% he tho ght% I#0e got a >ob to do. ;e grabbed the phone and dia(ed )abba#s twenty/fo r/ho r 'e(( (ar.


Da0id Be',er wandered aim(ess(y down A0enida de( :id and tried to 'o((e't his tho ghts. " ted shadows p(ayed on the 'obb(estones beneath his feet. The 0od,a was sti(( with him. *othing abo t his (ife seemed in fo' s at the moment. ;is mind drifted ba', to S san% wondering if she#d gotten his phone message yet. 1p ahead% a Se0i((e Transit B s s'ree'hed to a ha(t in front of a b s stop. Be',er (oo,ed p. The b s#s doors 'ran,ed open% b t no one disembar,ed. The diese( engine roared ba', to (ife% b t > st as the b s was p ((ing o t% three teenagers appeared o t of a bar p the street and ran after it% ye((ing and wa0ing. The engines wo nd down again% and the ,ids h rried to 'at'h p. Thirty yards behind them% Be',er stared in tter in'red (ity. ;is 0ision was s dden(y fo' sed% b t he ,new what he was seeing was impossib(e. It was a one/in/a/mi((ion 'han'e. I#m ha(( 'inating. B t as the b s doors opened% the ,ids 'rowded aro nd to board. Be',er saw it again. This time he was 'ertain. :(ear(y i(( minated in the ha8e of the 'orner street(ight% he#d seen her. The passengers '(imbed on% and the b s#s engines re00ed p again. Be',er s dden(y fo nd himse(f at a f (( sprint% the bi8arre image fi&ed in his mind//b(a', (ipsti',% wi(d eye shadow% and that hair... spi,ed straight p in three distin'ti0e spires. Red% white% and b( e. As the b s started to mo0e% Be',er dashed p the street into awa,e of 'arbon mono&ide. <Espera9< he 'a((ed% r nning behind the b s. Be',er#s 'ordo0an (oafers s,immed the pa0ement. ;is s a( s. ash agi(ity was not with him% tho gh7 he

fe(t off ba(an'e. ;is brain was ha0ing tro b(e ,eeping tra', of his feet. ;e ' rsed the bartender and his >et (ag. The b s was one of Se0i((e#s o(der diese(s% and fort nate(y for Be',er% first gear was a (ong% ard o s '(imb. Be',er fe(t the gap '(osing. ;e ,new he had to rea'h the b s before it downshifted. The twin tai(pipes 'ho,ed o t a '(o d of thi', smo,e as the dri0er prepared to drop the b s into se'ond gear. Be',er strained for more speed. As he s rged e0en with the rear b mper% Be',er mo0ed right% ra'ing p beside the b s. ;e 'o (d see the rear doors//and as on a(( Se0i((e b ses% it was propped wide open! 'heap air/'onditioning. Be',er fi&ed his sights on the opening and ignored the b rning sensation in his (egs. The tires were beside him% sho (der high% h mming at a higher and higher pit'h e0ery se'ond. ;e s rged toward the door% missing the hand(e and a(most (osing his ba(an'e. ;e p shed harder. 1nderneath the b s% the '( t'h '(i',ed as the dri0er prepared to 'hange gears. ;e#s shifting9 I won#t ma,e it9 B t as the engine 'ogs disengaged to a(ign the (arger gears% the b s (et p e0er so s(ight(y. Be',er ( nged. The engine reengaged > st as his fingertips ' r(ed aro nd the door hand(e. Be',er#s sho (der a(most ripped from its so',et as the engine d g in% 'atap (ting him p onto the (anding. ??? Da0id Be',er (ay 'o((apsed > st inside the 0ehi'(e#s doorway. The pa0ement ra'ed by on(y in'hes away. ;e was now sober. ;is (egs and sho (der a'hed. -a0ering% he stood% steadied himse(f% and '(imbed into the dar,ened b s. In the 'rowd of si(ho ettes% on(y a few seats away% were the three distin'ti0e spi,es of hair. Red% white% and b( e9 I made it9 Be',er#s mind fi((ed with images of the ring% the waiting Lear>et A6% and at the end of it a((% S san. As Be',er 'ame e0en with the gir(#s seat wondering what to say to her% the b s passed beneath a street(ight. The p n,#s fa'e was momentari(y i(( minated. Be',er stared in horror. The ma,e p on her fa'e was smeared a'ross a thi', st bb(e. She was not a gir( at a((% b t a yo ng man. ;e wore a si(0er st d in his pper (ip% a b(a', (eather >a',et% and no shirt. <-hat the f ', do yo want=< the hoarse 0oi'e as,ed. ;is a''ent was *ew +or,. -ith the disorientated na sea of a s(ow/motion free fa((% Be',er ga8ed at the b s(oad of passengers staring ba', at him. They were a(( p n,s. At (east ha(f of them had red% white% and b( e hair. <SiPntate9< the dri0er ye((ed. Be',er was too da8ed to hear. <SiPntate9< The dri0er s'reamed. <Sit down9< Be',er t rned 0ag e(y to the angry fa'e in the rear0iew mirror. B t he had waited too (ong. Annoyed% the dri0er s(ammed down hard on the bra,es. Be',er fe(t his weight shift. ;e rea'hed for a seat ba', b t missed. For an instant% Da0id Be',er was airborne. Then he (anded hard on the gritty f(oor. On A0enida de( :id% a fig re stepped from the shadows. ;e ad> sted his wire/rim g(asses and peered after

the departing b s. Da0id Be',er had es'aped% b t it wo (d not be for (ong. Of a(( the b ses in Se0i((e% "r. Be',er had > st boarded the infamo s n mber @F. B s @F had on(y one destination.


$hi( :hartr ,ian s(ammed down his re'ei0er. )abba#s (ine was b sy7 )abba sp rned 'a((/waiting as an intr si0e gimmi', that was introd 'ed by ATWT to in'rease profits by 'onne'ting e0ery 'a((7 the simp(e phrase <I#m on the other (ine% I#(( 'a(( yo ba',< made phone 'ompanies mi((ions ann a((y. )abba#s ref sa( of 'a((/waiting was his own brand of si(ent ob>e'tion to the *SA#s re. irement that he 'arry an emergen'y 'e(( (ar at a(( times. :hartr ,ian t rned and (oo,ed o t at the deserted :rypto f(oor. The h m of the generators be(ow so nded (o der e0ery min te. ;e sensed that time was r nning o t. ;e ,new he was s pposed to (ea0e% b t from o t of the r mb(e beneath :rypto% the Sys/Se' mantra began p(aying in his head! A't first% e&p(ain (ater. In the high/sta,es wor(d of 'omp ter se' rity% min tes often meant the differen'e between sa0ing a system or (osing it. There was se(dom time to > stify a defensi0e pro'ed re before ta,ing it. Sys/Se's were paid for their te'hni'a( e&pertise... and their instin't. A't first% e&p(ain (ater. :hartr ,ian ,new what he had to do. ;e a(so ,new that when the d st sett(ed% he wo (d be either an *SA hero or in the nemp(oyment (ine. The great de'oding 'omp ter had a 0ir s//of that% the Sys/Se' was 'ertain. There was one responsib(e 'o rse of a'tion. Sh t it down. :hartr ,ian ,new there were on(y two ways to sh t down TRA*SLTR. One was the 'ommander#s pri0ate termina(% whi'h was (o',ed in his offi'e//o t of the . estion. The other was the man a( ,i((/ swit'h (o'ated on one of the s b(e0e(s beneath the :rypto f(oor. :hartr ,ian swa((owed hard. ;e hated the s b(e0e(s. ;e#d on(y been there on'e% d ring training. It was (i,e something o t of an a(ien wor(d with its (ong ma8es of 'atwa(,s% freon d 'ts% and a di88y 5BA/foot drop to the r mb(ing power s pp(ies be(ow... It was the (ast p(a'e he fe(t (i,e going% and Strathmore was the (ast person he fe(t (i,e 'rossing% b t d ty was d ty. They#(( than, me tomorrow% he tho ght% wondering if he was right. Ta,ing a deep breath% :hartr ,ian opened the senior Sys/Se'#s meta( (o',er. On a she(f of disassemb(ed 'omp ter parts% hidden behind a media 'on'entrator and LA* tester% was a Stanford a( mni m g. -itho t to 'hing the rim% he rea'hed inside and (ifted o t a sing(e "ede'o ,ey. <It#s ama8ing%< he gr mb(ed% <what System/Se' rity offi'ers don#t ,now abo t se' rity.<


<A bi((ion/do((ar 'ode=< "idge sni',ered% a''ompanying Brin,erhoff ba', p the ha((way. <That#s a good one.<

<I swear it%< he said. She eyed him as,an'e. <This better not be some p(oy to get me o t of this dress.< <"idge% I wo (d ne0er//< he said se(f/righteo s(y. <I ,now% :had. Don#t remind me.< Thirty se'onds (ater% "idge was sitting in Brin,erhoff#s 'hair and st dying the :rypto report. <See=< he said% (eaning o0er her and pointing to the fig re in . estion. <This ":D= A bi((ion do((ars9< "idge 'h ',(ed. <It does appear to be a to 'h on the high side% doesn#t it=< <+eah.< ;e groaned. <) st a to 'h.< <Loo,s (i,e a di0ide/by/8ero.< <A who=< <A di0ide/by/8ero%< she said% s'anning the rest of the data. <The ":D#s 'a(' (ated as a fra'tion//tota( e&pense di0ided by n mber of de'ryptions.< <Of 'o rse.< Brin,erhoff nodded b(an,(y and tried not to peer down the front of her dress. <-hen the denominator#s 8ero%< "idge e&p(ained% <the . otient goes to infinity. :omp ters hate infinity% so they type a(( nines.< She pointed to a different 'o( mn. <See this=< <+eah.< Brin,erhoff refo' sed on the paper. <It#s today#s raw prod 'tion data. Ta,e a (oo, at the n mber of de'ryptions.< Brin,erhoff d tif ((y fo((owed her finger down the 'o( mn. *1"BER OF DE:R+$TIO*S b 6 "idge tapped on the fig re. <It#s > st as I s spe'ted. Di0ide/by/8ero.< Brin,erhoff ar'hed his eyebrows. <So e0erything#s o,ay=< She shr gged. <) st means we ha0en#t bro,en any 'odes today. TRA*SLTR m st be ta,ing a brea,.< <A brea,=< Brin,erhoff (oo,ed do btf (. ;e#d been with the dire'tor (ong eno gh to ,now that <brea,s< were not part of his preferred mod s operandi//parti' (ar(y with respe't to TRA*SLTR. Fontaine had paid N@ bi((ion for the 'ode/brea,ing behemoth% and he wanted his money#s worth. E0ery se'ond TRA*SLTR sat id(e was money down the toi(et. <Ah... "idge=< Brin,erhoff said. <TRA*SLTR doesn#t ta,e any brea,s. It r ns day and night. +o ,now that.< She shr gged. <"aybe Strathmore didn#t fee( (i,e hanging o t (ast night to prepare the wee,end r n. ;e probab(y ,new Fontaine was away and d ',ed o t ear(y to go fishing.< <:ome on% "idge.< Brin,erhoff ga0e her disg sted (oo,. <Gi0e the g y a brea,.< It was no se'ret "idge "i(,en didn#t (i,e Tre0or Strathmore. Strathmore had attempted a ' nning

mane 0er rewriting S,ip>a',% b t he#d been 'a ght. Despite Strathmore#s bo(d intentions% the *SA had paid dear(y. The EFF had gained strength% Fontaine had (ost 'redibi(ity with :ongress% and worst of a((% the agen'y had (ost a (ot of its anonymity. There were s dden(y ho sewi0es in "innesota 'omp(aining to Ameri'a On(ine and $rodigy that the *SA might be reading their E/mai(//(i,e the *SA ga0e a damn abo t a se'ret re'ipe for 'andied yams. Strathmore#s b( nder had 'ost the *SA% and "idge fe(t responsib(e//not that she 'o (d ha0e anti'ipated the 'ommander#s st nt% b t the bottom (ine was that an na thori8ed a'tion had ta,en p(a'e behind Dire'tor Fontaine#s ba',% a ba', "idge was paid to 'o0er. Fontaine#s hands/off attit de made him s s'eptib(e7 and it made "idge ner0o s. B t the dire'tor had (earned (ong ago to stand ba', and (et smart peop(e do their >obs7 that#s e&a't(y how he hand(ed Tre0or Strathmore. <"idge% yo ,now damn we(( Strathmore#s not s(a',ing%< Brin,erhoff arg ed. <;e r ns TRA*SLTR (i,e a fiend.< "idge nodded. Deep down% she ,new that a'' sing Strathmore of shir,ing was abs rd. The 'ommander was as dedi'ated as they 'ame//dedi'ated to a fa (t. ;e bore the e0i(s of the wor(d as his own persona( 'ross. The *SA#s S,ip>a', p(an had been Strathmore#s brain'hi(d//a bo(d attempt to 'hange the wor(d. 1nfort nate(y% (i,e so many di0ine . ests% this 'r sade ended in 'r 'ifi&ion. <O,ay%< she admitted% <so I#m being a (itt(e harsh.< <A (itt(e=< Brin,erhoff eyes narrowed. <Strathmore#s got a ba',(og of fi(es a mi(e (ong. ;e#s not abo t to (et TRA*SLTR sit id(e for a who(e wee,end.< <O,ay% o,ay.< "idge sighed. <"y mista,e.< She f rrowed her brow and p 88(ed why TRA*SLTR hadn#t bro,en any 'odes a(( day. <Let me do b(e/'he', something%< she said% and began f(ipping thro gh the report. She (o'ated what she was (oo,ing for and s'anned the fig res. After a moment she nodded. <+o #re right% :had. TRA*SLTR#s been r nning f (( for'e. Raw 'ons mab(es are e0en a (itt(e on the high side7 we#re at o0er ha(f a mi((ion ,i(owatt/ho rs sin'e midnight (ast night.< <So where does that (ea0e s=< "idge was p 88(ed. <I#m not s re. It#s odd.< <+o want to rer n the data=< She ga0e him a disappro0ing stare. There were two things one ne0er . estioned abo t "idge "i(,en. One of them was her data. Brin,erhoff waited whi(e "idge st died the fig res. <; h.< She fina((y gr nted. <+esterday#s stats (oo, fine! @BF 'odes bro,en. ":D% NKFM. A0erage time per 'ode% a (itt(e o0er si& min tes. Raw 'ons mab(es% a0erage. Last 'ode entering TRA*SLTR//< She stopped. <-hat is it=< <That#s f nny%< she said. <Last fi(e on yesterday#s . e e (og ran at 55!BF p.m.< <So=< <So% TRA*SLTR brea,s 'odes e0ery si& min tes or so. The (ast fi(e of the day s a((y r ns '(oser to midnight. It s re doesn#t (oo, (i,e//< "idge s dden(y stopped short and gasped. Brin,erhoff > mped. <-hat9< "idge was staring at the reado t in disbe(ief. <This fi(e= The one that entered TRA*SLTR (ast night=<

<+eah=< <It hasn#t bro,en yet. It#s . e e time was @B!BF!6K//b t it (ists no de'rypt time.< "idge f mb(ed with the sheets. <+esterday or today9< Brin,erhoff shr gged. <"aybe those g ys are r nning a to gh diagnosti'.< "idge shoo, her head. <Eighteen ho rs to gh=< She pa sed. <*ot (i,e(y. Besides% the . e e data says it#s an o tside fi(e. -e sho (d 'a(( Strathmore.< <At home=< Brin,erhoff swa((owed. <On a Sat rday night=< <*o%< "idge said. <If I ,now Strathmore% he#s on top of this. I#(( bet good money he#s here. ) st a h n'h.< "idge#s h n'hes were the other thing one ne0er . estioned. <:ome on%< she said% standing p. <Let#s see if I#m right.< ??? Brin,erhoff fo((owed "idge to her offi'e% where she sat down and began to wor, Big Brother#s ,eypads (i,e a 0irt oso pipe organist. Brin,erhoff ga8ed p at the array of '(osed/'aption 0ideo monitors on her wa((% their s'reens a(( free8e frames of the *SA sea(. <+o #re gonna snoop :rypto=< he as,ed ner0o s(y. <*ope%< "idge rep(ied. <-ish I 'o (d% b t :rypto#s a sea(ed dea(. It#s got no 0ideo. *o so nd. *o nothing. Strathmore#s orders. A(( I#0e got is approa'h stats and basi' TRA*SLTR st ff. -e#re ( ',y we#0e e0en got that. Strathmore wanted tota( iso(ation% b t Fontaine insisted on the basi's.< Brin,erhoff (oo,ed p 88(ed. <:rypto hasn#t got 0ideo=< <-hy=< she as,ed% witho t t rning from her monitor. <+o and :armen (oo,ing for a (itt(e more pri0a'y=< Brin,erhoff gr mb(ed something ina dib(e. "idge typed some more ,eys. <I#m p ((ing Strathmore#s e(e0ator (og.< She st died her monitor a moment and then rapped her ,n ',(e on the des,. <;e#s here%< she said matter/of/fa't(y. <;e#s in :rypto right now. Loo, at this. Ta(, abo t (ong ho rs//he went in yesterday morning bright and ear(y% and his e(e0ator hasn#t b dged sin'e. I#m showing no magno/'ard se for him on the main door. So he#s definite(y in there.< Brin,erhoff breathed a s(ight sigh of re(ief. <So% if Strathmore#s in there% e0erything#s o,ay% right=< "idge tho ght a moment. <"aybe%< she fina((y de'ided. <"aybe=< <-e sho (d 'a(( him and do b(e/'he',.< Brin,erhoff groaned. <"idge% he#s the dep ty dire'tor. I#m s re he has e0erything nder 'ontro(. Let#s not se'ond/g ess//< <Oh% 'ome on% :had//don#t be s 'h a 'hi(d. -e#re > st doing o r >ob. -e#0e got a snag in the stats% and we#re fo((owing p. Besides%< she added% <I#d (i,e to remind Strathmore that Big Brother#s wat'hing. "a,e him thin, twi'e before p(anning any more of his hare/brained st nts to sa0e the wor(d.< "idge pi',ed p the phone and began dia(ing.

Brin,erhoff (oo,ed neasy. <+o rea((y thin, yo sho (d bother him=< <I#m not bothering him%< "idge said% tossing him the re'ei0er. <+o are.<


<-hat=< "idge sp ttered in disbe(ief. <Strathmore '(aims o r data is wrong=< Brin,erhoff nodded and h ng p the phone. <Strathmore denied that TRA*SLTR#s been st ', on one fi(e for eighteen ho rs=< <;e was . ite p(easant abo t the who(e thing.< Brin,erhoff beamed% p(eased with himse(f for s r0i0ing the phone 'a((. <;e ass red me TRA*SLTR was wor,ing fine. Said it was brea,ing 'odes e0ery si& min tes e0en as we spea,. Than,ed me for 'he',ing p on him.< <;e#s (ying%< "idge snapped. <I#0e been r nning these :rypto stats for two years. The data is ne0er wrong.< <First time for e0erything%< he said 'as a((y. She shot him a disappro0ing (oo,. <I r n a(( data twi'e.< <-e((... yo ,now what they say abo t 'omp ters. -hen they s'rew p% at (east they#re 'onsistent abo t it.< "idge sp n and fa'ed him. <This isn#t f nny% :had9 The DDO > st to(d a b(atant (ie to the dire'tor#s offi'e. I want to ,now why9< Brin,erhoff s dden(y wished he hadn#t 'a((ed her ba', in. Strathmore#s phone 'a(( had set her off. E0er sin'e S,ip>a',% whene0er "idge had a sense that something s spi'io s was going on% she made an eerie transition from f(irt to fiend. There was no stopping her nti( she sorted it o t. <"idge% it is possib(e o r data is off%< Brin,erhoff said firm(y. <I mean% thin, abo t it//a fi(e that ties p TRA*SLTR for eighteen ho rs= It#s nheard of. Go home. It#s (ate.< She ga0e him a ha ghty (oo, and tossed the report on the 'o nter. <I tr st the data. Instin't says it#s right.< Brin,erhoff frowned. *ot e0en the dire'tor . estioned "idge "i(,en#s instin'ts anymore//she had an n'anny habit of a(ways being right. <Something#s p%< she de'(ared. <And I intend to find o t what it is.<


Be',er dragged himse(f off the f(oor of the b s and 'o((apsed in an empty seat. <*i'e mo0e% dipshit.< The ,id with the three spi,es sneered. Be',er s. inted in the star, (ighting. It was

the ,id he#d 'hased onto the b s. ;e g( m(y s r0eyed the sea of red% white% and b( e 'oiff res. <-hat#s with the hair=< Be',er moaned% motioning to the others. <It#s a((...< <Red% white% and b( e=< the ,id offered. Be',er nodded% trying not to stare at the infe'ted perforation in the ,id#s pper (ip. <) das Taboo%< the ,id said matter/of/fa't(y. Be',er (oo,ed bewi(dered. The p n, spit in the ais(e% ob0io s(y disg sted with Be',er#s ignoran'e. <) das Taboo= Greatest p n, sin'e Sid 4i'io s= B(ew his head off here a year ago today. It#s his anni0ersary.< Be',er nodded 0ag e(y% ob0io s(y missing the 'onne'tion. <Taboo did his hair this way the day he signed off.< The ,id spit again. <E0ery fan worth his weight in piss has got red% white% and b( e hair today.< For a (ong moment% Be',er said nothing. S(ow(y% as if he had been shot with a tran. i(i8er% he t rned and fa'ed front. Be',er s r0eyed the gro p on the b s. E0ery (ast one was a p n,. "ost were staring at him. E0ery fan has red% white% and b( e hair today. Be',er rea'hed p and p ((ed the dri0er/a(ert 'ord on the wa((. It was time to get off. ;e p ((ed again. *othing happened. ;e p ((ed a third time% more franti'a((y. *othing. <They dis'onne't #em on b s @F.< The ,id spat again. <So we don#t f ', with #em.< Be',er t rned. <+o mean% I 'an#t get off=< The ,id (a ghed. <*ot ti(( the end of the (ine.< Fi0e min tes (ater% the b s was barre(ing a(ong an n(it Spanish 'o ntry road. Be',er t rned to the ,id behind him. <Is this thing e0er going to stop=< The ,id nodded. <Few more mi(es.< <-here are we going=< ;e bro,e into a s dden wide grin. <+o mean yo don#t ,now=< Be',er shr gged. The ,id started (a ghing hysteri'a((y. <Oh% shit. +o #re gonna (o0e it.<

:;A$TER C6

On(y yards from TRA*SLTR#s h ((% $hi( :hartr ,ian stood o0er a pat'h of white (ettering on the :rypto f(oor.

:R+$TO S1BLE4ELS A1T;ORI2ED $ERSO**EL O*L+ ;e ,new he was definite(y not a thori8ed personne(. ;e shot a . i', g(an'e p at Strathmore#s offi'e. The ' rtains were sti(( p ((ed. :hartr ,ian had seen S san F(et'her go into the bathrooms% so he ,new she wasn#t a prob(em. The on(y other . estion was ;a(e. ;e g(an'ed toward *ode B% wondering if the 'ryptographer were wat'hing. <F ', it%< he gr mb(ed. Be(ow his feet the o t(ine of a re'essed trapdoor was bare(y 0isib(e in the f(oor. :hartr ,ian pa(med the ,ey he#d > st ta,en from the Sys/Se' (ab. ;e ,ne(t down% inserted the ,ey in the f(oor% and t rned. The bo(t beneath '(i',ed. Then he ns'rewed the (arge e&terna( b tterf(y (at'h and freed the door. :he',ing on'e again o0er his sho (der% he s. atted down and p ((ed. The pane( was sma((% on(y three feet by three feet% b t it was hea0y. -hen it fina((y opened% the Sys/Se' st mb(ed ba',. A b(ast of hot air hit him in the fa'e. It 'arried with it the sharp bite of freon gas. Bi((ows of steam swir(ed o t of the opening% i(( minated by the red ti(ity (ighting be(ow. The distant h m of the generators be'ame a r mb(e. :hartr ,ian stood p and peered into the opening. It (oo,ed more (i,e the gateway to he(( than a ser0i'e entran'e for a 'omp ter. A narrow (adder (ed to a p(atform nder the f(oor. Beyond that% there were stairs% b t a(( he 'o (d see was swir(ing red mist. ??? Greg ;a(e stood behind the one/way g(ass of *ode B. ;e wat'hed as $hi( :hartr ,ian eased himse(f down the (adder toward the s b(e0e(s. From where ;a(e was standing% the Sys/Se'#s head appeared to ha0e been se0ered from his body and (eft o t on the :rypto f(oor. Then% s(ow(y% it san, into the swir(ing mist. <G tsy mo0e%< ;a(e m ttered. ;e ,new where :hartr ,ian was headed. An emergen'y man a( abort of TRA*SLTR was a (ogi'a( a'tion if he tho ght the 'omp ter had a 0ir s. 1nfort nate(y% it was a(so a s re way to ha0e :rypto 'raw(ing with Sys/Se's in abo t ten min tes. Emergen'y a'tions raised a(ert f(ags at the main swit'hboard. A Sys/Se' in0estigation of :rypto was something ;a(e 'o (d not afford. ;a(e (eft *ode B and headed for the trapdoor. :hartr ,ian had to be stopped.

:;A$TER C5

)abba resemb(ed a giant tadpo(e. Li,e the 'inemati' 'reat re for whom he was ni',named% the man was a hair(ess spheroid. As resident g ardian ange( of a(( *SA 'omp ter systems% )abba mar'hed from department to department% twea,ing% so(dering% and reaffirming his 'redo that pre0ention was the best medi'ine. *o *SA 'omp ter had e0er been infe'ted nder )abba#s reign7 he intended to ,eep it that way. )abba#s home base was a raised wor,station o0er(oo,ing the *SA#s ndergro nd% (tra/se'ret databan,. It was there that a 0ir s wo (d do the most damage and there that he spent the ma>ority of his time. At the moment% howe0er% )abba was ta,ing a brea, and en>oying pepperoni 'a(8ones in the *SA#s a((/night 'ommissary. ;e was abo t to dig into his third when his 'e(( (ar phone rang. <Go%< he said% 'o ghing as he swa((owed a mo thf (.

<)abba%< a woman#s 0oi'e 'ooed. <It#s "idge.< <Data G een9< the h ge man g shed. ;e#d a(ways had a soft spot for "idge "i(,en. She was sharp% and she was a(so the on(y woman )abba had e0er met who f(irted with him. <;ow the he(( are yo =< <*o 'omp(aints.< )abba wiped his mo th. <+o on site=< <+ p.< <:are to >oin me for a 'a(8one=< <Lo0e to )abba% b t I#m wat'hing these hips.< <Rea((y=< ;e sni',ered. <"ind if I >oin yo =< <+o #re bad.< <+o ha0e no idea....< <G(ad I 'a ght yo in%< she said. <I need some ad0i'e.< ;e too, a (ong swa((ow of Dr $epper. <Shoot.< <It might be nothing%< "idge said% <b t my :rypto stats t rned p something odd. I was hoping yo 'o (d shed some (ight.< <-hat ya got=< ;e too, another sip. <I#0e got a report saying TRA*SLTR#s been r nning the same fi(e for eighteen ho rs and hasn#t 'ra',ed it.< )abba sprayed Dr $epper a(( o0er his 'a(8one. <+o what=< <Any ideas=< ;e dabbed at his 'a(8one with a nap,in. <-hat report is this=< <$rod 'tion report. Basi' 'ost ana(ysis st ff.< "idge . i',(y e&p(ained what she and Brin,erhoff had fo nd. <;a0e yo 'a((ed Strathmore=< <+es. ;e said e0erything#s fine in :rypto. Said TRA*SLTR#s r nning f (( speed ahead. Said o r data#s wrong.< )abba f rrowed his b (bo s forehead. <So what#s the prob(em= +o r report g(it'hed.< "idge did not respond. )abba 'a ght her drift. ;e frowned. <+o don#t thin, yo r report g(it'hed=< <:orre't.< <So yo thin, Strathmore#s (ying=< <It#s not that%< "idge said dip(omati'a((y% ,nowing she was on fragi(e gro nd. <It#s > st that my stats ha0e ne0er been wrong in the past. I tho ght I#d get a se'ond opinion.<

<-e((%< )abba said% <I hate to be the one to brea, it to yo % b t yo r data#s fried.< <+o thin, so=< <I#d bet my >ob on it.< )abba too, a big bite of soggy 'a(8one and spo,e with his mo th f ((. <Longest a fi(e has e0er (asted inside TRA*SLTR is three ho rs. That in'( des diagnosti's% bo ndary probes% e0erything. On(y thing that 'o (d (o', it down for eighteen ho rs wo (d ha0e to be 0ira(. *othing e(se 'o (d do it.< <4ira(=< <+eah% some ,ind of red ndant 'y'(e. Something that got into the pro'essors% 'reated a (oop% and basi'a((y g mmed p the wor,s.< <-e((%< she 0ent red% <Strathmore#s been in :rypto for abo t thirty/si& ho rs straight. Any 'han'e he#s fighting a 0ir s=< )abba (a ghed. <Strathmore#s been in there for thirty/si& ho rs= $oor bastard. ;is wife probab(y said he 'an#t 'ome home. I hear she#s bagging his ass.< "idge tho ght a moment. She#d heard that too. She wondered if maybe she was being paranoid. <"idge.< )abba whee8ed and too, another (ong drin,. <If Strathmore#s toy had a 0ir s% he wo (d ha0e 'a((ed me. Strathmore#s sharp% b t he doesn#t ,now shit abo t 0ir ses. TRA*SLTR#s a(( he#s got. First sign of tro b(e% he wo (d ha0e pressed the pani' b tton//and aro nd here% that means me.< )abba s ',ed in a (ong strand of mo88are((a. <Besides% there#s no way in he(( TRA*SLTR has a 0ir s. Ga nt(et#s the best set of pa',age fi(ters I#0e e0er written. *othing gets thro gh.< After a (ong si(en'e% "idge sighed. <Any other tho ghts=< <+ p. +o r data#s fried.< <+o a(ready said that.< <E&a't(y.< She frowned. <+o ha0en#t 'a ght wind of anything= Anything at a((=< )abba (a ghed harsh(y. <"idge... (isten p. S,ip>a', s ',ed. Strathmore b(ew it. B t mo0e on//it#s o0er.< There was a (ong si(en'e on the (ine% and )abba rea(i8ed he#d gone too far. <Sorry% "idge. I ,now yo too, heat o0er that who(e mess. Strathmore was wrong. I ,now how yo fee( abo t him.< <This has nothing to do with S,ip>a',%< she said firm(y. +eah% s re% )abba tho ght. <Listen% "idge% I don#t ha0e fee(ings for Strathmore one way or another. I mean% the g y#s a 'ryptographer. They#re basi'a((y a(( se(f/'entered assho(es. They need their data yesterday. E0ery damn fi(e is the one that 'o (d sa0e the wor(d.< <So what are yo saying=< )abba sighed. <I#m saying Strathmore#s a psy'ho (i,e the rest of them. B t I#m a(so saying he (o0es TRA*SLTR more than his own goddamn wife. If there were a prob(em% he wo (d ha0e 'a((ed me.< "idge was . iet a (ong time. Fina((y she (et o t a re( 'tant sigh. <So yo #re saying my data#s fried=< )abba 'h ',(ed. <Is there an e'ho in here=<

She (a ghed. <Loo,% "idge. Drop me a wor, order. I#(( be p on "onday to do b(e/'he', yo r ma'hine. In the meantime% get the he(( o t of here. It#s Sat rday night. Go get yo rse(f (aid or something.< She sighed. <I#m trying% )abba. Be(ie0e me% I#m trying.<

:;A$TER C@

:( b Embr >o//<-ar(o',< in Eng(ish//was sit ated in the s b rbs at the end of the n mber @F b s (ine. Loo,ing more (i,e a fortifi'ation than a dan'e '( b% it was s rro nded on a(( sides by high st ''o wa((s into whi'h were embedded shards of shattered beer bott(es//a 'r de se' rity system pre0enting anyone from entering i((ega((y witho t (ea0ing behind a good portion of f(esh. D ring the ride% Be',er had reso(0ed himse(f to the fa't that he#d fai(ed. It was time to 'a(( Strathmore with the bad news//the sear'h was hope(ess. ;e had done the best he 'o (d7 now it was time to go home. B t now% ga8ing o t at the mob of patrons p shing their way thro gh the '( b#s entran'e% Be',er was not so s re his 'ons'ien'e wo (d a((ow him to gi0e p the sear'h. ;e was staring at the biggest 'rowd of p n,s he#d e0er seen7 there were 'oiff res of red% white% and b( e e0erywhere. Be',er sighed% weighing his options. ;e s'anned the 'rowd and shr gged. -here e(se wo (d she be on a Sat rday night= : rsing his good fort ne% Be',er '(imbed off the b s. The a''ess to :( b Embr >o was a narrow stone 'orridor. As Be',er entered he immediate(y fe(t himse(f 'a ght p in the inward s rge of eager patrons. <O tta my way% faggot9< A h man pin' shion pawed past him% gi0ing Be',er an e(bow in the side. <*i'e tie.< Someone ga0e Be',er#s ne',tie a hard yan,. <-anna f ',=< A teenage gir( stared p at him (oo,ing (i,e something o t of Dawn of the Dead. The dar,ness of the 'orridor spi((ed o t into a h ge 'ement 'hamber that ree,ed of a('oho( and body odor. The s'ene was s rrea(//a deep mo ntain grotto in whi'h h ndreds of bodies mo0ed as one. They s rged p and down% hands pressed firm(y to their sides% heads bobbing (i,e (ife(ess b (bs on top of rigid spines. :ra8ed so (s too, r nning di0es off a stage and (anded on a sea of h man (imbs. Bodies were passed ba', and forth (i,e h man bea'h ba((s. O0erhead% the p (sating strobes ga0e the who(e thing the (oo, of an o(d% si(ent mo0ie. On the far wa((% spea,ers the si8e of mini0ans shoo, so deep(y that not e0en the most dedi'ated dan'ers 'o (d get '(oser than thirty feet from the po nding woofers. Be',er p( gged his ears and sear'hed the 'rowd. E0erywhere he (oo,ed was another red% white% and b( e head. The bodies were pa',ed so '(ose(y together that he 'o (dn#t see what they were wearing. ;e saw no hint of a British f(ag anywhere. It was ob0io s he#d ne0er be ab(e to enter the 'rowd witho t getting tramp(ed. Someone nearby started 0omiting. Lo0e(y. Be',er groaned. ;e mo0ed off down a spray/painted ha((way. The ha(( t rned into a narrow mirrored t nne(% whi'h opened to an o tdoor patio s'attered with tab(es and 'hairs. The patio was 'rowded with p n, ro',ers% b t to Be',er it was (i,e the gateway to Shangri/La//

the s mmer s,y opened p abo0e him and the m si' faded away. Ignoring the ' rio s stares% Be',er wa(,ed o t into the 'rowd. ;e (oosened his tie and 'o((apsed into a 'hair at the nearest no'' pied tab(e. It seemed (i,e a (ifetime sin'e Strathmore#s ear(y/morning 'a((. After '(earing the empty beer bott(es from his tab(e% Be',er (aid his head in his hands. ) st for a few min tes% he tho ght. ??? Fi0e mi(es away% the man in wire/rim g(asses sat in the ba', of a Fiat ta&i as it ra'ed head(ong down a 'o ntry road. <Embr >o%< he gr nted% reminding the dri0er of their destination. The dri0er nodded% eyeing his ' rio s new fare in the rear0iew mirror. <Embr >o%< he gr mb(ed to himse(f. <-eirder 'rowd e0ery night.<


To, gen * mata,a (ay na,ed on the massage tab(e in his pentho se offi'e. ;is persona( masse se wor,ed o t the ,in,s in his ne',. She gro nd her pa(ms into the f(eshy po',ets s rro nding his sho (der b(ades% s(ow(y wor,ing her way down to the towe( 'o0ering his ba',side. ;er hands s(ipped (ower... beneath his towe(. * mata,a bare(y noti'ed. ;is mind was e(sewhere. ;e had been waiting for his pri0ate (ine to ring. It had not. There was a ,no', at the door. <Enter%< * mata,a gr nted. The masse se . i',(y p ((ed her hands from beneath the towe(. The swit'hboard operator entered and bowed. <;onored 'hairman=< <Spea,.< The operator bowed a se'ond time. <I spo,e to the phone e&'hange. The 'a(( originated from 'o ntry 'ode 5//the 1nited States.< * mata,a nodded. This was good news. The 'a(( 'ame from the States. ;e smi(ed. It was gen ine. <-here in the 1.S.=< he demanded. <They#re wor,ing on it% sir.< <4ery we((. Te(( me when yo ha0e more.< The operator bowed again and (eft. * mata,a fe(t his m s'(es re(a&. :o ntry 'ode 5. Good news indeed.


S san F(et'her pa'ed impatient(y in the :rypto bathroom and 'o nted s(ow(y to fifty. ;er head was throbbing. ) st a (itt(e (onger% she to(d herse(f. ;a(e is *orth Da,ota9 S san wondered what ;a(e#s p(ans were. -o (d he anno n'e the pass/,ey= -o (d he be greedy and try to se(( the a(gorithm= S san 'o (dn#t bear to wait any (onger. It was time. She had to get to Strathmore. :a tio s(y she 'ra',ed the door and peered o t at the ref(e'ti0e wa(( on the far side of :rypto. There was no way to ,now if ;a(e was sti(( wat'hing. She#d ha0e to mo0e . i',(y to Strathmore#s offi'e. *ot too . i',(y% of 'o rse//she 'o (d not (et ;a(e s spe't she was on to him. She rea'hed for the door and was abo t to p (( it open when she heard something. 4oi'es. "en#s 0oi'es. The 0oi'es were 'oming thro gh the 0enti(ation shaft near the f(oor. She re(eased the door and mo0ed toward the 0ent. The words were m ff(ed by the d (( h m of the generators be(ow. The 'on0ersation so nded (i,e it was 'oming p from the s b(e0e( 'atwa(,s. One 0oi'e was shri((% angry. It so nded (i,e $hi( :hartr ,ian. <+o don#t be(ie0e me=< The so nd of more arg ing rose. <-e ha0e a 0ir s9< Then the so nd of harsh ye((ing. <-e need to 'a(( )abba9< Then there were so nds of a str gg(e. <Let me go9< The noise that fo((owed was bare(y h man. It was a (ong wai(ing 'ry of horror% (i,e a tort red anima( abo t to die. S san fro8e beside the 0ent. The noise ended as abr pt(y as it had beg n. Then there was a si(en'e. An instant (ater% as if 'horeographed for some 'heap horror matinee% the (ights in the bathroom s(ow(y dimmed. Then they f(i',ered and went o t. S san F(et'her fo nd herse(f standing in tota( b(a',ness.


<+o #re in my seat% assho(e.< Be',er (ifted his head off his arms. Doesn#t anyone spea, Spanish in this damn 'o ntry= G(aring down at him was a short% pimp(e/fa'ed teenager with a sha0ed head. ;a(f of his s'a(p was red and ha(f was p rp(e. ;e (oo,ed (i,e an Easter egg. <I said yo #re in my seat% assho(e.< <I heard yo the first time%< Be',er said% standing p. ;e was in no mood for a fight. It was time to go.

<-here#d yo p t my bott(es=< the ,id snar(ed. There was a safety pin in his nose. Be',er pointed to the beer bott(es he#d set on the gro nd. <They were empty.< <They were my f ',in# empties9< <"y apo(ogies%< Be',er said% and t rned to go. The p n, b(o',ed his way. <$i', #em p9< Be',er b(in,ed% not am sed. <+o #re ,idding% right=< ;e was a f (( foot ta((er and o tweighed the ,id by abo t fifty po nds. <Do I f ',in# (oo, (i,e I#m ,idding=< Be',er said nothing. <$i', #em p9< The ,id#s 0oi'e 'ra',ed. Be',er attempted to step aro nd him% b t the teenager b(o',ed his way. <I said% f ',in# pi', #em p9< Stoned p n,s at nearby tab(es began t rning to wat'h the e&'itement. <+o don#t want to do this% ,id%< Be',er said . iet(y. <I#m warning yo 9< The ,id seethed. <This is my tab(e9 I 'ome here e0ery night. *ow pi', #em p9< Be',er#s patien'e ran o t. -asn#t he s pposed to be in the Smo,ys with S san= -hat was he doing in Spain arg ing with a psy'hoti' ado(es'ent= -itho t warning% Be',er 'a ght the ,id nder the armpits% (ifted him p% and s(ammed his rear end down on the tab(e. <Loo,% yo r nny/nosed (itt(e r nt. +o #re going to ba', off right now% or I#m going to rip that safety pin o t of yo r nose and pin yo r mo th sh t.< The ,id#s fa'e went pa(e. Be',er he(d him a moment% then he re(eased his grip. -itho t ta,ing his eyes off the frightened ,id% Be',er stooped down% pi',ed p the bott(es% and ret rned them to the tab(e. <-hat do yo say=< he as,ed. The ,id was spee'h(ess. <+o #re we('ome%< Be',er snapped. This ,id#s a wa(,ing bi((board for birth 'ontro(. <Go to he((9< the ,id ye((ed% now aware of his peers (a ghing at him. <Ass/wipe9< Be',er didn#t mo0e. Something the ,id had said s dden(y registered. I 'ome here e0ery night. Be',er wondered if maybe the ,id 'o (d he(p him. <I#m sorry%< Be',er said% <I didn#t 'at'h yo r name.< <Two/Tone%< he hissed% as if he were gi0ing a death senten'e. <Two/Tone=< Be',er m sed. <Let me g ess... be'a se of yo r hair=< <*o shit% Sher(o',.< <:at'hy name. "a,e that p yo rse(f=<

<Damn straight%< he said pro d(y. <I#m gonna patent it.< Be',er s'ow(ed. <+o mean trademar, it=< The ,id (oo,ed 'onf sed. <+o #d need a trademar, for a name%< Be',er said. <*ot a patent.< <-hate0er9< the p n, s'reamed in fr stration. The mot(ey assortment of dr n,en and dr gged/o t ,ids at the nearby tab(es were now in hysteri's. Two/ Tone stood p and sneered at Be',er. <-hat the f ', do yo want from me=< Be',er tho ght a moment. I want yo to wash yo r hair% '(ean p yo r (ang age% and get a >ob. Be',er fig red it was too m 'h to as, on a first meeting. <I need some information%< he said. <F ', yo .< <I#m (oo,ing for someone.< <I ain#t seen him.< <;a0en#t seen him%< Be',er 'orre'ted as he f(agged a passing waitress. ;e bo ght two cg i(a beers and handed one to Two/Tone. The boy (oo,ed sho',ed. ;e too, a swig of beer and eyed Be',er wari(y. <+o hitting on me% mister=< Be',er smi(ed. <I#m (oo,ing for a gir(.< Two/Tone (et o t a shri(( (a gh. <+o s re as he(( ain#t gonna get any a'tion dressed (i,e that9< Be',er frowned. <I#m not (oo,ing for a'tion. I > st need to ta(, to her. "aybe yo 'o (d he(p me find her.< Two/Tone set down his beer. <+o a 'op=< Be',er shoo, his head. The ,id#s eyes narrowed. <+o (oo, (i,e a 'op.< <Hid% I#m from "ary(and. If I were a 'op% I#d be a (itt(e o t of my > risdi'tion% don#t yo thin,=< The . estion seemed to st mp him. <"y name#s Da0id Be',er.< Be',er smi(ed and offered his hand a'ross the tab(e. The p n, re'oi(ed in disg st. <Ba', off% fag boy.< Be',er retra'ted the hand. The ,id sneered. <I#(( he(p yo % b t it#(( 'ost yo .< Be',er p(ayed a(ong. <;ow m 'h=< <A h ndred b ',s.<

Be',er frowned. <I#0e on(y got pesetas.< <-hate0er9 "a,e it a h ndred pesetas.< Foreign ' rren'y e&'hange was ob0io s(y not one of Two/Tone#s fortes7 a h ndred pesetas was abo t eighty/se0en 'ents. <Dea(%< Be',er said% rapping his bott(e on the tab(e. The ,id smi(ed for the first time. <Dea(.< <O,ay%< Be',er 'ontin ed in his h shed tone. <I fig re the gir( I#m (oo,ing for might hang o t here. She#s got red% white% and b( e hair.< Two/Tone snorted. <It#s ) das Taboo#s anni0ersary. E0erybody#s got//< <She#s a(so wearing a British f(ag T/shirt and has a s, (( pendant in one ear.< A faint (oo, of re'ognition 'rossed Two/Tone#s fa'e. Be',er saw it and fe(t a s rge of hope. B t a moment (ater Two/Tone#s e&pression t rned stern. ;e s(ammed his bott(e down and grabbed Be',er#s shirt. <She#s Ed ardo#s% yo assho(e9 I#d wat'h it9 +o to 'h her% and he#(( ,i(( yo 9<


"idge "i(,en prow(ed angri(y into the 'onferen'e room a'ross from her offi'e. In addition to the thirty/ two foot mahogany tab(e with the *SA sea( in(aid in b(a', 'herry and wa(n t% the 'onferen'e room 'ontained three "arion $i,e water'o(ors% a Boston fern% a marb(e wet bar% and of 'o rse% the re. isite Spar,(ett#s water 'oo(er. "idge he(ped herse(f to a g(ass of water% hoping it might 'a(m her ner0es. As she sipped at the (i. id% she ga8ed a'ross at the window. The moon(ight was fi(tering thro gh the open 0enetian b(ind and p(aying on the grain of the tab(e. She#d a(ways tho ght this wo (d ma,e a ni'er dire'tor#s offi'e than Fontaine#s ' rrent (o'ation on the front of the b i(ding. Rather than (oo,ing o t o0er the *SA par,ing (ot% the 'onferen'e room (oo,ed o t o0er an impressi0e array of *SA o tb i(dings// in'( ding the :rypto dome% a high/te'h is(and f(oating separate from the main b i(ding on three wooded a'res. $ rposef ((y sit ated behind the nat ra( 'o0er of a gro0e of map(es% :rypto was diffi' (t to see from most windows in the *SA 'omp(e&% b t the 0iew from the dire'toria( s ite was perfe't. To "idge the 'onferen'e room seemed the perfe't 0antage point for a ,ing to s r0ey his domain. She had s ggested on'e that Fontaine mo0e his offi'e% b t the dire'tor had simp(y rep(ied% <*ot on the rear.< Fontaine was not a man to be fo nd on the ba', end of anything. "idge p ((ed apart the b(inds. She stared o t at the hi((s. Sighing r ef ((y% she (et her eyes fa(( toward the spot where :rypto stood. "idge had a(ways fe(t 'omforted by the sight of the :rypto dome//a g(owing bea'on regard(ess of the ho r. B t tonight% as she ga8ed o t% there was no 'omfort. Instead she fo nd herse(f staring into a 0oid. As she pressed her fa'e to the g(ass% she was gripped by a wi(d% gir(ish pani'. Be(ow her there was nothing b t b(a',ness. :rypto had disappeared9


The :rypto bathrooms had no windows% and the dar,ness s rro nding S san F(et'her was abso( te. She stood dead sti(( for a moment trying to get her bearings% a' te(y aware of the growing sense of pani' gripping her body. The horrib(e 'ry from the 0enti(ation shaft seemed to hang a(( aro nd her. Despite her effort to fight off a rising sense of dread% fear swept a'ross her f(esh and too, 'ontro(. In a f( rry of in0o( ntary motion% S san fo nd herse(f groping wi(d(y a'ross sta(( doors and sin,s. Disoriented% she sp n thro gh the b(a',ness with her hands o t in front of her and tried to pi't re the room. She ,no',ed o0er a garbage 'an and fo nd herse(f against a ti(ed wa((. Fo((owing the wa(( with her hand% she s'ramb(ed toward the e&it and f mb(ed for the door hand(e. She p ((ed it open and st mb(ed o t onto the :rypto f(oor. There she fro8e for a se'ond time. The :rypto f(oor (oo,ed nothing (i,e it had > st moments ago. TRA*SLTR was a gray si(ho ette against the faint twi(ight 'oming in thro gh the dome. A(( of the o0erhead (ighting was dead. *ot e0en the e(e'troni' ,eypads on the doors were g(owing. As S san#s eyes be'ame a'' stomed to the dar,% she saw that the on(y (ight in :rypto was 'oming thro gh the open trapdoor//a faint red g(ow from the ti(ity (ighting be(ow. She mo0ed toward it. There was the faint sme(( of o8one in the air. -hen she made it to the trapdoor% she peered into the ho(e. The freon 0ents were sti(( be('hing swir(ing mist thro gh the redness% and from the higher/pit'hed drone of the generators% S san ,new :rypto was r nning on ba', p power. Thro gh the mist she 'o (d ma,e o t Strathmore standing on the p(atform be(ow. ;e was (eaning o0er the rai(ing and staring into the depths of TRA*SLTR#s r mb(ing shaft. <:ommander9< There was no response. S san eased onto the (adder. The hot air from be(ow r shed in nder her s,irt. The r ngs were s(ippery with 'ondensation. She set herse(f down on the grated (anding. <:ommander=< Strathmore did not t rn. ;e 'ontin ed staring down with a b(an, (oo, of sho',% as if in a tran'e. S san fo((owed his ga8e o0er the banister. For a moment she 'o (d see nothing e&'ept wisps of steam. Then s dden(y she saw it. A fig re. Si& stories be(ow. It appeared brief(y in the bi((ows of steam. There it was again. A tang(ed mass of twisted (imbs. Lying ninety feet be(ow them% $hi( :hartr ,ian was spraw(ed a'ross the sharp iron fins of the main generator. ;is body was dar,ened and b rned. ;is fa(( had shorted o t :rypto#s main power s pp(y. B t the most 'hi((ing image of a(( was not of :hartr ,ian b t of someone e(se% another body% ha(fway down the (ong stair'ase% 'ro 'hed% hiding in the shadows. The m s' (ar frame was nmista,ab(e. It was Greg ;a(e.


The p n, s'reamed at Be',er% <"egan be(ongs to my friend Ed ardo9 +o stay away from her9< <-here is she=< Be',er#s heart was ra'ing o t of 'ontro(.

<F ', yo 9< <It#s an emergen'y9< Be',er snapped. ;e grabbed the ,id#s s(ee0e. <She#s got a ring that be(ongs tome. I#(( pay her for it9 A (ot9< Two/Tone stopped dead and b rst into hysteri's. <+o mean that g(y% go(d pie'e of shit is yo rs=< Be',er#s eyes widened. <+o #0e seen it=< Two/Tone nodded 'oy(y. <-here is it=< Be',er demanded. <*o '( e.< Two/Tone 'h ',(ed. <"egan was p here trying to ho', it.< <She was trying to se(( it=< <Don#t worry% man% she didn#t ha0e any ( ',. +o #0e got shitty taste in >ewe(ry.< <Are yo s re nobody bo ght it=< <Are yo shitting me= For fo r h ndred b ',s= I to(d her I#d gi0e her fifty% b t she wanted more. She was trying to b y a p(ane ti',et//standby.< Be',er fe(t the b(ood drain from his fa'e. <-hereto=< <F ',in# :onne'ti' t%< Two/tone snapped. <Eddie#s b mmin#.< <:onne'ti' t=< <Shit% yeah. Going ba', to "ommy and Daddy#s mansion in the b rbs. ;ated her Spanish homestay fami(y. Three Spi' brothers a(ways hitting on her. *o f ',ing hot water.< Be',er fe(t a ,not rise in his throat. <-hen is she (ea0ing=< Two/Tone (oo,ed p. <-hen=< ;e (a ghed. <She#s (ong gone by now. -ent to the airport ho rs ago. Best spot to ho', the ring//ri'h to rists and shit. On'e she got the 'ash% she was f(ying o t.< A d (( na sea swept thro gh Be',er#s g t. This is some ,ind of si', >o,e% isn#t it= ;e stood a (ong moment. <-hat#s her (ast name=< Two/Tone pondered the . estion and shr gged. <-hat f(ight was she ta,ing=< <She said something abo t the Roa'h :oa'h.< <Roa'h :oa'h=< <+eah. -ee,end red/eye//Se0i((e% "adrid% La G ardia. That#s what they 'a(( it. :o((ege ,ids ta,e it #'a se it#s 'heap. G ess they sit in ba', and smo,e roa'hes.< Great. Be',er groaned% r nning a hand thro gh his hair. <-hat time did it (ea0e=< <Two a.m. sharp% e0ery Sat rday night. She#s some whereo0er the At(anti' by now.<

Be',er 'he',ed his wat'h. It read 5!MC p.m. ;e t rned to Two/Tone% 'onf sed. <+o said it#s a two a.m. f(ight=< The p n, nodded% (a ghing. <Loo,s (i,e yo #re f ',ed% o(# man.< Be',er pointed angri(y to his wat'h. <B t it#s on(y . arter to two9< Two/Tone eyed the wat'h% apparent(y p 88(ed. <-e((% I#(( be damned.< he (a ghed. <I#m s a((y not this b 88ed ti(( fo r a.m.9< <-hat#s the fastest way to the airport=< Be',er snapped. <Ta&i stand o t front.< Be',er grabbed a 5%666/peseta note from his po',et and st ff edit in Two/Tone#s hand. <;ey% man% than,s9< the p n, 'a((ed after him. <If yo see "egan% te(( her I said hi9< B t Be',er was a(ready gone. Two/Tone sighed and staggered ba', toward the dan'e f(oor. ;e was too dr n, to noti'e the man in wire/ rim g(asses fo((owing him. O tside% Be',er s'anned the par,ing (ot for a ta&i. There was none. ;e ran o0er to a sto',y bo n'er. <Ta&i9< The bo n'er shoo, his head. <Demasiado temprano. Too ear(y.< Too ear(y= Be',er swore. It#s two o#'(o', in the morning9 <$Vdame no9 :a(( me one9< The man p ((ed o t a wa(,ie/ta(,ie. ;e said a few words and then signed off. <4einte min tos%< he offered. <Twenty min tes=9< Be',er demanded. <+ e(a tob s=< The bo n'er shr gged. <Forty/fi0e min tos.< Be',er threw p his hands. $erfe't9 The so nd of a sma(( engine t rned Be',er#s head. It so nded (i,e a 'hainsaw. A big ,id and his 'hain/ '(ad date p ((ed into the par,ing (ot on an o(d 4espa @C6 motor'y'(e. The gir(#s s,irt had b(own high on her thighs. She didn#t seem to noti'e. Be',er dashed o0er. I 'an#t be(ie0e I#m doing this% he tho ght. I hate motor'y'(es. ;e ye((ed to the dri0er. <I#(( pay yo ten tho sand pesetas to ta,e me to the airport9< The ,id ignored him and ,i((ed the engine. <Twenty tho sand9< Be',er b( rted. <I need to get to the airport9< The ,id (oo,ed p. <S' si=< ;e was Ita(ian. <AeropTrto9 $er fa0ore. S ((a 4espa9 4enti mi((e pesete9< The Ita(ian eyed his 'r mmy% (itt(e bi,e and (a ghed. <4enti mi((e pesete= La 4espa=< <:in. anta mi((e9 Fifty tho sand9< Be',er offered. It was abo t fo r h ndred do((ars.

The Ita(ian (a ghed do btf ((y. <Do0#P (a p(ata= -here#s the 'ash=< Be',er p ((ed fi0e 56%666/peseta notes from his po',et and he(d them o t. The Ita(ian (oo,ed at the money and then at his gir(friend. The gir( grabbed the 'ash and st ffed it in her b(o se. <Gra8ie9< the Ita(ian beamed. ;e tossed Be',er the ,eys to his 4espa. Then he grabbed his gir(friend#s hand% and they ran off (a ghing into the b i(ding. <Aspetta9< Be',er ye((ed. <-ait9 I wanted a ride9<


S san rea'hed for :ommander Strathmore#s hand as he he(ped her p the (adder onto the :rypto f(oor. The image of $hi( :hartr ,ian (ying bro,en on the generators was b rned into her mind. The tho ght of ;a(e hiding in the bowe(s of :rypto had (eft her di88y. The tr th was ines'apab(e//;a(e had p shed :hartr ,ian. S san st mb(ed past the shadow of TRA*SLTR ba', toward :rypto#s main e&it//the door she#d 'ome thro gh ho rs ear(ier. ;er franti' p n'hing on the n(it ,eypad did nothing to mo0e the h ge porta(. She was trapped7 :rypto was a prison. The dome sat (i,e a sate((ite% 56L yards away from the main *SA str 't re% a''essib(e on(y thro gh the main porta(. Sin'e :rypto made its own power% the swit'hboard probab(y didn#t e0en ,now they were in tro b(e. <The main power#s o t%< Strathmore said% arri0ing behind her. <-e#re on a &.< The ba', p power s pp(y in :rypto was designed so that TRA*SLTR and its 'oo(ing systems too, pre'eden'e o0er a(( other systems% in'( ding (ights and doorways. That way an ntime(y power o tage wo (d not interr pt TRA*SLTR d ring an important r n. It a(so meant TRA*SLTR wo (d ne0er r n witho t its freon 'oo(ing system7 in an n'oo(ed en'(os re% the heat generated by three mi((ion pro'essors wo (d rise to trea'hero s (e0e(s//perhaps e0en igniting the si(i'on 'hips and res (ting in a fiery me(tdown. It was an image no one dared 'onsider. S san fo ght to get her bearings. ;er tho ghts were 'ons med by the sing(e image of the Sys/Se' on the generators. She stabbed at the ,eypad again. Sti(( no response. <Abort the r n9< she demanded. Te((ing TRA*SLTR to stop sear'hing for the Digita( Fortress pass/,ey wo (d sh t down its 'ir' its and free p eno gh ba', p power to get the doors wor,ing again. <Easy% S san%< Strathmore said% p tting a steadying hand on her sho (der. The 'ommander#s reass ring to 'h (ifted S san from her da8e. She s dden(y remembered why she had been going to get him. She whee(ed% <:ommander9 Greg ;a(e is *orth Da,ota9< There was a seeming(y end(ess beat of si(en'e in the dar,. Fina((y Strathmore rep(ied. ;is 0oi'e so nded more 'onf sed than sho',ed. <-hat are yo ta(,ing abo t=< <;a(e...< S san whispered. <;e#s *orth Da,ota.< There was more si(en'e as Strathmore pondered S san#s words. <The tra'er=< ;e seemed 'onf sed. <It fingered ;a(e=< <The tra'er isn#t ba', yet. ;a(e aborted it9<

S san went on to e&p(ain how ;a(e had stopped her tra'er and how she#d fo nd E/mai( from Tan,ado in ;a(e#s a''o nt. Another (ong moment of si(en'e fo((owed. Strathmore shoo, his head in disbe(ief. <There#s no way Greg ;a(e is Tan,ado#s ins ran'e9 It#s abs rd9 Tan,ado wo (d ne0er tr st ;a(e.< <:ommander%< she said% <;a(e san, s on'e before//S,ip>a',. Tan,ado tr sted him.< Strathmore 'o (d not seem to find words. <Abort TRA*SLTR%< S san begged him. <-e#0e got *orth Da,ota. :a(( b i(ding se' rity. Let#s get o t of here.< Strathmore he(d p his hand re. esting a moment to thin,. S san (oo,ed ner0o s(y in the dire'tion of the trapdoor. The opening was > st o t of sight behind TRA*SLTR% b t the reddish g(ow spi((ed o t o0er the b(a', ti(e (i,e fire on i'e. :ome on% 'a(( Se' rity% :ommander9 Abort TRA*SLTR9 Get s o t of here9 S dden(y Strathmore sprang to a'tion. <Fo((ow me%< he said. ;e strode toward the trapdoor. <:ommander9 ;a(e is dangero s9 ;e//< B t Strathmore disappeared into the dar,. S san h rried to fo((ow his si(ho ette. The 'ommander 'ir'(ed aro nd TRA*SLTR and arri0ed o0er the opening in the f(oor. ;e peered into the swir(ing% steaming pit. Si(ent(y he (oo,ed aro nd the dar,ened :rypto f(oor. Then he bent down and hea0ed the hea0y trapdoor. It sw ng in a (ow ar'. -hen he (et go% it s(ammed sh t with a deadening th d. :rypto was on'e again a si(ent% b(a',ened 'a0e. It appeared *orth Da,ota was trapped. Strathmore ,ne(t down. ;e t rned the hea0y b tterf(y (o',. It sp n into p(a'e. The s b(e0e(s were sea(ed. *either he nor S san heard the faint steps in the dire'tion of *ode B.

:;A$TER A6

Two/tone headed thro gh the mirrored 'orridor that (ed from the o tside patio to the dan'e f(oor. As he t rned to 'he', his safety pin in the ref(e'tion% he sensed a fig re (ooming p behind him. ;e sp n% b t it was too (ate. A pair of ro',(i,e arms pinned his body fa'e/first against the g(ass. The p n, tried to twist aro nd. <Ed ardo= ;ey% man% is that yo =< Two/Tone fe(t a hand br sh o0er his wa((et before the fig re (eaned firm(y into his ba',. <Eddie9< the p n, 'ried. <G it foo(ing aro nd9 Some g y was (oo,in# for "egan.< The fig re he(d him firm(y. <;ey% Eddie% man% ' t it o t9< B t when Two/Tone (oo,ed p into the mirror% he saw the fig re pinning him was not his friend at a((. The fa'e was po',mar,ed and s'arred. Two (ife(ess eyes stared o t (i,e 'oa( from behind wire/rim g(asses. The man (eaned forward% p(a'ing his mo th against Two/Tone#s ear. A strange% 0oi'e 'ho,ed% <AdTnde f P= -here#d he go=< The words so nded somehow misshapen. The p n, fro8e% para(y8ed with fear.

<AdTnde f P=< the 0oi'e repeated. <E( Ameri'ano.< <The... the airport. Aerop erto%< Two/Tone stammered. <Aerop erto=< the man repeated% his dar, eyes wat'hing Two/Tone#s (ips in the mirror. The p n, nodded. <TenVa e( ani((o= Did he ha0e the ring=< Terrified% Two/Tone shoo, his head. <*o.< <4iste e( ani((o= Did yo see the ring=< Two/Tone pa sed. -hat was the right answer= <4iste e( ani((o=< the m ff(ed 0oi'e demanded. Two/Tone nodded affirmati0e(y% hoping honesty wo (d pay. It did not. Se'onds (ater he s(id to the f(oor% his ne', bro,en.

:;A$TER A5

)abba (ay on his ba', (odged ha(fway inside a dismant(ed mainframe 'omp ter. There was a pen(ight in his mo th% a so(dering iron in his hand% and a (arge s'hemati' b( eprint propped on his be((y. ;e had > st finished atta'hing a new set of atten ators to a fa (ty motherboard when his 'e(( (ar phone sprang to (ife. <Shit%< he swore% groping for the re'ei0er thro gh a pi(e of 'ab(es. <)abba here.< <)abba% it#s "idge.< ;e brightened. <Twi'e in one night= $eop(e are gonna start ta(,ing.< <:rypto#s got prob(ems.< ;er 0oi'e was tense. )abba frowned. <-e been thro gh this a(ready. Remember=< <It#s a power prob(em.< <I#m not an e(e'tri'ian. :a(( Engineering.< <The dome#s dar,.< <+o #re seeing things. Go home.< ;e t rned ba', to his s'hemati'. <$it'h b(a',9< she ye((ed. )abba sighed and set down his pen(ight. <"idge% first of a((% we#0e got a & power in there. It wo (d ne0er be pit'h b(a',. Se'ond% Strathmore#s got a s(ight(y better 0iew of :rypto than I do right now. -hy don#t yo 'a(( him=< <Be'a se this has to do with him. ;e#s hiding something.<

)abba ro((ed his eyes. <"idge sweetie% I#m p to my armpits in seria( 'ab(e here. If yo need a date% I#(( ' t (oose. Otherwise% 'a(( Engineering.< <)abba% this is serio s. I 'an fee( it.< She 'an fee( it= It was offi'ia(% )abba tho ght% "idge was in one of her moods. <If Strathmore#s not worried% I#m not worried.< <:rypto#s pit'h b(a',% dammit9< <So maybe Strathmore#s starga8ing.< <)abba9 I#m not ,idding aro nd here9< <O,ay% o,ay%< he gr mb(ed% propping himse(f p on an e(bow. <"aybe a generator shorted o t. As soon as I#m done here% I#(( stop by :rypto and//< <-hat abo t a & power9< "idge demanded. <If a generator b(ew% why is there no a & power=< <I don#t ,now. "aybe Strathmore#s got TRA*SLTR r nning and a & power is tapped o t.< <So why doesn#t he abort= "aybe it#s a 0ir s. +o said something ear(ier abo t a 0ir s.< <Damn it% "idge9< )abba e&p(oded. <I to(d yo % there#s no 0ir s in :rypto9 Stop being so damned paranoid9< There was a (ong si(en'e on the (ine. <Aw% shit% "idge%< )abba apo(ogi8ed. <Let me e&p(ain.< ;is 0oi'e was tight. <First of a((% we#0e got Ga nt(et//no 0ir s 'o (d possib(y get thro gh. Se'ond% if there#s a power fai( re% it#s hardware/re(ated// 0ir ses don#t ,i(( power% they atta', software and data. -hate0er#s going on in :rypto% it#s not a 0ir s.< Si(en'e. <"idge= +o there=< "idge#s response was i'y. <)abba% I ha0e a >ob to do. I don#t e&pe't to be ye((ed at for doing it. -hen I 'a(( to as, why a m (ti bi((ion/do((ar fa'i(ity is in the dar,% I e&pe't a professiona( response.< <+es% ma#am.< <A simp(e yes or no wi(( s ffi'e. Is it possib(e the prob(em in :rypto is 0ir s/re(ated=< <"idge... I to(d yo //< <+es or no. :o (d TRA*SLTR ha0e a 0ir s=< )abba sighed. <*o% "idge. It#s tota((y impossib(e.< <Than, yo .< ;e for'ed a 'h ',(e and tried to (ighten the mood. <1n(ess yo thin, Strathmore wrote one himse(f and bypassed my fi(ters.< There was a st nned si(en'e. -hen "idge spo,e% her 0oi'e had an eerie edge. <Strathmore 'an bypass Ga nt(et=<

)abba sighed. <It was a >o,e% "idge.< B t he ,new it was too (ate.

:;A$TER A@

The :ommander and S san stood beside the '(osed trapdoor and debated what to do ne&t. <-e#0e got $hi( :hartr ,ian dead down there%< Strathmore arg ed. <If we 'a(( for he(p% :rypto wi(( t rn into a 'ir' s.< <So what do yo propose we do=< S san demanded% wanting on(y to (ea0e. Strathmore tho ght a moment. <Don#t as, me how it happened%< he said% g(an'ing down at the (o',ed trapdoor% <b t it (oo,s (i,e we#0e inad0ertent(y (o'ated and ne tra(i8ed *orth Da,ota.< ;e shoo, his head in disbe(ief. <Damn ( ',y brea, if yo as, me.< ;e sti(( seemed st nned by the idea that ;a(e was in0o(0ed in Tan,ado#s p(an. <"y g ess is that ;a(e#s got the pass/,ey hidden in his termina( somewhere// maybe he#s got a 'opy at home. Either way% he#s trapped.< <So why not 'a(( b i(ding se' rity and (et them 'art him away=< <*ot yet%< Strathmore said% <if the Sys/Se's n'o0er stats of this end(ess TRA*SLTR r n% we#0e got a who(e new set of prob(ems. I want a(( tra'es of Digita( Fortress de(eted before we open the doors.< S san nodded re( 'tant(y. It was a good p(an. -hen Se' rity fina((y p ((ed ;a(e from the s b(e0e(s and 'harged him with :hartr ,ian#s death% he probab(y wo (d threaten to te(( the wor(d abo t Digita( Fortress. B t the proof wo (d be erased//Strathmore 'o (d p(ay d mb. An end(ess r n= An nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm= B t that#s abs rd9 ;asn#t ;a(e heard of the Bergofs,y $rin'ip(e= <;ere#s what we need to do.< Strathmore 'oo((y o t(ined his p(an. <-e erase a(( of ;a(e#s 'orresponden'e with Tan,ado. -e erase a(( re'ords of my bypassing Ga nt(et% a(( of :hartr ,ian#s Sys/Se' ana(ysis% the R n/"onitor re'ords% e0erything. Digita( Fortress disappears. It was ne0er here. -e b ry ;a(e#s ,ey and pray to God Da0id finds Tan,ado#s 'opy.< Da0id% S san tho ght. She for'ed him from her mind. She needed to stay fo' sed on the matter at hand. <I#(( hand(e the Sys/Se' (ab%< Strathmore said. <R n/"onitor stats% m tation a'ti0ity stats% the wor,s. +o hand(e *ode B. De(ete a(( of ;a(e#s E/mai(. Any re'ords of 'orresponden'e with Tan,ado% anything that mentions Digita( Fortress.< <O,ay%< S san rep(ied% fo' sing. <I#(( erase ;a(e#s who(e dri0e. Reformat e0erything.< <*o9< Strathmore#s response was stern. <Don#t do that. ;a(e most (i,e(y has a 'opy of the pass/,ey in there. I want it.< S san gaped in sho',. <+o want the pass/,ey= I tho ght the who(e point was to destroy the pass/,eys9< <It is. B t I want a 'opy. I want to 'ra', open this damn fi(e and ha0e a (oo, at Tan,ado#s program.< S san shared Strathmore#s ' riosity% b t instin't to(d her n(o',ing the Digita( Fortress a(gorithm was not wise% regard(ess of how interesting it wo (d be. Right now% the dead(y program was (o',ed safe(y in its en'rypted 0a (t//tota((y harm(ess. As soon as he de'rypted it.... <:ommander% wo (dn#t we be better off > st to//<

<I want the ,ey%< he rep(ied. S san had to admit% e0er sin'e hearing abo t Digita( Fortress% she#d fe(t a 'ertain a'ademi' ' riosity to ,now how Tan,ado had managed to write it. Its mere e&isten'e 'ontradi'ted the most f ndamenta( r (es of 'ryptography. S san eyed the 'ommander. <+o #(( de(ete the a(gorithm immediate(y after we see it=< <-itho t a tra'e.< S san frowned. She ,new that finding ;a(e#s ,ey wo (d not happen instant(y. Lo'ating a random pass/ ,ey on one of the *ode B hard dri0es was somewhat (i,e trying to find a sing(e so', in a bedroom the si8e of Te&as. :omp ter sear'hes on(y wor,ed when yo ,new what yo were (oo,ing for7 this pass/,ey was random. Fort nate(y% howe0er% be'a se :rypto dea(t with so m 'h random materia(% S san and some others had de0e(oped a 'omp(e& pro'ess ,nown as a non'onformity sear'h. The sear'h essentia((y as,ed the 'omp ter to st dy e0ery string of 'hara'ters on its hard dri0e% 'ompare ea'h string against an enormo s di'tionary% and f(ag any strings that seemed nonsensi'a( or random. It was tri',y wor, to refine the parameters 'ontin a((y% b t it was possib(e. S san ,new she was the (ogi'a( 'hoi'e to find the pass/,ey. She sighed% hoping she wo (dn#t regret it. <If a(( goes we((% it wi(( ta,e me abo t ha(f an ho r.< <Then (et#s get to wor,%< Strathmore said% p tting a hand on her sho (der and (eading her thro gh the dar,ness toward *ode B. Abo0e them% a star/fi((ed s,y had stret'hed itse(f a'ross the dome. S san wondered if Da0id 'o (d see the same stars from Se0i((e. As they approa'hed the hea0y g(ass doors of *ode B% Strathmore swore nder his breath. The *ode B ,eypad was n(it% and the doors were dead. <Damn it%< he said. <*o power. I forgot.< Strathmore st died the s(iding doors. ;e p(a'ed his pa(ms f(at against the g(ass. Then he (eaned sideways trying to s(ide them open. ;is hands were sweaty and s(ipped. ;e wiped them on his pants and tried again. This time the doors s(id open a tiny 'ra',. S san% sensing progress% got in behind Strathmore and they both p shed together. The doors s(id open abo t an in'h. They he(d it a moment% b t the press re was too great. The doors sprang sh t again. <;o(d on%< S san said% repositioning herse(f in front of Strathmore. <O,ay% now try.< They hea0ed. Again the door opened on(y abo t an in'h. A faint ray of b( e (ight appeared from inside *ode B7 the termina(s were sti(( on7 they were 'onsidered 'riti'a( to TRA*SLTR and were re'ei0ing a & power. S san d g the toe of her Ferragamo#s into the f(oor and p shed harder. The door started to mo0e. Strathmore mo0ed to get a better ang(e. :entering his pa(ms on the (eft s(ider% he p shed straight ba',. S san p shed the right s(ider in the opposite dire'tion. S(ow(y% ard o s(y% the doors began to separate. They were now a(most a foot apart. <Don#t (et go%< Strathmore said% panting as they p shed harder. <) st a (itt(e farther.< S san repositioned herse(f with her sho (der in the 'ra',. She p shed again% this time with a better ang(e. The doors fo ght ba', against her. Before Strathmore 'o (d stop her% S san s. ee8ed her s(ender body into the opening. Strathmore protested% b t she was intent. She wanted o t of :rypto% and she ,new Strathmore we(( eno gh to ,now

she wasn#t going anywhere nti( ;a(e#s pass/,ey was fo nd. She 'entered herse(f in the opening and p shed with a(( her strength. The doors seemed to p sh ba',. S dden(y S san (ost her grip. The doors sprang toward her. Strathmore fo ght to ho(d them off% b t it was too m 'h. ) st as the doors s(ammed sh t% S san s. ee8ed thro gh and 'o((apsed on the other side. The 'ommander fo ght to reopen the door a tiny s(i0er. ;e p t his fa'e to the narrow 'ra',. <)es s% S san//are yo o,ay=< S san stood p and br shed herse(f off. <Fine.< She (oo,ed aro nd. *ode B was deserted% (it on(y by the 'omp ter monitors. The b( ish shadows ga0e the p(a'e a ghost(y ambian'e. She t rned to Strathmore in the 'ra', of the door. ;is fa'e (oo,ed pa((id and si',(y in the b( e (ight. <S san%< he said. <Gi0e me twenty min tes to de(ete the fi(es in Sys/Se'. -hen a(( tra'es are gone% I#(( go p to my termina( and abort TRA*SLTR.< <+o better%< S san said% eyeing the hea0y g(ass doors. She ,new that nti( TRA*SLTR stopped hoarding a & power% she was a prisoner in *ode B. Strathmore (et go of the doors% and they snapped sh t. S san wat'hed thro gh the g(ass as the 'ommander disappeared into the :rypto dar,ness.


Be',er#s new(y p r'hased 4espa motor'y'(e str gg(ed p the entry road to Aerop erto de Se0i((a. ;is ,n ',(es had been white the who(e way. ;is wat'h read > st after @!66 a.m. (o'a( time. As he approa'hed the main termina(% he rode p on the sidewa(, and > mped off the bi,e whi(e it was sti(( mo0ing. It '(attered to the pa0ement and sp ttered to a stop. Be',er dashed on r bbery (egs thro gh the re0o(0ing door. *e0er again% he swore to himse(f. The termina( was steri(e and star,(y (it. E&'ept for a >anitor b ffing the f(oor% the p(a'e was deserted. A'ross the 'on'o rse% a ti',et agent was '(osing down the Iberia Air(ines 'o nter. Be',er too, it as a bad sign. ;e ran o0er. <E( 0 e(o a (os Estados 1nidos=< The attra'ti0e Anda( sian woman behind the 'o nter (oo,ed p and smi(ed apo(ogeti'a((y. <A'aba de sa(ir. +o > st missed it.< ;er words h ng in the air for a (ong moment. I missed it. Be',er#s sho (ders s( mped. <-as there standby room on the f(ight=< <$(enty%< the woman smi(ed. <A(most empty. B t tomorrow#s eight a.m. a(so has//< <I need to ,now if a friend of mine made that f(ight. She was f(ying standby.< The woman frowned. <I#m sorry% sir. There were se0era( standby passengers tonight% b t o r pri0a'y '(a se states//< <It#s 0ery important%< Be',er rged. <I > st need to ,now if she made the f(ight. That#s a((.<

The woman ga0e a sympatheti' nod. <Lo0ers# . arre(=< Be',er tho ght a moment. Then he ga0e her a sheepish grin. <It#s that ob0io s=< She ga0e him a win,. <-hat#s her name=< <"egan%< he rep(ied sad(y. The agent smi(ed. <Does yo r (ady friend ha0e a (ast name=< Be',er e&ha(ed s(ow(y. +es% b t I don#t ,now it9< A't a((y% it#s ,ind of a 'omp(i'ated sit ation. +o said the p(ane was a(most empty. "aybe yo 'o (d//< <-itho t a (ast name I rea((y 'an#t...< <A't a((y%< Be',er interr pted% ha0ing another idea. <;a0e yo been on a(( night=< The woman nodded. <Se0en to se0en.< <Then maybe yo saw her. She#s a yo ng gir(. "aybe fifteen or si&teen= ;er hair was//< Before the words (eft his mo th% Be',er rea(i8ed his mista,e. The agent#s eyes narrowed. <+o r (o0er is fifteen years o(d=< <*o9< Be',er gasped. <I mean...< Shit. <If yo 'o (d > st he(p me% it#s 0ery important.< <I#m sorry%< the woman said 'o(d(y. <It#s not the way it so nds. If yo 'o (d > st//< <Good night% sir.< The woman yan,ed the meta( grate down o0er the 'o nter and disappeared into a ba', room. Be',er groaned and stared s,yward. Smooth% Da0id. 4ery smooth. ;e s'anned the open 'on'o rse. *othing. She m st ha0e so(d the ring and made the f(ight. ;e headed for the ' stodian. <;as 0isto a na niXa=< he 'a((ed o0er the so nd of the ti(e b ffer. <;a0e yo seen a gir(=< The o(d man rea'hed down and ,i((ed the ma'hine. <Eh=< <1na niXa=< Be',er repeated. <$e(o ro>o% a8 (% y b(an'o. Red white and b( e hair.< The ' stodian (a ghed. <G P fea. So nds g(y.< ;e shoo, his head and went ba', to wor,. ??? Da0id Be',er stood in the midd(e of the deserted airport 'on'o rse and wondered what to do ne&t. The e0ening had been a 'omedy of errors. Strathmore#s words po nded in his head! Don#t 'a(( nti( yo ha0e the ring. A profo nd e&ha stion sett(ed o0er him. If "egan so(d the ring and made the f(ight% there was no te((ing who had the ring now. Be',er '(osed his eyes and tried to fo' s. -hat#s my ne&t mo0e= ;e de'ided to 'onsider it in a moment. First% he needed to ma,e a (ong/o0erd e trip to a rest room.


S san stood a(one in the dim(y (it si(en'e of *ode B. The tas, at hand was simp(e! A''ess ;a(e#s termina(% (o'ate his ,ey% and then de(ete a(( of his 'omm ni'ation with Tan,ado. There 'o (d be no hint of Digita( Fortress anywhere. S san#s initia( fears of sa0ing the ,ey and n(o',ing Digita( Fortress were nagging at her again. She fe(t neasy tempting fate7 they#d been ( ',y so far. *orth Da,ota had mira' (o s(y appeared right nder their noses and been trapped. The on(y remaining . estion was Da0id7 he had to find the other pass/,ey. S san hoped he was ma,ing progress. As she made her way deeper into *ode B% S san tried to '(ear her mind. It was odd that she fe(t neasy in s 'h a fami(iar spa'e. E0erything in *ode B seemed foreign in the dar,. B t there was something e(se. S san fe(t a momentary hesitation and g(an'ed ba', at the inoperab(e doors. There was no es'ape. Twenty min tes% she tho ght. As she t rned toward ;a(e#s termina(% she noti'ed a strange% m s,y odor//it was definite(y not a *ode B sme((. She wondered if maybe the deioni8er was ma(f n'tioning. The sme(( was 0ag e(y fami(iar% and with it 'ame an nsett(ing 'hi((. She pi't red ;a(e (o',ed be(ow in his enormo s steaming 'e((. Did he set something on fire= She (oo,ed p at the 0ents and sniffed. B t the odor seemed to be 'oming from nearby. S san g(an'ed toward the (atti'ed doors of the ,it'henette. And in an instant she re'ogni8ed the sme((. It was 'o(ogne... and sweat. She re'oi(ed instin'ti0e(y% not prepared for what she saw. From behind the (atti'e s(ats of the ,it'henette% two eyes stared o t at her. It on(y too, an instant for the horrifying tr th to hit her. Greg ;a(e was not (o',ed on the s b(e0e(s//he was in *ode B9 ;e#d s(ipped pstairs before Strathmore '(osed the trapdoor. ;e#d been strong eno gh to open the doors a(( by himse(f. S san had on'e heard that raw terror was para(y8ing//she now ,new that was a myth. In the same instant her brain grasped what was happening% she was in motion//st mb(ing ba',ward thro gh the dar, with a sing(e tho ght in mind! es'ape. The 'rash behind her was instantaneo s. ;a(e had been sitting si(ent(y on the sto0e and e&tended his (egs (i,e two battering rams. The doors e&p(oded off their hinges. ;a(e (a n'hed himse(f into the room and th ndered after her with powerf ( strides. S san ,no',ed o0er a (amp behind her% attempting to trip ;a(e as he mo0ed toward her. She sensed him 0a (t it effort(ess(y. ;a(e was gaining . i',(y. -hen his right arm 'ir'(ed her waist from behind% it fe(t (i,e she#d hit a stee( bar. She gasped in pain as the wind went o t of her. ;is bi'eps f(e&ed against her rib 'age. S san resisted and began twisting wi(d(y. Somehow her e(bow str ', 'arti(age. ;a(e re(eased his grip% his hands '( t'hing his nose. ;e fe(( to his ,nees% hands ' pped o0er his fa'e. <Son of a//< ;e s'reamed in pain. S san dashed onto the door#s press re p(ates saying a fr it(ess prayer that Strathmore wo (d in that instant restore power and the doors wo (d spring open. Instead% she fo nd herse(f po nding against the g(ass. ;a(e ( mbered toward her% his nose 'o0ered with b(ood. In an instant% his hands were aro nd her again// one of them '(amped firm(y on her (eft breast and the other on her midse'tion. ;e yan,ed her away from the door.

She s'reamed% her hand o tstret'hed in f ti(e attempt to stop him. ;e p ((ed her ba',ward% his be(t b ',(e digging into her spine. S san 'o (dn#t be(ie0e his strength. ;e dragged her ba', a'ross the 'arpet% and her shoes 'ame off. In one f( id motion% ;a(e (ifted her and d mped her on the f(oor ne&t to his termina(. S san was s dden(y on her ba',% her s,irt b n'hed high on her hips. The top b tton of her b(o se had re(eased% and her 'hest was hea0ing in the b( ish (ight. She stared p in terror as ;a(e stradd(ed her% pinning her down. She 'o (dn#t de'ipher the (oo, in his eyes. It (oo,ed (i,e fear. Or was it anger= ;is eyes bore into her body. She fe(t a new wa0e of pani'. ;a(e sat firm(y on her midse'tion% staring down at her with an i'y g(are. E0erything S san had e0er (earned abo t se(f/defense was s dden(y ra'ing thro gh her mind. She tried to fight% b t her body did not respond. She was n mb. She '(osed her eyes. Oh% p(ease% God. *o9


Brin,erhoff pa'ed "idge#s offi'e. <*obody bypasses Ga nt(et. It#s impossib(e9< <-rong%< she fired ba',. <I > st ta(,ed to )abba. ;e said he insta((ed a bypass swit'h (ast year.< The $A (oo,ed do btf (. <I ne0er heard that.< <*obody did. It was h sh/h sh.< <"idge%< Brin,erhoff arg ed% <)abba#s 'omp (si0e abo t se' rity9 ;e wo (d ne0er p t in a swit'h to bypass//< <Strathmore made him do it%< she interr pted. Brin,erhoff 'o (d a(most hear her mind '(i',ing. <Remember (ast year%< she as,ed% <when Strathmore was wor,ing on that anti/Semiti' terrorist ring in :a(ifornia=< Brin,erhoff nodded. It had been one of Strathmore#s ma>or 'o ps (ast year. 1sing TRA*SLTR to de'rypt an inter'epted 'ode% he had n'o0ered a p(ot to bomb a ;ebrew s'hoo( in Los Ange(es. ;e de'rypted the terrorist#s message on(y twe(0e min tes before the bomb went off% and sing some fast phone wor,% he sa0ed three h ndred s'hoo('hi(dren. <Get this%< "idge said% (owering her 0oi'e nne'essari(y. <)abba said Strathmore inter'epted that terrorist 'ode si& ho rs before that bomb went off.< Brin,erhoff#s >aw dropped. <B t... then why did he wait//< <Be'a se he 'o (dn#t get TRA*SLTR to de'rypt the fi(e. ;e tried% b t Ga nt(et ,ept re>e'ting it. It was en'rypted with some new p b(i' ,ey a(gorithm that the fi(ters hadn#t seen yet. It too, )abba a(most si& ho rs to ad> st them.< Brin,erhoff (oo,ed st nned.

<Strathmore was f rio s. ;e made )abba insta(( a bypass swit'h in Ga nt(et in 'ase it e0er happened again.< <)es s.< Brin,erhoff whist(ed. <I had no idea.< Then his eyes narrowed. <So what#s yo r point=< <I thin, Strathmore sed the swit'h today... to pro'ess a fi(e that Ga nt(et re>e'ted.< <So= That#s what the swit'h is for% right=< "idge shoo, her head. <*ot if the fi(e in . estion is a 0ir s.< Brin,erhoff > mped. <A 0ir s= -ho said anything abo t a 0ir s9< <It#s the on(y e&p(anation%< she said. <)abba said a 0ir s is the on(y thing that 'o (d ,eep TRA*SLTR r nning this (ong% so//< <-ait a min te9< Brin,erhoff f(ashed her the time/o t sign. <Strathmore said e0erything#s fine9< <;e#s (ying.< Brin,erhoff was (ost. <+o #re saying Strathmore intentiona((y (et a 0ir s into TRA*SLTR=< <*o%< she snapped. <I don#t thin, he ,new it was a 0ir s. I thin, he was tri',ed.< Brin,erhoff was spee'h(ess. "idge "i(,en was definite(y (osing it. <It e&p(ains a (ot%< she insisted. <It e&p(ains what he#s been doing in there a(( night.< <$(anting 0ir ses in his own 'omp ter=< <*o%< she said% annoyed. <Trying to 'o0er p his mista,e9 And now he 'an#t abort TRA*SLTR and get a & power ba', be'a se the 0ir s has the pro'essors (o',ed down9< Brin,erhoff ro((ed his eyes. "idge had gone n ts in the past% b t ne0er (i,e this. ;e tried to 'a(m her. <)abba doesn#t seem to be too worried.< <)abba#s a foo(%< she hissed. Brin,erhoff (oo,ed s rprised. *obody had e0er 'a((ed )abba a foo(//a pig maybe% b t ne0er a foo(. <+o #re tr sting feminine int ition o0er )abba#s ad0an'ed degrees in anti/in0asi0e programming=< She eyed him harsh(y. Brin,erhoff he(d p his hands in s rrender. <*e0er mind. I ta,e it ba',.< ;e didn#t need to be reminded of "idge#s n'anny abi(ity to sense disaster. <"idge%< he begged. <I ,now yo hate Strathmore% b t//< <This has nothing to do with Strathmore9< "idge was in o0erdri0e. <The first thing we need to do is 'onfirm Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et. Then we 'a(( the dire'tor.< <Great.< Brin,erhoff moaned. <I#(( 'a(( Strathmore and as, him to send s a signed statement.< <*o%< she rep(ied% ignoring his sar'asm. <Strathmore#s (ied to s on'e a(ready today.< She g(an'ed p% her eyes probing his. <Do yo ha0e ,eys to Fontaine#s offi'e= <Of 'o rse. I#m his $A.<

<I need them.< Brin,erhoff stared in disbe(ief. <"idge% there#s no way in he(( I#m (etting yo into Fontaine#s offi'e.< <+o ha0e to9< she demanded. "idge t rned and started typing on Big Brother#s ,eyboard. <I#m re. esting a TRA*SLTR . e e (ist. If Strathmore man a((y bypassed Ga nt(et% it#(( show p on the printo t.< <-hat does that ha0e to do with Fontaine#s offi'e=< She sp n and g(ared at him. <The . e e (ist on(y prints to Fontaine#s printer. +o ,now that9< <That#s be'a se it#s '(assified% "idge9< <This is an emergen'y. I need to see that (ist.< Brin,erhoff p t his hands on her sho (ders. <"idge% p(ease sett(e down. +o ,now I 'an#t//< She h ffed (o d(y and sp n ba', to her ,eyboard. <I#m printing a . e e (ist. I#m going to wa(, in% pi', it p% and wa(, o t. *ow gi0e me the ,ey.< <"idge...< She finished typing and sp n ba', to him. <:had% the report prints in thirty se'onds. ;ere#s the dea(. +o gi0e me the ,ey. If Strathmore bypassed% we 'a(( se' rity. If I#m wrong% I (ea0e% and yo 'an go smear marma(ade a(( o0er :armen ; erta.< She ga0e him a ma(i'io s g(are and he(d o t her hands for the ,eys. <I#m waiting.< Brin,erhoff groaned% regretting that he had 'a((ed her ba', to 'he', the :rypto report. ;e eyed her o tstret'hed hand. <+o #re ta(,ing abo t '(assified information inside the dire'tor#s pri0ate . arters. Do yo ha0e any idea what wo (d happen if we got 'a ght=< <The dire'tor is in So th Ameri'a.< <I#m sorry. I > st 'an#t.< Brin,erhoff 'rossed his arms and wa(,ed o t. "idge stared after him% her gray eyes smo(dering. <Oh% yes yo 'an%< she whispered. Then she t rned ba', to Big Brother and 'a((ed p the 0ideo ar'hi0es. ??? "idge#(( get o0er it% Brin,erhoff to(d himse(f as he sett(ed in at his des, and started going o0er the rest of his reports. ;e 'o (dn#t be e&pe'ted to hand o t the dire'tor#s ,eys whene0er "idge got paranoid. ;e had > st beg n 'he',ing the :O"SE: brea,downs when his tho ghts were interr pted by the so nd of 0oi'es 'oming from the other room. ;e set down his wor, and wa(,ed to his doorway. The main s ite was dar,//a(( e&'ept a dim shaft of grayish (ight from "idge#s ha(f/open door. ;e (istened. The 0oi'es 'ontin ed. They so nded e&'ited. <"idge=< *o response. ;e strode thro gh the dar,ness to her wor,spa'e. The 0oi'es were 0ag e(y fami(iar. ;e p shed the door open. The room was empty. "idge#s 'hair was empty. The so nd was 'oming from o0erhead. Brin,erhoff (oo,ed p at the 0ideo monitors and instant(y fe(t i((. The same image was p(aying on ea'h one of the twe(0e s'reens//a ,ind of per0erse(y 'horeographed ba((et. Brin,erhoff steadied himse(f on the ba', of

"idge#s 'hair and wat'hed in horror. <:had=< The 0oi'e was behind him. ;e sp n and s. inted into the dar,ness. "idge was standing ,itty/'orner a'ross the main s ite#s re'eption area in front of the dire'tor#s do b(e doors. ;er pa(m was o tstret'hed. <The ,ey% :had.< Brin,erhoff f( shed. ;e t rned ba', to the monitors. ;e tried to b(o', o t the images o0erhead% b t it was no se. ;e was e0erywhere% groaning with p(eas re and eager(y fond(ing :armen ; erta#s sma((% honey/ 'o0ered breasts.


Be',er 'rossed the 'on'o rse toward the rest room doors on(y to find the door mar,ed :ABALLEROS b(o',ed by an orange py(on and a '(eaning 'art fi((ed with detergent and mops. ;e eyed the other door. DA"AS. ;e strode o0er and rapped (o d(y. <;o(a=< he 'a((ed% p shing the (adies# room door open an in'h. <:on permiso=< Si(en'e. ;e went in. The rest room was typi'a(% Spanish instit tiona(//perfe't(y s. are% white ti(e% one in'andes'ent b (b o0erhead. As s a(% there was one sta(( and one rina(. -hether the rina(s were e0er sed in the women#s bathrooms was immateria(//adding them sa0ed the 'ontra'tors the e&pense of ha0ing to b i(d the e&tra sta((. Be',er peered into the rest room in disg st. It was fi(thy. The sin, was '(ogged with m r,y brown water. Dirty paper towe(s were strewn e0erywhere. The f(oor was soa,ed. The o(d e(e'tri' handb(ower on the wa(( was smeared with greenish fingerprints. Be',er stepped in front of the mirror and sighed. The eyes that s a((y stared ba', with fier'e '(arity were not so '(ear tonight. ;ow (ong ha0e I been r nning aro nd o0er here= he wondered. The math es'aped him. O t of professoria( habit% he shimmied his ne',tie#s -indsor ,not p on his 'o((ar. Then he t rned to the rina( behind him. As he stood there% he fo nd himse(f wondering if S san was home yet. -here 'o (d she ha0e gone= To Stone "anor witho t me= <;ey9< a fema(e 0oi'e behind him said angri(y. Be',er > mped. <I/I#m...< he stammered% h rrying to 8ip p. <I#m sorry... I...< Be',er t rned to fa'e the gir( who had > st entered. She was a yo ng sophisti'ate% right off the pages of Se0enteen "aga8ine. She wore 'onser0ati0e p(aid pants and a white s(ee0e(ess b(o se. In her hand was a red L. L. Bean d ffe(. ;er b(ond hair was perfe't(y b(ow/dried. <I#m sorry.< Be',er f mb(ed% b ',(ing his be(t. <The men#s room was... anyway... I#m (ea0ing.< <F ',in# weirdo9<

Be',er did a do b(e/ta,e. The profanity seemed inappropriate 'oming from her (ips//(i,e sewage f(owing from a po(ished de'anter. B t as Be',er st died her% he saw that she was not as po(ished as he#d first tho ght. ;er eyes were p ffy and b(oodshot% and her (eft forearm was swo((en. 1nderneath the reddish irritation on her arm% the f(esh was b( e. )es s% Be',er tho ght. Intra0eno s dr gs. -ho wo (d ha0e g essed= <Get o t9< she ye((ed. <) st get o t9< Be',er momentari(y forgot a(( abo t the ring% the *SA% a(( of it. ;is heart went o t to the yo ng gir(. ;er parents had probab(y sent her o0er here with some prep s'hoo( st dy program and a 4ISA 'ard//and she#d ended p a(( a(one in a bathroom in the midd(e of the night doing dr gs. <Are yo o,ay=< he as,ed% ba',ing toward the door. <I#m fine.< ;er 0oi'e was ha ghty. <+o 'an (ea0e now9< Be',er t rned to go. ;e shot her forearm a (ast sad g(an'e. There#s nothing yo 'an do% Da0id. Lea0e it a(one. <*ow9< she ho((ered. Be',er nodded. As he (eft he ga0e her a sad smi(e. <Be 'aref (.<


<S san=< ;a(e panted% his fa'e in hers. ;e was sitting% one (eg on either side of her% his f (( weight on her midse'tion. ;is tai(bone gro nd painf ((y into her p bis thro gh the thin fabri' of her s,irt. ;is nose was dripping b(ood a(( o0er her. She tasted 0omit in the ba', of her throat. ;is hands were at her 'hest. She fe(t nothing. Is he to 'hing me= It too, a moment for S san to rea(i8e ;a(e was b ttoning her top b tton and 'o0ering her p. <S san.< ;a(e gasped% breath(ess. <+o #0e got to get me o t of here.< S san was in a da8e. *othing made sense. <S san% yo #0e got to he(p me9 Strathmore ,i((ed :hartr ,ian9 I saw it9< It too, a moment for the words to register. Strathmore ,i((ed :hartr ,ian= ;a(e ob0io s(y had no idea S san had seen him downstairs. <Strathmore ,nows I saw him9< ;a(e spat. <;e#(( ,i(( me too9< ;ad S san not been breath(ess with fear% she wo (d ha0e (a ghed in his fa'e. She re'ogni8ed the di0ide/ and/'on. er menta(ity of an e&/"arine. In0ent (ies//pit yo r enemies against ea'h other. <It#s tr e9< he ye((ed. <-e#0e got to 'a(( for he(p9 I thin, we#re both in danger9< She did not be(ie0e a word he said.

;a(e#s m s' (ar (egs were 'ramping% and he ro((ed p on his ha n'hes to shift his weight s(ight(y. ;e opened his mo th to spea,% b t he ne0er got the 'han'e. As ;a(e#s body rose% S san fe(t the 'ir' (ation s rge ba', into her (egs. Before she ,new what had happened% a ref(e& instin't >er,ed her (eft (eg ba', hard into ;a(e#s 'rot'h. She fe(t her ,nee'ap 'r sh the soft sa' of tiss e between his (egs. ;a(e whimpered in agony and instant(y went (imp. ;e ro((ed onto his side% '( t'hing himse(f. S san twisted o t from nder his deadweight. She staggered toward the door% ,nowing she#d ne0er be strong eno gh to get o t. "a,ing a sp(it/se'ond de'ision% S san positioned herse(f behind the (ong map(e meeting tab(e and d g her feet into the 'arpet. "er'if ((y the tab(e had 'asters. She strode with a(( her might toward the ar'hed g(ass wa((% p shing the tab(e before her. The 'asters were good% and the tab(e ro((ed we((. ;a(fway a'ross *ode B% she was at a f (( sprint. Fi0e feet from the g(ass wa((% S san hea0ed and (et go. She (eapt to one side and 'o0ered her eyes. After a si',ening 'ra',% the wa(( e&p(oded in a shower of g(ass. The so nds of :rypto r shed into *ode B for the first time sin'e its 'onstr 'tion. S san (oo,ed p. Thro gh the >agged ho(e% she 'o (d see the tab(e. It was sti(( ro((ing. It sp n wide 'ir'(es o t a'ross the :rypto f(oor and e0ent a((y disappeared into the dar,ness. S san rammed her mang(ed Ferragamo#s ba', on her feet% shot a (ast g(an'e at the sti((/writhing Greg ;a(e% and dashed a'ross the sea of bro,en g(ass o t onto the :rypto f(oor.


<*ow wasn#t that easy=< "idge said with a sneer as Brin,erhoff handed o0er the ,ey to Fontaine#s offi'e. Brin,erhoff (oo,ed beaten. <I#(( erase it before I go%< "idge promised. <1n(ess yo and yo r wife want it for yo r pri0ate 'o((e'tion.< <) st get the damned printo t%< he snapped. <And then get o t9< <SV% seXor%< "idge 'a',(ed in a thi', $ erto Ri'an a''ent. She win,ed and headed a'ross the s ite to Fontaine#s do b(e doors. Le(and Fontaine#s pri0ate offi'e (oo,ed nothing (i,e the rest of the dire'toria( s ite. There were no paintings% no o0erst ffed 'hairs% no fi' s p(ants% no anti. e '(o',s. ;is spa'e was stream(ined for effi'ien'y. ;is g(ass/topped des, and b(a', (eather 'hair sat dire't(y in front of his enormo s pi't re window. Three fi(e 'abinets stood in the 'orner ne&t to a sma(( tab(e with a Fren'h press 'offeepot. The moon had risen high o0er Fort "eade% and the soft (ight fi(tering thro gh the window a''ent ated the star,ness of the dire'tor#s f rnishings. -hat the he(( am I doing= Brin,erhoff wondered. "idge strode to the printer and s'ooped p the . e e (ist. She s. inted in the dar,ness. <I 'an#t read the data%< she 'omp(ained. <T rn on the (ights.< <+o #re reading it o tside. *ow 'ome on.<

B t "idge was apparent(y ha0ing too m 'h f n. She toyed with Brin,erhoff% wa(,ing to the window and ang(ing the reado t for a better 0iew. <"idge...< She ,ept reading. Brin,erhoff shifted an&io s(y in the doorway. <"idge... 'ome on. These are the dire'tor#s pri0ate . arters.< <It#s here somewhere%< she m ttered% st dying the printo t. <Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et% I ,now it.< She mo0ed '(oser to the window. Brin,erhoff began to sweat. "idge ,ept reading. After a few moments% she gasped. <I ,new it9 Strathmore did it9 ;e rea((y did9 The idiot9< She he(d p the paper and shoo, it. <;e bypassed Ga nt(et9 ;a0e a (oo,9< Brin,erhoff stared d mbfo nded a moment and then ra'ed a'ross the dire'tor#s offi'e. ;e 'rowded in ne&t to "idge in front of the window. She pointed to the end of the reado t. Brin,erhoff read in disbe(ief. <-hat the...=< The printo t 'ontained a (ist of the (ast thirty/si& fi(es that had entered TRA*SLTR. After ea'h fi(e was a fo r/digit Ga nt(et '(earan'e 'ode. ;owe0er% the (ast fi(e on the sheet had no '(earan'e 'ode//it simp(y read! man a( bypass. )es s% Brin,erhoff tho ght. "idge stri,es again. <The idiot9< "idge sp ttered% seething. <Loo, at this9 Ga nt(et re>e'ted the fi(e twi'e9 " tation strings9 And he sti(( bypassed9 -hat the he(( was he thin,ing=< Brin,erhoff fe(t wea,/,need. ;e wondered why "idge was a(ways right. *either of them noti'ed the ref(e'tion that had appeared in the window beside them. A massi0e fig re was standing in Fontaine#s open doorway. <)ee8%< Brin,erhoff 'ho,ed. <+o thin, we ha0e a 0ir s=< "idge sighed. <*othing e(se it 'o (d be.< <:o (d be none of yo r damn b siness9< the deep 0oi'e boomed from behind them. "idge ,no',ed her head against the window. Brin,erhoff tipped o0er the dire'tor#s 'hair and whee(ed toward the 0oi'e. ;e immediate(y ,new the si(ho ette. <Dire'tor9< Brin,erhoff gasped. ;e strode o0er and e&tended his hand. <-e('ome home% sir.< The h ge man ignored it. <I/I tho ght%< Brin,erhoff stammered% retra'ting his hand% <I tho ght yo were in So th Ameri'a.< Le(and Fontaine g(ared down at his aide with eyes (i,e b ((ets. <+es... and now I#m ba',.<


<;ey% mister9< Be',er had been wa(,ing a'ross the 'on'o rse toward a ban, of pay phones. ;e stopped and t rned. :oming p behind him was the gir( he#d > st s rprised in the bathroom. She wa0ed for him to wait. <"ister% wait9< *ow what= Be',er groaned. She wants to press in0asion/of/pri0a'y 'harges= The gir( dragged her d ffe( toward him. -hen she arri0ed% she was now wearing a h ge smi(e. <Sorry to ye(( at yo ba', there. +o > st ,ind of start(ed me.< <*o prob(em%< Be',er ass red% somewhat p 88(ed. <I was in the wrong p(a'e.< <This wi(( so nd 'ra8y%< she said% batting her b(oodshot eyes. <B t yo wo (dn#t happen to ha0e some money yo 'an (end me% wo (d yo =< Be',er stared at her in disbe(ief. <"oney for what=< he demanded. I#m not f nding yo r dr g habit if that#s what yo #re as,ing. <I#m trying to get ba', home%< the b(onde said. <:an yo he(p=< <"iss yo r f(ight=< She nodded. <Lost my ti',et. They wo (dn#t (et me get on. Air(ines 'an be s 'h assho(es. I don#t ha0e the 'ash to b y another.< <-here are yo r parents=< Be',er as,ed. <States.< <:an yo rea'h them=< <*ope. A(ready tried. I thin, they#re wee,ending on somebody#s ya'ht.< Be',er s'anned the gir(#s e&pensi0e '(othing. <+o don#t ha0e a 'redit 'ard=< <+eah% b t my dad 'an'e(ed it. ;e thin,s I#m on dr gs.< <Are yo on dr gs=< Be',er as,ed% deadpan% eyeing her swo((en forearm. The gir( g(ared% indignant. <Of 'o rse not9< She ga0e Be',er an inno'ent h ff% and he s dden(y got the fee(ing he was being p(ayed. <:ome on%< she said. <+o (oo, (i,e a ri'h g y. :an#t yo spot me some 'ash to get home= I 'o (d send it to yo (ater.< Be',er fig red any 'ash he ga0e this gir( wo (d end p in the hands of some dr g dea(er in Triana. <First of a((%< he said% <I#m not a ri'h g y//I#m a tea'her. B t I#(( te(( yo what I#(( do...< I#(( 'a(( yo r b( ff% that#s what I#(( do. <-hy don#t I 'harge the ti',et for yo =< The b(onde stared at him in tter sho',. <+o #d do that=< she stammered% eyes wide with hope. <+o #d b y me a ti',et home= Oh% God% than, yo 9< Be',er was spee'h(ess. ;e had apparent(y mis> dged the moment.

The gir( threw her arms aro nd him. <It#s been a shitty s mmer%< she 'ho,ed% a(most b rsting into tears. <Oh% than, yo 9 I#0e got to get o t of here9< Be',er ret rned her embra'e ha(fhearted(y. The gir( (et go of him% and he eyed her forearm again. She fo((owed his ga8e to the b( ish rash. <Gross% h h=< Be',er nodded. <I tho ght yo said yo weren#t on dr gs.< The gir( (a ghed. <It#s "agi' "ar,er9 I too, off ha(f my s,in trying to s'r b it off. The in, smeared.< Be',er (oo,ed '(oser. In the f( ores'ent (ight% he 'o (d see% b( rred beneath the reddish swe((ing on her arm% the faint o t(ine of writing//words s'raw(ed on f(esh. <B t... b t yo r eyes%< Be',er said% fee(ing d mb. <They#re a(( red.< She (a ghed. <I was 'rying. I to(d yo % I missed my f(ight.< Be',er (oo,ed ba', at the words on her arm. She frowned% embarrassed. <Oops% yo 'an sti(( ,ind of read it% 'an#t yo =< Be',er (eaned '(oser. ;e 'o (d read it a(( right. The message was 'rysta( '(ear. As he read the fo r faint words% the (ast twe(0e ho rs f(ashed before his eyes. Da0id Be',er fo nd himse(f ba', in the A(fonso \III hote( room. The obese German was to 'hing his own forearm and spea,ing bro,en Eng(ish! Fo', off nd die. <+o o,ay=< the gir( as,ed% eyeing the da8ed Be',er. Be',er did not (oo, p from her arm. ;e was di88y. The fo r words smeared a'ross the gir(#s f(esh 'arried a 0ery simp(e message! F1:H OFF A*D DIE. The b(onde (oo,ed down at it% embarrassed. <This friend of mine wrote it... pretty st pid% h h=< Be',er 'o (dn#t spea,. Fo', off nd die. ;e 'o (dn#t be(ie0e it. The German hadn#t been ins (ting him% he#d been trying to he(p. Be',er (ifted his ga8e to the gir(#s fa'e. In the f( ores'ent (ight of the 'on'o rse% he 'o (d see faint tra'es of red and b( e in the gir(#s b(ond hair. <+/yo ...< Be',er stammered% staring at her npier'ed ears. <+o wo (dn#t happen to wear earrings% wo (d yo =< The gir( eyed him strange(y. She fished a tiny ob>e't from her po',et and he(d it o t. Be',er ga8ed at the s, (( pendant dang(ing in her hand. <A '(ip/on=< he stammered. <;e((% yes%< the gir( rep(ied. <I#m s'ared shit(ess of need(es.<

:;A$TER F6

Da0id Be',er stood in the deserted 'on'o rse and fe(t his (egs go wea,. ;e eyed the gir( before him and

,new his sear'h was o0er. She had washed her hair and 'hanged '(othes//maybe in hopes of ha0ing better ( ', se((ing the ring//b t she#d ne0er boarded for *ew +or,. Be',er fo ght to ,eep his 'oo(. ;is wi(d >o rney was abo t to end. ;e s'anned her fingers. They were bare. ;e ga8ed down at her d ffe(. It#s in there% he tho ght. It#s got to be9 ;e smi(ed% bare(y 'ontaining his e&'itement. <This is going to so nd 'ra8y%< he said% <b t I thin, yo #0e got something I need.< <Oh=< "egan seemed s dden(y n'ertain. Be',er rea'hed for his wa((et. <Of 'o rse I#d be happy to pay yo .< ;e (oo,ed down and started sorting thro gh the 'ash in his bi((fo(d. As "egan wat'hed him 'o nt o t his money% she drew a start(ed gasp% apparent(y mis nderstanding his intentions. She shot a frightened g(an'e toward the re0o(0ing door... meas ring the distan'e. It was fifty yards. <I 'an gi0e yo eno gh to b y yo r ti',et home if//< <Don#t say it%< "egan b( rted% offering a for'ed smi(e. <I thin, I ,now e&a't(y what yo need.< She bent down and started rif(ing thro gh her d ffe(. Be',er fe(t a s rge of hope. She#s got it9 he to(d himse(f. She#s got the ring9 ;e didn#t ,now how the he(( she ,new what it was he wanted% b t he was too tired to 'are. E0ery m s'(e in his body re(a&ed. ;e pi't red himse(f handing the ring to the beaming dep ty dire'tor of the *SA. Then he and S san wo (d (ie in the big 'anopy bed at Stone "anor and ma,e p for (ost time. The gir( fina((y fo nd what she was (oo,ing for//her $epperG ard//the en0ironmenta((y safe a(ternati0e to ma'e% made from a potent b(end of 'ayenne and 'hi(i peppers. In one swift motion% she sw ng aro nd and fired a dire't stream into Be',er#s eyes. She grabbed her d ffe( and dashed for the door. -hen she (oo,ed ba',% Da0id Be',er was on the f(oor% ho(ding his fa'e% writhing in agony.

:;A$TER F5

To, gen * mata,a (it his fo rth 'igar and ,ept pa'ing. ;e snat'hed p his phone and b 88ed the main swit'hboard. <Any word yet on that phone n mber=< he demanded before the operator 'o (d spea,. <*othing yet% sir. It#s ta,ing a bit (onger than e&pe'ted//it 'ame from a 'e(( (ar.< A 'e(( (ar% * mata,a m sed. Fig res. Fort nate(y for the )apanese e'onomy% the Ameri'ans had an insatiab(e appetite for e(e'troni' gadgets. <The boosting station%< the operator added% <is in the @6@ area 'ode. B t we ha0e no n mber yet.< <@6@= -here#s that=< -here in the 0ast Ameri'an e&panse is this mysterio s *orth Da,ota hiding= <Somewhere near -ashington% D. :.% sir.< * mata,a ar'hed his eyebrows. <:a(( me as soon as yo ha0e a n mber.<

:;A$TER F@

S san F(et'her st mb(ed a'ross the dar,ened :rypto f(oor toward Strathmore#s 'atwa(,. The 'ommander#s offi'e was as far from ;a(e as S san 'o (d get inside the (o',ed 'omp(e&. -hen S san rea'hed the top of the 'atwa(, stairs% she fo nd the 'ommander#s door hanging (oose(y% the e(e'troni' (o', rendered ineffe'ti0e by the power o tage. She barged in. <:ommander=< The on(y (ight inside was the g(ow of Strathmore#s 'omp ter monitors. <:ommander9< she 'a((ed on'e again. <:ommander9< S san s dden(y remembered that the 'ommander was in the Sys/Se' (ab. She t rned 'ir'(es in his empty offi'e% the pani' of her ordea( with ;a(e sti(( in her b(ood. She had to get o t of :rypto. Digita( Fortress or no Digita( Fortress% it was time to a't//time to abort the TRA*SLTR r n and es'ape. She eyed Strathmore#s g(owing monitors then dashed to his des,. She f mb(ed with his ,eypad. Abort TRA*SLTR9 The tas, was simp(e now that she was on an a thori8ed termina(. S san 'a((ed p the proper 'ommand window and typed! ABORT R1* ;er finger ho0ered momentari(y o0er the E*TER ,ey. <S san9< a 0oi'e bar,ed from the doorway. S sanwhee(ed s'ared% fearing it was ;a(e. B t it was not% it was Strathmore. ;e stood% pa(e and eerie in the e(e'troni' g(ow% his 'hest hea0ing. <-hat the he((#s going on9< <:om... mander9< S san gasped. <;a(e#s in *ode B9 ;e > st atta',ed me9< <-hat= Impossib(e9 ;a(e#s (o',ed down in//< <*o% he#s not9 ;e#s (oose9 -e need se' rity inhere now9 I#m aborting TRA*SLTR9< S san rea'hed for the ,eypad. <DO*#T TO1:; T;AT9< Strathmore ( nged for the termina( and p ((ed S san#s hands away. S san re'oi(ed% st nned. She stared at the 'ommander and for the se'ond time that day did not re'ogni8e him. S san fe(t s dden(y a(one. ??? Strathmore saw the b(ood on S san#s shirt and immediate(y regretted his o tb rst. <)es s% S san. Are yo o,ay=< She didn#t respond. ;e wished he hadn#t > mped on her nne'essari(y. ;is ner0es were frayed. ;e was > gg(ing too m 'h. There were things on his mind//things S san F(et'her did not ,now abo t//things he had not to(d her and prayed he#d ne0er ha0e to. <I#m sorry%< he said soft(y. <Te(( me what happened.< She t rned away. <It doesn#t matter. The b(ood#s not mine. ) st get me o t of here.<

<Are yo h rt=< Strathmore p t a hand on her sho (der. S san re'oi(ed. ;e dropped his hand and (oo,ed away. -hen he (oo,ed ba', at S san#s fa'e% she seemed to be staring o0er his sho (der at something on the wa((. There% in the dar,ness% a sma(( ,eypad g(owed f (( for'e. Strathmore fo((owed her ga8e and frowned. ;e#d hoped S san wo (dn#t noti'e the g(owing 'ontro( pane(. The i(( minated ,eypad 'ontro((ed his pri0ate e(e0ator. Strathmore and his high/powered g ests sed it to 'ome and go from :rypto witho t ad0ertising the fa't to the rest of the staff. The persona( (ift dropped down fifty feet be(ow the :rypto dome and then mo0ed (atera((y 56L yards thro gh a reinfor'ed ndergro nd t nne( to the s b(e0e(s of the main *SA 'omp(e&. The e(e0ator 'onne'ting :rypto to the *SA was powered from the main 'omp(e&7 it was on/(ine despite :rypto#s power o tage. Strathmore had ,nown a(( a(ong it was on/(ine% b t e0en as S san had been po nding on the main e&it downstairs% he hadn#t mentioned it. ;e 'o (d not afford to (et S san o t//not yet. ;e wondered how m 'h he#d ha0e to te(( her to ma,e her want to stay. S san p shed past Strathmore and ra'ed to the ba', wa((. She >abbed f rio s(y at the i(( minated b ttons. <$(ease%< she begged. B t the door did not open. <S san%< Strathmore said . iet(y. <The (ift ta,es a password.< <A password=< she repeated angri(y. She g(ared at the 'ontro(s. Be(ow the main ,eypad was a se'ond ,eypad//a sma((er one% with tiny b ttons. Ea'h b tton was mar,ed with a (etter of the a(phabet. S san whee(ed to him. <-hat is the password9< she demanded. Strathmore tho ght a moment and sighed hea0i(y. <S san% ha0e a seat.< S san (oo,ed as if she 'o (d hard(y be(ie0e her ears. <;a0e a seat%< the 'ommander repeated% his 0oi'e firm. <Let me o t9< S san shot an neasy g(an'e toward the 'ommander#s open offi'e door. Strathmore eyed the pani',ed S san F(et'her. :a(m(y he mo0ed to his offi'e door. ;e stepped o t onto the (anding and peered into the dar,ness. ;a(e was nowhere to be seen. The 'ommander stepped ba', inside and p ((ed the door sh t. Then he propped a 'hair in front to ,eep it '(osed% went to his des,% and remo0ed something from a drawer. In the pa(e g(ow of the monitors S san saw what he was ho(ding. ;er fa'e went pa(e. It was a g n. Strathmore p ((ed two 'hairs into the midd(e of the room. ;e rotated them to fa'e the '(osed offi'e door. Then he sat. ;e (ifted the g(ittering Beretta semi/a tomati' and aimed steadi(y at the s(ight(y open door. After a moment he (aid the g n ba', in his (ap. ;e spo,e so(emn(y. <S san% we#re safe here. -e need to ta(,. If Greg ;a(e 'omes thro gh that door...< ;e (et it hang. S san was spee'h(ess. Strathmore ga8ed at her in the dim (ight of his offi'e. ;e patted the seat beside him. <S san% sit. I ha0e something to te(( yo .< She did not mo0e. <-hen I#m done% <he said% <I#(( gi0e yo the password to the e(e0ator. +o 'an de'ide whether to (ea0e or not.< There was a (ong si(en'e. In a da8e% S san mo0ed a'ross the offi'e and sat ne&t to Strathmore. <S san%< he began% <I ha0en#t been entire(y honest with yo .<


Da0id Be',er fe(t as if his fa'e had been do sed in t rpentine and ignited. ;e ro((ed o0er on the f(oor and s. inted thro gh b(eary t nne( 0ision at the gir( ha(fway to the re0o(0ing doors. She was r nning in short% terrified b rsts% dragging her d ffe( behind her a'ross the ti(e. Be',er tried to p (( himse(f to his feet% b t he 'o (d not. ;e was b(inded by red/hot fire. She 'an#t get away9 ;e tried to 'a(( o t% b t there was no air in his ( ngs% on(y a si',ening pain. <*o9< ;e 'o ghed. The so nd bare(y (eft his (ips. Be',er ,new the se'ond she went thro gh the door% she wo (d disappear fore0er. ;e tried to 'a(( o t again% b t his throat was searing. The gir( had a(most rea'hed the re0o(0ing door. Be',er staggered to his feet% gasping for breath. ;e st mb(ed after her. The gir( dashed into the first 'ompartment of the re0o(0ing door% dragging her d ffe( behind her. Twenty yards ba',% Be',er was staggering b(ind(y toward the door. <-ait9< ;e gasped. <-ait9< The gir( p shed f rio s(y on the inside of the door. The door began to rotate% b t then it >ammed. The b(onde whee(ed in terror and saw her d ffe( snagged in the opening. She ,ne(t and p ((ed f rio s(y to free it. Be',er fi&ed his b(eary 0ision on the fabri' protr ding thro gh the door. As he do0e% the red 'orner of ny(on protr ding from the 'ra', was a(( he 'o (d see. ;e f(ew toward it% arms o tstret'hed. As Da0id Be',er fe(( toward the door% his hands on(y in'hes away% the fabri' s(ipped into the 'ra', and disappeared. ;is fingers '( t'hed empty air as the door ( r'hed into motion. The gir( and the d ffe( t mb(ed into the street o tside. <"egan9< Be',er wai(ed as hit the f(oor. -hite/hot need(es shot thro gh the ba', of his eye so',ets. ;is 0ision t nne(ed to nothing% and a new wa0e of na sea ro((ed in. ;is own 0oi'e e'hoed in the b(a',ness. "egan9 ??? Da0id Be',er wasn#t s re how (ong he#d been (ying there before he be'ame aware of the h m of f( ores'ent b (bs o0erhead. E0erything e(se was sti((. Thro gh the si(en'e 'ame a 0oi'e. Someone was 'a((ing. ;e tried to (ift his head off the f(oor. The wor(d was 'o',eyed% watery. Again the 0oi'e. ;e s. inted down the 'on'o rse and saw a fig re twenty yards away. <"ister=< Be',er re'ogni8ed the 0oi'e. It was the gir(. She was standing at another entran'e farther down the 'on'o rse% '( t'hing her d ffe( to her 'hest. She (oo,ed more frightened now than she had before. <"ister=< she as,ed% her 0oi'e tremb(ing. <I ne0er to(d yo my name. ;ow 'ome yo ,now my name=<


Dire'tor Le(and Fontaine was a mo ntain of a man% si&ty/three years o(d% with a '(ose/'ropped mi(itary hair' t and a rigid demeanor. ;is >et/b(a', eyes were (i,e 'oa( when he was irritated% whi'h was a(most a(ways. ;e#d risen thro gh the ran,s of the *SA thro gh hard wor,% good p(anning% and the we((/earned respe't of his prede'essors. ;e was the first Afri'an Ameri'an dire'tor of the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y% b t nobody e0er mentioned the distin'tion7 Fontaine#s po(iti's were de'ided(y 'o(or/b(ind% and his staff wise(y fo((owed s it. Fontaine had ,ept "idge and Brin,erhoff standing as he went thro gh the si(ent rit a( of ma,ing himse(f a m g of G atema(an >a0a. Then he#d sett(ed at his des,% (eft them standing% and . estioned them (i,e s'hoo('hi(dren in the prin'ipa(#s offi'e. "idge did the ta(,ing//e&p(aining the n s a( series of e0ents that (ed them to 0io(ate the san'tity of Fontaine#s offi'e. <A 0ir s=< the dire'tor as,ed 'o(d(y. <+o two thin, we#0e got a 0ir s=< Brin,erhoff win'ed. <+es% sir%< "idge snapped. <Be'a se Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et=< Fontaine eyed the printo t in front of him. <+es%< she said. <And there#s a fi(e that hasn#t bro,en in o0er twenty ho rs9< Fontaine frowned. <Or so yo r data says.< "idge was abo t to protest% b t she he(d her tong e. Instead she went for the throat. <There#s a b(a',o t in :rypto.< Fontaine (oo,ed p% apparent(y s rprised. "idge 'onfirmed with a ' rt nod. <A(( power#s down. )abba tho ght maybe//< <+o 'a((ed )abba=< <+es% sir% I//< <)abba=< Fontaine stood p% f rio s. <-hy the he(( didn#t yo 'a(( Strathmore=< <-e did9< "idge defended. <;e said e0erything was fine.< Fontaine stood% his 'hest hea0ing. <Then we ha0e no reason to do bt him.< There was '(os re in his 0oi'e. ;e too, a sip of 'offee. <*ow if yo #(( e&' se me% I ha0e wor, to do.< "idge#s >aw dropped. <I beg yo r pardon=< Brin,erhoff was a(ready headed for the door% b t "idge was 'emented in p(a'e. <I said good night% "s. "i(,en%< Fontaine repeated. <+o are e&' sed.< <B t//b t sir%< she stammered% <I... I ha0e to protest. I thin,//< <+o protest=< the dire'tor demanded. ;e set down his 'offee. <I protest9 I protest to yo r presen'e in my offi'e. I protest to yo r insin ations that the dep ty dire'tor of this agen'y is (ying. I protest//<

<-e ha0e a 0ir s% sir9 "y instin'ts te(( me//< <-e((% yo r instin'ts are wrong% "s. "i(,en9 For on'e% they#re wrong9< "idge stood fast. <B t% sir9 :ommander Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et9< Fontaine strode toward her% bare(y 'ontro((ing his anger. <That is his prerogati0e9 I pay yo to wat'h ana(ysts and ser0i'e emp(oyees//not spy on the dep ty dire'tor9 If it weren#t for him we#d sti(( be brea,ing 'odes with pen'i( and paper9 *ow (ea0e me9< ;e t rned to Brin,erhoff% who stood in the doorway 'o(or(ess and tremb(ing. <Both of yo .< <-ith a(( d e respe't% sir%< "idge said. <I#d (i,e to re'ommend we send a Sys/Se' team to :rypto > st to ens re//< <-e wi(( do no s 'h thing9< After a tense beat% "idge nodded. <4ery we((. Goodnight.< She t rned and (eft. As she passed% Brin,erhoff 'o (d see in her eyes that she had no intention of (etting this rest//not nti( her int ition was satisfied. Brin,erhoff ga8ed a'ross the room at his boss% massi0e and seething behind his des,. This was not the dire'tor he ,new. The dire'tor he ,new was a sti',(er for detai(% for neat(y tied pa',ages. ;e a(ways en'o raged his staff to e&amine and '(arify any in'onsisten'ies in dai(y pro'ed re% no matter how min te. And yet here he was% as,ing them to t rn their ba',s on a 0ery bi8arre series of 'oin'iden'es. The dire'tor was ob0io s(y hiding something% b t Brin,erhoff was paid to assist% not to . estion. Fontaine had pro0en o0er and o0er that he had e0eryone#s best interests at heart7 if assisting him now meant t rning a b(ind eye% then so be it. 1nfort nate(y% "idge was paid to . estion% and Brin,erhoff feared she was headed for :rypto to do > st that. Time to get o t the rPs mPs% Brin,erhoff tho ght as he t rned to the door. <:had9< Fontaine bar,ed% from behind him. Fontaine had seen the (oo, in "idge#s eyes when she (eft. <Don#t (et her o t of this s ite.< Brin,erhoff nodded and h st(ed after "idge. ??? Fontaine sighed and p t his head in his hands. ;is sab(e eyes were hea0y. It had been a (ong% ne&pe'ted trip home. The past month had been one of great anti'ipation for Le(and Fontaine. There were things happening right now at the *SA that wo (d 'hange history% and ironi'a((y% Dire'tor Fontaine had fo nd o t abo t them on(y by 'han'e. Three months ago% Fontaine had gotten news that :ommander Strathmore#s wife was (ea0ing him. ;e#d a(so heard reports that Strathmore was wor,ing abs rd ho rs and seemed abo t to 'ra', nder the press re. Despite differen'es of opinion with Strathmore on many iss es% Fontaine had a(ways he(d his dep ty dire'tor in the highest esteem7 Strathmore was a bri((iant man% maybe the best the *SA had. At the same time% e0er sin'e the S,ip>a', fias'o% Strathmore had been nder tremendo s stress. It made Fontaine neasy7 the 'ommander he(d a (ot of ,eys aro nd the *SA//and Fontaine had an agen'y to prote't. Fontaine needed someone to ,eep tabs on the wa0ering Strathmore and ma,e s re he was 566 per'ent// b t it was not that simp(e. Strathmore was a pro d and powerf ( man7 Fontaine needed a way to 'he', p on the 'ommander witho t ndermining his 'onfiden'e or a thority. Fontaine de'ided% o t of respe't for Strathmore% to do the >ob himse(f. ;e had an in0isib(e tap insta((ed on

:ommander Strathmore#s :rypto a''o nt//his E/mai(% his interoffi'e 'orresponden'e% his brainstorms% a(( of it. If Strathmore was going to 'ra',% the dire'tor wo (d see warning signs in his wor,. B t instead of signs of a brea,down% Fontaine n'o0ered the gro nd wor, for one of the most in'redib(e inte((igen'e s'hemes he#d e0er en'o ntered. It was no wonder Strathmore was b sting his ass7 if he 'o (d p (( this p(an off% it wo (d ma,e p for the S,ip>a', fias'o a h ndred times o0er. Fontaine had 'on'( ded Strathmore was fine% wor,ing at 556 per'ent//as s(y% smart% and patrioti' as e0er. The best thing the dire'tor 'o (d do wo (d be to stand '(ear and wat'h the 'ommander wor, his magi'. Strathmore had de0ised a p(an... a p(an Fontaine had no intention of interr pting.


Strathmore fingered the Berretta in his (ap. E0en with the rage boi(ing in his b(ood% he was programmed to thin, '(ear(y. The fa't that Greg ;a(e had dared (ay a finger on S san F(et'her si',ened him% b t the fa't that it was his own fa (t made him e0en si',er7 S san going into *ode B had been his idea. Strathmore ,new eno gh to 'ompartmenta(i8e his emotion//it 'o (d in no way affe't his hand(ing of Digita( Fortress. ;e was the dep ty dire'tor of the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y. And today his >ob was more 'riti'a( than it had e0er been. Strathmore s(owed his breathing. <S san.< ;is 0oi'e was effi'ient and n'(o ded. <Did yo de(ete ;a(e#s E/mai(=< <*o%< she said% 'onf sed. <Do yo ha0e the pass/,ey=< She shoo, her head. Strathmore frowned% 'hewing his (ip. ;is mind was ra'ing. ;e had a di(emma. ;e 'o (d easi(y enter his e(e0ator password% and S san wo (d be gone. B t he needed her there. ;e needed her he(p to find ;a(e#s pass/,ey. Strathmore hadn#t to(d her yet% b t finding that pass/,ey was far more than a matter of a'ademi' interest//it was an abso( te ne'essity. Strathmore s spe'ted he 'o (d r n S san#s non'onformity sear'h and find the pass/,ey himse(f% b t he#d a(ready en'o ntered prob(ems r nning her tra'er. ;e was not abo t to ris, it again. <S san.< ;e sighed reso( te(y. <I#d (i,e yo to he(p me find ;a(e#s pass/,ey.< <-hat9< S san stood p% her eyes wi(d. Strathmore fo ght off the rge to stand a(ong with her. ;e ,new a (ot abo t negotiating//the position of power was a(ways seated. ;e hoped she wo (d fo((ow s it. She did not. <S san% sit down.< She ignored him. <Sit down.< It was an order. S san remained standing. <:ommander% if yo #0e sti(( got some b rning desire to 'he', o t Tan,ado#s a(gorithm% yo 'an do it a(one. I want o t.< Strathmore h ng his head and too, a deep breath. It was '(ear she wo (d need an e&p(anation. She

deser0es one% he tho ght. Strathmore made his de'ision//S san F(et'her wo (d hear it a((. ;e prayed he wasn#t ma,ing a mista,e. <S san%< he began% <it wasn#t s pposed to 'ome to this.< ;e ran his hand a'ross his s'a(p. <There are some things I ha0en#t to(d yo . Sometimes a man in my position...< The 'ommander wa0ered as if ma,ing a painf ( 'onfession. <Sometimes a man in my position is for'ed to (ie to the peop(e he (o0es. Today was one of those days.< ;e eyed her sad(y. <-hat I#m abo t to te(( yo % I ne0er p(anned to ha0e to say... to yo ... or to anyone.< S san fe(t a 'hi((. The 'ommander had a dead(y serio s (oo, on his fa'e. There was ob0io s(y some aspe't of his agenda to whi'h she was not pri0y. S san sat down. There was a (ong pa se as Strathmore stared at the 'ei(ing% gathering his tho ghts. <S san%< he fina((y said% his 0oi'e frai(. <I ha0e no fami(y.< ;e ret rned his ga8e to her. <I ha0e no marriage to spea, of. "y (ife has been my (o0e for this 'o ntry. "y (ife has been my wor, here at the *SA.< S san (istened in si(en'e. <As yo may ha0e g essed%< he 'ontin ed% <I p(anned to retire soon. B t I wanted to retire with pride. I wanted to retire ,nowing that I#d tr (y made a differen'e.< <B t yo ha0e made a differen'e%< S san heard herse(f say. <+o b i(t TRA*SLTR.< Strathmore didn#t seem to hear. <O0er the past few years% o r wor, here at the *SA has gotten harder and harder. -e#0e fa'ed enemies I ne0er imagined wo (d 'ha((enge s. I#m ta(,ing abo t o r own 'iti8ens. The (awyers% the 'i0i( rights fanati's% the EFF//they#0e a(( p(ayed a part% b t it#s more than that. It#s the peop(e. They#0e (ost faith. They#0e be'ome paranoid. They s dden(y see s as the enemy. $eop(e (i,e yo and me% peop(e who tr (y ha0e the nation#s best interests at heart% we find o rse(0es ha0ing to fight for o r right to ser0e o r 'o ntry. -e#re no (onger pea'e,eepers. -e#re ea0esdroppers% peeping Toms% 0io(ators of peop(e#s rights.< Strathmore hea0ed a sigh. <1nfort nate(y% there are nai0e peop(e in the wor(d% peop(e who 'an#t imagine the horrors they#d fa'e if we didn#t inter0ene. I tr (y be(ie0e it#s p to s to sa0e them from their own ignoran'e.< S san waited for his point. The 'ommander stared weari(y at the f(oor and then (oo,ed p. <S san% hear me o t%< he said% smi(ing tender(y at her. <+o #(( want to stop me% b t hear me o t. I#0e been de'rypting Tan,ado#s E/mai( for abo t two months now. As yo 'an imagine% I was sho',ed when I first read his messages to *orth Da,ota abo t an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm 'a((ed Digita( Fortress. I didn#t be(ie0e it was possib(e. B t e0ery time I inter'epted anew message% Tan,ado so nded more and more 'on0in'ing. -hen I read that he#d sed m tation strings to write a rotating ,ey/'ode% I rea(i8ed he was (ight/years ahead of s7 it was an approa'h no one here had ne0er tried.< <-hy wo (d we=< S san as,ed. <It bare(y ma,es sense.< Strathmore stood p and started pa'ing% ,eeping one eye on the door. <A few wee,s ago% when I heard abo t the Digita( Fortress a 'tion% I fina((y a''epted the fa't that Tan,ado was serio s. I ,new if he so(d his a(gorithm to a )apanese software 'ompany% we were s n,% so I tried to thin, of any way I 'o (d stop him. I 'onsidered ha0ing him ,i((ed% b t with a(( the p b(i'ity s rro nding the a(gorithm and a(( his re'ent '(aims abo t TRA*SLTR% we wo (d be prime s spe'ts. That#s when it dawned on me.< ;e t rned to S san. <I rea(i8ed that Digita( Fortress sho (d not be stopped.< S san stared at him% apparent(y (ost. Strathmore went on. <I s dden(y saw Digita( Fortress as the opport nity of a (ifetime. It hit me that with a few 'hanges% Digita( Fortress 'o (d wor, for s instead of against s.<

S san had ne0er heard anything so abs rd. Digita( Fortress was an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm7 it wo (d destroy them. <If%< Strathmore 'ontin ed% <if I 'o (d > st ma,e a sma(( modifi'ation in the a(gorithm... before it was re(eased...< ;e ga0e her a ' nning g(int of the eye. It too, on(y an instant. Strathmore saw the ama8ement register in S san#s eyes. ;e e&'ited(y e&p(ained his p(an. <If I 'o (d get the pass/,ey% I 'o (d n(o', o r 'opy of Digita( Fortress and insert a modifi'ation.< <A ba', door%< S san said% forgetting the :ommander had e0er (ied to her. She fe(t a s rge of anti'ipation. <) st (i,e S,ip>a',.< Strathmore nodded. <Then we 'o (d rep(a'e Tan,ado#s gi0e/away fi(e on the Internet with o r a(tered 0ersion. Be'a se Digita( Fortress is a )apanese a(gorithm% no one wi(( e0er s spe't the *SA had any part in it. A(( we ha0e to do is ma,e the swit'h.< S san rea(i8ed the p(an was beyond ingenio s. It was p re... Strathmore. ;e p(anned to fa'i(itate the re(ease of an a(gorithm the *SA 'o (d brea,9 <F (( a''ess%< Strathmore said. <Digita( Fortress wi(( be'ome the en'ryption standard o0ernight.< <O0ernight=< S san said. <;ow do yo fig re that= E0en if Digita( Fortress be'omes a0ai(ab(e e0erywhere for free% most 'omp ter sers wi(( sti', with their o(d a(gorithms for 'on0enien'e. -hy wo (d they swit'h to Digita( Fortress=< Strathmore smi(ed. <Simp(e. -e ha0e a se' rity (ea,. The who(e wor(d finds o t abo t TRA*SLTR.< S san#s >aw dropped. <G ite simp(y% S san% we (et the tr th hit the street. -e te(( the wor(d that the *SA has a 'omp ter that 'an brea, e0ery a(gorithm e&'ept Digita( Fortress.< S san was ama8ed. <So e0eryone > mps ship to Digita( Fortress... not ,nowing we 'an brea, it9< Strathmore nodded. <E&a't(y.< There was a (ong si(en'e. <I#m sorry I (ied to yo . Trying to rewrite Digita( Fortress is a pretty big p(ay% I didn#t want yo in0o(0ed.< <I... nderstand%< she rep(ied s(ow(y% sti(( ree(ing from the bri((ian'e of it a((. <+o #re not a bad (iar.< Strathmore 'h ',(ed. <+ears of pra'ti'e. Lying was the on(y way to ,eep yo o t of the (oop.< S san nodded. <And how big a (oop is it=< <+o #re (oo,ing at it.< S san smi(ed for the first time in an ho r. <I was afraid yo #d say that.< ;e shr gged. <On'e Digita( Fortress is in p(a'e% I#(( brief the dire'tor.< S san was impressed. Strathmore#s p(an was a g(oba( inte((igen'e 'o p the magnit de of whi'h had ne0er before been imagined. And he#d attempted it sing(e/handed(y. It (oo,ed (i,e he might p (( it off too. The pass/,ey was downstairs. Tan,ado was dead. Tan,ado#s partner had been (o'ated. S san pa sed.

Tan,ado is dead. That seemed 0ery 'on0enient. She tho ght of a(( the (ies that Strathmore had to(d her and fe(t a s dden 'hi((. She (oo,ed neasi(y at the 'ommander. <Did yo ,i(( Ensei Tan,ado=< Strathmore (oo,ed s rprised. ;e shoo, his head. <Of 'o rse not. There was no need to ,i(( Tan,ado. In fa't% I#d prefer he were a(i0e. ;is death 'o (d 'ast s spi'ion on Digita( Fortress. I wanted this swit'h to go as smooth(y and in'onspi' o s(y as possib(e. The origina( p(an was to ma,e the swit'h and (et Tan,ado se(( his ,ey.< S san had to admit it made sense. Tan,ado wo (d ha0e no reason to s spe't the a(gorithm on the Internet was not the origina(. *obody had a''ess to it e&'ept himse(f and *orth Da,ota. 1n(ess Tan,ado went ba', and st died the programming after it was re(eased% he#d ne0er ,now abo t the ba', door. ;e#d s(a0ed o0er Digita( Fortress for (ong eno gh that he#d probab(y ne0er want to see the programming again. S san (et it a(( soa, in. She s dden(y nderstood the 'ommander#s need for pri0a'y in :rypto. The tas, at hand was time/'ons ming and de(i'ate//writing a 'on'ea(ed ba', door in a 'omp(e& a(gorithm and ma,ing an ndete'ted Internet swit'h. :on'ea(ment was of paramo nt importan'e. The simp(e s ggestion that Digita( Fortress was tainted 'o (d r in the 'ommander#s p(an. On(y now did she f ((y grasp why he had de'ided to (et TRA*SLTR ,eep r nning. If Digita( Fortress is going to be the *SA#s new baby% Strathmore wanted to be s re it was nbrea,ab(e9 <Sti(( want o t=< he as,ed. S san (oo,ed p. Somehow sitting there in the dar, with the great Tre0or Strathmore% her fears were swept away. Rewriting Digita( Fortress was a 'han'e to ma,e history//a 'han'e to do in'redib(e good// and Strathmore 'o (d se her he(p. S san for'ed a re( 'tant smi(e. <-hat#s o r ne&t mo0e=< Strathmore beamed. ;e rea'hed o0er and p t a hand on her sho (der. <Than,s.< ;e smi(ed and then got down to b siness. <-e#(( go downstairs together.< ;e he(d p his Berretta. <+o #(( sear'h ;a(e#s termina(. I#(( 'o0er yo .< S san brist(ed at the tho ght of going downstairs. <:an#t we wait for Da0id to 'a(( with Tan,ado#s 'opy=< Strathmore shoo, his head. <The sooner we ma,e the swit'h% the better. -e ha0e no g arantees that Da0id wi(( e0en find the other 'opy. If by some f( ,e the ring fa((s into the wrong hands o0er there% I#d prefer we#d a(ready made the a(gorithm swit'h. That way% whoe0er ends p with the ,ey wi(( down(oad o r 0ersion of the a(gorithm.< Strathmore fingered his g n and stood. <-e need to go for ;a(e#s ,ey.< S san fe(( si(ent. The 'ommander had a point. They needed ;a(e#s pass/,ey. And they needed it now. -hen S san stood% her (egs were >ittery. She wished she#d hit ;a(e harder. She eyed Strathmore#s weapon and s dden(y fe(t . easy. <+o #d a't a((y shoot Greg ;a(e=< <*o.< Strathmore frowned% striding to the door. <B t (et#s hope he doesn#t ,now that.<


O tside the Se0i((e airport termina(% a ta&i sat id(e% the meter r nning. The passenger in the wire/rim g(asses ga8ed thro gh the p(ate/g(ass windows of the we((/(it termina(. ;e ,new he#d arri0ed in time. ;e 'o (d see a b(ond gir(. She was he(ping Da0id Be',er to a 'hair. Be',er was apparent(y in pain. ;e does not yet ,now pain% the passenger tho ght. The gir( p ((ed a sma(( ob>e't from her po',et and he(d it

o t. Be',er he(d it p and st died it in the (ight. Then he s(ipped it on his finger. ;e p ((ed a sta', of bi((s from his po',et and paid the gir(. They ta(,ed a few min tes (onger% and then the gir( h gged him. She wa0ed% sho (dered her d ffe(% and headed off a'ross the 'on'o rse. At (ast% the man in the ta&i tho ght. At (ast.


Strathmore stepped o t of his offi'e onto the (anding with his g n (e0e(ed. S san trai(ed '(ose behind% wondering if ;a(e was sti(( in *ode B. The (ight from Strathmore#s monitor behind them threw eerie shadows of their bodies o t a'ross the grated p(atform. S san in'hed '(oser to the 'ommander. As they mo0ed away from the door% the (ight faded% and they were p( nged into dar,ness. The on(y (ight on the :rypto f(oor 'ame from the stars abo0e and the faint ha8e from behind the shattered *ode B window. Strathmore in'hed forward% (oo,ing for the p(a'e where the narrow stair'ase began. Swit'hing the Berretta to his (eft hand% he groped for the banister with his right. ;e fig red he was probab(y > st as bad a shot with his (eft% and he needed his right for s pport. Fa((ing down this parti' (ar set of stairs 'o (d 'ripp(e someone for (ife% and Strathmore#s dreams for his retirement did not in0o(0e a whee('hair. S san% b(inded by the b(a',ness of the :rypto dome% des'ended with a hand on Strathmore#s sho (der. E0en at the distan'e of two feet% she 'o (d not see the 'ommander#s o t(ine. As she stepped onto ea'h meta( tread% she sh ff(ed her toes forward (oo,ing for the edge. S san began ha0ing se'ond tho ghts abo t ris,ing a 0isit to *ode B to get ;a(e#s pass/,ey. The 'ommander insisted ;a(e wo (dn#t ha0e the g ts to to 'h them% b t S san wasn#t so s re. ;a(e was desperate. ;e had two options! Es'ape :rypto or go to >ai(. A 0oi'e ,ept te((ing S san they sho (d wait for Da0id#s 'a(( and se his pass/,ey% b t she ,new there was no g arantee he wo (d e0en find it. She wondered what was ta,ing Da0id so (ong. S san swa((owed her apprehension and ,ept going. Strathmore des'ended si(ent(y. There was no need to a(ert ;a(e they were 'oming. As they neared the bottom% Strathmore s(owed% fee(ing for the fina( step. -hen he fo nd it% the hee( of his (oafer '(i',ed on hard b(a', ti(e. S san fe(t his sho (der tense. They#d entered the danger 8one. ;a(e 'o (d be anywhere. In the distan'e% now hidden behind TRA*SLTR% was their destination//*ode B. S san prayed ;a(e was sti(( there% (ying on the f(oor% whimpering in pain (i,e the dog he was. Strathmore (et go of the rai(ing and swit'hed the g n ba', to his right hand. -itho t a word% he mo0ed o t into the dar,ness. S san he(d tight to his sho (der. If she (ost him% the on(y way she#d find him again was to spea,. ;a(e might hear them. As they mo0ed away from the safety of the stairs% S san re'a((ed (ate/night games of tag as a ,id//she#d (eft home base% she was in the open. She was 0 (nerab(e. TRA*SLTR was the on(y is(and in the 0ast b(a', sea. E0ery few steps Strathmore stopped% g n poised% and (istened. The on(y so nd was the faint h m from be(ow. S san wanted to p (( him ba',% ba', to safety% ba', to home base. There seemed to be fa'es in the dar, a(( aro nd her. ;a(fway to TRA*SLTR% the si(en'e of :rypto was bro,en. Somewhere in the dar,ness% seeming(y right

on top of them% a high/pit'hed beeping pier'ed the night. Strathmore sp n% and S san (ost him. Fearf (% S san shot her arm o t% groping for him. B t the 'ommander was gone. The spa'e where his sho (der had been was now > st empty air. She staggered forward into the emptiness. The beeping noise 'ontin ed. It was nearby. S san whee(ed in the dar,ness. There was a r st(e of '(othing% and s dden(y the beeping stopped. S san fro8e. An instant (ater% as if from one of her worst 'hi(dhood nightmares% a 0ision appeared. A fa'e materia(i8ed dire't(y in front of her. It was ghost(y and green. It was the fa'e of a demon% sharp shadows > tting pward a'ross deformed feat res. She > mped ba',. She t rned to r n% b t it grabbed her arm. <Don#t mo0e9< it 'ommanded. For an instant% she tho ght she saw ;a(e in those two b rning eyes. B t the 0oi'e was not ;a(e#s. And the to 'h was too soft. It was Strathmore. ;e was (it from beneath by a g(owing ob>e't that he#d > st p ((ed from his po',et. ;er body sagged with re(ief. She fe(t herse(f start breathing again. The ob>e't in Strathmore#s hand had some sort of e(e'troni' LED that was gi0ing off a greenish g(ow. <Damn%< Strathmore ' rsed nder his breath. <"y new pager.< ;e stared in disg st at the S,y$ager in his pa(m. ;e#d forgotten to engage the si(ent/ring feat re. Ironi'a((y% he#d gone to a (o'a( e(e'troni's store to b y the de0i'e. ;e#d paid 'ash to ,eep it anonymo s7 nobody ,new better than Strathmore how '(ose(y the *SA wat'hed their own//and the digita( messages sent and re'ei0ed from this pager were something Strathmore definite(y needed to ,eep pri0ate. S san (oo,ed aro nd neasi(y. If ;a(e hadn#t ,nown they were 'oming% he ,new now. Strathmore pressed a few b ttons and read the in'oming message. ;e groaned . iet(y. It was more bad news from Spain//not from Da0id Be',er% b t from the other party Strathmore had sent to Se0i((e. ??? Three tho sand mi(es away% a mobi(e s r0ei((an'e 0an sped a(ong the dar,ened Se0i((e streets. It had been 'ommissioned by the *SA nder <1mbra< se're'y from a mi(itary base in Rota. The two men inside were tense. It was not the first time they#d re'ei0ed emergen'y orders from Fort "eade% b t the orders didn#t s a((y 'ome from so high p. The agent at the whee( 'a((ed o0er his sho (der. <Any sign of o r man=< The eyes of his partner ne0er (eft the feed from the wide/ang(e 0ideo monitor on the roof. <*o. Heep dri0ing.<


1nderneath the twisting mass of 'ab(es% )abba was sweating. ;e was sti(( on his ba', with a pen(ight '(en'hed in his teeth. ;e#d gotten sed to wor,ing (ate on wee,ends7 the (ess he'ti' *SA ho rs were often the on(y times he 'o (d perform hardware maintenan'e. As he mane 0ered the red/hot so(dering iron thro gh the ma8e of wires abo0e him% he mo0ed with e&'eptiona( 'are7 singeing any of the dang(ing sheathes wo (d be disaster. ) st another few in'hes% he tho ght. The >ob was ta,ing far (onger than he#d imagined. ) st as he bro ght the tip of the iron against the fina( thread of raw so(der% his 'e(( (ar phone rang sharp(y. )abba start(ed% his arm twit'hed% and a (arge g(ob of si88(ing% (i. efied (ead fe(( on his arm.

<Shit9< ;e dropped the iron and pra'ti'a((y swa((owed his pen(ight. <Shit9 Shit9 Shit9< ;e s'r bbed f rio s(y at the drop of 'oo(ing so(der. It ro((ed off% (ea0ing an impressi0e we(t. The 'hip he was trying to so(der in p(a'e fe(( o t and hit him in the head. <Goddamn it9< )abba#s phone s mmoned him again. ;e ignored it. <"idge%< he ' rsed nder his breath. Damn yo 9 :rypto#s fine9 The phone rang on. )abba went ba', to wor, reseating the new 'hip. A min te (ater the 'hip was in p(a'e% b t his phone was sti(( ringing. For :hrist#s sa,e% "idge9 Gi0e it p9 The phone rang another fifteen se'onds and fina((y stopped. )abba breathed a sigh of re(ief. Si&ty se'onds (ater the inter'om o0erhead 'ra',(ed. <-o (d the 'hief Sys/Se' p(ease 'onta't the main swit'hboard for a message.< )abba ro((ed his eyes in disbe(ief. She > st doesn#t gi0e p% does she= ;e ignored the page.


Strathmore rep(a'ed his S,ypager in his po',et and peered thro gh the dar,ness toward *ode B. ;e rea'hed for S san#s hand. <:ome on.< B t their fingers ne0er to 'hed. There was a (ong g tt ra( 'ry from o t of the dar,ness. A th ndering fig re (oomed//a "a', tr ', bearing down with no head(ights. An instant (ater% there was a 'o((ision and Strathmore was s,idding a'ross the f(oor. It was ;a(e. The pager had gi0en them away. S san heard the Berretta fa((. For a moment she was p(anted in p(a'e% ns re where to r n% what to do. ;er instin'ts to(d her to es'ape% b t she didn#t ha0e the e(e0ator 'ode. ;er heart to(d her to he(p Strathmore% b t how= As she sp n in desperation% she e&pe'ted to hear the so nds of a (ife/and/death str gg(e on the f(oor% b t there was nothing. E0erything was s dden(y si(ent//as if ;a(e had hit the 'ommander and then disappeared ba', into the night. S san waited% straining her eyes into the dar,ness% hoping Strathmore wasn#t h rt. After what seemed (i,e an eternity% she whispered% <:ommander=< E0en as she said it% she rea(i8ed her mista,e. An instant (ater ;a(e#s odor we((ed p behind her. She t rned too (ate. -itho t warning% she was twisting% gasping for air. She fo nd herse(f 'r shed in a fami(iar head(o',% her fa'e against ;a(e#s 'hest. <"y ba((s are ,i((ing me.< ;a(e panted in her ear. S san#s ,nees b ',(ed. The stars in the dome began to spin abo0e her.

:;A$TER K6

;a(e '(amped down on S san#s ne', and ye((ed into the dar,ness. <:ommander% I#0e got yo r sweetheart. I want o t9< ;is demands were met with si(en'e. ;a(e#s grip tightened. <I#(( brea, her ne',9< A g n 'o',ed dire't(y behind them. Strathmore#s 0oi'e was 'a(m and e0en. <Let her go.< S san win'ed in pain. <:ommander9< ;a(e sp n S san#s body toward the so nd. <+o shoot and yo #(( hit yo r pre'io s S san. +o ready to ta,e that 'han'e=< Strathmore#s 0oi'e mo0ed '(oser. <Let her go.< <*o way. +o #(( ,i(( me.< <I#m not going to ,i(( anyone.< <Oh% yeah= Te(( that to :hartr ,ian9< Strathmore mo0ed '(oser. <:hartr ,ian#s dead.< <*o shit. +o ,i((ed him. I saw it9< <Gi0e it p% Greg%< Strathmore said 'a(m(y. ;a(e '( t'hed at S san and whispered in her ear% <Strathmore p shed :hartr ,ian//I swear it9< <She#s not going to fa(( for yo r di0ide/and/'on. er te'hni. e%< Strathmore said% mo0ing '(oser. <Let her go.< ;a(e hissed into the dar,ness% <:hartr ,ian was > st a ,id% for :hrist#s sa,e9 -hy#d yo do it= To prote't yo r (itt(e se'ret=< Strathmore stayed 'oo(. <And what (itt(e se'ret is that=< <+o ,now damn/f ',ing/we(( what se'ret that is9 Digita( Fortress9< <"y% my%< Strathmore m ttered 'ondes'ending(y% his 0oi'e (i,e an i'eberg. <So yo do ,now abo t Digita( Fortress. I was starting to thin, yo #d deny that too.< <F ', yo .< <A witty defense.< <+o #re a foo(%< ;a(e spat. <For yo r information% TRA*SLTR is o0erheating.< <Rea((y=< Strathmore 'h ',(ed. <Let me g ess//I sho (d open the doors and 'a(( in the Sys/Se's=< <E&a't(y%< ;a(e fired ba',. <+o #d be an idiot not to.<

This time Strathmore (a ghed o t (o d. <That#s yo r big p(ay= TRA*SLTR#s o0erheating% so open the doors and (et s o t=< <It#s tr e% dammit9 I#0e been down to the s b(e0e(s9 The a & power isn#t p ((ing eno gh freon9< <Than,s for the tip%< Strathmore said. <B t TRA*SLTR#s got a tomati' sh tdown7 if it#s o0erheating% Digita( Fortress wi(( . it a(( by itse(f.< ;a(e sneered. <+o #re insane. -hat the f ', do I 'are if TRA*SLTR b(ows= The damn ma'hine sho (d be o t(awed anyway.< Strathmore sighed. <:hi(d psy'ho(ogy on(y wor,s on 'hi(dren% Greg. Let her go.< <So yo 'an shoot me=< <I won#t shoot yo . I > st want the pass/,ey.< <-hat pass/,ey=< Strathmore sighed again. <The one Tan,ado sent yo .< <I ha0e no idea what yo #re ta(,ing abo t.< <Liar9< S san managed. <I saw Tan,ado#s mai( in yo r a''o nt9< ;a(e went rigid. ;e sp n S san aro nd. <+o went in my a''o nt=< <And yo aborted my tra'er%< she snapped. ;a(e fe(t his b(ood press re s,yro',et. ;e tho ght he#d 'o0ered his tra',s7 he had no idea S san ,new what he#d done. It was no wonder she wasn#t b ying a word he said. ;a(e fe(t the wa((s start to '(ose in. ;e ,new he 'o (d ne0er ta(, his way o t of that one//not in time. ;e whispered to her in desperation% <S san... Strathmore ,i((ed :hartr ,ian9< <Let her go%< the 'ommander said e0en(y. <She doesn#t be(ie0e yo .< <-hy sho (d she=< ;a(e fired ba',. <+o (ying bastard9 +o #0e got her brainwashed9 +o on(y te(( her what s its yo r needs9 Does she ,now what yo rea((y p(an to do with Digita( Fortress=< <And what#s that=< Strathmore ta nted. ;a(e ,new what he was abo t to say wo (d either be his ti',et to freedom or his death warrant. ;e too, a deep breath and went for bro,e. <+o p(an to write a ba', door in Digita( Fortress.< The words met with a bewi(dered si(en'e from the dar,ness. ;a(e ,new he had hit a b ((#s/eye. Apparent(y Strathmore#s nf(appab(e 'oo( was being p t to the test. <-ho to(d yo that=< he demanded% his 0oi'e ro gh aro nd the edges. <I read it%< ;a(e said sm g(y% trying to 'apita(i8e on the 'hange of moment m. <In one of yo r brainstorms.< <Impossib(e. I ne0er print my brainstorms.< <I ,now. I read it dire't(y off yo r a''o nt.<

Strathmore seemed do btf (. <+o got into my offi'e=< <*o. I snooped yo from *ode B.< ;a(e for'ed a se(f/ass red 'h ',(e. ;e ,new he#d need a(( the negotiating s,i((s he#d (earned in the marines to get o t of :rypto a(i0e. Strathmore edged '(oser% the Berretta (e0e(ed in the dar,ness. <;ow do yo ,now abo t my ba', door=< <I to(d yo % I snooped yo r a''o nt.< <Impossib(e.< ;a(e for'ed a 'o',y sneer. <One of the prob(ems of hiring the best% :ommander//sometimes they#re better than yo .< <+o ng man%< Strathmore seethed% <I don#t ,now where yo get yo r information% b t yo #re in way o0er yo r head. +o wi(( (et "s. F(et'her go right now or I#(( 'a(( in Se' rity and ha0e yo thrown in >ai( for (ife.< <+o won#t do it%< ;a(e stated matter/of/fa't(y. <:a((ing Se' rity r ins yo r p(ans. I#(( te(( them e0erything.< ;a(e pa sed. <B t (et me o t '(ean% and I#(( ne0er say a word abo t Digita( Fortress.< <*o dea(%< Strathmore fired ba',. <I want the pass/,ey.< <I don#t ha0e any f ',ing pass/,ey9< <Eno gh (ies9< Strathmore be((owed. <-here is it=< ;a(e '(amped down on S san#s ne',. <Let me o t% or she dies9< ??? Tre0or Strathmore had done eno gh high/sta,es bargaining in his (ife to ,now that ;a(e was in a 0ery dangero s state of mind. The yo ng 'ryptographer had painted himse(f into a 'orner% and a 'ornered opponent was a(ways the most dangero s ,ind//desperate and npredi'tab(e. Strathmore ,new his ne&t mo0e was a 'riti'a( one. S san#s (ife depended on it//and so did the f t re of Digita( Fortress. Strathmore ,new the first thing he had to do was re(ease the tension of the sit ation. After a (ong moment% he sighed re( 'tant(y. <O,ay% Greg. +o win. -hat do yo want me to do=< Si(en'e. ;a(e seemed momentari(y ns re how to hand(e the 'ommander#s 'ooperati0e tone. ;e (et p a bit on S san#s ne',. <-/we((...< he stammered% his 0oi'e wa0ering s dden(y. <First thing yo do is gi0e me yo r g n. +o #re both 'oming with me.< <;ostages=< Strathmore (a ghed 'o(d(y. <Greg% yo #(( ha0e to do better than that. There are abo t a do8en armed g ards between here and the par,ing (ot.< <I#m not a foo(%< ;a(e snapped. <I#m ta,ing yo r e(e0ator. S san 'omes with me9 +o stay9< <I hate to te(( yo this%< Strathmore rep(ied% <b t there#s no power to the e(e0ator.< <B ((shit9< ;a(e snapped. <The (ift r ns on power from the main b i(ding9 I#0e seen the s'hemati's9< <-e tried it a(ready%< S san 'ho,ed% trying to he(p. <It#s dead.<

<+o #re both so f (( of shit% it#s in'redib(e.< ;a(e tightened his grip. <If the e(e0ator#s dead% I#(( abort TRA*SLTR and restore power.< <The e(e0ator ta,es a password%< S san managed feisti(y. <Big dea(.< ;a(e (a ghed. <I#m s re the 'ommander wi(( share. -on#t yo % :ommander=< <*o 'han'e%< Strathmore hissed. ;a(e boi(ed o0er. <*ow yo (isten to me% o(d man//here#s the dea(9 +o (et S san and me o t thro gh yo r e(e0ator% we dri0e a few ho rs% and then I (et her go.< Strathmore fe(t the sta,es rising. ;e#d gotten S san into this% and he needed to get her o t. ;is 0oi'e stayed steady as a ro',. <-hat abo t my p(ans for Digita( Fortress=< ;a(e (a ghed. <+o 'an write yo r ba', door//I won#t say a word.< Then his 0oi'e t rned omino s. <B t the day I thin, yo #re tra',ing me% I go to the press with the who(e story. I te(( them Digita( Fortress is tainted% and I sin, this who(e f ',ing organi8ation9< Strathmore 'onsidered ;a(e#s offer. It was '(ean and simp(e. S san (i0ed% and Digita( Fortress got its ba', door. As (ong as Strathmore didn#t 'hase ;a(e% the ba', door stayed a se'ret. Strathmore ,new ;a(e 'o (dn#t ,eep his mo th sh t for (ong. B t sti((... the ,now(edge of Digita( Fortress was ;a(e#s on(y ins ran'e//maybe he#d be smart. -hate0er happened% Strathmore ,new ;a(e 'o (d be remo0ed (ater if ne'essary. <"a,e p yo r mind% o(d man9< ;a(e ta nted. <Are we (ea0ing or not=< ;a(e#s arms tightened aro nd S san (i,e a 0i'e. Strathmore ,new that if he pi',ed p the phone right now and 'a((ed Se' rity% S san wo (d (i0e. ;e#d bet his (ife on it. ;e 'o (d see the s'enario '(ear(y. The 'a(( wo (d ta,e ;a(e 'omp(ete(y by s rprise. ;e wo (d pani'% and in the end% fa'ed with a sma(( army% ;a(e wo (d be nab(e to a't. After a brief standoff% he wo (d gi0e in. B t if I 'a(( Se' rity% Strathmore tho ght% my p(an is r ined. ;a(e '(amped down again. S san 'ried o t in pain. <-hat#s it gonna be=< ;a(e ye((ed. <Do I ,i(( her=< Strathmore 'onsidered his options. If he (et ;a(e ta,e S san o t of :rypto% there were no g arantees. ;a(e might dri0e for a whi(e% par, in the woods. ;e#d ha0e a g n.... Strathmore#s stoma'h t rned. There was no te((ing what wo (d happen before ;a(e set S san free... if he set her free. I#0e got to 'a(( Se' rity% Strathmore de'ided. -hat e(se 'an I do= ;e pi't red ;a(e in 'o rt% spi((ing his g ts abo t Digita( Fortress. "y p(an wi(( be r ined. There m st be some other way. <De'ide9< ;a(e ye((ed% dragging S san toward the stair'ase. Strathmore wasn#t (istening. If sa0ing S san meant his p(ans were r ined% then so be it//nothing was worth (osing her. S san F(et'her was a pri'e Tre0or Strathmore ref sed to pay. ;a(e had S san#s arm twisted behind her ba', and her ne', bent to one side. <This is yo r (ast 'han'e% o(d man9 Gi0e me the g n9< Strathmore#s mind 'ontin ed to ra'e% sear'hing for another option. There are a(ways other options9 Fina((y he spo,e//. iet(y% a(most sad(y. <*o% Greg% I#m sorry. I > st 'an#t (et yo go.< ;a(e 'ho,ed in apparent sho',. <-hat9<

<I#m 'a((ing Se' rity.< S san gasped. <:ommander9 *o9< ;a(e tightened his grip. <+o 'a(( Se' rity% and she dies9< Strathmore p ((ed the 'e(( (ar off his be(t and f(i',ed it on. <Greg% yo #re b( ffing.< <+o #(( ne0er do it9< ;a(e ye((ed. <I#(( ta(,9 I#(( r in yo r p(an9 +o #re on(y ho rs away from yo r dream9 :ontro((ing a(( the data in the wor(d9 *o more TRA*SLTR. *o more (imits//> st free information. It#s a 'han'e of a (ifetime9 +o won#t (et it s(ip by9< Strathmore 0oi'e was (i,e stee(. <-at'h me.< <B t//b t what abo t S san=< ;a(e stammered. <+o ma,e that 'a((% and she dies9< Strathmore he(d firm. <That#s a 'han'e I#m ready to ta,e.< <B ((shit9 +o #0e got a bigger hard/on for her than yo do for Digita( Fortress9 I ,now yo 9 +o won#t ris, it9< S san began to ma,e an angry reb tta(% b t Strathmore beat her to it. <+o ng man9 +o don#t ,now me9 I ta,e ris,s for a (i0ing. If yo #re (oo,ing to p(ay hardba((% (et#s p(ay9< ;e started p n'hing ,eys on his phone. <+o mis> dged me% son9 *obody threatens the (i0es of my emp(oyees and wa(,s o t9< ;e raised the phone and bar,ed into the re'ei0er% <Swit'hboard9 Get me Se' rity9< ;a(e began to tor. e S san#s ne',. <I/I#(( ,i(( her. I swear it9< <+o #(( do no s 'h thing9< Strathmore pro'(aimed. <Hi((ing S san wi(( > st ma,e things wor//< ;e bro,e off and rammed the phone against his mo th. <Se' rity9 This is :ommander Tre0or Strathmore. -e#0e got a hostage sit ation in :rypto9 Get some men in here9 +es% now% goddamn it9 -e a(so ha0e a generator fai( re. I want power ro ted from a(( a0ai(ab(e e&terna( so r'es. I want a(( systems on/(ine in fi0e min tes9 Greg ;a(e ,i((ed one of my > nior Sys/Se's. ;e#s ho(ding my senior 'ryptographer hostage. +o #re '(eared to se tear gas on a(( of s if ne'essary9 If "r. ;a(e doesn#t 'ooperate% ha0e snipers shoot him dead. I#(( ta,e f (( responsibi(ity. Do it now9< ;a(e stood motion(ess//apparent(y (imp in disbe(ief. ;is grip on S san eased. Strathmore snapped his phone sh t and sho0ed it ba', onto his be(t. <+o r mo0e% Greg.<

:;A$TER K5

Be',er stood b(eary/eyed beside the te(ephone booth on the termina( 'on'o rse. Despite his b rning fa'e and a 0ag e na sea% his spirits were soaring. It was o0er. Tr (y o0er. ;e was on his way home. The ring on his finger was the grai( he#d been see,ing. ;e he(d his hand p in the (ight and s. inted at the go(d band. ;e 'o (dn#t fo' s we(( eno gh to read% b t the ins'ription didn#t appear to be in Eng(ish. The first symbo( was either a G% an O% or a 8ero% his eyes h rt too m 'h to te((. Be',er st died the first few 'hara'ters. They made no sense. This was a matter of nationa( se' rity= Be',er stepped into the phone booth and dia(ed Strathmore. Before he had finished the internationa( prefi&% he got a re'ording. <Todos (os 'ir' itos estUn o' pados%< the 0oi'e said. <$(ease hang p and try yo r 'a(( (ater.< Be',er frowned and h ng p. ;e#d forgotten! Getting an internationa( 'onne'tion from

Spain was (i,e ro (ette% a(( a matter of timing and ( ',. ;e#d ha0e to try again in a few min tes. Be',er fo ght to ignore the waning sting of the pepper in his eyes. "egan had to(d him r bbing his eyes wo (d on(y ma,e them worse7 he 'o (dn#t imagine. Impatient% he tried the phone again. Sti(( no 'ir' its. Be',er 'o (dn#t wait any (onger//his eyes were on fire7 he had to f( sh them with water. Strathmore wo (d ha0e to wait a min te or two. ;a(f b(ind% Be',er made his way toward the bathrooms. The b( rry image of the '(eaning 'art was sti(( in front of the men#s room% so Be',er t rned again toward the door mar,ed damas. ;e tho ght he heard so nds inside. ;e ,no',ed. <;o(a=< Si(en'e. $robab(y "egan% he tho ght. She had fi0e ho rs to ,i(( before her f(ight and had said she was going to s'r b her arm ti(( it was '(ean. <"egan=< he 'a((ed. ;e ,no',ed again. There was no rep(y. Be',er p shed the door open. <;e((o=< ;e went in. The bathroom appeared empty. ;e shr gged and wa(,ed to the sin,. The sin, was sti(( fi(thy% b t the water was 'o(d. Be',er fe(t his pores tighten as he sp(ashed the water in his eyes. The pain began to ease% and the fog grad a((y (ifted. Be',er eyed himse(f in the mirror. ;e (oo,ed (i,e he#d been 'rying for days. ;e dried his fa'e on the s(ee0e of his >a',et% and then it s dden(y o'' rred to him. In a(( the e&'itement% he#d forgotten where he was. ;e was at the airport9 Somewhere o t thereon the tarma'% in one of the Se0i((e airport#s three pri0ate hangars% there was a Lear>et A6 waiting to ta,e him home. The pi(ot had stated 0ery '(ear(y% I ha0e orders to stay here nti( yo ret rn. It was hard to be(ie0e% Be',er tho ght% that after a(( this% he had ended p right ba', where he#d started. -hat am I waiting for= he (a ghed. I#m s re the pi(ot 'an radio a message to Strathmore9 :h ',(ing to himse(f% Be',er g(an'ed in the mirror and straightened his tie. ;e was abo t to go when the ref(e'tion of something behind him 'a ght his eye. ;e t rned. It appeared to be one end of "egan#s d ffe(% protr ding from nder a partia((y open sta(( door. <"egan=< he 'a((ed. There was no rep(y. <"egan=< Be',er wa(,ed o0er. ;e rapped (o d(y on the side of the sta((. *o answer. ;e gent(y p shed the door. It sw ng open. Be',er fo ght ba', a 'ry of horror. "egan was on the toi(et% her eyes ro((ed s,yward. Dead 'enter of her forehead% a b ((et ho(e oo8ed b(oody (i. id down her fa'e. <Oh% )es s9< Be',er 'ried in sho',. <EstU m erta%< a bare(y h man 0oi'e 'roa,ed behind him. <She#s dead.< It was (i,e a dream. Be',er t rned. <SeXor Be',er=< the eerie 0oi'e as,ed. Da8ed% Be',er st died the man stepping into the rest room. ;e (oo,ed odd(y fami(iar. <Soy ; (ohot%< the ,i((er said. <I am ; (ohot.< The misshapen words seemed to emerge from the depths of his stoma'h. ; (ohot he(d o t his hand. <E( ani((o. The ring.< Be',er stared b(an,(y.

The man rea'hed in his po',et and prod 'ed a g n. ;e raised the weapon and trained it on Be',er#s head. <E( ani((o.< In an instant of '(arity% Be',er fe(t a sensation he had ne0er ,nown. As if ' ed by some s b'ons'io s s r0i0a( instin't% e0ery m s'(e in his body tensed sim (taneo s(y. ;e f(ew thro gh the air as the shot spat o t. Be',er 'rashed down on top of "egan. A b ((et e&p(oded against the wa(( behind him. <"ierda9< ; (ohot seethed. Somehow% at the (ast possib(e instant% Da0id Be',er had di0ed o t of the way. The assassin ad0an'ed. Be',er p ((ed himse(f off the (ife(ess teenager. There were approa'hing footsteps. Breathing. The 'o', of a weapon. <AdiTs%< the man whispered as he ( nged (i,e a panther% swinging his weapon into the sta((. The g n went off. There was a f(ash of red. B t it was no tb(ood. It was something e(se. An ob>e't had materia(i8ed as if o t of nowhere% sai(ing o t of the sta(( and hitting the ,i((er in the 'hest% 'a sing his g n to fire a sp(it se'ond ear(y. It was "egan#s d ffe(. Be',er e&p(oded from the sta((. ;e b ried his sho (der in the man#s 'hest and dro0e him ba', into the sin,. There was a bone/'r shing 'rash. A mirror shattered. The g n fe(( free. The two men 'o((apsed to the f(oor. Be',er tore himse(f away and dashed for the e&it. ; (ohot s'ramb(ed for his weapon% sp n% and fired. The b ((et ripped into the s(amming bathroom door. The empty e&panse of the airport 'on'o rse (oomed before Be',er (i,e an n'rossab(e desert. ;is (egs s rged beneath him faster than he#d e0er ,nown they 'o (d mo0e. As he s,idded into the re0o(0ing door% a shot rang o t behind him. The g(ass pane( in front of him e&p(oded in a shower of g(ass. Be',er p shed his sho (der into the frame and the door rotated forward. A moment (ater he st mb(ed onto the pa0ement o tside. A ta&i stood waiting. <DP>ame entrar9< Be',er s'reamed% po nding on the (o',ed door. <Let me in9< The dri0er ref sed7 his fare with the wire/rim g(asses had as,ed him to wait. Be',er t rned and saw ; (ohot strea,ing a'ross he 'on'o rse% g n in hand. Be',er eyed his (itt(e 4espa on the sidewa(,. I#m dead. ; (ohot b(asted thro gh the re0o(0ing doors > st in time to see Be',er trying in 0ain to ,i', start his 4espa. ; (ohot smi(ed and raised his weapon. The 'ho,e9 Be',er f mb(ed with the (e0ers nder the gas tan,. ;e > mped on the starter again. It 'o ghed and died. <E( ani((o. The ring.< The 0oi'e was '(ose. Be',er (oo,ed p. ;e saw the barre( of a g n. The 'hamber was rotating. ;e rammed his foot on the starter on'e again. ; (ohot#s shot > st missed Be',er#s head as the (itt(e bi,e sprang to (ife and ( r'hed forward. Be',er h ng on for his (ife as the motor'y'(e bo n'ed down a grassy emban,ment and wobb(ed aro nd the 'orner of the b i(ding onto the r nway. Enraged% ; (ohot ra'ed toward his waiting ta&i. Se'onds (ater% the dri0er (ay st nned on the ' rb wat'hing his ta&i pee( o t in a '(o d of d st.

:;A$TER K@

As the imp(i'ations of the :ommander#s phone 'a(( to Se' rity began to sett(e on the da8ed Greg ;a(e% he fo nd himse(f wea,ened by a wa0e of pani'. Se' rity is 'oming9 S san began to s(ip away. ;a(e re'o0ered% '( t'hing at her midse'tion% p ((ing her ba',. <Let me go9< she 'ried% her 0oi'e e'hoing tho gh the dome. ;a(e#s mind was in o0erdri0e. The 'ommander#s 'a(( had ta,en him tota((y by s rprise. Strathmore phoned Se' rity9 ;e#s sa'rifi'ing his p(ans for Digita( Fortress9 *ot in a mi((ion years had ;a(e imagined the 'ommander wo (d (et Digita( Fortress s(ip by. This ba', door was the 'han'e of a (ifetime. As the pani' r shed in% ;a(e#s mind seemed to p(ay tri',s on him. ;e saw the barre( of Strathmore#s Berretta e0erywhere he (oo,ed. ;e began to spin% ho(ding S san '(ose% trying to deny the 'ommander a shot. Dri0en by fear% ;a(e dragged S san b(ind(y toward the stairs. In fi0e min tes the (ights wo (d 'ome on% the doors wo (d open% and a S-AT team wo (d po r in. <+o #re h rting me9< S san 'ho,ed. She gasped for breath as she st mb(ed thro gh ;a(e#s desperate piro ettes. ;a(e 'onsidered (etting her go and ma,ing a mad dash for Strathmore#s e(e0ator% b t it was s i'ide. ;e had no password. Besides% on'e o tside the *SA witho t a hostage% ;a(e ,new he was as good as dead. *ot e0en his Lot s 'o (d o tr n a f(eet of *SA he(i'opters. S san is the on(y thing that wi(( ,eep Strathmore from b(owing me off the road9 <S san%< ;a(e b( rted% dragging her toward the stairs. <:ome with me9 I swear I won#t h rt yo 9< As S san fo ght him% ;a(e rea(i8ed he had new prob(ems. E0en if he somehow managed to get Strathmore#s e(e0ator open and ta,e S san with him% she wo (d ndo bted(y fight him a(( the way o t of the b i(ding. ;a(e ,new f (( we(( that Strathmore#s e(e0ator made on(y one stop! <the 1ndergro nd ;ighway%< a restri'ted (abyrinth of ndergro nd a''ess t nne(s thro gh whi'h *SA powerbro,ers mo0ed in se're'y. ;a(e had no intention of ending p (ost in the basement 'orridors of the *SA with a str gg(ing hostage. It was a death trap. E0en if he got o t% he rea(i8ed% he had no g n. ;ow wo (d he get S san a'ross the par,ing (ot= ;ow wo (d he dri0e= It was the 0oi'e of one of ;a(e#s marine% mi(itary/strategy professors that ga0e him his answer! For'e a hand% the 0oi'e warned% and it wi(( fight yo . B t 'on0in'e a mind to thin, as yo want it to thin,% and yo ha0e an a((y. <S san%< ;a(e heard himse(f saying% <Strathmore#s a ,i((er9 +o #re in danger here9< S san didn#t seem to hear. ;a(e ,new it was an abs rd ang(e anyway7 Strathmore wo (d ne0er h rt S san% and she ,new it. ;a(e strained his eyes into the dar,ness% wondering where the 'ommander was hidden. Strathmore had fa((en si(ent s dden(y% whi'h made ;a(e e0en more pani',y. ;e sensed his time was p. Se' rity wo (d arri0e at any moment. -ith a s rge of strength% ;a(e wrapped his arms aro nd S san#s waist and p ((ed her hard p the stairs. She hoo,ed her hee(s on the first step and p ((ed ba',. It was no se% ;a(e o0erpowered her.

:aref ((y% ;a(e ba',ed p the stairs with S san in tow. $ shing her p might ha0e been easier% b t the (anding at the top was i(( minated from Strathmore#s 'omp ter monitors. If S san went first% Strathmore wo (d ha0e a '(ear shot at ;a(e#s ba',. $ ((ing S san behind him% ;a(e had a h man shie(d between himse(f and the :rypto f(oor. Abo t a third of the way p% ;a(e sensed mo0ement at the bottom of the stairs. Strathmore#s ma,ing his mo0e9 <Don#t try it% :ommander%< he hissed. <+o #(( on(y get her ,i((ed.< ;a(e waited. B t there was on(y si(en'e. ;e (istened '(ose(y. *othing. The bottom of the stairs was sti((. -as he imagining things= It didn#t matter. Strathmore wo (d ne0er ris, a shot with S san in the way. B t as ;a(e ba',ed p the stairs dragging S san behind him% something ne&pe'ted happened. There was a faint th d on the (anding behind him. ;a(e stopped% adrena(ine s rging. ;ad Strathmore s(ipped pstairs= Instin't to(d him Strathmore was at the bottom of the stairs. B t then% s dden(y% it happened again//(o der this time. A distin't step on the pper (anding9 In terror% ;a(e rea(i8ed his mista,e. Strathmore#s on the (anding behind me9 ;e has a '(ear shot of my ba',9 In desperation% he sp n S san ba', to his phi(( side and started retreating ba',wards down the steps. As he rea'hed the bottom step% he stared wi(d(y p at the (anding and ye((ed% <Ba', off% :ommander9 Ba', off% or I#(( brea, her//< The b tt of a Berretta 'ame s(i'ing thro gh the air at the foot of the stairs and 'rashed down into ;a(e#s s, ((. As S san tore free of the s( mping ;a(e% she whee(ed in 'onf sion. Strathmore grabbed her and ree(ed her in% 'rad(ing her sha,ing body. <Shhh%< he soothed. <It#s me. +o #re o,ay.< S san was tremb(ing. <:om... mander.< She gasped% disoriented. <I tho ght... I tho ght yo were pstairs... I heard...< <Easy now%< he whispered. <+o heard me toss my (oafers p onto the (anding.< S san fo nd herse(f (a ghing and 'rying at the same time. The 'ommander had > st sa0ed her (ife. Standing there in the dar,ness% S san fe(t an o0erwhe(ming sense of re(ief. It was not% howe0er% witho t g i(t7 Se' rity was 'oming. She had foo(ish(y (et ;a(e grab her% and he had sed her against Strathmore. S san ,new the 'ommander had paid a h ge pri'e to sa0e her. <I#m sorry%< she said. <-hat for=< <+o r p(ans for Digita( Fortress... they#re r ined.< Strathmore shoo, his head. <*ot at a((.< <B t... b t what abo t Se' rity= They#(( be here any min te. -e won#t ha0e time to//< <Se' rity#s not 'oming% S san. -e#0e got a(( the time in the wor(d.< S san was (ost. *ot 'oming= <B t yo phoned...< Strathmore 'h ',(ed. <O(dest tri', in the boo,. I fa,ed the 'a((.<


Be',er#s 4espa was no do bt the sma((est 0ehi'(e e0er to tear down the Se0i((e r nway. Its top speed% a whining C6 mph% so nded more (i,e a 'hainsaw than a motor'y'(e and was nfort nate(y we(( be(ow the ne'essary power to be'ome airborne. In his side mirror% Be',er saw the ta&i swing o t onto the dar,ened r nway abo t fo r h ndred yards ba',. It immediate(y started gaining. Be',er fa'ed front. In the distan'e% the 'onto r of the airp(ane hangars stood framed against the night s,y abo t a ha(f mi(e o t. Be',er wondered if the ta&i wo (d o0erta,e him in that distan'e. ;e ,new S san 'o (d do the math in two se'onds and 'a(' (ate his odds. Be',er s dden(y fe(t fear (i,e he had ne0er ,nown. ;e (owered his head and twisted the thrott(e as far as it wo (d go. The 4espa was definite(y topped o t. Be',er g essed the ta&i behind him was doing a(most ninety% twi'e his speed. ;e set his sights on the three str 't res (ooming in the distan'e. The midd(e one. That#s where the Lear>et is. A shot rang o t. The b ((et b ried itse(f in the r nway yards behind him. Be',er (oo,ed ba',. The assassin was hanging o t the window ta,ing aim. Be',er swer0ed and his side mirror e&p(oded in a shower of g(ass. ;e 'o (d fee( the impa't of the b ((et a(( the way p the hand(ebars. ;e (ay his body f(at on the bi,e. God he(p me% I#m not going to ma,e it9 The tarma' in front of Be',er#s 4espa was growing brighter now. The ta&i was '(osing% the head(ights throwing ghost(y shadows down the r nway. A shot fired. The b ((et ri'o'heted off the h (( of the bi,e. Be',er str gg(ed to ,eep from going into a swer0e. I#0e got to ma,e the hangar9 ;e wondered if the Lear>et pi(ot 'o (d see them 'oming. Does he ha0e a weapon= -i(( he open the 'abin doors in time= B t as Be',er approa'hed the (it e&panse of the open hangars% he rea(i8ed the . estion was moot. The Lear>et was nowhere to be seen. ;e s. inted thro gh b( rred 0ision and prayed he was ha(( 'inating. ;e was not. The hangar was bare. Oh my God9 -here#s the p(ane9 As the two 0ehi'(es ro',eted into the empty hangar% Be',er desperate(y sear'hed for an es'ape. There was none. The b i(ding#s rear wa((% an e&pansi0e sheet of 'orr gated meta(% had no doors or windows. The ta&i roared p beside him% and Be',er (oo,ed (eft to see ; (ohot raising his g n. Ref(e& too, o0er. Be',er s(ammed down on his bra,es. ;e bare(y s(owed. The hangar f(oor was s(i', with oi(. The 4espa went into a head(ong s,id. Beside him there was a deafening s. ea( as the ta&i#s bra,es (o',ed and the ba(ding tires hydrop(aned on the s(ippery s rfa'e. The 'ar sp n aro nd in a '(o d of smo,e and b rning r bber on(y in'hes to the (eft of Be',er#s s,idding 4espa. *ow side by side% the two 0ehi'(es s,immed o t of 'ontro( on a 'o((ision 'o rse with the rear of the hangar. Be',er desperate(y p mped his bra,es% b t there was no tra'tion7 it was (i,e dri0ing on i'e. In front of him% the meta( wa(( (oomed. It was 'oming fast. As the ta&i spira(ed wi(d(y beside him% Be',er fa'ed the wa(( and bra'ed for the impa't. There was an earsp(itting 'rash of stee( and 'orr gated meta(. B t there was no pain. Be',er fo nd himse(f s dden(y in the open air% sti(( on his 4espa% bo n'ing a'ross a grassy fie(d. It was as if the hangar#s ba', wa(( had 0anished before him. The ta&i was sti(( beside him% 'areening a'ross the fie(d. An enormo s sheet of 'orr gated meta( from the hangar#s ba', wa(( bi((owed off the ta&i#s hood and sai(ed o0er Be',er#s head. ;eart ra'ing% Be',er g nned the 4espa and too, off into the night.


)abba (et o t a 'ontented sigh as he finished the (ast of his so(der points. ;e swit'hed off the iron% p t down his pen(ight% and (ay a moment in the dar,ness of the mainframe 'omp ter. ;e was beat. ;is ne', h rt. Interna( wor, was a(ways 'ramped% espe'ia((y for a man of his si8e. And they > st ,eep b i(ding them sma((er% he m sed. As he '(osed his eyes for a we((/deser0ed moment of re(a&ation% someone o tside began p ((ing on his boots. <)abba9 Get o t here9< a woman#s 0oi'e ye((ed. "idge fo nd me. ;e groaned. <)abba9 Get o t here9< Re( 'tant(y he s(ithered o t. <For the (o0e of God% "idge9 I to(d yo //< B t it was not "idge. )abba (oo,ed p% s rprised. <Soshi=< Soshi H ta was a ninety/po nd (i0e wire. She was )abba#s righthand assistant% a ra8or/sharp Sys/Se' te'hie from "IT. She often wor,ed (ate with )abba and was the one member of his staff who seemed nintimidated by him. She g(ared at him and demanded% <-hy the he(( didn#t yo answer yo r phone= Or my page=< <+o r page%< )abba repeated. <I tho ght it was//< <*e0er mind. There#s something strange going on in the main databan,.< )abba 'he',ed his wat'h. <Strange=< *ow he was growing 'on'erned. <:an yo be any more spe'ifi'=< Two min tes (ater )abba was dashing down the ha(( toward the databan,.


Greg ;a(e (ay ' r(ed on the *ode B f(oor. Strathmore and S san had > st dragged him a'ross :rypto and bo nd his hands and feet with twe(0e/ga ge printer 'ab(e from the *ode B (aser/printers. S san 'o (dn#t get o0er the artf ( mane 0er the 'ommander had > st e&e' ted. ;e fa,ed the 'a((9 Somehow Strathmore had 'apt red ;a(e% sa0ed S san% and bo ght himse(f the time needed to rewrite Digita( Fortress. S san eyed the bo nd 'ryptographer neasi(y. ;a(e was breathing hea0i(y. Strathmore sat on the 'o 'h with the Berretta propped aw,ward(y in his (ap. S san ret rned her attention to ;a(e#s termina( and 'ontin ed her random/string sear'h. ;er fo rth string sear'h ran its 'o rse and 'ame p empty. <Sti(( no ( ',.< She sighed. <-e may need to wait for Da0id to find Tan,ado#s 'opy.< Strathmore ga0e her a disappro0ing (oo,. <If Da0id fai(s% and Tan,ado#s ,ey fa((s into the wrong hands...<

Strathmore didn#t need to finish. S san nderstood. 1nti( the Digita( Fortress fi(e on the Internet had been rep(a'ed with Strathmore#s modified 0ersion% Tan,ado#s pass/,ey was dangero s. <After we ma,e the swit'h%< Strathmore added% <I don#t 'are how many pass/,eys are f(oating aro nd7 the more the merrier.< ;e motioned for her to 'ontin e sear'hing. <B t nti( then% we#re p(aying beat/the/ '(o',.< S san opened her mo th to a',now(edge% b t her words were drowned o t by a s dden deafening b(are. The si(en'e of :rypto was shattered by a warning horn from the s b(e0e(s. S san and Strathmore e&'hanged start(ed (oo,s. <-hat#s that=< S san ye((ed% timing her . estion between the intermittent b rsts. <TRA*SLTR9< Strathmore 'a((ed ba',% (oo,ing tro b(ed. <It#s too hot9 "aybe ;a(e was right abo t the a & power not p ((ing eno gh freon.< <-hat abo t the a to/abort=< Strathmore tho ght a moment% then ye((ed% <Something m st ha0e shorted.< A ye((ow siren (ight sp n abo0e the :rypto f(oor and swept a p (sating g(are a'ross his fa'e. <+o better abort9< S san 'a((ed. Strathmore nodded. There was no te((ing what wo (d happen if three mi((ion si(i'on pro'essors o0erheated and de'ided to ignite. Strathmore needed to get pstairs to his termina( and abort the Digita( Fortress r n//parti' (ar(y before anyone o tside of :rypto noti'ed the tro b(e and de'ided to send in the 'a0a(ry. Strathmore shot a g(an'e at the sti((/ n'ons'io s ;a(e. ;e (aid the Berretta on a tab(e near S san and ye((ed o0er the sirens% <Be right ba',9< As he disappeared thro gh the ho(e in the *ode B wa((% Strathmore 'a((ed o0er his sho (der% <And find me that pass/,ey9< S san eyed the res (ts of her nprod 'ti0e pass/,ey sear'h and hoped Strathmore wo (d h rry p and abort. The noise and (ights in :rypto fe(t (i,e a missi(e (a n'h. On the f(oor% ;a(e began to stir. -ith ea'h b(ast of the horn% he win'ed. S san s rprised herse(f by grabbing the Berretta. ;a(e opened his eyes to S san F(et'her standing o0er him with the g n (e0e(ed at his 'rot'h. <-here#s the pass/,ey=< S san demanded. ;a(e was ha0ing tro b(e getting his bearings. <-h/what happened=< <+o b(ew it% that#s what happened. *ow% where#s the pass,ey=< ;a(e tried to mo0e his arms b t rea(i8ed he was tied. ;is fa'e be'ame ta t with pani'. <Let me go9< <I need the pass/,ey%< S san repeated. <I don#t ha0e it9 Let me go9< ;a(e tried to get p. ;e 'o (d bare(y ro(( o0er. S san ye((ed between b(asts of the horn. <+o #re *orth Da,ota% and Ensei Tan,ado ga0e yo a 'opy of his ,ey. I need it now9< <+o #re 'ra8y9< ;a(e gasped. <I#m not *orth Da,ota9< ;e str gg(ed ns ''essf ((y to free himse(f.

S san 'harged angri(y. <Don#t (ie to me. -hy the he(( is a(( of *orth Da,ota#s mai( in yo r a''o nt=< <I to(d yo before9< ;a(e p(eaded as the horns b(ared on. <I snooped Strathmore9 That E/mai( in my a''o nt was mai( I 'opied o t of Strathmore#s a''o nt//E/mai( :O"I*T sto(e from Tan,ado9< <B ((9 +o 'o (d ne0er snoop the 'ommander#s a''o nt9< <+o don#t nderstand9< ;a(e ye((ed. <There was a(ready a tap on Strathmore#s a''o nt9< ;a(e de(i0ered his words in short b rsts between the sirens. <Someone e(se p t the tap there. I thin, it was Dire'tor Fontaine9 I > st piggyba',ed9 +o #0e got to be(ie0e me9 That#s how I fo nd o t abo t his p(an to rewrite Digita( Fortress9 I#0e been reading Strathmore#s brainstorms9< Brain Storms= S san pa sed. Strathmore had ndo bted(y o t(ined his p(ans for Digita( Fortress sing his BrainStorm software. If anyone had snooped the 'ommander#s a''o nt% a(( the information wo (d ha0e been a0ai(ab(e... <Rewriting Digita( Fortress is si',9< ;a(e 'ried. <+o ,now damn we(( what it imp(ies//tota( *SA a''ess9< The sirens b(asted% drowning him o t% b t ;a(e was possessed. <+o thin, we#re ready for that responsibi(ity= +o thin, anyone is= It#s f ',ing shortsighted9 +o say o r go0ernment has the peop(e#s best interests at heart= Great9 B t what happens when some f t re go0ernment doesn#t ha0e o r best interests at heart9 This te'hno(ogy is fore0er9< S san 'o (d bare(y hear him7 the noise in :rypto was deafening. ;a(e str gg(ed to get free. ;e (oo,ed S san in the eye and ,ept ye((ing. <;ow the he(( do 'i0i(ians defend themse(0es against a po(i'e state when the g y at the top has a''ess to a(( their (ines of 'omm ni'ation= ;ow do they p(an a re0o(t=< S san had heard this arg ment many times. The f t re/go0ernments arg ment was a sto', EFF 'omp(aint. <Strathmore had to be stopped9< ;a(e s'reamed as the sirens b(asted. <I swore I#d do it. That#s what I#0e been doing here a(( day//wat'hing his a''o nt% waiting for him to ma,e his mo0e so I 'o (d re'ord the swit'h in progress. I needed proof//e0iden'e that he#d written in a ba', door. That#s why I 'opied a(( his E/mai( into my a''o nt. It was e0iden'e that he#d been wat'hing Digita( Fortress. I p(anned to go to the press with the information.< S san#s heart s,ipped. ;ad she heard 'orre't(y= S dden(y this did so nd (i,e Greg ;a(e. -as it possib(e= If ;a(e had ,nown abo t Strathmore#s p(an to re(ease a tainted 0ersion of Digita( Fortress% he 'o (d wait nti( the who(e wor(d was sing it and then drop his bombshe((//'omp(ete with proof9 S san imagined the head(ines! :ryptographer Greg ;a(e n0ei(s se'ret 1.S. p(an to 'ontro( g(oba( information9 -as it S,ip>a', a(( o0er= 1n'o0ering an *SA ba', door again wo (d ma,e Greg ;a(e famo s beyond his wi(dest dreams. It wo (d a(so sin, the *SA. She s dden(y fo nd herse(f wondering if maybe ;a(e was te((ing the tr th. *o9 she de'ided. Of 'o rse not9 ;a(e 'ontin ed to p(ead. <I aborted yo r tra'er be'a se I tho ght yo were (oo,ing for me9 I tho ght yo s spe'ted Strathmore was being snooped9 I didn#t want yo to find the (ea, and tra'e it ba', to me9< It was p(a sib(e b t n(i,e(y. <Then why#d yo ,i(( :hartr ,ian=< S san snapped. <I didn#t9< ;a(e s'reamed o0er the noise. <Strathmore was the one who p shed him9 I saw the who(e thing from downstairs9 :hartr ,ian was abo t to 'a(( the Sys/Se's and r in Strathmore#s p(ans for the ba', door9<

;a(e#s good% S san tho ght. ;e#s got an ang(e for e0erything. <Let me go9< ;a(e begged. <I didn#t do anything9< <Didn#t do anything=< S san sho ted% wondering what was ta,ing Strathmore so (ong. <+o and Tan,ado were ho(ding the *SA hostage. At (east nti( yo do b(e/'rossed him. Te(( me%< she pressed% <did Tan,ado rea((y die of a heart atta',% or did yo ha0e one of yo r b ddies ta,e him o t=< <+o #re so b(ind9< ;a(e ye((ed. <:an#t yo see I#m not in0o(0ed= 1ntie me9 Before Se' rity gets here9< <Se' rity#s not 'oming%< she snapped f(at(y. ;a(e t rned white. <-hat=< <Strathmore fa,ed the phone 'a((.< ;a(e#s eyes went wide. ;e seemed momentari(y para(y8ed. Then he began writhing fier'e(y. <Strathmore#(( ,i(( me9 I ,now he wi((9 I ,now too m 'h9< <Easy% Greg.< The sirens b(ared as ;a(e ye((ed o t% <B t I#m inno'ent9< <+o #re (ying9 And I ha0e proof9< S san strode aro nd the ring of termina(s. <Remember that tra'er yo aborted=< she as,ed% arri0ing at her own termina(. <I sent it again9 Sha(( we see if it#s ba', yet=< S re eno gh% on S san#s s'reen% a b(in,ing i'on a(erted her that her tra'er had ret rned. She pa(med her mo se and opened the message. This data wi(( sea( ;a(e#s fate% she tho ght. ;a(e is *orth Da,ota. The databo& opened. ;a(e is// S san stopped. The tra'er materia(i8ed% and S san stood in st nned si(en'e. There had to be some mista,e7 the tra'er had fingered someone e(se//a most n(i,e(y person. S san steadied herse(f on the termina( and reread the databo& before her. It was the same information Strathmore said he#d re'ei0ed when he ran the tra'er9 S san had fig red Strathmore had made a mista,e% b t she ,new she#d 'onfig red the tra'er perfe't(y. And yet the information on the s'reen was nthin,ab(e! *DAHOTA b ETRDOS;IS;A.ED1 <ET=< S san demanded% her head swimming. <Ensei Tan,ado is *orth Da,ota=< It was in'on'ei0ab(e. If the data was 'orre't% Tan,ado and his partner were the same person. S san#s tho ghts were s dden(y dis'onne'ted. She wished the b(aring horn wo (d stop. -hy doesn#t Strathmore t rn that damn thing off= ;a(e twisted on the f(oor% straining to see S san. <-hat does it say= Te(( me9< S san b(o',ed o t ;a(e and the 'haos aro nd her. Ensei Tan,ado is *orth Da,ota.... She resh ff(ed the pie'es trying to ma,e them fit. If Tan,ado was *orth Da,ota% then he was sending E/ mai( to himse(f... whi'h meant *orth Da,ota didn#t e&ist. Tan,ado#s partner was a hoa&. *orth Da,ota is a ghost% she said to herse(f. Smo,e and mirrors.

The p(oy was a bri((iant one. Apparent(y Strathmore had been wat'hing on(y one side of a tennis mat'h. Sin'e the ba(( ,ept 'oming ba',% he ass med there was someone on the other side of the net. B t Tan,ado had been p(aying against a wa((. ;e had been pro'(aiming the 0irt es of Digita( Fortress in E/mai( he#d sent to himse(f. ;e had written (etters% sent them to an anonymo s remai(er% and a few ho rs (ater% the remai(er had sent them right ba', to him. *ow% S san rea(i8ed% it was a(( so ob0io s. Tan,ado had wanted the 'ommander to snoop him... he#d wanted him to read the E/mai(. Ensei Tan,ado had 'reated an imaginary ins ran'e po(i'y witho t e0er ha0ing to tr st another so ( with his pass/,ey. Of 'o rse% to ma,e the who(e far'e seem a thenti'% Tan,ado had sed a se'ret a''o nt... > st se'ret eno gh to a((ay any s spi'ions that the who(e thing was a set p. Tan,ado was his own partner. *orth Da,ota did not e&ist. Ensei Tan,ado was a one/man show. A one/man show. A terrifying tho ght gripped S san. Tan,ado 'o (d ha0e sed his fa,e 'orresponden'e to 'on0in'e Strathmore of > st abo t anything. She remembered her first rea'tion when Strathmore to(d her abo t the nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm. She#d sworn it was impossib(e. The nsett(ing potentia( of the sit ation sett(ed hard in S san#s stoma'h. -hat proof did they a't a((y ha0e that Tan,ado had rea((y 'reated Digita( Fortress= On(y a (ot of hype in his E/ mai(. And of 'o rse... TRA*SLTR. The 'omp ter had been (o',ed in an end(ess (oop for a(most twenty ho rs. S san ,new% howe0er% that there were other programs that 'o (d ,eep TRA*SLTR b sy that (ong% programs far easier to 'reate than an nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm. 4ir ses. The 'hi(( swept a'ross her body. B t how 'o (d a 0ir s get into TRA*SLTR= Li,e a 0oi'e from the gra0e% $hi( :hartr ,ian ga0e the answer. Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et9 In a si',ening re0e(ation% S san grasped the tr th. Strathmore had down(oaded Tan,ado#s Digita( Fortress fi(e and tried to send it into TRA*SLTR to brea, it. B t Ga nt(et had re>e'ted the fi(e be'a se it 'ontained dangero s m tation strings. *orma((y Strathmore wo (d ha0e been 'on'erned% b t he had seen Tan,ado#s E/mai(//" tation strings are the tri',9 :on0in'ed Digita( Fortress was safe to (oad% Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et#s fi(ters and sent the fi(e into TRA*SLTR. S san 'o (d bare(y spea,. <There is no Digita( Fortress%< she 'ho,ed as the sirens b(ared on. S(ow(y% wea,(y% she (eaned against her termina(. Tan,ado had gone fishing for foo(s... and the *SA had ta,en the bait. Then% from pstairs% 'ame a (ong 'ry of ang ish. It was Strathmore.


Tre0or Strathmore was h n'hed at his des, when S san arri0ed breath(ess at his door. ;is head was down% his sweaty head g(istening in the (ight of his monitor. The horns on the s b(e0e(s b(ared. S san ra'ed o0er to his des,. <:ommander=< Strathmore didn#t mo0e.

<:ommander9 -e#0e got to sh t down TRA*SLTR9 -e#0e got a//< <;e got s%< Strathmore said witho t (oo,ing p. <Tan,ado foo(ed s a((...< She 'o (d te(( by the tone of his 0oi'e he nderstood. A(( of Tan,ado#s hype abo t the nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm... a 'tioning off the pass/,ey//it was a(( an a't% a 'harade. Tan,ado had tri',ed the *SA into snooping his mai(% tri',ed them into be(ie0ing he had a partner% and tri',ed them into down(oading a 0ery dangero s fi(e. <The m tation strings//< Strathmore fa(tered. <I ,now.< The 'ommander (oo,ed p s(ow(y. <The fi(e I down(oaded off the Internet... it was a...< S san tried to stay 'a(m. A(( the pie'es in the game had shifted. There had ne0er been any nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm//ne0er any Digita( Fortress. The fi(e Tan,ado had posted on the Internet was an en'rypted 0ir s% probab(y sea(ed with some generi'% mass/mar,et en'ryption a(gorithm% strong eno gh to ,eep e0eryone o t of harm#s way//e0eryone e&'ept the *SA. TRA*SLTR had 'ra',ed the prote'ti0e sea( and re(eased the 0ir s. <The m tation strings%< the 'ommander 'roa,ed. <Tan,ado said they were > st part of the a(gorithm.< Strathmore 'o((apsed ba', onto his des,. S san nderstood the 'ommander#s pain. ;e had been 'omp(ete(y ta,en in. Tan,ado had ne0er intended to (et any 'omp ter 'ompany b y his a(gorithm. There was no a(gorithm. The who(e thing was a 'harade. Digita( Fortress was a ghost% a far'e% a pie'e of bait 'reated to tempt the *SA. E0ery mo0e Strathmore had made% Tan,ado had been behind the s'enes% p ((ing the strings. <I bypassed Ga nt(et.< The 'ommander groaned. <+o didn#t ,now.< Strathmore po nded his fist on his des,. <I sho (d ha0e ,nown9 ;is s'reen name% for :hrist#s sa,e9 *DAHOTA9 Loo, at it9< <-hat do yo mean=< <;e#s (a ghing at s9 It#s a goddamn anagram9< S san p 88(ed a moment. *DAHOTA is an anagram= She pi't red the (etters and began resh ff(ing them in her mind. *da,ota... Hadotan... O,tadan... Tando,a... ;er ,nees went wea,. Strathmore was right. It was as p(ain as day. ;ow 'o (d they ha0e missed it= *orth Da,ota wasn#t a referen'e to the 1.S. state at a((//it was Tan,ado r bbing sa(t in the wo nd9 ;e#d e0en sent the *SA a warning% a b(atant '( e that he himse(f was *DAHOTA. The (etters spe((ed TA*HADO. B t the best 'ode/brea,ers in the wor(d had missed it% > st as he had p(anned. <Tan,ado was mo',ing s%< Strathmore said. <+o #0e got to abort TRA*SLTR%< S san de'(ared. Strathmore stared b(an,(y at the wa((. <:ommander. Sh t it down9 God on(y ,nows what#s going on in there9< <I tried%< Strathmore whispered% so nding as faint as she#d e0er heard him.

<-hat do yo mean yo tried=< Strathmore rotated his s'reen toward her. ;is monitor had dimmed to a strange shade of maroon. At the bottom% the dia(og e bo& showed n mero s attempts to sh t down TRA*SLTR. They were a(( fo((owed by the same response! SORR+. 1*ABLE TO ABORT. SORR+. 1*ABLE TO ABORT. SORR+. 1*ABLE TO ABORT. S san fe(t a 'hi((. 1nab(e to abort= B t why= She feared she a(ready ,new the answer. So this is Tan,ado#s re0enge= Destroying TRA*SLTR9 For years Ensei Tan,ado had wanted the wor(d to ,now abo t TRA*SLTR% b t no one had be(ie0ed him. So he#d de'ided to destroy the great beast himse(f. ;e#d fo ght to the death for what he be(ie0ed//the indi0id a(#s right to pri0a'y. Downstairs the sirens b(ared. <-e#0e got to ,i(( a(( power%< S san demanded. <*ow9< S san ,new that if they h rried% they 'o (d sa0e the great para((e( pro'essing ma'hine. E0ery 'omp ter in the wor(d//from Radio Sha', $:s to *ASA#s sate((ite 'ontro( systems//had a b i(t/in fai(/safe for sit ations (i,e this. It wasn#t a g(amoro s fi&% b t it a(ways wor,ed. It was ,nown as <p ((ing the p( g.< By sh tting off the remaining power in :rypto% they 'o (d for'e TRA*SLTR to sh t down. They 'o (d remo0e the 0ir s (ater. It wo (d be a simp(e matter of reformatting TRA*SLTR#s hard dri0es. Reformatting wo (d 'omp(ete(y erase the 'omp ter#s memory//data% programming% 0ir s% e0erything. In most 'ases% reformatting res (ted in the (oss of tho sands of fi(es% sometimes years of wor,. B t TRA*SLTR was different//it 'o (d be reformatted with 0irt a((y no (oss at a((. $ara((e( pro'essing ma'hines were designed to thin,% not to remember. *othing was a't a((y stored inside TRA*SLTR. On'e it bro,e a 'ode% it sent the res (ts to the *SA#s main databan, in order to// S san fro8e. In a star, instant of rea(i8ation% she bro ght her hand to her mo th and m ff(ed a s'ream. <The main databan,9< Strathmore stared into the dar,ness% his 0oi'e disembodied. ;e#d apparent(y a(ready made this rea(i8ation. <+es% S san. The main databan,....< S san nodded b(an,(y. Tan,ado sed TRA*SLTR to p t a 0ir s in o r main databan,. Strathmore motioned si',(y to his monitor. S san ret rned her ga8e to the s'reen in front of her and (oo,ed beneath the dia(og e bo&. A'ross the bottom of the s'reen were the words! TELL T;E -ORLD ABO1T TRA*SLTR O*L+ T;E TR1T; -ILL SA4E +O1 *O-... S san fe(t 'o(d. The nation#s most '(assified information was stored at the *SA! mi(itary 'omm ni'ation proto'o(s% SIGI*T 'onfirmation 'odes% identities of foreign spies% b( eprints for ad0an'ed weaponry% digiti8ed do' ments% trade agreements//the (ist was nending. <Tan,ado wo (dn#t dare9< she de'(ared. <:orr pting a 'o ntry#s '(assified re'ords=< S san 'o (dn#t be(ie0e e0en Ensei Tan,ado wo (d dare atta', the *SA databan,. She stared at his message. O*L+ T;E TR1T; -ILL SA4E +O1 *O-

<The tr th=< she as,ed. <The tr th abo t what=< Strathmore was breathing hea0i(y. <TRA*SLTR%< he 'roa,ed. <The tr th abo t TRA*SLTR.< S san nodded. It made perfe't sense. Tan,ado was for'ing the *SA to te(( the wor(d abo t TRA*SLTR. It was b(a',mai( after a((. ;e was gi0ing the *SA a 'hoi'e//either te(( the wor(d abo t TRA*SLTR or (ose yo r databan,. She stared in awe at the te&t before her. At the bottom of the s'reen% a sing(e (ine was b(in,ed mena'ing(y. E*TER $ASS/HE+ Staring at the p (sating words% S san nderstood//the 0ir s% the pass/,ey% Tan,ado#s ring% the ingenio s b(a',mai( p(ot. The pass/,ey had nothing to do with n(o',ing an a(gorithm7 it was an antidote. The pass/ ,ey stopped the 0ir s. S san had read a (ot abo t 0ir ses (i,e this//dead(y programs that in'( ded a b i(t/ in ' re% a se'ret ,ey that 'o (d be sed to dea'ti0ate them. Tan,ado ne0er p(anned to destroy the *SA databan,//he > st wanted s go p b(i' with TRA*SLTR9 Then he wo (d gi0e s the pass/,ey% so we 'o (d stop the 0ir s9 It was now '(ear to S san that Tan,ado#s p(an had gone terrib(y wrong. ;e had not p(anned on dying. ;e#d p(anned on sitting in a Spanish bar and (istening to the :** press 'onferen'e abo t Ameri'a#s top/ se'ret 'ode/brea,ing 'omp ter. Then he#d p(anned on 'a((ing Strathmore% reading the pass/,ey off the ring% and sa0ing the databan, in the ni', of time. After a good (a gh% he#d disappear into ob(i0ion% an EFF hero. S san po nded her fist on the des,. <-e need that ring9 It#s the on(y pass/,ey9< She now nderstood// there was no *orth Da,ota% no se'ond pass/,ey. E0en if the *SA went p b(i' with TRA*SLTR% Tan,ado was no (onger aro nd to sa0e the day. Strathmore was si(ent. The sit ation was more serio s than S san had e0er imagined. The most sho',ing thing of a(( was that Tan,ado had a((owed it to go this far. ;e had ob0io s(y ,nown what wo (d happen if the *SA didn#t get the ring//and yet% in his fina( se'onds of (ife% he#d gi0en the ring away. ;e had de(iberate(y tried to ,eep it from them. Then again% S san rea(i8ed% what 'o (d she e&pe't Tan,ado to do//sa0e the ring for them% when he tho ght the *SA had ,i((ed him= Sti((% S san 'o (dn#t be(ie0e that Tan,ado wo (d ha0e a((owed this to happen. ;e was a pa'ifist. ;e didn#t want to wrea, destr 'tion7 a(( he wanted was to set the re'ord straight. This was abo t TRA*SLTR. This was abo t e0eryone#s right to ,eep a se'ret. This was abo t (etting the wor(d ,now that the *SA was (istening. De(eting the *SA#s databan, was an a't of aggression S san 'o (d not imagine Ensei Tan,ado 'ommitting. The sirens p ((ed her ba', to rea(ity. S san eyed the debi(itated 'ommander and ,new what he was thin,ing. *ot on(y were his p(ans for a ba', door in Digita( Fortress shot% b t his 'are(essness had p t the *SA on the brin, of what 'o (d t rn o t to be the worst se' rity disaster in 1.S. history. <:ommander% this is not yo r fa (t9< she insisted o0er the b(are of the horns. <If Tan,ado hadn#t died% we#d ha0e bargaining power//we#d ha0e options9< B t :ommander Strathmore heard nothing. ;is (ife was o0er. ;e#d spent thirty years ser0ing his 'o ntry. This was s pposed to be his moment of g(ory% his pid'e de rPsistan'e//aba', door in the wor(d en'ryption standard. B t instead% he had sent a 0ir s into the main databan, of the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y. There was no way to stop it//not witho t ,i((ing power and erasing e0ery (ast one of the bi((ions of bytes of irretrie0ab(e data. On(y the ring 'o (d sa0e them% and if Da0id hadn#t fo nd the ring by now... <I need to sh t down TRA*SLTR9< S san too, 'ontro(. <I#m going down to the s b(e0e(s to throw the

'ir' it brea,er.< Strathmore t rned s(ow(y to fa'e her. ;e was a bro,en man. <I#(( do it%< he 'roa,ed. ;e stood p% st mb(ing as he tried to s(ide o t from behind his des,. S san sat him ba', down. <*o%< she bar,ed. <I#m going.< ;er tone (eft no room for debate. Strathmore p t his fa'e in his hands. <O,ay. Bottom f(oor. Beside the freon p mps.< S san sp n and headed for the door. ;a(fway there% she t rned and (oo,ed ba',. <:ommander%< she ye((ed. <This is not o0er. -e#re not beaten yet. If Da0id finds the ring in time% we 'an sa0e the databan,9< Strathmore said nothing. <:a(( the databan,9< S san ordered. <-arn them abo t the 0ir s9 +o #re the dep ty dire'tor of the *SA. +o #re a s r0i0or9< In s(ow motion% Strathmore (oo,ed p. Li,e a man ma,ing the de'ision of a (ifetime% he ga0e her a tragi' nod. Determined% S san tore into the dar,ness.


The 4espa ( r'hed into the s(ow (ane of the :arretera de ; e(0a. It was a(most dawn% b t there was p(enty of traffi'//yo ng Se0i((ians ret rning from their a((/night bea'h 0erbenas. A 0an of teenagers (aid on its horn and f(ew by. Be',er#s motor'y'(e fe(t (i,e a toy o t there on the freeway. A . arter of a mi(e ba',% a demo(ished ta&i swer0ed o t onto the freeway in a shower of spar,s. As it a''e(erated% it sideswiped a $e geot C6M and sent it 'areening onto the grassy median. Be',er passed a freeway mar,er! SE4ILLA :E*TRO//@ H". If he 'o (d > st rea'h the 'o0er of downtown% he ,new he might ha0e a 'han'e. ;is speedometer read A6 ,i(ometers per ho r. Two min tes to the e&it. ;e ,new he didn#t ha0e that (ong. Somewhere behind him% the ta&i was gaining. Be',er ga8ed o t at the nearing (ights of downtown Se0i((e and prayed he wo (d rea'h them a(i0e. ;e was on(y ha(fway to the e&it when the so nd of s'raping meta( (oomed p behind him. ;e h n'hed on his bi,e% wren'hing the thrott(e as far as it wo (d go. There was a m ff(ed g nshot% and a b ((et sai(ed by. Be',er ' t (eft% wea0ing ba', and forth a'ross the (anes in hopes of b ying more time. It was no se. The e&it ramp was sti(( three h ndred yards when the ta&i roared to within a few 'ar (engths behind him. Be',er ,new that in a matter of se'onds he wo (d be either shot or r n down. ;e s'anned ahead for any possib(e es'ape% b t the highway was bo nded on both sides by steep gra0e( s(opes. Another shot rang o t. Be',er made his de'ision. In a s'ream of r bber and spar,s% he (eaned 0io(ent(y to his right and swer0ed off the road. The bi,e#s tires hit the bottom of the emban,ment. Be',er strained to ,eep his ba(an'e as the 4espa threw p a '(o d of gra0e( and began fish/tai(ing its way p the s(ope. The whee(s sp n wi(d(y% '(awing at the (oose earth. The (itt(e engine whimpered patheti'a((y as it tried to dig in. Be',er rged it on% hoping it wo (dn#t sta((. ;e didn#t dare (oo, behind him% 'ertain at any moment the ta&i wo (d be s,idding to a stop% b ((ets f(ying. The b ((ets ne0er 'ame.

Be',er#s bi,e bro,e o0er the 'rest of the hi((% and he saw it//the 'entro. The downtown (ights spread o t before him (i,e a star/fi((ed s,y. ;e g nned his way thro gh some nderbr sh and o t o0er the ' rb. ;is 4espa s dden(y fe(t faster. The A0en e L is "ontoto seemed to ra'e beneath his tires. The so''er stadi m 8ipped past on the (eft. ;e was in the '(ear. It was then that Be',er heard the fami(iar s'ree'h of meta( on 'on'rete. ;e (oo,ed p. A h ndred yards ahead of him% the ta&i 'ame roaring p the e&it ramp. It s,idded o t onto L is "ontoto and a''e(erated dire't(y toward him. Be',er ,new he sho (d ha0e fe(t a s rge of pani'. B t he did not. ;e ,new e&a't(y where he was going. ;e swer0ed (eft on "enende8 $e(ayo and opened the thrott(e. The bi,e ( r'hed a'ross a sma(( par, and into the 'obb(estoned 'orridor of "ate s Gago//the narrow one/way street that (ed to the porta( of Barrio Santa :r 8. ) st a (itt(e farther% he tho ght. The ta&i fo((owed% th ndering '(oser. It trai(ed Be',er thro gh the gateway of Santa :r 8% ripping off its side mirror on the narrow ar'hway. Be',er ,new he had won. Santa :r 8 was the o(dest se'tion of Se0i((e. It had no roads between the b i(dings% on(y ma8es of narrow wa(,ways b i(t in Roman times. They were on(y wide eno gh for pedestrians and the o''asiona( "oped. Be',er had on'e been (ost for ho rs in the narrow 'a0erns. As Be',er a''e(erated down the fina( stret'h of "ate s Gago% Se0i((e#s e(e0enth/'ent ry Gothi' 'athedra( rose (i,e a mo ntain before him. Dire't(y beside it% the Gira(da tower shot M5L feet s,yward into the brea,ing dawn. This was Santa :r 8% home to the se'ond (argest 'athedra( in the wor(d as we(( as Se0i((e#s o(dest% most pio s :atho(i' fami(ies. Be',er sped a'ross the stone s. are. There was a sing(e shot% b t it was too (ate. Be',er and his motor'y'(e disappeared down a tiny passageway//:a((ita de (a 4irgen.


The head(ight of Be',er#s 4espa threw star, shadows on the wa((s of the narrow passageways. ;e str gg(ed with the gear shift and roared between the whitewashed b i(dings% gi0ing the inhabitants of Santa :r 8 an ear(y wa,e/ p 'a(( this S nday morning. It had been (ess than thirty min tes sin'e Be',er#s es'ape from the airport. ;e#d been on the r n e0er sin'e% his mind grapp(ing with end(ess . estions! -ho#s trying to ,i(( me= -hat#s so spe'ia( abo t this ring= -here is the *SA >et= ;e tho ght of "egan dead in the sta((% and the na sea 'rept ba',. Be',er had hoped to ' t dire't(y a'ross the barrio and e&it on the other side% b t Santa :r 8 was a bewi(dering (abyrinth of a((eyways. It was peppered with fa(se starts and dead ends. Be',er . i',(y be'ame disoriented. ;e (oo,ed p for the tower of the Gira(da to get his bearings% b t the s rro nding wa((s were so high he 'o (d see nothing e&'ept a thin s(it of brea,ing dawn abo0e him. Be',er wondered where the man in wire/rim g(asses was7 he ,new better than to thin, the assai(ant had gi0en p. The ,i((er probab(y was after him on foot. Be',er str gg(ed to mane 0er his 4espa aro nd tight 'orners. The sp ttering of the engine e'hoed p and down the a((eys. Be',er ,new he was an easy target in the si(en'e of Santa :r 8. At this point% a(( he had in his fa0or was speed. Got to get to the other side9 After a (ong series of t rns and straightaways% Be',er s,idded into a three/way interse'tion mar,ed Es. ina de (os Reyes. ;e ,new he was in tro b(e//he had been there a(ready. As he stood stradd(ing the

id(ing bi,e% trying to de'ide whi'h way to t rn% the engine sp ttered to a stop. The gas ga ge read 0a'io. As if on ' e% a shadow appeared down an a((ey on his (eft. The h man mind is the fastest 'omp ter in e&isten'e. In the ne&t fra'tion of a se'ond% Be',er#s mind registered the shape of the man#s g(asses% sear'hed his memory for a mat'h% fo nd one% registered danger% and re. ested a de'ision. ;e got one. ;e dropped the se(ess bi,e and too, off at a f (( sprint. 1nfort nate(y for Be',er% ; (ohot was now on so(id gro nd rather than in a ( r'hing ta&i. ;e 'a(m(y raised his weapon and fired. The b ((et 'a ght Be',er in the side > st as he st mb(ed aro nd the 'orner o t of range. ;e too, fi0e or si& strides before the sensation began to register. At first it fe(t (i,e a m s'(e p ((% > st abo0e the hip. Then it t rned to a warm ting(ing. -hen Be',er saw the b(ood% he ,new. There was no pain% no pain anywhere% > st a head(ong ra'e thro gh the winding ma8e of Santa :r 8. ??? ; (ohot dashed after his . arry. ;e had been tempted to hit Be',er in the head% b t he was a professiona(7 he p(ayed the odds. Be',er was a mo0ing target% and aiming at his midse'tion pro0ided the greatest margin of error both 0erti'a((y and hori8onta((y. The odds had paid off. Be',er had shifted at the (ast instant% and rather than missing his head% ; (ohot had 'a ght a pie'e of his side. A(tho gh he ,new the b ((et had bare(y gra8ed Be',er and wo (d do no (asting damage% the shot had ser0ed its p rpose. :onta't had been made. The prey had been to 'hed by death. It was a who(e new game. Be',er ra'ed forward b(ind(y. T rning. -inding. Staying o t of the straightaways. The footsteps behind him seemed re(ent(ess. Be',er#s mind was b(an,. B(an, to e0erything//where he was% who was 'hasing him//a(( that was (eft was instin't% se(f preser0ation% no pain% on(y fear% and raw energy. A shot e&p(oded against the a8 (e>o ti(e behind him. Shards of g(ass sprayed a'ross the ba', of his ne',. ;e st mb(ed (eft% into another a((ey. ;e heard himse(f 'a(( for he(p% b t e&'ept for the so nd of footsteps and strained breathing% the morning air remained death(y sti((. Be',er#s side was b rning now. ;e feared he was (ea0ing a 'rimson trai( on the whitewashed wa(,s. ;e sear'hed e0erywhere for an open door% an open gate% any es'ape from the s ffo'ating 'anyons. *othing. The wa(,way narrowed. <So'orro9< Be',er#s 0oi'e was bare(y a dib(e. <;e(p9< The wa((s grew '(oser on ea'h side. The wa(,way ' r0ed. Be',er sear'hed for an interse'tion% a trib tary% any way o t. The passageway narrowed. Lo',ed doors. *arrowing. Lo',ed gates. The footsteps were '(osing. ;e was in a straightaway% and s dden(y the a((ey began to s(ope pward. Steeper. Be',er fe(t his (egs straining. ;e was s(owing. And then he was there. Li,e a freeway that had r n o t of f nding% the a((ey > st stopped. There was a high wa((% a wooden ben'h% and nothing e(se. *o es'ape. Be',er (oo,ed p three stories to the top of the b i(ding and then sp n and started ba', down the (ong a((ey% b t he had on(y ta,en a few steps before he stopped short. At the foot of the in'(ined straightaway% a fig re appeared. The man mo0ed toward Be',er with a meas red determination. In his hand% a g n g(inted in the ear(y morning s n. Be',er fe(t a s dden ( 'idity as he ba',ed p toward the wa((. The pain in his side s dden(y registered. ;e to 'hed the spot and (oo,ed down. There was b(ood smeared a'ross his fingers and a'ross Ensei Tan,ado#s go(den ring. ;e fe(t di88y. ;e stared at the engra0ed band% p 88(ed. ;e#d forgotten he was wearing it. ;e#d forgotten why he had 'ome to Se0i((e. ;e (oo,ed p at the fig re approa'hing. ;e (oo,ed

down at the ring. -as this why "egan had died= -as this why he wo (d die= The shadow ad0an'ed p the in'(ined passageway. Be',er saw wa((s on a(( sides//a dead end behind him. A few gated entryways between them% b t it was too (ate to 'a(( for he(p. Be',er pressed his ba', against the dead end. S dden(y he 'o (d fee( e0ery pie'e of grit beneath the so(es of his shoes% e0ery b mp in the st ''o wa(( behind him. ;is mind was ree(ing ba',ward% his 'hi(dhood% his parents... S san. Oh% God... S san. For the first time sin'e he was a ,id% Be',er prayed. ;e did not pray for de(i0eran'e from death7 he did not be(ie0e in mira'(es. Instead he prayed that the woman he (eft behind wo (d find strength% that she wo (d ,now witho t a do bt that she had been (o0ed. ;e '(osed his eyes. The memories 'ame (i,e a torrent. They were not memories of department meetings% ni0ersity b siness% and the things that made p L6 per'ent of his (ife7 they were memories of her. Simp(e memories! tea'hing her to se 'hopsti',s% sai(ing on :ape :od. I (o0e yo % he tho ght. Hnow that... fore0er. It was as if e0ery defense% e0ery fa'ade% e0ery inse' re e&aggeration of his (ife had been stripped away. ;e was standing na,ed//f(esh and bones before God. I am a man% he tho ght. And in a moment of irony he tho ght% A man witho t wa&. ;e stood% eyes '(osed% as the man in wire/rim g(asses drew nearer. Somewhere nearby% a be(( began to to((. Be',er waited in dar,ness% for the so nd that wo (d end his (ife.


The morning s n was > st brea,ing o0er the Se0i((e rooftops and shining down into the 'anyons be(ow. The be((s atop the Gira(da 'ried o t for s nrise mass. This was the moment inhabitants had a(( been waiting for. E0erywhere in the an'ient barrio% gates opened and fami(ies po red into the a((eyways. Li,e (ifeb(ood thro gh the 0eins of o(d Santa :r 8% they 'o rsed toward the heart of their p eb(o% toward the 'ore of their history% toward their God% their shrine% their 'athedra(. Somewhere in Be',er#s mind% a be(( was to((ing. Am I dead= A(most re( 'tant(y% he opened his eyes and s. inted into the first rays of s n(ight. ;e ,new e&a't(y where he was. ;e (e0e(ed his ga8e and sear'hed the a((ey for his assai(ant. B t the man in wire/rims was not there. Instead% there were others. Spanish fami(ies% in their finest '(othes% stepping from their gated porta(s into the a((eyways% ta(,ing% (a ghing. ??? At the bottom of the a((ey% hidden from Be',er#s 0iew% ; (ohot ' rsed in fr stration. At first there had been on(y a sing(e 'o p(e separating him from his . arry. ; (ohot had been 'ertain they wo (d (ea0e. B t the so nd of the be((s ,ept re0erberating down the a((ey% drawing others from their homes. A se'ond 'o p(e% with 'hi(dren. They greeted ea'h another. Ta(,ing% (a ghing% ,issing three times on the 'hee,. Another gro p appeared% and ; (ohot 'o (d no (onger see his prey. *ow% in a boi(ing rage% he ra'ed into the . i',(y growing 'rowd. ;e had to get to Da0id Be',er9 The ,i((er fo ght his way toward the end of the a((ey. ;e fo nd himse(f momentari(y (ost in a sea of bodies//'oats and ties% b(a', dresses% (a'e mant(es o0er h n'hed women. They a(( seemed ob(i0io s to ; (ohot#s presen'e7 they stro((ed 'as a((y% a(( in b(a',% sh ff(ing% mo0ing as one% b(o',ing his way. ; (ohot d g his way thro gh the 'rowd and dashed p the a((ey into the dead end% his weapon raised. Then he (et o t a m ted% inh man s'ream. Da0id Be',er was gone. ???

Be',er st mb(ed and sidestepped his way thro gh the 'rowd. Fo((ow the 'rowd% he tho ght. They ,now the way o t. ;e ' t right at the interse'tion and the a((ey widened. E0erywhere gates were opening and peop(e were po ring o t. The pea(ing of the be((s grew (o der. Be',er#s side was sti(( b rning% b t he sensed the b(eeding had stopped. ;e ra'ed on. Somewhere behind him% '(osing fast% was a man with a g n. Be',er d ',ed in and o t of the gro ps of 'h r'hgoers and tried to ,eep his head down. It was not m 'h farther. ;e 'o (d sense it. The 'rowd had thi',ened. The a((ey had widened. They were no (onger in a (itt(e trib tary% this was the main ri0er. As he ro nded a bend% Be',er s dden(y saw it% rising before them//the 'athedra( and Gira(da tower. The be((s were deafening% the re0erberations trapped in the high/wa((ed p(a8a. The 'rowds 'on0erged% e0eryone in b(a',% p shing a'ross the s. are toward the gaping doors of the Se0i((e :athedra(. Be',er tried to brea, away toward "ate s Gago% b t he was trapped. ;e was sho (der to sho (der% hee( to toe with the sho0ing throngs. The Spaniards had a(ways had a different idea of '(oseness than the rest of the wor(d. Be',er was wedged between two hea0yset women% both with their eyes '(osed% (etting the 'rowd 'arry them. They m mb(ed prayers to themse(0es and '( t'hed rosary beads in their fingers. As the 'rowd '(osed on the enormo s stone str 't re% Be',er tried to ' t (eft again% b t the ' rrent was stronger now. The anti'ipation% the p shing and sho0ing% the b(ind% m mb(ed prayers. ;e t rned into the 'rowd% trying to fight ba',ward against the eager throngs. It was impossib(e% (i,e swimming pstream in a mi(e/deep ri0er. ;e t rned. The 'athedra( doors (oomed before him//(i,e the opening to some dar, 'arni0a( ride he wished he hadn#t ta,en. Da0id Be',er s dden(y rea(i8ed he was going to 'h r'h.

:;A$TER L6

The :rypto sirens were b(aring. Strathmore had no idea how (ong S san had been gone. ;e sat a(one in the shadows% the drone of TRA*SLTR 'a((ing to him. +o #re a s r0i0or... yo #re a s r0i0or.... +es% he tho ght. I#m a s r0i0or//b t s r0i0a( is nothing witho t honor. I#d rather die than (i0e in the shadow of disgra'e. And disgra'e was what was waiting for him. ;e had ,ept information from the dire'tor. ;e had sent a 0ir s into the nation#s most se' re 'omp ter. There was no do bt he wo (d be h ng o t to dry. ;is intentions had been patrioti'% b t nothing had gone as he#d p(anned. There had been death and trea'hery. There wo (d be tria(s% a'' sations% p b(i' o trage. ;e had ser0ed his 'o ntry with honor and integrity for so many years% he 'o (dn#t a((ow it to end this way. I#m a s r0i0or% he tho ght. +o #re a (iar% his own tho ghts rep(ied. It was tr e. ;e was a (iar. There were peop(e he hadn#t been honest with. S san F(et'her was one of them. There were so many things he hadn#t to(d her//things he was now desperate(y ashamed of. For years she#d been his i(( sion% his (i0ing fantasy. ;e dreamed of her at night7 he 'ried o t for her in his s(eep. ;e 'o (dn#t he(p it. She was as bri((iant and as bea tif ( as any woman he 'o (d imagine. ;is wife had tried to be patient% b t when she fina((y met S san% she immediate(y (ost hope. Be0 Strathmore ne0er b(amed her h sband for his fee(ings. She tried to end re the pain as (ong as possib(e% b t re'ent(y it had be'ome too m 'h. She#d to(d him their marriage was ending7 another woman#s shadow was no p(a'e to spend the rest of her (ife.

Grad a((y the sirens (ifted Strathmore from his da8e. ;is ana(yti'a( powers sear'hed for any way o t. ;is mind re( 'tant(y 'onfirmed what his heart had s spe'ted. There was on(y one tr e es'ape% on(y one so( tion. Strathmore ga8ed down at the ,eyboard and began typing. ;e didn#t bother to t rn the monitor so he 'o (d see it. ;is fingers pe',ed o t the words s(ow(y and de'isi0e(y. Dearest friends% I am ta,ing my (ife today... This way% no one wo (d e0er wonder. There wo (d be no . estions. There wo (d be no a'' sations. ;e wo (d spe(( o t for the wor(d what had happened. "any had died... b t there was sti(( one (ife to ta,e.

:;A$TER L5

In a 'athedra(% it is a(ways night. The warmth of the day t rns to damp 'oo(ness. The traffi' is si(en'ed behind thi', granite wa((s. *o n mber of 'ande(abras 'an i(( minate the 0ast dar,ness o0erhead. Shadows fa(( e0erywhere. There#s on(y the stained g(ass% high abo0e% fi(tering the g(iness of the o tside wor(d into rays of m ted reds and b( es. The Se0i((e :athedra(% (i,e a(( great 'athedra(s of E rope% is (aid o t in the shape of a 'ross. The san't ary and a(tar are (o'ated > st abo0e the midpoint and open downward onto the main san't ary. -ooden pews fi(( the 0erti'a( a&is% a staggering 55B yards from the a(tar to the base of the 'ross. To the (eft and right of the a(tar% the transept of the 'ross ho ses 'onfessiona(s% sa'red tombs% and additiona( seating. Be',er fo nd himse(f wedged in the midd(e of a (ong pew abo t ha(fway ba',. O0erhead% in the di88ying empty spa'e% a si(0er 'enser the si8e of a refrigerator sw ng enormo s ar's on a frayed rope% (ea0ing a trai( of fran,in'ense. The be((s of the Gira(da ,ept ringing% sending (ow r mb(ing sho', wa0es thro gh the stone. Be',er (owered his ga8e to the gi(ded wa(( behind the a(tar. ;e had a (ot to be than,f ( for. ;e was breathing. ;e was a(i0e. It was a mira'(e. As the priest prepared to gi0e the opening prayer% Be',er 'he',ed his side. There was a red stain on his shirt% b t the b(eeding had stopped. The wo nd was sma((% more of a (a'eration than a p n't re. Be',er t ',ed his shirt ba', in and 'raned his ne',. Behind him% the doors were 'ran,ing sh t. ;e ,new if he#d been fo((owed% he was now trapped. The Se0i((e :athedra( had a sing(e f n'tiona( entran'e% a design pop (ari8ed in the days when 'h r'hes were sed as fortresses% a safe ha0en against "oorish in0asion. -ith a sing(e entran'e% there was on(y one door to barri'ade. *ow the sing(e entran'e had another f n'tion//it ens red a(( to rists entering the 'athedra( had p r'hased a ti',et. The twenty/two/foot/high% gi(ded doors s(ammed with a de'isi0e 'rash. Be',er was sea(ed in the ho se of God. ;e '(osed his eyes and s(id (ow in his pew. ;e was the on(y one in the b i(ding not dressed in b(a',. Somewhere 0oi'es began to 'hant. ??? Toward the ba', of the 'h r'h% a fig re mo0ed s(ow(y p the side ais(e% ,eeping to the shadows. ;e had s(ipped in > st before the doors '(osed. ;e smi(ed to himse(f. The h nt was getting interesting. Be',er is here... I 'an fee( it. ;e mo0ed methodi'a((y% one row at a time. O0erhead the fran,in'ense de'anter sw ng its (ong% (a8y ar's. A fine p(a'e to die% ; (ohot tho ght. I hope I do as we((. ??? Be',er ,ne(t on the 'o(d 'athedra( f(oor and d ',ed his head o t of sight. The man seated ne&t to him

g(ared down//it was most irreg (ar beha0ior in the ho se of God. <Enfermo%< Be',er apo(ogi8ed. <Si',.< Be',er ,new he had to stay (ow. ;e had g(impsed a fami(iar si(ho ette mo0ing p the side ais(e. It#s him9 ;e#s here9 Despite being in the midd(e of an enormo s 'ongregation% Be',er feared he was an easy target//his ,ha,i b(a8er was (i,e a roadside f(are in the 'rowd of b(a',. ;e 'onsidered remo0ing it% b t the white o&ford shirt nderneath was no better. Instead he h dd(ed (ower. The man beside him frowned. <T rista.< ;e gr nted. Then he whispered% ha(f sar'asti'a((y% <L(amo n mPdi'o= Sha(( I 'a(( a do'tor=< Be',er (oo,ed p at the o(d man#s mo(e/ridden fa'e. <*o% gra'ias. Estoy bien.< The man ga0e him an angry (oo,. <$ es siPntate9 Then sit down9< There were s'attered sh shes aro nd them% and the o(d man bit his tong e and fa'ed front. Be',er '(osed his eyes and h dd(ed (ower% wondering how (ong the ser0i'e wo (d (ast. Be',er% raised $rotestant% had a(ways had the impression :atho(i's were (ong/winded. ;e prayed it was tr e//as soon as the ser0i'e ended% he wo (d be for'ed to stand and (et the others o t. In ,ha,i he was dead. Be',er ,new he had no 'hoi'e at the moment. ;e simp(y ,ne(t there on the 'o(d stone f(oor of the great 'athedra(. E0ent a((y% the o(d man (ost interest. The 'ongregation was standing now% singing a hymn. Be',er stayed down. ;is (egs were starting to 'ramp. There was no room to stret'h them. $atien'e% he tho ght. $atien'e. ;e '(osed his eyes and too, a deep breath. It fe(t (i,e on(y min tes (ater that Be',er fe(t someone ,i',ing him. ;e (oo,ed p. The mo(e/fa'ed man was standing to his right% waiting impatient(y to (ea0e the pew. Be',er pani',ed. ;e wants to (ea0e a(ready= I#(( ha0e to stand p9 Be',er motioned for the man to step o0er him. The man 'o (d bare(y 'ontro( his anger. ;e grabbed the tai(s of his b(a', b(a8er% p ((ed them down in a h ff% and (eaned ba', to re0ea( the entire row of peop(e waiting to (ea0e. Be',er (oo,ed (eft and saw that the woman who had been seated there was gone. The (ength of pew to his (eft was empty a(( the way to the 'enter ais(e. The ser0i'e 'an#t be o0er9 It#s impossib(e9 -e > st got here9 B t when Be',er saw the a(tar boy at the end of the row and the two sing(e/fi(e (ines mo0ing p the 'enter ais(e toward the a(tar% he ,new what was happening. :omm nion. ;e groaned. The damn Spaniards do it first9

:;A$TER L@

S san '(imbed down the (adder into the s b(e0e(s. Thi', steam was now boi(ing p aro nd TRA*SLTR#s h ((. The 'atwa(,s were wet with 'ondensation. She a(most fe((% her f(ats pro0iding 0ery (itt(e tra'tion. She wondered how m 'h (onger TRA*SLTR wo (d s r0i0e. The sirens 'ontin ed their intermittent warning. The emergen'y (ights sp n in two/se'ond inter0a(s. Three stories be(ow% the a & generators shoo, in a ta&ed whine. S san ,new somewhere at the bottom in the foggy dimness there was a 'ir' it brea,er. She sensed time was r nning o t.

??? 1pstairs% Strathmore he(d the Beretta in his hand. ;e reread his note and (aid it on the f(oor of the room where he was standing. -hat he was abo t to do was a 'oward(y a't% there was no do bt. I#m a s r0i0or% he tho ght. ;e tho ght of the 0ir s in the *SA databan,% he tho ght of Da0id Be',er in Spain% he tho ght of his p(ans for a ba', door. ;e had to(d so many (ies. ;e was g i(ty of so m 'h. ;e ,new this was the on(y way to a0oid a''o ntabi(ity... the on(y way to a0oid the shame. :aref ((y he aimed the g n. Then he '(osed his eyes and p ((ed the trigger. ??? S san had on(y des'ended si& f(ights when she heard the m ff(ed shot. It was far off% bare(y a dib(e o0er the generators. She had ne0er heard a g nshot e&'ept on te(e0ision% b t she had no do bt what it was. She stopped short% the so nd reso nding in her ears. In a wa0e of horror% she feared the worst. She pi't red the 'ommander#s dreams//the ba', door in Digita( Fortress% the in'redib(e 'o p it wo (d ha0e been. She pi't red the 0ir s in the databan,% his fai(ing marriage% that eerie nod he had gi0en her. ;er footing fa(tered. She sp n on the (anding% grapp(ing for the banister. :ommander9 *o9 S san was momentari(y fro8en% her mind b(an,. The e'ho of the g nshot seemed to drown o t the 'haos aro nd her. ;er mind to(d her to ,eep on going% b t her (egs ref sed. :ommander9 An instant (ater she fo nd herse(f st mb(ing ba', p the stairs% entire(y forgetting the danger aro nd her. She ran b(ind(y% s(ipping on the s(i', meta(. Abo0e her the h midity fe(( (i,e rain. -hen she rea'hed the (adder and began '(imbing% she fe(t herse(f (ifted from be(ow by a tremendo s s rge of steam that pra'ti'a((y >ettisoned her thro gh the trapdoor. She ro((ed onto the :rypto f(oor and fe(t the 'oo( air wash o0er her. ;er white b(o se '( ng to her body% soa,ed thro gh. It was dar,. S san pa sed% trying to get her bearings. The so nd of the g nshot was on end(ess (oop in her head. ;ot steam bi((owed p thro gh the trapdoor (i,e gases from a 0o('ano abo t to e&p(ode. S san ' rsed herse(f for (ea0ing the Beretta with Strathmore. She had (eft it with him% hadn#t she= Or was it in *ode B= As her eyes ad> sted to the dar,% she g(an'ed toward the gaping ho(e in the *ode B wa((. The g(ow from the monitors was faint% b t in the distan'e she 'o (d see ;a(e (ying motion(ess on the f(oor where she#d (eft him. There was no sign of Strathmore. Terrified of what she#d find% she t rned toward the 'ommander#s offi'e. B t as she began to mo0e% something registered as strange. She ba',peda(ed a few steps and peered into *ode B again. In the soft (ight she 'o (d see ;a(e#s arm. It was not at his side. ;e was no (onger tied (i,e a m mmy. ;is arm was p o0er his head. ;e was spraw(ed ba',ward on the f(oor. ;ad he gotten free= There was no mo0ement. ;a(e was death(y sti((. S san ga8ed p at Strathmore#s wor,station per'hed high on the wa((. <:ommander=< Si(en'e. Tentati0e(y she mo0ed toward *ode B. There was an ob>e't in ;a(e#s hand. It g(immered in the (ight of the monitors. S san mo0ed '(oser... '(oser. S dden(y she 'o (d see what ;a(e was ho(ding. It was the Beretta. S san gasped. Fo((owing the ar'h of ;a(e#s arm% her eyes mo0ed to his fa'e. -hat she saw was grotes. e. ;a(f of Greg ;a(e#s head was soa,ed in b(ood. The dar, stain had spread o t a'ross the 'arpet. Oh my God9 S san staggered ba',ward. It wasn#t the 'ommander#s shot she#d heard% it was ;a(e#s9 As if in a tran'e% S san mo0ed toward the body. Apparent(y% ;a(e had managed to free himse(f. The

printer 'ab(es were pi(ed on the f(oor beside him. I m st ha0e (eft the g n on the 'o 'h% she tho ght. The b(ood f(owing thro gh the ho(e in his s, (( (oo,ed b(a', in the b( ish (ight. On the f(oor beside ;a(e was a pie'e of paper. S san went o0er nsteadi(y% and pi',ed it p. It was a (etter. Dearest friends% I am ta,ing my (ife today in penan'e for the fo((owing sins... In tter disbe(ief% S san stared at the s i'ide note in her hand. She read s(ow(y. It was s rrea(//so n(i,e ;a(e//a (a ndry (ist of 'rimes. ;e was admitting to e0erything//fig ring o t that *DAHOTA was a hoa&% hiring a mer'enary to ,i(( Ensei Tan,ado and ta,e the ring% p shing $hi( :hartr ,ian% p(anning to se(( Digita( Fortress. S san rea'hed the fina( (ine. She was not prepared for what she read. The (etter#s fina( words de(i0ered a n mbing b(ow. Abo0e a((% I#m tr (y sorry abo t Da0id Be',er. Forgi0e me% I was b(inded by ambition. As S san stood tremb(ing o0er ;a(e#s body% the so nd of r nning footsteps approa'hed behind her. In s(ow motion% she t rned. Strathmore appeared in the bro,en window% pa(e and o t of breath. ;e stared down at ;a(e#s body in apparent sho',. <Oh my God9< he said. <-hat happened=<


:omm nion. ; (ohot spotted Be',er immediate(y. The ,ha,i b(a8er was impossib(e to miss% parti' (ar(y with the sma(( b(oodstain on one side. The >a',et was mo0ing p the 'enter ais(e in a sea of b(a',. ;e m st not ,now I#m here. ; (ohot smi(ed. ;e#s a dead man. ;e fanned the tiny meta( 'onta'ts on his fingertips% eager to te(( his Ameri'an 'onta't the good news. Soon% he tho ght% 0ery soon. Li,e a predator mo0ing downwind% ; (ohot mo0ed to the ba', of the 'h r'h. Then he began his approa'h//straight p the 'enter ais(e. ; (ohot was in no mood to tra', Be',er thro gh the 'rowds (ea0ing the 'h r'h. ;is . arry was trapped% a fort nate t rn of e0ents. ; (ohot > st needed a way to e(iminate him . iet(y. ;is si(en'er% the best money 'o (d b y% emitted no more than a tiny spitting 'o gh. That wo (d be fine. As ; (ohot '(osed on the ,ha,i b(a8er% he was naware of the . iet m rm rs 'oming from those he was passing. The 'ongregation 'o (d nderstand this man#s e&'itement to re'ei0e the b(essing of God% b t ne0erthe(ess% there were stri't r (es of proto'o(//two (ines% sing(e fi(e. ; (ohot ,ept mo0ing. ;e was '(osing . i',(y. ;e th mbed the re0o(0er in his >a',et po',et. The moment had arri0ed. Da0id Be',er had been e&'eptiona((y fort nate so far7 there was no need to tempt fort ne any f rther. The ,ha,i b(a8er was on(y ten peop(e ahead% fa'ing front% head down. ; (ohot rehearsed the ,i(( in his

mind. The image was '(ear//' tting in behind Be',er% ,eeping the g n (ow and o t of sight% firing two shots into Be',er#s ba',% Be',er s( mping% ; (ohot 'at'hing him and he(ping him into a pew (i,e a 'on'erned friend. Then ; (ohot wo (d mo0e . i',(y to the ba', of the 'h r'h as if going for he(p. In the 'onf sion% he wo (d disappear before anyone ,new what had happened. Fi0e peop(e. Fo r. Three. ; (ohot fingered the g n in his po',et% ,eeping it (ow. ;e wo (d fire from hip (e0e( pward into Be',er#s spine. That way the b ((et wo (d hit either the spine or a ( ng before finding the heart. E0en if the b ((et missed the heart% Be',er wo (d die. A p n't red ( ng was fata(% maybe not in more medi'a((y ad0an'ed parts of the wor(d% b t in Spain% it was fata(. Two peop(e... one. And then ; (ohot was there. Li,e a dan'er performing a we((/rehearsed mo0e% he t rned to his right. ;e (aid his hand on the sho (der of the ,ha,i b(a8er% aimed the g n% and... fired. Two m ff(ed spats. Instant(y the body was rigid. Then it was fa((ing. ; (ohot 'a ght his 0i'tim nder the armpits. In a sing(e motion% he sw ng the body into a pew before any b(oodstains spread a'ross his ba',. *earby% peop(e t rned. ; (ohot paid no heed//he wo (d be gone in an instant. ;e groped the man#s (ife(ess fingers for the ring. *othing. ;e fe(t again. The fingers were bare. ; (ohot sp n the man aro nd angri(y. The horror was instantaneo s. The fa'e was not Da0id Be',er#s. Rafae( de (a "a8a% a ban,er from the s b rbs of Se0i((e% had died a(most instant(y. ;e was sti(( '( t'hing the C6%666 pesetas the strange Ameri'an had paid him for a 'heap b(a', b(a8er.


"idge "i(,en stood f ming at the water 'oo(er near the entran'e to the 'onferen'e room. -hat the he(( is Fontaine doing= She 'r mp(ed her paper ' p and threw it for'ef ((y into the trash 'an. There#s something happening in :rypto9 I 'an fee( it9 "idge ,new there was on(y one way to pro0e herse(f right. She#d go 'he', o t :rypto herse(f//tra', down )abba if need be. She sp n on her hee( and headed for the door. Brin,erhoff appeared o t of nowhere% b(o',ing her way. <-here are yo headed=< <;ome9< "idge (ied. Brin,erhoff ref sed to (et her pass. "idge g(ared. <Fontaine to(d yo not to (et me o t% didn#t he=< Brin,erhoff (oo,ed away. <:had% I#m te((ing yo % there#s something happening in :rypto//something big. I don#t ,now why Fontaine#s p(aying d mb% b t TRA*SLTR#s in tro b(e. Something is not right down there tonight9< <"idge%< he soothed% wa(,ing past her toward the ' rtained 'onferen'e room windows% <(et#s (et the dire'tor hand(e it.< "idge#s ga8e sharpened. <Do yo ha0e any idea what happens to TRA*SLTR if the 'oo(ing system fai(s=<

Brin,erhoff shr gged and approa'hed the window. <$ower#s probab(y ba', on/(ine by now anyway.< ;e p ((ed apart the ' rtains and (oo,ed. <Sti(( dar,=< "idge as,ed. B t Brin,erhoff did not rep(y. ;e was spe((bo nd. The s'ene be(ow in the :rypto dome was nimaginab(e. The entire g(ass ' po(a was fi((ed with spinning (ights% f(ashing strobes% and swir(ing steam. Brin,erhoff stood transfi&ed% teetering (ight/headed against the g(ass. Then% in a fren8y of pani'% he ra'ed o t. <Dire'tor9 Dire'tor9<


The b(ood of :hrist... the ' p of sa(0ation... $eop(e gathered aro nd the s( mped body in the pew. O0erhead% the fran,in'ense sw ng its pea'ef ( ar's. ; (ohot whee(ed wi(d(y in the 'enter ais(e and s'anned the 'h r'h. ;e#s got to be here9 ;e sp n ba', toward the a(tar. Thirty rows ahead% ho(y 'omm nion was pro'eeding ninterr pted. $adre G staphes ;errera% the head 'ha(i'e bearer% g(an'ed ' rio s(y at the . iet 'ommotion in one of the 'enter pews7 he was not 'on'erned. Sometimes some of the o(der fo(,s were o0er'ome by the ho(y spirit and passed o t. A (itt(e air s a((y did the tri',. "eanwhi(e% ; (ohot was sear'hing franti'a((y. Be',er was nowhere in sight. A h ndred or so peop(e were ,nee(ing at the (ong a(tar re'ei0ing 'omm nion. ; (ohot wondered if Be',er was one of them. ;e s'anned their ba',s. ;e was prepared to shoot from fifty yards away and ma,e a dash for it. ??? E( ' erpo de )es s% e( pan de( 'ie(o. The yo ng priest ser0ing Be',er 'omm nion ga0e him a disappro0ing stare. ;e 'o (d nderstand the stranger#s eagerness to re'ei0e 'omm nion% b t it was no e&' se to ' t in(ine. Be',er bowed his head and 'hewed the wafer as best he 'o (d. ;e sensed something was happening behind him% some sort of dist rban'e. ;e tho ght of the man from whom he#d bo ght the >a',et and hoped he had (istened to his warning and not ta,en Be',er#s in e&'hange. ;e started to t rn and (oo,% b t he feared the wire/rim g(asses wo (d be staring ba',. ;e 'ro 'hed in hopes his b(a', >a',et was 'o0ering the ba', of his ,ha,i pants. It was not. The 'ha(i'e was 'oming . i',(y from his right. $eop(e were a(ready swa((owing their wine% 'rossing themse(0es% and standing to (ea0e. S(ow down9 Be',er was in no h rry to (ea0e the a(tar. B t with two tho sand peop(e waiting for 'omm nion and on(y eight priests ser0ing% it was 'onsidered bad form to (inger o0er a sip of wine. ??? The 'ha(i'e was > st to the right of Be',er when ; (ohot spotted the mismat'hed ,ha,i pants. <EstUs ya m erto%< he hissed soft(y. <+o #re a(ready dead.< ; (ohot mo0ed p the 'enter ais(e. The time for s bt(ety had passed. Two shots in the ba',% and he wo (d grab the ring and r n. The biggest ta&i stand in Se0i((e was ha(f a b(o', away on "ate s Gago. ;e rea'hed for his weapon.

AdiTs% SeXor Be',er... ??? La sangre de :risto% (a 'opa de (a sa(0a'iTn. The thi', s'ent of red wine fi((ed Be',er#s nostri(s as $adre ;errera (owered the hand/po(ished% si(0er 'ha(i'e. Litt(e ear(y for drin,ing% Be',er tho ght as he (eaned forward. B t as the si(0er gob(et dropped past eye (e0e(% there was a b( r of mo0ement. A fig re% 'oming fast% his shape warped in the ref(e'tion of the ' p. Be',er saw a f(ash of meta(% a weapon being drawn. Instant(y% n'ons'io s(y% (i,e a r nner from a starting b(o', at the so nd of a g n% Be',er was 0a (ting forward. The priest fe(( ba', in horror as the 'ha(i'e sai(ed thro gh the air% and red wine rained down on white marb(e. $riests and a(tar boys went s'attering as Be',er do0e o0er the 'omm nion rai(. A si(en'er 'o ghed o t a sing(e shot. Be',er (anded hard% and the shot e&p(oded in the marb(e f(oor beside him. An instant (ater he was t mb(ing down three granite stairs into the 0a((e% a narrow passageway thro gh whi'h the '(ergy entered% a((owing them to rise onto the a(tar as if by di0ine gra'e. At the bottom of the steps% he st mb(ed and do0e. Be',er fe(t himse(f s(iding o t of 'ontro( a'ross the s(i', po(ished stone. A dagger of pain shot tho gh his g t as he (anded on his side. A moment (ater he was st mb(ing thro gh a ' rtained entryway and down a set of wooden stairs. $ain. Be',er was r nning% thro gh a dressing room. It was dar,. There were s'reams from the a(tar. Lo d footsteps in p rs it. Be',er b rst thro gh a set of do b(e doors and st mb(ed into some sort of st dy. It was dar,% f rnished with ri'h Orienta(s and po(ished mahogany. On the far wa(( was a (ife/si8e 'r 'ifi&. Be',er staggered to a stop. Dead end. ;e was at the tip of the 'ross. ;e 'o (d hear ; (ohot '(osing fast. Be',er stared at the 'r 'ifi& and ' rsed his bad ( ',. <Goddamn it9< he s'reamed. There was the s dden so nd of brea,ing g(ass to Be',er#s (eft. ;e whee(ed. A man in red robes gasped and t rned to eye Be',er in horror. Li,e a 'at 'a ght with a 'anary% the ho(y man wiped his mo th and tried to hide the bro,en bott(e of ho(y 'omm nion wine at his feet. <Sa(ida9< Be',er demanded. <Sa(ida9< Let me o t9 :ardina( G erra rea'ted on instin't. A demon had entered his sa'red 'hambers s'reaming for de(i0eran'e from the ho se of God. G erra wo (d grant him that wish//immediate(y. The demon had entered at a most inopport ne moment. $a(e% the 'ardina( pointed to a ' rtain on the wa(( to his (eft. ;idden behind the ' rtain was a door. ;e#d insta((ed it three years ago. It (ed dire't(y to the 'o rtyard o tside. The 'ardina( had grown tired of e&iting the 'h r'h thro gh the front door (i,e a 'ommon sinner.


S san was wet and shi0ering% h dd(ed on the *ode B 'o 'h. Strathmore draped his s it 'oat o0er her sho (ders. ;a(e#s body (ay a few yards away. The sirens b(ared. Li,e i'e thawing on a fro8en pond% TRA*SLTR#s h (( (et o t a sharp 'ra',. <I#m going down to ,i(( power%< Strathmore said% (aying a reass ring hand on her sho (der. <I#(( be right

ba',.< S san stared absent(y after the 'ommander as he dashed a'ross the :rypto f(oor. ;e was no (onger the 'atatoni' man she#d seen ten min tes before. :ommander Tre0or Strathmore was ba',//(ogi'a(% 'ontro((ed% doing whate0er was ne'essary to get the >ob done. The fina( words of ;a(e#s s i'ide note ran thro gh her mind (i,e a train o t of 'ontro(! Abo0e a((% I#m tr (y sorry abo t Da0id Be',er. Forgi0e me% I was b(inded by ambition. S san F(et'her#s nightmare had > st been 'onfirmed. Da0id was in danger... or worse. "aybe it was a(ready too (ate. I#m tr (y sorry abo t Da0id Be',er. She stared at the note. ;a(e hadn#t e0en signed it//he#d > st typed his name at the bottom! Greg ;a(e. ;e#d po red o t his g ts% pressed print% and then shot himse(f//> st (i,e that. ;a(e had sworn he#d ne0er go ba', to prison7 he#d ,ept his 0ow//he#d 'hosen death instead. <Da0id...< She sobbed. Da0id9 ??? At that moment% ten feet be(ow the :rypto f(oor% :ommander Strathmore stepped off the (adder onto the first (anding. It had been a day of fias'oes. -hat had started o t as a patrioti' mission had swer0ed wi(d(y o t of 'ontro(. The 'ommander had been for'ed to ma,e impossib(e de'isions% 'ommit horrifi' a'ts//a'ts he#d ne0er imagined himse(f 'apab(e of. It was a so( tion9 It was the on(y damn so( tion9 There was d ty to thin, of! 'o ntry and honor. Strathmore ,new there was sti(( time. ;e 'o (d sh t down TRA*SLTR. ;e 'o (d se the ring to sa0e the 'o ntry#s most 0a( ab(e databan,. +es% he tho ght% there was sti(( time. Strathmore (oo,ed o t o0er the disaster aro nd him. The o0erhead sprin,(ers were on. TRA*SLTR was groaning. The sirens b(ared. The spinning (ights (oo,ed (i,e he(i'opters '(osing in thro gh dense fog. -ith e0ery step% a(( he 'o (d see was Greg ;a(e//the yo ng 'ryptographer ga8ing p% his eyes p(eading% and then% the shot. ;a(e#s death was for 'o ntry... for honor. The *SA 'o (d not afford another s'anda(. Strathmore needed a s'apegoat. Besides% Greg ;a(e was a disaster waiting to happen. ??? Strathmore#s tho ghts were >arred free by the so nd of his 'e(( (ar. It was bare(y a dib(e o0er the sirens and hissing f mes. ;e snat'hed it off his be(t witho t brea,ing stride. <Spea,.< <-here#s my pass/,ey=< a fami(iar 0oi'e demanded. <-ho is this=< Strathmore ye((ed o0er the din. <It#s * mata,a9< the angry 0oi'e be((owed ba',. <+o promised me a pass/,ey9< Strathmore ,ept mo0ing. <I want Digita( Fortress9< * mata,a hissed. <There is no Digita( Fortress9< Strathmore shot ba',.

<-hat=< <There is no nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm9< <Of 'o rse there is9 I#0e seen it on the Internet9 "y peop(e ha0e been trying to n(o', it for days9< <It#s an en'rypted 0ir s% yo foo(//and yo #re damn ( ',y yo 'an#t open it9< <B t//< <The dea( is off9< Strathmore ye((ed. <I#m not *orth Da,ota. There is no *orth Da,ota9 Forget I e0er mentioned it9< ;e '(amped the 'e(( (ar sh t% t rned off the ringer% and rammed it ba', on his be(t. There wo (d be no more interr ptions. ??? Twe(0e tho sand mi(es away% To, gen * mata,a stood st nned at his p(ate/g(ass window. ;is 1mami 'igar h ng (imp(y in his mo th. The dea( of his (ifetime had > st disintegrated before his eyes. ??? Strathmore ,ept des'ending. The dea( is off. * mate'h :orp. wo (d ne0er get the nbrea,ab(e a(gorithm... and the *SA wo (d ne0er get its ba', door. Strathmore#s dream had been a (ong time in the p(anning//he#d 'hosen * mate'h 'aref ((y. * mate'h was wea(thy% a (i,e(y winner of the pass/,ey a 'tion. *o one wo (d thin, twi'e if it ended p with the ,ey. :on0enient(y there was no 'ompany (ess (i,e(y to be s spe'ted of 'onsorting with the 1.S. go0ernment. To, gen * mata,a was o(d/wor(d )apan//death before dishonor. ;e hated Ameri'ans. ;e hated their food% he hated their ' stoms% and most of a((% he hated their grip on the wor(d#s software mar,et. ??? Strathmore#s 0ision had been bo(d//a wor(d en'ryption standard with a ba', door for the *SA. ;e#d (onged to share his dream with S san% to 'arry it o t with her by his side% b t he ,new he 'o (d not. E0en tho gh Ensei Tan,ado#s death wo (d sa0e tho sands of (i0es in the f t re% S san wo (d ne0er ha0e agreed7 she was a pa'ifist. I#m a pa'ifist too% tho ght Strathmore% I > st don#t ha0e the ( & ry of a'ting (i,e one. There had ne0er been any do bt in the 'ommander#s mind who wo (d ,i(( Tan,ado. Tan,ado was in Spain//and Spain meant ; (ohot. The forty/two/year/o(d $ort g ese mer'enary was one of the 'ommander#s fa0orite pros. ;e#d been wor,ing for the *SA for years. Born and raised in Lisbon% ; (ohot had done wor, for the *SA a(( o0er E rope. *e0er on'e had his ,i((s been tra'ed ba', to Fort "eade. The on(y 'at'h was that ; (ohot was deaf7 te(ephone 'omm ni'ation was impossib(e. Re'ent(y Strathmore had arranged for ; (ohot to re'ei0e the *SA#s newest toy% the "ono'(e 'omp ter. Strathmore bo ght himse(f a S,y$ager and programmed it to the same fre. en'y. From that moment on% his 'omm ni'ation with ; (ohot was not on(y instantaneo s b t a(so entire(y ntra'eab(e. The first message Strathmore had sent ; (ohot (eft (itt(e room for mis nderstanding. They had a(ready dis' ssed it. Hi(( Ensei Tan,ado. Obtain pass/,ey. Strathmore ne0er as,ed how ; (ohot wor,ed his magi'% b t somehow he had done it again. Ensei Tan,ado was dead% and the a thorities were 'on0in'ed it was a heart atta',. A te&tboo, ,i((//e&'ept for one thing. ; (ohot had mis> dged the (o'ation. Apparent(y Tan,ado dying in a p b(i' p(a'e was a ne'essary part of the i(( sion. B t ne&pe'ted(y% the p b(i' had appeared too soon. ; (ohot was for'ed into hiding before he 'o (d sear'h the body for the pass/,ey. -hen the d st sett(ed% Tan,ado#s body was in the hands of Se0i((e#s 'oroner.

Strathmore was f rio s. ; (ohot had b(own a mission for the first time e0er//and he#d pi',ed an ina spi'io s time to do it. Getting Tan,ado#s pass/,ey was 'riti'a(% b t Strathmore ,new that sending a deaf assassin into the Se0i((e morg e was a s i'ide mission. ;e had pondered his other options. A se'ond s'heme began to materia(i8e. Strathmore s dden(y saw a 'han'e to win on two fronts//a 'han'e to rea(i8e two dreams instead of > st one. At si&/thirty that morning% he had 'a((ed Da0id Be',er.


Fontaine b rst into the 'onferen'e room at a f (( sprint. Brin,erhoff and "idge were '(ose at his hee(s. <Loo,9< "idge 'ho,ed% motioning franti'a((y to the window. Fontaine (oo,ed o t the window at the strobes in the :rypto dome. ;is eyes went wide. This was definite(y not part of the p(an. Brin,erhoff sp ttered. <It#s a goddamn dis'o down there9< Fontaine stared o t% trying to ma,e sense of it. In the few years TRA*SLTR had been operationa(% it had ne0er done this. It#s o0erheating% he tho ght. ;e wondered why the he(( Strathmore hadn#t sh t it down. It too, Fontaine on(y an instant to ma,e p his mind. ;e snat'hed an interoffi'e phone off the 'onferen'e tab(e and p n'hed the e&tension for :rypto. The re'ei0er began beeping as if the e&tension were o t of order. Fontaine s(ammed down the re'ei0er. <Damn it9< ;e immediate(y pi',ed p again and dia(ed Strathmore#s pri0ate 'e(( (ar (ine. This time the (ine began to ring. Si& rings went by. Brin,erhoff and "idge wat'hed as Fontaine pa'ed the (ength of his phone 'ab(e (i,e a tiger on a 'hain. After a f (( min te% Fontaine was 'rimson with rage. ;e s(ammed down the re'ei0er again. <1nbe(ie0ab(e9< he be((owed. <:rypto#s abo t to b(ow% and Strathmore won#t answer his goddamn phone9<


; (ohot b rst o t of :ardina( G erra#s 'hambers into the b(inding morning s n. ;e shie(ded his eyes and ' rsed. ;e was standing o tside the 'athedra( in a sma(( patio% bordered by a high stone wa((% the west fa'e of the Gira(da tower% and two wro ght/iron fen'es. The gate was open. O tside the gate was the s. are. It was empty. The wa((s of Santa :r 8 were in the distan'e. There was no way Be',er 'o (d ha0e made it so far so . i',(y. ; (ohot t rned and s'anned the patio. ;e#s in here. ;e m st be9 The patio% )ardin de (os *aran>os% was famo s in Se0i((e for its twenty b(ossoming orange trees. The trees were renowned in Se0i((e as the birthp(a'e of Eng(ish marma(ade. An eighteenth/'ent ry Eng(ish trader had p r'hased three do8en b she(s of oranges from the Se0i((e 'h r'h and ta,en them ba', to London on(y to find the fr it inedib(y bitter. ;e tried to ma,e >am from the rinds and ended p ha0ing to add po nds of s gar > st to ma,e it pa(atab(e. Orange marma(ade had been born.

; (ohot mo0ed forward thro gh the gro0e% g n (e0e(ed. The trees were o(d% and the fo(iage had mo0ed high on their tr n,s. Their (owest bran'hes were nrea'hab(e% and the thin bases pro0ided no 'o0er. ; (ohot . i',(y saw the patio was empty. ;e (oo,ed straight p. The Gira(da. The entran'e to the Gira(da#s spira( stair'ase was 'ordoned off by a rope and sma(( wooden sign. The rope h ng motion(ess. ; (ohot#s eyes '(imbed the M5L/foot tower and immediate(y ,new it was a ridi' (o s tho ght. There was no way Be',er wo (d ha0e been that st pid. The sing(e stair'ase wo nd straight p to a s. are stone ' bi'(e. There were narrow s(its in the wa(( for 0iewing% b t there was no way o t. ??? Da0id Be',er '(imbed the (ast of the steep stairs and staggered breath(ess into a tiny stone ' bi'(e. There were high wa((s a(( aro nd him and narrow s(its in the perimeter. *o e&it. Fate had done Be',er no fa0ors this morning. As he#d dashed from the 'athedra( into the open 'o rtyard% his >a',et had 'a ght on the door. The fabri' had stopped him mid stride and sw ng him hard (eft before tearing. Be',er was s dden(y st mb(ing off ba(an'e into the b(inding s n. -hen he#d (oo,ed p% he was heading straight for a stair'ase. ;e#d > mped o0er the rope and dashed p. By the time he rea(i8ed where it (ed% it was too (ate. *ow he stood in the 'onfined 'e(( and 'a ght his breath. ;is side b rned. *arrow s(ats of morning s n streamed thro gh the openings in the wa((. ;e (oo,ed o t. The man in the wire/rim g(asses was far be(ow% his ba', to Be',er% staring o t at the p(a8a. Be',er shifted his body in front of the 'ra', for a better 0iew. :ross the p(a8a% he wi((ed him. ??? The shadow of the Gira(da (ay a'ross the s. are (i,e a giant fe((ed se. oia. ; (ohot stared the (ength of it. At the far end% three s(its of (ight ' t thro gh the tower#s 0iewing apert res and fe(( in 'risp re'tang(es on the 'obb(estone be(ow. One of those re'tang(es had > st been b(otted o t by the shadow of a man. -itho t so m 'h as a g(an'e toward the top of the tower% ; (ohot sp n and dashed toward the Gira(da stairs.


Fontaine po nded his fist into his hand. ;e pa'ed the 'onferen'e room and stared o t at the spinning :rypto (ights. <Abort9 Goddamn it9 Abort9< "idge appeared in the doorway wa0ing a fresh reado t. <Dire'tor9 Strathmore 'an#t abort9< <-hat9< Brin,erhoff and Fontaine gasped in nison. <;e tried% sir9< "idge he(d p the report. <Fo r times a(ready9 TRA*SLTR#s (o',ed in some sort of end(ess (oop.< Fontaine sp n and stared ba', o t the window. <)es s :hrist9< The 'onferen'e room phone rang sharp(y. The dire'tor threw p his arms. <It#s got to be Strathmore9 Abo t goddamn time9< Brin,erhoff s'ooped p the phone. <Dire'tor#s offi'e.< Fontaine he(d o t his hand for the re'ei0er.

Brin,erhoff (oo,ed neasy and t rned to "idge. <It#s )abba. ;e wants yo .< The dire'tor sw ng his ga8e o0er to "idge% who was a(ready 'rossing the room. She a'ti0ated the spea,er phone. <Go ahead% )abba.< )abba#s meta((i' 0oi'e boomed into the room. <"idge% I#m in the main databan,. -e#re showing some strange st ff down here. I was wondering if//< <Dammit% )abba9< "idge 'ame ng( ed. <That#s what I#0e been trying to te(( yo 9< <It 'o (d be nothing%< )abba hedged% <b t//< <Stop saying that9 It#s not nothing9 -hate0er#s going on down there% ta,e it serio s(y% 0ery serio s(y. "y data isn#t fried//ne0er has been% ne0er wi((.< She started to hang p and then added% <Oh% and )abba= ) st so there aren#t any s rprises... Strathmore bypassed Ga nt(et.<

:;A$TER 566

; (ohot too, the Gira(da stairs three at a time. The on(y (ight in the spira( passage was from sma(( open/ air windows e0ery 5K6 degrees. ;e#s trapped9 Da0id Be',er wi(( die9 ; (ohot 'ir'(ed pward% g n drawn. ;e ,ept to the o tside wa(( in 'ase Be',er de'ided to atta', from abo0e. The iron 'and(e po(es on ea'h (anding wo (d ma,e good weapons if Be',er de'ided to se one. B t by staying wide% ; (ohot wo (d be ab(e to spot him in time. ; (ohot#s g n had a range signifi'ant(y (onger than a fi0e/foot 'and(e po(e. ; (ohot mo0ed . i',(y b t 'aref ((y. The stairs were steep7 to rists had died here. This was not Ameri'a//no safety signs% no handrai(s% no ins ran'e dis'(aimers. This was Spain. If yo were st pid eno gh to fa((% it was yo r own damn fa (t% regard(ess of who b i(t the stairs. ; (ohot pa sed at one of the sho (der/high openings and g(an'ed o t. ;e was on the north fa'e and% from the (oo,s of things% abo t ha(fway p. The opening to the 0iewing p(atform was 0isib(e aro nd the 'orner. The stair'ase to the top was empty. Da0id Be',er had not 'ha((enged him. ; (ohot rea(i8ed maybe Be',er had not seen him enter the tower. That meant the e(ement of s rprise was on ; (ohot#s side as we((//not that he#d need it. ; (ohot he(d a(( the 'ards. E0en the (ayo t of the tower was in his fa0or7 the stair'ase met the 0iewing p(atform in the so thwest 'orner//; (ohot wo (d ha0e a '(ear (ine of fire to e0ery point of the 'e(( with no possibi(ity that Be',er 'o (d get behind him. And to top things off% ; (ohot wo (d be mo0ing o t of the dar, into the (ight. A ,i((ing bo&% he m sed. ; (ohot meas red the distan'e to the doorway. Se0en steps. ;e pra'ti'ed the ,i(( in his mind. If he stayed right as he approa'hed the opening% he wo (d be ab(e to see the (eftmost 'orner of the p(atform before he rea'hed it. If Be',er was there% ; (ohot wo (d fire. If not% he wo (d shift inside and enter mo0ing east% fa'ing the right 'orner% the on(y p(a'e remaining that Be',er 'o (d be. ;e smi(ed. S1B)E:T! DA4ID BE:HER//TER"I*ATED The time had 'ome. ;e 'he',ed his weapon. -ith a 0io(ent s rge% ; (ohot dashed p. The p(atform sw ng into 0iew. The (eft 'orner was empty. As rehearsed% ; (ohot shifted inside and b rst thro gh the opening fa'ing right. ;e fired into the 'orner. The b ((et ri'o'heted ba', off the bare wa(( and bare(y missed him. ; (ohot whee(ed wi(d(y and (et o t a m ted s'ream. There was no one there. Da0id Be',er had 0anished.

??? Three f(ights be(ow% s spended B@C feet o0er the )ardin de (os *aran>os% Da0id Be',er h ng on the o tside of the Gira(da (i,e a man doing 'hin/ ps on a window (edge. As ; (ohot had been ra'ing p the stair'ase% Be',er had des'ended three f(ights and (owered himse(f o t one of the openings. ;e#d dropped o t of sight > st in time. The ,i((er had r n right by him. ;e#d been in too m 'h of a h rry to noti'e the white ,n ',(es grasping the window (edge. ;anging o tside the window% Be',er than,ed God that his dai(y s. ash ro tine in0o(0ed twenty min tes on the *a ti( s ma'hine to de0e(op his bi'eps for a harder o0erhead ser0e. 1nfort nate(y% despite his strong arms% Be',er was now ha0ing tro b(e p ((ing himse(f ba', in. ;is sho (ders b rned. ;is side fe(t as if it were tearing open. The ro gh/' t stone (edge pro0ided (itt(e grip% grating into his fingertips (i,e bro,en g(ass. Be',er ,new it was on(y a matter of se'onds before his assai(ant wo (d 'ome r nning down from abo0e. From the higher gro nd% the ,i((er wo (d ndo bted(y see Be',er#s fingers on the (edge. Be',er '(osed his eyes and p ((ed. ;e ,new he wo (d need a mira'(e to es'ape death. ;is fingers were (osing their (e0erage. ;e g(an'ed down% past his dang(ing (egs. The drop was the (ength of a footba(( fie(d to the orange trees be(ow. 1ns r0i0ab(e. The pain in his side was getting worse. Footsteps now th ndered abo0e him% (o d (eaping footsteps r shing down the stairs. Be',er '(osed his eyes. It was now or ne0er. ;e gritted his teeth and p ((ed. The stone tore against the s,in on his wrists as he yan,ed himse(f pward. The footsteps were 'oming fast. Be',er grapp(ed at the inside of the opening% trying to se' re his ho(d. ;e ,i',ed his feet. ;is body fe(t (i,e (ead% as if someone had a rope tied to his (egs and were p ((ing him down. ;e fo ght it. ;e s rged p onto his e(bows. ;e was in p(ain 0iew now% his head ha(f thro gh the window (i,e a man in a g i((otine. ;e wrigg(ed his (egs% ,i',ing himse(f into the opening. ;e was ha(fway thro gh. ;is torso now h ng into the stairwe((. The footsteps were '(ose. Be',er grabbed the sides of the opening and in a sing(e motion (a n'hed his body thro gh. ;e hit the stair'ase hard. ??? ; (ohot sensed Be',er#s body hit the f(oor > st be(ow him. ;e (eapt forward% g n (e0e(ed. A window sp n into 0iew. This is it9 ; (ohot mo0ed to the o tside wa(( and aimed down the stair'ase. Be',er#s (egs dashed o t of sight > st aro nd the ' r0e. ; (ohot fired in fr stration. The b ((et ri'o'heted down the stairwe((. As ; (ohot dashed down the stairs after his prey% he ,ept to the o tside wa(( for the widest ang(e 0iew. As the stair'ase re0o(0ed into 0iew before him% it seemed Be',er was a(ways 5K6 degrees ahead of him% > st o t of sight. Be',er had ta,en the inside tra',% ' tting off the ang(e and (eaping fo r or fi0e stairs at a time. ; (ohot stayed with him. It wo (d ta,e on(y a sing(e shot. ; (ohot was gaining. ;e ,new that e0en if Be',er made the bottom% there was nowhere to r n7 ; (ohot 'o (d shoot him in the ba', as he 'rossed the open patio. The desperate ra'e spira(ed downward. ; (ohot mo0ed inside to the faster tra',. ;e sensed he was gaining. ;e 'o (d see Be',er#s shadow e0ery time they passed an opening. Down. Down. Spira(ing. It seemed that Be',er was a(ways > st aro nd the 'orner. ; (ohot ,ept one eye on his shadow and one eye on the stairs. S dden(y it appeared to ; (ohot that Be',er#s shadow had st mb(ed. It made an errati' ( r'h (eft and then seemed to spin in midair and sai( ba', toward the 'enter of the stairwe((. ; (ohot (eapt forward. I#0e got him9 On the stairs in front of ; (ohot% there was a f(ash of stee(. It >abbed into the air from aro nd the 'orner. It thr st forward (i,e a fen'er#s foi( at an,(e (e0e(. ; (ohot tried to shift (eft% b t it was too (ate. The ob>e't was between his an,(es. ;is ba', foot 'ame forward% 'a ght it hard% and the post s(ammed a'ross his

shin. ; (ohot#s arms went o t for s pport b t fo nd on(y empty air. ;e was abr pt(y airborne% t rning on his side. As ; (ohot sai(ed downward% he passed o0er Da0id Be',er% prone on his stoma'h% arms o tstret'hed. The 'and(e po(e in his hands was now 'a ght p in ; (ohot#s (egs as he sp n downward. ; (ohot 'rashed into the o tside wa(( before he hit the stair'ase. -hen he fina((y fo nd the f(oor% he was t mb(ing. ;is g n '(attered to the f(oor. ; (ohot#s body ,ept going% head o0er hee(s. ;e spira(ed fi0e 'omp(ete BA6/degree rotations before he ro((ed to a stop. Twe(0e more steps% and he wo (d ha0e t mb(ed o t onto the patio.

:;A$TER 565

Da0id Be',er had ne0er he(d a g n% b t he was ho(ding one now. ; (ohot#s body was twisted and mang(ed in the dar,ness of the Gira(da stair'ase. Be',er pressed the barre( of the g n against his assai(ant#s temp(e and 'aref ((y ,ne(t down. One twit'h and Be',er wo (d fire. B t there was no twit'h. ; (ohot was dead. Be',er dropped the g n and 'o((apsed on the stairs. For the first time in ages he fe(t tears we(( p. ;e fo ght them. ;e ,new there wo (d be time for emotion (ater7 now it was time to go home. Be',er tried to stand% b t he was too tired to mo0e. ;e sat a (ong whi(e% e&ha sted% on the stone stair'ase. Absent(y% he st died the twisted body before him. The ,i((er#s eyes began to g(a8e o0er% ga8ing o t at nothing in parti' (ar. Somehow% his g(asses were sti(( inta't. They were odd g(asses% Be',er tho ght% with a wire protr ding from behind the earpie'e and (eading to a pa', of some sort on his be(t. Be',er was too e&ha sted to be ' rio s. As he sat a(one in the stair'ase and 'o((e'ted his tho ghts% Be',er shifted his ga8e to the ring on his finger. ;is 0ision had '(eared somewhat% and he 'o (d fina((y read the ins'ription. As he had s spe'ted% it was not Eng(ish. ;e stared at the engra0ing a(ong moment and then frowned. This is worth ,i((ing for= ??? The morning s n was b(inding when Be',er fina((y stepped o t of the Gira(da onto the patio. The pain in his side had s bsided% and his 0ision was ret rning to norma(. ;e stood a moment% in a da8e% en>oying the fragran'e of the orange b(ossoms. Then he began mo0ing s(ow(y a'ross the patio. As Be',er strode away from the tower% a 0an s,idded to a stop nearby. Two men > mped o t. They were yo ng and dressed in mi(itary fatig es. They ad0an'ed on Be',er with the stiff pre'ision of we((/t ned ma'hines. <Da0id Be',er=< one demanded. Be',er stopped short% ama8ed they ,new his name. <-ho... who are yo =< <:ome with s% p(ease. Right away.< There was something nrea( abo t the en'o nter//something that made Be',er#s ner0e endings start to ting(e again. ;e fo nd himse(f ba',ing away from them. The shorter man ga0e Be',er an i'y stare. <This way% "r. Be',er. Right now.< Be',er t rned to r n. B t he on(y too, one step. One of the men drew a weapon. There was a shot.

A searing (an'e of pain er pted in Be',er#s 'hest. It ro',eted to his s, ((. ;is fingers went stiff% and Be',er fe((. An instant (ater% there was nothing b t b(a',ness.

:;A$TER 56@

Strathmore rea'hed the TRA*SLTR f(oor and stepped off the 'atwa(, into an in'h of water. The giant 'omp ter sh ddered beside him. ; ge drop(ets of water fe(( (i,e rain thro gh the swir(ing mist. The warning horns so nded (i,e th nder. The 'ommander (oo,ed a'ross at the fai(ed main generators. $hi( :hartr ,ian was there% his 'harred remains sp(ayed a'ross a set of 'oo(ant fins. The s'ene (oo,ed (i,e some sort of per0erse ;a((oween disp(ay. A(tho gh Strathmore regretted the man#s death% there was no do bt it had been <a warranted 'as a(ty.< $hi( :hartr ,ian had (eft Strathmore no 'hoi'e. -hen the Sys/Se' 'ame ra'ing p from the depths% s'reaming abo t a 0ir s% Strathmore met him on the (anding and tried to ta(, sense to him. B t :hartr ,ian was beyond reason. -e#0e got a 0ir s9 I#m 'a((ing )abba9 -hen he tried to p sh past% the 'ommander b(o',ed his way. The (anding was narrow. They str gg(ed. The rai(ing was (ow. It was ironi'% Strathmore tho ght% that :hartr ,ian had been right abo t the 0ir s a(( a(ong. The man#s p( nge had been 'hi((ing//a momentary how( of terror and then si(en'e. B t it was not ha(f as 'hi((ing as the ne&t thing :ommander Strathmore saw. Greg ;a(e was staring p at him from the shadows be(ow% a (oo, of tter horror on his fa'e. It was then that Strathmore ,new Greg ;a(e wo (d die. TRA*SLTR 'ra',(ed% and Strathmore t rned his attention ba', to the tas, at hand. Hi(( power. The 'ir' it brea,er was on the other side of the freon p mps to the (eft of the body. Strathmore 'o (d see it '(ear(y. A(( he had to do was p (( a (e0er and the remaining power in :rypto wo (d die. Then% after a few se'onds% he 'o (d restart the main generators7 a(( doorways and f n'tions wo (d 'omeba', on/(ine7 the freon wo (d start f(owing again% and TRA*SLTR wo (d be safe. B t as Strathmore s(ogged toward the brea,er% he rea(i8ed there was one fina( obsta'(e! :hartr ,ian#s body was sti(( on the main generator#s 'oo(ing fins. Hi((ing and then restarting the main generator wo (d on(y 'a se another power fai( re. The body had to be mo0ed. Strathmore eyed the grotes. e remains and made his way o0er. Rea'hing p% he grabbed a wrist. The f(esh was (i,e Styrofoam. The tiss e had been fried. The who(e body was de0oid of moist re. The 'ommander '(osed his eyes% tightened his grip aro nd the wrist% and p ((ed. The body s(id an in'h or two. Strathmore p ((ed harder. The body s(id again. The 'ommander bra'ed himse(f and p ((ed with a(( his might. S dden(y he was t mb(ing ba',ward. ;e (anded hard on his ba',side p against a power 'asement. Str gg(ing to sit p in the rising water% Strathmore stared down in horror at the ob>e't in his fist. It was :hartr ,ian#s forearm. It had bro,en off at the e(bow. ??? 1pstairs% S san 'ontin ed her wait. She sat on the *ode B 'o 'h fee(ing para(y8ed. ;a(e (ay at her feet. She 'o (dn#t imagine what was ta,ing the 'ommander so (ong. "in tes passed. She tried to p sh Da0id from her tho ghts% b t it was no se. -ith e0ery b(ast of the horns% ;a(e#s words e'hoed inside her head! I#m tr (y sorry abo t Da0id Be',er. S san tho ght she wo (d (ose her mind. She was abo t to > mp p and ra'e onto the :rypto f(oor when fina((y it happened. Strathmore had thrown the swit'h and ,i((ed a(( power.

The si(en'e that eng (fed :rypto was instantaneo s. The horns 'ho,ed off mid b(are% and the *ode B monitors f(i',ered to b(a',. Greg ;a(e#s 'orpse disappeared into the dar,ness% and S san instin'ti0e(y yan,ed her (egs p onto the 'o 'h. She wrapped Strathmore#s s it 'oat aro nd her. Dar,ness. Si(en'e. She had ne0er heard s 'h . iet in :rypto. There#d a(ways been the (ow h m of the generators. B t now there was nothing% on(y the great beast hea0ing and sighing in re(ief. :ra',(ing% hissing% s(ow(y 'oo(ing down. S san '(osed her eyes and prayed for Da0id. ;er prayer was a simp(e one//that God prote't the man she (o0ed. *ot being a re(igio s woman% S san had ne0er e&pe'ted to hear a response to her prayer. B t when there was a s dden sh ddering against her 'hest% she >o(ted pright. She '( t'hed her 'hest. A moment (ater she nderstood. The 0ibrations she fe(t were not the hand of God at a((//they were 'oming from the 'ommander#s >a',et po',et. ;e had set the 0ibrating si(ent/ring feat re on his S,y$ager. Someone was sending :ommander Strathmore a message. ??? Si& stories be(ow% Strathmore stood at the 'ir' it brea,er. The s b(e0e(s of :rypto were now as dar, as the deepest night. ;e stood a moment en>oying the b(a',ness. The water po red down from abo0e. It was a midnight storm. Strathmore ti(ted his head ba', and (et the warm drop(ets wash away his g i(t. I#m a s r0i0or. ;e ,ne(t and washed the (ast of :hartr ,ian#s f(esh from his hands. ;is dreams for Digita( Fortress had fai(ed. ;e 'o (d a''ept that. S san was a(( that mattered now. For the first time in de'ades% he tr (y nderstood that there was more to (ife than 'o ntry and honor. I sa'rifi'ed the best years of my (ife for 'o ntry and honor. B t what abo t (o0e= ;e had depri0ed himse(f for far too (ong. And for what= To wat'h some yo ng professor stea( away his dreams= Strathmore had n rt red S san. ;e had prote'ted her. ;e had earned her. And now% at (ast% he wo (d ha0e her. S san wo (d see, she(ter in his arms when there was nowhere e(se to t rn. She wo (d 'ome to him he(p(ess% wo nded by (oss% and in time% he wo (d show her that (o0e hea(s a((. ;onor. :o ntry. Lo0e. Da0id Be',er was abo t to die for a(( three.

:;A$TER 56B

The :ommander rose thro gh the trapdoor (i,e La8ar s ba', from the dead. Despite his soggy '(othes% his step was (ight. ;e strode toward *ode B//toward S san. Toward his f t re. The :rypto f(oor was again bathed in (ight. Freon was f(owing downward thro gh the smo(dering TRA*SLTR (i,e o&ygenated b(ood. Strathmore ,new it wo (d ta,e a few min tes for the 'oo(ant to rea'h the bottom of the h (( and pre0ent the (owest pro'essors from igniting% b t he was 'ertain he#d a'ted in time. ;e e&ha(ed in 0i'tory% ne0er s spe'ting the tr th//that it was a(ready too (ate. I#m a s r0i0or% he tho ght. Ignoring the gaping ho(e in the *ode B wa((% he strode to the e(e'troni' doors. They hissed open. ;e stepped inside. S san was standing before him% damp and to s(ed in his b(a8er. She (oo,ed (i,e a freshman 'oed who#d

been 'a ght in the rain. ;e fe(t (i,e the senior who#d (ent her his 0arsity sweater. For the first time in years% he fe(t yo ng. ;is dream was 'oming tr e. B t as Strathmore mo0ed '(oser% he fe(t he was staring into the eyes of a woman he did not re'ogni8e. ;er ga8e was (i,e i'e. The softness was gone. S san F(et'her stood rigid% (i,e an immo0ab(e stat e. The on(y per'eptib(e motion were the tears we((ing in her eyes. <S san=< A sing(e tear ro((ed down her . i0ering 'hee,. <-hat is it=< the 'ommander p(eaded. The p dd(e of b(ood beneath ;a(e#s body had spread a'ross the 'arpet (i,e an oi( spi((. Strathmore g(an'ed neasi(y at the 'orpse% then ba', at S san. :o (d she possib(y ,now= There was no way. Strathmore ,new he had 'o0ered e0ery base. <S san=< he said% stepping '(oser. <-hat is it=< S san did not mo0e. <Are yo worried abo t Da0id=< There was a s(ight . i0er in her pper (ip. Strathmore stepped '(oser. ;e was going to rea'h for her% b t he hesitated. The so nd of Da0id#s name had apparent(y 'ra',ed the dam of grief. S(ow(y at first//a . i0er% a tremb(e. And then a th ndering wa0e of misery seemed to 'o rse thro gh her 0eins. Bare(y ab(e to 'ontro( her sh ddering (ips% S san opened her mo th to spea,. *othing 'ame. -itho t e0er brea,ing the i'y ga8e she#d (o',ed on Strathmore% she too, her hand from the po',et of his b(a8er. In her hand was an ob>e't. She he(d it o t% sha,ing. Strathmore ha(f e&pe'ted to (oo, down and see the Beretta (e0e(ed at his g t. B t the g n was sti(( on the f(oor% propped safe(y in ;a(e#s hand. The ob>e't S san was ho(ding was sma((er. Strathmore stared down at it% and an instant (ater% he nderstood. As Strathmore stared% rea(ity warped% and time s(owed to a 'raw(. ;e 'o (d hear the so nd of his own heart. The man who had tri mphed o0er giants for so many years had been o tdone in an instant. S(ain by (o0e//by his own foo(ishness. In a simp(e a't of 'hi0a(ry% he had gi0en S san his >a',et. And with it% his S,y$ager. *ow it was Strathmore who went rigid. S san#s hand was sha,ing. The pager fe(( at ;a(e#s feet. -ith a (oo, of astonishment and betraya( that Strathmore wo (d ne0er forget% S san F(et'her ra'ed past him o t of *ode B. The 'ommander (et her go. In s(ow motion% he bent and retrie0ed the pager. There were no new messages//S san had read them a((. Strathmore s'ro((ed desperate(y thro gh the (ist. S1B)E:T! E*SEI TA*HADO//TER"I*ATED S1B)E:T! $IERRE :LO1:;ARDE//TER"I*ATED S1B)E:T! ;A*S ;1BER//TER"I*ATED S1B)E:T! RO:]O E4A GRA*ADA//TER"I*ATED...

The (ist went on. Strathmore fe(t a wa0e of horror. I 'an e&p(ain9 She wi(( nderstand9 ;onor9 :o ntry9 B t there was one message he had not yet seen//one message he 'o (d ne0er e&p(ain. Tremb(ing% he s'ro((ed to the fina( transmission. S1B)E:T! DA4ID BE:HER//TER"I*ATED Strathmore h ng his head. ;is dream was o0er.

:;A$TER 56M

S san staggered o t of *ode B. S1B)E:T! DA4ID BE:HER//TER"I*ATED As if in a dream% she mo0ed toward :rypto#s main e&it. Greg ;a(e#s 0oi'e e'hoed in her mind! S san% Strathmore#s going to ,i(( me9 S san% the 'ommander#s in (o0e with yo 9 S san rea'hed the enormo s 'ir' (ar porta( and began stabbing desperate(y at the ,eypad. The door did not mo0e. She tried again% b t the enormo s s(ab ref sed to rotate. S san (et o t a m ted s'ream// apparent(y the power o tage had de(eted the e&it 'odes. She was sti(( trapped. -itho t warning% two arms '(osed aro nd her from behind% grasping her ha(f/n mb body. The to 'h was fami(iar yet rep (si0e. It (a',ed the br te strength of Greg ;a(e% b t there was a desperate ro ghness to it% an inner determination (i,e stee(. S san t rned. The man restraining her was deso(ate% frightened. It was a fa'e she had ne0er seen. <S san%< Strathmore begged% ho(ding her. <I 'an e&p(ain.< She tried to p (( away. The 'ommander he(d fast. S san tried to s'ream% b t she had no 0oi'e. She tried to r n% b t strong hands restrained her% p ((ing her ba',ward. <I (o0e yo %< the 0oi'e was whispering. <I#0e (o0ed yo fore0er.< S san#s stoma'h t rned o0er and o0er. <Stay with me.< S san#s mind whir(ed with gris(y images//Da0id#s bright/green eyes% s(ow(y '(osing for the (ast time7 Greg ;a(e#s 'orpse seeping b(ood onto the 'arpet7 $hi( :hartr ,ian#s b rned and bro,en on the generators. <The pain wi(( pass%< the 0oi'e said. <+o #(( (o0e again.< S san heard nothing. <Stay with me%< the 0oi'e p(eaded. <I#(( hea( yo r wo nds.< She str gg(ed% he(p(ess.

<I did it for s. -e#re made for ea'h other. S san% I (o0e yo .< The words f(owed as if he had waited a de'ade to spea, them. <I (o0e yo 9 I (o0e yo 9< In that instant% thirty yards away% as if reb tting Strathmore#s 0i(e 'onfession% TRA*SLTR (et o t a sa0age% piti(ess hiss. The so nd was an entire(y new one//a distant% omino s si88(ing that seemed to grow (i,e a serpent in the depths of the si(o. The freon% it appeared% had not rea'hed its mar, in time. The 'ommander (et go of S san and t rned toward the N@ bi((ion 'omp ter. ;is eyes went wide with dread. <*o9< ;e grabbed his head. <*o9< The si&/story ro',et began to tremb(e. Strathmore staggered a fa(tering step toward the th ndering h ((. Then he fe(( to his ,nees% a sinner before an angry god. It was no se. At the base of the si(o% TRA*SLTR#s titani m/stronti m pro'essors had > st ignited.

:;A$TER 56C

A fireba(( ra'ing pward thro gh three mi((ion si(i'on 'hips ma,es a ni. e so nd. The 'ra',(ing of a forest fire% the how(ing of a tornado% the steaming g sh of a geyser... a(( trapped within a re0erberant h ((. It was the de0i(#s breath% po ring thro gh a sea(ed 'a0ern% (oo,ing for es'ape. Strathmore ,ne(t transfi&ed by the horrifi' noise rising toward them. The wor(d#s most e&pensi0e 'omp ter was abo t to be'ome an eight/story inferno. ??? In s(ow motion% Strathmore t rned ba', toward S san. She stood para(y8ed beside the :rypto door. Strathmore stared at her tear/strea,ed fa'e. She seemed to shimmer in the f( ores'ent (ight. She#s an ange(% he tho ght. ;e sear'hed her eyes for hea0en% b t a(( he 'o (d see was death. It was the death of tr st. Lo0e and honor were gone. The fantasy that had ,ept him going a(( these years was dead. ;e wo (d ne0er ha0e S san F(et'her. *e0er. The s dden emptiness that gripped him was o0erwhe(ming. S san ga8ed 0ag e(y toward TRA*SLTR. She ,new that trapped within the 'erami' she((% a fireba(( was ra'ing toward them. She sensed it rising faster and faster% feeding on the o&ygen re(eased by the b rning 'hips. In moments the :rypto dome wo (d be a b(a8ing inferno. S san#s mind to(d her to r n% b t Da0id#s dead weight pressed down a(( aro nd her. She tho ght she heard his 0oi'e 'a((ing to her% te((ing her to es'ape% b t there was nowhere to go. :rypto was a sea(ed tomb. It didn#t matter7 the tho ght of death did not frighten her. Death wo (d stop the pain. She wo (d be with Da0id. The :rypto f(oor began to tremb(e% as if be(ow it an angry sea monster were rising o t of the depths. Da0id#s 0oi'e seemed to be 'a((ing. R n% S san9 R n9 Strathmore was mo0ing toward her now% his fa'e a distant memory. ;is 'oo( gray eyes were (ife(ess. The patriot who had (i0ed in her mind a hero had died//a m rderer. ;is arms were s dden(y aro nd her again% '( t'hing desperate(y. ;e ,issed her 'hee,s. <Forgi0e me%< he begged. S san tried to p (( away% b t Strathmore he(d on. TRA*SLTR began 0ibrating (i,e a missi(e preparing to (a n'h. The :rypto f(oor began to sha,e. Strathmore he(d tighter. <;o(d me% S san. I need yo .< A 0io(ent s rge of f ry fi((ed S san#s (imbs. Da0id#s 0oi'e 'a((ed o t again. I (o0e yo 9 Es'ape9 In a s dden b rst of energy% S san tore free. The roar from TRA*SLTR be'ame deafening. The fire was at

the si(o#s pea,. TRA*SLTR groaned% straining at its seams. Da0id#s 0oi'e seemed to (ift S san% g ide her. She dashed a'ross the :rypto f(oor and started p Strathmore#s 'atwa(, stairs. Behind her% TRA*SLTR (et o t a deafening roar. As the (ast of the si(i'on 'hips disintegrated% a tremendo s pdraft of heat tore thro gh the pper 'asing of the si(o and sent shards of 'erami' thirty feet into the air. Instant(y the o&ygen/ri'h air of :rypto r shed in to fi(( the enormo s 0a' m. S san rea'hed the pper (anding and grabbed the banister when the tremendo s r sh of wind ripped at her body. It sp n her aro nd in time to see the dep ty dire'tor of operations% far be(ow% staring p at her from beside TRA*SLTR. There was a storm raging a(( aro nd him% and yet there was pea'e in his eyes. ;is (ips parted% and he mo thed his fina( word. <S san.< The air r shing into TRA*SLTR ignited on 'onta't. In a bri((iant f(ash of (ight% :ommander Tre0or Strathmore passed from man% to si(ho ette% to (egend. -hen the b(ast hit S san% it b(ew her ba', fifteen feet into Strathmore#s offi'e. A(( she remembered was a searing heat.

:;A$TER 56A

In the window of the Dire'tor#s 'onferen'e room% high abo0e the :rypto dome% three fa'es appeared% breath(ess. The e&p(osion had sha,en the entire *SA 'omp(e&. Le(and Fontaine% :had Brin,erhoff% and "idge "i(,en a(( stared o t in si(ent horror. Se0enty feet be(ow% the :rypto dome was b(a8ing. The po(y'arbonate roof was sti(( inta't% b t beneath the transparent she((% a fire raged. B(a', smo,e swir(ed (i,e fog inside the dome. The three stared down witho t a word. The spe'ta'(e had an eerie grande r to it. Fontaine stood a (ong moment. ;e fina((y spo,e% his 0oi'e faint b t nwa0ering. <"idge% get a 'rew down there... now.< A'ross the s ite% Fontaine#s phone began to ring. It was )abba.

:;A$TER 56F

S san had no idea how m 'h time had passed. A b rning in her throat p ((ed her to her senses. Disoriented% she st died her s rro ndings. She was on a 'arpet behind a des,. The on(y (ight in the room was a strange orange f(i',ering. The air sme((ed of b rning p(asti'. The room she was standing in was not rea((y a room at a((7 it was a de0astated she((. The ' rtains were on fire% and the $(e&ig(as wa((s were smo(dering. Then she remembered it a((.

Da0id. In a rising pani'% she p ((ed herse(f to her feet. The air fe(t 'a sti' in her windpipe. She st mb(ed to the doorway (oo,ing for away o t. As she 'rossed the thresho(d% her (eg sw ng o t o0er an abyss7 she grabbed the door frame > st in time. The 'atwa(, had disappeared. Fifty feet be(ow was a twisted 'o((apse of steaming meta(. S san s'anned the :rypto f(oor in horror. It was a sea of fire. The me(ted remains of three mi((ion si(i'on 'hips had er pted from TRA*SLTR (i,e (a0a. Thi',% a'rid smo,e bi((owed pward. S san ,new the sme((. Si(i'on smo,e. Dead(y poison. Retreating into the remains of Strathmore#s offi'e% she began to fee( faint. ;er throat b rned. The entire p(a'e was fi((ed with a fiery (ight. :rypto was dying. So wi(( I% she tho ght. For a moment% she 'onsidered the on(y possib(e e&it//Strathmore#s e(e0ator. B t she ,new it was se(ess7 the e(e'troni's ne0er wo (d ha0e s r0i0ed the b(ast. B t as S san made her way thro gh the thi',ening smo,e% she re'a((ed ;a(e#s words. The e(e0ator r ns on power from the main b i(ding9 I#0e seen the s'hemati's9 S san ,new that was tr e. She a(so ,new the entire shaft was en'ased in reinfor'ed 'on'rete. The f mes swir(ed a(( aro nd her. She st mb(ed thro gh the smo,e toward the e(e0ator door. B t when she got there% she saw that the e(e0ator#s 'a(( b tton was dar,. S san >abbed fr it(ess(y at the dar,ened pane(% then she fe(( to her ,nees and po nded on the door. She stopped a(most instant(y. Something was whirring behind the doors. Start(ed% she (oo,ed p. It so nded (i,e the 'arriage was right there9 S san stabbed at the b tton again. Again% a whirring behind the doors. S dden(y she saw it. The 'a(( b tton was not dead//it had > st been 'o0ered withb(a', soot. It now g(owed faint(y beneath her sm dged fingerprints. There#s power9 -ith a s rge of hope% she p n'hed at the b tton. O0er and o0er% something behind the doors engaged. She 'o (d hear the 0enti(ation fan in the e(e0ator 'ar. The 'arriage is here9 -hy won#t the damn doors open= Thro gh the smo,e she spied the tiny se'ondary ,eypad//(ettered b ttons% A thro gh 2. In a wa0e of despair% S san remembered. The password. The smo,e was starting to ' r( in thro gh the me(ted window frames. Again she banged on the e(e0ator doors. They ref sed to open. The password9 she tho ght. Strathmore ne0er to(d me the password9 Si(i'on smo,e was now fi((ing the offi'e. :ho,ing% S san fe(( against the e(e0ator in defeat. The 0enti(ation fan was r nning > st a few feet away. She (ay there% da8ed% g (ping for air. She '(osed her eyes% b t again Da0id#s 0oi'e wo,e her. Es'ape% S san9 Open the door9 Es'ape9 She opened her eyes e&pe'ting to see his fa'e% those wi(d green eyes% that p(ayf ( smi(e. B t the (etters AO2 'ame into fo' s. The password... S san stared at the (etters on the ,eypad. She 'o (d bare(y ,eep them in fo' s. On the LED be(ow the ,eypad% fi0e empty spots awaited entry. A fi0e/'hara'ter password% she tho ght. She instant(y ,new the odds! twenty/si& to the fifth power7 55%KK5%BFA possib(e 'hoi'es. At one g ess e0ery se'ond% it wo (d ta,e nineteen wee,s... As S san F(et'her (ay 'ho,ing on the f(oor beneath the ,eypad% the 'ommander#s patheti' 0oi'e 'ame to her. ;e was 'a((ing to her again. I (o0e yo S san9 I#0e a(ways (o0ed yo 9 S san9 S san9 S san... She ,new he was dead% and yet his 0oi'e was re(ent(ess. She heard her name o0er and o0er.

S san... S san... Then% in a moment of 'hi((ing '(arity% she ,new. Tremb(ing wea,(y% she rea'hed p to the ,eypad and typed the password. S... 1... S... A... * An instant (ater% the doors s(id open.

:;A$TER 56K

Strathmore#s e(e0ator dropped fast. Inside the 'arriage% S san s ',ed deep breaths of fresh air into her ( ngs. Da8ed% she steadied herse(f against the wa(( as the 'ar s(owed to a stop. A moment (ater some gears '(i',ed% and the 'on0eyor began mo0ing again% this time hori8onta((y. S san fe(t the 'arriage a''e(erate as it began r mb(ing toward the main *SA 'omp(e&. Fina((y it whirred to a stop% and the doors opened. :o ghing% S san F(et'her st mb(ed into a dar,ened 'ement 'orridor. She fo nd herse(f in a t nne(//(ow/ 'ei(inged and narrow. A do b(e ye((ow (ine stret'hed o t before her. The (ine disappeared into an empty% dar, ho((ow. The 1ndergro nd ;ighway... She staggered toward the t nne(% ho(ding the wa(( for g idan'e. Behind her% the e(e0ator door s(id sh t. On'e again S san F(et'her was p( nged into dar,ness. Si(en'e. *othing e&'ept a faint h mming in the wa((s. A h mming that grew (o der. S dden(y it was as if dawn were brea,ing. The b(a',ness thinned to a ha8y gray. The wa((s of the t nne( began to ta,e shape. A(( at on'e% a sma(( 0ehi'(e whipped aro nd the 'orner% its head(ight b(inding her. S san st mb(ed ba', against the wa(( and shie(ded her eyes. There was a g st of air% and the transport whipped past. An instant (ater there was a deafening s. ea( of r bber on 'ement. The h m approa'hed on'e again% this time in re0erse. Se'onds (ater the 0ehi'(e 'ame to a stop beside her. <"s. F(et'her9< an astonished 0oi'e e&'(aimed. S san ga8ed at a 0ag e(y fami(iar shape in the dri0er#s seat of an e(e'tri' go(f 'art. <)es s.< The man gasped. <Are yo o,ay= -e tho ght yo were dead9< S san stared b(an,(y. <:had Brin,erhoff%< he sp ttered% st dying the she((sho',ed 'ryptographer. <Dire'toria( $A.< S san 'o (d on(y manage a da8ed whimper. <TRA*SLTR...<

Brin,erhoff nodded. <Forget it. Get on9< ??? The beam of the go(f 'art#s head(ights whipped a'ross the 'ement wa((s. <There#s a 0ir s in the main databan,%< Brin,erhoff b( rted. <I ,now%< S san heard herse(f whisper. <-e need yo to he(p s.< S san was fighting ba', the tears. <Strathmore... he...< <-e ,now%< Brin,erhoff said. <;e bypassed Ga nt(et.< <+es... and...< The words got st ', in her throat. ;e ,i((ed Da0id9 Brin,erhoff p t a hand on her sho (der. <A(most there% "s. F(et'her. ) st ho(d on.< ??? The high/speed Hensington go(f 'art ro nded a 'orner and s,idded to a stop. Beside them% bran'hing off perpendi' (ar to the t nne(% was a ha((way% dim(y (it by red f(oor (ighting. <:ome on%< Brin,erhoff said% he(ping her o t. ;e g ided her into the 'orridor. S san drifted behind him in a fog. The ti(ed passageway s(oped downward at a steep in'(ine. S san grabbed the handrai( and fo((owed Brin,erhoff down. The air began to grow 'oo(er. They 'ontin ed their des'ent. As they dropped deeper into the earth% the t nne( narrowed. From somewhere behind them 'ame the e'ho of footsteps//a strong% p rposef ( gait. The footsteps grew (o der. Both Brin,erhoff and S san stopped and t rned. Striding toward them was an enormo s b(a', man. S san had ne0er seen him before. As he approa'hed% he fi&ed her with a penetrating stare. <-ho#s this=< he demanded. <S san F(et'her%< Brin,erhoff rep(ied. The enormo s man ar'hed his eyebrows. E0en sooty and soa,ed% S san F(et'her was more stri,ing than he had imagined. <And the 'ommander=< he demanded. Brin,erhoff shoo, his head. The man said nothing. ;e stared off a moment. Then he t rned ba', to S san. <Le(and Fontaine%< he said% offering her his hand. <G(ad yo #re o,ay.< S san stared. She#d a(ways ,nown she#d meet the dire'tor someday% b t this was not the introd 'tion she#d en0isioned. <:ome a(ong% "s. F(et'her%< Fontaine said% (eading the way. <-e#(( need a(( the he(p we 'an get.< ???

Looming in the reddish ha8e at the bottom of the t nne(% a stee( wa(( b(o',ed their way. Fontaine approa'hed and typed an entry 'ode into a re'essed 'ipher bo&. ;e then p(a'ed his right hand against a sma(( g(ass pane(. A strobe f(ashed. A moment (ater the massi0e wa(( th ndered (eft. There was on(y one *SA 'hamber more sa'red than :rypto% and S san F(et'her sensed she was abo t to enter it.

:;A$TER 56L

The 'ommand 'enter for the *SA#s main databan, (oo,ed (i,e a s'a(ed/down *ASA mission 'ontro(. A do8en 'omp ter wor,stations fa'ed the thirty/foot by forty/foot 0ideo wa(( at the far end of the room. On the s'reen% n mbers and diagrams f(ashed in rapid s ''ession% appearing and disappearing as if someone were 'hanne( s rfing. A handf ( of te'hni'ians ra'ed wi(d(y from station to station trai(ing (ong sheets of printo t paper and ye((ing 'ommands. It was 'haos. S san stared at the da88(ing fa'i(ity. She 0ag e(y remembered that @C6 metri' tons of earth had been e&'a0ated to 'reate it. The 'hamber was (o'ated @5M feet be(ow gro nd% where it wo (d be tota((y imper0io s to f( & bombs and n '(ear b(asts. On a raised wor,station in the 'enter of the room stood )abba. ;e be((owed orders from his p(atform (i,e a ,ing to his s b>e'ts. I(( minated on the s'reen dire't(y behind him was a message. The message was a(( too fami(iar to S san. The bi((board/si8e te&t h ng omino s(y o0er )abba#s head! O*L+ T;E TR1T; -ILL SA4E +O1 *OE*TER $ASS/HE+ QQQQQQ As if trapped in some s rrea( nightmare% S san fo((owed Fontaine toward the podi m. ;er wor(d was a s(ow/motion b( r. )abba saw them 'oming and whee(ed (i,e an enraged b ((. <I b i(t Ga nt(et for a reason9< <Ga nt(et#s gone%< Fontaine rep(ied e0en(y. <O(d news% Dire'tor%< )abba spat. <The sho', wa0e ,no',ed me on my ass9 -here#s Strathmore=< <:ommander Strathmore is dead.< <$oeti' f ',ing > sti'e.< <:oo( it% )abba%< the dire'tor ordered. <Bring s p to speed. ;ow bad is this 0ir s=< )abba stared at the dire'tor a (ong moment% and then witho t warning% he b rst o t (a ghing. <A 0ir s=< ;is harsh g ffaw resonated thro gh the ndergro nd 'hamber. <Is that what yo thin, this is=< Fontaine ,ept his 'oo(. )abba#s inso(en'e was way o t of (ine% b t Fontaine ,new this was not the time or p(a'e to hand(e it. Down here% )abba o tran,ed God himse(f. :omp ter prob(ems had away of ignoring the norma( 'hain of 'ommand. <It#s not a 0ir s=< Brin,erhoff e&'(aimed hopef ((y. )abba snorted in disg st. <4ir ses ha0e rep(i'ation strings% pretty boy9 This doesn#t9<

S san ho0ered nearby% nab(e to fo' s. <Then what#s going on=< Fontaine demanded. <I tho ght we had a 0ir s.< )abba s ',ed in a (ong breath and (owered his 0oi'e. <4ir ses...< he said% wiping sweat from his fa'e. <4ir ses reprod 'e. They 'reate '(ones. They#re 0ain and st pid//binary egomania's. They p mp o t babies faster than rabbits. That#s their wea,ness//yo 'an 'ross/breed them into ob(i0ion if yo ,now what yo #re doing. 1nfort nate(y% this program has no ego% no need to reprod 'e. It#s '(ear/headed and fo' sed. In fa't% when it#s a''omp(ished its ob>e'ti0e here% it wi(( probab(y 'ommit digita( s i'ide. <)abba he(d o t his arms re0erent(y to the pro>e'ted ha0o' on the enormo s s'reen. <Ladies and gent(emen.< ;e sighed. <"eet the ,ami,a8e of 'omp ter in0aders... the worm.< <-orm=< Brin,erhoff groaned. It seemed (i,e a m ndane term to des'ribe the insidio s intr der. <-orm.< )abba smo(dered. <*o 'omp(e& str 't res% > st instin't//eat% shit% 'raw(. That#s it. Simp(i'ity. Dead(y simp(i'ity. It does what it#s programmed to do and then 'he',s o t.< Fontaine eyed )abba stern(y. <And what is this worm programmed to do=< <*o '( e%< )abba rep(ied. <Right now% it#s spreading o t and atta'hing itse(f to a(( o r '(assified data. After that% it 'o (d do anything. It might de'ide to de(ete a(( the fi(es% or it might > st de'ide to print smi(ey fa'es on 'ertain -hite ;o se trans'ripts.< Fontaine#s 0oi'e remained 'oo( and 'o((e'ted. <:an yo stop it=< )abba (et o t a (ong sigh and fa'ed the s'reen. <I ha0e no idea. It a(( depends on how pissed off the a thor is.< ;e pointed to the message on the wa((. <Anybody want to te(( me what the he(( that means=< O*L+ T;E TR1T; -ILL SA4E +O1 *OE*TER $ASS/HE+ QQQQQQ )abba waited for a response and got none. <Loo,s (i,e someone#s messing with s% Dire'tor. B(a',mai(. This is a ransom note if I e0er saw one.< S san#s 0oi'e was a whisper% empty and ho((ow. <It#s... Ensei Tan,ado.< )abba t rned to her. ;e stared a moment% wide/eyed. <Tan,ado=< S san nodded wea,(y. <;e wanted o r 'onfession... abo t TRA*SLTR... b t it 'ost him his//< <:onfession=< Brin,erhoff interr pted% (oo,ing st nned. <Tan,ado wants s to 'onfess we ha0e TRA*SLTR= I#d say it#s a bit (ate for that9< S san opened her mo th to spea,% b t )abba too, o0er. <Loo,s (i,e Tan,ado#s got a ,i((/'ode%< he said% ga8ing p at the message on the s'reen. E0eryone t rned. <Hi(( 'ode=< Brin,erhoff demanded. )abba nodded. <+eah. A pass/,ey that stops the worm. Simp(y p t% if we admit we ha0e TRA*SLTR% Tan,ado gi0es s a ,i((/'ode. -e type it in and sa0e the databan,. -e('ome to digita( e&tortion.< Fontaine stood (i,e ro',% nwa0ering. <;ow (ong ha0e we got=<

<Abo t an ho r%< )abba said. <) st time eno gh to 'a(( a press 'onferen'e and spi(( o r g ts. <Re'ommendation%< Fontaine demanded. <-hat do yo propose we do=< <A re'ommendation=< )abba b( rted in disbe(ief. <+o want a re'ommendation= I#(( gi0e yo a re'ommendation9 +o . it f ',ing aro nd% that#s what yo do9< <Easy%< the dire'tor warned. <Dire'tor%< )abba sp ttered. <Right now% Ensei Tan,ado owns this databan,9 Gi0e him whate0er he wants. If he wants the wor(d to ,now abo t TRA*SLTR% 'a(( :**% and drop yo r shorts. TRA*SLTR#s a ho(e in the gro nd now anyway//what the he(( do yo 'are=< There was a si(en'e. Fontaine seemed to be 'onsidering his options. S san began to spea,% b t )abba beat her to it. <-hat are yo waiting for% Dire'tor9 Get Tan,ado on the phone9 Te(( him yo #(( p(ay ba((9 -e need that ,i((/'ode% or this who(e p(a'e is going down9< *obody mo0ed. <Are yo a(( insane=< )abba s'reamed. <:a(( Tan,ado9 Te(( him we fo(d9 Get me that ,i((/'ode9 *O-9< )abba whipped o t his 'e(( (ar phone and swit'hed it on. <*e0er mind9 Get me his n mber9 I#(( 'a(( the (itt(e pri', myse(f9< <Don#t bother%< S san said in a whisper. <Tan,ado#s dead.< After a moment of 'onf sed astonishment% the imp(i'ations hit )abba (i,e a b ((et to the g t. The h ge Sys/Se' (oo,ed (i,e he was abo t to 'r mb(e. <Dead= B t then... that means... we 'an#t...< <That means we#(( need a new p(an%< Fontaine said matter/of/fa't(y. )abba#s eyes were sti(( g(a8ed with sho', when someone in the ba', of the room began sho ting wi(d(y. <)abba9 )abba9< It was Soshi H ta% his head te'hie. She 'ame r nning toward the podi m trai(ing a (ong printo t. She (oo,ed terrified. <)abba9< She gasped. <The worm... I > st fo nd o t what it#s programmed to do9< Soshi thr st the paper into )abba#s hands. <I p ((ed this from the system/a'ti0ity probe9 -e iso(ated the worm#s e&e' te 'ommands//ha0e a (oo, at the programming9 Loo, what it#s p(anning to do9< Da8ed% the 'hief Sys/Se' read the printo t. Then he grabbed the handrai( for s pport. <Oh% )es s%< )abba gasped. <Tan,ado... yo bastard9<

:;A$TER 556

)abba stared b(an,(y at the printo t Soshi had > st handed him. $a(e% he wiped his forehead on his s(ee0e. <Dire'tor% we ha0e no 'hoi'e. -e#0e got to ,i(( power to the databan,.<

<1na''eptab(e%< Fontaine rep(ied. <The res (ts wo (d be de0astating.< )abba ,new the dire'tor was right. There were o0er three tho sand ISD* 'onne'tions tying into the *SA databan, from a(( o0er the wor(d. E0ery day mi(itary 'ommanders a''essed p/to/the/instant sate((ite photos of enemy mo0ement. Lo',heed engineers down(oaded 'ompartmenta(i8ed b( eprints of new weaponry. Fie(d operati0es a''essed mission pdates. The *SA databan, was the ba',bone of tho sands of 1.S. go0ernment operations. Sh tting it down witho t warning wo (d 'a se (ife/and/death inte((igen'e b(a',o ts a(( o0er the g(obe. <I#m aware of the imp(i'ations% sir%< )abba said% <b t we ha0e no 'hoi'e.< <E&p(ain yo rse(f%< Fontaine ordered. ;e shot a . i', g(an'e at S san standing beside him on the podi m. She seemed mi(es away. )abba too, a deep breath and wiped his brow again. From the (oo, on his fa'e% it was '(ear to the gro p on the podi m that they were not going to (i,e what he had to say. <This worm%< )abba began. <This worm is not an ordinary degenerati0e 'y'(e. It#s a se(e'ti0e 'y'(e. In other words% it#s a worm with taste.< Brin,erhoff opened his mo th to spea,% b t Fontaine wa0ed him off. <"ost destr 'ti0e app(i'ations wipe a databan, '(ean% <)abba 'ontin ed% <b t this one is more 'omp(e&. It de(etes on(y those fi(es that fa(( within 'ertain parameters.< <+o mean it won#t atta', the who(e databan,=< Brin,erhoff as,ed hopef ((y. <That#s good% right=< <*o9< )abba e&p(oded. <It#s bad9 It#s 0ery f ',ing bad9< <:oo( it9< Fontaine ordered. <-hat parameters is this worm (oo,ing for= "i(itary= :o0ert ops=< )abba shoo, his head. ;e eyed S san% who was sti(( distant% and then )abba#s eyes rose to meet the dire'tor#s. <Sir% as yo ,now% anyone who wants to tie into this databan, from the o tside has to pass a series of se' rity gates before they#re admitted.< Fontaine nodded. The databan,#s a''ess hierar'hies were bri((iant(y 'on'ei0ed7 a thori8ed personne( 'o (d dia( in 0ia the Internet and -or(d -ide -eb. Depending on their a thori8ation se. en'e% they were permitted a''ess to their own 'ompartmenta(i8ed 8ones. <Be'a se we#re tied to the g(oba( Internet% <)abba e&p(ained% <ha',ers% foreign go0ernments% and EFF shar,s 'ir'(e this databan, twenty/fo r ho rs a day and try to brea, in.< <+es%< Fontaine said% <and twenty/fo r ho rs a day% o r se' rity fi(ters ,eep them o t. -hat#s yo r point=< )abba ga8ed down at the printo t. <"y point is this. Tan,ado#s worm is not targeting o r data.< ;e '(eared his throat. <It#s targeting o r se' rity fi(ters.< Fontaine b(an'hed. Apparent(y he nderstood the imp(i'ations//this worm was targeting the fi(ters that ,ept the *SA databan, 'onfidentia(. -itho t fi(ters% a(( of the information in the databan, wo (d be'ome a''essib(e to e0eryone on the o tside. <-e need to sh t down%< )abba repeated. <In abo t an ho r% e0ery third grader with a modem is going to ha0e top 1.S. se' rity '(earan'e.< Fontaine stood a (ong moment witho t saying a word.

)abba waited impatient(y and fina((y t rned to Soshi. <Soshi9 4R9 *O-9< Soshi dashed off. )abba re(ied on 4R often. In most 'omp ter 'ir'(es% 4R meant <0irt a( rea(ity%< b t at the *SA it meant 0is/rep//0is a( representation. In a wor(d f (( of te'hni'ians and po(iti'ians a(( ha0ing different (e0e(s of te'hni'a( nderstanding% a graphi' representation was often the on(y way to ma,e a point7 a sing(e p( mmeting graph s a((y aro sed ten times the rea'tion inspired by 0o( mes of spreadsheets. )abba ,new a 4R of the ' rrent 'risis wo (d ma,e its point instant(y. <4R9< Soshi ye((ed from a termina( at the ba', of the room. A 'omp ter/generated diagram f(ashed to (ife on the wa(( before them. S san ga8ed p absent(y% deta'hed from the madness aro nd her. E0eryone in the room fo((owed )abba#s ga8e to the s'reen. The diagram before them resemb(ed a b ((#s/eye. In the 'enter was a red 'ir'(e mar,ed data. Aro nd the 'enter were fi0e 'on'entri' 'ir'(es of differing thi',ness and 'o(or. The o termost 'ir'(e was faded% a(most transparent. <-e#0e got a fi0e/tier (e0e( of defense%< )abba e&p(ained. <A primary Bastion ;ost% two sets of pa',et fi(ters for FT$ and \/e(e0en% a t nne( b(o',% and fina((y a $E"/based a thori8ation window right off the Tr ff(e pro>e't. The o tside shie(d that#s disappearing represents the e&posed host. It#s pra'ti'a((y gone. -ithin the ho r% a(( fi0e shie(ds wi(( fo((ow. After that% the wor(d po rs in. E0ery byte of *SA data be'omes p b(i' domain.< Fontaine st died the 4R% his eyes smo(dering. Brin,erhoff (et o t a wea, whimper. <This worm 'an open o r databan, to the wor(d=< <:hi(d#s p(ay for Tan,ado%< )abba snapped. <Ga nt(et was o r fai(/safe. Strathmore b(ew it.< <It#s an a't of war%< Fontaine whispered% an edge in his 0oi'e. )abba shoo, his head. <I rea((y do bt Tan,ado e0er meant for it to go this far. I s spe't he intended to be aro nd to stop it.< Fontaine ga8ed p at the s'reen and wat'hed the first of the fi0e wa((s disappear entire(y. <Bastion ;ost is toast9< a te'hni'ian ye((ed from the ba', of the room. <Se'ond shie(d#s e&posed9< <-e#0e got to start sh tting down%< )abba rged. <From the (oo,s of the 4R% we#0e got abo t forty/fi0e min tes. Sh tdown is a 'omp(e& pro'ess.< It was tr e. The *SA databan, had been 'onstr 'ted in s 'h a way as to ens re it wo (d ne0er (ose power//a''identa((y or if atta',ed. " (tip(e fai(/safes for phone and power were b ried in reinfor'ed stee( 'anisters deep ndergro nd% and in addition to the feeds from within the *SA 'omp(e&% there were m (tip(e ba', ps off main p b(i' grids. Sh tting down in0o(0ed a 'omp(e& series of 'onfirmations and proto'o(s//signifi'ant(y more 'omp(i'ated than the a0erage n '(ear s bmarine missi(e (a n'h. <-e ha0e time%< )abba said% <if we h rry. "an a( sh tdown sho (d ta,e abo t thirty min tes.< Fontaine 'ontin ed staring p at the 4R% apparent(y pondering his options. <Dire'tor9< )abba e&p(oded. <-hen these firewa((s fa((% e0ery ser on the p(anet wi(( be iss ed top/ se' rity '(earan'e9 And I#m ta(,ing pper (e0e(9 Re'ords of 'o0ert ops9 O0erseas agents9 *ames and (o'ations of e0eryone in the federa( witness prote'tion program9 La n'h 'ode 'onfirmations9 -e m st

sh t down9 *ow9< The dire'tor seemed nmo0ed. <There m st be some other way.< <+es%< )abba spat% <there is9 The ,i((/'ode9 B t the on(y g y who ,nows it happens to be dead9< <;ow abo t br te for'e=< Brin,erhoff b( rted. <:an we g ess the ,i((/'ode=< )abba threw p his arms. <For :hrist sa,e9 Hi((/'odes are (i,e en'ryption ,eys//random9 Impossib(e to g ess9 If yo thin, yo 'an type A66 tri((ion entries in the ne&t forty/fi0e min tes% be my g est9< <The ,i((/'ode#s in Spain%< S san offered wea,(y. E0eryone on the podi m t rned. It was the first thing she had said in a (ong time. S san (oo,ed p% b(eary/eyed. <Tan,ado ga0e it away when he died.< E0eryone (oo,ed (ost. <The pass/,ey...< S san shi0ered as she spo,e. <:ommander Strathmore sent someone to find it.< <And=< )abba demanded. <Did Strathmore#s man find it=< S san tried to fight it% b t the tears began to f(ow. <+es%< she 'ho,ed. <I thin, so.<

:;A$TER 555

An earsp(itting ye(( ' t thro gh the 'ontro( room. <Shar,s9< It was Soshi. )abba sp n toward the 4R. Two thin (ines had appeared o tside the 'on'entri' 'ir'(es. They (oo,ed (i,e sperm trying to brea'h a re( 'tant egg. <B(ood#s in the water% fo(,s9< )abba t rned ba', to the dire'tor. <I need a de'ision. Either we start sh tting down% or we#(( ne0er ma,e it. As soon as these two intr ders see the Bastion ;ost is down% they#(( send p a war 'ry.< Fontaine did not respond. ;e was deep in tho ght. S san F(et'her#s news of the pass/,ey in Spain seemed promising to him. ;e shot a g(an'e toward S san in the ba', of the room. She appeared to be in her own wor(d% 'o((apsed in a 'hair% her head b ried in her hands. Fontaine was ns re e&a't(y what had triggered the rea'tion% b t whate0er it was% he had no time for it now. <I need a de'ision9< )abba demanded. <*ow9< Fontaine (oo,ed p. ;e spo,e 'a(m(y. <O,ay% yo #0e got one. -e are not sh tting down. -e#re going to wait.< )abba#s >aw dropped. <-hat= B t that#s//< <A gamb(e%< Fontaine interr pted. <A gamb(e we > st might win.< ;e too, )abba#s 'e(( (ar and p n'hed a few ,eys. <"idge%< he said. <It#s Le(and Fontaine. Listen 'aref ((y....<

:hapter 55@

<+o better ,now what the he(( yo #re doing% Dire'tor%< )abba hissed. <-e#re abo t to (ose sh t/down 'apabi(ity.< Fontaine did not respond. As if on ' e% the door at the ba', of the 'ontro( room opened% and "idge 'ame dashing in. She arri0ed breath(ess at the podi m. <Dire'tor9 The swit'hboard is pat'hing it thro gh right now9< Fontaine t rned e&pe'tant(y toward the s'reen on the front wa((. Fifteen se'onds (ater the s'reen 'ra',(ed to (ife. The image on s'reen was snowy and sti(ted at first% and grad a((y grew sharper. It was a G i',Time digita( transmission//on(y fi0e frames per se'ond. The image re0ea(ed two men. One was pa(e with a b 88 ' t% the other a b(ond a((/Ameri'an. They were seated fa'ing the 'amera (i,e two news'asters waiting to go on the air. <-hat the he(( is this=< )abba demanded. <Sit tight%< Fontaine ordered. The men appeared to be inside a 0an of some sort. E(e'troni' 'ab(ing h ng a(( aro nd them. The a dio 'onne'tion 'ra',(ed to (ife. S dden(y there was ba',gro nd noise. <Inbo nd a dio%< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed from behind them. <Fi0e se'onds ti(( two/way.< <-ho are they=< Brin,erhoff as,ed% neasi(y. <Eye in the s,y%< Fontaine rep(ied% ga8ing p at the two men he had sent to Spain. It had been a ne'essary pre'a tion. Fontaine had be(ie0ed in a(most e0ery aspe't of Strathmore#s p(an//the regrettab(e b t ne'essary remo0a( of Ensei Tan,ado% rewriting Digita( Fortress//it was a(( so(id. B t there was one thing that made Fontaine ner0o s! the se of ; (ohot. ; (ohot was s,i((ed% b t he was a mer'enary. -as he tr stworthy= -o (d he ta,e the pass/,ey for himse(f= Fontaine wanted ; (ohot 'o0ered% > st in'ase% and he had ta,en the re. isite meas res.

:;A$TER 55B

<Abso( te(y not9< The man with the b 88 ' t ye((ed into the 'amera. <-e ha0e orders9 -e report to Dire'tor Le(and Fontaine and Le(and Fontaine on(y9< Fontaine (oo,ed mi(d(y am sed. <+o don#t ,now who I am% do yo =< <Doesn#t matter% does it=< the b(ond fired hot(y. <Let me e&p(ain%< Fontaine inter>e'ted. <Let me e&p(ain something right now.< Se'onds (ater% the two men were red/fa'ed% spi((ing their g ts to the dire'tor of the *ationa( Se' rity Agen'y. <D/dire'tor%< the b(ond stammered% <I#m Agent :o(iander. This is Agent Smith.<

<Fine%< Fontaine said. <) st brief s.< ??? At the ba', of the room% S san F(et'her sat and fo ght the s ffo'ating (one(iness that pressed down aro nd her. Eyes '(osed% and ears ringing% she wept. ;er body had gone n mb. The mayhem in the 'ontro( room faded to a d (( m rm r. The gathering on the podi m (istened% rest(ess% as Agent Smith began his briefing. <On yo r orders% Dire'tor%< Smith began% <we#0e been here in Se0i((e for two days% trai(ing "r. Ensei Tan,ado.< <Te(( me abo t the ,i((%< Fontaine said impatient(y. Smith nodded. <-e obser0ed from inside the 0an at abo t fifty meters. The ,i(( was smooth. ; (ohot was ob0io s(y a pro. B t afterward his dire'ti0e went awry. :ompany arri0ed. ; (ohot ne0er got the item.< Fontaine nodded. The agents had 'onta'ted him in So th Ameri'a with news that something had gone wrong% so Fontaine had ' t his trip short. :o(iander too, o0er. <-e stayed with ; (ohot as yo ordered. B t he ne0er made a mo0e for the morg e. Instead% he pi',ed p the trai( of some other g y. Loo,ed pri0ate. :oat and tie.< <$ri0ate=< Fontaine m sed. It so nded (i,e a Strathmore p(ay//wise(y ,eeping the *SA o t of it. <FT$ fi(ters fai(ing9< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed o t. <-e need the item%< Fontaine pressed. <-here is ; (ohot now=< Smith (oo,ed o0er his sho (der. <-e((... he#s with s% sir.< Fontaine e&ha(ed. <-here=< It was the best new she#d heard a(( day. Smith rea'hed toward the (ens to ma,e an ad> stment. The 'amera swept a'ross the inside of the 0an to re0ea( two (imp bodies propped against the ba', wa((. Both were motion(ess. One was a (arge man with twisted wire/rim g(asses. The other was yo ng with a sho', of dar, hair and a b(oody shirt. <; (ohot#s the one on the (eft%< Smith offered. <; (ohot#s dead=< the dire'tor demanded. <+es% sir.< Fontaine ,new there wo (d be time for e&p(anations (ater. ;e g(an'ed p at the thinning shie(ds. <Agent Smith%< he said s(ow(y and '(ear(y. <The item. I need it.< Smith (oo,ed sheepish. <Sir% we sti(( ha0e no idea what the item is. -e#re on a need/to/,now.<

:;A$TER 55M

<Then (oo, again9< Fontaine de'(ared.

The dire'tor wat'hed in dismay as the sti(ted image of the agents sear'hed the two (imp bodies in the 0an for a (ist of random n mbers and (etters. )abba was pa(e. <Oh my God% they 'an#t find it. -e#re dead9< <Losing FT$ fi(ters9< a 0oi'e ye((ed. <Third shie(d#s e&posed9< There was a new f( rry of a'ti0ity. On the front s'reen% the agent with the b 88 ' t he(d o t his arms in defeat. <Sir% the pass/,ey isn#t here. -e#0e sear'hed both men. $o',ets. :(othing. -a((ets. *o sign at a((. ; (ohot was wearing a "ono'(e 'omp ter% and we#0e 'he',ed that too. It doesn#t (oo, (i,e he e0er transmitted anything remote(y resemb(ing random 'hara'ters//on(y a (ist of ,i((s.< <Dammit9< Fontaine seethed% s dden(y (osing his 'oo(. <It#s got to be there9 Heep (oo,ing9< )abba had apparent(y seen eno gh//Fontaine had gamb(ed and (ost. )abba too, o0er. The h ge Sys/Se' des'ended from his p (pit (i,e a storm off a mo ntain. ;e swept thro gh his army of programmers 'a((ing o t 'ommands. <A''ess a &i(iary ,i((s9 Start sh tting it down9 Do it now9< <-e#(( ne0er ma,e it9< Soshi ye((ed. <-e need a ha(f ho r9 By the time we sh t down% it wi(( be too (ate9< )abba opened his mo th to rep(y% b t he was ' t short by a s'ream of agony from the ba', of the room. E0eryone t rned. Li,e an apparition% S san F(et'her rose from her 'ro 'hed position in the rear of the 'hamber. ;er fa'e was white% her eyes transfi&ed on the free8e/frame of Da0id Be',er% motion(ess and b(oody% propped p on the f(oor of the 0an. <+o ,i((ed him9< she s'reamed. <+o ,i((ed him9< She st mb(ed toward the image and rea'hed o t. <Da0id...< E0eryone (oo,ed p in 'onf sion. S san ad0an'ed% sti(( 'a((ing% her eyes ne0er (ea0ing the pro>e'tion of Da0id#s body. <Da0id.< She gasped% staggering forward. <Oh% Da0id... how 'o (d they//< Fontaine seemed (ost. <+o ,now this man=< S san swayed nsteadi(y as she passed the podi m. She stopped a few feet in front of the enormo s pro>e'tion and stared p% bewi(dered and n mb% 'a((ing o0er and o0er to the man she (o0ed.

:;A$TER 55C

The emptiness in Da0id Be',er#s mind was abso( te. I am dead. And yet there was a so nd. A distant 0oi'e... <Da0id.< There was a di88ying b rning beneath his arm. ;is b(ood was fi((ed with fire. "y body is not my own. And yet there was a 0oi'e% 'a((ing to him. It was thin% distant. B t it was part of him. There were other 0oi'es too// nfami(iar% nimportant. :a((ing o t. ;e fo ght to b(o', them o t. There was on(y one 0oi'e that mattered. It faded in and o t. <Da0id... I#m sorry...< There was a mott(ed (ight. Faint at first% a sing(e s(it of grayness. Growing. Be',er tried to mo0e. $ain. ;e

tried to spea,. Si(en'e. The 0oi'e ,ept 'a((ing. Someone was near him% (ifting him. Be',er mo0ed toward the 0oi'e. Or was he being mo0ed= It was 'a((ing. ;e ga8ed absent(y at the i(( minated image. ;e 'o (d see her on a sma(( s'reen. It was a woman% staring p at him from another wor(d. Is she wat'hing me die= <Da0id...< The 0oi'e was fami(iar. She was an ange(. She had 'ome for him. The ange( spo,e. <Da0id% I (o0e yo .< S dden(y he ,new. ??? S san rea'hed o t toward the s'reen% 'rying% (a ghing% (ost in a torrent of emotions. She wiped fier'e(y at her tears. <Da0id% I//I tho ght...< Fie(d Agent Smith eased Da0id Be',er into the seat fa'ing the monitor. <;e#s a (itt(e woo8y% ma#am. Gi0e him a se'ond.< <B/b t%< S san was stammering% <I saw a transmission. It said...< Smith nodded. <-e saw it too. ; (ohot 'o nted his 'hi',ens a (itt(e ear(y.< <B t the b(ood...< <F(esh wo nd%< Smith rep(ied. <-e s(apped a ga 8e on it.< S san 'o (dn#t spea,. Agent :o(iander piped in from off 'amera. <-e hit him with the new )@B//(ong/a'ting st n g n. $robab(y h rt (i,e he((% b t we got him off the street.< <Don#t worry% ma#am%< Smith ass red. <;e#(( be fine.< Da0id Be',er stared at the T4 monitor in front of him. ;e was disoriented% (ight/headed. The image on the s'reen was of a room//a room fi((ed with 'haos. S san was there. She was standing on an open pat'h of f(oor% ga8ing p at him. She was 'rying and (a ghing. <Da0id. Than, God9 I tho ght I had (ost yo 9< ;e r bbed his temp(e. ;e mo0ed in front of the s'reen and p ((ed the goosene', mi'rophone toward his mo th. <S san=< S san ga8ed p in wonder. Da0id#s r gged feat res now fi((ed the entire wa(( before her. ;is 0oi'e boomed. <S san% I need to as, yo something.< The resonan'e and 0o( me of Be',er#s 0oi'e seemed to momentari(y s spend the a'tion in the databan,. E0eryone stopped midstride and t rned. <S san F(et'her%< the 0oi'e resonated% <wi(( yo marry me=< A h sh spread a'ross the room. A '(ipboard '(attered to the f(oor a(ong with a m g of pen'i(s. *o one bent to pi', them p. There was on(y the faint h m of the termina( fans and the so nd of Da0id Be',er#s steady breathing in his mi'rophone.

<D/Da0id...< S san stammered% naware that thirty/se0en peop(e stood ri0eted behind her. <+o a(ready as,ed me% remember= Fi0e months ago. I said yes.< <I ,now.< ;e smi(ed. <B t this time<//he e&tended his (eft hand into the 'amera and disp(ayed a go(den band on his fo rth finger//<this time I ha0e a ring.<

:;A$TER 55A

<Read it% "r. Be',er9< Fontaine ordered. )abba sat sweating% hands poised o0er his ,eyboard. <+es%< he said% <read the b(essed ins'ription9< S san F(et'her stood with them% wea,/,need and ag(ow. E0eryone in the room had stopped what they were doing and stared p at the enormo s pro>e'tion of Da0id Be',er. The professor twisted the ring in his fingers and st died the engra0ing. <And read 'aref ((y9< )abba 'ommanded. <One typo% and we#re s'rewed9< Fontaine ga0e )abba a harsh (oo,. If there was one thing the dire'tor of the *SA ,new abo t% it was press re sit ations7 'reating additiona( tension was ne0er wise. <Re(a&% "r. Be',er. If we ma,e a mista,e% we#(( reenter the 'ode ti(( we get it right.< <Bad ad0i'e% "r. Be',er%< )abba snapped. <Get it right the first time. Hi((/'odes s a((y ha0e a pena(ty '(a se//to pre0ent tria(/and/error g essing. "a,e an in'orre't entry% and the 'y'(e wi(( probab(y a''e(erate. "a,e two in'orre't entries% and it wi(( (o', s o t permanent(y. Game o0er.< The dire'tor frowned and t rned ba', to the s'reen. <"r. Be',er= "y mista,e. Read 'aref ((y//read e&treme(y 'aref ((y.< Be',er nodded and st died the ring for a moment. Then he 'a(m(y began re'iting the ins'ription. <G... 1... I... S... spa'e... :...< )abba and S san interr pted in nison. <Spa'e=< )abba stopped typing. <There#s a spa'e=< Be',er shr gged% 'he',ing the ring. <+eah. There#s a b n'h of them.< <Am I missing something=< Fontaine demanded. <-hat are we waiting for=< <Sir%< S san said% apparent(y p 88(ed. <It#s... it#s > st...< <I agree%< )abba said. <It#s strange. $asswords ne0er ha0e spa'es.< Brin,erhoff swa((owed hard. <So% what are yo saying=< <;e#s saying%< S san inter>e'ted% <that this may not be a ,i((/'ode.< Brin,erhoff 'ried o t% <Of 'o rse it#s the ,i((/'ode9 -hat e(se 'o (d it be= -hy e(se wo (d Tan,ado gi0e it away= -ho the he(( ins'ribes a b n'h of random (etters on a ring=< Fontaine si(en'ed Brin,erhoff with a sharp g(are. <Ah... fo(,s=< Be',er inter>e'ted% appearing hesitant to get in0o(0ed. <+o ,eep mentioning random

(etters. I thin, I sho (d (et yo ,now... the (etters on this ring aren#t random.< E0eryone on the podi m b( rted in nison. <-hat9< Be',er (oo,ed neasy. <Sorry% b t there are definite(y words here. I#(( admit they#re ins'ribed pretty '(ose together7 at first g(an'e it appears random% b t if yo (oo, '(ose(y yo #(( see the ins'ription is a't a((y... we((... it#s Latin.< )abba gaped. <+o #re shitting me9< Be',er shoo, his head. <*o. It reads% #G is ' stodiet ipsos ' stodes.# It trans(ates ro gh(y to//< <-ho wi(( g ard the g ards9< S san interr pted% finishing Da0id#s senten'e. Be',er did a do b(e/ta,e. <S san% I didn#t ,now yo 'o (d//< <It#s from Satires of ) 0ena(%< she e&'(aimed. <-ho wi(( g ard the g ards= -ho wi(( g ard the *SA whi(e we g ard the wor(d= It was Tan,ado#s fa0orite saying9< <So%< "idge demanded% <is it the pass/,ey% or not=< <It m st be the pass/,ey%< Brin,erhoff de'(ared. Fontaine stood si(ent% apparent(y pro'essing the information. <I don#t ,now if it#s the ,ey%< )abba said. <It seems n(i,e(y to me that Tan,ado wo (d se a nonrandom 'onstr 'tion.< <) st omit the spa'es%< Brin,erhoff 'ried% <and type the damn 'ode9< Fontaine t rned to S san. <-hat#s yo r ta,e% "s. F(et'her=< She tho ght a moment. She 'o (dn#t . ite p t her finger on it% b t something didn#t fee( right. S san ,new Tan,ado we(( eno gh to ,now he thri0ed on simp(i'ity. ;is proofs and programming were a(ways 'rysta((ine and abso( te. The fa't that the spa'es needed to be remo0ed seemed odd. It was a minor detai(% b t it was a f(aw% definite(y not '(ean//not what S san wo (d ha0e e&pe'ted as Ensei Tan,ado#s 'rowning b(ow. <It doesn#t fee( right%< S san fina((y said. <I don#t thin, it#s the ,ey.< Fontaine s ',ed in a (ong breath% his dar, eyes probing hers. <"s. F(et'her% in yo r mind% if this is not the ,ey% why wo (d Ensei Tan,ado ha0e gi0en it away= If he ,new we#d m rdered him//don#t yo ass me he#d want to p nish s by ma,ing the ring disappear=< A new 0oi'e interr pted the dia(og e. <Ah... Dire'tor=< A(( eyes t rned to the s'reen. It was Agent :o(iander in Se0i((e. ;e was (eaning o0er Be',er#s sho (der and spea,ing into the mi'. <For whate0er it#s worth% I#m not so s re "r. Tan,ado ,new he was being m rdered.< <I beg yo r pardon=< Fontaine demanded. <; (ohot was a pro% sir. -e saw the ,i((//on(y fifty meters away. A(( e0iden'e s ggests Tan,ado was naware.< <E0iden'e=< Brin,erhoff demanded. <-hat e0iden'e= Tan,ado ga0e away this ring. That#s proof

eno gh9< <Agent Smith%< Fontaine interr pted. <-hat ma,es yo thin, Ensei Tan,ado was naware he was being ,i((ed=< Smith '(eared his throat. <; (ohot ,i((ed him with an *TB//a nonin0asi0e tra ma b ((et. It#s a r bber pod that stri,es the 'hest and spreads o t. Si(ent. 4ery '(ean. "r. Tan,ado wo (d on(y ha0e fe(t a sharp th mp before going into 'ardia' arrest.< <A tra ma b ((et%< Be',er m sed to himse(f. <That e&p(ains the br ising.< <It#s do btf (%< Smith added% <that Tan,ado asso'iated the sensation with a g nman.< <And yet he ga0e away his ring%< Fontaine stated. <Tr e% sir. B t he ne0er (oo,ed for his assai(ant. A 0i'tim a(ways (oo,s for his assai(ant when he#s been shot. It#s instin't.< Fontaine p 88(ed. <And yo #re saying Tan,ado didn#t (oo, for ; (ohot=< <*o% sir. -e ha0e it on fi(m if yo #d (i,e//< <\/e(e0en fi(ter#s going9< a te'hni'ian ye((ed. <The worm#s ha(fway there9< <Forget the fi(m%< Brin,erhoff de'(ared. <Type in the damn ,i((/'ode and finish this9< )abba sighed% s dden(y the 'oo( one. <Dire'tor% if we enter the wrong 'ode...< <+es%< S san interr pted% <if Tan,ado didn#t s spe't we ,i((ed him% we#0e got some . estions to answer.< <-hat#s o r time frame% )abba=< Fontaine demanded. )abba (oo,ed p at the 4R. <Abo t twenty min tes. I s ggest we se the time wise(y.< Fontaine was si(ent a (ong moment. Then sighed hea0i(y. <A(( right. R n the fi(m.<

:;A$TER 55F

<Transmitting 0ideo in ten se'onds%< Agent Smith#s 0oi'e 'ra',(ed. <-e#re dropping e0ery other frame as we(( as a dio//we#(( r n as '(ose to rea( time as possib(e.< E0eryone on the podi m stood si(ent% wat'hing% waiting. )abba typed a few ,eys and rearranged the 0ideo wa((. Tan,ado#s message appeared on the far (eft! O*L+ T;E TR1T; -ILL SA4E +O1 *OOn the right of the wa(( was the stati' interior shot of the 0an with Be',er and the two agents h dd(ed aro nd the 'amera. In the 'enter% a f 88y frame appeared. It disso(0ed into stati' and then into a b(a', and white image of a par,. <Transmitting%< Agent Smith anno n'ed.

The shot (oo,ed (i,e an o(d mo0ie. It was sti(ted and >er,y//a by/prod 't of frame/dropping% a pro'ess that ha(0ed the amo nt of information sent and enab(ed faster transmission. The shot panned o t a'ross an enormo s 'on'o rse en'(osed on one end by a semi'ir' (ar fa'ade//the Se0i((e Ay ntamiento. There were trees in the foregro nd. The par, was empty. <\/e(e0en#s are down9< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed o t. <This bad boy#s h ngry9< Smith began to narrate. ;is 'ommentary had the deta'hment of a seasoned agent. <This is shot from the 0an%< he said% <abo t fifty meters from the ,i(( 8one. Tan,ado is approa'hing from the right. ; (ohot#s in the trees to the (eft.< <-e#0e got a time 'r n'h here%< Fontaine pressed. <Let#s get to the meat of it.< Agent :o(iander to 'hed a few b ttons% and the frame speed in'reased. E0eryone on the podi m wat'hed in anti'ipation as their former asso'iate% Ensei Tan,ado% 'ame into the frame. The a''e(erated 0ideo made the who(e image seem 'omi'. Tan,ado sh ff(ed >er,i(y o t onto the 'on'o rse% apparent(y ta,ing in the s'enery. ;e shie(ded his eyes and ga8ed p at the spires of the h ge fa'ade. <This is it%< Smith warned. <; (ohot#s a pro. ;e too, his first open shot.< Smith was right. There was a f(ash of (ight from behind the trees on the (eft of the s'reen. An instant (ater Tan,ado '( t'hed his 'hest. ;e staggered momentari(y. The 'amera 8oomed in on him% nstab(e//in and o t of fo' s. As the footage ro((ed in high speed% Smith 'o(d(y 'ontin ed his narration. <As yo 'an see% Tan,ado is instant(y in 'ardia' arrest.< S san fe(t i(( wat'hing the images. Tan,ado '( t'hed at his 'hest with 'ripp(ed hands% a 'onf sed (oo, of terror on his fa'e. <+o #(( noti'e%< Smith added% <his eyes are fo' sed downward% at himse(f. *ot on'e does he (oo, aro nd.< <And that#s important=< )abba ha(f stated% ha(f in. ired. <4ery%< Smith said. <If Tan,ado s spe'ted fo ( p(ay of any ,ind% he wo (d instin'ti0e(y sear'h the area. B t as yo 'an see% he does not.< On the s'reen% Tan,ado dropped to his ,nees% sti(( '( t'hing his 'hest. ;e ne0er on'e (oo,ed p. Ensei Tan,ado was a man a(one% dying a pri0ate% nat ra( death. <It#s odd%< Smith said% p 88(ed. <Tra ma pods s a((y won#t ,i(( this . i',(y. Sometimes% if the target#s big eno gh% they don#t ,i(( at a((.< <Bad heart%< Fontaine said f(at(y. Smith ar'hed his eyebrows% impressed. <Fine 'hoi'e of weapon% then.< S san wat'hed as Tan,ado topp(ed from his ,nees to his side and fina((y onto his ba',. ;e (ay% staring pward% grabbing at his 'hest. S dden(y the 'amera whee(ed away from him ba', toward the gro0e of trees. A man appeared. ;e was wearing wire/rim g(asses and 'arrying an o0ersi8e brief'ase. As he approa'hed the 'on'o rse and the writhing Tan,ado% his fingers began tapping in a strange si(ent dan'e on a me'hanism atta'hed to his hand.

<;e#s wor,ing his "ono'(e%< Smith anno n'ed. <Sending a message that Tan,ado is terminated.< Smith t rned to Be',er and 'h ',(ed. <Loo,s (i,e ; (ohot had a bad habit of transmitting ,i((s before his 0i'tim a't a((y e&pired.< :o(iander sped the fi(m p some more% and the 'amera fo((owed ; (ohot as he began mo0ing toward his 0i'tim. S dden(y an e(der(y man r shed o t of a nearby 'o rtyard% ran o0er to Tan,ado% and ,ne(t beside him. ; (ohot s(owed his approa'h. A moment (ater two more peop(e appeared from the 'o rtyard//an obese man and a red/haired woman. They a(so 'ame to Tan,ado#s side. <1nfort nate 'hoi'e of ,i(( 8one%< Smith said. <; (ohot tho ght he had the 0i'tim iso(ated.< On the s'reen% ; (ohot wat'hed for a moment and then shran, ba', into the trees% apparent(y to wait. <;ere 'omes the handoff%< Smith prompted. <-e didn#t noti'e it the first time aro nd.< S san ga8ed p at the si',ening image on the s'reen. Tan,ado was gasping for breath% apparent(y trying 'omm ni'ate something to the Samaritans ,nee(ing beside him. Then% in desperation% he thr st his (eft hand abo0e him% a(most hitting the o(d man in the fa'e. ;e he(d the 'ripp(ed appendage o tward before the o(d man#s eyes. The 'amera tightened on Tan,ado#s three deformed fingers% and on one of them% '(ear(y g(istening in the Spanish s n% was the go(den ring. Tan,ado thr st it o t again. The o(d man re'oi(ed. Tan,ado t rned to the woman. ;e he(d his three deformed fingers dire't(y in front of her fa'e% as if begging her to nderstand. The ring g(inted in the s n. The woman (oo,ed away. Tan,ado% now 'ho,ing% nab(e to ma,e a so nd% t rned to the obese man and tried one (ast time. The e(der(y man s dden(y stood and dashed off% pres mab(y to get he(p. Tan,ado seemed to be wea,ening% b t he was sti(( ho(ding the ring in the fat man#s fa'e. The fat man rea'hed o t and he(d the dying man#s wrist% s pporting it. Tan,ado seemed to ga8e pward at his own fingers% at his own ring% and then to the man#s eyes. As a fina( p(ea before death% Ensei Tan,ado ga0e the man an a(most imper'eptib(e nod% as if to say yes. Then Tan,ado fe(( (imp. <)es s.< )abba moaned. S dden(y the 'amera swept to where ; (ohot had been hiding. The assassin was gone. A po(i'e motor'y'(e appeared% tearing p A0enida Fire((i. The 'amera whee(ed ba', to where Tan,ado was (ying. The woman ,nee(ing beside him apparent(y heard the po(i'e sirens7 she g(an'ed aro nd ner0o s(y and then began p ((ing at her obese 'ompanion% begging him to (ea0e. The two h rried off. The 'amera tightened on Tan,ado% his hands fo(ded on his (ife(ess 'hest. The ring on his finger was gone.

:;A$TER 55K

<It#s proof%< Fontaine said de'ided(y. <Tan,ado d mped the ring. ;e wanted it as far from himse(f as possib(e//so we#d ne0er find it.< <B t% Dire'tor%< S san arg ed% <it doesn#t ma,e sense. If Tan,ado was naware he#d been m rdered% why wo (d he gi0e away the ,i(( 'ode=< <I agree%< )abba said. <The ,id#s a rebe(% b t he#s a rebe( with a 'ons'ien'e. Getting s to admit to TRA*SLTR is one thing7 re0ea(ing o r '(assified databan, is another.<

Fontaine stared% disbe(ie0ing. <+o thin, Tan,ado wanted to stop this worm= +o thin, his dying tho ghts were for the poor *SA=< <T nne(/b(o', 'orroding9< a te'hni'ian ye((ed. <F (( 0 (nerabi(ity in fifteen min tes% ma&im m9< <I#(( te(( yo what%< the dire'tor de'(ared% ta,ing 'ontro(. <In fifteen min tes% e0ery Third -or(d 'o ntry on the p(anet wi(( (earn how to b i(d an inter'ontinenta( ba((isti' missi(e. If someone in this room thin,s he#s got a better 'andidate for a ,i(( 'ode than this ring% I#m a(( ears.< The dire'tor waited. *o one spo,e. ;e ret rned his ga8e to )abba and (o',ed eyes. <Tan,ado d mped that ring for a reason% )abba. -hether he was trying to b ry it% or whether he tho ght the fat g y wo (d r n to a pay phone and 'a(( s with the information% I rea((y don#t 'are. B t I#0e made the de'ision. -e#re entering that . ote. *ow.< )abba too, a (ong breath. ;e ,new Fontaine was right//there was no better option. They were r nning o t of time. )abba sat. <O,ay... (et#s do it.< ;e p ((ed himse(f to the ,eyboard. <"r. Be',er= The ins'ription% p(ease. *i'e and easy.< Da0id Be',er read the ins'ription% and )abba typed. -hen they were done% they do b(e/'he',ed the spe((ing and omitted a(( the spa'es. On the 'enter pane( of the 0iew wa((% near the top% were the (etters! G1IS:1STODIETI$SOS:1STODES <I don#t (i,e it%< S san m ttered soft(y. <It#s not '(ean.< )abba hesitated% ho0ering o0er the E*TER ,ey. <Do it%< Fontaine 'ommanded. )abba hit the ,ey. Se'onds (ater the who(e room ,new it was a mista,e.

:;A$TER 55L

<It#s a''e(erating9< Soshi ye((ed from the ba', of the room. <It#s the wrong 'ode9< E0eryone stood in si(ent horror. On the s'reen before them was the error message! ILLEGAL E*TR+. *1"ERI: FIELD O*L+. <Damn it9< )abba s'reamed. <* meri' on(y9 -e#re (oo,ing for a goddamn n mber9 -e#re f ',ed9 This ring is shit9< <-orm#s at do b(e speed9< Soshi sho ted. <$ena(ty ro nd9< On the 'enter s'reen% right beneath the error message% the 4R painted a terrifying image. As the third firewa(( ga0e way% the ha(f/do8en or so b(a', (ines representing mara ding ha',ers s rged forward% ad0an'ing re(ent(ess(y toward the 'ore. -ith ea'h passing moment% a new (ine appeared. Then another. <They#re swarming9< Soshi ye((ed. <:onfirming o0erseas tie/ins9< 'ried another te'hni'ian. <-ord#s o t9<

S san a0erted her ga8e from the image of the 'o((apsing firewa((s and t rned to the side s'reen. The footage of Ensei Tan,ado#s ,i(( was on end(ess (oop. It was the same e0ery time//Tan,ado '( t'hing his 'hest% fa((ing% and with a (oo, of desperate pani'% for'ing his ring on a gro p of ns spe'ting to rists. It ma,es no sense% she tho ght. If he didn#t ,now we#d ,i((ed him... S san drew a tota( b(an,. It was too (ate. -e#0e missed something. On the 4R% the n mber of ha',ers po nding at the gates had do b(ed in the (ast few min tes. From now on% the n mber wo (d in'rease e&ponentia((y. ;a',ers% (i,e hyenas% were one big fami(y% a(ways eager to spread the word of a new ,i((. Le(and Fontaine had apparent(y seen eno gh. <Sh t it down%< he de'(ared. <Sh t the damn thing down.< )abba stared straight ahead (i,e the 'aptain of a sin,ing ship. <Too (ate% sir. -e#re going down.<

:;A$TER 5@6

The fo r/h ndred/po nd Sys/Se' stood motion(ess% hands resting atop his head in a free8e/frame of disbe(ief. ;e#d ordered a power sh tdown% b t it wo (d be a good twenty min tes too (ate. Shar,s with high/speed modems wo (d be ab(e to down(oad staggering . antities of '(assified information in that window. )abba was awa,ened from his nightmare by Soshi r shing to the podi m with a new printo t. <I#0e fo nd something% sir9< she said e&'ited(y. <Orphans in the so r'e9 A(pha gro pings. A(( o0er the p(a'e9< )abba was nmo0ed. <-e#re (oo,ing for a n meri'% dammit9 *ot an a(pha9 The ,i((/'ode is a n mber9< <B t we#0e got orphans9 Tan,ado#s too good to (ea0e orphans//espe'ia((y this many9< The term <orphans< referred to e&tra (ines of programming that didn#t ser0e the program#s ob>e'ti0e in any way. They fed nothing% referred to nothing% (ed nowhere% and were s a((y remo0ed as part of the fina( deb gging and 'ompi(ing pro'ess. )abba too, the printo t and st died it. Fontaine stood si(ent. S san peered o0er )abba#s sho (der at the printo t. <-e#re being atta',ed by a ro gh draft of Tan,ado#s worm=< <$o(ished or not%< )abba retorted% <it#s ,i',ing o r ass.< <I don#t b y it%< S san arg ed. <Tan,ado was a perfe'tionist. +o ,now that. There#s no way he (eft b gs in his program.< <There are (ots of them9< Soshi 'ried. She grabbed the printo t from )abba and p shed it in front of S san. <Loo,9< S san nodded. S re eno gh% after e0ery twenty or so (ines of programming% there were fo r free/f(oating 'hara'ters. S san s'anned them. $FEE

SES* RET" <Fo r/bit a(pha gro pings%< she p 88(ed. <They#re definite(y not part of the programming.< <Forget it%< )abba grow(ed. <+o #re grabbing at straws.< <"aybe not%< S san said. <A (ot of en'ryption ses fo r/bit gro pings. This 'o (d be a 'ode.< <+eah.< )abba groaned. <It says//#;a% ha. +o #re f ',ed.# < ;e (oo,ed p at the 4R. <In abo t nine min tes.< S san ignored )abba and (o',ed in on Soshi. <;ow many orphans are there=< Soshi shr gged. She 'ommandeered )abba#s termina( and typed a(( the gro pings. -hen she was done% she p shed ba', from the termina(. The room (oo,ed p at the s'reen. $FEE SES* RET" "F;A IR-E OOIG "EE* *R"A E*ET S;AS D:*S IIAA IEER BR*H FBLE LODI S san was the on(y one smi(ing. <S re (oo,s fami(iar%< she said. <B(o',s of fo r//> st (i,e Enigma.< The dire'tor nodded. Enigma was history#s most famo s 'ode/writing ma'hine//the *a8is# twe(0e/ton en'ryption beast. It had en'rypted in b(o',s of fo r. <Great.< ;e moaned. <+o wo (dn#t happen to ha0e one (ying aro nd% wo (d yo =< <That#s not the point9< S san said% s dden(y 'oming to (ife. This was her spe'ia(ty. <The point is that this is a 'ode. Tan,ado (eft s a '( e9 ;e#s ta nting s% daring s to fig re o t the pass/,ey in time. ;e#s (aying hints > st o t of o r rea'h9< <Abs rd%< )abba snapped. <Tan,ado ga0e s on(y one o t//re0ea(ing TRA*SLTR. That was it. That was o r es'ape. -e b(ew it.< <I ha0e to agree with him%< Fontaine said. <I do bt there#s any way Tan,ado wo (d ris, (etting s off the hoo, by hinting at his ,i((/'ode.< S san nodded 0ag e(y% b t she re'a((ed how Tan,ado had gi0en them *DAHOTA. She stared p at the (etters wondering if he were p(aying another one of his games. <T nne( b(o', ha(f gone9< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed. On the 4R% the mass of b(a', tie/in (ines s rged deeper into the two remaining shie(ds. Da0id had been sitting . iet(y% wat'hing the drama nfo(d on the monitor before them. <S san=< he offered. <I ha0e an idea. Is that te&t in si&teen gro pings of fo r=< <Oh% for :hrist#s sa,e%< )abba said nder his breath. <*ow e0eryone wants to p(ay=< S san ignored )abba and 'o nted the gro pings. <+es. Si&teen.< <Ta,e o t the spa'es%< Be',er said firm(y. <Da0id%< S san rep(ied% s(ight(y embarrassed. <I don#t thin, yo nderstand. The gro pings of fo r are//<

<Ta,e o t the spa'es%< he repeated. S san hesitated a moment and then nodded to Soshi. Soshi . i',(y remo0ed the spa'es. The res (t was no more en(ightening. $FEESES*RET"$F;AIR-EOOIG"EE**R"AE*ETS;ASD:*SIIAAIEERBR*HFBLELODI )abba e&p(oded. <E*O1G;9 $(aytime#s o0er9 This thing#s on do b(e/speed9 -e#0e got abo t eight min tes here9 -e#re (oo,ing for a n mber% not a b n'h of ha(f/ba,ed (etters9< <Fo r by si&teen%< Da0id said 'a(m(y. <Do the math% S san.< S san eyed Da0id#s image on the s'reen. Do the math= ;e#s terrib(e at math9 She ,new Da0id 'o (d memori8e 0erb 'on> gations and 0o'ab (ary (i,e a \ero& ma'hine% b t math...= <" (tip(i'ation tab(es%< Be',er said. " (tip(i'ation tab(es% S san wondered. -hat is he ta(,ing abo t= <Fo r by si&teen%< the professor repeated. <I had to memori8e m (tip(i'ation tab(es in fo rth grade.< S san pi't red the standard grade s'hoo( m (tip(i'ation tab(e. Fo r by si&teen. <Si&ty/fo r%< she said b(an,(y. <So what=< Da0id (eaned toward the 'amera. ;is fa'e fi((ed the frame. <Si&ty/fo r (etters...< S san nodded. <+es% b t they#re//< S san fro8e. <Si&ty/fo r (etters%< Da0id repeated. S san gasped. <Oh my God9 Da0id% yo #re a geni s9<

:;A$TER 5@5

<Se0en min tes9< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed o t. <Eight rows of eight9< S san sho ted% e&'ited. Soshi typed. Fontaine (oo,ed on si(ent(y. The se'ond to (astshie(d was growing thin. <Si&ty/fo r (etters9< S san was in 'ontro(. <It#s a perfe't s. are9< <$erfe't s. are=< )abba demanded. <So what=< Ten se'onds (ater Soshi had rearranged the seeming(y random(etters on the s'reen. They were now in eight rows of eight. )abbast died the (etters and threw p his hands in despair. The new(ayo t was no more re0ea(ing than the origina(. $FEESES* RET"$F;A

IR-EOOIG "EE**R"A E*ETS;AS D:*SIIAA IEERBR*H FBLELODI <:(ear as shit.< )abba groaned. <"s. F(et'her%< Fontaine demanded% <e&p(ain yo rse(f.< A(( eyes t rned to S san. S san was staring p at the b(o', of te&t. Grad a((y she began nodding% then bro,e into a wide smi(e. <Da0id% I#(( be damned9< E0eryone on the podi m e&'hanged baff(ed (oo,s. Da0id win,ed at the tiny image of S san F(et'her on the s'reen before him. <Si&ty/fo r (etters. ) (i s :aesar stri,es again.< "idge (oo,ed (ost. <-hat are yo ta(,ing abo t=< <:aesar bo&.< S san beamed. <Read top to bottom. Tan,ado#s sending s a message.<

:;A$TER 5@@

<Si& min tes9< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed o t. S san sho ted orders. <Retype top to bottom9 Read down% not a'ross9< Soshi f rio s(y mo0ed down the 'o( mns% retyping the te&t. <) (i s :aesar sent 'odes this way9< S san b( rted. <;is (etter 'o nt was a(ways a perfe't s. are9< <Done9< Soshi ye((ed. E0eryone (oo,ed p at the new(y arranged% sing(e (ine of te&t on the wa((/s'reen. <Sti(( garbage%< )abba s'offed in disg st. <Loo, at it. It#s tota((y random bits of//< The words (odged in his throat. ;is eyes widened to sa 'ers. <Oh... oh my...< Fontaine had seen it too. ;e ar'hed his eyebrows% ob0io s(y impressed. "idge and Brin,erhoff both 'ooed in nison. <;o(y... shit.< The si&ty/fo r (etters now read! $RI"EDIFFERE*:EBET-EE*ELE"E*TSRES$O*SIBLEFOR;IROS;I"AA*D*AGASAHI

<$ t in the spa'es%< S san ordered. <-e#0e got a p 88(e to so(0e.<

:;A$TER 5@B

An ashen te'hni'ian ran to the podi m. <T nne( b(o',#s abo t to go9< )abba t rned to the 4R ons'reen. The atta',ers s rged forward% on(y a whis,er away from their assa (t on the fifth and fina( wa((. The databan, was r nning o t of time. S san b(o',ed o t the 'haos aro nd her. She read Tan,ado#s bi8arre message o0er and o0er. $RI"E DIFFERE*:E BET-EE* ELE"E*TS RES$O*SIBLE FOR ;IROS;I"A A*D *AGASAHI <It#s not e0en a . estion9< Brin,erhoff 'ried. <;ow 'an it ha0e an answer=< <-e need a n mber%< )abba reminded. <The ,i((/'ode is n meri'.< <Si(en'e%< Fontaine said e0en(y. ;e t rned and addressed S san. <"s. F(et'her% yo #0e gotten s this far. I need yo r best g ess.< S san too, a deep breath. <The ,i((/'ode entry fie(d a''epts n meri's on(y. "y g ess is that this is some sort of '( e as to the 'orre't n mber. The te&t mentions ;iroshima and *agasa,i//the two 'ities that were hit by atomi' bombs. "aybe the ,i((/'ode is re(ated to the n mber of 'as a(ties% the estimated do((ars of damage...< She pa sed a moment% rereading the '( e. <The word #differen'e# seems important. The prime differen'e between *agasa,i and ;iroshima. Apparent(y Tan,ado fe(t the two in'idents differed somehow.< Fontaine#s e&pression did not 'hange. *onethe(ess% hope was fading fast. It seemed the po(iti'a( ba',drops s rro nding the two most de0astating b(asts in history needed to be ana(y8ed% 'ompared% and trans(ated into some magi' n mber... and a(( within the ne&t fi0e min tes.

:;A$TER 5@M

<Fina( shie(d nder atta',9< On the 4R% the $E" a thori8ation programming was now being 'ons med. B(a',% penetrating (ines eng (fed the fina( prote'ti0e shie(d and began for'ing their way toward its 'ore. $row(ing ha',ers were now appearing from a(( o0er the wor(d. The n mber was do b(ing a(most e0ery min te. Before (ong% anyone with a 'omp ter//foreign spies% radi'a(s% terrorists//wo (d ha0e a''ess to a(( of the 1.S. go0ernment#s '(assified information. As te'hni'ians tried 0ain(y to se0er power% the assemb(y on the podi m st died the message. E0en Da0id and the two *SA agents were trying to 'ra', the 'ode from their 0an in Spain. $RI"E DIFFERE*:E BET-EE* ELE"E*TS RES$O*SIBLE FOR;IROS;I"A A*D *AGASAHI

Soshi tho ght a(o d. <The e(ements responsib(e for ;iroshima and *agasa,i... $ear( ;arbor= ;irohito#s ref sa( to...< <-e need a n mber%< )abba repeated% <not po(iti'a( theories. -e#re ta(,ing mathemati's//not history9< Soshi fe(( si(ent. <;ow abo t pay(oads=< Brin,erhoff offered. <:as a(ties= Do((ars damage=< <-e#re (oo,ing for an e&a't fig re%< S san reminded. <Damage estimates 0ary.< She stared p at the message. <The e(ements responsib(e...< Three tho sand mi(es away% Da0id Be',er#s eyes f(ew open. <E(ements9< he de'(ared. <-e#re ta(,ing math% not history9< A(( heads t rned toward the sate((ite s'reen. <Tan,ado#s p(aying word games9< Be',er spo ted. <The word #e(ements# has m (tip(e meanings9< <Spit it o t% "r. Be',er%< Fontaine snapped. <;e#s ta(,ing abo t 'hemi'a( e(ements//not so'iopo(iti'a( ones9< Be',er#s anno n'ement met b(an, (oo,s. <E(ements9< he prompted. <The periodi' tab(e9 :hemi'a( e(ements9 Didn#t any of yo see the mo0ie Fat "an and Litt(e Boy//abo t the "anhattan $ro>e't= The two atomi' bombs were different. They sed different f e(//different e(ements9< Soshi '(apped her hands. <+es9 ;e#s right9 I read that9 The two bombs sed different f e(s9 One sed rani m and one sed p( toni m9 Two different e(ements9< A h sh swept a'ross the room. <1rani m and p( toni m9< )abba e&'(aimed% s dden(y hopef (. <The '( e as,s for the differen'e between the two e(ements9< ;e sp n to his army of wor,ers. <The differen'e between rani m and p( toni m9 -ho ,nows what it is=< B(an, stares a(( aro nd. <:ome on9< )abba said. <Didn#t yo ,ids go to 'o((ege= Somebody9 Anybody9 I need the differen'e between p( toni m and rani m9< *o response. S san t rned to Soshi. <I need a''ess to the -eb. Is there a browser here=< Soshi nodded. <*ets'ape#s sweetest.< S san grabbed her hand. <:ome on. -e#re going s rfing.<

:;A$TER 5@C

<;ow m 'h time=< )abba demanded from the podi m. There was no response from the te'hni'ians in the ba',. They stood ri0eted% staring p at the 4R. The fina( shie(d was getting dangero s(y thin. *earby% S san and Soshi pored o0er the res (ts of their -ebsear'h. <O t(aw Labs=< S san as,ed. <-ho are they=< Soshi shr gged. <+o want me to open it=< <Damn right%< she said. <Si& h ndred forty/se0en te&t referen'es to rani m% p( toni m% and atomi' bombs. So nds (i,e o r best bet.< Soshi opened the (in,. A dis'(aimer appeared. The information 'ontained in this fi(e is stri't(y for a'ademi' se on(y. Any (ayperson attempting to 'onstr 't any of the de0i'es des'ribed r ns the ris, of radiation poisoning andIor se(f/e&p(osion. <Se(f/e&p(osion=< Soshi said. <)es s.< <Sear'h it%< Fontaine snapped o0er his sho (der. <Let#s see what we#0e got.< Soshi p(owed into the do' ment. She s'ro((ed past a re'ipe for rea nitrate% an e&p(osi0e ten times more powerf ( than dynamite. The information ro((ed by (i,e a re'ipe for b tters'ot'h brownies. <$( toni m and rani m%< )abba repeated. <Let#s fo' s.< <Go ba',%< S san ordered. <The do' ment#s too big. Find the tab(e of 'ontents.< Soshi s'ro((ed ba',ward nti( she fo nd it. I. "e'hanism of an Atomi' Bomb AE A(timeter BE Air $ress re Detonator :E Detonating ;eads DE E&p(osi0e :harges EE *e tron Def(e'tor FE 1rani m W $( toni m GE Lead Shie(d ;E F ses II. * '(ear FissionI* '(ear F sion AE Fission DA/BombE W F sion D;/BombE BE 1/@BC% 1/@BK% and $( toni m III. ;istory of the Atomi' -eapons

AE De0e(opment DThe "anhattan $ro>e'tE BE Detonation 5E ;iroshima @E *agasa,i BE By/prod 'ts of Atomi' Detonations ME B(ast 2ones <Se'tion two9< S san 'ried. <1rani m and p( toni m9 Go9< E0eryone waited whi(e Soshi fo nd the right se'tion. <This is it%< she said. <;o(d on.< She . i',(y s'anned the data. <There#s a (ot of information here. A who(e 'hart. ;ow do we ,now whi'h differen'e we#re (oo,ing for= One o'' rs nat ra((y% one is man/made. $( toni m was first dis'o0ered by//< <A n mber%< )abba reminded. <-e need a n mber.< S san reread Tan,ado#s message. The prime differen'e between the e(ements... the differen'e between... we need a n mber... <-ait9< she said. <The word #differen'e# has m (tip(e meanings. -e need a n mber// so we#re ta(,ing math. It#s another of Tan,ado#s word games//#differen'e# means s btra'tion.< <+es9< Be',er agreed from the s'reen o0erhead. <"aybe the e(ements ha0e different n mbers of protons or something= If yo s btra't//< <;e#s right9< )abba said% t rning to Soshi. <Are there any n mbers on that 'hart= $roton 'o nts= ;a(f/ (i0es= Anything we 'an s btra't=< <Three min tes9< a te'hni'ian 'a((ed. <;ow abo t s per'riti'a( mass=< Soshi 0ent red. <It says the s per'riti'a( mass for p( toni m is BC.@ po nds.< <+es9< )abba said. <:he', rani m9 -hat#s the s per'riti'a( mass of rani m=< Soshi sear'hed. <1m... 556 po nds.< <One h ndred ten=< )abba (oo,ed s dden(y hopef (. <-hat#s BC.@ from 556=< <Se0enty/fo r point eight%< S san snapped. <B t I don#t thin,//< <O t of my way%< )abba 'ommanded% p(owing toward the ,eyboard. <That#s got to be the ,i((/'ode9 The differen'e between their 'riti'a( masses9 Se0enty/fo r point eight9< <;o(d on%< S san said% peering o0er Soshi#s sho (der. <There#s more here. Atomi' weights. *e tron 'o nts. E&tra'tion te'hni. es.< She s,immed the 'hart. <1rani m sp(its into bari m and ,rypton7 p( toni m does something e(se. 1rani m has L@ protons and 5MA ne trons% b t//< <-e need the most ob0io s differen'e%< "idge 'himed in. <The '( e reads #the primary differen'e between the e(ements.# < <)es s :hrist9< )abba swore. <;ow do we ,now what Tan,ado 'onsidered the primary differen'e=< Da0id interr pted. <A't a((y% the '( e reads prime% not primary.<

The word hit S san right between the eyes. <$rime9< she e&'(aimed. <$rime9< She sp n to )abba. <The ,i((/'ode is a prime n mber9 Thin, abo t it9 It ma,es perfe't sense9< )abba instant(y ,new S san was right. Ensei Tan,ado had b i(t his 'areer on prime n mbers. $rimes were the f ndamenta( b i(ding b(o',s of a(( en'ryption a(gorithms// ni. e 0a( es that had no fa'tors other than one and themse(0es. $rimes wor,ed we(( in 'ode writing be'a se they were impossib(e for 'omp ters to g ess sing typi'a( n mber/tree fa'toring. Soshi > mped in. <+es9 It#s perfe't9 $rimes are essentia( to )apanese ' (t re9 ;ai, ses primes. Three (ines and sy((ab(e 'o nts of fi0e% se0en% fi0e. A(( primes. The temp(es of Hyoto a(( ha0e//< <Eno gh9< )abba said. <E0en if the ,i((/'ode is a prime% so what9 There are end(ess possibi(ities9< S san ,new )abba was right. Be'a se the n mber (ine was infinite% one 'o (d a(ways (oo, a (itt(e farther and find another prime n mber. Between 8ero and a mi((ion% there were o0er F6%666 'hoi'es. It a(( depended on how (arge a prime Tan,ado de'ided to se. The bigger it was% the harder it was to g ess. <It#(( be h ge.< )abba groaned. <-hate0er prime Tan,ado 'hose is s re to be a monster.< A 'a(( went p from the rear of the room. <Two/min te warning9< )abba ga8ed p at the 4R in defeat. The fina( shie(d was starting to 'r mb(e. Te'hni'ians were r shing e0erywhere. Something in S san to(d her they were '(ose. <-e 'an do this9< she de'(ared% ta,ing 'ontro(. <Of a(( the differen'es between rani m and p( toni m% I bet on(y one 'an be represented as a prime n mber9 That#s o r fina( '( e. The n mber we#re (oo,ing for is prime9< )abba eyed the rani mIp( toni m 'hart on the monitor and threw p his arms. <There m st be a h ndred entries here9 There#s no way we 'an s btra't them a(( and 'he', for primes.< <A (ot of the entries are nonn meri'%< S san en'o raged. <-e 'an ignore them. 1rani m#s nat ra(% p( toni m#s man/made. 1rani m ses a g n barre( detonator% p( toni m ses imp(osion. They#re not n mbers% so they#re irre(e0ant9< <Do it%< Fontaine ordered. On the 4R% the fina( wa(( was eggshe(( thin. )abba mopped his brow. <A(( right% here goes nothing. Start s btra'ting. I#(( ta,e the top . arter. S san% yo #0e got the midd(e. E0erybody e(se sp(it p the rest. -e#re (oo,ing for a prime differen'e.< -ithin se'onds% it was '(ear they#d ne0er ma,e it. The n mbers were enormo s% and in many 'ases the nits didn#t mat'h p. <It#s app(es and goddamn oranges%< )abba said. <-e#0e got gamma rays against e(e'tromagneti' p (se. Fissionab(e against nfissionab(e. Some is p re. Some is per'entage. It#s a mess9< <It#s got to be here%< S san said firm(y. <-e#0e got to thin,. There#s some differen'e between p( toni m and rani m that we#re missing9 Something simp(e9< <Ah... g ys=< Soshi said. She#d 'reated a se'ond do' ment window and was per sing the rest of the O t(aw Labs do' ment. <-hat is it=< Fontaine demanded. <Find something=< <1m% sort of.< She so nded neasy. <+o ,now how I to(d yo the *agasa,i bomb was a p( toni m bomb=<

<+eah%< they a(( rep(ied in nison. <-e((...< Soshi too, a deep breath. <Loo,s (i,e I made a mista,e.< <-hat9< )abba 'ho,ed. <-e#0e been (oo,ing for the wrong thing=< Soshi pointed to the s'reen. They h dd(ed aro nd and read the te&t! ...the 'ommon mis'on'eption that the *agasa,i bomb was a p( toni m bomb. In fa't% the de0i'e emp(oyed rani m% (i,e its sister bomb in ;iroshima. ??? <B t//< S san gasped. <If both e(ements were rani m% how are we s pposed to find the differen'e between the two=< <"aybe Tan,ado made a mista,e%< Fontaine 0ent red. <"aybe he didn#t ,now the bombs were the same.< <*o.< S san sighed. <;e was a 'ripp(e be'a se of those bombs. ;e#d ,now the fa'ts 'o(d.<

:;A$TER 5@A

<One min te9< )abba eyed the 4R. <$E" a thori8ation#s going fast. Last (ine of defense. And there#s a 'rowd at the door.< <Fo' s9< Fontaine 'ommanded. Soshi sat in front of the -eb browser and read a(o d.

...*agasa,i bomb did not se p( toni m b t rather an artifi'ia((y man fa't red% ne tron/sat rated isotope of rani m @BK.<

<Damn9< Brin,erhoff swore. <Both bombs sed rani m. The e(ements responsib(e for ;iroshima and *agasa,i were both rani m. There is no differen'e9< <-e#re dead%< "idge moaned. <-ait%< S san said. <Read that (ast part again9< Soshi repeated the te&t. <...artifi'ia((y man fa't red% ne tron/sat rated isotope of rani m @BK.< <@BK=< S san e&'(aimed. <Didn#t we > st see something that said ;iroshima#s bomb sed some other isotope of rani m=< They a(( e&'hanged p 88(ed g(an'es. Soshi franti'a((y s'ro((ed ba',ward and fo nd the spot. <+es9 It says here that the ;iroshima bomb sed a different isotope of rani m9<

"idge gasped in ama8ement. <They#re both rani m//b t they#re different ,inds9< <Both rani m=< )abba m s'(ed in and stared at the termina(. <App(es and app(es9 $erfe't9< <;ow are the two isotopes different=< Fontaine demanded. <It#s got to be something basi'.< Soshi s'ro((ed thro gh the do' ment. <;o(d on... (oo,ing... o,ay...< <Forty/fi0e se'onds9< a 0oi'e 'a((ed o t. S san (oo,ed p. The fina( shie(d was a(most in0isib(e now. <;ere it is9< Soshi e&'(aimed. <Read it9< )abba was sweating. <-hat#s the differen'e9 There m st be some differen'e between the two9< <+es9< Soshi pointed to her monitor. <Loo,9< They a(( read the te&t!

...two bombs emp(oyed two different f e(s... pre'ise(y identi'a( 'hemi'a( 'hara'teristi's. *o ordinary 'hemi'a( e&tra'tion 'an separate the two isotopes. They are% with the e&'eption of min te differen'es in weight% perfe't(y identi'a(.

<Atomi' weight9< )abba said% e&'ited(y. <That#s it9 The on(y differen'e is their weights9 That#s the ,ey9 Gi0e me their weights9 -e#(( s btra't them9< <;o(d on%< Soshi said% s'ro((ing ahead. <A(most there9 +es9< E0eryone s'anned the te&t.

...differen'e in weight 0ery s(ight... ...gaseo s diff sion to separate them... ...56%6B@MLK\56e5BM as 'ompared to 5L%BLMKM\56e@B. ??

<There they are9< )abba s'reamed. <That#s it9 Those are the weights9< <Thirty se'onds9< <Go%< Fontaine whispered. <S btra't them. G i',(y.< )abba pa(med his 'a(' (ator and started entering n mbers. <-hat#s the asteris,=< S san demanded. <There#s an asteris, after the fig res9< )abba ignored her. ;e was a(ready wor,ing his 'a(' (ator ,eys f rio s(y. <:aref (9< Soshi rged. <-e need an e&a't fig re.<

<The asteris,%< S san repeated. <There#s a footnote.< Soshi '(i',ed to the bottom of the paragraph. S san read the asteris,ed footnote. She went white. <Oh... dear God.< )abba (oo,ed p. <-hat=< They a(( (eaned in% and there was a 'omm na( sigh of defeat. The tiny footnote read! ??5@f margin of error. $ b(ished fig res 0ary from (ab to (ab.

:;A$TER 5@F

There was a s dden and re0erent si(en'e among the gro p on the podi m. It was as if they were wat'hing an e'(ipse or 0o('ani' er ption//an in'redib(e 'hain of e0ents o0er whi'h they had no 'ontro(. Time seemed to s(ow to a 'raw(. <-e#re (osing it9< a te'hni'ian 'ried. <Tie/ins9 A(( (ines9< On the far/(eft s'reen% Da0id and Agents Smith and :o(iander stared b(an,(y into their 'amera. On the 4R% the fina( fire wa(( was on(y a s(i0er. A mass of b(a',ness s rro nded it% h ndreds of (ines waiting to tie in. To the right of that was Tan,ado. The sti(ted '(ips of his fina( moments ran by in an end(ess (oop. The (oo, of desperation//fingers stret'hed o tward% the ring g(istening in the s n. S san wat'hed the '(ip as it went in and o t of fo' s. She stared at Tan,ado#s eyes//they seemed fi((ed with regret. ;e ne0er wanted it to go this far% she to(d herse(f. ;e wanted to sa0e s. And yet% o0er and o0er% Tan,ado he(d his fingers o tward% for'ing the ring in front of peop(e#s eyes. ;e was trying to spea, b t 'o (d not. ;e > st ,ept thr sting his fingers forward. In Se0i((e% Be',er#s mind sti(( t rned it o0er and o0er. ;e m mb(ed to himse(f% <-hat did they say those two isotopes were= 1@BK and 1...=< ;e sighed hea0i(y//it didn#t matter. ;e was a (ang age tea'her% not a physi'ist. <In'oming (ines preparing to a thenti'ate9< <)es s9< )abba be((owed in fr stration. <;ow do the damn isotopes differ= *obody ,nows how the he(( they#re different=9< There was no response. The room f (( of te'hni'ians stood he(p(ess(y wat'hing the 4R. )abba sp n ba', to the monitor and threw p his arms. <-here#s a n '(ear f ',ing physi'ist when yo need one9< ??? S san stared p at the G i',Time '(ip on the wa(( s'reen and ,new it was o0er. In s(ow motion% she wat'hed Tan,ado dying o0er and o0er. ;e was trying to spea,% 'ho,ing on his words% ho(ding o t his deformed hand... trying to 'omm ni'ate something. ;e was trying to sa0e the databan,% S san to(d herse(f. B t we#(( ne0er ,now how. <:ompany at the door9< )abba stared at the s'reen. <;ere we go9< Sweat po red down his fa'e.

On the 'enter s'reen% the fina( wisp of the (ast firewa(( had a(( b t disappeared. The b(a', mass of (ines s rro nding the 'ore was opa. e and p (sating. "idge t rned away. Fontaine stood rigid% eyes front. Brin,erhoff (oo,ed (i,e he was abo t to get si',. <Ten se'onds9< S san#s eyes ne0er (eft Tan,ado#s image. The desperation. The regret. ;is hand rea'hed o t% o0er and o0er% ring g(istening% deformed fingers ar'hed 'roo,ed(y in stranger#s fa'es. ;e#s te((ing them something. -hat is it= On the s'reen o0erhead% Da0id (oo,ed deep in tho ght. <Differen'e%< he ,ept m ttering to himse(f. <Differen'e between 1@BK and 1@BC. It#s got to be something simp(e.< A te'hni'ian began the 'o ntdown. <Fi0e9 Fo r9 Three9< The word made it to Spain in > st nder a tenth of a se'ond. Three... three. It was as if Da0id Be',er had been hit by the st n g n a(( o0er again. ;is wor(d s(owed to stop. Three... three... three. @BK min s @BC9 The differen'e is three9 In s(ow motion% he rea'hed for the mi'rophone... At that 0ery instant% S san was staring at Tan,ado#s o tstret'hed hand. S dden(y% she saw past the ring... past the engra0ed go(d to the f(esh beneath... to his fingers. Three fingers. It was not the ring at a((. It was the f(esh. Tan,ado was not te((ing them% he was showing them. ;e was te((ing his se'ret% re0ea(ing the ,i((/'ode//begging someone to nderstand... praying his se'ret wo (d find its way to the *SA in time. <Three%< S san whispered% st nned. <Three9< Be',er ye((ed from Spain. B t in the 'haos% no one seemed to hear. <-e#re down9< a te'hni'ian ye((ed. The 4R began f(ashing wi(d(y as the 'ore s '' mbed to a de( ge. Sirens er pted o0erhead. <O tbo nd data9< <;igh/speed tie/ins in a(( se'tors9< S san mo0ed as if thro gh a dream. She sp n toward )abba#s ,eyboard. As she t rned% her ga8e fi&ed on her fian'P% Da0id Be',er. Again his 0oi'e e&p(oded o0erhead. <Three9 The differen'e between @BC and @BK is three9< E0eryone in the room (oo,ed p. <Three9< S san sho ted o0er the deafening 'a'ophony of sirens and te'hni'ians. She pointed to the s'reen. A(( eyes fo((owed% to Tan,ado#s hand% o tstret'hed% three fingers wa0ing desperate(y in the Se0i((ian s n. )abba went rigid. <Oh my God9< ;e s dden(y rea(i8ed the 'ripp(ed geni s had been gi0ing them the answer a(( the time. <Three#s prime9< Soshi b( rted. <Three#s a prime n mber9< Fontaine (oo,ed da8ed. <:an it be that simp(e=<

<O tbo nd data9< a te'hni'ian 'ried. <It#s going fast9< E0eryone on the podi m do0e for the termina( at the same instant//a mass of o tstret'hed hands. B t thro gh the 'rowd% S san% (i,e a shortstop stabbing a (ine dri0e% 'onne'ted with her target. She typed the n mber B. E0eryone whee(ed to the wa(( s'reen. Abo0e the 'haos% it simp(y read. E*TER $ASS/HE+= B <+es9< Fontaine 'ommanded. <Do it now9< S san he(d her breath and (owered her finger on the E*TER ,ey. The 'omp ter beeped on'e. *obody mo0ed. Three agoni8ing se'onds (ater% nothing had happened. The sirens ,ept going. Fi0e se'onds. Si& se'onds. <O tbo nd data9< <*o 'hange9< S dden(y "idge began pointing wi(d(y to the s'reen abo0e. <Loo,9< On it% a message had materia(i8ed. HILL :ODE :O*FIR"ED. <1p(oad the firewa((s9< )abba ordered. B t Soshi was a step ahead of him. She had a(ready sent the 'ommand. <O tbo nd interr pt9< a te'hni'ian ye((ed. <Tie/ins se0ered9< On the 4R o0erhead% the first of the fi0e firewa((s began reappearing. The b(a', (ines atta',ing the 'ore were instant(y se0ered. <Reinstating9< )abba 'ried. <The damn thing#s reinstating9< There was a moment of tentati0e disbe(ief% as if at any instant% e0erything wo (d fa(( apart. B t then the se'ond firewa(( began reappearing... and then the third. "oments (ater the entire series of fi(ters reappeared. The databan, was se' re. The room er pted. $andemoni m. Te'hni'ians h gged% tossing 'omp ter printo ts in the air in 'e(ebration. Sirens wo nd down. Brin,erhoff grabbed "idge and he(d on. Soshi b rst into tears. <)abba%< Fontaine demanded. <;ow m 'h did they get=< <4ery (itt(e%< )abba said% st dying his monitor. <4ery (itt(e. And nothing 'omp(ete.< Fontaine nodded s(ow(y% a wry smi(e forming in the 'orner of his mo th. ;e (oo,ed aro nd for S san F(et'her% b t she was a(ready wa(,ing toward the front of the room. On the wa(( before her% Da0id Be',er#s fa'e fi((ed the s'reen.

<Da0id=< <;ey% gorgeo s.< ;e smi(ed. <:ome home%< she said. <:ome home% right now.< <"eet yo at Stone "anor=< he as,ed. She nodded% the tears we((ing. <Dea(.< <Agent Smith=< Fontaine 'a((ed. Smith appeared ons'reen behind Be',er. <+es% sir=< <It appears "r. Be',er has a date. :o (d yo see that he gets home immediate(y=< Smith nodded. <O r >et#s in "U(aga.< ;e patted Be',er on the ba',. <+o #re in for a treat% $rofessor. E0er f(own in a Lear>et A6=< Be',er 'h ',(ed. <*ot sin'e yesterday.<

:;A$TER 5@K

-hen S san awo,e% the s n was shining. the soft rays sifted thro gh the ' rtains and fi(tered a'ross her goosedown feather bed. She rea'hed for Da0id. Am I dreaming= ;er body remained motion(ess% spent% sti(( di88y from the night before. <Da0id=< She moaned. There was no rep(y. She opened her eyes% her s,in sti(( ting(ing. The mattress on the other side of the bed was 'o(d. Da0id was gone. I#m dreaming% S san tho ght. She sat p. The room was 4i'torian% a(( (a'e and anti. es//Stone "anor#s finest s ite. ;er o0ernight bag was in the midd(e of the hardwood f(oor... her (ingerie on a G een Anne 'hair beside the bed. ;ad Da0id rea((y arri0ed= She had memories//his body against hers% his wa,ing her with soft ,isses. ;ad she dreamed it a((= She t rned to the bedside tab(e. There was an empty bott(e of 'hampagne% two g(asses... and a note. R bbing the s(eep from her eyes% S san drew the 'omforter aro nd her na,ed body and read the message. Dearest S san% I (o0e yo . -itho t wa&% Da0id. She beamed and p ((ed the note to her 'hest. It was Da0id% a(( right. -itho t wa&... it was the one 'ode she had yet to brea,. Something stirred in the 'orner% and S san (oo,ed p. On a p( sh di0an% bas,ing in the morning s n%

wrapped in thi', bathrobe% Da0id Be',er sat . iet(y wat'hing her. She rea'hed o t% be',oning him to 'ome to her. <-itho t wa&=< she 'ooed% ta,ing him in her arms. <-itho t wa&.< ;e smi(ed. She ,issed him deep(y. <Te(( me what it means.< <*o 'han'e.< ;e (a ghed. <A 'o p(e needs se'rets//it ,eeps things interesting.< S san smi(ed 'oy(y. <Any more interesting than (ast night and I#(( ne0er wa(, again.< Da0id too, her in his arms. ;e fe(t weight(ess. ;e had a(most died yesterday% and yet here he was% as a(i0e as he had e0er fe(t in his (ife. S san (ay with her head on his 'hest% (istening to the beat of his heart. She 'o (dn#t be(ie0e that she had tho ght he was gone fore0er. <Da0id.< She sighed% eyeing the note beside the tab(e. <Te(( me abo t #witho t wa&.# +o ,now I hate 'odes I 'an#t brea,.< Da0id was si(ent. <Te(( me.< S san po ted. <Or yo #(( ne0er ha0e me again.< <Liar.< S san hit him with a pi((ow. <Te(( me9 *ow9< B t Da0id ,new he wo (d ne0er te((. The se'ret behind <witho t wa&< was too sweet. Its origins were an'ient. D ring the Renaissan'e% Spanish s' (ptors who made mista,es whi(e 'ar0ing e&pensi0e marb(e often pat'hed their f(aws with 'era//<wa&.< A stat e that had no f(aws and re. ired no pat'hing was hai(ed as a <s' (pt re sin'era< or a <s' (pt re witho t wa&.< The phrase e0ent a((y 'ame to mean anything honest or tr e. The Eng(ish word <sin'ere< e0o(0ed from the Spanish sin'era//<witho t wa&.< Da0id#s se'ret 'ode was no great mystery//he was simp(y signing his (etters <Sin'ere(y.< Somehow he s spe'ted S san wo (d not be am sed. <+o #(( be p(eased to ,now%< Da0id said% attempting to 'hange the s b>e't% <that d ring the f(ight home% I 'a((ed the president of the ni0ersity.< S san (oo,ed p% hopef (. <Te(( me yo resigned as department 'hair.< Da0id nodded. <I#(( be ba', in the '(assroom ne&t semester.< She sighed in re(ief. <Right where yo be(onged in the first p(a'e.< Da0id smi(ed soft(y. <+eah% I g ess Spain reminded me what#s important.< <Ba', to brea,ing 'oeds# hearts=< S san ,issed his 'hee,. <-e((% at (east yo #(( ha0e time to he(p me edit my man s'ript.< <"an s'ript=< <+es. I#0e de'ided to p b(ish.<

<$ b(ish=< Da0id (oo,ed do btf (. <$ b(ish what=< <Some ideas I ha0e on 0ariant fi(ter proto'o(s and . adrati' resid es.< ;e groaned. <So nds (i,e a rea( best/se((er.< She (a ghed. <+o #d be s rprised.< Da0id fished inside the po',et of his bathrobe and p ((ed o t a sma(( ob>e't. <:(ose yo r eyes. I ha0e something for yo .< S san '(osed her eyes. <Let me g ess//a ga dy go(d ring with Latin a(( o0er it=< <*o.< Da0id 'h ',(ed. <I had Fontaine ret rn that to Ensei Tan,ado#s estate.< ;e too, S san#s hand and s(ipped something onto her finger. <Liar.< S san (a ghed% opening her eyes. <I ,new//< B t S san stopped short. The ring on her finger was not Tan,ado#s at a((. It was a p(atin m setting that he(d a g(ittering diamond so(itaire. S san gasped. Da0id (oo,ed her in the eye. <-i(( yo marry me=< S san#s breath 'a ght in her throat. She (oo,ed at him and then ba', to the ring. ;er eyes s dden(y we((ed p. <Oh% Da0id... I don#t ,now what to say.< <Say yes.< S san t rned away and didn#t say a word. Da0id waited. <S san F(et'her% I (o0e yo . "arry me.< S san (ifted her head. ;er eyes were fi((ed with tears. <I#m sorry% Da0id%< she whispered. <I... I 'an#t.< Da0id stared in sho',. ;e sear'hed her eyes for the p(ayf ( g(immer he#d 'ome to e&pe't from her. It wasn#t there. <S/S san%< he stammered. <I//I don#t nderstand.< <I 'an#t%< she repeated. <I 'an#t marry yo .< She t rned away. ;er sho (ders started tremb(ing. She 'o0ered her fa'e with her hands. Da0id was bewi(dered. <B t% S san... I tho ght...< ;e he(d her tremb(ing sho (ders and t rned her body toward him. It was then that he nderstood. S san F(et'her was not 'rying at a((7 she was in hysteri's. <I won#t marry yo 9< She (a ghed% atta',ing again with the pi((ow. <*ot nti( yo e&p(ain #witho t wa&#9 +o #re dri0ing me 'ra8y9<

Epi(og e

They say in death% a(( things be'ome '(ear. To, gen * mata,a now ,new it was tr e. Standing o0er the 'as,et in the Osa,a ' stoms offi'e% he fe(t a bitter '(arity he had ne0er ,nown. ;is re(igion spo,e of

'ir'(es% of the inter'onne'tedness of (ife% b t * mata,a had ne0er had time for re(igion. The ' stoms offi'ia(s had gi0en him an en0e(ope of adoption papers and birth re'ords. <+o are this boy#s on(y (i0ing re(ati0e%< they had said. <-e had a hard time finding yo .< * mata,a#s mind ree(ed ba', thirty/two years to that rain/soa,ed night% to the hospita( ward where he had deserted his deformed 'hi(d and dying wife. ;e had done it in the name of menbo, //honor//an empty shadow now. There was a go(den ring en'(osed with the papers. It was engra0ed with words * mata,a did not nderstand. It made no differen'e7 words had no meaning for * mata,a anymore. ;e had forsa,en his on(y son. And now% the 'r e(est of fates had re nited them.

:opyright g 5LLK by Dan Brown. Design by Bryanna "i((is ISB* 6/B5@/@6F5C/K

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