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Swales Love-Bug Weekly Learnings

February 7th, 201

'hurs!ay (alentine)s *arty

We will ha,e a <alentine:s 1ay party on +ebruary 1 th. 3imply ha,e your child sign their own name (and -riend:s -irst name i- they are able#. We ha,e been working on lower case letters so this is =R>0T practice. We will be making <alentine:s 1ay card bags in class. *lease +ake sure that your &hil!)s (alentines are in &lass by Mon!ay, February 10th. We will be !elivering (alentine)s be%ore our a&tual ,arty on 'hurs!ay.

#!!ition$ Strategies an! %luen&y

This week we learned a new addition strategy, counting on. We played a game called the high roller. Rolling two dice, we say the number that is largest (6not 1,2, ,!,",6# then we count on the smaller number.( # $,%,&. This is a strategy the children can use when adding to help with accuracy and speed. 'e(t week we will begin a two week math )lympics. *ust as our winter games started with the opening ceremony +riday, we will ha,e di--erent .e,ents/, each connected to the common core math standards. 0t the end o- the two weeks we will ha,e a medal ceremony. 1uring this time, 2 will be conducting one on one math assessments.

Wor! Work an! Sight Wor!s

This week6s new sight word was o-. 7a,e your child sing you the new sight word song. +or word work, we -inished up making words with common blends8 -l, bl, sl, tr, gr. 'e(t week, the children will ha,e di--erent opportunities to practice their learning in di--erent literacy centers. We took a new look at word endings8 ed, est, er, 9ust brie-ly with our shared reading book titled, The 3nowstorm, which came home in your child:s pack5n5read back. Reminder that some children are missing their bag and put their books in their school book bo(. 2 do ha,e two without names or reading logs inside that 2 hope to -ind who they belong to ;onday.

Share! "ea!ing
This week we read The 3nowstorm -rom Reading 0 to 4. This te(t is more challenging -or students because there is more print on each page so they need to ha,e reading stamina to keep plugging along. 2t is also more challenging because the children need to look all the way through a word and pay attention to word endings (er, est#. The book came home with your child to practice in their pack5n5read bag. When returned, it will go in their school book bo( (browsing bo(# -or daily practice.

Classroom Newsletter

Love Bug Learnings

February 7th, 2014

Writers Worksho,$ #ll #bout *enguins

2 must say the children are ,ery e(cited about our non5-iction reading and writing? We are becoming penguin e(perts. We created a poster to note our schema (what we know without reading more#. 0-ter each book or chapter 2 read, we add our new learning written on sticky notes to our poster under what we ha,e learned. 3o -ar we ha,e written two chapters in our non5-iction books. They will be complete on +riday and many other classes@grade le,els, are eager to see what we ha,e learned so we will share and then send them home.

Random 0cts o- Jindness

0t school, we are noticing random acts o- kindness -rom students. We hope to -ill our graph in the gym with 1GG acts o- kindness be-ore <alentine:s 1ay. 2 thought this was cute so 2 made a poster -or home. 2- someone does something kind without being asked, it is written onto the poster either by the person who obser,ed this act or recei,ed the act. Wow, my kids are really getting along and really thinking about others C # 2t:s a nice time to re-ocus our thoughts onto others.

Up Coming !vents
+eb. 1 thC <alentine:s Darty +eb. 1!51%thC 'o 3chool E ;id Winter Freak +eb. 2GthC 1GGs 1ay Helebration

Weekly S&he!ule
;onday C ;usic Tuesday !C 0rt, computers Wednesday "C D> Thursday 6C ;usic, library +riday $C 0rt -on)t %orget to return your library book so you are able to &he&k out a new one.

We will be celebrating the 1GGth day o- school on +ebruary 2Gth. This day will include many many wonder-ul counting acti,ities -or math. *lease have your &hil! &ount 100 o% the sa+e %oo! ite+ /+ini-+arsh+allows, +ini-gol!%ish, &heerios, et&0 %or a &ounting1sharing sna&k a&tivity. Dlease turn this snack in, in a baggie labeled with your child:s name no later than +ebruary 1& (Thursday#. The children will be making -ruit loop necklaces (counting groups o- 1G to 1GG#, making a cool 1GG:s day hat (counting stickers by 1G:s to 1GG#, and much much more?

<olunteer 3pot sign up -or 1GG:s 1ay celebration is now up. Dlease click hereC httpC@@,<suID to sign up -or 1GG6s 1ay Helebration on B<olunteer3pot today?

>n9oy your -amily, ;elissa 3wales Please click here: to sign up for spring conferences on @VolunteerSpot today!

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