Network Proposal For APIIT Law School

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Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


This was a great opportunity for us all to put into practice which we learned in few
lectures and our own research knowledge on networking.

First and foremost we would our sincere graduate to Mr.Balachandran Gnanasekaraiyer

our Networks and Networking lecturer for his great guidance in this project . We are
really proud to be undergraduate students of him who is the creator of Tamil Encoding,
Keyboard Layout and Collation Standard for ICT Sri Lanka.

And special thanks goes to Mr.Kaveesh Gunawardena who thought us the concepts on
Telecommunications which help on this project as well.

Finally, we would like to thank each and every person who helped us in numerous ways
to make this project a success.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Table of Contents

Network Plan....................................................................................................................5
Main diagram..................................................................................................................5
Internet Connectivity.......................................................................................................7
First floor.......................................................................................................................14
Second floor.................................................................................................................17
Third floor.....................................................................................................................19
Forth floor.....................................................................................................................23
Fifth floor.......................................................................................................................25
Sixth floor......................................................................................................................27
Wireless access............................................................................................................34
Linking the Campus......................................................................................................36
IP Addressing.................................................................................................................39
Structured Cabling Standards (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568).....................................................40
Backup Plans.................................................................................................................43

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


APIIT Law School is established to provide law degrees in Sri-Lanka from end of
2009.This new law school will be established in a newly purchased 5 floor building
nearby the APIIT main City campus.

The business interaction and the IT infrastructure of the new law school will be
independent from the main campus.

The proposed computer network should be able to provide high speed access to the
internet and also a connection between main campus and the new law school also
should be established .the sharing of the network also should be controlled according to
the different users .

The proposed network should be crash proof and should consist of backup plans in
case of a network failure.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


○ The assumption that cost in not a major issue was taken into consideration.

○ We assumed that single point failures will not occur often.

○ We also assumed that there are no technological constraints.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Network Plan

Main diagram

Shown in the following page is the main diagram of the proposed network system. The
whole network is proposed to be set on a hierarchical manner. This will help the network
administrators to maintain the network cost effectively and easily. So in case of a
network failure the network can restore in a less downtime or without interruption
because it’s easy to find where the error occurred. Also with the hierarchical approach
the network can easily expand without unnecessarily cabling the building again. Also
the location of each department can be easily changed with this approach.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Figure 1 – Law School Network Diagram

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Internet Connectivity

We proposed leased line connections compared to ADSL and Wi-MAX connections

because according to Dialog Telekom PLC (2008) Wi-MAX broadband is a shared
bandwidth services so actual speeds may vary due to many factors like internet traffic,
selected plan, so there will be no static speed.

But according to Sri-Lanka Telecom (2008) leased lines are dedicated connection so
speed will be fixed and it’s monitored around the clock to provide the highly reliable
uninterrupted service.

We proposed to use two leased lines - one leased line dedicated to internet and other
leased line is a VPN leased line and its dedicated to VPN to the main campus. We use
two dedicated lines because the Law school will use more than 200 wired and wireless
devices and most of the devices will connect to the internet on the proposed network, so
the institute will require higher internet bandwidth, if not the connection to the internet
will slow down .Also we need higher bandwidth because of the VPN and the VoIP
implementation. If we didn’t propose a high bandwidth internet connection the Voice
Quality of the VoIP will be drop down and the VPN connection between main campus
and the law college will be slow down so both voice and data services will be

Load Balancer

According to Syme, M and Goldie, P in their book “Optimizing Network Performance”

they say that when dealing with multiple internet connections load balancer needs to be
used to connect the multiple links simultaneously.

We proposed to use a load balancer because with the load balancer both leased line
connections can be used at the same time, also if management wants to add more
internet connectivity they can easily connect the new connection to the load balancer
without rewiring the premises.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

If one connection fails, with the other link the internet connection can be accessed.


According to Dr. Alkharobi, T (2007) in his book “Firewalls” defines that a firewall is a
dedicated network device positioned on the boundary of two or more networks which
filters all traffic entering or leaving the connected networks.

We proposed to use a hardware firewall because hardware firewall uses the packet
filtering, that means check the packet and determine whether packet should or should
not forwarded to the internal network but in software firewalls it can only block unsafe
applications which connects to the external network. So hardware firewalls have more
enhanced security controls.

DMZ (Demilitarized zone)

According to Dr. Alkharobi, T (2007) in his book “Firewalls” describes that a zone with
an intermediate trust level, situated between Internet and a trusted internal network is a
demilitarized zone (DMZ).

We proposed to use a demilitarized zone because servers in the DMZ are placed with
their own subnet, so if a network attack comes through the internet the attacker can only
access the DMZ and the internal network will not be attacked and the rest of the
network will be protected. So we placed servers like application server, e-mail inside the
DMZ which are exposed to the users from the external network so the internal network
can be protected from attacks.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Proxy Server

Proxy server is a server that sits between internet and the internal network which
provide security, administrative control and cache services.

We proposed to use a proxy server because of its abilities of:

• Content filtering
• Bandwidth management
• Cache services


IPPBX is the equipment that helps to switch calls between the traditional phone line and

Internet Security Systems (2004). VoIP: The Evolving Solution and the Evolving Threat.
United States: Internet Security Systems. p1-p6.

We proposed to use a IPPBX as a part of VoIP implementation because IPPBX is an

essential network element for the VoIP implementation.

Backbone Switch

For the backbone switch we use a 48 port layer 3 switch. We are proposing to use a
layer 3 switch to the backbone switch because according to Allied ,T (2005) “Layer 3
switches” as their whitepaper it describes that layer 3 switches are capable to do
switching and routing on every port in high speeds and can handle high bandwidth of
traffic than layer 2 switches

To the backbone switch servers, internet connectivity and other switches are connected,
so through the backbone switch high bandwidth of traffic goes in and out. Also traffic
should be routed to the destinations.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


We mainly use several servers in our network proposal they are:

• Domain Controllers
• Database Server
• Application Server
• Printer Server
• E-Mail Server
• File Server
• DNS Server
• DHCP Serverg
• VPN Server
• SIP Server

Domain Controller Servers

According to Microsoft TechNet (2008), in their knowledge base it describes domain

controllers can authenticate users and assign permissions on the network.

We proposed two domains to students and staff to separate the network features
among the students and the staff and for authentication purposes. So there will be two
separate logins for the staff and students. With proper authentication methods the
unauthorized access to the network can be reduced.

E-Mail Server

We proposed to use an E-mail server to provide e-mail services to the Law school and
staff with their own domain name. (Example: -

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Printer Server

We proposed to use a printer server than printer sharing because with a printer server
you can manage the printer all around the network and can accept print jobs from the
client computers. Also with the printer server it can grant and restrict the use of printer
for users. Users will be able to take printouts from anywhe8re around the network and
users do not need to install and load the printer drivers for each machine.

Database Server

Database server can keep the databases and provide database services to the
organization. We are proposing a database server because software like student
information and student payment details will be kept on a centralized database, so a
database server should be established. Also for the software development purposes
students may need a database management system, so with the client computers users
can use database services.

File Server

The main purpose of using a file server to keep the files in a centralized storage location
is so that it can be access by the client computers. So Course Materials and other
documents can be kept on the file server.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

DHCP Server

DHCP servers can assign configuration information to DHCP clients automatically.

Nominum Inc. (2000). DHCP whitepaper. United States: Nominum Inc.p1.

We are proposing to use a DHCP server to assign client computers to obtain their
TCP/IP network configurations from this DHCP server so the network administrators do
not need to manually configure TCP/IP settings to each computer.

This will reduce the manual work of network administrators and optimize efferent use of
the IP address. If we are not using a DHCP server network administrator have to
configure each network devices TCP/IP settings manually. In this large network it’s not
possible and not cost effective.

DNS Server

According to Hallberg, B (2005) in his book “Networking: a beginner's guide” DNS

server can translate a domain name to its host name. For example to convert
domains to its IP address , DNS server can cache and store the query results and every
time it to not need to accesses the root DNS server to do the translation process

SIP Server

SIP server enables SIP end points to exchange messages, register user location, and
provide routing and security policies for VoIP implementation.

RADVISION Ltd (2004). SIP Server Technical Overview. United States : RADVISION
Ltd. p1-p3.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

We proposed to use a SIP server because we are planned to implement the VoIP
services so SIP server is an essential network element for the VoIP implementation.

VPN Server

VPN server is a server gateway that manages, authenticates and connects VPN clients.

anonymous.(2005). Virtual Private Networks. Available: Last accessed [14 Sep

We proposed to use a VPN server for the linking of the main campus and the APIIT law
school we use a VPN connection and we need to manage and authenticate the users
who connect in and out though the VPN.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

First floor

Floor Plan briefing

Respectively first floor will have the reception, accounting department and the counselor

Network Plan

Figure 2 – Ground Floor Plan

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

As shown in the above figure the main switch in the ground floor will be connected to
the backbone switch in server room though the air vent. Two switches will be connected
from the main switch to the accounting department and to the counselor rooms and
network equipments in those departments will be connected to them .Wi-Fi router and
reception PCs and Reception IP Phone will be directly connected to the main switch.

We proposed a separate Layer 2 switch for the level 1 floor to keep the hierarchical
approach and the keep that floor work independent from other floors. All other switches
in this floor will be connected to that main switch and this main switch will be connected
to the server backbone switch.

We use a separate switch for the accounting department because if the management
wants to move the accounting department to another location and have a different office
in that place the network can be easily expandable without changing the wired
connections, also by having a separate switch accounting department can be
segmented and work separately and can assign several network configurations only for
that department.

Equipment briefing

We are suggesting using a 24 port and 12 port switches which are IEEE 802.3, 1Gpbs
or 10Gpbs standard switches.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Account Department wiring plan

Figure 3 – Accounting Dep. Wiring overview

The above figure shows the proposed wiring plan for the accounts department.

Backup and Recovery Plans

Maintaining the network of this floor can be done without interfering the other floors of
the network by using a separate main switch to this floor. In case of a failure, network
administrators can easily come up with the solution and with a less down time without
interfering the network connection of the other floors.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Second floor

Floor Plan briefing

As shown in the figure below human resources department, library and the study area
will be located in the second floor, expect that there will be a lobby.

Network Plan

Figure 4 - Level 2 Floor Plan

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Follows the hierarchical approach and to separate the floor there will be a floor main
switch and from that other switches in that floor will be connected and there will be
separate switches to library, study room because in the future the network can be

Equipment briefing

We are suggesting using a 24 port and 12 port switches which are IEEE 802.3, 1Gpbs
or 10Gpbs standard switches.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Third floor

Floor Plan briefing

In the third floor the labs and the server room will be located.

Network plan

Figure 5 – Level 3 Floor Plan

As shown in the figure above the lab backbone switch will be connected to the server
backbone though the air duct, each lab will have its own switch. Each switch will be
connecting to 40 computers using star topology.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Equipment briefing

Each lab will have two interconnected 24 port switches, 48 or 64 port switches, we
proposed to use more port switches than the available network equipments because the
lab can be expandable easily.

Lab wiring plan

Figure 6 – Lab wiring overview

The proposed wiring plans for the labs are shown in the above figure. Computers will be
divided into 10 rows, 4 computers in each row. Nearby each row there will be a wall
outlet and cabling from the computers will be connecting to it. Cables from the wall
outlet will be connected to the patch panel and from the patch panel those cables will be

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

connected to the Lab switch using patch cables. All the network devices in the labs will
be connected to the switch using star topology.

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Server room

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Figure 7 – Server Room

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Forth floor

Floor Plan briefing

In the fourth floor all the class rooms are located.

Network plan

Figure 8 – Level 4 Floor Plan

As shown in the figure above the level main switch will be connected to the server
backbone though the air duct there will be shared switches in the class rooms, that

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

would mean that one switch will be used in two class rooms. We use switches in class
rooms considering a future network expansion, or a backup situation.

Equipment briefing

We propose to use IEEE 802.3 standard 12 or 24 Port Layer 2 switches which support
1Gpbs or 10Gpbs.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Fifth floor

Floor Plan briefing

Fifth floor will have the meeting room, conference hall, staff room, CEO office and a store room.

Network Plan

Figure 9 - Level 5 Floor Plan

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

As shown in the figure above the hierarchical approach is followed and there will be a
main switch for the fifth floor and other switches are connected to it from it, we provide
separate switches for meeting room, and conference hall because in the future if these
location have to change the network can be easily expandable, we provide a separate
switch to staff room because there will be lot of network devices and in case of a
proposal to use two interconnected switches in the staff room. Also we propose to keep
a free cable to the store room because if the store room is to be used for another
purpose in the future it will have to be rewired again. Also we use two wireless access
points in the lobby of the fifth floor and for the conference room.

The staff room network components will be connected to the staff switch using the star
topology, also in the CEO office as well.

All the cables will connect to the backbone switch though the air duct.

Equipment briefing

All switches in this floor will be IEEE 802.3 standard layer two 12 or 24 port switches, in
a requirement staff room can use a 48 port switch or two interconnected 24 port

Backup and Recovery Plans

We proposed to use two 24 port switches in the staff room if one switch goes down the
full network in staff room will not go down.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Sixth floor

Floor Plan briefing

Respectively the sixth floor will be the cafeteria.

Network Plan

Figure 10 - Level 6 Floor Plan

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

As shown in the above figure there will be a main switch in the sixth floor, and the
wireless access points will be connected from the main switch. We proposed to use two
wireless access points to give a good wireless coverage in the sixth floor .also we
provide a wired connection to the canteen counter.

Equipment briefing

We propose to use IEEE 802.3 standard 12 or 24 Port Layer 2 switch as the main
switch and for the wireless access points we propose to use 802.11g or 802.11n
standard wireless access points.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


According to Internet Security Systems (2004). VoIP: “The Evolving Solution and the
Evolving Threat “ whitepaper Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a service that
delivers voice services over an IP network.

The figure below shows the VoIP implementation in APIIT Law School. We are
proposing to implement VoIP services in this network proposal because the same
network can be used to transfer both data and voice .VoIP will cut down the cost of
implementing an internal telephone system and it provides many features than the
normal telephone implementation.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Figure 11 – VoIP implementation

For moderation and management purposes APIIT law school staff may need to contact
Staffordshire University and APIIT Malaysia frequently, so with the implementation of
the VoIP staff can make calls to foreign countries for lower prices than the traditional
telephone system.

With the VoIP expanding the telephone line is really easy than using normal telephone
connection. If the management wants to have extra phones connections to be
implemented in the Law school premises they only need to plug a VoIP phone to the
nearest switch or a use a VoIP soft phone. If we use the old telephone system we have
to newly wire the new locations to take the telephone connection.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

VoIP has many features like Voice mail, Caller ID, Call Conferencing, Call forwarding,
Number Portability which we have to pay extra service charges to the service provider
in the normal telephone network .

Internet Security Systems (2004). VoIP: The Evolving Solution and the Evolving Threat.
United States: Internet Security Systems. p1-p6.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


For cabling solution we propose 3 options

 Cabling using CAT7(Category 7) Cables

 Cabling using CAT6(Category 6) Cables
 Cabling using CAT5e(Category 5) Cables

The following table shows the type of cabling and the maximum achievable speed

Cabling Type Achievable speed

CAT5 100Mpbs
CAT5e 1Gpbs

CAT6 1Gbps

CAT7 10Gpbs

Table 1 – Cable type and maximum achievable speed

B&B Electronics (2002). Ethernet basics . Ottawa,United States: B&B Electronics. p1-

Following table shows the cabling and its life cycle

Cable Type Lifecycle of System (Years)

Cat 5e/Class D UTP 5
Cat 6/Class E UTP 7
10G 6A UTP 10
TERA-Class F/Cat 7 15
Table 2 – Cable type and life time

Siemon (2008). Cabling Lifecycles and Total Cost of Ownership. United States: Siemon.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

As the above table shows the CAT5 cables has a life cycle of only 5 years , also CAT 6
cables will be outdated in 7 years time.

Nowadays most organizations in Sri-Lanka use CAT5 cabling and achieve a maximum
speed of 100Mpbs, but the modern world is moving today towards achieving 1Gpbs
using CAT5e/CAT6 cabling and within the next 15 years the world will move to high
speed connectivity solutions of 10Gpbs using CAT7 cabling.

CAT 7 Cabling

Bob Grow, Chair of the 802.3 working group, in his recent announcement declared that
10Gpbs Ethernet over copper interface is now a standardized as IEEE 802.3ak.

IEEE . (2004). New IEEE standard adds copper cable interface to 10 gb/s
Ethernet. Available: Last
[accessed 13 Sep 2009].

So for future purposes we suggest to use CAT7 cabling to the organization because
with CAT7 cabling you can easily upgrade to a 10Gpbs (IEEE 802.3ak) network without
rewiring the building. This will help the organization save a large sum of money and
also without an upgrade downtime.

But the current network devices will not support IEEE 802.3ak standards and the law
school will not receive the full advantage of the 10Gpbs networking, but in future it will
be a big advantage for the organization and company network as it can use under
10Gpbs speed without rewiring the building and only by replacing network devices .Also
CAT 7 is backward compatible and works with lower speed devices also.

If company management offers resistance to use CAT7 cabling we proposed to use

CAT5e or CAT 6 cables as an option, with the CAT5e cabling it will not make any
difficulties to work on with the current network background .

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

CAT 6 / CAT 5e Cabling

According to David, B in his book ‘Complete Guide to Network Wiring‘ he describes

CAT 5e an enhanced version of CAT5 cabling and capable of transmitting up to 1Gbps
speed.CAT 6 also support 1Gpbs Speed, both CAT5e and CAT6 cabling are backward
capable .

Law school cabling can be done using CAT5e UTP cables, for the cables that connects
floor switches to the server backbone switch which are running in the air vent can use
STP or UTP cables with PVC cover used as insulation. We propose to use insulation
covers for cables because most of the meager electrical cables running though the air
went are prone to electrical interference and if anything happens the data will be
corrupted. Also the PVC insulation cover will protect the cables from animal bites and
weather conditions.

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Wireless access

Every floor in the law school will have secure wireless access and each floor will have a
wireless access point. We are proposing a wireless access point in every floor to give a
good wireless service by proving a good coverage .Each wireless connection will be
secured with a password to prevent unauthorized access.

We encourage establishing the wireless access point in the middle of every floor to
provide a 360 degree coverage in the floor. If the wireless access point is established in
a side of a floor some areas in that floor will not be well covered and users will face slow
wireless connections.

Standardization of Wireless Network

The IEEE standards that concern wireless local areas connection (WLAN) falls under
IEEE 802.11 we proposed to any of following standards in the network and the wireless
devices which provide wireless access should meet the following standards .

• IEEE 802.11g

• IEEE 802.11n

IEEE 802.11g

According to Black Box (2008). Wireless Networking Whitepaper, IEEE 802.11g is a

standardization stack (Combination of 802.11a and 802.11b), supporting up to 54 Mbps
bandwidth and its backward compatible with old standards. That mean wireless access
point with IEEE 802.11g will support to work with 802.11b wireless adapters.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

IEEE 802.11n

According to Black Box (2008). Wireless Networking Whitepaper, IEEE 802.11n

supports up to 100Mpbs data rates and higher, better signal intensity than older
standards, is backward compatible with other standards. Also the Special feature is the
ability to support the utilization of multiple wireless signals and antennas instead of one
(MIMO technology).

Black Box (2008). Wireless Networking. Pennsylvania : Black Box. p1-p4.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Linking the Campus

As the managements request we have to bring up a link between the APIIT main
campus network and the proposed APIIT law school building. So we propose several
options for this connection.

• Virtual Private Network (VPN)

• Wireless Point to Point Bridges (PtP)

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

According to MegaPath Communications (2005). ‘Implementing an IP VPN’, in their

whitepaper they say VPN is a technology that can connect private networks with the use
of a public network such as the Internet.

Virtual Private Network can be used to link the APIIT City campus and the APIIT Law
School over the Internet which is located in two different physical sites, so these two
networks can be operate as a single network. This will benefit the organization by
sharing and centralizing the data in these two networks.

We propose to use VPN to link the two networks because, there is no special
infrastructure to be implemented, and with the current leased line you can link the two
LAN networks.

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Figure 12 - VPN implementation

To keep the VPN Network on standard we proposed to use the following best practices
and to consider about these key areas when implementing the VPN network.

Traffic Control and bandwidth management and should guarantee the reliability and
performance of the VPN, use of security techniques like authentication and encryption
methods, and the implementation should guarantee the security of the network because
there may be private and confidential data like student personal information travelling
though this VPN .

MegaPath Communications (2005). Implementing an IP VPN. Costa Mesa, CA:

MegaPath Communications. p2-p9.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Wireless Point to Point Bridges (PtP)

Figure 13 - Wireless P2P Bridge

Using a Wireless Point to Point Bridges we can connect the wired APIIT Law School
and APIIT City campus network wireless using two wireless bridges via IEEE 802.11g
Wi-Fi protocol or IEEE 802.16 Wi-MAX Protocol.

This method is easy to implement but using this method there will be lot of interferences
by weather and other effects. This wireless bridges should be line of sight, if not the
connection will drop, also the static speed cannot be guaranteed because of the
external inferences.

Motorola, inc (2007). Point-To-Point Solutions and WiMAX. Ashburton, Devon:

Motorola, inc. p3.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

IP Addressing

Floo Switch IP Range Net IP Broadcast IP

1Floor Switch
Accounts Dept.
Main Switch
Study Area
Lab backbone
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
3 Lab 4
Research lab
Main switch
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Main switch

5 Meeting room

Conference hall

Staff Room

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Main Switch

Table 3 – Proposed IP Table

Structured Cabling Standards (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568)

Most of the networks face problems because of inferior cabling of the network so we
propose to use structured cabling standards in the proposed network plan. This will
provide various benefits for the network and the network administrators.

So we proposed to use commercial building cabling standards which are provided by

American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

According to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (2006).’Commercial building

telecommunications standards’ whitepaper cabling in commercial buildings falls under
ANSI/TIA/EIA-568 also this approach can be divided in to several main parts.

• Entrance facility
• Main Interconnect
• Backbone distribution
• Horizontal connect
• Horizontal distribution
• Work area

Entrance facility

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

The entrance facility contains the cables from the service provider. The connection and
the hardware equipments like CSU/DSU, IPPBX will be located here. The entrance
facility will be located in the special section in server room.

Main interconnect

The main interconnect will be the server room which is located in third floor. The cables
from the service provider and the cables from the floors (backbone cables) all the
servers will be connected to the Server backbone switch in the main interconnect .

Backbone distribution

Figure 14 –

According to
figure the

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

backbone cables will be distributed from the main interconnect (server room) to every

Horizontal distribution

Connections to the wall outlet fall under here. It’s proposed to use a maximum distance
of 90m and additional 10m for patching.

Working areas

This describes the connection from the outlet to the work area equipment, according to
this standard it’s proposed to use 3m of cabling after the wall outlet.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (2006).Commercial building

telecommunications standards . United States: ANSI. p1-12.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

Backup Plans

Dual backbone switches

Other than one layer 3 switch we propose to use two layer3 switches in the server back
bone because if one switch goes down the network can be restore using the other layer
3 switch.

Remote backup

To guarantee the security of the confidential data we proposed to use a remote backup
or an online backup system. We don’t keep a backup server in the law school premises
because in case of a disaster like fire the backup server will be destroyed and backup
will be not useful.

Backup lines

To use in case of an emergency we can keep backup lines to the floors though the air
vent. If the current cable goes down the network can be restored with the emergency

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 Cannot overcome single point failures.

 No proper media streaming facilities.

 VoIP services are limited to voice services.

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (2006).Commercial building

telecommunications standards. United States: ANSI

 B&B Electronics (2002). Ethernet basics . Ottawa,United States: B&B


 Black Box (2008). Wirless Networking. Pennsylvania : Black Box.

 David Barnett,David Groth,Jim McBee (2004). Cabling: The Complete Guide to

Network Wiring, . United States : SYBEX Inc.

 Eric Maiwald. Network Security: A Beginner's Guide. Second Edition. McGraw-

Hill/Osborne, 2003.

 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (2004).Errata to IEEE Standard

Codes, Formats, Protocols, and Commond Commands for Use With IEEE Std
488.1-1987, IEEE Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation.
United States: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society

 Intel Corporation (2003). 10 Gigabit Ethernet Technology Overview. United

States: Intel Corporation.

 Internet Security Systems (2004). VoIP: The Evolving Solution and the Evolving
Threat. United States: Internet Security Systems

 MegaPath Communications (2005). Implementing an IP VPN. Costa Mesa, CA:

MegaPath Communication

 Motorola, inc (2007). Point-To-Point Solutions and WiMAX. Ashburton, Devon:

Motorola, inc

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2

 RADVISION Ltd (2004). SIP Server Technical Overview. United States :

 Siemon (2008). Cabling Lifecycles and Total Cost of Ownership. United States:

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2


The purpose of this project was to implement a network plan for the APIIT Law School.

After several weeks of research we came up with solutions and new technologies that
could be useful to implementing the network. The use of all our research in this system
provides a network that is very effective and provides optimum features in the best way

Networks and Networking – AICT003-3-2



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