Anything For You Ma'am: Ctober This Year

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Anything for you maam

An IITians Love Story ---- TUSHAR RAHEJA




"o# #hen $riven %y emotions I get $o#n to &re&are an a''ount of my e(traor$inary voyage I 'annot he)& %ut #on$er #hat *rofessor Si$hu Ra+it an$ ,r- * those fatefu) men #ho #ere meant to %e a &art of it #ere $oing at that hour- That hour my 'hoi'e for o&ening this a''ount #as #hen I tru)y s&rung into a'tion- I re'a)) $istin't)y/ it #as a ty&i'a) O'to%er noon0 there #as a 'oo) %ree1e a)) over the &)a'e an$ the sun #as me))o#- It $oes not get any %etter in ,e)hi the 'ity of e(tremesI )ay on my %a'. my min$ not #ithout trou%)e #hen the O'to%er air the ty&e that )u))s you into s)ee& #ithout you a'tua))y any effort $i$ the tri'.- 2y eyes ')ose$ my thoughts s'attere$ #hen su$$en)y my 'e)) &hone %u11e$- It #as 3hos)a our C)ass Re&resentative one #ho $oes a)) the running for a &arti'u)ar $e&artment0 in my 'ase the In$ustria) an$ *ro$u'tion ,e&artment In$ian Institute of Te'hno)ogy ,e)hi4Hu))o556 I sai$ ya#ning47ere you s)ee&ing Te+as8 9et u& yaar I 'ou)$nt get you ti'.et0 there #as this )ong :ueue an$ )itt)e time- ,o #hat you #ant to :ui'.)y- I guess on)y a%out fifty ti'.ets )eft-6 That #o.e me u&4On)y fifty86 4!es-6 4Any#ays than.s yaar I)) %oo. mine- 7hat are your seat num%ers86 4Bogey S-;0 the first t#enty-seven are ours-6 I got u& :ui'.)y- I ha$ to rush to the nearest trave) agent at on'e- Boo.ings o&ene$ ten $ays %a'. an$ the moron 'ou)$ fin$ time on)y no# to %oo. the ti'.ets- 7hat if I $i$nt get mine8 I gra%%e$ the essentia)s money an$ my itinerary that I ha$ so

meti'u)ous)y &re&are$ on 2i'rosoft 7or$- I .i'.-starte$ my S'ooty0 it 'oughe$ +er.e$ an$ fina))y starte$- I hea$e$ for the Se'tor-<= of >ari$a%a$ a &ea'efu) &)a'e +u(ta&ose$ #ith ,e)hi #here I )ive #ith my &a&a mummy dadima ?gran$ma@ babaji ?gran$&a@ an$ Sneha A my $earest sisterIt #as a s&a'ious offi'e- A huge mu)ti-'o)oure$ %anner announ'e$ BJ>3 Trave)s A A)#ays on the move- A %aff)ing name in$ee$- I re'a))e$ 'oming a'ross a 'ertain J>3 Tai)ors on'e an$ #on$ere$ #hat the &ro&erties of the ingenious %rain %ehin$ this J>3 'hain 'ou)$ %e #hen the man insi$e the offi'e 'a))e$ me- He )oo.e$ )i.e a ty&i'a) %usinessman4Ho# may I he)& you sir86 4Train reservations86 I as.e$ in return- He $i$nt %other to say yes- He sim&)y &ointe$ to#ar$s the %oar$ the sai$ BRai) Reservations at num%er three- Rest #ere air trave) re)ate$- I #as not that ri'h- I too. my seat- 7ithout #asting any more time I as.e$ 4Can you %oo. me ti'.ets from any&)a'e to any&)a'e86 4Certain)y Sir56 4I mean for e(am&)e sitting here in >ari$a%a$ 'an you %oo. me ti'.ets from Tim%u.tu to Hono)u)u86 4If there is su'h a train then yes sir56 4>ine56 I too. out my itinerary an$ sho#e$ him the train num%ers an$ names an$ time- 4I #ant a ti'.et from ,e)hi to *une for <Cth ,e'em%er- The train rea'hes *une on the <<th- Then I #ant a ti'.et for the train from *une to Chennai <<th mi$night or <Dth #hatever you #ish to 'a)) it #hi'h rea'hes Chennai on <Dth night Eo ')o'.-6 He eye$ me sus&i'ious)y I thought an$ sai$/ 4On)y one sir8 >or you86 I re&)ie$ in &ositive 'oo))y an$ as.e$- 4Are they avai)a%)e86 A torrent of 'om&uter .eys )ate he sai$ 4*)enty56 4I #as informe$ that on)y a%out fifty remaine$56 I sai$4"o sir a%out a hun$re$ an$ fifty56 he sai$ smi)ing an$ I 'urse$ 3hos)a- I hate %eing #o.en u& es&e'ia))y #o.en u& )i.e that #ith a sho'.er4Sir name86 he as.e$I ha$ thought a%out that- I #ou)$nt give my rea) nameLeave not a speck That may cause a wreck.

has a)#ays %een my s)ogan- 2y name #ou)$nt have mattere$ %ut my surname might have- 7hat if he turne$ to %e my fathers &atient8 2y father is a $o'tor %y the #ay an$ so is my motherAn$ one 'an never affor$ 'om&)a'en'y #hen ones &arents are $o'tors- A)) sorts of &eo&)e f)o'. to them an$ #hi)e sho#ing a sore eye or a )oony &im&)e they 'an a)#ays %)urt out things that they shou)$ not- 2y father over the years has forme$ a tremen$ous net#or. of his &atients #ithout any s&ying intentions of 'ourse- An$ its #ret'he$ mem%ers seem to %e every#here- Or at )east their sons an$ $aughters are0 #ho %eing my s'hoo)mates 'ontrive to e(&ose #ithout fai) that )atest 1ero I s'ore$ in my 2ora) S'ien'e or some su'h &a&er- Than. 9o$ I am in a 'o))ege no# far a#ay from the net#or. #hi'h mer'ifu))y has its )imitations- So &)aying safe I sai$ #hat I ha$ thought/ 4Rohit Ferma-6 "ot a %a$ name I ref)e'te$ 'ommon any easy to remem%er- But +ust as I %egan to fee) goo$ a%out my enter&rising s.i))s foresight an$ a)) that he %o#)e$ the ne(t goog)y4A$$ress86 I ha$nt thought of that- I too. a &ause4,o I have to give it86 I shou)$nt have sai$ that4!es6 I trie$ to 'orre't my e(&ression4A'tua))y IG--IG-I $ont )ive here- I 'ame to visit a frien$ for ,ussehra ho)i$ays- I stay in ,e)hi- Can I give that a$$ress86 4!es Sir-6 4>ine5 ,-DH 3ara.oram House IIT ,e)hi-6 4Conta't num%er86 I 'oo))y gave my mo%i)e num%er- Than. 9o$- I have one47e)) I #ant the ais)e seats- An$ from ,e)hi to *une I &refer a seat in Bogey S-; if the seat num%er s %eyon$ =C- Other#ise %oo. me in %ogey S-E or S-<C- I ho&e you get it86 4Sir I have %een in his %usiness for then years 6 he sai$ #ith &ri$e an$ #ou)$ have vomite$ matter suffi'ient for his %iogra&her ha$ I not ta'tfu))y shoute$ 47on$erfu) 6 an$ &resse$ hi$ han$- !et I re&eate$ a)) my instru'tions- I #ante$ to ma.e sure that they #ere fo))o#e$- I #ante$ those very seat num%ers- I)) e(&)ain a)) that an$ other &)an $etai)s %ut for no# #e)) %e &atient- Here it #ou)$ suffi'e to say that I $i$nt #ant to %e very ')ose to my 'o))ege grou& as one of its 'onstituents #as a &rofessor #ho one must avoi$- !et I

#ante$ to %e near enough to t#o of my frien$s #ho .ne# it a))2y $e&artment #as going on an In$ustria) Tour to *uneThe agent informe$ me that I$ get the ti'.ets the $ay after- As I got u& satisfie$ I remem%ere$ in time to as. him/ 47hat $oes J>3 stan$ for86 4Oh- They are the initia)s of my gran$fathers name56 47hat56 I uttere$ in're$u)ous)y- The #or)$ #as strange- Ho# the great mans gran$son 'ou)$ %e em&)oye$ in a trave) agen'y a'ross the seven seas #as %eyon$ me- But as I %egan to fee) goo$ a%out fina))y esta%)ishing an a':uaintan'e of im&ortan'e he e)a%orate$ #ith &ri$e/ 4!es sir Jahangir >ath 3han- He #as a great manA)#ays on the move- Hen'e this trave) agen'y $e$i'ate$ to him an$ our s)ogan too/ A)#ays on the move56 >unny #as the #or)$ I ref)e'te$4,o you .no# another great man share$ his initia)s #ith your gran$father86 I as.e$4"o sir I have no .no#)e$ge5 7ho sir may he %e86 4Oh $oesnt matter he #as a sma)) man 'om&are$ to your gran$father 6 I sai$ smi)ing- He smi)e$ too an$ I move$ outThe 'oo) #in$ greete$ me stirring in me s&)en$i$ emotions I ha$ the gait of a so)$ier #ho is fina))y on his #ay to meet his )over after a ten-year #ar- An$ it is a $ifferent matter that mine #as a some#hat simi)ar 'ase- I ha$ a song on my )i&s #hi'h is usua))y the 'ase- There is a song for every o''asion g)a$ or sa$- I 'annot re'a)) the song %ut one may %et on it %eing a merry oneThe first stage of the &)an ha$ %een e(e'ute$ an$ #e))- I har$)y 'ontain my e('itement- I ha$ to te)) her an$ te)) then- The moment shou)$ not &ass- I $ia)e$ her num%er4Congratu)ations Shreya5 I am on my #ayG6


It #ou)$ %e 'onvenient here to re#in$ our ta&e a )itt)e- To a month %a'. a&&ro(imate)y- 2i$-Se&tem%er that is- Shreyas num%er ha$nt %een rea'ha%)e for over three hours no#- 7e ha$nt s&o.en sin'e morning- Our )ife ha$ %een &un'tuate$ #ith +in(es )ate)y an$ these #ere not goo$ signs- 2y heart %eat faster

ea'h time the 'a)) $i$nt 'onne't- >ina))y the %e)) rang- I than.e$ 9o$5 4Hu))o56 I sai$4Hu))o56 sai$ she47here have you %een the #ho)e $ay8 I have %een trying your num%er sin'e morning- Ho# many times have I to)$ you to inform me that you are %usy an$ 'ant ta).86 I sai$ in a tense voi'e mi(e$ #ith anger4The net#or. #as $o#n- An$ I 'ou)$nt 'a)) from home-6 47hy86 I fire$42om an$ $a$ #ere aroun$-6 4The #ho)e $ay8 !ou 'ou)$nt even fin$ a minute to 'a)) me86 I shou)$ have trie$ to un$erstan$ her &osition %ut my tem&er too. over 4Ho# foo)ish is that5 !ou .no# very #e)) that I)) %e #orrie$Every time you $ont 'a)) I thin. not again not another sho'.er5 But no you #ont 'a))- !ou are never %othere$56 4Right- I am never %othere$ 6 she sai$ irrita%)y4Shut u&56 4"o you are right I am never %othere$ an$ #hy shou)$ I %e56 4"o# $ont %egin- Te)) me a)) #e))86 4Ho# $oes it matter if it is or not- I am not %othere$- An$ you shou)$nt %e either-6 4Shreya &)ease te)) me- A)) #e))86 I as.e$ a )itt)e #orrie$4I 'ant right no# I)) 'a)) you at night- Aroun$ e)even-thirty 6 she sai$ in a me)an'ho)i' tone- Something #as #rong4Just te)) me if everything is fine56 4I #ont %e a%)e to no#- *)ease-6 4I 'ant hang u& )i.e that Shreya- !ou ma.e me nervous- At )east give me a hint 6 I summone$ a)) my guts to say 6 I ho&e you are 'oming to ,e)hi in ,e'em%er-6 4"o 6 she sai$ after a &ause her voi'e on the verge of I 'ou)$nt ta). any more- I nee$e$ some time to a%sor% that sho'.I .ne# that it #as on the 'ar$s sti)) I nee$e$ time-


It #as Ju)y en$ an$ she #as %a'. in Chennai A that is #here she )ives a goo$ t#o thousan$ .i)ometers a#ay from me- Ba'. I

mean from ,e)hi- 7e ha$ met :uite often #hi)e she #as here an$ those sure)y ha$ %een magi'a) $ays- An$ after she )eft I ha$ misse$ her sore)y- So I $e'i$e$ or say erre$ )i.e many other vi'tims of )ove have sin'e time immemoria) an$ #i)) 'ontinue to in s&ite of my #e))-meant #arnings to #rite a )etter to her &ouring out my fee)ings- 2y first )ove )etter5 I #rote un$er her frien$s name an$ she got in a)rightBut not many $ays )ate she 'a))e$ to te)) me that the )etter ha$ %een $is'overe$- By her &arents of 'ourse- Li.e a fish out of #ater my game u& I as.e$ )i.e everyone $oes in su'h situations an in'onse:uentia) :uestion/ 4,i$nt you )o'. the $ra#er86 I ha$ as.e$4I ha$56 4Then8 !ou sai$ there #ere t#o .eys %oth in your &ossession56 It so ha&&ene$ she to)$ me that a thir$ .ey e(iste$- Her mother .e&t it- She #asnt a#are of it too unti) she 'ame into her room after 'o))ege an$ foun$ the $ra#er o&en an$ the )etter remove$- An$ they say A ignoran'e is %)iss5 7e)) rest of it is usua)5 Her mom &)aye$ a &assing-the&ar'e) an$ gave the )etter to her $a$ an$ any $a$ on $is'overing a )etter #ritten %y a )over to his $aughter a$$ressing her $angerous things )i.e $ar)ing an$ s#eetheart )ea&s in the air an$ so $i$ 2r- Bhargava her father an$ in that &ro'ess hit the 'ei)ing im&airing his %rain forever- I $ont %)ame him- It is &erha&s natura) for I have seen $o'umentaries that stu$y a $a$s rea'tion on the $is'overy of his $aughter $ar)ing an$ they a)) sho# the same thing- The dad goes mad- >or him it is not mere)y a )etter %ut a time %om% ti'.ing a#ay threatening to %)o# his $aughter a#ay one $ay- An$ #hen a $a$a goes ma$ he $e'i$e$ that his $aughter must %e .e&t in stri'test of 'usto$ies #ith %ar%e$ #ires an$ a))Tough times ensue$ an$ I re)u'tant)y a$mit to have %e'ome something of a &hi)oso&her- Su'h #as my 'on$ition that I manage$ to #rite a song on )ife &)aying #hi'h on my guitar %rought me 'omfort- Though s'ar'e)y %etter than a 'ro#s serena$e it #as of he)& an$ so I re&ro$u'e it for you/ You havent pain your rent, Landlord isnt much of a friend,

e wants his !" dollars #" cents, $r youll be booked for offence, Youll be kicked out, but %ind new house, new town. %or life &oes on. er name is 'lice, Yesterday you &ot your first kiss, Today she tells it is all over, (he saw you with another miss. )efore you tell her it was only your sis, *ts a bye+bye+'lice. 'lices will &o but (allies will come, ,ont worry- life &oes on. Youve finally found a new job, .ood pay, not much work on the shop, Your packets picked on the mornin& train, $h my .od, youre late a&ain. The boss doesnt listen, says you are outta job You are a rollin& stone a&ain. ,ont worry they say *t cant worse. 'nd life rolls on. .ot no &irls to call your own, /o job, no money, no home, Youve been searchin& for a bench to sleep on. 0verythin&s so bleak 1n forlorn. Lifes a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs, Life &oes on. Theres one thon& youve &ot to learn, Lifes full of twists 1n turns, Youve &ot to break the rocks in the hot sun, %or the tide to turn. *f there is ni&ht, there has to be dawn. Life &oes on. Yesterday may have been shit, Today you may be a complete misfit, )ut tomorrows a new day, (o dont &ive up that weeny ray. Youve &ot to pray, dream, hope and move on, $+$+$ Life &oes on.

The %an$s gone the a&&)ause over )et us return to the story- Aroun$ t#o months ha$ &asse$ an$ )i.e a)) matters ho#ever hot initia))y this one too 'oo)e$ $o#n an$ )ife ha$ in$ee$ gone on- 7e ?#hi'h stri't)y in')u$es on)y Shreya an$ me@ ha$ ho&es that her $a$ #ou)$ a))o# her to 'ome to ,e)hi in ,e'em%er as ha$ %een the &)an- 7e manage$ to ta). on'e a $ay an$ #ere satisfie$- There ha$ %een no sho'. for a )ong time unti) this $ay #hen her father ha$ no $ou%t for some reason or$ere$ that his $aughter must not %e a))o#e$ to go to ,e)hi- An$ so it #as re:uire$ that his $aughters )ove must go to Chennai of 'ourse- So thats the story of my first )ove )etter an$ #e)) the )ast-




7e)) no# if you are not as $im as the hun$re$ #att %u)% that strugg)es to )ight u& my room for #ant of suffi'ient vo)tage you must have gathere$ the reason %ehin$ my voyage2y $e'ision #as s&ontaneous- I ha$ to go there as she #as not 'oming here %e'ause #e ha$ to meet- It #as that sim&)eThose #ho have never %een smitten %y the )ove %ug may fin$ it a )itt)e $iffi'u)t to 'om&rehen$ the o%viousness %ut if they on)y )ie 'oo))y on a sofa an$ thin. a%out a)) the movies they have seen an$ a)) the 'ra1y things in them that )overs often $o the fog #ou)$ %egin to ')ear u&After a)) I am not %ui)$ing a &a)a'e in my )overs name an$ 'utting the han$s of the artists thereafter or for that matter not even #riting )etters in %)oo$ my o#n of 'ourse- I am mere)y un$ an e(&e$ition harm)ess %ut ris.y a)) the same- 7hen you have not met for a%out si( months the one #ho as the sayings go your heart %eat faster an$ stea)s your s)ee& an$ &ea'e it %e'omes im&ossi%)e to go on an$ you thin. you$ rather $ie than suffer this agony- It is #ise therefore to try an$ $o anything that the union &ossi%)e- Hen'e this +ourneyThe inte))e'tua)s #i)) %e :ui'. toss&ot that though it is a)) very merry to say 4I)) go6 the rea) thing )ies in the $oing-

A)though fare from %eing an inte))e'tua)- I am g)a$ to te)) you that this fa't stru'. me too an$ )i.e a hammer- 7hen 'ir'umstan'es are as they #ere #ith me you $o say a )ot of things to yourse)f in an enhan'e$ state of min$ an$ %e'ome a#are of this %oring #or)$ of rea))y on)y a %it )ater- Su$$en)y you %att)e #ith su'h 'on'e&ts as feasi%i)ity an$ &ra'ti'a))y an$ AA 1oom AA you 'ome 'rashing to the groun$5 An$ so I #as hit in$ee$But then I must te)) you that a)though %ereft of inte))e't give my min$ a tas. #hi'h 'annot %e $one the straight #ay an$ it starts to $o %etter-

After ta).ing to her I fina))y got my a't together an$ $e'i$e$ firm)y that I ha$ to go to Chennai- I thought a%out a)) &ossi%)e #ays to go to Chennai in my #inter va'ations an$ short-)iste$ some- I $e'i$e$ to 'a)) her- *oor thing she must have %een 'rying- I #ante$ to te)) her that I #ou)$ 'ome an$ #e$ meet4Hu))o56 6Hi56 I sai$ trying to gather as mu'h ha&&iness I 'ou)$47hat ha&&ene$86 she sai$ #ith her innate s#eetness4"othing +ust #ante$ to a&o)ogi1e for hanging u& )i.e that- I am sorry- "ut I 'ou)$nt ta). then-6 4It is o.ay- I un$erstan$-6 4"o# at )east te)) me #hat ha&&ene$ #hy are you not 'oming86 4I to)$ you I)) 'a)) you aroun$ e)even-thirty Te+as-6 4Te)) me something at )east- !our $a$ sai$ something a%out us86 4!es56 47hat86 4,o I have to te)) no#86 4A )itt)e-6 4O.ay Ra+u bhaiya is getting marrie$G6 4Ra+u bhaiyaG6I trie$ to &)a'e him among her numerous 'ousins 4The one #ho use$ to 'arry you &iggy%a'. a)) $ay )ong86 I as.e$ an$ she 'hu'.)e$4!es the sameG6 47here is he these $ays86 4*une-6 67here is the marriage8 *une86 4"o here in Chennai- The $ates an$ a)) are %eing $e'i$e$- 7hen mummy 'ame to .no# a%out it she as.e$ &a&a if #as 'ou)$ visit

,e)hi in "ovem%er as #e)) %e stru'. her in ,e'em%er-6 She &ause$4Then8 9o on an$ &)ease $ont 'ry56 6*a&a to)$ her that she 'ou)$ go if she #ante$ to %ut that he #ont a))o# me- He sai$ he #as sure I$ )ie again an$ meet you56 she manage$ to say that4,ont #orry I)) 'ome-6 4!ou8 Ho# 'an you 'ome8 She as.e$ stunne$4I)) e(&)ain a)) that #hen #e ta). at night- Bye )ove you an$ $ont you 'ry-6

She 'a))e$ at e)even-forty- Late as usua)- But I $ont min$ that- In fa't I sort of )i.e these ha%its that a''om&any a ty&i'a) 'ute gir)- Coming )ate- hours to $ress u& irritating you an$ getting irritate$ at sma))-sma)) things- !es sometimes #hen moo$ is not re'e&tive these things $o get on to you %ut most)y you smi)e in#ar$)y an$ marve) at the uni:ueness an$ %eauty of a gir)- Charms un)imite$5 It is so )ove)y to ta). into the night #ith her- 7e )ose a)) sense of time an$ surroun$ings an$ %e'ome 'om&)ete)y )ost in ea'h other #hen su$$en)y one of us g)an'es at the #at'h A its %een rather )ong its %een t#o hours5 A trif)e if you ta.e into a''ount the other )ong t#enty t#o hours of the $ay %ut a%sur$)y )ong #hen you rea)i1e it is an ST, 'a))- It is so $iffi'u)t to hang u&7e have so mu'h to ta). a%out an$ it seems #e have +ust %egun #hen the $eman$ #at'h &roves us #rong- Ho# )ove)y things &ass so :ui'.)y an$ %oring things seem eterna) #i)) a)#ays remain a &u11)eSo she to)$ me as &romise$ in $etai) a%out #hy she #as not 'oming- There #as her 'ousins marriage an$ that too in Chennai- These 'oin'i$en'es .i)) you- !ou #on$er if it is a game going on- Ho# of a)) the 1i))ion &)a'es 'an her %rother 'hoose a gir) in Chennai8 An$ +ust as #e #ere $is'ussing our eventfu) )ife getting sentimenta) I to)$ her again that it is fine if thats the game then #e have to &)ay it- I$ 'ome to Chennai- She re&)ie$ )oving)y an$ 'rying 4But ho# #i)) you 'ome86 4,ont #orry I have many o&tions- I to)$ you a%out my In$ustria) tour in ,e'em%er- I 'an fa.e it at home an$ 'ome to Chennai-

Then #e a)so have our Inter-IIT meet s'he$u)e$ at IIT 2a$ras this year- I 'an try my )u'. there- Or I 'an a&&)y for training in some 'om&any in Chennai- Or may%e I 'an 'ome #ith my frien$s!ou see maam for your genius )over there are o&tions un)imite$"o #orries-6 4*)ease $ont )ie at your home- If you are 'aught there)) %e more &ro%)ems- Right no# on)y my &arents .no#- 7hat if your &arents 'ome to .no# as #e))86 4See thats a ris. that #e)) have to ta.e- An$ 9o$ #i))ing it)) a)) %e fine-6 4But %etter if you $ont have to )ie- I $ont see ho# you 'an 'ome56 She sai$ #orrie$The more thought of going to Chennai an$ meeting her ha$ $is&e))e$ every %it of $roo&iness in me- I #as a)rea$y ) for#ar$ to my a$venture- 2y tone #as no# %rimming #ith e(u%eran'e an$ filmi s&irit- I to)$ her as 2r- Shah Ru.h 3han himse)f #ou)$ te)) his heroine/ 4Shreya you #ant to meet me or not86 4Of 'ourse I $o- But ho# #i)) you 'ome8 If is so ris.y- 7hat if something ha&&ens86 I re&eate$ 4!ou #ant to meet me or not8 Say yes or no an$ nothing e)se-6 4!es-6 4Then sto& 'rying an$ sto& #orrying- I #i)) 'ome $ar)ing- An$ %esi$es #hat is )ife if it is norma) an$ %oring8 It must have some a$venture other#ise a)) thri)) an$ en+oyment #i)) %e )ost 6 I sai$ &hi)oso&hi'a))y 4An$ you .no# ho# mu'h I )ove movies an$ things that ha&&en in them so it)) %e fun- An$ if #e &u)) this through #ont #e have ni'e things to te)) our gran$'hi)$ren86 4!es---6 she sai$ in a )o# voi'e4So #hen 9o$ is giving us su'h a goo$ 'han'e to )i'e a movie #hy shou)$ #e $es&air86 6But ho# mu'h more filmi 'an it get86 4,ont .no# that I ho&e it is norma) sometimes too %ut yes right no# it is a &erfe't s'ri&t for a masala movie-6 4!ou)) 'ome this far Te+as +ust for me86 Anything for you maam anything56 An$ #e #ent on ta).ing into the night- A%out 'ute things si))y things te))ing ea'h other the )ove that #e ha$ for ea'h other an$ ho# mu'h #e misse$ ea'h other over a mi))ion times- An$ never on'e $i$ it soun$s sta)e0 ea'h time #e fe)t the same +oy hearing it our sou)s so )ost in ea'h others- tough times ho#ever

un#e)'ome they might %e ho# mu'h #e may 'urse them $o one go$ for sure0 they %ring us ')oser- They remin$ us a)) ho# mu'h #e nee$ ea'h other an$ that #e are in'om&)ete #ithout ea'h other- They test our )ove an$ it is so %eautifu) to sai) together han$ in han$ en$uring storms an$ in this effort if #e may &erish too our )ove #i)) )ive on forever-

Sai$ Risha%h/ 4It is %est that you a&&)y for a month )ong training in some Chennai firm- They e('use you for the In$ustria) Tour then- "o sus&i'ious-6 The green )a#ns of IIT stret'he$ out I $e)ight- The trees smi)e$ the %ir$s sang the ta)) 2S %ui)$ing shone an$ our )e'tures over #e 'hirru&e$ at the Ho)isti' >oo$ Centre a 'osy mess in IITThe month of O'to%er is i$ea) for &)otting an$ &)anning- The #eather invigorates you thorough)y- The min$ is fresh an$ a smi)e a$orns your fa'e a)) $ay- In the heart +oys a%oun$ an$ in the min$ i$ea- !ou $ont have to #orry a%out #i&ing the s#eat off your %ro# nor a%out 'rossing your arms to 'ounter the #inter 'hi))- !ou $ont have to %other a%out anything +ust )ie $ormant in the me))o# sun #hi)e the min$ &on$ers an$ $oes the ne'essary &)anning- The 'oo) %ree1e %rings #ith itse)f fresh i$eas an$ the fee%)e sun is #arm enough to ri&en them- The %ree1e this year #as sure an inte))igent oneA)) I ha$ $one for you the &ast t#o $ays #as stret'h out in the sun an$ )et the min$ #an$er an$ &on$er- An$ no# I $is'usse$ the &ossi%i)ities #ith t#o of my frien$s- 4"o #ay yaar 6 I sai$ in res&onse to Risha%h 42y $a$ .no#s #hat a s)oth I am- I #ou)$nt train for a $ay he .no#s- One month an$ that too in Chennai5 It #i)) te)) him a)) B7hos the ga) son8 he)) straighta#ay as. me*ritish a s&orts frea. )i.e me #ho #as )istening to it a)) :uiet)y su$$en)y eru&te$ 47hat a%out the Inter-IIT s&orts meet at Chennai in ,e'em%er8 *erfe't man &erfe't- "o more $is'ussion 6 he sai$ ru%%ing his han$s e('ite$)y as is his ha%it4!ou mean I shou)$ te)) at home that I have %een se)e'te$86 I as.e$ $isa&&roving)y47hy not86

4I 'ant-6 It &ri'.e$ my 'ons'ien'e- I %et Esome of you #i)) )augh at this su$$en $is'overy- 4Are you not %etraying your &arents trust a)rea$y86 you$ no $ou%t +i%e an$ ru% it in- %ut )et me te)) you that even the %iggest .naves have some s'ru&)es- They a)) $ra# a )ine some#here inno'ent #omen an$ 'hi)$ren- An$ Te+as "aru)a #ou)$ never hurt his fathers &ri$e in him an$ his a'hievementsIf I$ te)) him that I #as &)aying for the 'o))ege he$ hug me an$ say 47e)) $one son-6 An$ those very #or$s #ou)$ .i)) meHe has a)#ays %een so su&&ortive an$ en'ouraging- A &erfe't $a$- An$ to )ie to him #ho has %)in$ faith in me &ains me no en$- But you $o un$erstan$ I ho&e that meeting my )ove is not &ossi%)e #ithout .ee&ing him in the $ar.- So I have no 'hoi'eBut I %etter )ie in a &ro&er manner- Lie mora))y you 'an say- It is not that %a$ to )ie a%out #hat you $i$ on a one-&aisa tour0 %ut to )ie a%out #inning go)$ in a marathon is too mu'h- "o sir5 Risha%h reiterate$ 4I sti)) maintain get a training there-6 4I to)$ you I 'ant6 I sai$ &eevish)y4>ine you #ish 6 he gave in irritate$4See you $ont nee$ to get into a)) that hass)e- !ou $ont #ant to )ie a%out Inter-IIT you 'ant train then +ust fa.e the In$ustria) Tour 6 summe$ u& *ritish4!es I)) %un. the In$ustria) Tour an$ instea$ go to ChennaiThats the %est 'han'e I have- On)y the ris.s invo)ve$ are high- If %y any 'han'e my &arents 'ome to .no# I)) %e $ea$ 6 I sai$4But ho# man8 Ho#8 They #ont $ou%t you- An$ if they $ont see anything fishy they)) %e norma) 6 *ritish s&o.e e('ite$He ha$ a &oint- An$ I .ne# it #e)) too- Over a )ife of )ying an$ frau$s one 'omes to .no# the im&ortan'e of staying 'onfi$ent an$ 'a)m- !ou 'an se)) a ton of %rass as go)$ if you have the right )oo. on your fa'e4The main &ro%)em is that if my &hone is not rea'ha%)e an$ they 'a) any one of you I 'an %e in trou%)e-6 4That #e)) manage yaar- 7e)) te)) him that you are not #ith us %ut %usy in some fa'tory #here your 'e)) is not rea'ha%)e an$ that #e)) as. you to 'a)) themG6 I fe)t I #as ')oser to my Shreya a)rea$y- As *ritish an$ Risha%h fought over my &)ans as if it #as they #ho #ere going I sat %a'. #ith$ra#ing from the 'onferen'e an$ #as trans&orte$ t#o thousan$ .i)ometers a'ross the 'ountry A %)ue s.y %)ue sea

'oo) %ree1e- An$ there I 'ou)$ see Shreya #ith her hair %)o#ing in the %ree1e t#enty &a'es from me in a #hite $ress ange) )i.e a$orne$ #ith the s)ightest of smi)es #aiting for me to #ra& her in my arms4Shhh 6 sai$ *ritish su$$en)y my $ream- 4There 'omes *a&&iG6 4So86 I as.e$4He is the tour in-'harge-6 47ho is in 'harge %rothers86 'ame a %ooming voi'e from %ehin$It #as A BThe Lor$ of IIT- Ta.e note you a)) t#o 'riti'a) 'hara'ters have +ust ma$e you a':uaintan'e>or no# though )et us .ee& asi$e these men of im&ortan'e- The air is magi'a) the moo$ romanti' an$ a)) that 'omes to the min$ is Shreya-


>or a )ong time no# I ha$ #ante$ to as. her the :uestionAgain- I ha$ a)rea$y as.e$ on'e %efore- I ha$ &re&aring myse)f for $ays no#- 4I have to as. her again 6 a &art of me sai$ to myse)f 4I 'annot )et her &)ay #ith my heart any )onger-6 But then another voi'e shoute$ from insi$e me 4!ou moron its %een on)y three months sin'e you )ast as.e$ the :uestion- ,ont %e hasty again-6 These 'onf)i'ts are the #orst- These voi'es they fight )i.e unru)y street %o(ers a$ in the en$ )eave you at sea for no one #ins- But then ho#ever mu'h am%iva)ent you might %e you have to $e'i$e on something- !ouve got to &)ay the referee an$ after t#e)ve goo$ roun$s raise one voi'es han$ forgive me for %eing a%stra't an$ s)i& a gar)an$ aroun$ its ne'.I $e'i$e$ that I #ou)$ as. her again- I #as nervous as he))She message$ me at a%out one in the noon that she$ 'a)) me after she got %a'. home from 'o))ege that is at aroun$ three- I visite$ the )oo an a%sur$ num%er of times- That my rea$ers e)u'i$ates %est the .in$ of effe't a gir) &ro$u'es on a %oy- An$ in our 'ase a %oy en$o#e$ #ith 'ourage of no sma)) measure- !ou must have gathere$ as mu'h from the fa'ts of the &revious

'ha&ters- !ou must have si)ent)y a&&re'iate$ my guts an$ sai$ to yourse)f 4Boy5 He is fear)ess 6 an$ no# you must %e )et $o#n %y my attitu$e- 7e)) a)) I 'an say is/ have faith in my au$a'ity- Even the %ravest of sou)s totter sometimes- I %et that Hit)er himse)f #ou)$ have gone #ea. in his .eens fa'e$ #ith su'h a $aunting tas.Bertram 7ooster #ou)$ have gu)&e$ in one of the famous Jeeves &otions at a time as stressfu) as this- But I ha$ no Jeeves %y my si$e an$ am not mu'h of an ethano) 'onsumer- "ut the o''asion $eman$e$ some- So I #ent to my refrigerator an$ too. out a t#o- )itre %ott)e of Co.e- I &oure$ it into one of my fathers %eer mugs #hi'h I sometimes use for 'o)$ 'offee- I a$$e$ some )ime an$ $ran. my &re&aration +ust as 7ooster $ran. Jeevess to soothe his nerves %efore any enormous tas.- Co.e I am to)$ has 'affeine0 so it is %oun$ to 'a)m you $o#n- It #as the ')osest thing to vo$.a or rum that #as avai)a%)eI g)an'e$ at the ')o'. after ea'h se'on$- I #a).e$ u& an$ $o#n my room nervous)y time an$ again fe)t a strange sensation in my stoma'h again an$ .e&t visiting the )oo- This #ent on ti)) three- I finishe$ the entire %ott)e of Co.e %et#een these visitsBut it $i$ no goo$A)) this #hi)e memory of the )ast time .e&t 'oming %a'. to me- 7hat if I get a 4"o56 again8 I 'omforte$ myse)f %y arguing that this time aroun$ things #ere %etter an$ surer- But ha$nt I thought the same the )ast time too8 Boy5 That ha$ %een a &ainfu) night- I sti)) remem%ere$ vivi$)y the .in$ of effe't it ha$ on meIt is #orth re'ounting the story to you a))- An$ I #i)) %egin from the %eginning this time- It is high time I to)$ you a%out myse)f more a%out ho# my roman'e starte$-


January- 7hat a )ove)y month5 The month that %rings #ith itse)f a fresh year- The month in #hi'h are %orn ne# ho&es ne# +oys ne# i$eas ne# e(&e'tations ne# reso)utions ne#

everything- The month #hi'h is as fresh as the ear)y morning $e#January- The month that %rought her-

"o# that #eve arrive$ to this &oint in the narrative #here I must unfo)$ %efore you a most uni:ue e&iso$e I must te)) you a)) my rea$ers that I #as on'e a s'e&ti' a ri$i'u)er of this thing 'a))e$ >ate- !ou may &refer to 'a)) it $estiny or .ismet or 'oin'i$en'e %ut sin'e the mentione$ e&iso$e I have .no#n this entity as 2r- >ats- Though gui$ing my )ife sin'e %irth an$ no $ou%t yours his movements #ere a)) %ut o%s'ure to my eyes unti) he 'hose to sho# u& an$ ho#5 "o# )ie %a'. a)) you )overs an$ )et your min$ s)i& %a'. to that fortunate a''i$ent that ingenious stro.e of fortune #hi'h ena%)e$ you to meet your )ove- I $o not ta). a%out the moment you fe)) in )ove0 no I ta). a%out the accident that singu)ar 'oin'i$en'e #hen he or she not yet your )ove %um&e$ into your )ife- "o# forgive me I as. you a)) to $e)ete that in'i$ent from your )ife though from it hinges your entire )ife it is a s'enario you shu$$er to 'ontem&)ate %ut $o it0 #hat remains is am a)so parantha #ithout alooSo it #as that 2r- >ate ha$ &)anne$ a simi)ar a''i$ent for me an$ ha$ it %een a%sent no $ou%t you #ou)$ not %e rea$ing this %oo. an$ I #ou)$ sti)) %e a s'e&ti'- But no# a %e)iever as I 'ontinue the story I urge you to %e'ome a %e)iever too in the strange #or.ings of 2r- >ate A $estiny .ismet 'oin'i$en'e et a) A in #hose han$s #e are mere &u&&etsIt #as the eve of my %irth$ay I $istin't)y re'a))- Fineet my $earest %rother #as here on a va'ation from U-S- a)ong #ith our bhabhi ?not Fineets #ife@ an$ it #as going to %e a gran$ %irth$ay #hat #ith their &resen'e gra'ing the event after a )ong time- A)though a 'hara'ter of signifi'an'e in this story an$ my )ife my %rother has on)y a guest a&&earan'e here an$ I #i)) ta). a%out him in $etai) )ater7e #ere &)anning the morro# after my ')asses at bhabhis &)a'e #hen she suggeste$ going to a movie-

An$ no# I shu$$er to 'ontem&)ate the s'enario if she ha$nt $one so- 7ou)$ someone e)se have8 If not then ho# #ou)$ I have met Shreya8 There are other ifs an$ %uts A the 'inema ha))s 'ou)$ have %een $ifferent the sho# timingsG#hat notG That it #as meant to %e is a)) that 'omes to my )i&sAn$ so it #as that bhabhi uttere$/ 4Lets #at'h a movie tomorro#- Is that SR3 starrer out86 4!es0 it is goo$ I have hear$ 6 I sai$49reat #e)) #at'h the e)even o')o'. sho# an$ then hea$ to#ar$s your home to 'e)e%rate your %irth$ay #ith 2hachis yummy ' 2y mom is famous for them4Te+as 'a) *a)a. an$ as. her if she 'an 'ome tomorro#0 it)) %e fun if a)) .i$s get together- But Sneha #i)) have s'hoo) I guess 6 sai$ bhabhi- If a)) .i$s get 4!es Sneha #ont %e a%)e to 'ome %ut I)) as. *a)a. right a#ay-6 Time to start the intro$u'tions I guess- Sneha an$ *a)a. are my younger sisters an$ if you are 'urious a%out the #ho)e rea) sister an$ 'ousin sister thing #hi'h interests me the )east you)) say that *a)a. is my 'ousin an$ that Sneha is the rea) one- >or me %oth are sisters $ear an$ )oving- 7e are of the same age grou& %eing %orn #ithin t#o years of ea'h other- As #ith a)) sisters they are huge)y &ossessive an$ $o not a&&rove of my un'ivi)i1e$ ha%its an$ frivo)ous nature- Their u)timate aim remains to tame me into a &resenta%)e young man- A &ursuit #hi'h has %orne no fruit an$ that $es&airs them most a)ong #ith my mom an$ my didi Ria didi #ho is another 'ousin sister the on)y one o)$er an$ seven years that- There)) %e more on her )ater- A )ot moreSo I 'a))e$ u& *a)a. #ithout #asting any time- She ha$ %een at o$$s #ith me an$ Fineet )ate)y %e'ause #e #ere s&en$ing most of our time roaming here an$ there an$ not #ith her at home- An$ #e)) 9o$ save a %rother #hen his sis has $ra#n the s#or$4Hi sis5 Co))ege over56 4!es I +ust entere$ home- An$ you must %e enjoyin& yourse)f 6 she sai$ #ith sar'asm4Of 'ourse you .no# I en+oy myse)f every#here-6 4B)ah-%)ahG *eo&)e )i.e you an$ your %rother #ho have no other #or. in )ife %ut to ho& from one &)a'e to anotherG6 4Li.e a 'at on a tin roofG6

47hat86 4"othing an Eng)ish saying you may not %e a#are of- 7hat #as it that you #ere saying $earest sis8 That Fineet an$ me #ho have no other #or. in )ifeG6 4Ga)#ays en+oy- At )east you thin. you $o- 2a$ noma$s 6 she sai$ mo'.ing4!ou min$ that8 an$ $ont you %e +ea)ous-6 4*)ease +ea)ous an$ me8 I am en+oying %rea. from you t#o- Stay there as )ong as &ossi%)e an$ re)ieve me from the stress-6 4But sis so unfortunate that #e have to meet tomorro# again for my %irth$ay-6 4I .no# even I #as getting $e&resse$ a%out thatany#ays I treat it as a &art of )ife- Sorro# fo))o#s +oy- But +oy #i)) fo))o# soon- But yes I am e('ite$ a%out tomorro#G6 4*re'ise)y5 !ou shou)$ %e- After a)) it is your $earest %rothers %irth$ay an$ it 'a))s for a)) the 1ea) you 'an muster- So goo$5 But )et me in'rease your e('itement a mi))ion fo)$ %y I informing you that tomorro# #e a)) are going for your favourite 3hans 43u'h "ahi Hota Hai6- 7e)) &i'. you from homeG6 4E('use me- >irst of a)) ho# $i$ you get in that thi'. hea$ of yours that you are my $earest %rother8 Sorry to $is&e) a)) your i))usions for the mi))ionth time0 you are not 6 she thun$ere$- I 'ou)$ sense that her moo$ #as su'h that she 'ou)$ %rea. my ne'. an$ not fee) sorry a%out it- I than.e$ 9o$ I #asnt in her vi'inity 4An$ sorry again to te)) you that I an a)rea$y gong for that movie- An$ not #ith you all- That is #hat I #as a))u$ing to #hen I sai$ I am e('ite$ a%out tomorro#-6 47hat8 "o# #ith #hom are you going for the movie5 9ot a %oyfrien$86 I %antere$4"one of your %usiness that %ut tomorro# I am going #ith my frien$s-6 47o#5 7hat &re&osterous &)anning is that 6 I sai$ in anger 4!ou 'an go #ith your stu&i$ frien$s anytime sis- Its my %irth$ayTomorro# a)) of us are going- So you have to 'ome an$ I #ont ta.e no for an ans#er 6 I or$ere$47e)) that is #hat you)) get from me- A f)at no- an$ $ont you 'a)) my frien$s stu&i$-6 4But you 'an go #ith your hi&hly intellectual frien$s )ater- 7ho 'an %e more s&e'ia) to you than your %rother86 I as.e$ emotiona))y47e)) as a matter of fa't anyone #ou)$ %e- But yes my %est frien$ is here after a )ong time an$ so I got to meet her an$ #e a)) +ust &)anne$ a movie-6

42ay I as. #hi'h one of your %est frien$ is this no#8 !ou 'hange them as fre:uent)y as one 'hanges so'.s- Is she someone I .no# of or have you got a ne# one again8 9ir)s the funniest 'reatures-6 "o# I #as getting hot too an$ I $e'i$e$ to ta.e her on4Shut u&5 I am ta).ing a%out Shreya- 2y s'hoo) frien$-6 4Oh the same gir) that #ent off to Chennai8 Leaving her %est frien$ here a)one 6 I sai$ agitate$- In#ar$)y I 'urse$ her frien$Ho# i$ioti' of her to 'ome to ,e)hi an$ meet my sister on the same $ay that she shou)$ %e #ith me- A)) of us #ere going together for a movie after su'h a )ong time- An$ this gir) ha$ to ruin the 'e)e%ration4Shut u& an$ %ye 6 She rage$4>ine %ye- But +ust an a$vi'e/ !ou %etter go to the movie #ith me than ho& aroun$ #ith &seu$o frien$s-6 4But I am going to $o e(a't)y that-6 4>ine I sai$ angry %ut sa$$ene$4ByeG6 4Arre #ait a se'on$- !ou are youre not 'oming8 7e)) not %oo. your ti'.et-6 4!es I have my ti'.et in my han$-6 4So #hi'h theatre an$ sho#86 4At the 9ran$- E)even A2 sho#-6 Jum&e$ out of the sofa on hearing that- 7e #ere going for the same sho# #hi'h 'om&)etes the a''i$ent- But 2r- >ates +o% over it is a mans $uty to $o his #or. an$ so I $i$- I trie$ to re'a)) #hat Shreya )oo.e$ )i.e- She #as &retty if I ha$ &)a'e$ her right in my hea$47o# #e are going for the same sho#- Ho# fortunate56 42ost unfortunate- ,ont you $are s&ea. to me there- It)) %e ignominious for me if my frien$s see that I have a 'au)if)o#er )i.e you a my %rother-6 4On the 'ontrary- It)) %e most honoura%)e- I 'an see your frien$s ta).ing to you A 4!our %rother5 Ho# 'harming55 Can I have his num%er86 4!es #hy not5 ,ont $ream0 get a mirror if you havent got one-6 4By the #ay ho# many of you are going8 Someone &retty86 4>our of us- An$ #hat #i)) you $o if someone is &retty86 4Change &arties- I)) entertain you an$ your $earest frien$s-6 4Than.s- But #e are %etter off a)one-6 4!our #ish- By the #ay is Shreya the one #hose &i'ture you sho#e$ me )ast time86 4!es- So86

4She seems interesting 6 I sai$ fu)) of ho&e an$ +oy4Te+as $ont you get i$eas- If you 'ome u& an$ s&ea. to me there I)) .i)) you-6 4I #i)) not ta). to you of 'ourse- Shreya #i)) %e enough- So $ont %e %othere$-6 4,ont you $are56 4!ou .no# me sis I #i))6 49oo$ ma.e a foo) o yourse)f in front of them- !our #ish- Besi$es she has a %oyfrien$- So no ho&es Romeo-6 47e)) not a #orry for me they 'ome an$ go %oyfrien$sG Yesterday he, Tomorrow me, ,ay after * dont care *f she has any. Soun$s )i.e a &oem5 7o# I 'an s&ea. in verse sister- 7on$er #hat #ou)$ have sai$ a%out that-6 4Shut u&5 I)) #arn my frien$s a%out you A #hat a f)irt you are-6 4,o that- %ye for no# see you tomorro#-6 4Bye %ut %ehave yourse)f tomorro#-6 4Let us see-6

4Te+as hurry u&56 shoute$ bhabhi4Coming 6 I shoute$ from insi$e the )oo4Even gir)s $ont ta.e that )ong to get rea$- 7hats you so )ong86 4Just a minute56 I )oo.e$ one )ast time in the mirror- An$ see my hair one )at time #ith my han$- Boys )i.e me $ont fan'y 'om%s- I shou)$ have ha$ a hair 'ut )ast #ee. I thought #hen mother #as after my )ife an$ ha$ threatene$ to 'ho& my mo& #hi)e I #as s)ee&- I ha$ #ise)y s)e&t #ith my $oor %o)te$ for the entire #ee.- Ho# I #ishe$ I ha$ )istene$ to her0 for on'e she #as rightShe is a)#ays too fini'.y a%out my hair an$ )ength an$ if she has her #ay she #i)) soa. my hair in a ga))on of oi) an$ then 'om% them %a'. firm)y a$here$ to my s'a)& an$ then &rou$)y announ'e me as her Bbabu beta or in sim&)e terms her inno'ent smart an$ i$ea) son- A ty&i'a) In$ian mother- An I #ho have

gro#n u& a$miring the $isheve))e$ mane of *au) 2'Cartney an$ 'o- natura))y suffer irre'on'i)a%)e $ifferen'es #ith her on a)) hair re)ate$ su%+e'ts #hi'h have threatene$ to $istur% the &ea'e of our home time after timeBut to$ay there #as no $ou%t a%out it- She #as rightB)esse$ are the sou) #ho say B)isten to your mother I thoughtThe more I )oo.e$ the more I fe)t )i.e Conan the famous %ar%arian- Any#ays I gave u& sha&ing the su&erf)uous mass into something remote)y 'ivi)i1e$- As $a$ says one has to $o the %est #ith #hat one has- I gave one )ast f)eeting g)an'e at the other &arts of my fa'e #hi'h I ha$ forgotten in the #a.e of the hair 'risis- I ha$ three &im&)es on my nose- B)oo$y he))5 Har$)y the sort of thing that 'heers an a)rea$y %)ighte$ sou)- 7hat a %irth$ay gift that #as5 I #as #on$ering at the in+usti'e of 9o$ #hen again shouts 'ame from every#here- I shot out of the %athroom that very instant-

A ste& out in the sun #as +ust #hat the $o'tor #ou)$ have or$ere$ for me- As I inha)es the fresh %ree1e I 'ou)$ fee) my #oes fa$ing a#ay an$ a %a)my fee)ing a%oun$ing me- I )oo.e$ u&- The s.y #as %)ue a%so)ute)y %)ue an$ there #as not a s&ot to %e seenThe #ho)e 'anvas #as )it u& %y a s&)en$i$ sun- Just the sort that %rightens u& your sou) on a #inter $ay- Sunny #inter mornings #o#5 It #as the .in$ of morning #hen a %)o.e after ste&&ing out in his &y+amas stret'hes his arms ya#ns an$ mum%)es to himse)f 4Ahaaaa6- An$ I $i$ as mu'hThe viva'ious am%ien'e stru'. the right 'hor$ an$ sent a signa) to the %rain #hi'h sent a song to my )i&s- It #as no more than a ref)e(- BSummer of I;- Though har$)y #hat you)) 'a)) a summer the song suite$ the s&irit- The air resonate$ an$ sang a)ong #ith me- I #ishe$ that I 'ou)$ &)ay my guitar- So I move$ to the 'ar #ith a hi& an$ a ho&- 2y min$ #as )it u& #ith the &ros&e'ts of the morningThe movie theatre #as a ha)f-an-hour $rive from home an$ #e rea'he$ #e)) %efore time- The atten$an'e in the morning sho# is thin an$ the moment #e )an$e$ I 'ou)$ see *a)a. #ith t#o frien$s- The others s&otte$ her too an$ our grou& move$ to#ar$s hers- I fina))y sa# her frien$s ')ear)y- Shreya #as missing- *a)a.

#ishe$ me BHa&&y Birth$ay again this time in &erson*re)iminary intro$u'tions revea)e$ that the t#o gir)s #ere Shreya an$ 3amna- *a)a. eye$ me #ith the $are-you-f)irt )oo.- But I #asnt intereste$- *erio$4A)most ha)f an hour to go #hy $ont #e a))J gra% a %ite86 someone as.e$- I #as too )ost to noti'e4*a)a. #hy $ont you +oin us86 as.e$ bhabhi I %e)ieve4"o not yet bhabhi- One of my frien$s is yet to 'ome- So #e)) #ait outsi$e- 7e)) +oin you #hen shes there 6 *a)a. re&)ie$4Shreya is a)#ays )ate 6 'om&)aine$ Saumya of 3amnaI g)an'e$ at my #at'h- There #as a%out ha)f an hour to go-0 more if you ta.e into a''ount the a$vertisements an$ a))- *)enty of time to &)ay aroun$5 7hi)e entering the foo$ 'ourt I 'ou)$ a)most have shoute$ 4Bri))iant56 as my min$ gave finishing tou'hes to my &)anI e('use$ myse)f out of the grou&- 4I am not hungry bhabhiI)) )oo. at the maga1ines an$ en+oy the sun for a #hi)e-6 "o one 'om&)aine$- 4)habhi give me you mo%i)e0 Fineet give me a misse$ 'a)) #hen you are through 6 I sai$- Ba'. then I $i$nt have a mo%i)e- Bha%his mo%i)e #as of strategi' im&ortan'e as she ha$ a':uire$ a ne# sim-'ar$ an$ I #as sure no one ha$ her num%erI avoi$e$ the &ath #here *a)a. stoo$ sti)) #aiting- I #as re)ieve$- I 'hose a vantage &oint an$ $ia)e$ the num%er- 2y heart #as fu)) of mirth- It #as a )ove)y morning an$ I #as $oing #hat I )i.e to $o the most- *)aying 2r- Ho)mes- ,isguising im&ersonating &)otting 'onningG 4Hu))o5 Sai$ a s#eet voi'e4Hu))o56 I 'hange$ my voi'e to a gruff one an$ $re# immense satisfa'tion #ith #hat I soun$e$- 4Is that *a)a.86 4!es-6 4)eta I am Shreyas $a$- I ha$ some #or. so she got )ate- Sorry for that- she +ust #ith the $river an$ #i)) rea'h in ten-fifteen minutes-6 4Oh namaste un')e5 "o &ro%)em-6 4/amaste beta- That main roa$ )ea$ing to the ha)) has a +am- So she)) 'ome via another- She to)$ me to inform you to #ait at the %a'. entran'e-6 4O.ay un')e-6

4An$ yes she $oesnt have her 'e)) &hone- Thats #hy I 'a))e$ to inform-6 4>ine un')e-6 4)eta &)ease #ait at the %a'.- She $oesnt .no# mu'h a%out the area- An$ $oesnt even have a &hone- So #ait there on)y-6 4>ine un')e-6 4Ho&e you are fine en+oy the movie-6 4Than.s un')e #e #i))-6 4Bye-6 4Bye-6 I sa# them moving- 9oing going gone- I )et out a %reathJo% #e)) $one- I &raye$ that Shreya #ou)$ 'ome soon an$ not 'a)) *a)a. on her o#n- An$ given the thin 'ro#$ I)) figure out her figure easi)y-

Stan$ing there after su''essfu))y e(e'ution of the first &hase of the &)an- I starte$ fee)ing nervous- These gir)s a)#ays give you +itters- It is no easy tas. $ea)ing #ith gir)s un$er norma) 'ir'umstan'es an$ to$ay the 'ir'umstan'es %eing trying it #as $e&ressing- It is one thing #hen you are stan$ing in the sun a%oun$ing in your )ifes 'a)m #hen su$$en)y you sense a s)a& on your %a'. an$ turning fin$ yourse)f eye to eye #ith your 'hi)$hoo$ 'rush- But the s'a)e of enormities #hen you have to)$ a hun$re$ )ies to inter'e&t an unfami)iar %eauty is a uni:ue one!ou 'an sti)) utter in the first 'ase )ife-saving his an$ yas #hi)e the min$ ho)i$aying- But the se'on$ 'ase is ho&e)essA)) my inhi%itions assume$ the form of a giant $emon an$ &un'he$ me in my fa'e- Bang5 Ho# messy I )oo.e$5 Ba$ hair &im&)esG I %egan to fee) )i.e an i$iot- 7hat a foo)ish &)an I ha$ $evise$5 The %right sun an$ the 'oo) %ree1e gave no res&ite- I #as har$)y a#are of them- I #as a%out to give my &)an a serious se'on$ thought #hen )ighting stru'.Her ma+esty a&&eare$7e))G you must have rea$ 'ount)ess %oo.s seen innumera%)e movies 'e)e%rating #ith fanfare the arriva) of the heroine- Strong #in$s start to %)o# thun$erstorms stri.e an$ as if this noise #as not $eafening enough )ou$ musi' eru&ts an$ the tapori in the front ro# a'.no#)e$ges it a)) #ith a sin'ere #hist)e-

*oets #rite )yri's hera)$ing the ,es'ent of the $ivine %eauty from heaven- One rea$s in'om&rehensi%)e stuff a%out rosy 'hee.s 'ora) )i&s an$ starry eyes ent#ine$ #ith the in$e'i&hera%)e thee?s@ an$ thou?s@ an$ thy?s@- I have neither the a%i)ity of the &oet nor the f)ourish of the $ramatist- But I must a$mit that I #as f)oore$I &i'. u& again from the &assage #here I mentione$ that )ighting ha$ stru'.- I 'annot e(&)ain it %etter- She )oo.e$ ama1ing- She #as )i.e a &ainting a song- Everything a%out her #as so gra'efu) an$ f)ui$- Li.e %ree1e she f)o#e$ to#ar$s me her hair f)ying an$ ear rings $an'ing- She #as the %ree1e #ith a #hiff of &erfume- An$ I #as stunne$One 'an never say if it #as )ove-at-first-sight or not %ut a$mitte$)y the $ent she )eft in my heart #as a %ig one- These %eauties hit you )i.e a storm an$ you never re'over- "ever everThat #as my 'ase entire)y- I #as 'om&)ete)y )ost enra&ture$ mesmeri1e$--- the moment #i)) remain #ith me forever frame$ an$ g)i$e$- 7hen I ')ose my eyes it a)) 'omes %a'. to me an$ my heart $an'es #ith $e)ight0 the &erfe't &i'ture--- her g)o#ing fa'e her shiny f)ying hair her smooth #a). her $ang)ing ear rings her mirror-#or. %ag %y her si$e her re$ &u))over her %)ue +eans an$ her sear'hing eyesShe )oo.e$ aroun$ for her frien$s an$ )oo.e$ 'onfuse$- I ha$ to move %efore she too. her 'e)) &hone out if she ha$ one- I regaine$ 'ons'iousness an$ 'om&osure- There #as no use #orrying- She$ not eat me0 nor #as she the )ast gir) on earth- I ha$ to a't no# that I ha$ &)anne$ so mu'h- Be a man Te+as- I )oo.e$ at my ')othes again- "i'e +a'.et ni'e s#eatshirt ni'e +eans- Coo) I thought- 4Be a 2an56 I sai$ to myse)f again an$ #a).e$ to#ar$s the heaven)y 'reatureThe ')ose-u& on)y enhan'e$ her %eauty- Her sear'hing eyes #ere inno'ent an$ %eautifu)- She ha$ a fresh mi).y 'om&)e(ion an$ her re$ &u))over ma$e her )oo. a)) the more ra$iant- 7inters oh )or$5 9ir)s they have never )oo.e$ %etter- They )oo. so fair an$ %right an$ the seems f)a#)ess- Their )ove)y g)o#ing fa'es &eer out of the %right #oo)ens so 'ute)y- 9ir)s in$ee$ %)ossom in #intersAn$ %)ossoming she #as- The re$ $ress ma$e her )oo. so &in. an$ )ove)y- I 'ou)$ a)most have .isse$ her 'hee.s- ,es&ite

the heavy #oo))ens I 'ou)$ see she ha$ a )issome figure- She ha$ shiny %)a'. hair an$ #as #earing si)ver ear rings- She #as sim&)e an$ %eautifu)- *erfe'tI gave her a s)ight &at on her shou)$er from the si$e- She turne$ to#ar$s me $ro#ning me in her s#eet aroma- An$ I #as )ost again in her %ro#n eyes an$ )ight &erfume- 2agi'5 She ha$ a hint of kajal in her eyes4!es86 she as.e$ the s&e))- 4Ta). i$iot5 I sai$ to myse)f 4Shreya86 I as.e$4!es 6 she sai$ sur&rise$ o%vious)y4Hi5 I am *a)a.s %rother 6 I sai$ an$ for#ar$e$ my han$She shoo. it- Her han$s #ere soft- It fe)t rea))y goo$- She smi)e$ an$ returne$ the greeting- She ha$ %eautifu) 'hise))e$ &in. )i&s #ith a hint of g)oss- E(treme)y .issa%)e- I venture$ into so)ving the &u11)e for her straighta#ay- 4I 'an see you are sur&rise$- ,ont %e- *a)a. #i)) %e here soon- A'tua))y one of your frien$s Saumya I su&&ose ha$ )ost her #ay- So *a)a. has gone to fet'h her #ith the $river- I ha$ 'ome to $ro& her %ut your frien$ thought I shou)$ stay an$ .ee& you engage$ ti)) she 'omes %a'.- So here I am-6 9o$ I s&o.e too mu'h47e)) than.s56 she smi)e$ again- She ha$ a )ove)y smi)e- She $i$nt say anything e)se- 7hy $ont these gir)s s&ea.8 4I am Te+as %y the #ay- Hi again- I ho&e this #as a %etter intro$u'tion-6 I on'e again shoo. her han$ she )aughe$4So ho# mu'h time #i)) she ta.e86 she in:uire$4"ot mu'h I guess-6 7hat to ta). a%out I thought- !es- 4So ho# is Chennai86 47e)) not %a$ %ut yes nothing )i.e ,e)hi-6 4A%so)ute)y5 "othing )i.e ,e)hi- This #inter #i)) %e a &)easant 'hange I su&&ose from %oi)ing Chennai-6 4!es a )ot %etter- It is rea))y hot there-6 4An$ it is rea))y 'o)$ here- I thin. I)) have something hot-6 4O.ay-6 47hat a%out you8 Tea8 "o# $ont %e forma) an$ a))-6 I sai$ )i.e an aunty 4I $ont )i.e that- Tea86 "o I &refer 'offee-6 4Oh #o#5 2e too- There is time0 )et us have 'offee then-6 I hate$ 'offee- Ho# mu'h )ying goes into im&ressing a gir)5 An e(treme)y te$ious tas.-

I too. her to a 'orner so that #e #ere not visi%)e- I %ought t#o 'offees- An$ furthere$ to 'onversation- 4I %e)ieve you are &ursuing management- *a)a. s&ea.s a )ot a%out you-6 I ho&e$ she #ou)$ as. #hat I #as $oing an$ then I 'ou)$ te)) her a%out my &restigious 'o))ege- An$ she as.e$4!es I am- 7hat a%out you86 47e)) I am stu$ying In$ustria) Engineering-6 4>rom86 4IIT ,e)hi 6 I announ'e$ gran$)y- I ho&e$ to see an o&en mouth or a t#in.)e in her eye %ut there #as noting- Again +ust her )ove)y smi)e- She har$)y seeme$ im&resse$- I #as running out of to&i's an$ time no#- She #as not he)&ing either #ith +ust her monosy))a%)es an$ her smi)es- I ha$nt e(&e'te$ her to %e gregarious the very first time %ut I ha$nt e(&e'te$ su'h reti'en'e- She too. her time I su&&ose$- Un)i.e the aggressive gir)s that one sees so often these $ays- I )i.e$ that %ut she shou)$ at )east say something4So it must %e rea))y $iffi'u)tG )eaving a)) frien$s here an$ sett)ing in a ne# 'ity 6 I sai$ trying to stri.e a ten$er 'hor$4!es it #as $iffi'u)t initia))y0 %ut no# it is %etter-6 4!es one has to a$+ust- I sa# some of the sna&s you sent to *a)a. the other $ay- !ou )oo.e$ ni'e 6 I sai$ trying to 'om&)iment her in a su%t)e #ay- I 'ou)$nt say 4!ou )oo. hot 6 straight#ay4Than.s56 she smi)e$ againAn$ it a)) #ent off again- There #as a si)en'e an a#fu) oneIt .i))s you- !ou fee) so a#.#ar$- !ou fee) so 'ons'ious- It is so $amne$ har$ #ith strangers an$ har$er sti)) #ith stranger gir)sAn$ you #ant to &u)) out your hair in agony #hen the gir) is so in$ifferent- !ou strain every &art of your %rain to sear'h for a to&i' yet you fin$ none- It is )i.e the #or)$ is voi$ of everything an$ nothing e(ists- There is nothing in this $amn #or)$ that 'an %e ta).e$ a%out- Ki)'h- As the strain #as %e'oming a ta$ too mu'h she s&o.e- Than.s 9o$5 4Ho&e they 'ome soon- Just a%out fifteen minutes )eft- Let us have a )oo. at some %oo.s in the mean#hi)e- !ou )i.e rea$ing6 she as.e$ an$ &ro'ee$e$ to#ar$s the 'orner %oo. sta))4!es I )ove it- "othing )i.e %oo.s- So #hos your favourite author86 I as.e$ ha&&y that #e ha$ foun$ a 'ommon )i.ing47e)) no favourite as su'h- I havent rea$ that many %oo.s- But yes I )i.e 9risham an$ Eri' Sega)-6

4Love storyG6 I sai$- 3no#ing that every gir) )ove$ it- I ha$ )ove$ it too- Sin'e I ha$ rea$ many more Sega) %oo.s- I ha$nt rea$ any 9risham4!es it #as ama1ing- In fa't thats the on)y one I have rea$ of Sega)-6 4An$ thats his %est- It is so tou'hing- I a)most 'rie$ in the en$-6 4Oh you $i$5 Boys $ont usua))y- I 'rie$ so mu'h-6 47e)) I am a )itt)e $ifferent- Being a )itt)e emotiona) is not %a$ I guess- But yes %oys usua))y )oathe su'h %oo.s-6 She #as im&resse$ 'ou)$ see it in her e(&ression4So #hos your favourite86 she as.e$ &i'.ing u& a 9risham nove)- The >irm47e)) I )ove R-3- "arayan- Have rea$ a)) of his %oo.s- He #rites so ')ose to )ife a%out the sim&)e +oys of )ife-6 4I guess I have rea$ one of his too Coo)ie-6 4"o that one is %y 2u). Ra+ Anan$ 6 sai$ &o)ite)y trying not to %e 'on$es'en$ing yet %eing im&ressive- Her .no#)e$ge a%out %oo.s #as &oor- Ha$ rea$ on)y one of Sega) an$ yet he #as her favourite- Ho# funny5 I #on$ere$ if she ha$ rea$ on)y one of 9rishams as #e))4Oo&s- !ou are right- But yes I sa# 2a)gu$i ,ays on T-F- I )ove$ that-6 4Same here- That remains my favourite seria)- So rea) an$ su%t)e5 An$ no#a$ays you have these stu&i$ min$)ess an$ %oring saas+ bahu+sa&as- Those #ere the $aysG 4I soun$e$ )i.e an o'togenarian I thought4I s#ear- They are so yu.5 I #on$er ho# my mom #at'hes themAn$ a)) of them are e(a't)y the same-6 4!es--- its %etter to rea$ %oo.s--- so $o you )i.e any86 4!es I thin. I shou)$ %uy this one- I$ )i.e to rea$ more of 9risham-6 4Right- After a)) he is your favourite author 6 I sai$ teasing)y 4Li.e Sega)- I %et you have rea$ on)y one of his too-6 4"o a'tua))y t#o 6 she %urst out )aughing- An$ so $i$ I7e)) #e ha$ stru'. a 'hor$ no#- The to&i's #ere 'oming natura))y an$ #e seeme$ to have some simi)arities- She #as not in$ifferent no# %ut a .een ta).er- An$ I )ove$ that- I #as %e'oming too )ost in her- An$ there #ere ten minutes to go- A)as5 She %ought the %oo. an$ I %ought one too of Sir 7o$ehouse- I to)$ her a%out his great humour an$ that she must rea$ his %oo.s- It #as ni'e hagg)ing for the %oo.s together-

Seeme$ )i.e a #or. of 'o))a%oration- An$ #hat %etter than to team u& #ith a gir)5The to&i' shifte$ to )i.ings an$ a))- She to)$ me she )ove$ $an'e- I to)$ her that I #as ho&e)ess at $an'e an$ a)) I 'ou)$ manage #as bhan&ra #hi'h therefore I ha$ to em&)oy for #estern num%ers as #e))- She )aughe$- I to)$ her that I )ove$ musi'47e)) nothing )i.e musi'- It is my )ife- >or your information %y the #ay I ha&&en to &)ay the guitar-6 Than. 9o$ she #as at )east im&resse$ %y this- I #as a)#ays to)$ that nothing f)atters a gir) more than a guitar47o# 6 she sai$- 4I$ )i.e to hear it sometime-6 4Hmm I thin. I shou)$ grant you the &rivi)ege- "ot everyone is so )u'.y Shreya-6 I must have sai$ that a%out myse)f47e)) than.s- I am $ee&)y honoure$-6 4So #hen $o you )eave8 I)) try an$ fin$ you an a&&ointment out of my %usy s'he$u)e-6 4I am sorry Te+as I )eave tomorro#- "e(t time &erha&s- ,ont forget then---6 4"o I &romise I #ont- But you shou)$ return the favour-6 4Hmm so #hat shou)$ I $o86 4Tea'h me to $an'e- I am &atheti'-6 4On)y if you tea'h me to &)ay the guitarG6 4,ea)-6 4,ea)-6 7e shoo. han$s again- Her soft han$s- It ha$ turne$ out to %e #on$erfu)- 2y 9o$5 I thoughtG Learning $an'e from this ange)- I #as )ost in my $reams- Lost in her- Lost in her &erfumeLost in the moment- I )ost a)) sense of time- I #ishe$ our meeting #ou)$ never en$- I #ante$ to ta). on an$ on #ith her- I 'ou)$ have never imagine$ that #e$ ge) so #e)) an$ %e so 'omforta%)e ta).ing- That su'h a &retty gir) 'ou)$ %e so affe'tionate #ith an im%e'i)e )i.e me- 2y reverie #as %ro.en #hen I hear$ her say e('ite$)y 4Hi *a)a.56 A)) I 'ou)$ manage to say through a fe# %ro.en senten'es #as this/ 4Hi--- *a)a.--- So you--- Are %a'.--- 9oo$--- This is Shreya %y the #ay--- a goo$ frien$--- I guess you t#o .no# ea'h other--Shreya--- This is my $earest sister--- *a)a.-6 I #as $ea$4Hi Shreya56 *a)a. sai$ smi)ing at her- Then she turne$ to#ar$s me- 4By the #ay she is my friend-6

4Oh5 7hat a 'oin'i$en'e- I 'ou)$ never have thought that #e$ have a 'ommon frien$- E(treme)y gratifying to )earn that-6 Saumya an$ 3amna intervene$ saying a BHi ea'h an$ Shreya #hat she #as $oing here at the entran'e #hen she #as su&&ose$ to %e there at the %a'.47hat56 Shreya uttere$ sur&rise$4!es your $a$ 'a))e$ an$ sai$ that you)) arrive at the %a'. entran'e- But #e ha$ #aite$ for )ong so #e 'ame %a'. here to 'he'. again-6 E(&)aine$ *a)a.42y $a$8 *a)a. he )eft yester$ay- 2om an$ I #i)) return tomorro#- Ho# 'ou)$ he have 'a))e$86 as.e$ Shreya sur&rise$ again7e)) the $ire'tor of the s'ene #ou)$ have #ante$ to me to :uit the stage no# an$ I it'he$ to $o the same 4Soun$s )i.e a 'onfusion to me- The movie is going to start soon- I %etter go- !ou a)so hurry u& or you)) miss the %eginning 6 I sai$ an$ )oo.e$ at Shreya4!es #e shou)$ move- "i'e meeting you Te+as-6 4The &)easure is a)) mine Shreya- An$ $ont you forget the $ea) 6 I sai$ smi)ing an$ she smi)e$ %a'.47e)) you are the one #ho is %usy- I ho&e I get an a&&ointment 6 she sai$ teasing- That .i))e$ me47e)) you #i))- I am a)#ays free for &retty gir)s- Bye-6 I smi)e$ at her an$ she %)ushe$ a )itt)e an$ sai$ %ye- I shoo. her soft han$ again for the fourth time- I #on$ere$ #hen I$ ho)$ her han$ again- I ha$nt the s)ightest ')ue that it #ou)$ %e so )ong- I )oo.e$ at *a)a.- She gave me a $rea$fu) )oo.- I smi)e$ at her too- One of those i-#on-you-)ost smi)es- Saumya an$ 3amna )oo.e$ $isguste$- But I #as on ')ou$ nineThey turne$ an$ move$ a#ay- I faint)y hear$ Shreya them 4So Saumya #here #ere you stu'.86 they &ro'ee$e$ an$ I #at'he$ her go- Her si).y hair an$ si)ver earrings an$ her &etite figure- I )onge$ for herAs they #ent farther I noti'e$ some unrest- I 'ou)$ not ma.e out their 'onversation %ut assume$ it to 'entre roun$ me an$ my anti's- Their %atta)ion su$$en)y sto&&e$ an$ they turne$ aroun$It #as not un)i.e the syn'hronous a%out-turn of the jawans on Re&u%)i' ,ay- An$ Ba%out-turn $i$ I an$ starte$ #a).ing in the o&&osite $ire'tion #hen *a)a. 'a))e$ out 4Te+as +ust a minute-6

4!es I sai$ turning aroun$- They #ere right in front of me- >our of them- A)) furious- Right then I hear$ bhabhi 'a))ing out my name- Her %atta)ion mar'he$ to#ar$s us- I ha$ %een 'ornere$ an$ ho#5 I fe)t )i.e 2hhota 3ajan or 2hhota (hakeel or 2hhota ya )ada #hatever yaar- It must %e a trying e(&erien'e for them the moment of tra&- A)) those ingenious &)ots they must have $evise$ the $angerous &)ans they must have e(e'ute$--- the +oy they must have $erive$ from their su''ess--- a)) must have $isso)ve$ an$ $isa&&eare$ in a f)ash in this moment of truth- I 'ou)$ sym&athise #ith them- I $re# 'omfort from the )earning that &o&u)arity in my 'ase #ou)$nt %e of su'h im&ressive magnitu$eThe ')an that #ou)$ )earn a%out my e(&)oits #as than.fu))y mu'h sma))er- As I sa# the %atta)ion a&&roa'h I fe)t as Bin La$en might have fe)t #at'hing the >BI mar'h to#ar$s him- One fe)t )i.e #ante$ gangster- One nee$e$ to a't urgent)y things 'ou)$ %e 'ontro))e$ even no#- A)) #as not )ost- One re:uire$ ta't4*a)a. )et them go an$ #at'h the movie- I)) e(&)ain every thing to you 6 I sai$ 'oo))y to *a)a.4Oh5 ,ont %e afrai$ Te+as- Let everyone .no# a%out your g)orious $ee$-6 She #as %oi)ing4I)) ta.e a minute to e(&)ain- Let them go- If you #ant to te)) them something $o that )ater- ,ont 'reate a s'ene here-6 4>ine 6 she sai$ angri)yI to)$ %ha%hi that I$ 'ome in a minute- She tease$ me/ 4>)irting aroun$ 2r- Te+as86 I smi)e$ an$ sai$ 4I am g)a$ you un$erstan$ bhabhi-6I gave her the mo%i)e &hone an$ too. me ti'.et- Fineet #his&ere$ to me 4!ou ras'a) men$ your #ays- I)) .i'. you %ut #hen you 'ome %a'.-6 I returne$ to the furious four47hat $i$ you te)) Shreya86 *a)a. got rea$y for the 'ourt martia)4I sa# you )eaving this &)a'e- So I assume$ Shreya might not %e 'oming for the movie- But #hen I sa# her here I thought might as #e)) ta). to her a )itt)e an$ then te)) her to +oin you- SoGI +ust to)$ her #hat she to)$ you that I to)$ her- It #as harm)ess sis-6 4Come to the &oint 2r- Te+as- 7hat a%out the &hone 'a))86 47hi'h &hone 'a))8 Ho# $o I .no#86

4Of 'ourse you .no#- It 'ant %e a 'oin'i$en'e that #e are as.e$ to go to the %a'. #hi)e you f)irt in the front-6 4E('use me- I $i$nt f)irt- As. Shreya- I mere)y ta).e$ to her ni'e)y-6 Shreya #as &u11)e$- She $i$nt .no# #hat to say- She $i$nt )oo. at me ni'e)y at a))- *a)a. move$ a#ay an$ $i$ something #ith her mo%i)e &hone- She $ia)e$ 4Shreyas $a$s num%er I guess- A series of a#.#ar$ e(&ressions fo))o#e$- I 'ou)$nt hear her %ut .ne# a))- She 'ame %a'. re$ as a tomato an$ shoute$6 4That #as bhabhis mo%i)e-6 47hi'h mo%i)e86 I as.e$ inno'ent)y4from #hi'h Shreyas $a$ 'a))e$-6 4But ho# $i$ Shreyas $a$ get bhabhis mo%i)e8 ,o they .no# ea'h other8 Sma)) &)a'e this #or)$ e(treme)y56 4Sto& your nonsense I mean someone 'a))e$ from her 'e)) a'ting )i.e Shreyas $a$56 4Oh my 9o$ I 'ant see #hy bhabhi #i)) $o this- Something fishyAn$ I fai) to see you ho# 'ou)$ mista.e her s#eet voi'e as a mans-6 4Te+as sto& I 'ant %e)ieve you #ou)$ $o that 6 she sai$ ) hurt- 4I am sorry Shreya- I $i$nt .no# he 'ou)$ $o su'h a shamefu) thing-6 2y heart #in'e$ at hearing Bshamefu)- Some #or$s are )i.e &o'.et %om%s- 2y sister #as hurt- I shou)$ have .no#n- *a)a. $oes not emotiona) at su'h things4It is o.ay *a)a.- ,ont fee) %a$- !ou $i$nt $o anything 6 sai$ my $ar)ing 'omforting- She #as not even ) at me- I move$ to#ar$s my $ear sister- 4I am sorry sis- I $i$nt rea)i1e you$ fee) so %a$- Honest)y I $i$ this +ust to get even #ith you- An$ &)ease as. your frien$ I ta).e$ &ro&er)y-6 Her frien$ sti)) #asnt ) at me4Te+as you have 'rosse$ a)) )imits this timeG6 4*a)a. I $i$ this +ust %e'ause you ta).e$ )i.e that on the &hone yester$ay- I $i$nt fee) goo$ that you #ere going out #ith your frien$s on my %irth$ay- I am sorry- I #ent too farG6 I )ie$- Of 'ourse I #ante$ to f)irt #ith Shreya- But I ha$ to )ie- She #as serious)y hurt- I may have %een instigate$ into $oing this %e'ause of *a)a.s tone %ut the reason #as $ifferent- I too. *a)a.s han$s in mine an$ sai$ sorry again- I meant that though- 4"o# &)ease $ont s&oi) my %irth$ay sis- Cheer u&- The movie is a%out to start!ou havent misse$ anything- >irst fifteen minutes are a$s-6 She #as sti)) 'ross I 'ou)$ see- Saumya an$ 3amna )oo.e$ a#ay in $isgust- Shreya )oo.e$ at me #ithout any anger I guess-

Then she sai$ to *a)a.- 4It is o.ay na $ear- Honest)y I $ont fee) %a$- So &)ease $ont fight #ith him an$ 'heer u&- An$ yes his %ehaviour #as fine-6 She #as s#eet4I am sorry Shreya- Can I ta). to you for moment8 In &rivate 6 I $are$ to as. her4!es 6 she sai$- Than. 9o$5 7e move$ a#ay a )itt)e- Rest of them &ro'ee$e$ to#ar$s the ha))4I am sorry 6 I sai$ ) into her &retty eyes4It is o.ay- !ou are :uite a &ran.ster though 6 she 'ommente$ mo'.ing)y4!es- But to$ay it turne$ out to %e horri%)e- 9enera))y I )i.e to ma.e &eo&)e ha&&y-6 4Oh86 she ha$ a sar'asti' e(&ression47e)) I .no# you #ont agree- I am rea))y sorry if I hurt you- But it #as rea))y ni'e meeting you- An$ I mean that-6 4>ine- But honest)y I $ont )i.e %oys #ho are after gir)s )i.e this-6 An a'i$ 'omment4*)ease5 I am not after you 6 I sai$ trying to %e &o)ite- But I #as after her- "o# yes I #as- 4I am sorry if give you any su'h im&ression- I +ust trie$ to %e a )itt)e frien$)y0 turns out I a)rea$y have s&oi)e$ so many &eo&)es $ay 6 I sai$- trying to gain sym&athy- She $i$ soften4It is o.ay Te+as- Just %e a )itt)e 'arefu)G6 7e starte$ #a).ing to#ar$s the ha))4An$ yes &)ease &e& u& my sis- I .no# you #i)) $o that- An$ you 'an te)) her that I #as $e'ent #ith you that)) he)&-6 4>ine- I #i)) $o that-6 4!ou have a ni'e heart-6 I meant that- She ha$ %een so 'onsi$erate an$ 'om&ose$ $uring the #ho)e e&iso$e- She #as a rea))y ni'e gir)- Beautifu)- Insi$e as #e)) as outsi$e- I #as gone for )ife4Than.s- Interesting meeting you any#ay 6 she smi)e$ after a )ong time- That %rightene$ me u&- It in$ee$ #asnt a)) that %a$ no#- In fa't I fe)t it ha$ turne$ out %ri))iant)y4Bang on miss5 It is a)#ays funG %eing #ith me- I fee) )ife shou)$ %e a )itt)e a$venturous- "orma) is %oring- 7hat $o you say86 4Hmm ni'e thought %ut I have a rather #ea. heart-6 4Hmm may%e you have the &rivi)ege of )earning this from me tooLiving )ife .ing si1e-6 4!es maybe-6 She )ai$ stress on that Bmay%e7e rea'he$ the entran'e of the theatre- I g)an'e$ at my #at'h- 7e #ere a%out t#enty minutes )ate- 7e sto&&e$ %efore

going in- 4,ont #orry maam you #ou)$nt have misse$ mu'hThe movie has +ust starte$ 6 I sai$ &utting on a so&histi'ate$ 'harm4I am not #orrying- I have a)rea$y seen it- It is you #ho shou)$ #orry sir-6 An$ she )aughe$- She #as not very $is&)ease$ #ith the $eve)o&ments I sur&rise$- In fa't she seeme$ &)ease$- Luite &)ease$4Eee.s 6 I uttere$ )aughing 47e %etter rush in then- A moment more though maam- 7hat ha&&ens to the guitar an$ $an'e )essons8 Are they sti)) on86 4Hmm I 'ant say right no#- I)) have to thin. a%out it sir 6 she sai$ &)aying aroun$- That .i))e$ me again4,o te)) me though- I ho&e to stay in tou'h- Sha)) I give my emai) 'onta't86 4!our #ish-6 I too. that as a yes an$ gave her mine- I #rote it on a &ie'e of &a&er I foun$ in my &o'.et- Than. 9o$ I #as 'arrying a &enShe gave hers too- "ot %a$ at a)) Te+as0 not %a$ at a)) I sai$ to myse)f- 7e move$ in fina))y- I har$)y 'are$ a%out the movie- I #as in a#e of her- I $i$nt .no# if it #as )ove %ut I 'ou)$ have $one anything she as.e$ for- These gir)s hy&noti1e you4By the #ay ha&&y %irth$ay 6 she sai$ so s#eet)y4Than.s $ont ) get a gift86 4"o 6 she sai$ 'ute)y an$ +ust )i.e a gir) 'an- 7e &arte$ fina))y saying %ye an$ smi)ingI .ne# I ha$ got the gift though- The %est I 'ou)$ ever getIt 'ou)$nt have %een a %etter %irth$ay- She ha$ #on my heart an$ I fe)t that I ha$ ma$e an im&ression tooSu'h #as the uni:ue e&iso$e then my rea$ers an im&e''a%)e #or. of 2r- >ate an$ I remem%er singing as I mar'he$ to#ar$s my seatappy )irthday to you4 appy )irthday to you4 appy )irthday, dear T+e+j+a+a+a+s, +a+p+p+y )+i+r+t+h+d+a+y, t+o y+o+u+u+u+u+u+u4444 As I to)$ you %efore there is a song for every o''asion5


9o$5 There isnt even one &)a'e #here #e 'an %e a)one- 7hy $o &eo&)e have to fo))o# us every#here #e got86 I sai$ in frustration- It #as getting on to me- 7e ha$ sear'he$ the entire ha)) %ut there #as someone every#here4I .no#5 I #on$erG Every%o$y seems to %e intereste$ in us 6 she sai$ frustrate$ too4I .no# I am han$some- But that $oesnt mean gir)s an$ no# even %oys #i)) houn$ me56 I %oaste$!es yes #hy not5 Every%o$y is after you 2r- Tom Cruise56 she sai$ %antering4*lease5 ,ont 'om&are him #ith me- I #ont stan$ su'h ri%a)$ryAny#ay I thin. #e shou)$ rent a room in this hote) on)y- There #e 'an %e a%so)ute)y a)one- 7e 'an ta). an$ $o anything 6 I sai$ 7e t#o in one room #hen a)) our re)atives are $o#n here7hat a %ri))iant i$ea5 I am not your gir)frien$ Te+as-6 4If on)y you 'ou)$ %e didi-6 47hat a%out those t#o 'hairs8 *retty se')u$e$ I guess 6 she sai$4I +ust ho&e no%o$y interru&ts #hi)e I $is'ourse or he)) %e %)aste$56 47hat if its a she86 4,e&en$s didi $e&en$s 6 I sai$ stum&e$ an$ #e %oth )aughe$4So te)) the ta)e 2r- Romeo-6 4Right a#ay didi right a#ay-6 An$ so I %egan to te)) her the $i)emmas that ha$ %een trou%)ing me )ate)y an$ #ho %etter to $is'uss them #ith than herRia didi- The time to intro$u'e her has 'ome- Ria $i$i my e)$est sister is the $aughter of my youngest tayaji ?un')eAfathers e)$er %rother@- I have three tayajis an$ my father is the youngest %rother- She has %een my ')osest frien$ for years no#- She has %een my 'onfi$ante an$ agony aunt the one to #hom I turn to in times of trou%)e s&e'ifi'a))y trou%)es 'on'erning the $evi)ish s&e'ies of gir)s-

So I turne$ to her on'e again for her &ear)s of #is$om at the moment of $istress- Than. 9o$ I 'ou)$ $o it in &erson this time0 for she #as )u'.i)y here in In$ia- I have the fortune of seeing her on)y on'e a year $uring her annua) summer tri&0 an$ no# I #as g)a$ I $i$ not have resort to the )ove)y %ut e(treme)y s)o# 'orres&on$en'e through )etters- In a #or)$ that has move$ on from snai)-mai) to hotmai) an$ #hat-not-mai) #e sti)) &refer to 'om&ose )ong )oving )etters to ea'h other- >or it is +oy to fin$ her enve)o&e #ith the unfami)iar %ut 'urious &ostage stam& nesting in my )etter-%o( %earing my name 'rafte$ in her han$- An$ #hat +oy it is in$ee$ to tear o&en the enve)o& e('ite$)y %ut 'arefu))yG out the fragran'e of fon$ memories- She )an$e$ a 'ou&)e of $ays %a'.- I #as there to re'eive her- 7e ha$ hugge$ ea'h other #arm)y an$ I ha$ intimate$ her of my &re$i'ament #hi)e she #as %uying her safe minera) #ater from the I9I Air&ort )ounge4,idi56 I ha$ e(')aime$ 4!our %rother is in a sou&-6 49ir)s86 she ha$ as.e$ an$ I ha$ no$$e$ mee.)y4Te)) me a)) s#eets 6 she ha$ remar.e$ an$ it #as on)y no# in an o%s'ure 'ousins #e$$ing that #e ha$ foun$ an o&&ortunity to ta). free)y #ithout my $ear sisters A Sneha an$ *a)a. A hovering aroun$ us- They ha$ some e(ams4Theres a &ro%)em didi- I )i.e a gir)-6 4I $ont see any &ro%)em #ith that un)ess the gir) thin.s that you are a rotten egg-6 4"o thats not the 'ase didi-6 4,ont te)) me you have fina))y manage$ to fin$ a gir) foo)ish enough to )i.e you-6 42ay%e-6 4So thats the &ro%)em- !ou are not sure the traffi' is t#o #ay86 4That is +ust the ti& of the i'e%erg didi- 7aters $ee&er mu'h $ee&er 6 I sai$ re&eating )i.e a &hi)oso&her4So #i)) you fire a#ay at on'e or 'ontinue to stare at the f)oor 2r2ano+ 3umar86 I )oo.e$ u&4!ou remem%er 9ayatri86 4Of 'ourse I $o the unfortunate gir) of Ferma un')e #ho )ost her )ife in an a''i$ent8 E(treme)y sa$G6 I must have )ea&t a foot or t#o on hearing that- after a)) I ha$ met her +ust #ee. %efore in the neigh%ourhoo$ 'afM- ,idi sai$ it in a manner so offhan$ that it too. its to)) on me- It seeme$ )i.e a s)a& in the mi$$)e of a soun$ s)ee&- I ha$ )i.e$ the gir) an$ she #as a rather ni'e &erson- 2y min$ #ent %)an.- I har$)y noti'e$ that the 'ut)et I ha$ %een 'he#ing so meti'u)ous)y $eriving +oy from every %ite #as no )onger in my mouth- I ha$ hear$ a thu$ I thought-

47hen $i$ that ha&&en86 #as a)) I 'ou)$ utter47hy you on)y to)$ me )at month86 she ans#ere$ &u11)e$4I $i$86 !es #hen #e ta).e$ on &hone-6 4Oh5 Then it $a#ne$ on me- It #as a monumenta) 'ommuni'ation error- 42y 9o$5 I sai$ 9ayatris $og )ost )ife56 I sai$ #ith re)iefAn$ $is%e)ief- A #or$ out of &)a'e 'an 'ause havo'4Oh5 The &hone )ines #erent ')ear- I am sorry- A gross mista.e-6 I )et out a %reath- Than. 9o$ she #as a)ive- There #as didi mun'hing 'ut)ets 'oo))y as if nothing at a)) ha$ ha&&ene$- As I regaine$ my sense no# that the gent)e sou) #as a)ive I $is'overe$ my )ost 'ut)et- There it #as &er'he$ 'omforta%)y at the %ottom of my 'o.e g)ass emitting %u%%)es- So that #hat the thu$ #as a%outI to)$ her to %e a )itt)e more 'onsi$erate %efore uttering su'h sho'.ers- She sai$ she #ou)$ %e an$ to)$ me 4But rea))y your voi'e #asnt ')ear an$ %esi$es you soun$e$ &retty 'oo) an$ ha&&y that $ay- I myse)f #as astoun$e$ %y your attitu$e- Hen'e my 'asua)ness in mentioning the 'asua)ty-6 4Oh ha&&y I #as5 Ha&&y to %e free after a)) %e'ause that Rahu) of hers ha$ %itten my %utt a hun$re$ times an$ in a %enevo)ent moo$ ha$ )i.e$ my fa'e )i.e a mo& on the f)oor-6 4Rahu)86 4!es Rahu) the same grotes:ue $og-6 4She name$ that $og Rahu)56 she sai$ #on$ering at the #ays of the #or)$- Strange in$ee$ I agree4!es she $i$- A&&arent)y Rahu) ha$ %een 9ayatris 'rush sin'e L39 #ho )eft the s'hoo) one fine $ay-6 4Sa$56 4e(treme)y sa$5 Hen'e the name Rahu)- In memory of the $e&arte$-6 4Change your name Te+as56 47hy86 4She #i)) %e a) yours56 she sai$ an$ #e )aughe$ hearti)y4So #hat a%out 9ayatri86 she in:uire$4!ou .no# she is &retty didi- She #as sha.en after the )oss san$ foun$ 'omfort in meG6 4Hmm so you e(&)oite$ the age o)$ Ru)e One of the ho-to-#in-agir) theory-6 4A%so)ute)y hit the iron #hen its hot- 7hi& the gir)s tears an$ she is a)) yours-6 47o# %rother5 !ou too5 A)) %oys are the same56

4"o didi you .no# #hat that I #ont &)ay #ith anyones heart*re'ise)y the reason #hy I 'hat #ith you-6 4>ine go on-6 4SoG she has starte$ ) me a )ot an$ I am sure a%out it-6 4Just a moment %a'. you #ere not sure a%out it-6 4Oh5 That #as not for her didi- Thats the #ho)e &ro%)em- 7here it gets a trif)e too intri'ate for a nut )i.e me-6 She raise$ her eye%ro#s an$ sai$ 47hy $ont you say everything ')ear)y then8 !ou te)) it a)) #ith an unne'essary air of sus&ense"o# ')ear the mu$$)e for me-6 4I am trying didi- But it is so $amn heavy too many $etai)s-6 4I thin. you are 'om&oun$ing the situation yourse)f- As far as I remem%er you #ere nuts a%out this gir) an$ #hen you have got the %rea.throughG through a 'han'e of &ar$on me funny misfortune you %ehave :ueer)y- An$ no# if you are a%out another gir) as I gather you are you are +ust %eing stu&i$The more you)) )oo. the &rettier others gir)s #i)) seem- Sto& %ehaving )i.e a 'hi)$- !ou )i.e her an$ she ) you- The 'ase is $ismisse$- !ou guys are never satisfie$ 6 she thun$ere$In #a.e of this atta'. I )ost 'om&)ete)y #hat I ha$ to te)) didi. I %egan to a&&re'iate the truth in her #or$s an$ #on$ere$ #hy I #as having this 'onferen'e at a)) #hen I rea)i1e$ that I ha$ not yet 'om&)ete$ the story- An$ su$$en)y it 'ame %a'. to me4"o the 'ase has on)y +ust %egun didi0 &)ease sho# some &atien'e- !ou $ra# 'on')usions so hasti)y 6 I thun$ere$ %a'. 47hat a #hi)e-6 4>ine sir 6 she surren$ere$4So #here #as I8 !e true that I use$ to )i.e 9ayatri %ut I am not sure a%out her- The &ro%)em is that I rea))y )i.e another gir) 6 I sai$ in one %reath4So #hats the &ro%)em86 4She is some t#o thousan$ .i)ometers a#ay-6 47hat5 Ho# $o you manage a)) this Te+as8 !ou 'ant $o a norma) thing in the #or)$ %ut &u)) off su'h unfathoma%)eG you sure are ama1ing- "o# #ho is she86 4Shreya Bhargava-6 47o# #hat a #ay to te)) 6 she )aughe$- 47ont you a$$ her $a$s name too8 I am not you for the name of the seventeenth &resi$ent of 2o1am%i:ue i$iot- Just say Shreya $um%o 6 she 'ontinue$ to )augh- These sisters rea))y &u)) your )eg #e))4!es so Shreya she is-6 47ho is she8 Some a'hoo)-mate86

4"o *a)a.s frien$-6 She #as stunne$47ay to go5 Thats something5 "o# eyeing your sisters frien$sG "ot %a$ 6 she a$$e$ teasing)y4She is rea))y great didi-6 4"o# $ont %)ush %rother 6 she taunte$ an$ then su$$en)y as if stung %y a %ee a$$e$ 47ait a minute- Ho# is she then t#o an$ a #hatever .i)ometers a#ay8 Ho# $i$ you meet her86 7e)) it #ou)$nt %e of use to a$$ most of our su%se:uent 'onversation- I have a)rea$y to)$ you a)) that an$ in $etai)- Our first meeting- I to)$ her everything g)eefu))y an$ that so)ve$ some of her $ou%ts- It #ou)$ %e 'onvenient if you +oin the 'onferen'e her- Right here47hat guts Te+as56 she sai$ her hea$ in $is%e)ief- She ha$ %een fe$ a ta$ too mu'h an$ I 'ou)$ see it #as getting heavy for her- I a))o#e$ her a %reath4Any#ays goo$ move to o%tain her mai)ing a$$ress- So $i$ you use it86 4O%vious)y- 7e starte$ mai)ing ea'h other on'e a #ee. or so"orma) frien$)y harm)ess mai)s- ,is'ussing the usua)/ movie musi' %oo.sG +ust the e(tension of our 'onversation that $ay- It too. us no time to $is'over that #e ha$ simi)ar tastes- Fery simi)ar-6 4Coo)5 9o on-6 4!es soG gra$ua))y the fre:uen'y of mai)s in'rease$ an$ so $i$ the num%er of simi)arities- I mean I #as myse)f ama1e$- This is #hat $re# me most to#ar$s her-6 47i)) you te)) me some of them8 ,ont te)) me something )i.eG %oth of you rea)i1e$ that you ha$ t#o ears t#o eyesG6 7e %oth )aughe$ again an$ I a$$e$/ 4Of 'ourse not- In fa't our anatomies are very $ifferent fa'e $o#n- Li.e I $ont haveG6 4Shut u& 6 she intervene$ in time- Laughter again- 4Te)) me something su%stantia) 6 she as.e$ )i.e the e(&ert must4So yes )i.eG #e %oth )i.e simi)ar .in$ of movies an$ musi'- Both not-&artying ty&es- Both )ove sim&)e things0 hate anything )ou$ an$ 'hea&- An$ then yes she is &retty ')ose to her fami)y )i.e meG a home)y gir)-6 47o# my home)y %oy56 I %)ushe$4Sto& fun so yesG our out)oo. on most su%+e'ts is :uite simi)ar- *retty 'onservative an$ sentimenta)-6 4,ont te)) me you $is'usse$ mora) issues-6

47e $i$ didi- She #as im&resse$- 4!ou)) say #e are 'ra1y if I te)) you #e $is'usse$ things )i.e em&o#erment of #omen ro)e of #omen in our so'iety neg)e't of &arents an$ the e)$er)y i))itera'y an$ &o&u)ation ra&i$)y ero$ing tra$itiona) va)ues &ro)iferation of $rugs 'onfuse$ materia)isti' youth- 7e even &)anne$ to o&en a s'hoo) for &oorG6 4Enough- >ine I get it 6 she hasti)y interru&te$ una%)e to to)erate anymore- 4Seems &reety interesting- So the gir) .no#s you are 'ra1y an$ sti)) %ears you-6 4!es5 An$ she is so ni'e- It is fas'inating to $is'uss a)) this #ith someone- I meanG I have this ha%it of )e'turing you .no# %ut no%o$y is ever intereste$ an$ here is a gir) #ho is not +ust )istening %ut 'om&)ementing me so #e))- Of 'ourse #e have other trivia) simi)arities )i.e en+oying the same sort of movies A romanti' an$ arty i'e 'reams A 'ho'o)ate an$ stra#%erry 'ho'o)ates A #ithout nuts &astries &o&'orns bhuttaG But the thing that %o#)e$ me over #as our simi)ar emotiona) :uotientShe is a very ni'e gir) the .in$ you rare)y fin$ no#a$ays- Sim&)e"ot one #ho)) 'o)our her hair or get funny &ier'ings or get a tattoo or f)aunt her )egs or smo.e or &artyG She is so $ifferentG I ha$ to fa)) for her 6 I astoun$e$ myse)f %y going on an$ on 4I #as a)rea$y smitten %y her %eauty an$ that she #as so mu'h )i.e ho# I #ante$ my gir) to %e +ust finishe$ me- She is )i.e Sneha an$ *a)a.- 7ho$ %e +ust the right %)en$ of mo$ern an$ tra$itiona) A #ho$ %e $resse$ so gra'efu))y an$ not fo))o# the fashion tren$s %)in$)y A #ho$ )i.e to $an'e an$ a)) %ut &refer $inners %y the 'an$)e)ight A #ho$ )i.e to $an'e an$ a)) %ut &refer $inners %y the 'an$)e)ight A #ho$ %e &rogressive %ut #ou)$ not hesitate to )en$ her mother a han$ in the .it'hen-6 4Te+as you are gone 6 didi interru&te$ againI .ne# I #as gone- I 'ou)$nt %e)ieve that a gir) 'ou)$ have that .in$ of effe't- She #as a)) I ha$ thought for over a month no#- I $i$nt .no# if it rea))y #as )ove or not %ut one thing #as sure I )i.e$ her a )ot- An$ I ha$ never %een so ')ose to any gir) e('e&t of 'ourse my sisters2y didi )oving)y stro.e$ my hair an$ )oo.e$ into my eyes an$ sai$ 4So you are in )ove-6 4So it seems-6 4Hmm so #hat is the &ro%)em no#8 7hy are you at a)) a%out 9ayatri86

4I to)$ you Shreya is so far a#ay- ,ont .no# #hen #e)) meet if at a)) #e $o- It)) %e rea))y $iffi'u)t- An$ %esi$es I am not sure she ) me-6 4Hmm of 'ourse she ) you- Other#ise you #ou)$nt have ha$ su'h $is'ussions- But the &ro%)em may %e that she ) you &ure)y as a frien$- 9ir)s $o the often- Boys a)#ays )oo. for the romanti' ang)e though- But gir)s 'an +ust %e very goo$ frien$sBoys ta.e the #rong ti& then-6 6I .no#- Thats another &ro%)em- So the $i)emma is that I have a gir) in the neigh%ourhoo$ #ho ) me an$ I sort of )i.e her- An$ then theres a gir) farther than most neigh%ouring nations a%out #hom I am a%so)ute)y 'ra1y %ut $ont .no# her &osition- An$ I have no one %ut you to so)ve it-6 47hat &u11)e is %eing so)ve$8 Let me see too 6 sai$ a heavy voi'e from %ehin$- ,a$ #as stan$ing right there4"othing &a&a-6 4So )ets move home $i$ you have foo$86 7e re&)ie$ in &ositive a)though didi ha$ +ust one 'ut)et an$ I 'ou)$nt even manage that- to he)) #ith foo$- I thought- 7e$ go home an$ eat 2aggi noo$)es at night- Love)y it is to stay u& a)) night an$ ta). an$ visit the .it'hen to 'oo. 2aggi together- 7e got u&4Te+as #hats that 'ut)et $oing in your Co.e86 4"othing $a$G #as +ust e(&erimenting #ith ne# re'i&es-6

7e rea'he$ home at a%out mi$night- Sneha #as a)rea$yThan. 9o$ I thought- "o# $i$i an$ I 'ou)$ ta). easi)y- The #ho)e story ha$ %e'ome so riveting that none of us #ante$ to s)ee&- I ha$ no 'o))ege the ne(t $ay- 7e 'ontinue$ from #here #e ha$ )eft- This time in #his&ers4!ou $i$nt te)) me if you t#o e('hange$ mai)s on)y or starte$ ta).ing8 I assume$ you ta). a )ot from the .in$ of $is'ussions you have ha$-6 6Yes didi- 7e starte$ ta).ing gra$ua))y- I 'a))e$ her first time on her %irth$ay the seventh of >e%ruary- In fa't thats the on)y reason #hy I %ought a 'e)) &hone-6 4So %i))s must %e %urning your &o'.et Romeo-6

4,ont as. didi- 2ost of my a))o#an'e goes there- But she is the one #ho 'a))s for )onger &erio$s from her home-6 4O.ay5 9reat- If se ta).s to you so mu'h on ST, one things for sure she ) ta).ing to you-6 4I guess so56 See %rothers a))s &retty an$ &romising- But have you ever ta).e$ romanti'a))y86 she as.e$ e(amining ea'h $etai)s of her s&e'imen4!es %ut very )ight)y-6 4Li.e86 4Li.e $is'ussing #hat :ua)ities #e #ou)$ )i.e in our &artner then 'a))ing ea'h other &erfe't for ea'h other as #e have so many simi)arities- An$ yes sin'e no%o$y e)se in the #or)$ fin$s us to)era%)e #hy $estroy t#o inno'ents )ives %etter marry ea'h other- That)) %e a hum%)e so'ia) servi'e-6 4So no %oyfrien$ for her too86 4Lu'.i)y no-6 4Any &revious re)ationshi&86 4Lu'.i)y no-6 4Hmm you)) have to %e more romanti' an$ $ire't-6 4O.ay- But its %een rea))y goo$ so far- An$ thats %e'ause my intention #as never to #oo her- Its true I )ove$ her the first time I sa# her- But then the $istan'e #as a %ig $eterrent- I ha$ thought a%out her a )ot initia))y %ut fina))y 'ame to groun$- I mean there #as no #ay I thought #e 'ou)$ %e together- *ra'ti'a))y im&ossi%)e- An$ then it is )ove)y to %e goo$ frien$s #ith her- 7e ge) so #e))- An$ it is rea))y ni'e to ta). ')ean a)) the time- An$ I )i.e it this #ay-6 4SoG no# the $istan'e has re$u'e$ or #hat86 47e)) I have %een thin.ingG6 in fa't that ha$ %een the on)y thing on my min$- 4She 'omes here a%out t#i'e a year- SoG sometimes I fee)G I )i.e her so mu'h an$ 'an #ait for her %ut at other times I fee) it #i)) %e a %it too mu'h-6 4Too mu'h as in86 4As in didi my 'o))ege years are ra'ing &ast me an$ I havent even $ate$ a gir)- 2ost $istressing didi- Sometimes I fe)) )i.e a termina))y i)) man #ith +ust t#o years of )ife )eft #ho #ants to ma.e the most of them- Hen'e the :ui'. nee$ of a gir) #ho is near%y- It is a ra'e against time-6 I #on$ere$ no# ho# immature an$ foo)ish I #as to say a)) that- ho# ignorant I #as of )ove A of its rea) meaning an$ &o#erSti)) I mention it in ho&e that some of you #i)) )earn from #hat my didi sai$ in res&onse-

4Ra'e against time5 2y foot5 7hat $o you #ant %rother a time&ass86 4Hmm everyone aroun$ is ha&&y $oing it- But isnt it rotten to have a gir) on'e you are $one86 4I am &rou$ of you %rother- 7e nee$ more men )i.e you-6 4But didiG sometimes out of frustrationG I $o fee)G #hat the he'.5 7hy #aste a)) these years8 If time-&ass is the on)y so)ution so %e it-6 47hat if someone $oes that #ith me or Sneha or *a)a.86 7e)) #hat 'ou)$ I say to that8 the very :uestion ha$ .e&t me in 'he'. for so )ong- I .en the ans#er too #e))- I #ou)$ )i.e .i)) that %oy %etter say %astar$4I$ .i)) that %astar$ didi- Sorry for the &rofanity-6 4"o# #hat $o you say86 47e)) $i$i I .no# that an$ #ou)$ never foo) a ni'e gir)- But these says you $o fin$ gir)s #ho #ant no 'ommitmentG they are no )ess no#a$ays-6 4!ou are in'orrigi%)e- I te)) you #hat0 'a)) a 'a))-gir) if you are that frustrate$-6 I #as s&ee'h)ess again- An$ shame$- 7hat am I ) for8 I thought- A ni'e gir) #ho )oves me- I .ne# that I 'ou)$ never %e ha&&y #ith su&erfi'ia) re)ations47hy are you $um%8 Loo. I te)) you #hat- !ou %oys #ant gir)s for fun or may%e as a status sym%o)- Its )i.e a %anner announ'ing &rou$)y BCome )oo. I have a gir)- I am a stu$- !ou thin. #e are something to %e f)aunte$- But #e are not things 6 didi roare$ 4!ou i$iot ho# 'an one %e ha&&y in a re)ationshi& if he is not in )ove8 Time is not running &ast- Use your hea$- ,ating is not the on)y thing- !ou $ont meet every$ay- !ou ta). on &hone too an$ most of the time that on)y- It is a form of intima'y- So if you )ove Shreya en+oy the times you ta). to her- 7ait for her- But on)y if you )ove her 6 she shot )i.e an A3-HN an$ I 'ou)$ on)y stare %)an.)yThese #omenfo). I te)) you ma.e one thin. a )ot- 2en #ou)$ %e nothing #ithout them- Curious s&e'ies in$ee$5 Ho# they 'an thin. that mu'hG a)) that &retty heavy stuff for us menSome great man or &erha&s #oman has #ise)y sai$/ 47omen the mysterious 6 an$ I $ont have the au$a'ity too to fin$ out #hat goes insi$e their hea$- So I +ust no$$e$ a&&re'iative)y an$ sai$/

4True didi true- That means I shou)$ forget 9ayatri86 47hat a%out the i$ea of s&en$ing a #ho)e $ay #ith her Te+as86 That hit me har$- I ha$nt thought a%out it- I mean a $ate of ont#o hours #as fine %ut a $ay #ith her5 I$ rather sit the #ho)e $ay in *rof- Chatto&a$hyayas un%eara%)e BEvo)ution/ Ho# 2on.ey %e'ame 2an ')ass than ho%no% #ith a gir) #ho names her $og after her 'rush- There are )imits to insanity42ost $istur%ing $i$i- 7e have nothing in 'ommon- It #as +ust her &retty fa'e I )i.e$-6 4So I ho&e to have ')eare$ a)) your $ou%ts-6 4!es- 9ayatri is out86 47hat a%out t#o $ays #ith her a)one86 4!es yes out she is didi- But Shreya is so far-6 4!ou have to #ait for every goo$ thing in )ife 'hi)$-6 Sometimes they $o seem a&t these a$ages4But I $ont even .no# her fee)ings for me-6 4Leave that for the moment- >irst te)) me $o you )ove her or not-6 47e)) $i$iG A)) I 'an say is that I havent foun$ a %etter gir) an$ she seems &erfe't for me- I )i.e her very mu'h an$ I thin. I )ove her too-6 4So i$iot forget a%out other gir)s-6 4An$ #hat a%outG her ) me86 4As. her-6 47hat56 4!es as. her- Theres no &oint )iving in $ou%t- As. her if she ) you or not-6 47hat if she says no86 4She #ont say no outright- She)) +ust say she never thought a%out you that #ay-6 47hatever %ut that means no-6 4That $oesnt mean no %rother- That a)so $oesnt mean she has never thought a%out you that #ay- That +ust means she is not that sure a%out you right no#- 7e)) $ea) #ith that )ater it #ont %e that %a$- But you have to as.- Sho# some 'ourage-6 4But didiG she is very &retty an$ IG6 4!ou are smart you i$iot-6 4Are you serious didi8 Can she )i.e me #hat a%out these &im&)es86 4A)) I 'an say is if I #ere the gir) I #ou)$ never have sai$ no-6

Bringing %a'. to the min$ min$ my misha& ri$$en +ourney from 'hi)$hoo$ I 'an fair)y a''urate)y say that save for an o''asion #hen sti)) in ha)f-&ants my mo)ar ha$ gone %a$ an$ ha$ to %e remove$ 'ourage has never fai)e$ me- I 'onfess I have never %een in the vi'inity of a )ion or #ithin a gunshot %ut I as. you a)) are these the on)y tests of &)u'.8 7here my hum%)e )ife has teste$ me I have stoo$ firm an$ that a)one %rings gratifi'ation!es I tottere$ #hen my moment of truth arrive$ an$ &)ea$e$ #ith my didi to 'hange her min$- I grum%)e$ a #ho)e $ay %ut 4Be a man56 didi sai$ in the en$ an$ that #as that- It is 'om&a't $ia)ogues )i.e these these &o'.et %om%s #hi'h #hen $e)ivere$ %y army genera)s to Sha.y so)$iers 'hange their fortunes foreverThey mar'h on to %att)efrontAs for us #e ti& to&e$ to the roof :uiet)y o&ening the ' $oors on the #ay- The night s.y #as ')ear stars #ere t#in.)ing an$ the air #as refreshing- I have a)rea$y mentione$ numerous times the virtues of &)easant #eather- It $rives a)) your #orries a#ay- The s'ente$ air #or.e$ on me )i.e a %ott)e of s&irits,idi $ia)e$ her num%er an$ &resse$ the &hone against my ear- I turne$ my fa'e a#ay from her- Ring- I starte$ fee)ing #ea. on my .nees an$ that strange sensation in the stoma'h #hi'h one fee)s #hen e(am s'ri&ts are han$e$ surfa'e$Shreya &i'.e$ u&- 4Hu))o 6 she sai$ s)ee&i)y4Hi5 Sorry for $istur%ing you so )ate- Ho&e you #ere not as)ee& as yet-6 Of 'ourse she #as4I #as56 4"ever min$G I #ante$ toG ta). to you- So I 'a))e$ u& 6 I sai$ s)o#)y4A)right5 7hat ha&&ene$ that you #ante$ to ta). to me in the mi$$)e of the night86 4"othingG #as +ust a%out us-6 4A%out us86

She soun$e$ 'onfuse$- I #as at a )oss for #or$s- I 'ou)$nt thin. of anything to say- "othing 'ame to my min$- But I .ne# if I ha$ to te)) her #hat I #ante$ to I ha$ to say it right a#ay- It #as un%eara%)e to %eat a%out the %ush4Shreya #hat $o you thin. a%out me86 47hat sort of a :uestion is that an$ in the mi$$)e of night86 she as.e$ o%vious)y stum&e$- I #as so afrai$ no#- I #as so nervousI #as a)most 'ertain she$ say 4I $ont )i.e you-6 An$ that #ou)$ shatter me- I .ne#- It #as %etter not .no#ing her thoughts a%out me than her te))ing me off straight a#ay- But I ma$e myse)f strong4I mean $o you )i.e me86 There #as a &ause- She $i$nt say anything for #hat seeme$ )i.e an eternity- I ha$ sho'.e$ her of 'ourse #ith su'h an i$ioti' :uestion- 7e ha$ %een great frien$s an$ no# that #ou)$ %e off too- It #as a)) ruine$- She fina))y sai$ #ith 'arefu))y 'hosen #or$s4See Te+as I rea))y )i.e you- But as a frien$- An$ you have %een a great one-6 There #as si)en'e again- I fe)t misera%)e for I ha$ thought she )i.e$ me- "ot +ust as a frien$- I honest)y ha$4!ou too have %een great Shreya5 But I thought I$ te)) you my fee)ings- I rea))y )i.e you- An$ not +ust as a frien$-6 4But I have never thought of you that #ay Te+as-6 So fina))y the $rea$e$ #or$s that didi ha$ s&o.en arrive$ ver%atim 6 I have never thought of you that #ay-6 It irritate$ me no en$- I #ante$ to as. her 47hy on earth havent you through of me that #ay8 Am I that %a$8 I thought #e got a)ong rea))y #e)) an$ ha$ so many simi)arities- 7hat more $o you #ant8 A)) you gir)s .no# is ho# to tri'. guys-6 But I #ise)y s.i&&e$ that &art4So honest)yG have you never thought a%out us %eing more than frien$s86 4Te+as I 'ant say anything right no#- But yes I have a)#ays thought of you as a goo$ frien$-6 I #as getting ma$$er- I fe)t didis han$ on my shou)$er- I )oo.e$ into her eyes again- I foun$ 'omfort- "o I $i$nt %)ame her for rushing me into this- 9oo$ that I 'am to .no# her fee)ings I )oo.e$ at the s.y- It #as sti)) )ove)y- The #or)$ ha$ not 'hange$- I

'hange$ my tone to a more 'heery one an$ as.e$ her 4I ho&e the $oor is not ')ose$ for me86 4See Te+as )et us 'ontinue to %e frien$s an$ see ho# things move on-6 4But &)ease .ee& that $oor s)ight)y a+ar-6 4It is56 4By the #ay I have a ha%it of in from the #in$o#s- 9oo$ night56 49oo$ night56 I hung u&- ,idi too. my han$s I hers4She $i$nt ')ose the $oor86 4"o I smi)e$- One of those &ensive ones4,ont you #orry she nee$s more time- She has to %e sure %efore she 'ommits- She is a goo$ gir) after a))-6 4Can #e stay here an$ ta).- The #eather is not %a$56 4Sure %rother-6


It #as ten &ast three no#- 9o$ these gir)s shou)$ %e on time at )east sometimes5 I mean its &ermissi%)e if its +ust another $ay an$ you havent a thing to $o e('e&t ya#n- But 'ertain)y not no#5 !ou #ant to $o a#ay #ith these things :ui'.)y0 you $o not #ant to #ait at a $o'tors ')ini' .no#ing %eforehan$ that a syringe is going to $ri)) your %utt- I$)e min$ is $evi)s #or.sho&- In$ee$5 I 'ou)$nt sit I 'ou)$nt stan$- A)) I 'ou)$ $o #as fi$get #ith my handsHer #or$s .e&t e'hoing in my ears- I #ou)$nt ta.e BI havent thought of you that #ay this time- "o sir I #ou)$ntshe$ have to %e ')ear as a 'rysta)- "o $i&)omati' $i))y-$a))ying this time aroun$5 >or heavens sa.e Bthe %e)) must have rung as the romanti'ists say %y no# if there e(iste$ one- I ha$ vio)ins &)ying havo' in my min$5 Te)) me Shreya if I am not the one- An$ I #as afrai$ too- >or a refusa) this time 'ou)$ #e)) mean the en$ of my innings- An$ I .ne# I 'ou)$ never %e B+ust her frien$>ina))y ma$emoise))e 'a))e$- I got myse)f together-

4Hi6 4So )ate again56 4Sorry %ut $a$ 'a))e$ u&- SoG #hat #ere you $oing86 4"othing +ust 'ame $o#n to the &ar. so that I 'ou)$ ta). #ith you &ea'efu))y- To %e more s&e'ifi' I #as starting at the grass-6 4A)right5 Are there no gir)s in your &ar. to$ay86 4"o not at this hour- *eo&)e &refer to stay in$oors at this e(treme)y )ethargi' time of the $ay-6 4Right5 Sa$ for you-6 4"ot at a)) sometimes I &refer to %e in so)itu$e #ith nature-6 4Sorry for $istur%ing you sir-6 4its o.ay- Shreya I #ant to ta). to you a%out something 6 I 'ame to the &oint straight a#ay4Oh my 9o$5 7hat is it no#86 I #on$ere$ #hat to say an$ ho# to start4I $ont .no# if I am rushing into this or not %ut a)) I .no# is that its very im&ortant for me to ')ear some things-6 4)i.e86 4!ou .no# )i.e #hat Shreya-6 4Sti)) te)) me 6 she sai$ s)o#)yIt #as tough to say that again %ut she ha$ for'e$ me to say it 4A%out your fee)ings for me 6 Shreya-6 There #as that .i))ing si)en'e again- I ')ose$ my eyes an$ trie$ to 'oo) myse)f- 4*)ease Te+as this #i)) not %e the en$- There are other gir)s 6 I sai$ to myse)f - 4But no one #i)) %e )i.e her 6 retorte$ another voi'e- 4*)ease $ont say no Shreya I .no# you )i.e me 6 I fina))y &raye$47hat $o you thin. Te+as86 4*)ease $ont foo) aroun$ Shreya I $ont .no# anything- *)ease te)) me-6 4O.ay see you are a very goo$ frien$ Te+asG6 I 'ou)$ see the a(e 'oming in that so s#eet an$ &o)ite sty)e- S#eet an$ &o)ite my foot5 4Gan$ I $ont #ant to )ose you-6 4I get it Shreya- I #ont ever as. you againG6 4Let me finish #hat I have to say firs- *romise meG you)) remain my %est frien$ forever- *romise me Te+as-6 I trie$ to 'ontro) m emotions- There #as a )um& in my throat- I 'ou)$ ho)$ my tears as )ong as I $i$nt say a #or$- I #as angry #ith myse)f for %eing so sentimenta)4*romise me56 she re&eate$ again-

4I &romise %ye for no# 6 I manage$ to say an$ a tear s)i&&e$ $o#n my 'hee.- So that #as it- It #as a)) over- She $i$nt )ove me47ait5 *romise me another thing-6 47hat86 I as.e$ trying to soun$ norma)4*romise me you #i)) a)#ays remain my %est frien$ if I te)) you that I )ove you-6 I $ont .no# if I)) %e a%)e to &ut in #or$s my fee)ings- It #as so su$$en an$ su%t)e her $e')aration- A)most )i.e a su$$en sho#er on an o&&ressing $ay- An$ no I $i$ not smi)e for I #ante$ to %e sure she ha$ sai$ that47hat86 4I )ove you Te+as56 4I )ove you too-6 4I .no# that-6 >ina))y I #i&e$ my eyes an$ $e'i$e$ to smi)e- An ever so sma)) one4SoG #hy $i$nt you te)) me86 4Boys as. first you $um%o-6 4But I $i$ )ast time-6 4Then I #asnt sure %ut no# that I #as I #ante$ you to as. me-6 49ir)s5 A 'urious s&e'ies in$ee$5 I ho&e I un$erstan$ you some $ay-6 4Best of )u'.56 she gigg)e$4Than.s5 But $o te)) me #hat ma$e you $e'i$e on me this time8 I)) try an$ remove the mis'on'e&tions-6 4Shut u&5 !ou sti)) havent ma$e the &romise-6 4Oh5 I)) thin. a%out it-6 47hat $o you mean you)) thin. a%out it86 4I meanG it time to $e'i$e on matters of heart- 7ho .no#s %etter than you your Highness86 It #as ni'e to %e on to& for on'e-

I too. out my )etter-&a$ an$ my &en- An$ I %eganG 4Hi ,idiG6 I ha$ to te)) her-






So #e are %a'. here again after that )itt)e interva) of nosta)gia an$ though my heart yearns for more of it #e must move ahea$- I ha$ $e'i$e$ more or )ess if you re'a)) that I$ s.i& the In$ustria) Tour- I #aite$ for the tour $ates to %e announ'e$ an$ one fine afternoon I having en+oye$ my siesta in *a&&is A)ternate >ue) )e'ture #o.e u& to 3hos)as voi'e- The fat C)ass Re&resentative ha$ his han$s u& an$ va)iant)y attem&te$ to 'ontro) the mena'ing ')ass4!es I #i)) te)) the $ates if you a)) #i)) a))o# me to-6 47ho the he)) has gagge$ you86 retorte$ a voi'e4O.ayG 7e )eave on the <Cth for *une- Rea'h *une on <<th- Leave for 9oa on <Nth an$ start %a'. for ,e)hi on DCth- 7e)) return here on the DDn$-6 4On)y three $ays in 9oa5 ,amn the &)anning56 The #ho)e ')ass %ro.e into ')amour- 9rou&s of frien$s $is'usse$ among themse)ves #hat they$ $o on the tour- Some $arte$ #eir$ :uestions at 2r- 3hos)a #ho %eing &o)ite in $emeanour 'ou)$ never satisfy the ras'a)s- A frien$ of mine shoute$ 47hy $ont #e )eave for 9oa ear)ier86 an$ then su$$en)y the #ho)e ')ass invente$ a s)ogan/ 47e #ant 9oa5 7e #ant 9oa56 >or the first time I fe)t )i.e an outsi$er- I #asnt &arty to their +oys- I move$ out :uiet)y an$ no one noti'e$- They #ere )ost in 'e)e%ration- "o# that I .ne# the tour $ates I 'ou)$ fina)i1e my &)an- I &i'ture$ Shreya #aiting for me %y the sea an$ fe)t no g)oom on missing out on having fun #ith my frien$sI fe)t a &at on my shou)$ers- It #as Sameer our $e&artment to&&er an$ my very goo$ frien$4Te+as $ont you %un. the tour as is your ha%it-6 4"o noG6 ii smi)e$ e('itement49oo$ then #e)) have a %a))- Theres no fun #ithout you yaar56

I &ro$u'e here as an e(hi%it the origina) s&e'imen of my mo$us o&eran$i- I #ou)$ no $ou%t have )ove$ to share #ith you the $etai)e$ $is'ussions it re:uire$ %ut to ma.e the nove) )ighter #e must avoi$ them<- ,eparture5 <Cth ,e'em%er to *une 9oa E(&ress #ith the rest of the ')assG as a sim&)e &re'aution against the tra$itiona) ha%it of In$ian fami)ies to see off their 'hi)$ren at the stationsG thus a $ire't train to Chennai 'hou)$ %e avoi$e$D- 'rrival5 *une <<th evening0 'a)) on $a$s mo%i)e sho#ing *unes 'o$eG thereafter every 'a)) on home )an$)ine A )o'ation 'on'ea)e$P- 6hile in 7une5 C)i'. as many &hotogra&hs 'hanging ')othes as many times at as many )an$mar.s 'hanging the $ate fe$ in the 'amera ea'h timeG Fisit A A>2C Co))ege #here $a$ stu$ie$ an$ 3ayani Ba.ery to %ut Shre#s%erry %is'uits for homeH- ,eparture5 <<th mi$night to Chennai E(&ress/ A)one =- 'rrival5 Chennai E *2 <Dth <C $ays stayI- 6hile in 2hennai5 Ca)) home at )east t#i'e every$ay A give them no reason to 'a))G .ee& in tou'h #ith frien$s for their #herea%outs in *uneQ9oaN- 3eturn (trate&y5 In$ustria) Tour en$s on DCthG %ut no satisfie$ #ith so fe# a $ays #ith ShreyaG so te)) at home that *ritish Risha%h an$ me staying %a'. to en+oy 9oa for three more $aysG this gives me more time--- *arents e(&e't me %a'. on D=th %ut instea$ I return on DHth itse)f thus e)iminating any &ossi%i)ity of them 'oming to re'eive me at the station- Thus station &ro%)em at %oth en$s so)ve$I $istin't)y remem%er the thri)) an$ satisfa'tion I e(&erien'e$ ea'h time I #ent over the $o'ument- Imagining a)) that #as so e('itingG 'hanging trainsGtrave)ing the )ength of the 'ountryG it #as a)) e(treme)y e(hi)arating- 7asnt ,,LJ a)) a%out trains8 I 'ou)$ hear the #hist)e of the engineG it %e'.one$ me an$ the #hee)s #ere a%out to ro))-

A)) the &)anning $one an$ no# #ithin an a'e of a'tion I must te)) you that a)though it a)) )oo.s very easy to my min$ it #as not- >or $ays I )ive$ in the fear of %eing 'aught %y my &arents though they are &retty un$erstan$ing other#ise I #as 'ertain they$ fee) )et $o#n shou)$ my &)an fai)- 2y min$ #as $istur%e$ %y negative thoughts he)&e$ in no #ay %y my frien$s an$ .in in #hom I 'onfi$e$ for they a$mitte$ fran.)y that they #ou)$nt have $one it- An$ they #ere right too- After a)) I #as a 'om&u)sory e$u'ationa) tourG )ying to &rofessorsG 'hanging trainsG trave)ing the )ength of the 'ountryG meeting my )oveG a%out a)) of #hi'h they #ere una#are- I shu$$ere$ to 'ontem&)ate the 'oming of it a)) out in the o&en togetherG Ho# then $i$ I stee) myse)f8 True I #as ma$)y in )ove an$ im&e))e$ %y that ma$ $rive on)y a )over .no#s- !et an in'i$ent from 'hi)$hoo$ &)aye$ no sma)) &art in my $eterminationOn'e $uring my e(ams in high s'hoo) I #as 'aught #ith t#o ans#er sheets A one of them mine of 'ourse $i)igent)y 'o&ying a 'om&)e( so)ution- There #as a huge s'an$a)- The tea'hers one 'an sti)) un$erstan$ treate$ me )i.e the rotten fish that s&oi)s the #ho)e &on$ %ut even my &eers #ho might not have %een entire)y s'ru&u)ous in their #ays )oo.e$ $o#n u&on meTherefore you 'an imagine the heavy heart the teary eye an$ the :uivering %o$y #ith #hi'h I to)$ my father a%out the summon or$ers- I fe)t that I #as a stain on the %)emish-)ess )ineage- I e(&e'te$ a thrashing an$ ha$ ')ose$ my eyes in anti'i&ation #hen I hear$ my father say 4!ou shou)$ a)#ays %e 'arefu) son56 I &raye$ that he$ re)ate to my &resent mis'hief too in some strange #ay an$ he %e a''ommo$ating- He ha$ to)$ me on)y years )ater a%out his sheet-s#a&&ing e(&)oits an$ I ho&e$ there #as sti)) something in his ')oset some su'h #i)$ a't a%out #hi'h I #as yet in the $ar.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



*rofessor *-*- Si$hu &o&u)ar as *a&&i among the stu$ents is the hea$ of the In$ustria) Tour Committee to #hom one must

re&ort in 'ase one #ishes to e(em&t himse)f from the 'om&u)sory tour- An$ so it #as re:uire$ that I meet him- He is a Si.h a +ovia) fe))o# as *un+a%is usua))y are- One of the 'oo)est &rofessors in IIT ,e)hi he $oesnt min$ stu$ents or ta).ing as )ong as they $ont interru&t him in his #or.- He has never fai)e$ anyone too I guess- A &ioneer in the fie)$ of resear'h he $oesnt have mu'h time to &ro%e #hy %a))y fe))o#s shou)$ go a%out %a))y toursHe taught us the fue)s 'ourse in #hi'h I #as su&&ose$ to ma.e a 4*neumati' Linear ,ou%)e Si$e$ Anti-Rotation Tu%e)ess Air Transfer Cy)in$er #hatever that means- This #as to %e insta))e$ in a %rea.through %us %eing $eve)o&e$ %y my institute #hi'h #as to run on %io-gas an$ I ha$nt even gone so far as to $e'i&her the meaning of ea'h term in the tit)e of my &ro+e't- This ha$ not im&resse$ *a&&i #ho ho#ever +ovia) he might %e on the su%+e't of %a))y tours is some#hat &rofessiona) on the su%+e't of &ro+e'ts- I trie$ te))ing him mi)$)y that if 'y)in$ers #ith su'h o%no(ious names #ere 'hi)$s &)ay In$ia #ou)$ %e &ro$u'ing su'h %uses )i.e %a%ies to #hi'h he re&)ie$ 4Thats e(a't)y #here I ta.e In$ia-6 He as.e$ me if I .ne# that in Ja&an a seven-year o)$ 'ou)$ ma.e a 'om&uter an$ I sai$ I $i$nt .no# to #hi'h he re&)ie$ that I %etter .no#- I ha$ a$roit)y $e)aye$ the &ro+e't so far %ut no# that the semester #as 'oming to an en$ the going #ou)$ %e toughI sa# him %en$ing over a fat %oo. s'ri%%)ing $o#n notes #ith the enthusiasm of a 'hi)$ #ho has +ust %een gifte$ his first 'rayon-%o(- He )oo.e$ u& at me for a f)eeting se'on$ an$ %ent $o#n again4Sir 6 I %egan 4I am afrai$ it #ont %e &ossi%)e for me to go on the In$ustria) Tour-6 6O-.-a-a-y 6 he sai$ in a sort of tone #hi'h 'omes out #hen one has 'o)$- In his 'ase the 'o)$ #as &erennia)I $i$nt .no# #hat to $o #ith this )ong BO.ay- I foun$ myse)f &u11)e$- It 'ou)$nt have meant/ 4,ont %e afrai$ son I am sure #hatever that &revents you must %e a #orthy 'ause go home son go home an$ 'e)e%rate56 I en$eavoure$ to s&ea. again this time ')earing my throat- 4Sir I #ante$ to te)) you that it is not &ossi%)e for me to go to the In$ustria) Tour-6 4O.ay 6 he sai$ again as he 'ontinue$ to &)ay #ith is 'rayon %o(- The se'on$ nasa) 4O.ay6 #as a ta$ too mu'h- 7hat on earth

#as that su&&ose$ to mean8 I fe)t in'reasing)y that I s&o.e to a &arrot that ha$ %een taught e(treme)y #e)) to s&ea. the on)y &ro%)em %eing to %e BO.ay- I )oo.e$ on #hi)e he &)aye$ on- 7hat e)se 'an a stu$ent $o in front of his &rofessor ho#ever +ovia) he might %e #ho has in his han$s &o#er #hi'h 'an %e misuse$ to sto& him from meeting his $ar)ing8 It #ou)$ no $ou%t %e astonishing for you a)) this &arrot-)i.e 'on$u't of the &rofessor %ut I .ne# %etter- The one a$+e'tive that imme$iate)y 'omes to min$ the moment one ta).s a%out &rofessors ho#ever rare that might %e is a%sent-min$e$- O other a$+e'tive $es'ri%e$ a thing or a &erson %etter- *a&&i #as .no#n to immerse himse)f some ten thousan$ )eagues un$er the sea #hen in the mi$st of his resear'h so that it too. him +o))y goo$ time to 'ome u& to the sea-)eve)- *resent)y I #aite$ for that moment- But then I eare$ &erha&s he might have $ro#ne$- Thus )i.e a nim%)e )ifeguar$ I shot this time 'oughing more an$ s& )ou$er 4Sir $oes that mean I have got your &ermission86 4!es56 he shoute$ e'stati'a))y an$ #ith e'stasy +um&e$ my insi$es too- I ha$ hear$ that it #as a)) a 'a.e#a). this &ermission getting session %ut #hat the he)) the &rofessor ha$nt even as.e$ for the reason- I s'ar'e)y %e)ieve$ my goo$ fortune- I a$mire$ the &rofessor an$ his #ays #hat #ith the amount of e'stasy he sho#e$ as if he #as han$ing me his $aughters #e$$ing 'ar$- Just #hen I #as a%out to than. him he shot out from his seat a if a &in ha$ %een &o.e$ an$ shoute$ 4!es yes yes56 an$ then )oo.e$ at me- I #on$ere$ #hat the ne(t three yess #ere a%out +ust #hen he ran u& to me as e'stati' a Ar'hime$es must have %een on'e out of his %ath an$ sai$ 4Te)) me #hats five mu)ti&)ie$ %y si(56 On'e $oesnt e(&e't that- I #on$ere$ if it #as a test one ha$ to un$ergo to se'ure &ermission an$ I &rom&t)y re&)ie$ thirty to #hi'h he sai$ 4Thirty it is in$ee$ then you .no# #hat5 7e)) soon have a %us that runs on gas ma$e from human #astes an$ gives an average of thirty .i)ometres &er 'u%i'G6 4Congratu)ations sir 6 I hastene$ to a$$4!es yes yes56 he a$$e$ to the a)rea$y 'onfusing yess )isten5 !ou #ait right here an$ I)) %e %a'.5

I #on$ere$ #hat I ha$ to #ait for my #or. a)rea$y overThen it $a#ne$ to me the mystery #as so)ve$ I ha$ a)rea$y &)a'e$ #hat those three enigmati' yess #ere a%out- "o# I .ne# the origin of the first e'stati' yes too- It #as right there right there #ith the ne(t three yess )i.e a %osom %other- They may %etter %e 'a))e$ four yess four yess of 'e)e%ration of fin$ing that five into si( #as in$ee$ thirty5 7hat a foo) I #as to 'e)e%rate &remature)y- *resent)y he entere$ #ith a &i)e of %oo.s an$ as.e$ me 67hat %rings you here86 4Sir86 I sai$ har$)y %e)ieving that he ha$ not hear$ a thing47hat sir86 4Sir I to)$ you that it is not &ossi%)e for me to go on the tour-6 4Tour8 Ah yes the tour in$ee$ yes yes the tour in$ee$- O.ay56 4!es sir5 I #as for &ermission an$ you sai$ yes-6 6,i$ I8 O.ay5 But #hy8 7hat ha&&ene$8 7hy are you not going on the tour8 It is a &rivi)ege to go isnt it86 4sir it is my %rothers marriage-6 4So86 4Sir I must atten$ that56 4Ah yes o.ay o.ay I see %ut you)) miss something0 it)) %e a )an$mat. tour0 not +ust for In$ia %ut for the #or)$- The first $rive of the Bio%u))56 4Sir Bio%u))86 4!es Bio%u))G isnt it a ni'e name for my %us86 4Sir %us86 47hat e)se86 4Sir the tour the In$ustria) Tour to *une this #inter-6 4Oh that56 4!es sir56 4!ou shou)$ have to)$ me %efore-6 4Sir I $i$56 4O.ay o.ay 6 his o.ay #ere $riving me ma$ 4I must have %een %usy0 you)) %e re:uire$ to #rite an a&&)i'ation #hi'h)) re:uire my signature- "o# go &)ease go-6 4!es sir56 4"o #ait56 4!es sir56 4Congratu)ations56 4Sir86 4!our %rothers marriage56 4Oh yes than.s you sir I)) #rite the a&&)i'ation- Than. you sir-6 An$ #ith that I )eft his room- "ever ha$ I seen a man so a%sent min$e$- I #orrie$ a%out his #ife #ho must have to remin$

him every $a#n that she #as in$ee$ his #ife- But then he #as a gem an$ one $oesnt min$ mu'h if gems are a )itt)e forgetfu)Any#ay I ha$ given him the a&&)i'ation- He sai$ g)eefu))y that he #ou)$ sign it an$ I 'ou)$ ta.e it from him the ne(t $ay tomorro# that isHo# I #ish no# to go %a'. in time an$ sto& the ')o'. here right here5

I remem%er te))ing Risha%h in his hoste) room a%out #hat a gem *a&&i #as #hen a foot %ange$ at the $oor an$ the #ea. %o)t not a%)e to %ear the sho'. #ent f)ying I the air0 an$ f)ying in 'ame a 'o)ossus evi$ent)y $run. shouting 4He))o %rothers56 It #as !ou have met him %efore %ut no $ou%t forgotten a%out it- Ho#ever a moments #ait #i)) ma.e su'h a thing im&ossi%)e- His &arents ha$ name$ him Ba+rang res&e'tfu))y after Hanuman+i the most #i$e)y #orshi&&e$ In$ian 9o$ in the inno'ent ho&e that the name #ou)$ %)ess him #ith a great :ua)ity or t#o of the &o#erfu) 9o$- He ha$ re:uire$ none sae the si1e- He #as as %ig as a %u)) an$ #hen $run. #hi'h he often #as as ma$ as one too- But in our 'ir')es an$ many 'ir')e %efore #as as ma$ as one too- But in our 'ir')es an$ many a 'ir')e %efore us he #as 'a))e$ for his 'a&a'ity for any form of ethano)Risha%h 'a))e$ him names o%vious)y +o)te$ having his $oor &ermanent)y $is-%o)te$ an$ to)$ him not to shout- 4O.ay 'a)m $o#n %rother I #i)) not shout 6 %e))o#e$ Ba+rang 4Anything for you %rothers- !ou %oth are gems )ove you %oth man as. for anything an$G it #i)) %e yours +ust as.56 he 'ontinue$ shouting as #as his ha%it #hen $run.- He 'ou)$nt ta). soft)y an$ yes a)#ays s&o.e from his heart #hen $run.- Thus the stuff a%out me as )itt)e %rothers #ho must %e &rote'te$ an$ sho#ere$ #ith affe'tion4I #i)) 'ertain)y te)) you #henever I nee$ anything0 %y the #ay any s&e'ia) reason %ehin$ to$ays daru &arty86 4As if they nee$ a reason56 sai$ Risha%h4Shut u&- !ou sonova%it'h5 Of 'ourse there are reasons you i$iot it is 2ura)is treat he got a +o% #ith ITC 6 he sai$ tota))y out of his sense 4An$ you %oth are 'oming #ith me- He has 'a))e$ you %oth have a )itt)e %eer an$ #e have or$ere$ &i11as- Come 'ome 'ome an$ Te+as bhai get your guitar-

4Oh I am not it the moo$G fee)ing rather tire$-6 4Come on Te+as you never 'ome- To$ay you have to 'ome an$ &)ay your +eans on'e- *)ease 6 he sai$ )i.e a 'hi)$4O.ay #e are 'oming %ut no smo.ingG6 sai$ Risha%h4Oh sure sure 'ome 'ome- Ha ha ha ha ha haG La$y in re$ is $an'ingG6 sang in his hoarse voi'e #ith a Haryanvi t#ang s&inning on his foot an$ $ra&ing his arm aroun$ an imaginary mai$enI usua))y $ont atten$ these %oo1e sessions- ,ar. rooms fi))e$ #ith smo.e an$ the sme)) of )i:uor $e&ress me an artist at heart0 so I avoi$ these +am%orees- But to$ay I #as in too goo$ a moo$ to refuse- I fe)t )i.e &)aying my guitar0 an$ it fee)s goo$ to have &eo&)e aroun$ you #hen you &)ayAs #e move$ in the 'orri$or a frai) matka sto&&e$ Ba+rang in his #ay an$ to)$ him to sto& shouting- 8atka is #hat #e 'a)) the 2-Te'hs stu$ying in IIT-,- 7e B-Te'hs genera))y $o not get a)ong #ith them- Ba+rang ')ut'he$ his 'o))ar an$ )ifte$ him t#o feet in the air an$ roare$ 47ho are you to te)) me #hat to $o56 an$ then s#ung him in the air resuming his 4La$y in re$ is $an'ingG6 an$ $ro&&e$ him on the groun$4Loo. #hat I $o no#56 'rie$ the matka from the groun$Ba+rang $i$nt even )oo. %a'. an$ .i'.e$ o&en the $oor in his usua) sty)e- I $ont %)ame the matka for #hat he $i$- I myse)f fin$ these %inges too &ainfu) on the ear an$ have $one any share of #hining an$ 'om&)aining- I ha$ seen this matka 'om&)aining for the #ho)e semester an$ shouting his em&ty threats %ut no one %othere$ a%out him- He #as the so)e 2-Te'h in this #ing of the most notorious B-Te'hs an$ thus ha$ no say- 7e move$ into the room #here the aroma of hot &i11as ha$ )ost to the over#he)ming ree. of rum #his.y vo$.a an$ #hat not7e 'ongratu)ate$ 2ura)i #ho #as a teetota)er himse)f an$ the to&&er of his 2e'hani'a) Engineering %at'h- There must have %een ten or so &a'.e$ in the room- T#o or three #ere e(treme)y $run. an$ the rest #ere on their #ays to g)ory- I too. a 'ustomary si& or t#o of vo$.a an$ e('use$ myse)f from more in s&ite of the &)ea$ings- I threatene$ them that there #ou)$ %e no guitar- I %egan #ith B*urani Jeans move$ on to B*a&a 3ahte Hain an$ then to BSummer of I; an$ so on the usua) &o&u)ar 'am&us songs #hi)e a)) aroun$ me ')a&&e$ an$ some san in their trem%)ing voi'es0 an$ so #e move$ on into the #ee hours of the

morning- By then some ha$ retire$ to their rooms after & some ha$ retire$ #ithout & %ut Ba+rang #as sti)) a)ive $ as he usua))y $oes )i.e a %ut #as mu'h more 'om&ose$ no#- 2ean#hi)e #e 'hatte$ on #ith 2ura)i #ho &rou$)y gave us ti&s on ho# to 'ra'. +o% intervie#s- There #ere +ust four of us )eft in the room #hen #e hear$ a .no'. on the $oorBa+rang shoute$ 47hi'h sonova%it'h is it86 4Ra$has#amy 6 'ame the voi'e from the other si$e47hi'h S#ami86 as.e$ Tan.erIt #as the unmista.a%)e South In$ian a''ent of the matka- I never .ne# he #as 'a))e$ Ra$has#amy- 7e a)) .ne# him as matka on)y4It is that matka again 6 informe$ Risha%h4The %astar$ #ou)$nt )isten- 7hat $oes he #ant no# #hen no on me is noise8 It seems that the )esson #as not enough for him56 too. a %ott)e of so$a o&ene$ it #ith his teeth shoo. it har$ an$ then &resse$ his huge thum% against the ho)e #hi)e the gas hisse$ out- 4O&en the $oor Te+as 6 he to)$ me- I $i$ as $ire'te$ eager)y #aiting to en+oy the fate that a#aite$ the &oor 'reature- The $oor o&ene$ an$ Ba+rang s&raye$ aroun$ the 'ontents of the %ott)e in #i)$ fren1y- I stoo$ )aughing as I sa# Ra$has#amy $ren'he$ in so$a #ith horror on his fa'e %ut I sto&&e$ soon as I noti'e$ that for some reason 2ura)i an Risha%h ha$ fro1en in %et#een- Ba+rang 'ontinue$ an$ 2ura)i rushe$ to sto& him- T &ee&e$ out of the 'orner of the $oor #hi'h %)o'.e$ my fu)) vie# an$ I shu$$er to #rite #hat I sa#-

To %e honest nothing 'omes to my min$ #hen I ra'. my %rain to thin. of a thing that might &ro$u'e$ the same .in$ of horror even in a )ife so fu)) of misha&s- On'e yes #hi)e &)aying a &ran. I #as %itten out of the %)ue %y a fema)e ,o%erman #hi'h taught me that there #ere ,o%er-men #ho #ere not men yet as $angerousG %ut never unti) this moment ha$ I .no#n anything to %oomerang in this fashion a$ this a &ran. #here my ro)e #as not more than of that ho&e)ess e(tra #ho $an'es %ehin$ the hero7ithout stret'hing your &atien'e an$ 'uriosity any further I must te)) you that I sa# three &ort)y gent)emen stan$ing u&right as #et as three to#e)s %ehin$ Ra$has#amy #hom I $i$nt ta.e

more than a nanose'on$ if thats the sma))est se'on$ to re'ogni1e an$ s&ort the same &etrifie$ )oo. of my frien$s- "ot to #orry- This isnt a story a%out ghosts an$ s&irits though no# #hen I thin. of it it$ have %een %etter in$ee$ if it #ere- I %et that one 'ant #e ghosts an$ s&irits- I have it from re)ia%)e sour'es that you 'ant tou'h them an$ so )ogi'a))y 'ant #et them %ut three my frien$ ha$ #ette$ t#o of the most im&ortant &eo&)e in IIT an$ thir$ the most im&ortant one for me not #ith #ater %ut #ith so$a an$ than. 9o$ so$a not 'ham&agneThere they #ere an$ unmista.a%)y so as mena'ing as the three mus.eteers0 *rof- *-3- ,hingra Hon- ,ean of Un$ergra$uate Stu$ents0 *rof- 3eva) Cha$$a Hon- 7ar$en 3ara.oram House my hoste) that is0 an$ *rof- *-*- Si$hu Hon- Hea$ In$ustria) Tour Committee- I 'ou)$nt %e)ieve that he #as there too- !ou e(&e't a 7ar$en an$ a ,ean to %e on a roun$ to 'at'h the $efau)ters %ut not *rof- *a&&i- I 'ou)$nt see any reason for his esteeme$ &resen'e there e('e&t that 9o$ ha$ fina))y $e'i$e$ to annihi)ate me an$ to $o so in his most $estru'tive fashion- It #ou)$ have ta.en a minute for a man of )esser inte))igen'e %ut for me it har$)y too. se'on$s to rea)i1e that there #ent my 'han'e of s.i&&ing the In$ustria) Tour out of the #in$o# I must say that a man of )esser menta) strength #ou)$ have +um&e$ out of the #in$o# #ith it too %ut not me- I stoo$ my groun$ in+ure$ no $ou%t %ut not %ro.enThere #as #hat one 'an 'a)) a .i))ing si)en'e for #hat one 'an 'a)) an aeon after the )ast s&o.en #or$s of #ise 2ura)i #ho ha$ #aste$ no time in #his&ering )ou$)y in the ears of ?#ho ha$ )ost his sense of $istin'tion in the e(treme state of ine%riety@ that it #as none other than the ,ean on #hom he ha$ %een )avishing the froth- It #as %ro.en %y none other than an$ in su'h frightfu) a fashion that I #on$er sti)) #hat I ha$ $one so gross)y #rong in this )ife or &revious to )an$ myse)f in that he))- I$ )i.e to re&ro$u'e the e(a't 'onversation or mono)ogue to %e &re'ise that ensure$/

Tanker5 Tanker5

Oh hu))o o)$ man5 7hat %rings you here8 ?Si)en'e s&e'tators )oo. on in're$u)ous@ 7hy of 'ourse #hat a foo) to have as.e$ you that :uestion5 !ou are here for the &arty arent you8 2ura)i has got a to& +o% sir an$ you no $ou%t #ant to 'ongratu)ate this &re'ious stone- Come in5 Come in5

!ou t#o a)so5 Everyone is #e)'ome5 This 2ura)i is a generous sou)?Si)en'e@


an$ #ho are these 'ute )itt)e o)$ men #ith you8 ?9oes u& to the 7ar$en )oo.s $o#n at him #ith .een interest an$ &oints a finger@ I have seen you some#here havent I8 I fai) to &)a'e you %ut you are most #e)'ome too #hat shou)$ I mi( for you8 Oh I .no# TEJAS ?he shoute$@ give so$a an$ vo$.a to him5 ?7hy on earth shou)$ %e have 'a))e$ me to $o the honours I fai) to see %ut %)ame it on my %a$ )u'.- Or 2r- >ate- There #ere t#o more stu$ents in the room an$ I #as no e(&ert %arman one of those #ho +ugg)e #ith %ott)es an$ &our the $rin. from a mi)e a%ove #ithout s&rin.)ing a $ro& %ut sti)) he 'a))e$ me an$ I fe)t )i.e one of the arms right or )eft #hi'hever is stronger of an un$er#or)$ $on #ho is a%out to get the same senten'e as his %oss- 2ean#hi)e I 'ou)$ see the $isgust #ith #hi'h the three 2- )oo.e$ #as intensifying an$ &resent)y the Tour Hea$ gave me an o%no(ious stare #hi)e move$ to#ar$s him- There #as a 'ar$ hanging from a 'hain #hi'h #ent aroun$ his ne'. an$ I .ne# )i.e Ho)mes that the ins'ri&tion on the 'ar$ he)$ the ')ue to #hatever he $i$ in this room- I ha$ $esire$ to get a vie# of it right from the %eginning %ut 'ou)$nt rea$ more than SALA, #ritten in %ig %o)$ 'a&ita) )etters #ith something sma)) %eneath an$ that ha$ )eft me more 'onfuse$- 7hat 'ou)$ sa)a$ mean8 >or a norma) %oy )i.e me it meant nothing more than those ra# vegeta%)es that $o'tors re'ommen$ for hea)th- 7hy this *rof- #as here an$ #hy he #as &u%)i'i1ing sa)a$ #hen I #as sure he ha$ nothing to $o #ith 'hefs an$ %ut)ers #as too ma$$ening a mystery to me- *resent)y in his thir$ attem&t fina))y gra%%e$ the 'ar$ an$ tire$ to rea$-@


!ou sti)) #ear I-'ar$s o)$ man8 >unny5 ?roars #ith )aughter@ !ou $ont nee$ it0 you are not a .in$ergarten .i$$y-

That #as the fina) stra#- 7hat ha$ so far %een a mono)ogue #as interru&te$ %y *a&&i #ho 'ou)$ not ta.e it any more- !ou $ont

e(&e't &rofessors #et #ith so$a to )i.e %eing a$$resse$ as .in$ergarten .i$$ies an$ neither $i$ *a&&i- He roare$ 4!ou %)oo$y foo)0 $o you not .no# #hat are you saying an$ #here it)) )an$ you8 !ou #i)) not %e s&are$- As the hea$ of BSo'iety Against Li:uor an$ ,rugs ?so that #as #hat SALA, #as@ I assure you an$ your frien$s that I #i)) not rest ti)) I have you out of this 'o))ege-6 This #as the not-so-+ovia) si$e of the other#ise +ovia) *a&&i that none of us ha$ #itnesse$ %efore7e three #ere given summons an$ #ere to %e 'ourtmartia))e$ the fo))o#ing morning- The famous B,is'i&)inary Committee or the B,is'o as it is famous)y .no#n #as to $e'i$e our fate #hi'h in$ee$ )oo.e$ very %)ea.-

Though everyone #i)) te)) that ,is'o is the #orst thing that 'an ha&&en to you at II no matter ho# groovy it might soun$ I #asnt mu'h #orrie$ a%out its $e'ision- I $o not ')aim to %e some su&er-'oo) toughie that 'an not %e shimmie$ %y the severest of storms- But here I #as a man 'onfronte$ %y t#o storms #ho has no o&tion %ut to #orry a%out the storm more )etha) #hi'h here un$ou%te$)y #as the one that threatene$ my union #ith my inamorata- It may soun$ a %it strange %ut thats ho# it is- A man in the throes of this :ueer thing 'a))e$ )ove $oesnt #orry a%out trif)es su'h as sus&ensions- There are graver things in )ife to #orry- He +ust #aves his han$ an$ says 4Ah #e)) $ea) #ith trif)ings )ater-6 I ha$ a vague fee)ing that #e$ get a#ay as #e from #hi'h I e(')u$e ha$ rea))y $one nothing save %eing &resent at the &)a'e of 'a)amity0 %ut ho# I #ou)$ get a#ay from *a&&i #as a :uestion I $i$nt #ant to thin. a%out- Things $efinite)y )oo.e$ %)ea.- *a&&i sti)) ha$ my a&&)i'ation #ith him- It ha$nt %een signe$ an$ #ou)$nt %e signe$ I 'ou)$ s'ar'e)y %e)ieve my misfortune- Ho# on earth 'ou)$ they 'onvene a ri$i'u)ous %o$y 'a))e$ SALA, an$ ma.e the In$ustria) Tour Hea$ its &resi$ent5 There #ere thousan$s of &rofessors an$ even more %ut)ers for this rummy thing 'a))e$ SALA,- An$ ho# on earth 'ou)$ I %e 'aught for an offen'e of $ #hen I ha$ +ust #ette$ my )i&sAn$ ho# on earth 'ou)$ a guy go ma$ )i.e that to %athe his tea'hers in so$a an$ then go a%out offering them $rin.s5 I ha$ on)y hear$ that &eo&)e )ose their mar%)es on an over$ose of

hoo'h %ut never ha$ I e(&e'te$ to #itness mar%)es so utter)y )ostI 'ou)$nt s)ee& the #ho)e night a%out the a%sur$ity of it a))- On'e or t#i'e I thought of 'a))ing Shreya %ut $i$ not- To #orry a gir) at three in the night #ith su'h ghast)y sho'.ers is not the 'on$u't of ga))ant men- I ref)e'te$ ho# sometimes one is +ust a s&e'tator to his fate- I remem%ere$ a movie #here Ram as inno'ent a man as ever #as %orn goes to his frien$ Shyams house ear)y in the morning for their routine #a).- He fin$s the house o&en an$ is sur&rise$- He #a).s in as any ')ose frien$ #i)) an$ is sho'.e$ to see Shyam $ea$ in a &oo) of %)oo$- S'ar'e)y $oes he turn in an effort to 'a)) the &o)i'e that he fin$s it a)rea$y there #ith Ins&e'tor Fi+ay merri)y $ang)ing the han$'uffs in the air an$ muttering 4I .ne# you #ou)$ have return-6 I #as fee)ing e(a't)y ho# Ram must have fe)t a%out the #ho)e $amn %usiness %ut #hat %rought so)a'e #as that Ram #as a':uitte$ in the en$-

7hi)e intro$u'ing I forgot to in')u$e a thing or t#o #hi'h 7hos 7ho?s@ #i)) not $are to forget in the years to 'ome- I hasten to 'orre't the error for it is vita) to this story- or Ba+rang as 7hos 7ho?s@ shou)$ )ist him is the a%so)ute .ing of ju&aad- 9u&aad as it is &o&u)ar)y .no#n in these &arts is the art of getting things $one in a #ay #hi'h is s)ight)y $eviant from ho# it shou)$ %e $one- E(am&)e you 'an say a %a'.$oor entryComing %a'. to our hero has a)) the )in.s in the #or)$ an$ se)$om is a $istresse$ sou) $isa&&ointe$ #hen he 'omes for he)& to our He is the un$is&ute$ .ing of &o)iti's that form a vita) &art of ones stay at IIT an$ has $evote$ his )ife to it an$ it seems that he #ou)$ stay on here forever if there #as not a ')ause in the IIT ru)e-%oo. that states 4Ga stu$ent must not ta.e more than si( years to 'om&)ete his $egreeG6 it #as Tan.ers si(th year an$ the authorities #ere a)rea$y fretting fa'e$ #ith the tas. of $is)o$ging the monster from his $en- Remin$s me of a story a%out Hanuman+i after #hom Ba+rang is name$ #hen he %)o'.e$ the &ath of Bhima #ho trie$ to )ift the mon.ey-go$s tai) %ut even the mighty *an$ava #ith his infinite mus')es $i$nt su''ee$I mentione$ a%ove that I fe)t #e$ get a#ay an$ s&e'ifie$ stri't)y that B#e e(')u$e$ %ut I #as &rove$ #rong an$

right)y so- I 'ommitte$ the fo))y of forgetting Tan.ers ta)ents an$ it #as foo)ish- The gist of the story #ithout in'reasing the sus&ense of the )ength is got a#ay an$ save$ us uns'athe$ too- Ho# he &ro$u'e$ me$i'a) &roof that his #i)$ a't #as nothing %ut an e&i)e&ti' sei1ure is an amusing story %ut must %e e(')u$e$ here- Thus no rea) 'ase 'ou)$ %e forme$ against us an$ in the 'ome$y of errors that fo))o#e$ #e #ere #arne$ that #e #ere on &ro%ation for the rest of our stay at IIT an$ any a$verse re&ort #ou)$ most 'ertain)y resu)t in an e(&u)sionThe re'ent $eve)o&ments A the ,ISCO meeting an$ the s)ee&)ess night ha$ )eft me #eary- An$ I s)e&t )i.e a $og- I remem%er my 'ra1y $ream in #hi'h the inva$ing *a.istan army ha$ 'ome as far as my house an$ the entire mant)e fe)) u&on my heroi' shou)$ers to save my 'o)ony- I #as sur&rise$ to see that *a&&i an$ the ,ean #ere fighting for the *a.istan army #hen I su$$en)y hear$ a %angG an$ againG an$ again- I feare$ that my house #ou)$ %e $estroye$ in that she))ing #hen another %ang #o.e me u& an$ I +um&e$ some feet in the air- Re)ief #hi'h 'ame to me on $is'overing that my house #as safe #as momentary thought as I noti'e$ that some i$iot #as %anging my $oor an$ 'a))ing out my name- I manage$ to get u&- It #as 3hos)a my frien$ the C)ass Re&resentative- He ha$ forme$ a ha%it of me u& an$ I hate$ that- He #as every#here it seeme$- 7henever I s)e&t he 'ame :ui'.)y )i.e a nightmare47hat $o you #ant at this unearth)y hour86 I as.e$4It is noon my frien$ <Do ')o'. to %e &re'ise-6 4Oh56 4An$ get rea$y *a&&i has 'a))e$ you-6 42e86 4An$ he is )ive$56 4Oh56 4,i$ you su%mit the interim &ro+e't re&ort86 4"o #hen is it the )ast $ate86 4It #as to %e su%mitte$ in the morning ')ass at nine for #hi'h you $i$nt a&&ear- He #as very 'ross at that-6 I ha$ forgotten the re&ort- It on)y $e'rease$ my 'han'es to meet Shreya- The &rofessor #ho #as to han$ my &ass&ort ha$ %een $isgra'e$ or so he thought %y me an$ then I ha$ not #or.e$ at a)) on &ro+e't- He #ou)$ eat me u& for sure- The fa't that I ha$ thought him a gem +ust a $ay ago %rought no so)a'e-

4Ho# 'ou)$ I atten$ his ')ass #hen he himse)f ha$ 'ause$ me to )an$ in front of the ,is'i&)inary Committee86 I as.e$ frustrate$4!es I forgot5 7hat ha&&ene$ there86 an$ on this his fa'e %eame$ in anti'i&ation- Ho# &eo&)e $erive +oy from su'h a%omina%)e ha&&enings is %eyon$ me- The #or)$ is fu)) of sa$ists I ref)e'te$- I $i$nt #ant to $isa&&oint him %y te))ing him I got a#ay4Later no# )et me get rea$y56 Life is not a %e$ of roses someone has #ise)y sai$ %ut it #asnt su&&ose$ to %e a %e$ #ho))y 'onstru'te$ of thorns eitherRef)e'ting on these )ines I move$ on to his highness room an$ he ushere$ me in after my &o)ite 4Sir86 He arose from the &i)e of %oo.s an$ )oo.e$ at me )i.e a $a$ eyeing the )over of his $aughter42r- Te+as "aru)a 6 he starte$ an$ I #as start)e$ to hear that for not often am I a$$resse$ as mister an$ #hen I am it in$ee$ s&e))s $oom 4I $i$ not get your interim re&ort-6 4Sir I #as at the $is'i&)inary 'ommittee in:uiry-6 4In:uiry forsooth #e)) 'ome to that far'e )ater- Ho# far have you rea'he$ in $evising your 'y)in$er86 he thun$ere$4Sir I am on itG6 I $i$ no .no# #hat to say for I ha$ nothing %ut fortunate)y or unfortunate)y he $i$nt )et me s&ea. an$ interru&te$ 4I)) te)) you ho# far you have gone- !ou have gone as far as a $ea$%eat 'an go after a)) the &ra'ti'a) ')asses-6 4Sir86 I #ante$ to say that I ha$ not %un.e$ a)) %ut #asnt given a 'han'e4I .no# ho# to $ea) #ith rouges )i.e you56 4Sir86 4,ont go on mum%)ing sir-sir you thin. you are very smart8 !ou #i)) get a#ay #ith anything8 But I te)) you #hat you are #rong an$ you)) see #hen I fai) you in this 'ourse- !ou #ere the one if I remem%er 'orre't)y #ho sought &ermission for not going on the In$ustria) Tour- Right86 I #ishe$ I 'ou)$ have sai$ #rong %ut I #as he)&)ess- I +ust no$$e$ in a&&rova) an$ trie$ to gu)& in the sho'.er- I .ne# he #ou)$ not e(em&t me from the In$ustria) Tour an$ that meant $eath47hat $i$ you say you ha$8 2arriage of your %rother8 I am very sure that there is nothing )i.e that an$ I am going to 'he'. it #ith

your &arents- !ou %un. ')asses an$ you thin. you 'an %un. anything86 4SirG6 He))G I ha$ not thought of that- I mean yes I ha$ thought as a :ui'. min$ #ou)$ that $ue to the unfortunate events of the night my tri& might %e in $anger %ut never ha$ I thought that he #ou)$ $e'i$e to 'a)) my &arents to 'onfirm the e('use- I #as in he)) an$ the $ee&est one- There #as in front of me a $ifferent *a&&i a *a&&i #ho #as a%out to s&oi) his re'or$ of not fai)ing a stu$ent ever a *a&&i #ho #as ma$ not the *a&&i #hom I ha$ )a%e)e$ a gem not *a&&i at a)) %ut *rof- *-*- Si$hu- The &revious nights insu)ts ha$ %een too mu'h for him- I agree$ %ut fe)t un)u'.y to %e sing)e$ out- 7hy ha$nt I #or.e$ on my &ro+e't8 I thought- Again %e'ause *a&&i #as .no#n to %e 'oo) #ith gra$esRisha%h ha$ #or.e$ he #as a%out to $estroy4I to)$ you to shut u&5 7hat $o you thin. of yourse)ves8 It is a shame to have stu$ents )i.e you in IIT- !ou are a $isgra'e5 Utter $isgra'e5 !ou #ere )aughing #hi)e you frien$ #as sho#ering #his.y on three &rofessors- On three 9urus5 !ou .no# #ho a 9uru is8 7e use$ to tou'h our 9urus feet every$ay5 Every $ing)e $ay you %uffoon an$ that is #hy #e are %)esse$ #ith su'h )ife an$ .no#)e$ge- I #on$er if you res&e't even your o#n &arents5 I %et you #ou)$nt min$ insu)ting you &arents-6 4Sorry sir %utG6 I #ish I 'ou)$ have to)$ him that it #as so$a not #his.y an$ that I ha$ goo$ness in me4Sorry5 Sorry for #hat8 British )eft %ut )eft their )ega'y sorry5 ,amne$ #or$G use$ any#here an$ every#here- !ou thin. I am frien$)y #ith stu$ents an$ so you 'an ta.e any )i%erty8 !ou foo)5 I have %een su'h an un$erstan$ing &rofessor a)) these years as. your seniors an$ this is the #ay you treat meG6 he ha$ %een hurt an$ a)) his anger #as 'oming out 4An$ $o you feel sorry8 "ot a %it5 If you #ere sorry you #ou)$ have a&o)ogi1e$ in front of the 'ommittee to$ay %ut #hat $o you $o8 !ou ma.e su'h an insane ta)e of your frien$ %eing e&i)e&ti'5 I 'ou)$nt %e)ieve it #hen the 'ommittee to)$ me- E&i)e&ti'5 2y foot5 "ever have I hear$ of su'h sa'ri)ege5 >irst you sho# the highest form of $isres&e't to your 9urus an$ then you 'hoose to re&rieve %y the 'ommittee %ut there are other #ays to &unish an$ %etter #ays- Ta.e that in your hea$ that I am not going to )eave you )i.e this- I #i)) not rest ti)) I have set you right5 I have it from my sour'es that you are a goo$ frien$ of Ba+rang an$ you #ere a &art of this $erisive 'ons&ira'y-6

4Sir I $i$ not .no# a%out it56 I sai$ $efen$ing myse)f- An$ I #as honest- It #as ama1ing the num%er of 'harges he ha$ )eve))e$ against me #hen I har$)y $eserve$ any- 4Honest)y sir I #as una#are56 I sai$ a)most &)ea$ing an$ on the verge of $o#n4Honest5 That #i)) %e 'onfirme$ soon- I .no# you are a )iar I have seen your 'on$u't this semesterG you atten$ ')asses as if youre $oing a favour to me5 !et I give you one 'han'e I am going to 'a)) your father an$ 'he'. if your %rother I sin$ee$ getting marrie$- If this is a )ie then 9o$ save you5 7ait here #hi)e I 'a)) the un$ergra$uate offi'e to get your &hone num%er56 He &i'.e$ u& the re'eiver of the &hone an$ $ia)e$ the internet num%er for the U9 se'tion the offi'e #here a)) the stu$ent re'or$s are .e&t- I fe)t #hat a vi'tim #hen his hea$ #as stu'. in a gui))otine must have fe)t in those %east)y times- "ot many &eo&)e #itness $eath 'oming s)o#)y to them %ut there I #as #aiting every se'on$ for the %)a$e to fa))- The groun$ es'a&e$ from un$er my feet it fe)t as if someone #as 'hurning my intestines $etermine$ to re$u'e them to &u)&0 my .nees gre# as I #aite$ for the 'a)) to %e &i'.e$- Often in these situations one gives u& an$ I gave u& too- I 'ou)$ $o nothing %ut stan$ an$ stare at my fate %eing a)tere$ right in front of my eyesHe #ou)$ te)) a)) to my $a$ #ho #ou)$ #ant a suita%)e e(&)anation for my a'tions- He$ a)so te)) $a$ ho# I ha$ insu)te$ my 9urus %y s&i))ing #his.y on them an$ #hat a stu$ent I #as- It #as the en$- But #hat hurt most of a)) #as that I #ou)$ not %e a%)e to meet Shreya- I ha$ trie$ so har$ &)anne$ en$G I starte$ to #on$er if ever I$ %e a%)e to meet herG that her $a$ #as against me an$ #ou)$ not a))o# her to 'ome to ,e)hi- It )oo.e$ so ho&e)ess- Life ha$ %een so fu)) of &ro%)ems )ate)y yet I ha$ fought them a))- I ha$ )ove$ honest)y an$ $evote$)y- An$ this #as my re#ar$5 I #as move$ to tears %ut $i$nt )et them fa))- 2y min$ #as fu)) of thoughts- 7hy 9o$ #as %eing so un+ust I $i$ not .no#5 7here I ha$ gone #rong I $i$ not .no#- If trying to meet ones )ove$ one against a)) o$$s #as #rong then I $i$ not agree #ith it- I %e)ieve$ that I ha$ $one nothing #rong- But the thing #as that my )ife #as a%out to en$ an$ I #as not going to meet Shreya- I ')ose$ my eyes as *a&&i s&o.e4He))o U9 se'tion *rof *-*- Si$hu here- 9oo$ morning 'an I have the num%er of a stu$entG !esG Te+as "aru)a8 --- !es Home Te)e&hone num%erG he is not there8 7hen #i)) he %e %a'.8 O.ay

yesG O.ay yes 'a)) me after )un'h thenG yes after t#o fineG I)) %e in my room after oneG than. you56 I o&ene$ my eyes- He ha$ re&)a'e$ the re'eiver an$ )oo.e$ at meI ha$ my eyes #i$e o&en in sur&rise an$ re)ief- I fina))y $re# %reath an$ a $ee& one that- I ha$ got a )ife +a'.et an$ I #as not going to )ose it- I than.e$ 9o$ si)ent)y #hi)e *a&&i to)$ me 4So t#o it #i)) %e then5 The man #ho )oo.s after the re'or$s in out an$ #i)) %e %a'. then- He)) 'a)) m an$ give me the num%er- I $ont #ant your num%er from you- 9et out-6 I sai$ sorry again an$ rushe$ off- There #as no time to #aste- It #as t#e)ve thirty- I ha$ seen in &rofessors ')o'.- I ha$ ninety minutes to save my )ife not a minute more not a minute )essOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



Imme$iate)y rea'he$ my hoste) an$ #o.e u& Risha%h #ho #as resting his $raine$ though 'onsi$era%)y )ess than mine nerves #ith a soun$ s)ee&- Then I to)$ him an$ *ritish a%out my near $eath e(&erien'e an$ that I ha$ <E minutes to &revent the 'atastro&he- They as.e$ ho# an$ I to)$ them ho#47e #i)) have to &revent *a&&i from the 'e))-6 4But ho#86 4By .ee&ing him out of his room #hen the 'a)) 'omes-6 4But #ont the U9 offi'e guy 'a)) again86 4"o he #ont %e'ause I #i)) ta.e the 'a)) as *a&&i-6 47hat86 they %oth as.e$ &u11)e$I to)$ them the &)an #hi'h ha$ 'ome to me in the ten minutes that ha$ &asse$- There #ere ris.s yes %ut they had to %e ta.en*ritish rea'he$ the U9 offi'e at one-fifty five an$ #ith his innate 'oo)ness as.e$ for the offi'ia) #ho .e&t the stu$ents re'or$s- To him he ho&&e$ an$ informe$ that *rof- Si$hu ha$ sent him to get the re:uire$ &hone num%er- 4Te+as "aru)a isnt in86 the offi'ia) as.e$ an$ starte$ sear'hing on his o)$ 'om&uter- At

that moment *ritish gave me a misse$ 'a)) an$ having got my signa) I rea'he$ *a&&is room an$ sa# him )ost as usua) in a hea& of %oo.s- 9oo$ signs I thought- I sto&&e$ at his $oor an$ starte$ #aiting for &ar$on- As e(&e'te$ *a&&i to)$ me that it$ %e of no use an$ that he$ soon 'a)) my $a$2ean#hi)e the U9 offi'ia) ha$ 'om&)ete$ his sear'h an$ as he starte$ s'ri%%)ing the num%er on a &ie'e of torn &a&er *ritish gave a misse$ 'a)) to Risha%h- Having got his signa) Risha%h $ia)e$ *a&&is mo%i)e*ritish sat $o#n in front of the offi'ia)- He ha$ to .ee& him engage$ for some safe se'on$s- He %egan a 'heery 'onversation #ith the offi'ia) as he han$e$ him the num%er- I #ante$ there ea'h se'on$ .i))ing me anti'i&ating nervous)y Risha%hs 'a)) on *a&&is 'e)) an$ then it 'ame- *a&&i starte$ at the ting as if #o.en from a $ee& s)um%er- He )oo.e$ at the 'e)) &hone )i.e he ha$ )oo.e$ at my frien$ 2ura)i the &revious night #hen he ha$ 'om&are$ him #ith some o%no(ious &est42o%i)es5 The ghast)iest of mans inventions5 They have era$i'ate$ a)) the &ea'e from this #or)$G #orse than the nu')ear #ea&ons an$ yet one 'ant )ive #ithout them in this age- Life is fu)) of ironi'- I have to &i'. u& num%ers56 He .e&t staring at the mo%i)e an$ a nervous thought 're&t into my hea$ #hat if the foo) $i$nt &i'. the 'a))5 !ou 'ou)$ never %e sure a%out their s&e'ies these &rofessors one 'ou)$ never &re$i't #ith them- I &raye$ an(ious)y- But +ust at the moment his BJing)e Be))s ring-tone #as a%out to $ie he re'eive$ the 'a))4Hu))o 6 he sai$ 4Hu))o #ho is 'a))ing8 --- I seeG yesG hu))oG you 'ant hear me8 G hu))oG yes I am on the %io-%us &ro+e'tG6 2ean#hi)e at the other en$ of the )ine Risha%h &)aye$ aroun$ 'oo))y in an im&e''a%)e %usiness-)i.e manner- He ha$ 'a))e$ from a ne# sim 'ar$ #e ha$ %ought the moment he ha$ got *ritishs misse$ 'a)) an$ #as &)aying his &art to &erfe'tion4!es sir I 'ant hear you at a)) I am *rashant O%eroi- I #ante$ to s&ea. to you a%out the fun$ing of the %usG6 sai$ Risha%h4>un$ing oh yesG6 re&)ie$ *a&&i e'stati'a))y4Sir I thin. you 'an hear me %ut 'ant at a)) 'ou)$ you move out86 as.e$ Risha%h a''or$ing to the &)an-

4Hu))oG o.ay )et me move outG hu))oG is it ')ear no#G no8 ---hu))oG6 an$ #ith that *a&&i move$ farther a#ay from the room into the o&en groun$ in front of his room- He $i$nt even )oo. at me in his e('itement as I ha$ envisage$- His Bio%u)) ha$ save$ me an$ it #as on)y the %eginning of our %eautifu) frien$shi& as you$ see )ater- I gave *ritish a misse$ 'a))That 'om&)ete$ the misse$ 'a)) net#or.- An$ so *ritish got his signa) too- He ha$ the &a&er #ith my home &hone num%er in his han$ an$ #as %i$ing the time %y entertaining the U9 offi'ia) #ith some 'ri'.et ta).- Just #hen got my 'a)) he got u& a%ru&t)y an$ to)$ the offi'ia) that he ha$ to go some#here urgent)y0 so 'ou)$nt give the message &ersona))y to *rof- Si$hu4Cou)$ you &)ease 'a)) *rof- Si$hu an$ give him the num%er no# so that I 'an go- I have to meet another &rofessor in a minute of he)) s'o)$ me %a$)y- I got his 'a)) +ust no#- I $ont have time to visit *rofessor Si$hu 6 sai$ *ritish ena'ting his &art to the TThe offi'ia) #ho ha$ %een humoure$ a$e:uate)y %y *ritish so far o%)ige$ an$ &i'.e$ u& the re'eiver to 'a)) *a&&is offi'e through the interna) te)e&hone net#or.- 2ean#hi)e I #aite$ an(ious)y for the U9 guys 'a))- It is so strange ho# these nervous se'on$s seem )i.e eternity- I ha$ har$)y #aite$ for a minute #hen the 'a)) 'ame %ut in that tension of #hat-if-the-'a))-$oesnt-some it ha$ seeme$ )i.e an hour- 7ith *a&&i safe)y than any &anther #ou)$ $ream to %e4*rofessor Si$hu86 sai$ the U9 guy4!es 6 I sai$ in a )o# nasa) tone4Sir your %y ha$ 'ome to me an$ as.e$ for the num%er-6 4!es yes give me56 4Sir it is C<D; A DDEHECH in the name of ,r- "aru)a-6 4O.ay than. you56 I rushe$4Sir anything e)se86 4"o that #i)) %e it- Than.s 6 an$ #ith that I :ui'.)y re&)a'e$ the re'eiver an$ $ashe$ out of his room to +oin Risha%hI +ust a%out manage$ a g)an'e at the &rofessor- He ha$ his %a'. to#ar$s me an$ #as sti)) ta).ing #ith his right han$ gesti'u)ating as if 'utting a #ater me)on- I rea'he$ the E(- Ha)) in a f)ash *ritish #as a)rea$y there- I 'ou)$nt %e)ieve my eyes #hen I sa# that Risha%h #as sti)) ta).ing to *a&&i a%out the Bio%u))- I signa)e$ him to get over #ith it :ui'.)y an$ he $i$ it %y te))ing the

&rofessor that he #ou)$ 'a)) )ater an$ that he ha$ in his min$ %ig things for the Bio%u))- As soon as he 'ut the 'a)) he shoute$ 4Cra'.e$ it5 ,i$ you inter'e&t the 'a))86 he as.e$ an$ I mere)y gave him a high five an$ then to *ritish- I than.e$ 9o$ on'e again- In 'arrying out that e(treme)y $angerous &)an I ha$ 'ounte$ on the fa't that 9o$ himse)f ha$ given me those ninety minutes- An$ so I 'ou)$ not mess it u& an$ I ha$ not4!our turn to s&ea. to Sir Si$hu no# 2r- *ritish5 En+oy56 sai$ Risha%h )aughing4!es yes %ut ho&e you are ')ear on #hat you have to ta).56 I a$$e$ 'autious)y4Chi)) man56 he sai$ an$ #ith that he &i'.e$ u& the re'eiver of the interna) &hone that )ies in the E(- Ha))- He ta).e$ an$ ta).e$ #e)) 'hanging his voi'e as far as he 'ou)$4*rofessor Si$hu86 sai$ *ritish 4Sir you ha$ as.e$ for the num%erG yes sirG sir there is no )an$)ine num%er in re'or$ %ut his fathers mo%i)e num%erG #i)) that %e fine sir8--- very #e)) sirG ;E;;P;;;NNDG Sir anything e)se86 4"o that #i)) %e it than.s 6 re&)ie$ *a&&i as *ritish to)$ me*ritish ha$ given my mo%i)e num%er to *a&&i- I$ have to 'hange my num%er %ut that #as fine- Thus it #as fina))y my 'han'e to ta). to the great man- In a se'on$ I got a 'a)) from *a&&i #hi'h #as short an$ s#eet I 'hange$ my voi'e to an e(treme)y gruff one as I have so often $one in this )ife an$ may%e &revious too4Hu))o is this ,r- "aru)a86 he as.e$ in his irritating nasa) toneI sai$ I #as an$ as.e$ #ho he #as- He sai$ he #as *-*- Si$hu &rofessor IIT ,e)hi49oo$ afternoon $o'tor- I +ust #ante$ to s&ea. to you a%out your son56 4Ho&e he hasnt $one anything #rong &rofessor5 !ou #orry me &rofessor &)ease te)) it soon a$ I #i)) s&ea. to him 6 4"o no no5 I +ust #ante$ to in:uire a%out your sons marriage-6 47hat5 He is getting marrie$8 ,i$nt te)) me5 He is a)#ays fu)) of sur&rises %ut this time one 'omes as a sho'.5 Ho# 'an he $o that8 Isnt it too ear)y8 Te)) me &rofessor- He is %are)y D<- 7hats the hurry8 ,o you .no# the gir)8 Is she a)so from IIT8 This generation is too fast56 -6Oh5 "ot him $o'tor- He to)$ me his %rother is getting marrie$56 4Oh5 7hy of 'ourse he is5 On <Hth ,e' engagement on <Dth- oh you s'are$ me *rofessor I thought Te+as5 Than. 9o$ than. 9o$

he is not getting marrie$- 2ost $istressingG this #ho)e %usiness of marriage5 !ou agree &rofessor86 4!es yes5 That is it $o'tor I +ust #ante$ to 'onfirm there are so may %oys saying their %rothers an$ sisters are getting marrie$ to %un. this In$ustria) Tour that I ha$ to 'he'.-6 4!ou $i$ the right thing &rofessor these 'hi)$ren0 they )ie so often these $ays- ,istressing5 But my son is a gem sir- I ho&e he #i)) get the &ermission &rofessor- Fineet is returning to In$ia after t#o yearsG +ust to get marrie$ an$ Te+as must s&en$ time #ith his %rother I ho&e you un$erstan$-6 4!es yes I $o- I #i)) grant him &ermission-6 4O than. you sir I am o%)ige$ than. you56 An$ so the $o'tor hung u& an$ so $i$ &rofessor %oth satisfie$ an$ a)i.e that the #or)$ #asnt that %a$ a &)a'e after a)) as they #ere it out %e a fe# moments ago-

An$ so fina))y I got my mu'h nee$e$ s)ee& #hi'h #as interru&te$ not %efore I ha$ a )ivening 'hun. of it not %y 3hos)a this time %ut %y her 'a))- She #as natura))y sur&rise$ to hear my s)ee& voi'e at eight in the evening #hen most of the &eo&)e in this time-1one are no $ou%t a#a.e47ere you s)ee&ing86 2iss Shreya as.e$4!aaaa 6 I sai$ an$ my yaaaa terminate$ into a ya#n4At this hour86 4Oh I have %een s)ee&ing for the &ast five hours I guess-6 4Are you #e))86 4"o# yes56 47hat $o you mean Bno# yes8 7hat ha&&ene$ ear)ier86 4That is a )ong story-6 4an$ you are going to te)) me-6 But of 'ourse56 4Ho&e everything is a)right56 4"o# yes56 4Sto& saying Bno# yes an$ te)) me #hat ha&&ene$56 4Te)) me Shreya have you rea$ the Sher)o'. Ho)mes story BThe Bos'om%e Fa))ey 2ystery86 4!ou .no# I havent rea$ Ho)mes56 4An$ ho# many times have I to)$ you to rea$ him86 47i)) you te)) me #hat ha&&ene$86 4"ot unti) you rea$ Ho)mes-6 4Shut u& an$ te)) me- Have you gone ma$86

4Consi$ering the amount of ris.s I am to meet you yes I have gone ma$- Fery mu'h so5 The roa$ to E)$ora$o I te)) you is fu)) of min$s %ut )et it .no#n that it $oesnt %other me the )east56 4Te+as I .no# a)) thatG #hat ha&&ene$ to$ayG that you are s& )i.e this8 Te)) me &)ease5 I am s'are$-6 4Hmm-6 47hat hmm86 4O.ay o.ay I #i)) te)) youG %ut #hy I a))u$e$ to this BBos'om%e Fa))ey 2ystery is thatG if you ha$ rea$ it you #ou)$ have un$erstoo$ my &osition in a mu'h more 'om&)ete manner #hat #ith my situation %eing simi)ar to that of the inno'ent young 2'Carthy e('e&t that he #as 'harge$ #ith a mu'h graver 'rime that of num%erG6 4Te+as are you going to te)) me86 she roare$ evi$ent)y very irritate$ an$ right)y so an$ that &)ease$ me- Theres nothing %etter than to get the %etter of these im&ish gir)s #ho usua))y get the %etter of you47ait a se'- $ar)ing- Sher)o'. Ho)mes :uotes in this very story that B'ir'umstantia) evi$en'e is a very tri'.y thing it may seem to &oint very straight to one thing %ut if you shift your &oint of vie# a )itt)e you fin$ it &ointing in an e:ua))y un'om&romising manner to something entire)y $ifferent-6 4Eeeee 6 she uttere$ 4I am hanging u& %ye56 it is so funny ho# gir)s say %ye at any an$ everything- The moment they fin$ the situation not in their favour they utter this 'a))ous %ye an$ the guy he)&)ess has to 'ry 47ait56 as I $i$ in this 'ase for he )ots of things to re)ate4O.ay no# I)) %e serious senorita you #ont %e)ieve #hen I te)) you a)) that ha&&ene$ after your 'a)) yester$ay5 I #as mere)y :uoting Ho)mes to te)) you to et'h in your min$ those go)$en #or$s %efore you %ra'e u& to )isten to this most interesting narrative as Ho)mes himse)f 'a))s his 'asesG6 An$ I to)$ her a)) a%out the )avish %esto# of so$a the three 2- the invention of the 2esia) Tem&ora) Lo%e E&i)e&sy the *a&&i outrage the gui))otine the near $eath e(&erien'e the mira')e an$ the e(treme)y #e))-'rafte$ ingenious an$ #hat Anot &)ot that save$ the $ay0 an$ I $i$ so as metho$i'a))y an$ meti'u)ous)y as I have to)$ you0 em&)oying a)) the )i%rary that a narrator has in his

han$s or say mouth to a$$ as $ont-te))-mes from a 'hi'.enhearte$ )a$y )istener4Te+as 6 she sai$ at the en$ of it 4Are you sure it is safe to 'ome86 an$ sai$ so %rimming #ith 'on'ern +ust )i.e she ha$ as.e$ me a mi))ion times %efore4Ho# many times $o I have ans#er that :uestion86 I as.e$ ten$er)y4Ti)) I am sure it is a%so)ute)y safe56 47hi'h it)) never %e an$ #hi'h nothing 'an ever %e5 On'e 'annot sto& 'rossing roa$s that the ne(t tru'. #i)) smash him to &u)&- Ho# many times $o I te)) you one has to ma.e u& ones min$ to $o a thing an$ on'e has he 'annot )oo. )eft an$ right %ut stare straight into the eye of the tiger an$ finish his +o%56 4*)ease $ont 'ome if you thin. there is ris. invo)ve$56 she sai$ move$ to tears an$ I 'ou)$ sense that4Are you 'rying86 4"o56 6!es you are56 I sai$ 'oo))y4"o I am not56 4,ont )ie as if I am $eaf5 Loo. at he #ay you are ta).ing )i.e a sma)) %a%y- I .no# you are 'rying-6 4So #hat86 47hy86 47hat #hy86 47hy are you 'rying86 4Just )i.e that56 4Ha ha ha ha +ust )i.e that56 I sai$ imitating her tone4,ont 'o&y me56 she sai$ so 'ute)y4Is there a 'o&yright86 4!es there is56 she sai$ 'ute)y again 4But you 'an 'o&y meS&e'ia) &rivi)ege 6 she sai$ )i.e a sma)) 'hi)$4Oh than. you maam honoure$ in$ee$ I am56 4!ou shou)$ %e 6 she 'ontinue$ in her three-year o)$ tone4"o# te)) me #hy #ere you 'rying86 4Is it ne'essary86 4A%so)ute)y56 4Offo5 Just )i.e that I #as thin.ingG that you are so mu'h ris.s to meet meG +ust me56 4So86 47hat so86 47hats there to 'ry a%out86 4There is56 4I 'ant see56

4Be'ause you are an i$iot $um%o56 4That I .no# you remin$ me regu)ar)y enough %ut te)) me #hy #ere you 'rying8 4Offo5 One gets sentimenta) a%out ho# mu'h you )ove meG that I am so )u'.y to have you an$ to thin. #hat a)) you have $one for me56 4Anything for you maam5 An$ %y the #ay I am not $oing a)) this on)y for you- 9et that notion out of your hea$ I mean you 'an say B>or us %ut not for you- An$ then I am se)fish too- I am $oing this for myse)f too for I 'annot go on )iving #ithout seeing you for so )ong- An$ to thin. that your $a$ #ont a))o# you #ithin a )ight year of me for as )ong as he #hims $rives me to $es&air- Thus I have to $o something56 4ButG &)ease ma.e sure you 'ome safe)y there shou)$ %e no &ro%)em at your home or 'o))ege56 she resume$ in her mother)y 'on'ern tone4Oh no &ro%)ems senorita5 !ou are saying a)) this #hen the )or$ ?rea$ *rof- Si$hu@ has himse)f $es'en$e$ to earth an$ given the go-ahea$G not to me %utto my $a$ no &ro%)ems no#5 The going is as smooth as a %a%ys %ottom56 4As smooth as #hat86 4Ba%ys %ottom %a%y56 47here $o you get su'h &hrases from86 4Oh5 This unfortunate)y is not one of my inventions0 I rea$ it in a #a(ing sa)on a$ get as smooth as a %a%ysG6 4Oh my 9o$56 An$ she gigg)e$ fina))y9oo$ to see the rose %a'. on your 'hee. an$ ho# .ee& it right there0 )augh an$ 'e)e%rity for I am 'oming an$ 'oming #ith a song on my )i&s an$ a %ag on my hi&s56 4Hi&s86 Oh I ha$ to rhyme it #ith )i&s 'ou)$nt say %a$ on my %a'.5 This ones my invention5 "i'e86 49hast)y56 4Hey you .no# #hat86 I as.e$ su$$en)y getting an i$ea47hat86 4I have $e'i$e$ t #rite a %oo. a %oo. my voyage an$ #hat a)) I ha$ to $o to 'ome to you- It is so e('iting-6 4It)) %e a %eat-se))er for sure56 4!ou vet %ut you .no# #hat is has another a$vantage-6 47hat86 4Li.e you are so #orrie$ #hat if something goes #rong an$ a))-6 4So86 4"o# you nee$nt #orry0 #hatever %a$ ha&&ens on)y a$$s s&i'e to the story56

4Fery funny56 it is her favourite &hrase4"ot funny )oo. if I 'ome there easi)y an$ nothing &revents me it)) a)) %e so %)an$ an$ %oringG6 47o#56 4Just thin. a%out it if your $a$ s&ots us together there an$ #e run from him5 7o#5 Imagine5 I run you run #ith me your $a$ runs after us an$ the %oo. en$s #ith us running from &)a'e to &)a'e an$ sett)ing some#here in *un+a% among the s&ar.)ing 'ro&s I #or. a)) $ay on the farms you %ring me &aram+&aram paranthas in the afternoon an$ I eat from your soft-soft han$s5 Isnt it s&e'ta'u)ar86 4Fery56 4So $ont #orry an$ remem%erG if something #rong $oes ha&&en it +ust a$$s fun to the story thin. a%out it that #ayO.ay86 4Hmm %utG you .no# #hat8 Serious)y you 'an #rite a %oo.- The story is not %a$ an$ then you #rite #e))-6 She ha$ hear$ a 'ou&)e of songs I ha$ #ritten4I am serious $earest Shreya I inten$ to #rite soon an$ these stu$ies are so %oring5 It)) %e a ni'e 'hange- By the #ay shou)$ I .ee& the same names in the story or 'hange them86 4Hmm 'hange them- At )east ours- Other#ise #e)) get so &o&u)ar that &eo&)e #i)) houn$ us every#here- After a)) it)) %e a %estse))er-6 4*oint so suggest the names 2a$ame56 4Let us name them #ith T an$ S on)y56 47hy86 4,um%o5 !our name starts #ith T an$ mine #ith S56 4Oh yes of 'ourse5 So $e'i$e$ I)) start from tomorro# BThe Ta)e of S an$ T56 49oo$5 An$ #rite #e))56 4!es an$ you .no# #hat8 It has another %enefit56 4"o# #hat86 47hen your $a$ #i)) rea$ it he)) 'ome to .no# ho# strong)y an$ ma$)y I )ove his $aughter an$ that I 'an $o anything for her5 2ay%e he #i)) 'hange his o&inion of me56 4!es5 ,ont #orry0 he)) 'hange his o&inion #hen he gets to .no# you %etter5 He$ )i.e you a )ot-6 4Ho&e so5 An$ yes one more %enefit from the %oo.56 I sai$47hat no#86 4If some$ay you $e'i$e to )eave me for any reason may %e after rea$ing the %oo. #herever you are you)) 'hange your min$ an$ 'ome %a'. to me0 rea$ing a%out ho# mu'h I )ove you an$ on'e I $i$ so mu'h for youG6 I sai$ )aughing-

4Shut u& +ut shut u& I 'an never )eave you Te+as never56 4,ont I)) sure)y $ie56 I sai$ )aughing again %ut I #as $ea$ serious4Shut u& #hy $o you have to ta). a%out $ying8 I$iot- An$ I am the one #ho shou)$ say a)) thisG may%e if one $ay you $e'i$e to )eave me for another gir) )i.e so many guys $o0 you$ %e remin$e$ a%out our )ove after seeing your o#n %oo.- Boys nee$ remin$ers not gir)s5 So no# #rite pakka56 4Sure maam any#ay I #as thin.ingG if I shou)$ ring my guitar a)ong56 4"ot a %a$ i$ea if it is not 'um%ersome56 6A )itt)e yes %ut #ou)$nt %e )ove)y to &)ay it on the %ea'h +amming #ith the #aves86 4It #i)) %e5 I)) )ove it56 4Remem%er the )ast time I &)aye$ it for you86 4As if I 'an forget56 4!ou )oo.e$ )i.e a 9o$$ess56 4An$ you #ere Bnot %a$56 4The terra'e56 4The %eautifu) night56 4!our )ove)y %)a'. $ress56 4!our Bnot so %a$ #hite shirt56 4S#eet sme)) of the #et san$56 4Love)y 'an$)es56 4,an'ing #ith you5 Oooh56 4An$ your guitar an$ the song56 62agi'a) night sure)y56 6,ont forget the %est &art56 47hi'h one86 4Orange Jui'e56 6!aaaaG6 An$ #e #ent on ta).ing a%out that nightG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



The monsoons ha$ arrive$ an$ this time B%etraying the un&re$i'ta%i)ity one asso'iates #ith them- They have this ha%it of em%arrassing the meteoro)ogists year after year %y ru%%ishing

una%ashe$)y a)) the fore'asts from the time of their arriva) to the time of their $e&arture an$ everything that ha&&ens in %et#eenIf there is one season that )ies right u& there #ith the #inters or &ro%a%)y a sha$e a%ove is the monsoons an$ %)esse$ are #e a)) to )ive in this &art of the #or)$ an$ #itness its %eauty"ever is a season more #e)'ome - The first $ro&s #ashing a#ay the fire of the earth an$ %ringing #ith them the most &)easant fragran'e- "ever are the 'o)ours of the trees an$ mu$ so %ri))iant5 "ever is the %ree1e so into(i'ating5 "ever is the &oet so ins&ire$5 "ever is roman'e so mu'h in the air5 I #e)'ome$ the monsoons as I a)#ays $o %ut this time not +ust for the )ove)y sho#ers that re+uvenating %ath in the rains the &i'tures:ue %oat in the &u$$)e the i$ea) tem&erature the #e fragran'e an$ the +oyous riotous foot%a)) mat'h in rain- The monsoons this time ha$ %rought #ith them mu'h more the )ove of my )ifeShreya ha$ arrive$ in ,e)hi #ith the monsoons on the DE th of June as they ha$ a se'ret &a't- An$ therefore the romanti' #eather ha$ a never-%efore effe't on me- !ou 'ou)$ see Te+as #ith a su%t)e smi)e on his )i&s0 on)y #hen he #as not singing songs0 +oy on his fa'e &)ayfu)ness in his heart an$ a trot in his ste&- Life ha$ never %een %etter- After a)) se)$om $oes it ha&&en that t#o %eauties $es'en$ from heaven on the same $ay- The effe't #as so &rofoun$ that even though a'.no#)e$ge$ as the most 'heerfu) of sou)s other#ise I sur&rise$ my &eers an$ &arents #ith that e(tra $ose of mirth- Time an$ again they #ou)$ stare at me aga&e an$ utter 47hats the matter #ith you Te+as8 7on a )ottery )ate)y86 an$ I #ou)$ ans#er them a)) #ith a #ave of my han$ 4"o no nothing of that sort one shou)$ stay ha&&y an$ 'heerfu) an$ in this #eather its the easiest of tas.s56 I remem%er I 'om&ose$ ten songs $uring those monsoons a)) $ea)ing #ith nature an$ )ove an$ #as &)aying guitar a)) the time I #as not #ith herBut #hat those $ivine monsoons must %e remem%ere$ for is a sing)e evening a 'e)e%rate$ one- A magi'a) evening it #asG I ha$ )ong #ishe$ to have a 'an$)e)ight $inner #ith her an$ I .ne# she #ou)$ )ove it- I am a romanti' at heart #hi'h you must have $is'overe$ %y no# an$ gir)s you .no# )ove these

mushy things- But for a)) the )ove)iness an$ the roman'e of 'an$)e)ight $inners there is a $ra#%a'. an$ a %ig one at that- one nee$s $ar.ness for the 'an$)e)ight to have a visi%)e effe't on the surroun$ings0 one 'annot +ust )ight 'an$)es on a %right $ay an$ fee) ha&&y that hes ha$ a 'an$)e)ight $inner +ust for the re'or$- I %et you un$erstan$ #hat I say- I +ust #ant to e(&ress the nonfeasi%i)ity of su'h $inners #ith )ighte$ 'an$)es in this &ar of the #or)$ for gir)s in this other#ise )ove)y &art of the #or)$ are not a))o#e$ out after the sun has set- The gir)s &arents #ou)$ say 4The roa$s are not safe-6 It #as therefore #ith 'onsi$era%)e astonishment that she e(')aime$ #hen I suggeste$ this year rare ty&e of $inner/ 4Are you serious56 I sai$ I #as an$ she as.e$ me if I #a$ run to #hi'h I re&)ie$ that I #as not4Then ho# 'ome you are getting su'h insane i$eas86 4It is not insane it is )ove)y56 4Love)y I .no# %ut im&ra'ti'a)56 4!ou on)y ta). a%out 'an$)e)ight so mu'hG an$ #hen I thin. a%out it a rea)ity you shu$$er- 9ir)s are $um% 6 I shot %a'.4Te+as $o you thin. I)) get the &ermission to stay out after si( or seven in the evening86 4"o56 I re&)ie$ 'oo))y4Then86 47hat then8 !ou $ont nee$ any &ermission5 7hen $i$ I say you nee$ it86 4Of 'ourse I nee$ it- "o# $ont suggest that I shou)$ snea. out of my #in$o# at nightG6 4Shut u&5 !ou $ont even )isten to the &)an an$ go on an$ on 6 I interru&te$ her47hats the &)an no#86 4I $ont #ant to te)) you I 'an see that you are not intereste$ $o #hat you #ish to $o56 4Offo sorry5 !ou .no# I am intereste$- Te)) me5 Lui'.56 4Hmm5 7hen is your frien$s sisters #e$$ing86 4>ourth of Ju)y-6 4An$G you have got the &ermission to atten$ it- Right86 4!es56 4Then #e $ont nee$ any other &ermission-6 I e(&)aine$ the &)an to her an$ she assente$ on my insisten'e that it #ou)$ a)) %e a)right- I %oo.e$ a &)a'e 'a))e$

4Ren$e1vous for the $inner- I shou)$ rather say that Ba+rang %oo.e$ it for me- 7e on'e ha$ a &arty on the terra'e of that &)a'e an$ I ha$ %een smitten %y the am%ien'e- I thought that the &)a'e #as fa%u)ous if )ess noise #as ma$e an$ I #ante$ to suggest to the o#ner to )en$ the &)a'e to )overs rather than #aste the s&a'e on )ou$ %ingesThe terra'e #as usua))y reserve$ for &arties an$ 'a))e$ for a hefty sum %ut the o#ner #as Tan.ers &a)- I $ont .no# ho# an$ I $ont #ish to .no#0 he foun$ out that there #as no &arty on the fourth an$ got the entire terra'e for me at no e(tra 'harge- I 'ou)$nt %e)ieve it #hen he to)$ me %ut then has his o#n im&e''a%)e sty)e- 4Both of you must %e a)one %rother0 #hy shou)$ morons interru&t you- I #ou)$ hate that myse)f 6 he ha$ sai$ to me an$ I #as e(treme)y &)ease$ to have a &a) )i.e him- I ha$ #ante$ o&en air for $inner not one of those stif)ing fie stars #here one )onge$ for %reath an$ the shattering of the si'.ening $e'orum- Besi$es I 'ou)$nt affor$ themHer frien$s smugg)e$ her out from the #e$$ing an$ $ro&&e$ her at eight as &romise$ an$ #ere to &i'. her u& at nine thirty- They #ere huge)y 'oo&erative- A)) her frien$s #ore 'o)ourfu) lahen&as an$ #ere a %it e(tra gigg)y an$ 'hir&y- I 'ou)$ on)y %)ush an$ smi)e at their teasing remar.s as they 'a))e$ me BJee+a+i7e)) %e there at nine thirty shar& jejju 6 sai$ one an$ then a$$e$ teasing)y 4So %e $one #ith all you have to $o %y then0 after a)) she has to 'hange %a'. to her lahen&a an$ that time-6 I than.e$ them &romise$ them a treat %a$e them goo$%ye an$ then turne$ to )oo. at Shreya #ho a)) this #hi)e ha$ %een 'on'ea)e$ %y the gigg)ing gir)s- I #ou)$ not #aste mu'h s&a'e in $es'ri%ing her %eauty- But she ha$ stunne$ me on'e again- I +ust ga&e$ at her as though &etrifie$- She smi)e$ .no#ing that I ha$ %een .no'.e$ out %y her s&e)) an$ #his&ere$ 47here sha)) #e &ro'ee$86 an$ I mum%)e$ something )i.e 4U&stairs-6 But I .e&t ) at her an$ she 'rosse$ her s)en$er arms &urse$ her )i&s raise$ her eye%ro#s an$ shoo. her hea$ at my %ehaviour- 4Come on Te+as I am not ) that goo$-6 But she #as an$ she .ne# it fu))yShe #ore a %)a'. $ress that en$e$ +ust a%ove her .nees an$ ha$ thin stra&s- It #as not revea)ing or &rovo'ative %ut e(treme)y gra'efu)- The $ress ha$ sett)e$ on her 'urves

%eautifu))y high)ighting her s)en$er figure her )oo. )i.e a 9o$$ess- The %)a'. of the $ress mat'he$ #ith the 'o)our of the night an$ 'ontraste$ %eautifu))y #ith her fair arms an$ ne'. that g)istene$ in the moon )ight- She #ore her usua) ma.e u& that 'onsiste$ of a )ine of kajal an$ a tou'h of g)oss on her )i&s- That #as it- Her fa'e $i$nt nee$ any more- Her si).-)i.e tresses #ere o&en as usua) thro#n %a'. shining si)ver at &)a'es- An$ she #ore the si)ver ear rings that I ha$ gifte$ her +ust the $ay %efore- >or the first time #ith me she #ore hee)s an$ that %rought her a)most to my )eve) A than.fu))y not a%ove it- She #as )issome )ithe e)egant an$ a)) thatI too. her %urning han$ in mine an$ )e$ her u& the stairs an$ she #as sur&rise$ to see the setting- She &resse$ my han$ )oo.e$ into my eyes an$ sai$ that it #as %eautifu)- I #as g)a$ that she a&&rove$ of the &)a'eIt #as %eautifu) in$ee$ an$ no other #or$ 'ou)$ have $es'ri%e$ it %etter +ust )i.e no other #or$ 'ou)$ $es'ri%e her %etter- It #as a terra'e an$ i$y))i' A no roof on the to& +ust the s.y stu$$e$ #ith $iamon$s- It ha$ raine$ in the evening %ut the rain ha$ sto&&e$ the heavy ')ou$s gone to $is&)ay a s&e'ta'u)ar star-stu$$e$ s.y- Thin foam )i.e ')ou$s sti)) s&attere$ here an$ there a$$e$ to the %eauty- Though the ')ou$s ha$ ma$e #ay for the stars the %eautifu) sme)) of #et earth )ingere$ on #afte$ %y a %ri))iant 'oo) %ree1e A the ha))mar. of monsoons- The moon #as out too an$ %athe$ the night #ith its si)ver s&)en$ourThere #as a 'riss-'ross %am%oo fen'e on the %or$er that a'te$ )i.e a tre))is for the 'ree&ers #hi'h I thought #ere ivyEnt#ine$ #ith the ivy #ere sma)) vivi$ f)o#ers that a$$e$ a s&)ash of 'o)our to the #ho)e fen'e- The arrangement #as s&)en$i$- The rest of the terra'e #as out)ine$ #ith %eautifu) he$ges from #hi'h &ur&)e f)o#ers &eere$ )oving)y- I noti'e$ ho# )ove)y &ur&)e )oo.e$ #ith green- Love you )ove nature as #e))5 Out in the )eft 'orner near the fen'e #ere t#o #oo$en 'hains #ith a #oo$en ta%)e in %et#een- On the ta%)e t#o )ong 'an$)es i))uminate$ the setting an$ the si)ver#are 'ast their )ight an$ the moons- I ha$ 'hosen the 'orner as it #as the most e(:uisite one over)oo.e$ %y a 9u)mohar tree #hi'h ha$ gaine$ suffi'ient height over the years to &rovi$e a frien$)y sha$e to this 'orner on sunnier $ays- "either #as it $ay nor ha$ the sun 'ome

out for t#o $ays yet I ha$ 'hosen this noo. for the %eauty that the tree #ith its rea$y-to-%)oom orange f)o#ers )ent to itThere #as a fountain too on the far night han$ 'orner an$ it s&ar.)e$ too in the si)ver of the moon- "othing 'ou)$ %e %etter I ref)e'te$ an$ )e$ her to the 'hairs- I &u))e$ a 'hair for her %o#e$ #ith one han$ on my mi$$)e an$ the other $ra#n out gesturing her to sit an$ sai$ 42uh-$aam have a seat 6 an$ she o%)ige$ %y saying a BThan. you sir- I too. my seat an$ )oo.e$ into her eyes- Late)y I ha$ rea)i1e$ she a))o#e$ me $o so an$ her eyes smi)e$ #hen I $i$ that- Ear)ier she #ou)$ fee) shy #hen I trie$ to 'on'entrate on her eyes an$ #ou)$ )augh an$ say 47hat are you $oing Te+as86 %ut no# #e %oth )ove$ it4Ho&e the &)a'e is not %a$ 2uh-$aam5 This is a)) this hum%)e %)o'. 'ou)$ manage56 I sai$4"ot %a$8 Shut u& Te+as5 It is )ove)y I to)$ you- Li.e a $ream 6 she re&)ier sin'ere)y4See I 'ou)$ not affor$ a five-star for you 6 I sai$- That ha$ sometimes %othere$ me the money issueShe 'ame from a mu'h ri'her fami)y an$ #as a ha%itua) $iner at the hote)s #ith her fami)y- I #as from a goo$ fami)y %ut #e 'ou)$nt affor$ five-stars an$ $i$nt )i.e them either- So this money &ro%)em %othere$ me- I a)#ays fe)t I 'ou)$nt treat her )avish)y 'ou)$nt give her e(&ensive gifts 'ou)$nt get a 'ar to go on a $rive #ith her 'ou)$nt affor$ %a)'ony ti'.ets for movies as rates ha$ soare$ to a hun$re$ an$ a fifty ea'h no#0 in short 'ou)$nt $o anything that a mo$ern gir) #ou)$ e(&e't from her %oy an$ she .ne# that- Time an$ again #e #ou)$ have 'onversations a%out this &au'ity of money an$ she $i$nt )i.e them- She #ou)$ a)#ays say 47ho sai$ I #ante$ e(&ensive $inners an$ gifts86 4But a)) gir)s $o56 I #ou)$ re&)y47e)) I am $ifferent an$ #e #ont have this ty&e of ta). again- If you #ant to gift $iamon$s go an$ get a ne# gir)G !ou ta). )i.e this on'e more an$ I #i)) sto& ta).ing to you 6 an$ #ith that the to&i' #ou)$ %e ')ose$-

An$ that is #hy I )ove$ herG %e'ause she #as $ifferentG %e'ause she #as not materia)isti'G %e'ause she )ove$ me an$ +ust me- But in s&ite of her s#eetness an$ un$erstan$ing sometimes this &ro%)em $i$ trou%)e me an$ I ha$ on'e gotten so sentimenta) that I #rote a song a%out my )ove for her an$ I inten$e$ to &)ay it that night47ho sai$ I )i.e five star hote)s86 she as.e$ irritate$4!ou go there so oftenG6 I ha$ tou'he$ an e(&ose$ nerve %ut she interru&te$ me an$ ho#5 4Ho# many times $o I te)) you not to ta). a%out five-stars an$ a)) those i$ioti' things %ut you #ou)$nt un$erstan$- Ho# many times have I to)$ you I am a norma) gir) #ho ) sim&)e things in )ife8 I am an average gir) #ho ) to eat her five ru&ees orange %ar #ho ) her artifi'ia) +un. +e#e))ery over go)$ an$ $iamon$- *)ease Te+as un$erstan$G that I am "OR2AL- "-O-R2-A-L 6 she s&e))e$ it for me 4)et me en+oy these things an$ sto& #orrying a%out treating me )i.e a :ueen- I .no# ho# mu'h you )ove me an$ that is it- That is a)) I #ant- An$ I .no# ho# mu'h you have sa'rifi'e$ for me a)rea$yG to foot your mo%i)e %i))s an$ give me su'h )ove)y $inners I #ont em%arrass you %y ho# mu'h this &)a'e has 'ost you %ut I .no# you have sa'rifi'e$ for itTe)) me ho# many #ee.s sin'e you sa# any movie86 she roare$4Leave that56 4"o# #hy shou)$ #e )eave that8 7hen I say )eave a)) your insane gi%%erish a%out money you $ont56 4O.ay sorry baba I #ont mention it again56 4!ou $are $o it an$ I)) not meet you again- A)rea$y you insist on &aying the %i))s every time- Cant #e go ,ut'h on'e86 4"o I thin. #e have ta).e$ a%out that enough too- So )eave it right here 6 this time I roare$- I #as very ')ear on that- That #as the )east I 'ou)$ $o for my &rin'ess I thought- I %e)ong to the s'hoo) that %e)ieves in thorough ga))antry- I #on$er ho# guys 'an go ha)f-ha)f #ith their gir)s on $ates- They have )ost a)) shams no#a$ays- They $ont ma.e gent)emen these $ays- A)) they ma.e is 'hi'.en shit- Some ri$i'u)ous movement 'a))e$ metro-shetro#hatever-se(ua)ity #as s#ee&ing the to#n an$ guys #ere $oing a)) sorts of insane stuff )i.e getting fa'ia)s an$ mani'ures an$ their gir)s to give their share of the 'he'.- The ro)es #ere shifting in this mo$ern so'iety an$ it sent in o)$ hats )i.e me a shiver $o#n the s&ine- 7hatever ha&&ene$ to the roughness an$ toughness that se&arate$ a %oy from a man an$ more $istur%ing)y to the 'hiva)ry an$ 'ourtesies that #e ha$ %een taught #ith #hi'h a #oman ought to %e treate$- Any#ays I #as

'om&)ete)y an anti:ue an$ ha$ ma$e it ')ear to Shreya an$ in no un'ertain terms that 4#e might have to )ive )i.e s:uirre)s an$ ni%%)e at five ru&ee s#eet %uns if I $ont have a$e:uate money %ut no way min$ you no way #i)) you &o.e your han$ in your %a))y &urse or &o'.et- ,o you get me86 I ha$ as.e$ an$ she ha$ got it- She $i$nt %other 'arrying her &urse after that an$ than.e$ me for that- it #as a )ot of hass)e she sai$4Any#ays )eave a)) that %ut ni'e &)a'e yes86 I resume$4!aaaG )ove)y s.y 'an$)es fresh air )ove)y f)o#ers an$ you- A)) my favourites5 7hat e)se $o I nee$8 *ara$ise- To thin. of a fivestar ')uttere$ #ith o)$ &eo&)e #ho #ou)$ $ie than raise their voi'e5 One 'ant even %reathe there56 6E(a't)y- Better a dhaba56 4I s#ear56 47here one 'an %reathe ya#n sign or $an'e an$ even &i'. ones nose56 4!u'. shut u&56 6An$ #hat a vu)gar &ri'e to &ay for a dal that my mom 'oo.s %etter56 4E(a't)y56 4But to thin. of it they are not that %a$ too an$ sometimes a #ho)e )ot of fun5 I ')ear)y remem%er a most entertaining evening at a five star-6 67hy8 7hat ha&&ene$86 she as.e$ raising her %ro#s4Oh that is an amusing story %ut a )ong one56 4!ou have a story for every o''asion-6 4Thats #hy they 'a)) me a ra'onteur-6 47hats that86 she as.e$ 'ute)y4A te))er of ane'$otes-6 4So te)) me #hat ha&&ene$-6 4O.ay )et us or$er first #e har$)y have one an$ a ha)f hours an$ there are so many thin&s to $o- 7hi)e the foo$ 'omes I)) te)) my five-star ta)e-6 47hat a)) thin&s86 she as.e$ sus&i'ious)y4Sur&rise56 I sai$ an$ #ith that 'a))e$ for 2i'hae) the #aiter #ho #as to)$ to #ait $o#nstairs unti) 'a))e$ for- He ha$ he)&e$ a )ot to ta.e this tryst a $ream an$ I )i.e$ him- 7e or$ere$ the )i& sma'.ing dal makhani, shahi panner for me ?she $oesnt eat paneer@ an$ malai kofta for her ?I $ont fan'y koftas@ an$ some lachha paranthasAn$ then I to)$ her the amusing in'i$ent of the times #hen I #as an im&ish s'hoo) .i$ #hen my tayaji ha$ ta.en me an$ e)$er %rother Fineet0 %oth of us naughty ras'a)s for a $inner #ith

a haughty o)$ man one of those #ho have in their han$s &o#er to a#ar$ those mysterious ten$ers- An$ one of those i$iots #ho are inor$inate)y fussy a%out trif)es )i.e ta%)e manners- He to)$ my un')e #ho is a thorough gent)emen himse)f to ma.e )ess soun$ #ith his s&oons an$ in not so &o)ite a manner- That #as the )ast stra#- Seeing he #as not going to grant the 'ontra't to ym un')e Fineet an$ I sa# no &ointing e(ten$ing any further 'ivi)ity- Both of us $i&&e$ out han$s in the gravy an$ starte$ )i'.ing our fingers one %y one an$ f)ashe$ a smi)e at the o)$ man #ho )oo.e$ at us as if #e #ere $irty overf)o#ing gar%age %ins- I 'on')u$e$ the 'eremony #ith a - 42aam your father is a rea) gent)eman 6 to his thir$ #ife as ha$ %een 'onveye$ to us %y tayaji an$ at that she uttere$ a 'ry an$ I imme$iate)y a&o)ogi1e$ 4Oh5 I am sorry I $i$ not .no#- *ar$on me I meant your gran$father 6 an$ she eye$ me )i.e a %asi)is. an$ s'ree'he$ in a rat )i.e tone 4Heee is myyy husband56 That #as so funny that #e ha$ to )augh an$ #e $i$ una%ashe$)y #hi)e tayaji )oo.e$ on $a1e$ not entire)y unha&&y #ith the &ro'ee$ings I guess- 2r- 9o%ar$han as he #as 'a))e$ $e'i$e$ that he ha$ ha$ enough an$ shoute$ at us getting u& 4!ou ras'a)s 6 an$ at that my %rother thre# a fa.e )i1ar$ that he use$ to 'arry in his young $ays at the )a$y at #hi'h she uttere$ a ho#) an$ +um&e$ on to the ta%)eShreya #as )itera))y on the f)oor )aughing an$ to)$ me that it #as enough for the $ay- There is a )imit to everything she sai$- It is s&e'ia) gir)s )augh an$ to ma.e her )augh a )ot more,inner arrive$ an$ #e starte$ %eing as informa) as #e 'ou)$- It #as heaven)y to eat together as the t#o &ersona) e(&erien'e 4!ou must go for 'an$)e)ight $inners56 47hat #ou)$ you )i.e to $rin.86 I as.e$47ater56 she re&)ie$47ine86 6Shut u&56 62i'hae)56 I shoute$4!ou shout for 2i'hae) as if he is your younger %rother-6 4Oh he is sort of 6 I sai$ as he hurrie$ u& the ste&s an$ arrive$ #ith a s.i$42i'hae) there is a )itt)e &ro%)em 6 I sai$47hat #ou)$ that %e sir8 I ho&e the foo$ is a)right56 4There is a f)y in the $a)56 I sai$4Sir86 yaar not this sort of &ro%)em- The &ro%)em is that 2uh$aam $oesnt see anything on your 'ar$ #orth si&&ing56 an$ #hen I uttere$ that Shreya eye$ me42aam there are 'o)$ $rin.s an$ +ui'es an$ even lassi-6 4Jui'es there are %ut not fresh56 4Sir #e serve Tro&i'ana56 4But maam $oesnt )i.e 'anne$ +ui'es thats &re'ise)y the &ro%)em-6 An$ #ith that I motione$ to Shreya to .ee& :uiet as she #as %eginning to say something 4This 'an %e so)ve$ easi)y if you run $o#n an$ get t#o g)asses of orange +ui'e from the Ram%harose Jui'e sho&- Heres the money 6 an$ #ith that I turne$ to Shreya an$ sai$ 4They offer e('e))ent +ui'es- !our favourite-6 47hat #as the nee$ for a)) this86 Shreya as.e$4,ont as. :uestions senorita- Just en+oy the #eather an$ the orange +ui'e- !ou)) )ove it-6 An$ she )ove$ it- Then #e or$ere$ our 'ommon favourite 'ho'o)ate truff)e &astry an$ as #e #ere eating it I sai$ 4!ou )oo. %eautifu) Shreya-6 4Ho# many times #i)) you te)) me that86 4Ti)) you te)) me ho# I )oo.- !ou havent even sai$ one #or$ in &raise of this han$some young man56 She too. a %ite from the &astry an$ sai$ 4One shou)$nt s&ea. #hen ones mouth is fu)) 6 an$ starte$ smi)ing- Then she finishe$ it an$ eye$ me from to& to the %ottom of #hat #as over the ta%)e an$ sai$ 4Stan$ u& first56 47hy86 4I shou)$ get a fu)) vie# 6 an$ I stoo$ u&- One has to agree #ith gir)s4Hmm 6 she sai$ %a'. into her 'hair 4"ot %a$56 4"ot %a$86 4!es56 69reat than.s 6 I sai$ sar'asti'a))y47hat $o you #ant to hear86 she &)aye$ aroun$4"othing56 I sai$4Offo $ont ma.e fa'es )i.e gir)s- O.ay you #ou)$ have )oo.e$ han$some if you #ere ta))- Say si( feet-6 4Oh86 I sai$ 4If height is su'h a &ro%)em get yourse)f a %a)) &)ayer 6 I sai$ &eevish)y- I a)#ays got irritate$ #hen &eo&)e ta).e$ a%out heights- I #as +ust five feet si( an$ a ha)f in'hes at ma(imum stret'h no im&ressive height an$ everyone tease$ me a%out it4But I $ont )i.e ta)) guys0 after a)) I am +ust five feet three-6 4T#o an$ a ha)f at fu)) stret'h56 47hatever so five feet si( is &erfe't for me-6

4Si( an$ a ha)f in'hes56 I 'orre'te$ her47hatever 6 she sai$4"o #hatever you %orro# ha)f an in'h from me an$ a$$ that to your o#n height- 7o#56 4!ou )oo. so 'ute #hen you are irritate$- 9o$5 Ho# mu'h I )ove irritating you56 4Oh5 "o# I am 'ute- "ot Bnot %a$86 4!ou are 'ute an$ goo$ you are not very ta))- That #ou)$ have $i)ute$ your 'uteness- "o# you )oo. &erfe't )i.e a sma)) %a%y my 'ute )itt)e %a%y5 An$ you )oo. 'ute in my favourite #hite shirt an$ %)ue +eans- Ha&&y86 she sai$ so s#eet)y that one ha$ to %e ha&&y- I ha$ %ought the #hite shirt at her re:uest- She )oves #hite7e finishe$ our mea) an$ I )oo.e$ at my #at'h- It #as :uarter to nine- >orty five minutes ha$ &asse$ +ust )i.e that- an$ the ne(t forty five #ou)$ f)y the same #ay- I #ishe$ time #ou)$ sto&- I move$ my 'hair ne(t to Shreya an$ to)$ her to )isten to the rust)e of the )eaves of the 9u)mohar tree as the %ree1e sifte$ through them- I too. her $e)i'ate han$ in mine an$ )oo.e$ into her eyes an$ #e %oth en+oye$ the si)en'e as she gent)y &)a'e$ her hea$ on my shou)$er an$ nest)e$ ')ose- Her &erfume #as %eautifu)- I 'ou)$ fee) her %reath on my ne'.- I #ante$ to .iss her on her )i&s %ut ha$ &romise$ her I #ou)$ not unti) she as.e$ me to- She )oo.e$ )ove)y as I o%serve$ her features in the moon )ightI .isse$ her forehea$ an$ then her soft hair an$ she .e&t sti))- Her fresh hair #as %et#een my )i&s an$ I #as )ost in their fragran'eThose #ere %)issfu) moments- I #ishe$ #e 'ou)$ sit that #ay forever- The )ove)y %ree1e the )ove)y s'ent an$ the )ove)ier ShreyaG But I .ne# I ha$ to $o other things as #e)) an$ #e ha$ har$)y any time )eft- I gent)y remove$ from my &o'.et the ear rings that I #ou)$ %rought for her as they g)inte$ in the moon4Are they ni'e86 I as.e$4!es56 she sai$4"o# get u& time for some sur&rises-6 4Cant #e +ust sit )i.e this for some more time86 she as.e$ in a su%$ue$ voi'e4I #ish #e 'ou)$ for the rest of our )ives Shreya5 But then you have to )eave in some time an$ I have something &)anne$-6 47hat86 47ait I sai$ an$ 'a))e$ for 2i'hae)She )ifte$ her hea$ from my shou)$er s)o#)y an$ got u&-

4,o you remem%er %y any 'han'e the $ea) #e ma$e #hen #e first met86 4That guitar an$ $an'e one86 4!es time to 'om&)ete it86 4But #here is the guitar86 4Here it 'omes 6 an$ 2i'hae) entere$ #ith my favourite %)a'. guitar that I ha$ %orro#e$ from a frien$- 4Loo. I)) tea'h you in a #hi)e %ut first heres song I 'om&ose$G you might )i.e itG then your ')asses an$ after that you tea'h me ho# to $an'e-6 4O.ay 6 she sai$ sur&rise$4"o# $ont )augh #hen I &)ay- It may not %e goo$-6 4Shut u&56 42i'hae) have you %rought your harmoni'a86 4!es sir56 4Tune$ #ith the guitar86 4*erfe't)y sir56 4Then )et us start 6 I sai$ as I s)ung the %e)t of the guitar over my shou)$er an$ &)u'.e$ a fe# strings- 2i'hae) %ut the harmoni'a to his )i&s an$ Shreya #as %e#i)$ere$ to see a)) that4La$ies an$ gent)eman #hatever you are hi$ing %ut )istening 6 I starte$ 4Heres a song #ritten es&e'ia))y for this gir) sitting right there yes that one #ho is gigg)ing- Let me intro$u'e my %an$This is 2i'hae) on harmoni'a an$ Te+as on guitar an$ vo'a)s the $rummer #as s)ee&ing so 'ou)$nt 'ome an$ #e are a )itt)e short on fun$s so 'ou)$nt arrange mi.es0 I ho&e that is o.ay-6 Shreya sai$ yes an$ I %egan &)u'.ing the strings of my guitar soft)y an$ )istene$ to the rhythm as 2i'hae) starte$ &)aying his harmoni'aIt #as &erfe't an$ after he intro I %egan to sing as the 'hor$s 'hange$ from , to 9 to A to , again an$ I sang thus/ * am no rich kid, just a poor nerd, *ve &ot no money, my pockets full of mud. %aded jeans and ra&&ed shirts, thank .od, they are in, %or those are the only thin&s, * have to fit in. *f youre the kind of &irl, who just &oes for money. You can check out arry, hes &ot a bi& limousine. 'll * have &ot it unconditional love. 'll * can promise you is *ll be there when the thin&s are tou&h. /o, * cant promise you dinner on &olden plates. /o, * cant promise you disco ni&hts so late. 6e can &et a candle or two and li&ht up my place. 8ay be wash some crockery, order pi::as at low rates. /o lousy music, my &uitar &ently plays

' son&, written, especially for you, babe. 'll * have &ot is unconditional love. 'll * can promise you is *ll be there when the sea is rou&h. 'll * have &ot is unconditional love. 'll * can promise you is *ll be there when the thin&s are tou&h . The soft &)u'.ing of the guitar notes %)en$e$ %eautifu) #ith the ri'h soun$ of the harmoni'a an$ my serena$e #as a su''ess7e %oth %o#e$ after the &erforman'e #hi)e Shreya )oo.e$ on overa#e$- Then she smi)e$ an$ sai$ that it #as )ove)y- 2i'hae) .ne# it #as time to )eave an$ I to)$ him to &ut on the musi'- Then Shreya got u& from her 'hair an$ gent)y .isse$ me on my 'hee.She #his&ere$ she )ove$ me an$ I to)$ her too- 4!ou 'an %e a song-#riter Te+as5 That #as so %eautifu)-6 she sai$- I mere)y smi)e$- I rea))y #ante$ to .iss her then4So you #ant to )earn guitar86 4"o not to$ay %ut I #i)) tea'h you $an'e 6 she sai$4Hmm not %a$ an i$ea 'onsi$ering #e have +ust t#enty fine minutes )eft-6 I ha$ &re&are$ a &)ay-)ist of some soft instrumenta)s most)y in four %y four %eat #hi'h I thought #ou)$ %e +ust right for a $an'ing 'ou&)e- There #ere some so)os on guitar some on &iano an$ vio)in- *resent)y the musi' %egan to resonate in the magi'a) aura- The first tune #as 4Ave 2aria %y Johann Se%astian Ba'h one of my favourites an$ one on #hi'h I ha$ a)#ays $reamt of $an'ing #ith a gir)- Shreya ')ose$ her eyes )istene$ to the %eat an$ then )oo.e$ at me4It is )ove)y 6 she sai$ 4"o# you $ont have to $o anything +ust fo))o# my feet- 7hen I go )eft you go )eft- 7e)) start #ith these %asi' ste&s- O.ay86 4!es 6 I sai$ )ost in her eyes an$ &erfumeShe too. my han$s an$ &)a'e$ them on her #aist then she &)a'e$ her han$s on my shou)$ers an$ #e .e&t ) into ea'h others eyes- She move$ gra'efu))y three ste&s to the right an$ then three ste&s to the )eft an$ I ho&e)ess)y fo))o#e$ not 'aring anything a%out my feet %ut +ust a%out her eyes- She &atient)y .e&t a)ong #ith my ')umsy movements an$ sai$ that I #ou)$ )earn in a #hi)e- It too. me :uite a #hi)e to get those si( ste&s

right after a )ot of tri&&ing fa))ing an$ %a)an'ing %ut on'e I got them right it #as +oy to move #ith her- It #as effort)ess an$ #e %oth ha$ $ro#ne$ in one anothers eyes- She 'ame ')oser an$ ')oser it seeme$ an$ I smou)$ere$ in the #armth of her %o$yTime an$ again I$ 'aress her hair time an$ again #e$ ta). in soft #his&ers an$ en+oy as our %reaths got )ost in ea'h otherstime an$ again my han$s %rushe$ against her s)en$er arms0 time an$ again I thought I #ou)$ have no sa$ness if I #ere to $ie thus in her armsThe musi' 'hange$ an$ it #as a %it faster no#0 it #as the instrumenta) version of La Bam%a4Time for some ne# ste&s 6 she sai$ as #e %oth emerge$ from the tran'e 4This is a sa)sa %eat- 9ive me your )eft han$ 6 an$ #ith that she he)$ it #ith her right an$ a$+uste$ the %en$ of my )eft arm to ninety $egree- 4"o# you are the )ea$er an$ I am the fo))o#er an$ I +ust o%ey you in this $an'eG 9ot it86 I mere)y no$$e$- I fo))o#e$ some ste&s 'ou)$ not fo))o# some an$ #e $an'e$ on- She taught me ho# to s&in her an$ that #as the %est &art of sa)sa or #hatever its 'a))e$- It #as %eautifu) to #at'h her s&in so e)egant)y as her hair %rushe$ against my fa'e again an$ again immerse$ me in their &erfumeSoon the musi' 'hange$ an$ #as s)o# on'e again an$ #e resume$ the si( %asi' ste&s she ha$ taught me- It #as easy- It #as heaven)y- It #as Ba'h again an$ on'e again she #as nest)e$ in my arms an$ #e resume$ our soft #his&ering4Lets 'ontinue this on)y it is )ove)y56 she #his&ere$42i'hae) 6 I shoute$ 4*)ay tra'. one an$ re&eat it ti)) the en$ 6 an$ #ith that BAve 2aria #as on againOn'e again I #as )ost in her eyes an$ her #armth4Can I .iss you86 I #his&ere$She mere)y s#aye$ her hea$ to signa) a no- I #as not $isa&&ointe$ %ut I rea))y #ante$ to .iss her47e are $an'ing Te+as maintain the san'tity of the art +ust en+oy the $an'e 6 she #his&ere$ %a'.-6 Har$)y five minutes )eft your frien$s must %e a%out to rea'h-6 4!es 6 an$ #ith that she $re# me ')oser an$ #e #ere )ost in the em%ra'e it fe)t then I $istin't)y remem%er that our s'u))s #ere one-




I #as fast as)ee& 'ur)e$ u& )i.e a $og on the 'on'rete %en'h insta))e$ magnanimous)y outsi$e my ')assroom to &rovi$e one assumes rest an$ air to tire$ stu$ents in %et#een )e'turesAn$ rest it sure)y $i$ &rovi$e- It is a )ove)y %en'h for the sun shines generous)y on it throughout the $ay &rovi$ing the mu'h nee$e$ snugness on 'oo) #inter mornings- It #as "ovem%er a)rea$y0 the tem&erature #as fa))ing )i.e a 'hi)$ #ho has tri&&e$ off his %a)'ony- An$ the sun-%athe$ %en'h #as +ust the thing one nee$e$It #as seven forty-five in the morning to %e &re'ise- The ')ass starte$ at eight an$ I ha$ no %usiness to %e there fifteen minutes %efore nor $i$ I inten$ to yet there I #as as unmista.a%)e as the remar.a%)e sun of that very morn- Atten$ing the first ')ass is a rarity in 'omforta%)e #eather an$ to %e there a goo$ fifteen minutes ear)y in su'h 'hi))y #eather #as a feat I shou)$ have %een &rou$ of- But I #as har$)y a)ive to su'h emotions of &ri$e an$ a'hievementI must $is')aim right a#ay a)) res&onsi%i)ity for rea'hing there in su'h a fashion for I am not the one to ')aim fa)se 're$its #hi'h in this 'ase must go to my sister *a)a. an$ so shou)$ the %)ame for my ha)f $ea$ state- She .e&t me a#a.e ti)) four in the morning )istening eager)y to an$ 'ommenting e(&ert)y an$ #orrie$)y a%out my &)ans to visit her %est frien$ in Chennai- She #as a#are of the $eve)o&ments that ha$ ta.en &)a'e %et#een her %rother an$ her %est frien$ sin'e that movie-misha& for a )ong time no#- She ha$ %een sho'.e$ #hen she ha$ 'ome to .no# of it %ut )i.e a)) sho'.s it ha$ su%si$e$I #as at her &)a'e on Sun$ay an$ she #as su&&ose$ to $ro& me at my 'o))ege the fo))o#ing morning- But unfortunate)y it turne$ out that her ')ass that $ay %egan ha)f an hour ear)y at eight $ue to some a%sur$ reason an$ so she had to %e there at eight- As a resu)t #e ha$ to )eave home at seven thirty shar& an$ I #as $ro&&e$ off )i.e a sa'. of rotten &otatoes at IIT ,e)hi

#hi'h is ha)f #ay $o#n to her 'o))ege0 at seven forty5 I 'ou)$nt have %een sorer #ith her #hat #ith her $enying me s)ee& an$ then s)a&&ing me in the morning at seven te))ing me shar&)y to %rush my teeth- 9ross)y unfair I te)) you %ut that is )ife5 An$ that is )ife #ith sisters5 Some%o$y &atte$ me on my %a'.- 2ay%e his intention #as to &at0 I &er'eive$ it more as a &un'h- I o&ene$ my eyes #ith great effort an$ sa# the ha1e ')ear gra$ua))y- Eve if the ha1e ha$ &ersiste$ it #ou)$ not have %een too $iffi'u)t to $e$u'e #ho that 'o)ossa) figure #as- It #as 3hos)a #ho I to)$ you ha$ ma$e it a ho%%y of his to #a.e me u&- His eyes #ere #i$e in $is%e)ief0 he &in'he$ his 'hee. an$ &resent)y he uttere$ a ho#)- It ha$ hurtThe &in'h ha$ hurt- It #as a)) for rea)4Say man has the sun risen from the #est or #hat86 67hy86 I as.e$ annoye$ that I ha$ to %e #o.en u& to ans#er su'h a $um% :uestion4Have you seen the time8 Sti)) ten minutes to go man-6 4The very thing I shou)$ say to you- Ten minutes to go you fat foo) an$ you #a.e me u&5 Every time I s)ee& you are there to $o the honours56 4Sorry yaar %ut I foun$ it ama1ing that you shou)$ %e here #hen there are ten minutes to go for the ')ass56 4I #as here #hen there #ere t#enty minutes to go56 4So you have fina))y $e'i$e$ to )isten to my a$vi'e an$ are men$ing your #ays- It)) &ay you frien$ an$ &ay you #e))- !ou #i)) see your gra$es soar-6 4I have not $e'i$e$ on any su'h stu&i$ thing- It is a mere a''i$ent that I am here an$ I ho&e )ife $oesnt &)ay su'h a sinister tri'. again-6 4Hmm so you)) never reform86 4"ot in this )ife56 69o$ on)y he)& you56 4I te)) you 3hos)a +ust on'e on)y on'e I as. of you 'ast a)) your fears asi$e an$ )ie 'osi)y 'ur)e$ u& in your %) an$ savour the +oy that 'omes from it- Then on)y then #i)) you re)ate to my &hi)oso&hy- !ou #i)) see this #or)$ #ith ne# eyes my frien$!ou)) %e a 'hange$ man5 An$ trust me it)) a)) %e for the %etter 6 I )e'ture$ my frien$ #ho ha$ a ha%it of arriving for ')ass at su'h unearth)y hours an$ that too after a %ath as if they #ere giving go)$ me$a)s for the first arriva)- The ')ash of our &hi)oso&hies #ent on for fe# minutes #hen su$$en)y I remem%ere$- I ha$ to

as. the fatty a :uestion that ha$ %een s)i&&ing from my min$ in that state of ha)f-s)ee&4So have you $e'i$e$ on the &rofessor86 47hi'h one86 4I$iot the one #ho)) %e #ith us on the In$ustria) Tour56 4Oh yes $ont you .no#86 4"o te)) me56 4I $i$nt $e'i$e yaar0 *a&&i 'a))e$ me himse)f an$ sai$ that he #ou)$ go #ith us on the tour-6 That hit me- As if a sho'. ha$ %een soa.e$ #ith #ater #hir)e$ in the air an$ hur)e$ straight at me %et#een the eyesThose #ere ominous %eginnings- I 'ou)$ sense something fishy- 7hy #ou)$ that &rofessor #ant to a''om&any us on the tour #hen he #as .no#n to %e in$ifferent to su'h things8 I #on$ere$ if it ha$ got anything to $o #ith me- I then remem%ere$ his #or$s his evi) #or$s as they e'hoe$ in my ears/ 4Ta.e that in your hea$ that I am not going to )eave you )i.e this- I #i)) not rest ti)) I have set you right56 I #on$ere$ #hat he #as u& to no#- He ha$ grante$ me &ermission to miss the In$ustria) Tour- "o# #hat $i$ he #ant to $o %y assigning himse)f as our gui$e on the tour8 It #as a)) a %ig mystery to me- But something to)$ me that a)) #as not #e)) an$ the #or$s of *a&&i that I ha$ forgotten 'ame %a'. to me in a more threatening tone47hat ha&&ene$8 7hy are you so stunne$8 !ou have got your &ermission- Right8 So you nee$nt #orry56 sai$ 3hos)a naive)y %ut I .ne# %etter- I .ne# these &rofessors %eing invo)ve$ in a fe# s'ra&es ear)ier- They $i$nt )et you off so easi)y- "ot even +ovia) ones )i.e *a&&i #ho it seeme$ ha$ given u& his +ovia)ity on'e an$ for a))47hen $i$ he te)) you86 I in:uire$4>ri$ay on)y56 It #as a)most eight %y then an$ my ')ass mates ha$ starte$ 'oming in an$ &resent)y a 'ir')e of %e#i)$ere$ sou)s surroun$e$ me0 some s)a&&ing some &in'hing some even &u))ing at their hair in or$er to ma.e sure that it #as not a $ream- 7as it Te+as "aru)a there for rea)8 At eight8 Some &in'he$ me to ma.e sure that it #as not a ghost #ho )ay there- I #as on the same )ines too though the ghost in my story #as someone e)se- I #on$ere$

ho# )ife 'ou)$ 'hange #ithin +ust a #ee.en$ #hat it ha$ in store for me-

The ')ass 'ame to an en$ an$ the ne(t t#o hours #ere freeI #eari)y got u& an$ fo))o#e$ my frien$s out- I +ust nee$e$ my %e$ %a$)y- Risha%h sto&&e$ outsi$e the 2e'hani'a) Engineering ,e&artment offi'e47ait a se'on$0 have to meet San$hu for my &ro+e't- I)) %e %a'. soon 6 he sai$2ean#hi)e I )eane$ against the #a)) an$ ta).e$ to *ritish7e %oth ha$ not $are$ to ta.e any e(tra &ro+e'ts- Com&u)sory 'ourses #ere a)rea$y too mu'h of a %ur$en- Risha%h ha$ ta.e u& a &ro+e't in a state of infant 1ea) that so often fi11)es out an$ #as suffering at the han$s of *rof- Si$hu #ho #as a thorough &rofessiona) an$ $i$nt to)erate an$ )a(ity- *ritish an$ I ma$e fun of his $eso)ate state #hen su$$en)y I hear$ Risha%h shout for meIt soun$e$ out of &)a'e- I thought may %e San$hu ha$ fina))y $e'i$e$ to strang)e my frien$s nee$ for )a'. of $is'i&)ine an$ he ha$ 'rie$ out for he)& %ut I sa# him #e)) outsi$e the &rofessors room %efore the $e&artment noti'e %oar$4Loo. 6 he sai$ staring grim)y at the %oar$4!ou .no# I $ont %other a%out noti'es ta).ing a%out $ea$)ines an$-6 4But $oesnt $ea) #ith that 6 he sai$ an$ I must say there #as a $istin't 'hi)) in his voi'e #hi'h ma$e me uneasyI #et ')oser to the noti'e %oar$ ha)f e(&e'ting to see #or$s #ritten in %o)$- It #as nothing of that sort- It #as a sim&)e &rintout on a &)ain %etter si1e$ &a&er-


"OTICE A By the or$er of ,ean U9
<- A)) stu$ents are here%y informe$ that they must &ro$u'e $o'umente$ &roof if they #ish e(em&tion from the

In$ustria) Tour- In 'ase of a marriage 'eremony the #e$$ing 'ar$ must %e &ro$u'e$ an$ )i.e#ise for other reasons2. The $o'uments must first %e su%mitte$ to the Tour 9ui$e *rofessor *-*- Si$hu #ho after his a&&rova) #i)) for#ar$ the a&&)i'ation to the ,ean U9 for his va)i$ation3. The )eave #i)) %e grante$ on)y for the $ays of 'eremonies an$ one $ay e(tra for trave)ing &ur&ose after #hi'h the stu$ent must re&ort to the tour- Un$er no 'ir'umstan'es the stu$ent #i)) %e a))o#e$ to miss the #ho)e tour- The tour is a &art of the 'urri'u)um an$ thus a &rere:uisite for the BTe'h- ,egree-

*rof- *-*- Si$hu A Tour Committee Hea$ an$ Tour 9ui$e *rof- *-3- ,hingra A ,ean Un$er 9ra$uate Stu$ents
4,amn the foo)s56 'ame a voi'e from some#here an$ I $is'overe$ that the s& #as a %oy stan$ing ne(t to me- I re'ogni1e him he #as my $e&artment-mate %ut one of those #ho sat in the first three ro#s an$ thus I ha$ not ha$ the o''asion to ho%no% #ith him %efore- One 'annot %e 'hummy #ith a)) the ')ass #hen it has a)most a hun$re$ &otentia) 'an$i$ates- 4,amn the foo)s56 he 'rie$ again 4,ont they have any 'ommon sense8 Ho# 'an one re&ort to the tour imme$iate)y after his sisters #e$$ing8 Insane- ,amn the foo)s56 He )oo.e$ at me an$ sai$ 4!ou )oo. horrifie$ too frien$ someone getting marrie$86 4!es 6 I sai$ $ee&)y sha.en %ut &resent)y re)ieve$ a )itt)e to fin$ a frien$ 42y %rother56 4Brothers are sti)) fine %rother- But sisters5 One has to $o so mu'h #or. in a sisters #e$$ing- There are en$)ess arrangements an$ then the sentimenta) &arting- Ho# 'an they su'h a foo)ish an$ 'a))ous noti'e86 4,ont .no# yaar56 I sai$ though I .ne# the ans#er4,amn the foo)s56 I #ith$re# from the ')uster that ha$ forme$ aroun$ the green noti'e %oar$- I #as gri&&e$ %y a strange fee)ing- I #as not $e&resse$- It #as a set%a'. no $ou%t- 2y sus&i'ion after a)) ha$ not %een %ase)ess- It ha$ %een vin$i'ate$ %y this noti'e- An$ that ma$e me a )itt)e ha&&y- I ha$ %een right- I ga1e$ at the noti'e again so sim&)e in its %)a'. in. %ut so sinister in its 'ontentThere it #as &inne$ inno'uous)y on the green %oar$ A my missing )in.- It 'om&)ete$ the &i'ture- It +ustifie$ the &rofessor vo)unteering himse)f for the tour- The noti'e #as not there for the

2e'hani'a) ,e&artment- It #as there for me- Just me- I .ne# others #ou)$ %e grante$ &ermission in the en$ %ut not meTo anyone e)se I guess it might have seeme$ the en$- But not to me- It #as not the en$ I to)$ myse)f %ut +ust the %eginning- Beginning of the %att)e %et#een men #ho ha$ a)) the &o#er an$ a %oy #ho ha$ nothing %ut the fire to $o anything anything to meet his )ove- There ha$ to %e a #ay out of it a)) as there a)#ays is %ut #here that #as the :uestionOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,eserving or not %eing .e&t asi$e if ever a historian #as as.e$ to &ut together a 'hroni')e of my )ife he #ou)$ +um& at the offer- >or se)$om $oes a )ife have its moments so $istinguishe$ an$ #orth re'or$ing- "ot a year has &asse$ sin'e my %irth that $oesnt stan$ for something s&e'ia)- Therefore mine #ou)$ ma.e a trim 'hroni')e #ith the year arrange$ neat)y on the )eft fo))o#e$ %y a hy&hen an$ then the misha&s )iste$ year %y year in the 'o)umn to the right an$ the historian #i)) fin$ at )east one satisfa'tory im%rog)io for ea'h year thus not fa'ing the &re$i'ament that the historians inevita%)y fa'e in &utting together anna)s )i.e these of resear'hing ma$)y on)y to $ra# a %)an.- To i))ustrate the sim&)i'ity of the tas. here it is %rief)y an$ a historian may %e a))o#e$ to use it/

<;EH A

Born ami$st utter 'onfusionG Lost in an o'ean of %a%ies in the hos&ita) %y a 'are)ess nurseG >ina))y i$entifie$G after referring to the re'or$sG He #as the on)y %oy %orn in that #ee.- The rest #ere a)) gir)s5 7hat 'om&any5 *he#5 S&ea.s his first #or$- "ot 'ommon B,ar)ing5 &sy'ho)ogists &ostu)ate #estern 'ontent on te)evision "everthe)ess they a$$ it sho#s %u$$ing Casanovafor a %a%y thoughthe over$ose of as the reasonear)y signs of a

<;E= A

<;EI A his first ste&sG #hen every%o$y ha$ given u& ho&eG sur&rise every%o$y %y stan$ing su$$en)y

#a).ing an$ attem&ting to 'ross the roa$ on his very first move- Ho# $aring5 But the attem&t is 'ut short %y a s&ee$ing 'ar #hi'h hits him0 he f)ies u& in the air )an$s on his hea$ %oun'es a 'ou&)e of times an$ 'omes to restG ,o'tors attri%ute menta) insta%i)ity to this very in'i$ent-

<;EN A

Sho#s ear)y &romise again this time of %e'oming a %o(erG 3no'.s his ')assmate $o#n after a fight over the o#nershi& of a &en'i)G Sus&en$e$ for fifteen $aysG *arents 'a)) the 9uinness Boo. of 7or)$ Re'or$sG But he misses the #or)$ re'or$ of the ear)iest sus&ension %y three $aysG Tragi'5 In$ia misse$ another #or)$ re'or$5

An$ so the 'hroni')e #i)) &ro'ee$ effort)ess)y to arrive at this year an$ go %eyon$ no $ou%t- !ou 'an gauge very #e)) from the ear)y years #hat a )ife it has %een5 Thus you)) e(&e't in me nerves of stee) an$ mus')es of iron an$ you)) not %e #rong eitherTherefore the &reset im%rog)io ho#ever $istressing 'ou)$ not sha.e me an$ I too. it as 'asua))y as +ust another entry in the 'hroni')e- Something ha$ to %e #ritten against this year an$ this #as it- The fa't that I ha$ sai)e$ through a)) the ear)ier &re$i'aments gave me immense re)ief an$ en'ouragement- The on)y thing that I sai$ to myse)f in the fo))o#ing $ays #as 4Thin. Te+as thin.56 I ha$ a &arti'u)ar)y favourite tea'her in high s'hoo)2rs- Bhatia a $e)ightfu) )a$y #ho sho#ere$ me #ith favours #ho ha$ this favourite )ine rea$y #henever #e fai)e$ to ans#er her :uestions 4*ut on your 'a&s 'hi)$ren56 7hether I foun$ my 'a& or not I #ou)$ 'ertain)y have ma$e Bhatia maam &rou$ for I $i$ arrive at a so)ution at a so)ution- I $e'i$e$ against mentioning a)) this to Shreya or e)se she$ te)) me again not to 'ome- But having 'ome so far I #as not going to retreat- )it a 'igarette an$ san. %a'. into his 'hair- Smo.e rings a&&eare$ out of his nose an$ mouth- He f)i'.e$ off ash an$ )oo.e$ at me $isa&&ointe$- Then he s&o.e/

4!ou have )et me $o#n %rotherG after a)) that I have $one for you56 E)$er %rother #as unha&&y that he ha$ %een .e&t in the $ar. an$ #as not a &art of the &)anning 'ommission- But to$ay I ha$ to te)) him as I nee$e$ his he)&- I honest)y 'onsi$ere$ him a goo$ frien$ %ut ha$nt to)$ him %e'ause there #as every 'han'e that he might %)a%%er something out #hi)e on $rin.s4!ou rea))y )ove her %ro56 he sai$ smi)ing4Leave a)) that yaar 6 I sai$ avoi$ing su'h remar.s as a ru)e4But you $oG so many ris.sG must say )istening to your ta)e I #ant to )ove someone too 6 he sai$ an$ #e #ere sur&rise$The tough Ba+rang #as ta).ing a%out )ove4SoG #hat $o you #ant me to $o %rother86 he sai$ ta&&ing at his 'igarette againI to)$ him the &)an- I nee$e$ a #e$$ing 'ar$ as the $o'umente$ &roof rea$ing BFineet #e$s *reeti or any other )a$y <Hth ,e'em%er #hi'h e('use$ me ti)) the <Ith after #hi'h I nee$e$ to ho& to the Inter-IIT s&orts meet- There #as nothing e)se that 'ou)$ am%ush me- An$ for that it rea$i)y avai)a%)e as the Haryana State Lottery ti'.ets an$ that too at the 'run'h0 un)ess of 'ourse you have as your guar$ian ange)4SoG it is im&erative that I go to Inter-IIT after marriage- Any team for me86 I as.e$ Ba+rang4Shot-&ut 6 he sai$ 'oo))y an$ there #as a funny si)en'e- Then Risha%h starte$ )aughing ')ut'hing this tummy an$ ) at me the su%+e't of the +o.e- I #eighe$ a mere si(ty .g4Shot-&ut86 I as.e$ un%e)ieving 4The game in #hi'h you have to thro# a %a)) #eighing a ton as far as &ossi%)e86 4!es 6 he sai$ 'oo))y again4,o you rea)i1e that the %a)) is heavier than me86 I as.e$ #ise)y4,ont you #orry a%out the te'hni'a) $etai)s56 4,o you rea)i1e that the authorities #ont a))o# you to ta.e a han$i'a&&e$ #ith you86 I trie$ to reason4,ont you #orry a%out the authorities56 4I $ont %e)ieve they #i)) a))o# him for shot-&ut 6 inter+e'te$ Risha%h4I $ont say things +ust )i.e that you %uffoons- 7hen I say he is in the team I mean he is in the team- "o one 'an thro# the &ut %etter than me- I 'an safe)y go a)one an$ they #i)) not 'om&)ainThey .no# that a)) the me$a)s #i)) %e ours- But ru)es say a five mem%er %atta)ion must %e sent an$ so it)) %e- Thus even if I ta.e

#ith me four &ara)yse$ 'ha&s it #ou)$nt ma.e a $ifferen'e,ont you #orry it)) a)) %e $one-6 Risha%h an$ I )oo.e$ at him ama1e$- A man of resour'e if ever there #as one- A gm of a frien$- Other &eo&)e #ou)$ have )aughe$ at me if ever they sa# me in the shot-&ut :uarters an$ mista.en me for the 'ha& #ho $ra#s the 'ha).-)ines- But here #as a man #ho sa# &otentia) in me a mere $u'.)ing- I #as not #ea. %ut 'ertain)y not strong enough for shot-&ut- On'e in s'hoo) $ays I ha$ trie$ my han$ at it this #ho)e %usiness of shot&utting an$ I ha$ &utte$ the shot #ith fu)) for'e an$ e(&e'te$ it to )an$ out of the s'hoo) %ut my e(&e'tations #ere short )ive$/ the &ut )an$e$ right on my foot- "ever in my )ife $i$ I try +ugg)ing #ith &uts again- The &)easant thought #as that of 'ourse that I #ont have to $o it this time- It #as a)) +ust a 'over u&4So ha&&y no#86 in:uire$ Ba+rang 4!ou atten$ the marriage an$ then ho& off straight to the s&orts meet- An$ the tour is .i))e$ nothing of it remains 6 an$ at that he 'hu'.)e$4There is sti)) a &ro%)em 6 I sai$ &ro)onging the grimness 4I havent yet to)$ you a%out the main 'ourse of &)an-6 47hat is it no# 6 %oth my frien$s as.e$ in unison- >or them the %att)e ha$ %een #on the enemy tram&)e$ an$ the f)ag unfur)e$ %ut I .ne# %etter- It #as a)right this #ho)e 'om%o &)an of #e$$ing an$ s&orts %rimming #ith masala an$ thri)) sti)) it )eft my enemy #ith &)enty of room- It foi)e$ the enemys 'urrent strategy %ut $i$nt e)iminate the enemy an$ I .ne# unti) that #as $one the %att)e #as not #on4*a&&i has to %e remove$ 6 I sai$ an$ a $eafening si)en'e ensure$- Both my frien$s )oo.e$ at ea'h other an$ then at me stu&efie$ #ith %u)ging eyes as if a $ragonf)y ha$ )an$e$ on my shou)$er #hi'h must %e s:uashe$ %ut #ith 'aution- I )oo.e$ over my shou)$er first right an$ then )eft- There #as nothing save my %)ue shirt4Come on my %rother it isnt that %ig a reason too to start removing &rofessors 6 re&)ie$ sho'.e$4But he has to %e remove$-6 4He has .i$s go$$amit56 'rie$ Risha%h47here $o the .i$s 'ome in no# 6 as.e$ inno'ent)y4!ou i$iot #ho)) ta.e 'are of them if he is remove$86 An$ then I fo))o#e$ their train of thought- In the grim aura that ha$ %een 'reate$ they ha$ starte$ to thin. )i.e mafia- One 'ou)$nt %)ame them4I meant remove$ from the &osition f Tour 9ui$e 6 I re&)ie$-

4Oh 6 sai$ an$ 4Oh 6 sai$ Risha%h4Ho# #i)) you $o that86 as.e$ %oth4He)) %e for'e$ not to 'ome-6 4Ho#86 4I)) ma.e him an offer he $oes not refuse-6 47hat offer86 4Bio%u))56 I starte$ an$ )aughe$ sinister)y- They %oth )oo.e$ at me an$ +oine$ in too- The )aughs $isso)ve$ in the grim si)en'e- I &i'.e$ u& my guitar an$ starte$ &)aying the immorta) tune of 9o$father- It fe)t ni'e to %e a%)e to &)ay #ith the moo$- The &rofessors ha$ $are$ to $is&)ease the 9o$father I to)$ myse)f an$ they must not %e s&are$OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



I #aite$ at the air&ort )ounge- I )eane$ against the %arriers an$ 'rane$ my ne'. to see if he #as there- A)) I sa# #as three %eautifu) gir)s0 &art of the Lufthansa 're# as #as #ritten on their %a$ges %ut there #as no sign of him yet- I te)) you it is most fas'inating &)a'e this air&ort )ounge- !ou get to see some stunning)y &retty gir)s an$ %esi$es it is a ni'e fee)ing #aiting .een)y for your near an$ $ear ones to emerge out of the 'ro#$,ont imagine too mu'h I #arn you a)) if you are sus&e'ting #hat I shou)$ %e $oing at an air&ort an$ #hom I shou)$ %e #aiting for- To $isa&&oint you a)) eager %eavers #hose min$s have %een 'orru&te$ %y an over$ose of thri))ers0 nothings fishy here- I #as +ust #aiting for Fineet my %rother #ho- I &romise$ you a)) has no sma)) ro)e in these memories- He is a rea) 'hum- I #as there to re'eive him at the air&ort in a%so)ute se're'y- It #as su&&ose$ to %e a sur&rise for the #ho)e fami)y his arriva) an$ on)y I #as )et in on the se'ret &art)y %e'ause #e t#o are rea))y ')ose %ut main)y %e'ause some%o$y nee$e$ to arrange a ta(i*resent)y I sa# his hea$ a&&ear his %o$y hi$$en %ehin$ t#o %eautifu) gir)s- I #as sure he #as fo))o#ing them- Some &eo&)e never 'hange- Then I sa# his ne'. emerge then the %e))y an$ I 'ou)$ see him #ho))y no# shoving his tro))ey as the t#o gir)s turne$ )eft- I 'ou)$ see a tint of $isa&&ointment in his fa'e- He ha$ gro#n a )itt)e fat-

4!ou sa# those t#o gir)s86 he as.e$ me his eyes o&ene$ #i$e"o hi no he))o5 4!aaaaa 6 I sai$4Stunners they #ere %)oo$y turne$ )eft56 he sai$ frustrate$ 4Any#ay #assu& %rother86 an$ #ith that hugge$ me4I am fine you say56 4I am 'oo) as usua) ho#s Shreya86 4>ine too56 I sai$4A)) #e))86 he as.e$47e)) ta). a%out that in the ta(i 6 I sai$ as I too. his tro))ey an$ $ire'te$ it to#ar$s the ta(i stan$- 7ith the )uggage shove$ in the $i'.y an$ %oth of us sett)e$ snug- I venture$ to e(&)ain to him the situation42y $earest res&e'te$ e)$er %rother 6 I %egan as #as my #ont #henever I #ante$ anything from him an$ he interru&te$ as #as his #ont un$erstan$ing that it #as in$ee$ something that his younger im& of a %rother #ante$ him to $o- An$ &ast e(&erien'es ha$ taught him to .ee& a mi)e from me #hen I #as in su'h a moo$4I have +ust )an$e$ %rother56 he sai$ giving me one of his )oo.s of sus&i'ion4I$ %e the first to #ish you rest %rother %ut I am afrai$ this thing nee$s to %e $one :ui'.)y or I)) %e $amne$ 6 I trie$ to e(&)ain to him the gravity of the situation4!ou)) never 'hange #i)) you8 I #as so ha&&yG )iving a )ife of ease an$ &ea'eG 'ontinents a#ay from youG an$ a minute #ith youG6 my %rother sai$ $reami)y4,ont %egin %rother it is +ust a tiny tas. an$ you are +ust the man for it- 7hat a $eu'e of a situation I #ou)$ %e in ha$ you not 'ome56 4I ho&e I ha$ not56 he sai$42ost $isgra'efu) of you to say that5 "o# )isten $ont ma.e a mountain out of a mo)ehi))- It is 'hi)$s &)ay this tas. yet it nee$s a man an$ so #e nee$ you-6 47hi'h man86 he as.e$ sus&i'ious)y4Oh I)) 'ome to that-6 4Te)) me a)) 6 he fina))y sai$ yie)$ingHe .ne# of 'ourse that I #as going to meet Shreya %ut nothing %eyon$ that- "othing a%out my tRte-S-tRtes #ith eminent &rofessors an$ a)) the &)anning $one thereafter- I narrate$ it a)) #ith the re:uire$ stresses an$ sa# the effe't I #ishe$ to see4,amne$ un)u'.y of you to )an$ yourse)f in su'h a sou& 6 he sai$ 'ommiserative)y-

4,ont 'a)) it a &etty sou& %rother 'a)) it an o'eanG an o'ean fu)) of a))igators 6 I 'orre'te$ him47hateverG %ut this time I have so a$mit that it is not your fau)t!ou havent hit your foot #ith an a(e an$ my heart goes out for you56 6!ou have heart of go)$ %rother- T#enty four 'arat if there is no 'arat a%ove it- He)& me you are the on)y one #ho 'ant I )oo.e$ at him #ith me)an'ho)i' eyes an$ he me)te$4A)right #hat is it86 47e have to remove the &rofessor-6 4Hmm #e)) thought %ut ho# $o you go a%out it86 4I $ont go a%out it %ig %rother0 it is you #ho go a%out it56 4Oh56 4!es56 6Ho#86 he as.e$ nervous )i.e a man a%out to +um& in an o'ean of a))igators to save a $ro#ning frien$4The &rofessor is he)) %ent on going on the tour an$ theres +ust one thing that 'an &revent him-6 47hat86 he as.e$ #ith an air of a man a%out to %e to)$ the $ar.est of se'rets not sure if his heart #ou)$ 'o&e #ith it4Bio%u)) 6 I sai$ #ith an air of a man te))ing that se'ret4Bio%u))86 he as.e$ not .no#ing #hat $o #ith itAn$ &rofessor runs on a Bio%u)) A &rofessor I hastene$ to ')ear the ha1e- Bio%u)) A the &ri$e of the the %us that #i)) ro'. the #or)$G Bio%u)) A the %us that gas ma$e from human #astes an$ gives an average of--the &rofessors $reamG Bio%u)) A the thing that the #i)) $o anything for5

I gave my %rother a)) the $efinitions that the )e(i'ons #ou)$ su&&)y in the 'enturies to 'ome4Bio%u)) 6 he sai$ #ith a sigh as if it #as his )overs name4!es Bio%u)) 6 I asserte$ again 4Bio%u)) the future of )o'omotion56 4Bio%u)) 6 he re&eate$ not a%)e to get over the re&u)sive #or$ 47hat a frightfu) name56 4I .no# %ut thats #hat it is Bio%u)) an$ #e nee$nt #orry a%out it- A)) #e shou)$ #orry a%out isG #hat a)) 'an %e $one #ith the Bio%u))56 47hat a))86 as.e$ my %rother inno'ent)y4!ou shou)$ as. #hat 'annot %e $one #ith the Bio%u))- 7e 'an have an a)ternate fue) #e 'an save the humanity 'ounter g)o%a) #arming #e may never have to #orry a%out saving &o#er0 a))

that)) %e re:uire$ from us is #hat #e &resent)y $o shit5 An$ the rest #i)) %e $one %y the Bio%u))- Imagine serving the #or)$ %y sitting on the &otty- !ou$ %e a mi))ionaire %rother #ith your 'urrent e('reting a%i)ities 6 he eye$ me0 %ut I resume$ 47hat 'ant the Bio%u)) $o %rother5 It 'an %ring a%out a revo)ution an$ more im&ortant)y for us %rother it 'an &revent *a&&i from on the tour56 4Ho#86 he as.e$ again &i:ue$ to the e(treme after )istening to su'h $rive)4Ah 6 I sai$ 4!our fo'us im&resses me never the one to stray heres ho#5 !ou +ust nee$ to go to him an$ te)) him that you are an "RI entre&reneur #ho is intereste$ in &utting a)) his )ifes savings #hi'h in'i$enta))y run into mi))ions into this go)$ mine of a &ro+e't the famous Bio%u))5 An$ that you$ %e 'oming to In$ia again in ,e'em%er ,e'em%er <Pth to %e &re'ise an$ #i)) %e here ti)) the DCth0 those are the in$ustria) tour $ates0 an$ thus %oth of you 'an #or. together $uring that &erio$- If he as.s you #hether you 'an meet him some other time give him a f)at no for an ans#er- Convin'e him to meet you in ,e'em%er- This for you 2rCEO #i)) %e ni'e e(&erien'e 'onsi$ering you inten$ to $o su'h i$ioti' things for the rest of your )ife- Thus he #i)) %e &revente$ from going to *une5 He #ont ris. )osing out on su'h su&&ort for his $ream &ro+e't5 Isnt it a &ea'h of an i$ea86 I must say that I #ishe$ to see in my $earest %rothers eyes a s&ar. a re)ief that the #or)$ after a)) #asnt a %oring &)a'e an$ it sti)) offere$ us a)%eit o''asiona))y moments #orth remem%ering- I as&ire$ to see the 1ea) of his younger $ays those #on$erfu) $ays #hen #e #ent from &)a'e to &)a'e shattering many a #in$o#&ane an$ )am&sha$e- Ho#ever I #as shattere$ to see his eyes- In &)a'e of g)int there #as g)oom- His )oo. #as of a man #ho ha$ fina))y $e'i$e$ that it #asnt #ise to +um& in the a))igator-o'ean- Tou'he$ he #as to see his frien$ $ro#n %ut 'ou)$ not ris. a))igators4Sorry %rother 6 he sai$ &)aintive)y 4I 'annot $o that-6 47hy86 I as.e$4I #ont a$vise that %rother I $ont #ant you to get into any trou%)e- I te)) you these &rofessors are mer'i)ess- They #i)) ruin you if they fin$ out-6 4Ho# the he)) #i)) he fin$ out8 It is &erfe't my frien$ this &)an an$ you are the man for the +o%-6 4!ou a)#ays say so %rother56

4An$ I am right am I not86 4"ot a)#ays56 4A)#ays 6 I asserte$4Remem%erG #hen in ')ass si( your father #as summone$ %y your mora) s'ien'e tea'her to 'om&)ain to him that you ha$ hit her #ith a &ie'e of 'ha).G6 4I ha$ not hit her #ith any 'ha).- She ha$ hit the 'ha). instea$- I ha$ mere)y thro#n it in the air it #as a %)oo$y 'oin'i$en'e that she a&&eare$ out of no#here an$ 'o))i$e$ #ith the missi)e- 2ost unfortunate that #as-6 I 'orre'te$ him again47hatever %ut chacha #as summone$ an$ you $i$ the same then #hat you inten$ to $o no#56 4Come on not that %rother56 47hy not8 It is e(a't)y the same- !ou ma$e me a&&ear %efore that %rute of a )a$y as your $a$ an$ it #as a)) a $u$- She sa# through it a)) an$ in three se'on$sG6 4She ha$ to see through it a)) %rother5 Ho# on earth #as she to %e)ieve you are my father8 !ou are har$)y four years o)$er to me an$ I remem%er your front t#o teeth #ere missing then- It #as an error %rother an$ I a$mit it5 Ingenious though the &)an #as of re&)a'ing my $a$ it #as a)so immature- It ha$ a fun$amenta) f)a#- I 'hose the #rong man for the +o%- But then I ha$ no o&tion then %rother- "o# I am in thir$ year of 'o))ege- I have gro#n u& an$ there is maturity in my &)ans5 !ou shou)$ %e &rou$ of me an$ )oo. at you you shu$$er )i.e a ra%%it5 7hatever ha&&ene$ to the s&irit of "aru)as86 I as.e$ a&&ea)ing to his se)f &ri$e42y on)y 'on'ern %rother is that it shou)$nt harm your 'areer in any #ay56 4It #i)) not $ont you see the ingenuity of the &)an86 4Brother I see it %ut I see the ris. too0 #e shou)$nt $o it56 4>ine )et your %rother $ro#n 6 I sai$4It is not that %rother-6 4I .no# it is not that it is mu'h more than that- I see my %rother of the yon$er years one #hose eyes shone at the hint of mis'hief is $ea$ 6 I %egan my emotiona) %)a'.mai)4"ot the 'ase 6 he #ave$ it off4Thats the 'ase- !ou are a 'o#ar$ no# #ith no sense of a$venture-6 4That #ont #or. %rother-6 4*)ease %rother &)ease 6 I &)ea$e$ 4Just on'eG remem%er our $ays of g)ory- 7hen #e #a).e$ arm in arm shattering #in$o#s f)o#er&otsG #hatever that 'ame in our #ay- Just on'eG )et us re)ive them %rotherG you 'ome here on)y on'e a year5 An$ I miss a)) our a$ventures 6 I sai$- I meant that- 4I miss a)) the time #e

s&ent together- I miss you man 6 I %e))o#e$- I 'ou)$ see his eyes get $reamy an$ misty- After a)) ho# 'ou)$ he forget them8 4Remem%er those go)$en $ays %rother- The teasing of gir)s the sho&)ifting the #ay #e use$ to run a#ay after ringing $oor%e))s an$ the five-star in'i$ent #hen #e $emo)ishe$ thatG #hats his nameG6 49o%ar$han56 my %rother re&)ie$ eager)y ')ear)y trans&orte$ to the era gone %y4Remem%er that )i1ar$ you f)ung on that rat of a gir) BHeee is myyy HUSBA",5 Remem%er %rother8 Ho# 'an you forget a)) that8 7heres that s&irit86 He 'ame ')oser to me an$ &ut his arm aroun$ me4I 'ant forget %rother I 'ant- I miss those $ays too $amn it I miss those $ays too- An$ here your &)an is a goo$ one an$ +ust the one for a sou) )i.e me- Remin$s me of our favourite >atty of Eni$ B)yton the one #ho use$ to $isguise im&ersonate an$ #hat notG6 4An$ you are fat56 He gave me one of his )oo.s an$ then )aughe$4An$ I am fat- I #anna $o it %ut are you sure its safe8 I$ )ove to he)& you an$ Shreya- But it shou)$ %e safeG6 4Have you )ost your famous vision %rother8 !ou shou)$ have ana)yse$ the situation yourse)f an$ $e')are$ it as safe as a S#iss %an. )o'.er- !ou )et me $o#n- !ou #ant me to e(&)ain a)) to youS&oon-fee$ing thats the &hrase- I see a)) these years out of In$ia have ta.en a to)) on you an$ a)) that astuteness of yours has ero$e$- But this &)an #i)) rea'tivate it a)) %rother- It)) %e an e)i(ir for you-6 4>ine I)) $o it0 after a)) the &rofessor $oesnt .no# I am re)ate$ to youG6 4!ou are the man for the +o%- !ou fit )i.e T into the image one nee$s- It is )i.e this ro)e #as #ritten for you %rother- !ou $ont )oo. )i.e my father sti)) %ut you )oo. )i.e a young 'or&orate investor one of those #ho ma.e mi))ions %efore they are thirsty56 I sa# him $ream again 4I 'an see you #ra&&e$ im&e''a%)y in a tu(e$o an$ %oy $ont you mean %usiness5 42a.e that a %)a'. tu(56 he a$$e$4*erfe't the man in the %)a'. tu( ste&&ing out of his %)a'. Jaguar #ith his %)a'. %rief'ase going to the &rofessor an$ te))ing him BI #ant to invest a fe# mi))ions in your %us- Isnt it 'hi'86 4I #ish he #as %ui)$ing a +et-6 4One 'annot have it a)) %rother %us it is for no#-6 I a$$e$ #ith em&athy47hen $o I meet my ')ient86 he as.e$-

4Tomorro# after #e $is'uss at night #hat a)) you have to te)) him you are the man %rother- An$ the %est thing is that you have $one your 'ourses in entre&reneurshi&- !ou .no# a)) that 'ra& a%out venture 'a&ita) ange) 'a&ita)G6 4,ont #orry a%out a)) that %rother it)) %e $one-6 4I .ne# you #ou)$ $o it- Than.s-6 42ention not 6 he sai$ an$ #ith that I s)i&&e$ in his han$ his ne# visiting 'ar$B*rashant O%eroi it announ'e$ in im&e''a%)e %)a'. over a smooth #hite BFenture Ca&ita)ist 2a.e 2i))ions Ba.e Bi))ions In'- Austin Te(as- I ha$ or$ere$ ten of those a 'ou&)e of $ays %a'. an$ it ha$ 'ost me +ust hun$re$ ru&ees- A man in %)a'. tu( %)a'. Jaguar #ith a %)a'. %rief'ase #as $efinite)y not 'om&)ete #ithout those- 2y %rother )oo.e$ at it fe)t it an$ f)ashe$ a smi)e of #e)) $one5 I #aite$ for him at the Ho)isti' >oo$ Centre a)ong #ith *ritish an$ Risha%h- He ha$ ta.en a )ong time- I #as nervous7hat if he 'ou)$nt &u)) it through5 It #as a #inner the i$ea yet the #ay 2r- >ate ha$ ta.en a $is)i.e to me )atter)y anything 'ou)$ %e e(&e'te$ to ha&&en- *resent)y he 'a))e$ on my 'e))0 I nervous)y &resse$ the %utton to re'eive his 'a)) &raying si)ent)y that a)) #as #e))4Hu))o 6 Fineet sai$4Hu))o #hat ha&&ene$86 sai$ my voi'e sha.ing4Come out of the 'am&us to Barista no#56 47hat are you $oing there86 47i)) you 'ome86 4But te)) me #hat ha&&ene$ or my heart #i)) fa))-6 4Its a )ong story-6 4A)right #i)) %e there in five minutes-6 He #as a'ting )i.e a %rute- *ro)onging the agony an$ me miss ')asses- A)) a)ong the #ay I &raye$ for his vi'tory over *a&&i- I 'ou)$ see his 'o)ossa) figure through the g)ass- He #as $resse$ in a forma) shirt an$ trousers- He si&&e$ 'o)$ 'offee an$ eye$ a gir) as usua)- 7e entere$ too. our 'hairs an$ I ho&e$ the intro$u'tions #ou)$ %e short an$ s#eet- But my %rother has no sense of timing- There I #as un$er su'h enormous strain an$ he ta).e$ a%out gir)s- It is a)) very #e)) to ta). a%out gir)s &)easure a)#ays %ut there are times on #ishes to ta). %usiness-

4Isnt she hot86 he sai$ ro))ing his eyes in the $ire'tion of a &retty )ass47i)) you te)) me #hat ha&&ene$86 I as.e$ trying to %e 'oo)4She has %een ) at me for so )ong 6 he 'hu'.)e$4She has to )oo. for so )ong0 it $oes )i.e ta.e an hour or t#o )oo. at you fu))y from the right en$ to the )eft5 !ou fat ras'a)- Creating unne'essary sus&ense- Ca))ing us a)) the #ay to Barista5 7i)) you te)) me #hat ha&&ene$86 I sai$ this time %ringing my fist u&on the ta%)eHea$s turne$ an$ so $i$ the hea$ of the gir) #ho #as Beyeing my %rother- She #as &retty4!ou 'a)) me ras'a)8 I am not $e)aying you .nu'.)ehea$5 I 'a))e$ you here %e'ause it #as not safe to meet insi$e the 'am&us0 your *rof- *a&&i #a).e$ #ith me to that foo$ 'entre #here you #ante$ to meet me- It #ou)$ have %een 'ata')ysmi' ha$ he seen us5 !ou are a 'om&)ete +a'.ass56 4But &)ease te)) me #hat ha&&ene$0 I 'ant ta.e any more %rother56 4He isnt going to the In$ustria) TourG6 4!ou $i$ it %rother86 4"o you $ont un$erstan$ he #asnt anyho# going on the tourG6 47hat86 4!ou are save$G6 4Ho# $o you .no#86 4Be'ause he refuse$ outright to meet me in ,e'em%er an$ I sa# our &)an fai)ingG6 4Then8 ,i$nt you enti'e him #ith the t#o mi))ion $o))ars investment86 4,i$nt #or.G6 4A &ro$u'tion 'a&a'ity of hun$re$ %uses a $ay86 4,i$nt #or.G6 4Se))ing the te'hno)ogy to the US an$ EU86 4,i$nt #or.G6 4That it #ou)$ %e In$ias %iggest a'hievement sin'e the $is'overy of 1ero86 4A 1ero effe'tG6 4That s'ientists from 9ermany an$ Ja&an #ere on the same )ines an$ their &atents must %e %eatenG6 4"othing #or.e$G6 47hat is he $oing ion ,e'em%er86

4Turns out his &artners $aughter is getting marrie$ in ,e'em%erHe got to .no# a%out the $ates on)y no#G6 4His &artner86 4!es his &artner on the Bio%u)) &ro+e'tG6 4Thats greatG6 47aitG6 47hat no#86 4!ou)) faint #hen I te)) you #here he is hea$e$ toG6 47here86 I as.e$ :ui'.)y %efore my min$ 'ou)$ run amo.4ChennaiG6 he sai$ an$ I fainte$But I #asnt a))o#e$ to en+oy my un'ons'iousness- 2y mo%i)e ho#)e$- I ')umsi)y too. it out of my +eans &o'.et- It #as Ba+rangs 'a))- I #on$ere$ #hy he 'a))e$G &erha&s a%out the shot-&ut training5 4Hu))o Te+as86 4!es say %rother56 4Ba$ ne#s yaar56 47hat86 4The #e$$ing 'ar$ 'ant %e &rinte$56 47hy86 4It is $amn e(&ensive-6 4Ho# mu'h86 42inimum t#o thousan$ ru&ees56 4I +ust #ant one yaar I hear$ it 'osts a%out fifteen a 'ar$56 4!es %ut the tem&)ate of the 'ar$ 'osts t#o thousan$5 They $ont 'are if you #ant one 'ar$ or a mi))ion0 they ta.e se&arate money for the tem&)ate formation56 4O.ay56 I sai$ $e+e'te$4,ont #orry man #e)) fin$ a #ay an$ then you are on the team- ,ont #orry56 4!es than.s %ye56 4Bye56 Bra'e yourse)f for )ife I often say for nothing is more un&re$i'ta%)e- Ho#ever I 'ou)$nt he)& %ut $roo& )i.e a #ithere$ f)o#er after the t#in sho'.- "e#s of the #e$$ing 'ar$ #as no $ou%t unfortunate %ut one $i$nt .no# #hat to $o #ith *a&&is ne#s47hat ha&&ene$86 #as the natura) :uestion that 'ame from a)) 'ornersAn$ I to)$ them- O%vious)y I 'ou)$nt 'hurn out a &rin'e)y sum of t#o thousan$ ru&ees for one 'ar$- I #ishe$ I #as one of

those s&oi)t sons of a ri'h mi))ionaire #ho thre# money as if $ea)ing 'ar$s- A)rea$y I +ust a%out manage$ to ma.e %oth en$s meet #ith my a))o#an'e an$ then there #as the forth'oming tri& an$ itse)f #here money #ou)$ %e nee$e$ for )oa$ing an$ foo$ an$ rega)ing her highness- 2y %rother as I ha$ foreseen &ut his arm aroun$ me an$ sai$ 4I)) give you t#o thousan$ %u'.s $ont #orry-6 4Shut u&56 4If that smoothens out things #hy not8 After a)) it s har$)y fifty $o))ars56 he sai$ after his %rief 'a)'u)ationI to)$ him to shut u& on'e again- 2oney #asnt the so)ution4Hey )isten 6 Risha%h sai$ 4"o#G *a&&i &ersona))y gave &ermission to your fatherG that you may s.i& the In$ustria) TourHe $oesnt thin. that you are %)uffingG soG I $ont thin. a #e$$ing 'ar$ is ne'essary- After that you go to Inter-IIT0 #hi'h is #ithin ru)esG I thin. you 'an ta.e a 'han'e %y s.i&&ing the In$ustria) Tour #ithout any forma) #ritten &ermission-6 *ritish 'on'urre$- 2y %rother &)aye$ #ith his hairs- I thought4But there mi&ht %e a &ro%)em an$ then if %y 'han'e my fami)y is 'onta'te$ %y these &rofessors I)) %e $ea$- !ou see I 'ant a)#ays inter'e&t 'a))s 6 I sai$4As far as everything is $one #ithin the ru)es there is no &ro%)em 6 'ontra$i'te$ my %rother 4But there is the 'han'e that &rofessors might 'ause a &ro%)em if you $ont sho# the 'ar$ an$ $e'i$e to s.i& the entire tour- I meanG the #ay you have to)$ me their $is)i.e for youG An$ they are ma$ after %eing $ren'he$ in so$aG 2ost insu)ting5 So you shou)$nt ta.e any more )i%erties #ith these &rofessors- Thin. of something #ithin the ru)es 6 he a$$e$ #ise)y4An$ this In$ustria) Tour is a $egree re:uirement- If they $e'i$e to go to the e(tremes *a&&i an$ the ,ean they may inva)i$ate your tour thus e(ten$ing your $egree5 An$ they are &retty hot #ith you 6 'ommente$ *ritishThat hit me har$- ,egree e(tension5 It #as a thing that shou)$ I not %e mentione$ +ust )i.e Fo)$emorts name in *otter %oo.s as it has the same horror atta'he$ to it- *resent)y an ug)y s'ene 'on+ure$ u in my min$- I #as #ishing my frien$s ')a$ smart)y in %)a'. gra$uation ro%es #ith a #ry som%er smi)e #earing torn an$ tattere$ ')othes myse)f- There #as *ritish smi)ing an$ saying 4,ont #orry- !ou)) get it too someday56 an$ 3hos)a saying #ith his hea$ s#aying 4I to)$ you to men$ your #ays-6 *eo&)e turne$ u& their noses at my sight an$ ta).e$ among ea'h other 4He is the one5 He %rought shame to his fami)y-

,isgra'efu)5 S&oi)t his &arents )ife for a gir)5 Better not have a son at a))56 an$ this s'ene too. a heavy to)) on me5 I $ran. t#o g)asses of #ater an$ then %e'ame a#are of the 'onversation going on47hy $ont you go on the tour an$ )eave for the Inter-IIT s&orts meet on <=th an$ then %e #ith Shreya86 Risha%h as.e$4Ho# many times have I to)$ you I #ant at )east ten $ays there5 SeeG she is a gir) an$ may not %e a%)e to meet me every $ay an$ if that ha&&ens I #ou)$ har$)y %e a%)e to meet her- I am not going to re$u'e the )ength of the tri&5 "o #ay5 There must %e a #ay56 I sai$4There is 6 sai$ *ritish #ho #as staring at the 'ei)ing %)an.)y4Atten$ the tour #ith us56 4Ho# is that a #ay8 I to)$ you I am not #asting any $ays56 4!ou #ont56 4Ho# the he))86 4Brea. your )egs56 4Brea. my )eg86 4!es %rea. it- Rea'h *une #ith us an$ %rea. it5 Then o%vious)y you #ont %e in a &osition to a''om&any us on our In$ustria) visitsG The $o'tor #ou)$ have strong)y a$vise$ fifteen $ays stri't %e$ rest5 If you get u& you may ris. )osing your )egs forever- Thus you must rest an$ not move aroun$ 6 he sai$49enius56 I remar.e$ 6 An$ the %est &art is that *a&&i #i)) not %e #ith us- I #ish he #as not even in Chennai %ut I $ont thin. theres any 'han'e of us %um&ing into ea'h other- "o# 3hos)a #i)) have to 'hoose the &rofessor #ho goes #ith us an$ #e)) he)& him to $e'i$e- 7e)) 'hoose the .in$est of &rofessors #ho #ou)$ not see anything fishy an$ a))o# me my s#eet $eserving rest- An$ then I)) snea. off to Chennai56 6But ho# #i)) you go to Chennai #ith a %ro.en )eg you moron86 as.e$ Risha%hI 'ou)$ on)y smi)e at that- I sa# that *ritish #as smi)ing too so #as my %rother an$ s)o# that he might %e my frien$ is 'ertain)y not $im an$ eventua))y he smi)e$ too an$ remar.e$ %efore any other 'ou)$4Of 'ourse you $o not nee$ to %rea. your )eg56 The #inter sun shone outsi$e an$ my )ife #as trou%)e free on'e again- I 'ou)$ see Shreya ')earer than ever #aiting for me %y the sea si$e- 2y han$s automati'a))y starte$ &)aying %ongo on the ta%)e an$ a song 'ame to my )i&s A Louis Armstrongs B7hat a #on$erfu) #or)$5 * see skies of blue;..clouds of while,

)ri&ht blessed days;.dark sacred ni&hts, 'nd * think to myself;..what a wonderful world4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




The $ays #ere getting 'o)$er an$ 'o)$er as #e move$ ')oser an$ ')oser to#ar$s #hat &romise$ to %e a 'hi))y ,e'em%erJum&ers an$ +a'.ets #ere out an$ it ha$ +ust gotten 'o)$ enough to a))o# me the &)easure of %reathing out #hi)e frost in the morning- The fina) semester e(ams #ere &eri)ous)y ')ose an$ most of the stu$ents ha$ got $o#n to serious stu$ying- The 2a+or Tests as they are 'a))e$ #ere to 'ommen'e from the thir$ of ,e'em%er an$ go on ti)) the eighth- I ha$ 'a)'u)ate$ that I 'ou)$ not affor$ to give )ess than five $ays for &re&aration- It #as the )ast #ee. of "ovem%er a)rea$y an$ the $ate #hen I #as to resume my roman'e #ith stu$ies #as :ui'.)y a&&roa'hing- I ha$ to #or. for )ong hours on my &ro+e't too that enigmati' 'y)in$er an$ *rofessor *-*- #as .ee&ing a ')ose eye on its $eve)o&mentThe &rofessors ha$ 'a)me$ $o#n a %it after #at'hing me s#eat ?on)y if one 'an in #inters@ in the #or.sho&- The 'y)in$er #as sha&ing out a)most satisfa'tori)y- It #as offi'ia) no# that the reveren$ &rofessor #as not a''om&anying the stu$ents on the tour- 2y frien$s #ere a)so %usy in &utting finishing tou'hes to their &ro+e'ts an$ &oring over the $ee& %oo.s- An$ #e)) I #as %usier than ever in &utting the finishing tou'hes to my &)an an$ of 'ourse $ea)ing #ith the 'y)in$er- Life #as trave)ing at a &a'e>e# $ays #ere )eft an$ there #as mu'h to $o sti))- That the &)an #as 'hange$ at su'h a )ate stage $i$ not he)& either- The )ast minute e(igen'ies manifeste$ themse)ves mu'h )i.e a f)oo$- The ne# &rofessor ha$ to %e 'hosen a &)an ha$ to %e ma$e to B%rea. my foot an$ #ou)$ you %e)ieve I sti)) ha$nt arrange$ for my a''ommo$ation in Chennai5 I $e'i$e$ that this &ro%)em nee$e$ to %e $ea)t #ith first- I ha$ a)#ays %een &reo''u&ie$ in &)anning ho# to rea'h Chennai- 7here to )ive an$ ho# to #ere :uestions

that 'ame #ay $o#n in the &riority )ist an$ right)y so- But no# the matter 'ou)$ not %e $e)aye$I ha$ a frien$ stu$ying in IIT 2a$ras- "itin an$ I ha$ %een 'oa'he$ for the IIT entran'e %y an a't of &rovi$en'e or of 2r>ate as I no# sa# %y the same institute an$ ha$ %e'ome frien$sThough #e ha$nt ta).e$ for )ong I ha$ a fee)ing that he #ou)$ he)& me- I ha$ #ritten to him that there #as something im&ortant that nee$e$ to %e $is'usse$- His re&)y #as a 'urious one- He to)$ me to 'e)) him right a#ay an$ I $i$ +ust that- 7e ta).e$ +ust as )ong )ost frien$s $o #hen he 'ame to the nu%4So #hat is the &ro%)em Te+as he sai$ e('ite$)y4I fee) %a$G !ou)) say this guy on)y remem%ere$ me #hen he #as in trou%)e- "o &hone nothing ear)ier an$ #hen he nee$s me he 'a))s me86 4Come on Te+as 6 he a$$e$ sar'asti'a))y 4Ho# 'an you forget me8 I .no# you never s)ee& #ithout my name86 I )aughe$ an$ he )aughe$ too- Then he sai$ 4Chun. these forma)ities man5 Say #hat ha&&ene$86 4See I)) %e in Chennai from the <Dth on the DDn$-6 49reat for the s&orts meet86 4"o yaar56 4Ta.en any &ro+e't8 ,ont $o that yaar0 en+oy in ,e)hi you)) $ie here it is hot56 4"o noG I havent 'hange$ a %it from the goo$ o)$ $ays- "o &ro+e'ts for me56 49oo$5 Then86 4Ho# $o I say86 I fe)t shy te))ing these things- But I ha$ to- So I shot an$ :ui'.)y to s&are the %)ushes an$ to)$ him a%out her her $a$ an$ our &ro%)ems- 4I have to 'ome to Chennai or e)se I)) $ie56 I summari1e$ the situation for himHe too. his o#n s#eet time to gu)& a)) that- Then he sai$ 4Love)y %eautifu)56 4,ont ma.e fun yaar- I am serious0 it is )itt)e $iffi'u)t to stay a&art56 He )aughe$ as if he un$erstoo$ everything an$ then re&)ie$ 4I am not fun yaar an$ I .no# ho# har$ it is5 2y gir)frien$s in ,e)hi56 2r- >ate I $ont .no# #hy &)ays su'h strange games #ith us- I mean ho# &re&osterous the #ho)e thing #as5 It #as an error a gross error on his &art- One 'an on)y )augh at su'h anoma)iesEverything 'ou)$ have %een &erfe't if #e ha$ s#a&&e$ our &ositions me an$ my frien$- But 2r- >ate ha$ to intervene an$

&)ay his 'rue) games for &)easure- He ha$ to sho# his mightE(treme)y sa$ist this a&&roa'h I te)) you- After #e %oth ha$ %)ame$ this %a))y thing 'a))e$ fate an$ a)) a$+e'tive ha$ %een e(hauste$ #e resume$ our 'hat4So no# I have to he)& you my frien$0 it is a matter of )ove an$ #ho 'an un$erstan$ it %etter than one #ho himse)f is in its ')ut'hes 6 he sai$ un$erstan$ing my &ain an$ )onging )i.e on)y a fe))o# )over 'an4E(a't)y 6 I sai$4!ou rea))y )ove her56 he remar.e$ after a %rief &ause4Hmmm you 'an say 6 I sai$ shy)y- I )ove$ her ma$)y- I 'ou)$ $o anything for her4Heartening to see true )ove in these times5 It is guys )i.e you #ho restore faith in )ove in this other#ise materia)isti' #or)$5 ,ont #orry frien$ I am here in Chennai ti)) the DC th for my &ro+e't- An$ you are going to stay in my room56 4I ho&e that is not a &ro%)em56 I a$$e$4To)$ you man no forma)ities #ith me I ho&e you $ont have a &ro%)em in sharing the room #ith me56 4"o #ay +ust ensure #e have se&arate %e$s 6 I sai$ )aughing an$ he )aughe$ too4"o# $ont #orry a%out anything an$ 'ome $o#n here56 4Than.s yaar you are 9o$s messiah5 Just &ray everything goes fine56 4It #i)) %e fine $ont #orry- Even 9o$ a&&re'iates ho# mu'h you )ove her5 So $ont #orry he)) &ut everything in &)a'e56 4Than.s yaar56 4Best of )u'. see you soon56 4Bye56 6Bye56 He #as rea))y a ni'e 'ha& %a'. then I ref)e'te$ an$ he ha$nt 'hange$- I 'ou)$ never than. him enough for he)&ing me- Or for that matter anyone #ho ha$ he)&e$ me in my en$eavour-

4This is the man I #ant56 I %urst out on seeing his &hoto on the 'om&uter 4His fa'e #as one of the most amia%)e ones- He smi)e$ out of his &hotogra&h harm)ess)y an$ gave an im&ression of a man #ho$ have nothing to $o #ith 'anes an$ 'u$ge)s4He is the same man 6 I e('ite$)y remar.e$ remem%ering an o)$ in'i$ent 4He is the man #ho save$ the )ife of a young .itten56 47hat86 as.e$ my frien$s Risha%h an$ 3hos)a 'onfoun$e$-

4!es you shou)$ have seen him ma.e a $ash for it86 4,ash for #hat86 4The .itten56 47here86 4On the roa$56 47hat #as the .itten $oing on the roa$86 4I $ont .no#- Immateria)- But a 'ar #as s&ee$ing an$ our .itten #as in the mi$$)e of the roa$ sure to %e tram&)e$ %y it-6 47hy $i$ the .itten not run86 4I $ont .no# you i$iots an$ %esi$es it is immateria)56 4Then #hat ha&&ene$86 4Our man ha&&ene$ to &ass %y sa# the young 'at in $anger imme$iate)y $ive$ gra%%e$ it an$ ro))e$ off to the other en$ of the roa$ +ust )i.e they sho# in movies56 47o#5 He is a hero56 remar.e$ 3hos)a4That I $ont .no# a)) I .no# is that he is a gent)e sou) an$ &erfe't to a't as our gui$e on the tour- An$ a$$ to my .no#)e$ge of this man your &ie'e of information an$ he is the man #e #ant56 3hos)a #as sho#ing us the &hotos an$ &rofi)es of the &rofessors on the 'o))ege #e%site for se)e'tion of the Tour 9ui$eI ha$ to)$ him to $o resear'h an$ fin$ out the 'oo)est of &rofessors- He ha$ foun$ three- The first t#o sti)) ha$ mean fa'es an$ %esi$es they ha$ never save$ the )ife of a .itten at )east not to my .no#)e$ge- 3hos)a ha$ a$$e$ this 'a&tion to our mans &hoto/ He ha$ +oine$ on)y a year %a'. an$ thus #as not mu'h a#are of ru)es an$ regu)ations at IIT- Re)ia%)e sour'es sai$ that on'e a %oy hit him #ith a 'ha). on his nose0 he $i$nt re%u.e him at a)) an$ instea$ gave him a $is'ourse on non-vio)en'e- A$$ to this the .itten saving in'i$ent an$ his frien$)y fa'e an$ you ha$ +ust the man you #ere ) for A one #ho #ou)$ )oo. ten$er)y at a %oy #ith %ro.en foot may %e she$ a tear &at him )oving)y an$ or$er him to rest for a month2r- Uttam Trive$i #as our man-

BUttam Trive$i announ'e$ the $oor-&)a'e in %)a'. on go)$ BAsst- *rofessor- I .no'.e$ at the $oor- 4Come in 6 'ame the 'a)) an$ in #ent me an$ 3hos)a- I must say &hotogra&hs )ie a )ot %ut not this mans- in fa't it ha$ un$erstan$ the amia%i)ity of the

fa'e- The man even #ith his mousta'he )oo.e$ the most harm)ess I ha$ seen- I ho&e$ he$ &rove to %e as frien$)y an$ remem%ere$ the a$age a%out a&&earan'es %eing $e'e&tive4!es86 he sai$ 'or$ia))y4Sir 6 sai$ 3hos)a 4I am Anan$ the C)ass Re&resentative of the In$ustria) an$ *ro$u'tion ,e&artmentG6 an$ after te))ing him a%out the tour he as.e$ 4I$ )i.e to .no# if you 'ou)$ a''om&any us on the tour-6 He #as $amn 'ourteous47here $o #e go86 as.e$ our man4Sir *une an$ 9oa 6 I re&)ie$ a$$ing as mu'h 'ourtesy to my tone as I 'ou)$47hy me86 he as.e$ )aughing4Sir 6 I sai$ 4I ha&&ene$ to see you on'e saving the )ife of a .itten- Ever sin'e I have yearne$ to %e asso'iate$ #ith you- !ou #ont tea'h us any 'ourse I guess0 so this is on)y 'han'e #e have to s&en$ :ua)ity time #ith su'h a no%)e sou)56 4Oh 6 he sai$ %)ushing 4,ont em%arrass me- So you sa# me save that &oor things )ife- I )ove anima)s you see-6 42e too sir 6 I smi)e$ %a'. at him 4Sir it #i)) %e great if you 'an 'ome #ith us- Stu$ents #i)) )earn a )ot-6 4!es sir56 a$$e$ 3hos)a4Oh yes I #ou)$ )ove to te)) me the $ates-6 4Sir <Cth #e )eave an$ return on the DDn$ sai$ 3hos)a4O.ay 6 he sai$ thin.ing4Sir 6 I a$$e$ 49oa is a ni'e an$ you 'an ta.e a)ong your #ife an$ .i$s too- It)) %e en+oya%)e-6 4!es yes 6 he sai$ 4It)) %e a ni'e sur&rise for 3ittu56 4!es sir maam #i)) %e $e)ighte$-6 4Oh no .ittu is my sun eight years o)$56 43ittu of 'ourse #i)) %e $e)ighte$ too sir56 I a)most $an'e$ #ith +oy that moment- Things #ere fina))y fa))ing into &)a'e- 9oo$ omen I thought- 3hos)a &ro$u'e$ a sheet in front of the &rofessor an$ to)$ him to sign some#here- He $i$ that ha&&i)y4I )ove stu$ents 6 he sai$ smi)ing one of his %est ones 4I never miss any 'han'e of intera'ting #ith them-6 4Than. you sir 6 #e %oth sai$4Just a minute 6 he sto&&e$ us as #e #ere a%out to )eave 47hat is your name86 he as.e$ me4Sir I am Te+as- I am he)&ing Anan$ #ith the arrangements for the tour- There is so mu'h #or. to $o- I thought I$ )en$ a han$-6 4Oh a gem of a thought- A)#ays he)& others-6

4!es sir one strives to 6 I re&)ie$ an$ #e move$ out- I shoo. 3hos)as han$sThe #or. #as $one- Our man #as in- than.fu))y a&&earan'es arent a)#ays $e'e&tive- I #on$ere$ in ama1ement at the e(isten'e of su'h &rofessors in IIT- An$ the fa't %rought so)a'e to the heart- "ot a)) &rofessors #ere %ruta)0 some ha$ their in &)a'e- I move$ a)ong ha&&i)y %ut a sma)) thing trou%)e$ me I$ have to )ie to that gem of a man- But then I #as )ying to my &arents too- It $i$nt ma.e me ha&&y %ut it ha$ to %e $one- I sought forgiveness from 9o$OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !ou 'ou)$ :uite say that I #as on a ro))- Things #ere fina))y fa))ing neat)y into their res&e'tive &)a'es- !ou are I am sure fami)iar A if you have not %een too %ore$ #ith these memories of mi)e an$ $o1e$ off an$ the &ages have %een f)uttere$ %y a &assing #in$ an$ u& you assume that this is #here you )eft off for the num%er on the &age te))s you that the torture #ont )ast for )ong A #ith the )atest ha&&enings the #ith$ra#a) of *rofessor *-*- Si$hu an$ the a$roit a&&ointment of a %efitting &ro(y- An$ I am sure in the #a.e of these e(treme)y $esira%)e $eve)o&ments you are saying to yourse)f again 4Ah5 He has $one it again0 he is a man #ith the stron&est of #i)) an$ the stran&est of %rains5 9o$ %)ess him56 I ta.e these 'om&)iments #ith a hum%)e %o#- To fin$ me hen'e #ith my hea$ in my han$s a $ee& furro# in my %ro# an$ a %roo$ing )oo. in my eyes0 you #i)) no $ou%t % a&&a))e$- !ou #i)) hasten )i.e a true frien$ to te)) me that the sun is out an$ I shou)$ %e s#aying to sa)sa than sit sa$)y of my sofa- But I #i)) te)) you the reason an$ right a#ayIt is $ashe$ $iffi'u)t I te)) you this %)oo$y %usiness of getting ones foot %ro.en- It seems sim&)e %ut going a )itt)e $ee& into the #ho)e matter you fin$ it a mu$$)e of the first $egree- It is not the of the foot %ut the events that shou)$ fo))o# the $amage #hi'h are e(treme)y mur.y-

If you are not as $im if I may use the referen'e again as the %u)% of my room you #ou)$ have gathere$ that I $ont a'tua))y nee$ to %rea. my foot- I mean I $ont nee$ to un$ergo the e(treme test of ve)our of sti'.ing out my )eg at a s&ee$ing tru'. or smashing a mi(er-grin$er on my ten$er toe- I am )u'.y an$ I mean it- I have %een s&are$ that test- I sa# a movie on'e in #hi'h a $u$e #as in mu'h the same fi( as I am no#- The on)y #ay he 'ou)$ get a#ay from some $isaster of 'onsi$era%)y )esser s'a)e than mine #as to %rea. his foot- He #as a$vise$ %y one nin'om&oo& to $ro& a ty&e#riter on his foot- I #as &revente$ from seeing the rest of the movie $ue to a &o#er-'ut %ut no# my heart #ent out for him- He #as not %)esse$ #ith the 'om&any of my frien$s or he #ou)$ have %een #ise)y 'ounse)e$- He #ou)$ nee$ to $o e(a't)y #hat I #as going to e('e&t that I $i$ not yet .no# ho#8 Bro.en feet for a)) their $isa$vantages A the &ain an$ that it is most in'onvenient to roman'e a gir) A have a $istin't a$vantage- One $oesnt nee$ to fin$ a $o'tor- I mean of 'ourse one nee$s a $o'tor to re&air the $amn thing %ut one $oesnt nee$ to find that $o'tor- Any $o'tor #i)) $o - anyone #ho .no#s his %it a%out the %ones an$ the marro#- One nee$ not organi1e a s&e'ia) sear'h for that $o'tor- He 'ou)$ %e any of the frien$)y neigh%ourhoo$ fa'es #e see #ith a stethos'o&e hanging $o#n his ne'.- But the $o'tor one nee$s #hen one $oesnt have a %ro.en foot an$ #ants it to %e &roven %ro.en sti)) is of a s&e'ia) .in$- Our $o'tor may sti)) %e ) in the neigh%ourhoo$ %ut #e 'ant %e so sure as to %e a%)e to &oint to one an$ say he is our man5 I ho&e my &ro%)em manifests its im&ressive magnitu$e %efore you- An$ I #ou)$ %e great)y im&resse$ %y those #ho have %y the s.i))fu) use of that %ri))iant theorem of e:uiva)en'e re&)a'e$ the &ro%)em of a foot %y the &ro%)em of fin$ing a suita%)e $o'tor- 3ee& it u& you a)) you nee$ to &ut in a thought or t#o a%out mathemati's your 'areer- The &ro%)em that &resente$ itse)f %efore me #as a monumenta) one- I ha$ to fin$ a $o'tor an$ of a s&e'ia) .in$ #ho 'ou)$ )ay his s'ru&)es asi$e an$ &)aster an un%ro.en foot an$ &ro$u'e a %ri))iant me$i'a) 'ertifi'ate that stri't)y re'ommen$e$ %e$ rest!ou 'ou)$ of 'ourse fin$ su'h $o'tors0 I .ne# some &ersona))y %ut the sa$ thing #as that they #ere a)) 'oo&e$ u& in this &art of the 'ountry #hi)e I nee$e$ someone in that &art of the

'ountry- I #ishe$ I #as a mafia $on #ho ha$ his )eft an$ right arms s'attere$ a)) over the 'ountry an$ +us a &hone 'a)) #ou)$ ensure that the #or. #as $one7hat ren$ere$ the $i)emma even more 'om&)i'ate$ #as the fa't that I ha$ +ust an evening for myse)f in *une- 7e rea'he$ *une at a%out five an$ I ha$ a%out four hours to 'on+ure u& a $o'tor a me$i'a) 'ertifi'ate an$ then 'onvin'e the &rofessor that I #as &ra'ti'a))y out of the tour- It 'ou)$ a)) go horri%)y #rong for it #as entire)y &ossi%)e that I may not fin$ an uns'ru&u)ous $o'torAn$ the $istin't &ossi%i)ity that a $o'tor 'ou)$ eventua))y %e foun$ #ho #ou)$ me)t at my )ove that a $o'tor 'ou)$ eventua))y %e foun$ #ho #ou)$ me)t at my )ove story an$ he)& me #as e(treme)y $istin't- I might fin$ a $o'tor %ut the &rofessor might not re)ease me he might #ant to #at'h over me 'aring)y for at )east a $ay as he #as a gra'ious fe))o#- The &ro%)ems seeme$ to %e en$)ess an$ hit me )i.e a hurri'aneBut I #as not $aunte$- I ha$ to a't an$ I rea)i1e$ that t#o things nee$e$ to %e $one :ui'.)y- The first I $i$ right a#ay for I 'ou)$ not affor$ to )ose even a sing)e moment- I too. my han$s off my hea$ an$ use$ +u$i'ious)y to 'a)) my trave) agent- I as.e$ him a%out the avai)a%i)ity of ti'.ets on the train from *une to Chennai one $ay )ater than I ha$ %oo.e$- He sai$ there #ere ti'.ets an$ I to)$ him to 'an'e) my &arent one an$ %oo. for the ne(t $ay- I nee$e$ that e(tra $ay an$ %a$)y too- One $ay )ess #ith my $ar)ing #as %etter than not staying #ith her at a))I got $o#n to the se'on$ tas. in a se'on$- I ha$ to fin$ a $o'tor in *une not #hen I #as in *une %ut no#- I ha$ one an$ a ha)f $ays no# sti)) it #as #ise to &)ay safe- It #as an infinite)y %etter fee)ing I thought to have a $o'tor or t#o tu'.e$ in my arm&it than to sear'h )i.e a sniffer $og on the very )ast $ayHitherto I ha$ a)#ays %een a man of the )ast moment %ut no# I ha$ to $e&art from my ha%itI #as not a mafia $on %ut I ha$ my share of 'onta'ts- I )iste$ the names of a)) my near an$ $ear ones #ho #ere even vague)y )in.e$ #ith *une- The )ist sto&&e$ at five names- I 'a))e$ them one %y one ho&ing at )east one #ou)$ yie)$ a $o'torOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



The )ist #as not a %a$ one an$ I ha$ ho&es of $ra#ing not one %ut t#o-three me$i'os- But there I #as #hen it 'ame to $o'tors- The first four in the )ist if I may $ivu)ge them in &riority or$er #ere/ <- A very ')ose frien$ #hom I refrain from naming #hose %rother himse)f #as a $o'tor in *une2. Ria didi #ho ha$ stu$ie$ engineering in *une an$ ha$ frien$s thereP- 2y %rother Fineet #hose %est frien$ ha$ stu$ie$ engineering in *une an$ ha$ frien$s thereH- Risha%h #ho ha$ a frien$ thereAs I starte$ at the )ist a fruit)ess enter&rise I sa# the $esigns of 2r- >ate again- I #as &)unge$ into the $ee&est of $es&airsAfter t#o $ays of 'onta'ting the )iste$ &eo&)e I ha$ $ra#n a %)an.- I must say though that the )ast three trie$ earnest)y %ut #ere unfortunate- 2y frien$s %rother ho#ever )et me $o#nAnyho# these u&s an$ $o#ns of )ife #ere %e'oming a %it too mu'h for me- On)y the )ast name remaine$ on the )ist ma$e a''or$ing to &riority- I ha$ not mu'h ho&e )eft- The tas. #as $estine$ to go into the fina) $ay- But then I remem%ere$ that thing a%out sti'.ing to the guns- 7ait ti)) fate %e'omes your mateI turne$ to the )ast name- I &raye$ that this )in. the )east &o#erfu) though it seeme$ to me #ou)$ %e the $ar. horse- I 'a))e$ her though I $i$ not #ant to invo)ve her in a)) this as she #orrie$ a %it too mu'h- !et she #as the )ast ho&e-4Hi56 I sai$4Hi56 she sai$4I #ant you to 'a)) your frien$ in *une an$ as. her if she .no#s a $o'tor56 I sai$ %usiness)i.e47hat86 she as.e$ &er&)e(e$An$ I ha$ to te)) her everything A the 'hange in the $ates the ne# &)an of fin$ing a $o'tor an$ ho# she #as the )ast ho&eAn$ then I +ust sat %a'. an$ )istene$ &atient)y to 2iss Shreyas

,ont 'omes- I assure$ her a)) #ou)$ %e safe a mi))ion times an$ on)y then she agree$ to 'a)) her frien$4"o# e(&)ain to her the situation as I have to)$ you an$ te)) her I)) 'a)) her in the evening- O.ay86 I sai$4!es ta.e 'are-6 4I #i)) you too-6 4An$ one thingG6 6,ont have time yaar 'a)) her no# an$ )et me .no#-6 4Offo +ust a minute-6 47hat86 4I #ou)$ have .isse$ you #ere you in front of me no#86 42y %eautifu) )u'. or 'a)) it the game of fate again0 you on)y fee) )i.e .issing me #hen I am a mi))ion mi)es a#ay56 She tut-tutte$ an$ sai$ 42y &oor %a%y56 an$ gigg)e$4Bye &resent)y an$ save this .iss for future-6 4That unfortunate)y 'annot %e $one0 your %a$ )u'. that you are never at the right &)a'e at the right time56 she sai$ teasing me47ish they ha$ a %an. a''ount for .isses one 'ou)$ $e&osit them for )ater useG6 4But there are none5 Sa$56 4I .no# no# 'a)) Shra$$ha an$ get %a'. to me-6 4Bye un)u'.y &rin'e of a )u'.y &rin'ess56 4Lu'.y you are sure)y #hat a)) I have to $o for you5 But as I say time an$ again anything for you maam56 4That is ho# things are #ith &rin'esses $ar)ing5 But $ont #orry0 you)) too get )u'.y soon56 4Ho#86 4"o ho# +ust %ye time is )ess as you sai$56 47i)) you .iss me86 4Bye56 47i)) you86 4Love you an$ a fina) %ye56

I 'a))e$ Shra$$ha at nine in the night as $ire'te$ %y Shreya an$ &raye$ that she #ou)$ he)&4Hi Shra$$ha56 I greete$ her4Hi Te+as5 So fina))y I get to s&ea. to 2iss Shreyas %oyfrien$-6

Boyfrien$ $i$ I hear8 7or.s me u& this #or$0 %etter 'a)) me a 'o'.roa'h %ut %oyfrien$8 One )oves #ith a)) his heart to %e 'a))e$ that5 no true )over #ou)$ ta.e that- I #ou)$ have )ove$ to 'orre't Shra$$ha that Shreya #as not my gir)frien$ %ut my )ove my )ife %ut I mere)y sai$/ 47e)) yes you fina))y have the honour56 4Hmm I 'ant %e)ieve ho# se'retive she is5 2huppe 3ustam you %oth are5 7hen she nee$s me she 'a))s me an$ te))s a)) a%out your fas'inating ta)e- But she $i$nt have the 'ourtesy to te)) her frien$ %efore-6 4Oh I am e(treme)y sorry on her %eha)f maam56 4Oh %y the #ay ho# is *a)a.8 I never .ne# she ha$ a %rother-6 4She is fineGA'tua))y notGShe is .in$ of afrai$ a%out my safetyShe &rays $ay an$ night that her %rother rea'hes the shores of Chennai safe)y an$ for that #e a)) nee$ your he)& Shra$$ha56 49reat5 Both of them hi$e su'h an interesting )ove story from me a)) this #hi)e an$ no# they #ant my he)&5 7hat has this #or)$ 'ome to86 4 I .no# e(treme)y materia)isti' %ut I assure you I have a heart of go)$- Ha$ I .no#n that your frien$s havent to)$ you a%out my most fas'inating story I #ou)$ have &hone$ you &ersona))y- But those t#o hi$ from me too the fa't that they hi$ my story from you5 So #e %oth are on the same shi& $ear5 I #as )ivi$ of 'ourse #hen I 'ame to .no# that you $o not .no# %ut no# one 'ant he)& itG6 4Oh sto& it Te+as56 4!es of 'ourse5 I have this ha%it of s& a ta$ too mu'h an$ es&e'ia))y #ith gir)s5 >orgive me56 42an5 !ou serious)y go on an$ on0 ho# $oes Shreya %ear your in'essant nonsense86 4That :uestion 'an %e %etter ans#ere$ %y the vi'tim herse)f- I thin. ho#everGI have a theory thatG6 4Shut u&56 4Oh yes of 'ourse56 4Listen I am in no #ay &)ease$ %y the #ay I have %een neg)e'te$5 I meanG #e #ere a trio in s'hoo)Gme *a)a. an$ Shreya an$ they $esert me )i.e thisG6 4I strong)y agree0 my heart goes out for you56 4So I thin. if they $ont %other to te)) me #hy shou)$ I %other to he)& them86 4Oh $ont say that5 there is an inno'ent )ife at sta.e too Shra$$ha- 7hat a%out me86

4I am ta).ing to you for the first time mister #hy shou)$ I he)& you86 4Oh for humanity Shra$$ha for restoring our faith in those virtues of %enevo)en'e &hi)anthro&y an$ a)truism that this #or)$ seems to have forgotten- !our a't Shra$$ha #i)) ma.e this #or)$ stan$ an$ intros&e't an$ shu$$er in shame- They #i)) say to themse)ves B7here #as my 'ons'ien'e a)) this #hi)e8 The #or)$ #i)) see you as a %ea'on ofG6 4Oh 9o$5 7here $o you get a)) that 'ra& from8 9ot a $i'tionary or something in your han$86 4Oh no5 Even if I ha$ I have not the a$roitness of f)i&&ing the &ages so :ui'.)y an$ fin$ #or$s that fit56 6Hmm you im&ress me mister- I see &oor Shreya 'annot %e %)ame$ for fa))ing for a foo) )i.e you- I a)#ays thought her to %e a )itt)e 'ra'. %ut no# it is 'onfirme$0 so many han$some guys &ro&ose$ to her in s'hoo) %ut she #ou)$nt even )oo. at themAn$ no# she is in )ove #ith youG6 4Life is fu)) of anoma)ies maam56 4O.ay )isten )ets get the &oint an$ you sto& s& so mu'hI)) he)& you-6 I uttere$ a 'ry of +oy at #hi'h she shoute$ %a'. an$ to)$ me to %e softer4Can you86 I as.e$ timi$)y4Of 'ourse I 'an Shreya to)$ me a))- !ou nee$ a $o'tor right8 7ho)) &)aster your )eg an$ ma.e 'ertifi'ates86 4The very man56 I e(')aime$4It)) %e $one56 4Are you sure86 I as.e$ stum&e$ %y her 'onfi$en'e4!es mister5 It is a 'ommon thing56 4!ou mean this of feet8 Is it so 'ommon in *une8 S)i&&ery roa$s I guess56 4I mean fa)se 'ertifi'ates you foo)- Stu$ents nee$ them often for various reasons- I .no# a 'ou&)e of $o'tors #ho $o su'h stuff56 47o#5 !ou sure are an ange)5 But at )east ta). to the $o'tor first an$ 'onfirm it-6 4,ont %other a%out a)) that- The moment Shreya to)$ me- I ta).e$ to this frien$ of mine0 he is a rea) resour'efu) guy pakka ju&&aadoo0 gets a)) .in$s of things $one 6 I 'on+ure$ an image of in my min$ 4He sai$ there #as nothing to #orry a%out an$ it)) %e $one - An$ #hen he says $ont #orryG6 4One shou)$ not #orry56 I em&hati'a))y 'om&)ete$ the senten'e 4!ou see I am mu'h the same ty&e of guy %ut my net#or. en$s in ,e)hi I have %een of e(&an$ing my o&erations for )ong- I thin. your frien$ 'an %e ai$e-$e-'am& in *une #hat say86

4I say shut u& an$ I have to go no#- An$ yes an im&ortant thing I am %usy on <<th #hen you 'ome so 'a)) me #hen you rea'h I)) give you this frien$s num%er an$ he)) he)& you- But I shou)$ get a gran$ on <Dth- Let me a)so meet my frien$s )ove- Is it fine86 4A%so)ute)y fine miss5 I)) have ' an$ 'ho'o)ates )ine$ for you- I 'annot e(&ress in #or$s the gratitu$e I fe)) to#ar$s your esteeme$G6 4Cut the 'ra&56 4Than. you56 4That #i)) %e enough %ye56 4Bye see you soon56

That &ut a sea) to the &hase of &)anning- Just as I &ut the &hone $o#n I fe)t a surge of re)ief of #or. #e)) $one- 7hat ha$ I not $one to meet Shreya5 I move$ to the #in$o# in my room an$ sa# the s.y fu)) of stars- Life #as in$ee$ %eautifu) #ith her in my )ife- Love ref)e'te$ 'hanges ones )ife forever an$ em%e))ishes it #ith +oy- The +oy of .no#ing that no matter #here you are #hat you $o someone some#here is of you- The +oy of rea)i1ing that you 'an $o anything for that someone- It is an e(treme)y s&e'ia) fee$ing I te)) you a))OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO





"i1amu$in Station sai$ the %)ue %oar$ insta))e$ outsi$e the station- Our 'ar %ra.e$ in front of it ami$st an o'ean of humanityThere #ere &eo&)e here0 &eo&)e there0 &eo&)e 'onfusion every#here- Some #ere )oa$e$ #ith )uggage some #ith 'hi)$ren an$ others #ere +ust i$)ing a#ay en+oying the e%u))ien'e of the station- ,a$ to)$ us to get off an$ sai$ he$ +oin us at the &)atform after & the 'ar- I too. my ru'.sa'. out of the $i'.y an$ f)ung it over my shou)$ers #hi)e Sneha han$)e$ my guitar an$ )aughe$ at me-

47hat i$ it86 I as.e$4"othing +ust ) a %it funny- The %ag is ta))er than you56 she gigg)e$ as gir)s $o- At )east a)) gir)s I .no# gigg)e4Shut u&56 I sai$4,ont use su'h #or$s 6 sai$ dadima &o)ite)y 4It is not aus&i'ious-6 4Come here heres the #ay56 gui$e$ my mom4I have eyes mummy I 'an see56 I retorte$2y #ho)e &)atoon ha$ )an$e$ at the station to %i$ me a$ieu as ha$ %een foreseen %ut I $i$nt min$ that- I #as going #ith the other %oys on the tour- On)y my dadaji #as not there his hea)th $i$nt &ermit him- 7e &asse$ the ha)) #here %)a'. s'reens $e&i'te$ various train names an$ $e&arture times in re$- I )oo.e$ u& an$ sa# that mine #as )eaving on time- 7e ')im%e$ the stairs s)o#)y .ee&ing &a'e #ith mom an$ dadima an$ $es'en$e$ to rea'h &)atform num%er t#oTrains an$ stations a)#ays fas'inate me- It ha$ %een more than five years sin'e I$ %een on a train an$ my heart %rimme$ #ith +oy at the &ros&e't of the +ourney- "othing mat'hes the 'o)ourfu) 'anvas of a station- An$ the roman'e of trains5 Re$ %ogeys of my train shone ma+esti'a))y in the %ri))iant sun- on the re$ of the %ogey B9oa E(&ress #as #ritten in ye))o#- The sight of the train u& ')ose after su'h a )ong tim fi))e$ me #ith 'hi)$)i.e e('itement- The 'arriage reste$ roya))y0 #ent on an$ on into the eternity- 2y fingers merri)y tou'he$ its meta) as I #a).e$ onThe station #as a)) 'haos- Coo)ies $resse$ in re$ a&&eare$ out of no#here to snat'h your )uggage- 47hy $o you )a%our sir8 9ive the %ag to me 6 I hear$ over the announ'ers BGtrain #i)) arrive short)y on &)atform num%erG Tea se))ers ratt)e$ their s&oons against the g)asses an$ shoute$ in their shri)) voi'es the famous station s)ogan of B2hai+2hai- The ven$ors 'rie$ themse)ves hoarse to attra't 'ustomers to their sta))s that serve$ every In$ian sna'. you 'ou)$ imagine A )helpuri, tikki, allo chaat, samosas, &ol &appeG There #ere %oo.-sta))s &hone-%ooths sho&s of every &ossi%)e .ni''.- It #as har$)y a station more of a %a1aar #ith a)) its hust)e-%ust)e- There #ere &eo&)e in a)) sha&es an$ si1es from $ifferent %a'.groun$s- ,ifferent )anguages #ere hear$ as I surge$ through the 'ro#$- *un+a%i Eng)ish Hin$i Ur$u 2arathi Benga)i 3anna$$a ?or it may %e Tami) or Te)ugu@G

"othing I ref)e'te$ unites In$ia the #ay the train )oo. so &i'tures:ue- "ever is it more 'o)ourfu)- "ever $oes noise a %)en$ of the train snort the engines #hist)e the chai+walahs ratt)e the ven$ors 'ry the trave))ers murmur %ring su'h %rightness to the heart7ith the #ho)e atmos&here g)istening in the sun the sight of my frien$s too. my s&irit to an a)) time high- I sa# Risha%h *ritish Jas$ee& 2an&reet Sameer 3hos)a a)) 'hattering g)eefu))y- They hushe$ on seeing that I ha$ %rought my fami)y a)ong )est their e(&)etives %e hear$- There #ere other &arents too %ut no one ha$ %rought a %atta)ion )i.e me- *a&r arrive$ an$ &)easantries #ere e('hange$- The am%ien'e #as e)e'tri' an$ the air #as fu)) of gaiety- A )ot of %antering #ent on- 2y frien$s )aughe$ ma$)y ')a&&ing e('ite$)y my mom smi)e$ so $i$ my $a$ an$ Sneha- ,adima not use$ to su'h fast &a'e of humour un$erstoo$ )itt)e %ut f)ashe$ a)) her teeth in her tra$emar. smi)e2y mom $e'i$e$ to 'on$u't an in:uiry #ith my frien$s 4Ho# many shirts are you 'arrying86 some sai$ nine some eight an$ none %e)o# seven- Her eyes $ire'te$ themse)ves at me 4See I to)$ you 6 an$ then she to)$ my frien$s ho# I insiste$ on ta).ing on)y four shirts an$ ho# she ha$ manage$ to 'onvin'e me for eight- They a)) )aughe$- Su$$en)y the &rofessor a&&eare$ #ith his #ife an$ 3ittu I guess smi)ing as ever a$$ing to the ha&&iness- He #ishe$ a)) of us 'or$ia))y an$ #e res&on$e$ in a 'horus- He got %usy #ith 3hos)aJust a%out the five minutes remaine$ for the $e&arture*eo&)e starte$ ')im%ing into the train- 2y frien$s #ith$re# too after greeting my fami)y- I )oo.e$ at the four of them- Su$$en emotion hit me A 4Ho# mu'h I )ove$ them56 a foo)ish thought 're&t into my min$ A 47hat if something goes #rongGan$ this is )ast time I see them a))86 I shove$ it a#ay 9o$s name4,on %e foo)ish6 I to)$ myse)f4SoG%ye 6 I sai$ to them hesitant)y- 2y eyes #ere %e'oming moist- "ot %e'ause I #as going to miss them0 it #as har$)y a ten $ay tri&- It #as +ust that I #as .ee&ing them in the $ar.G )ying to a)) of them #ho ha so mu'h faith in me an$ )ove$ me so mu'h- I $i$nt )i.e it at a))- I fe)t gui)ty- I #ante$ to te)) them 4I am not $oing anything #rong I rea))y )ove ShreyaG6 %ut #ou)$ they un$erstan$8 2y hea$ #as ')ogge$- A)) sort of thoughts 'ame into my min$- I $i$nt #ant to )eave them- I

#ante$ to meet Shreya %ut $i$nt #ant to )eave in his manner- I &raye$ to 9o$ again to set everything right an$ to)$ myse)f that I #as +ust fo))o#ing my heart- I #as not $oing anything #rong I re&eate$- Love 'ou)$ never %e #rongI tou'he$ dadimas feet an$ she gave me her %)essings- She thrust into my han$s t#o #hite &)asti' %o(es- 4'mla and 2hooran5 3ee& them- !our tummy is so sensitive5 Eat 'arefu))y56 I no$$e$ an$ smi)e$- I )oo.e$ at her- She ha$ not 'hange$ at a)) sin'e my %irth- Her si)ver hair sim&)e sari %ig g)asses her )ove an$ 'on'ern #ere a fe# 'onstants in my )ife- I #ou)$ .no# on)y in time to 'ome their rea) va)ue the 'omfort that their &resen'e %rought to me- She too. out some sugar from her )itt)e %o( an$ $istri%ute$ some among a))- It is a 'ustom at our home- Eating something s#eet %efore )eaving is 'onsi$ere$ aus&i'ious- I a)#ays en+oy sugar an$ 'he#e$ it ha&&i)yI hugge$ mummy an$ &a&a- 2om #as sentimenta) as usua) 4I am not going to 3argi) mumma56 I to)$ her- 4If on)y you #ere not so naughty I #ou)$ have sent you ha&&i)y- *)ease $ont get into any mis'hief 47a). 'arefu))y on roa$s an$ $ont &)ay &ran.s on &eo&)e 6 an$ as I sa# her eyes #atering I hugge$ her again- I trie$ not to s&ea. for it #ou)$ ma.e 'ry- 4An$ you havent even %rought a %) everyone e)se has 6 she sai$ #orrying- 4I)) share mummy 6 I manage$ to say,a$ #as 'oo)- He is never $emonstrative- But he )oves me mo )ess- I am his &ri$e- 4En+oy yourse)f son56 he to)$ me 4Have fun %ut remem%er A everything in )imits an$ I .no# you)) %un. in$ustria) visits %ut go to t#o-three in$ustries at )east an$ %un. 'arefu))y56 he .ne# me #e))- It #as no use te))ing me to %e $i)igent- He himse)f #as the fun ty&e- But he $i$nt .no# that I #as going to %un. the entire tour2y $ar)ing sister stoo$ #ith her han$s 'rosse$ #ith tension a)) over her fa'e- On)y she .ne# #here I #as going- She ha$ trie$ to sto& me %ut I ha$ me %ut i ha$ not re)ente$- 47hat if something goes #rong86 she ha$ as.e$ again an$ again %ut I ha$ #ave$ off the :uestion- She #as not 'ross #ith me for going +ust #orrie$- 4Ta.e 'are 6 she sai$ 4*)ease %e 'arefu) bhai56 an$ &ushe$ into my han$ a fo)$e$ &a&er uno%trusive)y- I )oo.e$ into her eyes an$ gave a )oo. of assuran'e- I .isse$ her on her forehea$ too. my guitar an$ #ent into the train- I too. my seat an$ the train starte$ to move s)o#)y- These #as so mu'h noise in

our %ogey a)rea$y- I #ent to the #in$o# an$ #ave$ out to my %atta)ion- 'ou)$ hear mom shouting 4,ont get off the train on the stations in %et#een5 Remem%er #hen you---6 A tear of gui)t tri'.)e$ $o#n my 'hee. an$ I :ui'.)y #i&e$ it off- 2y frien$s surroun$e$ me- The fun ha$ %egun-

I e('use$ myse)f from the 'e)e%rations an$ :uiet)y #ent to the en$ of the %ogey- I o&ene$ the fo)$e$ )etter that Sneha ha$ given me,earest 9oon ?She 'a))s me that an$ #hatnot@ I 'ou)$nt say a)) this as mom an$ $a$ #ere there- ,ont thin. that I $i$nt #ant you to go to Chennai0 it #as +ust that I #as e(treme)y #orrie$ a%out you- I sti)) am an$ #i)) %e ti)) you return safety- *)ease %e very 'arefu)5 ,ont ta.e any ris.s- I .no# you )ive )ife %ut on'e there in Chennai #ith Shreya maintain a )o# &rofi)e- It is not on)y a%out you %ut a)so her #e)) %eing- 2eet her very $is'reet)y0 her $a$ shou)$nt 'ome to .no#"o# remem%er to message me at )east five times a $ay te))ing me #hat you are $oing- 9ive my BHi to Shreya- She is a ni'e gir) an$ I rea))y )i.e herAn$ ya $ont get off at the stations- Remem%er on'e #hen the train ha$ starte$ an$ you #ere i$ioti'a))y %uying maga1inesHo# you manage$ to get on the train5 ,ont $o that- Remem%er 2r- SR3 your 3a+o) is not at the station she is in Chennai #aiting for you- So stay on in the trainAn$ $ont forget to %ring me something from thereLove Ta.e 'are !our 2uniya ?I 'a)) her that@

Just then %reathShreya 'a))e$- I #i&e$ my tears an$ $re# a $ee&

4!es 2iss Shreya the train is on its #ay I am on my #ay Chennai %e'.ons me you %e'.on me an$ I)) %e there soon ')ut'hing you in my arms tight)y an$G6

I )oo.e$ out of the o&en $oor- Fast o&en s&a'es rushe$ &astTrees )am& &osts men #omen g)i$e$ a#ay- I sense$ ho# every se'on$ %rought me ')oser an$ ')oser to herOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

a theme- Ea'h in'i$ent in a nove) must %e )in.e$ to the 'entra) theme of the nove)- One 'ant stray here an$ there too mu'h or e)se he)) %e 'a))e$ $ire'tion)ess in'oherent an$ a)) those a$+e'tives that on)y 'riti's have .no#)e$ge of- Therefore one has to &ainfu))y $e)ete in'i$ents no matter ho# interesting #hi'h though o''urre$ in &rogress to the ')ima( are essentia))y irre)evant to the theme vi1- the train in'i$ents/ B7hen Risha%h ru%%e$ oi) on an un')es %a'. BThe +ourney of the so'.s ?of Jas$ee&@ Bthe A$venture of the 2issing B) %ut they have to %e e(')u$e$ &resent)y- They 'an of 'ourse %e &ro$u'e$ se&arate)y as BA Tresure Trove of Train Ta)es as I am #ise)y a$vise$ %y a frien$Ho#ever at this &oint in the narrative it #i)) suffi'e to say that the train ratt)es an$ s#aye$ a)) the #ay an$ ratt)e$ an$ s#aye$ to a ha)t at the *une station at a%out five ne(t eveningThus I 'om&)ete$ #hat 'an %e 'a))e$ the first )eg of my voyage- I #as some thousan$ .i)ometers ')oser to my )ove an$ that %rought to my heart a %uoyant fee)ing- A sma)) ste& it may %e for others it #as a giant )ea& in$ee$ for meOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Often a &ro%)em #ith #riting nove)s is that one has to fo))o#

*U"E ,ECE2BER <<


,o'tor * our man #as not in- he #as out on an emergen'y- It ha$ %een as hour sin'e I )eft Ram Lo$ge our resi$en'e #ith Risha%h an$ *ritish- Every minute a$$e$ to the tension- I move$ rest)ess)y outsi$e the ')ini' #hi)e *ritish an$ Risha%h 'hatte$ on- *ee)a the &erson 'ommissione$ %y Shra$$ha to he)& us smo.e$ non'ha)ant)y42an 6 he sai$ in a tapori 8umbaiya a''ent 4!ou shou)$ smo.e56 4Shou)$86 I as.e$ &u11)e$- 2a$e it soun$ )i.e a mother)y a$vi'e4I shou)$ say you must56 42ust86 "o# it soun$e$ )i.e a thing that ought to %e $one- I #on$ere$ if I ha$ a)#ays %een .e&t her in the $ar. a%out a)) the vitamins an$ minera)s that fi))e$ the 'igarette sti'.4!es must5 Loo. at you man moving a%out )i.e a 'hi'.en- This 6 he sai$ &ointing to#ar$s his 'igarette 4Curse it a))- !ou fee) )o# you fee) ag)o# you fee) 'ra&&y you fee) ha&&y ho#soever you fee) this is your %est frien$0 )oya)ist I shou)$ say if there is su'h a #or$-6 4There is no su'h #or$ an$ %esi$es #hat a%out the $amageG6 I #as a%out to %egin a $i$a'ti' $is'ourse on the $amages of the $amn thing #hen a han$some man in )ate forties $resse$ neat)y in %)ue rushe$ &ast me into the ')ini'- He ha$ a stethos'o&e aroun$ his ne'. an$ thus ha$ to %e the missing $o'tor- I must say that the sight of the &hysi'ian $i$nt $o anything to a))eviate the tension that #as 'rushing me- The fa't that he #as so #e)) $resse$ an$ )oo.e$ )i.e a &ro&er $o'tor $i$nt go $o#n #e)) #ith me at a))- I ha$ e(&e'te$ the man to a))eviate the tension that #as 'rushing me- The fa't that he #as so #e)) $resse$ an$ )oo.e$ )i.e a &ro&er $o'tor $i$nt go $o#n #e)) #ith me at a))- I ha$ e(&e'te$ the man to e )i.e the amora) ones they sho# in the movies A sha%%y-')othe$ ones #ho &eer 'roo.e$)y from the 'orner of their narro# eyes &ro%a%)y have a nasty s'ar or t#o or at )east a %ig %)a'. mo)e some#here on the 'hin- But he ha$ none of these features that a man if he 'hurns out fa)se 'ertifi'ates ought to have- An$ that ma$e me :uiver- I ha$nt the time to )oo. at his shoes an$ that %othere$ me- If on)y I ha$ )oo.e$ at the time to )oo. at his shoes an$ that %othere$ me- If on)y I ha$ )oo.e$ at his shoes- Shoes give a#ay the s'ru&)es I have hear$ an$ I &raye$ &resent)y for $irt on the $o'tors %oots-

An$ then I ha$ a %rain#ave #hat if I ha$nt seen the shoes may %e one of the other three ha$4,i$ you see his shoes86 I as.e$ 47hy the he)) man8 7hy shou)$ I )oo. at his shoes86 4,i$ you or $i$ you not +ust te)) this-6 4"o man 6 he sai$ an$ resume$ %)o#ing smo.e rings4"o 6 sai$ Risha%h an$ *ritish on my :uestioning g)an'es I #as out of my min$- I &urse$ my )i&sSo the mystery remaine$ a mystery- 7ith ea'h &assing se'on$ I gre# more an$ more +ittery- 7hat if the $o'tor $i$nt agree to $o the ho%5 4Are you sure he #i)) $o the +o%86 I as.e$ *ee)a again42an you nee$ a smo.e56 4Are you sure86 42an ho# many times I te)) you86 4He $oesnt )oo. the sort #ho)) $o unethi'a) #or.- An$ %esi$es you $i$nt even see his shoes-6 47hat a%out the shoes man8 S're# the shoes- An$ man I te)) you he is a $amn goo$ &erson to $o unethi'a) #or.- He $oesnt $o it-6 4Then86 4Then #hat man he is a frien$- I to)$ him you ha$ a severe fami)y 'risis an$ thusG6 4>ami)y 'risis86 I shot out )ou$)y #ith a )oo. as if I ha$ %een &un'he$ in my %e))y4!eah fami)y 'risis6 he sai$ 'oo))y as if my fami)y $i$nt matter to him47hat fami)y 'risis86 I $eman$e$ in$ignant that I ha$ %een .e&t una#are of any 'risis rea) or fa.e #hi'h 'on'erne$ my fami)y7hat if the i$iot ha$ $rive)e$ a%out $eath or something0 I ha$ often seen it ha&&en in movies an$ es&e'ia))y $eteste$ su'h shamefu) mor%i$ e('uses4I +ust to)$ him it is one of those things that you #ou)$nt )i.e to ta). a%out- !ou .no# one of those things that one 'ant ta). a%out o&en)y an$ he un$erstoo$- He sai$ he un$erstoo$ #hat it 'ou)$ %e an$ that he$ he)& you 6 an$ at that I 'oo)e$ $o#n49reat man 6 I to)$ him %orro#ing his Bman- He #as an inte))igent guy- I #as re)ieve$- A ni'e e('use A a thing that 'annot %e ta).e$ a%out5

4So even if he as.s #hi'h I am sure he is un$erstan$ing enough not to +ust te)) him you are not 'omforta%)e $is'ussing it- >ine man86 4!es 6 I sai$ an$ *ee)a #as 'a))e$ in %y the $o'tor- He emerge$ out in a%out a minute an$ #in.e$ at me- He &atte$ my %a'. an$ to)$ me to go in- 4It)) %e $one 6 he sai$- I entere$ a )itt)e nervous)y- There #as a )oo. of 'on$o)en'e on the $o'tors fa'eHis eyes to)$ me that they sym&athi1e$ #ith my griefHe to)$ me to sit an$ as.e$ me 4Are you fine son86 4!es 6 I sai$ hesitant)y4!ou shou)$ %e %rave son the night #i)) &ass an$ the $ay #i)) $a#n 6 he sai$- He thought of me a one of those un)u'.y sons of misfortune4!es sir I am trying my %est 6 I 'ontinue$ in my mournfu) tone4Listen no#0 you #ant a %ro.en )eg $ont you86 4Sir on)y a 'ertifi'ate56 4!es of 'ourse56 4!es sir56 4SeeG &)astering your )eg is not re:uire$- I)) #rite su'h a thing on your me$i'a) 'ertifi'ate that no one #i)) :uestion- !ou)) on)y re:uire a 're&s %an$age-6 4Sir %ut it #ont &ro$u'e the same effe't- A &)aster is mu'h more &rofoun$-6 4I)) han$)e if your BSir :uestions- ,ont #orry son- I)) #rite a )igament tear- !ou say you tri&&e$ on a stone #hi)e #a).ing- Even if one $oes an T-ray a )igament tear $oesnt sho# an$ so it is the safest- !ou $ont #orry a%out a)) that- >ine86 4Than. you $o'tor-6 4Oh $ont say that- I am &)ease$ to he)& you- "o# te)) me your name an$ 'o))ege 6 he sai$ an$ tore off a sheet from his &a$4Sir Te+as "aru)a IIT ,e)hi-6 He sto&&e$ in %et#een- He ha$ )o#ere$ his &en to the &a&er %ut he sto&&e$- He )oo.e$ u& at me an$ there #as astonishment in his eyes- I #on$ere$ #hat it might %e- He stu$ie$ me an$ his mouth o&ene$ #i$er #ith ea'h &assing se'on$ )i.e an inf)ating %a))oon4Oh-my-g-a-#-$ this 'annot %e &ossi%)e56 he uttere$ an$ shoo. his hea$4Huh56 I uttere$ a)most invo)untari)y4Te)) me arent you Ravis son86

I +um&e$ from my 'hair an$ s&rang a goo$ meter or t#o in the air narro#)y missing the 'ei)ing- If ever there #as a )ine that 'ou)$ in$u'e more horror in a human I ha$nt hear$ it A 4te)) me arent you Ravis son6Ghe)) that is &re'ise)y #ho I am A Ravis son ,r- Ravi an$ ,r- 2a$hu "aru)as &rou$ son- Ho# on earth $i$ he .no# my $a$s name8 he #asnt an astro)oger or something2y eyes %u)ge$- It #as evi$ent that something in my name ha$ stru'. a 'hor$ an$ it ha$ to %e my surname- He .ne# my fathers an$ I #as sha.en to my foun$ations- I .e&t starting at him #on$ering #hat to say4Te)) me %oy arent you the son of Ravi "aru)a J Bat'h A>2C *une8 !ou resem%)e him so mu'h-6 I #as s&ee'h)ess- I 'ongratu)ate$ 2r- >ate- If you &ut a %)a'. %a)) in a %ag fu)) of nine-ninety-nine re$ %a))s your &ro%a%i)ity of $ra#ing the %)a'. one is sti)) higher than mine $ra#ing a $o'tor #ho #as my fathers ')assmate- 2r- >ate has s#it'he$ si$es again- Litt)e use 'ursing fate I thought for I rea)i1e$ that I ha$ %een starting at the $o'tor for too )ong- 7hat to say though #as another :uestion that &er&)e(e$ me- I 'ou)$ te)) him he #as mista.e- That it #ou)$ have %een ni'e an$ merry if I #as in$ee$ his &a)s son %ut I hate$ to %rea. the ne#s that I #as not- But then he in his sus&i'ion may $e'i$e to 'a)) my $a$ an$ te)) him 4Te)) me "aru)a #as your son in *une86 to #hi'h my father #i)) re&)y 4!es56 4He #as u& to something- Something $u%ious I te)) you 6 this $o'tor #ou)$ say an$ a)) he)) #i)) %rea. )oose4!es sir I am his son 6 I sai$ ho&ing I$ %e a%)e to &ersua$e him not to %other my $a$4Oh I .no# it- But te)) me #hat ha&&ene$8 Is a)) #e)) at home8 !our frien$ to)$ me that there #as a severe fami)y 'risis- Is my frien$ fine86 I ha$ forgotten a)) a%out that rotten e('use- >ami)y 'risis forsooth- 7hat #as to %e $one no#8 I .e&t on ga&ing at the $o'tor stu&i$)y- 7hat #as to %e $one8 That #as the on)y :uestion that rang )ou$ an$ ')ear in my ears4!ou 'an te)) me son he #as a great frien$ at 'o))ege- I fee) %a$ that #e are not in tou'h an$ that I 'ou)$nt he)& him #hen he #as in trou%)e- But in seems 9o$ has sent you to %ring us %a'. together- These #ays of &rovi$en'e5 Strange %ut #on$erfu)56

The #ays of &rovi$en'e in$ee$5 Strange an$ )oathsome5 There #as no es'a&ing no#- There #as on)y one #ay out- To te)) the truth an$ ho&e for sym&athy- I 'ou)$nt 'on+ure a fami)y &ro%)em an$ assure my $a$s frien$ that it #as a)right an$ that he shou)$nt %other- I .no# ho# these o)$ 'hums are- The moment they hear that an o)$ 'rony is in a sou& they #aste no time in &i'.ing u& the &hone an$ $ia)ing the &a)-in-sou&s num%er4Un')e 6 I %egan 42y frien$ has )ie$ to you- There is no fami)y trou%)e- I #ante$ an e('use out of this tour for a $ifferent reason an$ I am not sum if you #i)) agree #ith it- But I %eg you not to te)) my father %e'ause then sure)y there)) %e a fami)y &ro%)em-6 47hat is it86 he as.e$ sus&i'ious)y an$ I to)$ him a)) )i.e the #ay I have %een for'e$ to te)) a)) to so many for so many reasons- He stoo$ u& an$ 'ame to my si$e of the ta%)e an$ )oo.e$ at me #ith father)y eyes- i sa# his shoes fina))y- They #ere shining %)a'.- An$ so shining #ere his s'ru&)esHe )oo.e$ at me $reami)y an$ sai$ 4,o you rea))y )ove the gir) or +ust #ant to have fun86 4Come on un')e I #ont ris. so mu'h +ust to have fun-6 4True5 !ou .no# if you )ove her so mu'h you shou)$ have to)$ your father-6 4Un')e I $i$nt .no# ho# he$ ta.e it- !ou .no# ho# it is #ith &arents- I am rea))y frien$)y #ith my $a$ %utG6 4He #ou)$ have %een &rou$ of you son56 47hat86 I uttere$4!es it #ou)$ve remin$e$ him to his $ays an$ he #ou)$ have he)&e$ you to go an$ meet your )ove- That is ho# he is your $a$-6 4Rea))y86 I as.e$ sur&rise$- I .ne# my $a$ #as a &)ayfu) )a$ In his $ays %ut this #as a %it too &)ayfu)4!ou .no# #hat if this he)&s you your $a$ #ou)$ have $one the very thing if he #ere in your &)a'e 6 he sai$ smi)ingIt $i$ he)& me- The man #as in$ee$ a &erson #ith a go)$en heartBut then a 'urious :uestion 'ame to my min$4Un')e $i$ my father ever $o su'h a thing86 He smi)e$- His eyes )it u& an$ he sai$ 4I have to)$ you enough my frien$- Let se'rets remain %urie$ %et#een o)$ timers-6 I un$erstoo$- I ha$ got it- 2y father ha$ $one something in his hey$ays- "ot may %e s&anning the 'ountry to meet his )ove %ut something 'ra1y something that 'ou)$nt %e to)$ to a)) I #as re)ieve$-

4So #i)) you he)& me un')e86 4Of 'ourse 6 he sai$ smi)ing 4But $ont you 'heat a gir) I te)) youAt your age one $oes #ant to $o it a)) %ut %e goo$ you o.ay86 4!es un')e I #i)) %e-6 4!ou .no# you resem%)e your $a$ in )oo.s an$ even more in $is&osition0 I am &rou$ of you son- A)#ays fo))o# your heart-6 An$ #ith that he #ent %a'. to his $es. an$ resume$ #riting the me$i'a) 'ertifi'ateIt ma$e me so ha&&y to see the $o'tor a gem if ever #as one #riting the fa)se 'ertifi'ate- It ma$e him g)a$ to he)& his frien$s son an$ he $i$nt fin$ anything #rong #ith #hat I #as $oing- I ha$ a)#ays .no#n it %ut it #as e(treme)y &)easant an$ 'omforting to .no# that someone so mu'h )i.e my father a&&rove$ of my #ays- There #ere &eo&)e in this #or)$ #ho un$erstoo$ )ove an$ that ma$e me ha&&y- I a)#ays sa)ute these &eo&)e #ho have their heart in the right &)a'e an$ #i)) $o anything to he)& others as )ong as their heart says it is right- I &resent)y sa)ute$ to he)& others as )ong as their heart says it is right- I &resent)y sa)ute$ the $o'tor my fathers frien$He tie$ the 're&e %an$age neat)y an$ firm)y on my an.)e an$ taught me ho# to )im& )aughing a)) a)ong an$ re)iving his youth- At the en$ of it he is sai$ 4Come son0 )et us go to the &rofessor-6 4!ou #i)) 'ome86 I as.e$ sur&rise$4Of 'ourse I have to- "othing must go #rong- I)) $ro& you &ersona))y in my 'ar an$ no one #i)) ever sus&e't-6 I )oo.e$ at him a&&re'iative)y si)ent)y- I 'ou)$ never than. him enough- Here #as a man I a)#ays as&ire$ to %e- He ha$ taught me so mu'h in that %rief meeting- "o# I #ishe$ I ha$ to)$ my $a$ too4!ou are the %est un')e 6 I sai$ smi)ing4"o f)attery here an$ remem%er #henever you te)) your $a$ one $ay you #i)) of 'ourseGte)) him to give me a 'a))- I)) 'a)) him in a 'ou&)e of $ays oh $ont #orry I)) mention nothing of this +ust a )i) 'at'hing u& son- So yes te)) him to give me a 'a)) then he o#es me one no#-6 4Sure 6 I sai$ an$ &ut his arm aroun$ my shou)$er-

4"o# )et us move an$ te)) the &rofessor #hat ha&&ene$ he sai$ #ith 'hi)$)i.e enthusiasm4Than.s a )ot un')e- I 'ant %e)ieve any one 'an %e so he)&fu)-6 4Oh I shou)$ than. you sonG than. you for )etting me re)ive my 'o))ege $ays- Oh #hat 'ra1y fun-fi))e$ $ays those #ere 6 he sai$ $reami)y 4An$ after su'h a )ong time I am %a'. to $oing #hat I en+oye$ most-&)aying aroun$ #ith &ri'.)y &rofessors 6 he )aughe$ at that an$ a$$e$ as I #a).e$ 4Remem%er son you have a )igament tear an$ a man #ith )igament tear shou)$ )im& 6 an$ #e %oth emerge$ out of his ')ini' )aughing mu'h to the sur&rise of my three frien$s #ho stoo$ outsi$e #aiting2r- >ate ha$ s#it'he$ si$es yet again-

A 'ro#$ ha$ gathere$ aroun$ Ram Lo$ge I Jung)e 2ahara+ Roa$ *une in a vague semi'ir')e- At the 'entre of it stoo$ seven &eo&)e A a %oy #ith a %an$age$ foot su&&orte$ %y his t#o )oya) frien$s a $o'tor as #as evi$ent %y the stethos'o&e hanging from his ne'. an$ three others0 a man a #oman an$ a 'hi)$- The inner 'rust of this 'ong)omeration )oo.e$ on #ith fran. astonishment an$ the outer 'rust +ust )oo.e$ on to see #hat has ha&&ene$ that so many &eo&)e #ere ) on- There #ere t#o short men in this outer 'rust #ho $es&ite %eing on their toes an$ 'raning their ne'.s #ere not a%)e to see the hot s'ene at the 'entre47hat ha&&ene$86 as.e$ the short man A to short man B the other may %e a%)e to he)& him4They say there has %een an a''i$ent 6 re&)ie$ B giving u& his strugg)e to #at'h the &ro'ee$ings )ive47as there %)oo$86 as.e$ A4Oh yes5 A )ot of it they say a tru'. hit him 6 sai$ B4A tru'. it must have %een a &ainfu) sight56 sai$ A4Fery56 sai$ B4,i$ you see the vi'tim86 as.e$ A enthusiasti'a))y4!es a young %oy 6 %ragge$ B- o%vious)y )ying4Is he a)ive86 as.e$ A4*ro%a%)y not56 sai$ B 'o)$)y an$ move$ off #hi)e A got on his toes again trying to 'at'h a g)im&se mo&ing a%out the gro#ing 'a))ousness in the #or)$-

2ean#hi)e una#are of this o%ituary given %y the short man I stoo$ %efore the &rofessors his #ife an$ 3ittu as ,r- * s&o.e on 4He must have stri't %e$ rest for at )east fifteen $ays or it 'an %e serious-6 The &rofessor )oo.e$ on in a 'on$o)ing manner +ust as the $o'tor ha$ )oo.e$ at me #hen I ha$ entere$ his ')ini'- His )oo. #as even more &rofoun$ an$ tou'he$ more )i.e of a mother #hose 'hi)$ ha$ fa))en off a %i'y')e4He must have rest then 6 he $e')are$4It is vita) 6 a$$e$ the $o'tor4Te+as I .no# you #ere so enthusiasti' a%out the tour you arrange$ it a)) an$ 9o$ $e'i$es to in+ure you out of every%o$y 6 he sai$ #on$ering at the #ays of *rovi$en'e- BStrange an$ #on$erfu)5 as ,r- * #ou)$ say4Unfair 6 a$$e$ ,r- *ra%ha.ar42ost56 sai$ the &rofessor 4I .no# you #i)) not )i.e this Te+as %ut you must not visit any in$ustries 6 an$ then ) at the $o'tor sai$ 4He must %e sa$ you $ont .no# ho# he he)&e$ arranging this tour- He is a fine %oy-6 4I have gathere$ as mu'h from the short a':uaintan'e I have ha$ #ith him &rofessor 6 sai$ the $o'tor- I )oo.e$ on as if he #or)$ ha$ en$e$- B"o tour no )ife #as the message that my fa'e f)ashe$2ean#hi)e the astonishment of the inner 'rust #hi'h 'onsiste$ of my &eers ha$ in'rease$ to a %ursting &oint an$ there #as a%so)ute mayhem- The stu$ents #ere o%vious)y ama1e$ at #hat #as ha&&ening refusing to %e)ieve the genuineness of it a)) for it #as more other than Te+as the .ing of frau$s at the he)m of affairs47hat on earth is ha&&ening here86 in:uire$ a fresh s&e'tator #ho ha&&ene$ to %e 3hos)a- Lui'.)y seeing the s'ene he .e&t :uiet an$ )oo.e$ on #ith that Bin vogue astonishe$ )oo.- E .ne# a%out my &)ans to s.i& the tour an$ #as %o#)e$ over %y the #ay that ha$ %een 'hosen to $o that4Sir it is o.ay0 I #i)) ta). to my father an$ as. him #hat to $o 6 I sai$ hanging on to the %ran'hes that my frien$s offere$-

4If you #ant to go home 'omforta%)e 6 sai$ the &rofessor-

$o that

%ut ma.e sure you are

I #ante$ to $an'e %ut I $i$nt- I #ante$ to smi)e %ut I $i$nt- I +ust than.e$ 9o$- The fina) frontier ha$ %een 'on:uere$There #as no sto&&ing me no#- I )oo.e$ at my frien$s an$ then at the $o'tor them #ith my eyes- I 'ou)$ see that they 'ou)$ s'ar'e)y su&&ress their ha&&iness too- The time ha$ 'ome to #a). off from the s'ene or rather say )im& off for ho# )ong 'an mirth %e muff)e$4Sir I$ $o that 6 I sai$ 4I$ )i.e to rest no#-6 4By a)) means 6 sai$ the &rofessor 4An$ than.s a )ot $o'torRea))y ni'e of you o %ring him here &ersona))y- !ou t#o ta.e goo$ 'are of him-6 4!es sir 6 a$$e$ my frien$s47e #i)) miss you Te+as 6 sai$ the &rofessor4I)) miss you too bhaiya 6 sai$ 3ittu #ho ha$ %e'ome a frien$ $uring the train +ourney ) sa$4I)) miss you too 6 I sain an$ )im&e$ off #on$ering if it #as 'orre't #hat I ha$ sai$- I thought it #asThe &rofessor #ith$re# into his :uarters- The 'ro#$ starte$ to $is&erse- The #ho)e ')ass of In$ustria) an$ *ro$u'tion Engineering surroun$e$ the three of us as #e ma$e our #ayFoi'es 'ou)$ %e hear$ 47hat the he)) is this86 4This is frau$56 4Is this genuine Te+as86 I remaine$ si)ent #hi)e my t#o frien$s $i$ their %est in ans#eringI ha$ never fe)t %etter %efore-

The short man A as #e have %een to)$ fina))y got his 'han'e- The 'oast #as ')ear- 4Ah56 he sai$ to himse)f 4>ina))y I)) get to see-6 He )oo.e$ .een)y %ut sa# no %)oo$ none #hatsoever on the roa$- He )oo.e$ aroun$ for a 'or&se or a %)oo$y fa'e %ut there #as none- >ina))y he sa# a %oy #ith a %an$age$ foot a%)y su&&orte$ %y his frien$s- He thought may %e they have the ans#er-

4,i$ you see the vi'tim86 as.e$ A47hi'h vi'tim86 as.e$ the %oy #ith the %ro.en foot4They say there #as a terri%)e a''i$ent a tru'. hit a young %oyG6 sai$ A4Oh56 sai$ the %oy4!ou $i$nt see it either86 as.e$ A4Oh no no I sa# it 6 sai$ the %oy47as he serious86 as.e$ A4!es he #as- Fery serious #e thought he$ never ma.e it 6 sai$ the %oy4is he fine no#86 as.e$ A 'on'erne$4Oh yes 6 re&)ie$ the %oy 4He is out of $anger- A)most rea$y to f)yG6 he a$$e$ an$ 'ou)$nt 'ontro) smi)ing47hat5 !ou shou)$nt ma.e fun young man- "o #on$er 9o$ has &unishe$ you #ith that %ro.en foot5 sai$ A an$ #a).e$ off 'ursing the #or)$ #hi'h he thought #as 'ertain)y $evoi$ no# of those s&)en$i$ virtues of humaneness an$ fee)ing for a fe))o# 'reatureOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO





I sat on a %en'h on &)atform num%er three a)) %y myse)f- It #as one forty fine in the night an$ my train #as t#o hours )ateThe station #as a )one)y &)a'e at that hour )a'.ing a)) the efferves'en'e of the $ay- A fe# sho&s #ere sti)) o&en a fe# &assengers sti)) there %ut to me they #ere a)) non-e(istent- I #as in the strangest of moo$s one of those that &eo&)e often term &hi)oso&hi'a) an$ my min$ #as a gamut of emotions- In my han$s #as a 'o&y of BCarry on Jeeves %ut even its %ri))iant)y humorous &rose ha$ 'ease$ to have an effe't- I #as su&&ose$ to %e ha&&y %ut I #as not not entire)yI #as su&&ose$ to have a s&ar.)e in my eyes %ut instea$ there #as +ust a %roo$ing )oo.- I #as +ust a train +ourney a#ay from the )ove of my )ife #ith nothing to sto& me sure)y %ut I $i$ not give in a thought- Often I have e(&erien'e$ #hen vi'tory is so near in sight an$ a tough thorny +ourney a%out to 'ome to a ')ose the eye is &ensive an$ the heart sentimenta)- An$ so #as my 'ase-

One thin.s at su'h +un'tures not a%out the a#aiting tro&hy %ut a%out the +ourney to it a))- The resu)ting &ri1es that on'e so)e)y o''u&ie$ the min$ fa$e at this +un'tion %efore the +ourney to the &ri1e itse)f- One fee)s nosta)gi' a%out the &ath that has %een trave)e$ an$ is sa$ to thin. that it #i)) a)) %e over soon- One has su%'ons'ious)y fa))en in )ove #ith the &ath an$ yearns for it"o matter ho# $iffi'u)t the &ath #as it ha$ %e'ome a #ay of )ife an$ .no#s one #i)) miss itIroni'a) I ref)e'te$ as I thought a%out a)) the 'ha&ters that ha$ %rought me hither to the &enu)timate sto& in this entertaining e(&e$ition- A)) a)ong there ha$ %een so many u&s an$ $o#ns- !et I ha$ en+oye$ them a)) $eriving thri)) out of the many a$ventures treating ea'h hur$)e as +ust another 'ha))enge another test of my #i)) an$ )ove- But a)) a)ong the +ourney I ha$ #ishe$ to see the en$ of it0- I ha$ #aite$ a)) a)ong for the $ay #hen I$ meet my )ove an$ no# #hen the $ay #as nearer than ever I hesitate$ to move ahea$- I$ miss those times I .ne#Right from the night she to)$ me she 'ou)$ not 'ome to this night I$ miss it a))/ The &)anning the &)otting the $is'ussions #ith frien$Gthose treasure$ 'onversations #ith ShreyaG$e'i$ing the tri& $ates an$ the route to ta.eG the ti'.etsG that sho#er of so$a an$ the tuss)e #ith her &rofessorG that &hone'a)) to &rofessor as my $a$G the %ro.en e(&ensive #e$$ing 'ar$G a)most %eing in')u$e$ in the shot-&ut teamG the e(&)oitation of the Bio%u))G the sear'h for the $o'torG the %ro.en footG fina))y it #as a)) going to en$- I fe)t sa$I ha$ met so many #on$erfu) &eo&)e those #ho ha$ he)&e$ me arrive here an$ I #as than.fu) to them- The #or)$ ha$ goo$ hearts sti)) Fineet Risha%h *ritish Ria didi Ba+rang my sisters "itin Shra$ha *ee)a ,r- * ShreyaG it #as a g)a$$ening thought2y +ourney ha$ %een a)) a%out )ove- I ha$ $is'overe$ more an$ more a)ong the +ourney ho# strong)y an$ sin'ere)y I )ove$ Shreya- An$ it gave me a fe))ing of goo$ness an$ g)a$ness- The un$erstan$ing %een a%out $is'overing #hat )ove a'tua))y #as an$ un$erstating that it #ent mu'h $ee&er than ho)$ing han$s an$ ta).ing romanti'a))yG un$erstan$ing that )ove may %e in the )onging the missing %ut more in the #aiting- That it may %e in &assion in $esire %ut more in the $esire the &assion to $o anything for someone- That )ove #as a%out fa'ing thousan$ of

storms #ith a smi)e .no#ing that +ust one sight of her in the en$ #i)) ma.e it a)) #orth it- The +ourney for me #as a)) a%out )oveSitting there I 'ou)$nt he)& a%out my mother father sister an$ every%o$y %a'. home- I misse$ them- 7or$s of Sneha *a)a. an$ Ria didi .e&t 'oming %a'. to me- They ha$ a)) a$vise$ me not to go in su'h a fashion 'hanging trains an$ foo)ing &rofessors- 47hat if something ha&&ens86 they ha$ a)) as.e$ me- 4If %y 'han'e 9o$ for%i$$ing I $ont even .no# ho# to say it some a''i$entG6 Sneha ha$ sai$- It a)) 'ame %a'. to meI &raye$ that a)) shou)$ go #e)) #ith my train- I 'ou)$nt $are to imagine ho# unforgiva%)e a $ee$ it #ou)$ %e an$ #hat #ou)$ ha&&en to them a)) if something #rong ha&&ene$- I &raye$ trying to shut out a)) negative thoughtsJust as so many emotions &)aye$ aroun$ in my min$ the train entere$ the station an$ for some moments I got %usy in transferring my %e)ongings an$ my o#n se)fI often say ' chance of place ,oes a chan&e of face, an$ my saying 'ertain)y reinfor'e$ itse)f &resent)y- The %roo$ing )oo. s)o#)y ma$e #ay for the s&ar.)e- The train %rought #ith itse)f fresh e('itement an$ energy- I 'heerfu))y sat $o#n on my seat an$ )oo.e$ out of the #in$o# at the star)it s.y as the train starte$ to move- The %ree1e #as 'oo) an$ it f)irte$ #ith my fa'e stirring in me on'e again %right emotions of )ove an$ vi'tory9one #ere the &hi)oso&hi'a) tones0 it #as not a %roo$ I to)$ myse)f %ut a time to remem%er forever"othing 'ou)$ sto& me no# I #as on my #ayOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I #o.e u& #ith a start- I #as in the $ee&est of s)um%ers on

the to& %erth #hen a)) of a su$$en I hear$ an e(&)osionS)ee&i)y I )oo.e$ right an$ )eft from my %ase an$ everything seeme$ a)right in the 'om&artment- I ')ose$ my eyes trying to go

%a'. to my s)ee& 'ursing #hoever ha$ ma$e the noise- I stri't)y $isa&&rove of su'h ghast)y a'ts0 they sha.e one to this 'ore- I have a sma)) im&ish 'ousin #ho has this ha%it of going aroun$ %ursting %a))oons in the ears of s)ee&ing %eauties an$ I te)) you having %een a vi'tim it is a sho'. )i.e no other- One +um&s at on'e a)most hits the 'ei)ing an$ shu$$ers #hi)e 'oming $o#nThese su$$en %)asts 'ome )i.e $eath .ne))s an$ one his o#n s#eet time to re'overThan. fu))y this time the soun$ seeme$ to have 'ome from some#here far off )i.e a fat man from the to& %erth to the f)oor- An$ %eing in the mi$$)e of the $ee&est of s)um%ers I s)e&t again :ui'.)y- These un#arne$ %)asts are no goo$ to the nervous system an$ I trem%)e to te)) you that another one severa) $e'i%e)s )ou$er than my %rothers %a))oons #ent off soon afterThis time I #ent off too )i.e a ro'.et an$ in the &ro'ess hit the )o# 'ei)ing #ith a ')ang- I 'ou)$ fee) my heart thro%%ing in my mouth- I am not sha.en that easi)y I must say %ut this soun$ #ou)$ have sha.en the stoutest of so)$iers #ho sit 'a)m)y on our %or$er use$ to treating %om%s as f)imsy fire 'ra'.ers- It seeme$ that a %om% ha$ gone off right un$erneath my %erth if not ')oser an$ I #as $i11y from the im&a't #ith the 'ei)ing- The on)y 'omforting fa't #as that I #asnt the on)y one sha.en0 it ha$ not %een a %a$ $ream after a)) A I ha$ hear$ some hun$re$ other $istin't ')angs0 my fe))o# to& %erth %rothers ha$ %ro.en their s.u))s tooSu$$en)y the train sto&&e$ an$ &eo&)e starte$ ta).ing an(ious)y among themse)ves- I ha$ no one to turn to an$ remaine$ in my %erth stiffer than ever .een)y .ee&ing an eye on the 'orri$or- Something #as #rong for sure- A #ise man in our %ogey announ'e$ #ea.)y 4There are ghosts in these &arts- An army of ghosts has infeste$ the trainG ma.e no soun$G I am from these &arts an$ I .no#- A simi)ar in'i$ent ha$ ha&&ene$ a )ong time ago-6 "o%o$y $are$ to as. him #hat the out'ome ha$ %een then- I #ante$ to ta). to someone- It #as %ugging to remain as stiff as an over-%a.e$ %e)o# 'autious)y ha)f e(&e'ting to fin$ a ghost e('e&t that I $i$nt .no# ho# they )oo.e$- Instea$ I sa# a man 'rou'he$ in fear- I 'ou)$nt see this fa'e- It ha$ haunting)y in a sha$o#4He))o 6 I sai$ in a #his&er hanging my hea$ $o#n an$ at that our frien$ 'rou'he$ more an$ su&&resse$ a 'ry- 4,ont #orry I

am not the ghost 6 I resume$ ')earing my 're$entia)s- It #as essentia) for further 'onversation4Then $ont hang )i.e that )i.e a %at you a)most .i))e$ me 6 he sai$ re)ieve$4>ine 6 I sai$ an$ remove$ my hea$ 4Can #e ta).86 4!es 6 he hisse$ 4But :uiet)y56 4,o you %e)ieve in ghosts86 I as.e$4"o no #ayG6 he re&)ie$49oo$ nor $o I )et us te)) these i$iots that the man is %u))shitting-6 4Are you ma$86 47hy you on)y sai$ you $ont %e)ieve in ghosts 6 I sai$ %antering 4Sti)) #hy ta.e a 'han'e86 4True 6 I sai$There #as a si)en'e- A &in-$ro& one as it is sometimes $efine$- *eo&)e ha$ sto&&e$ #his&ering fearing that any soun$ might #a.e u& the s)ee&ing monster4At )east turn on the )ight56 I sai$ fee)ing it #ou)$ %e safer9hosts )i.e it $ar. I ha$ hear$4Are you man86 4"o I have hear$ ghosts are afrai$ of )ight56 It seeme$ the man on)y .ne# t#o senten'es4Can you say anything e)se8 !ou .ee& mum%)ing Bare you ma$ an$ B#hy ta.e a 'han'e-6 47i)) you shut u&86 he #his&ere$ as )ou$ as he 'ou)$ in a #his&er an$ that ma$e me ha&&y- His )anguage #as not a )imite$ as I ha$ thought49oo$ you 'an s&ea.5 But I te)) you ghosts are afrai$ of )ight-6 4So I have hear$ too56 4Or #as it fire86 4!es it #as56 47e 'ant %e sure I #ish mom #as here- She .no#s a%out it e(a't)y-6 42ine too I guess56 4Hey you .no# #hat8 2y dadi has a)#ays to)$ me that a)) ghosts an$ monsters #ere .i))e$ %y Ram-6 47ho is Ram86 4Rama the 9o$56 4OhG6 4,ont %e so afrai$ yaar one shou)$ en+oy a$ventures- Any#ay if she is right then there are no ghostsG6 4So I have hear$ too56

4Then #hy %e afrai$86 4An$ #hy ta.e a 'han'e86 The man #as in'orrigi%)e- He seeme$ to me one of those &)um& baniyas #ho #ou)$nt ta.e a 'han'e any#here- I $ont )i.e su'h &eo&)e- Life is a)) a%out ris.s I a)#ays say- Rea)i1ing the man #ont %u$ge from his &oint of not 'han'es I $e'i$e$ to give in4!ou are right #hy ta.e 'han'e8 2ay %e one +ust monster ha$ es'a&e$ someho# from the arro#s of the Lor$ Rama an$ my $a$ima might not %e a#are of him- SoG#hy ta.e a 'han'e may %e he is the same $emon or &ossi%)y he has mu)ti&)ie$G%ut ho#G6 47i)) you shut u&86 he %eat his o)$ )ou$est #his&er re'or$4!es I #i)) 6 I sai$ an$ #e #ere immerse$ in si)en'e again a $eafening one )et us say this time-

The $eafening si)en'e #as shattere$ in a manner so ma+esti' that it #ou)$ have em%arrasse$ the storm of the sea %rea.s the 'a)m- It seeme$ that a her$ of #i)$ %u))s ha$ %ro.en )oose after $ays of torture- The soun$ of their hooves in'rease$ more an$ more ti)) it threatene$ to $emo)ish the entire me'hanism of the ear- Remem%ering ,o&&)er Effe't #hi'h s&o.e a%out the 'hara'ters of the a&&roa'hing an$ the re'e$ing soun$ #aves I $erive$ that the &resent #ave ha$ to %e the former an$ therefore I stiffene$ a )itt)e more an$ )ay sti)) #aiting for the %u))s to arriveThe soun$s .e&t their &romise as a %arrage of men not %u))s as it ha$ seeme$ storme$ into out %ogey an$ threatene$ to ta.e it a&art- They #hi11e$ &ast me )i.e a train an$ on)y after they ha$ gone &ast me 'om&)ete)y $i$ I $are to )oo. u& an$ out of my %erthI must ')ear a thing or t#o here thought I thin. you$ have it figure$ our a)rea$y- I never at any time %e)ieve$ in the ghost story- 7hi'h you 'an gather from my frivo)ity- I firm)y %e)ieve$ my dadidmas story- I remem%er saying Bsomething #as #rong #hen the train ha)te$ %ut in the interva) %et#een the se'on$ e(&)osion an$ the #i)$ %u)) ra'e my min$ ha$ ma.e u& that it #as

nothing to %e #orrie$ a%out- *erha&s a nut or %o)t in the train )oosene$ thus 'ausing some &art vita) to trains motion to 'rea. an$ sto&- Or &erha&s a fat man after a)) ha$ s)i&&e$ $o#n his %erth this time #ith his trun.But #hat met the eye #as not a goo$ sight at a))- I #as right- There #ere no ghosts no %u))s either %ut &o)i'eman as )avish)y $e'orate$ #ith guns as an In$ian %ri$e #ith +e#e))ery- I 'rane$ my ne'. an$ sa# that they #ere running after t#o short %a)$ men #hose oi)y hea$s shone in the $im )ight of the %ogey- It #as a&&arent that they #ere on the other si$e of )a# %ut the fa't that a)most ten &o)i'emen 'hase$ them #ith so many guns an$ rif)es ma$e it a)) )oo. a %it grim- An$ grim %e'ame my moo$Ha$nt I &asse$ enough e(ams I as.e$ 9o$ that he ha$ to s&ring u& rouges an$ 'o&s out of no#here to test my #i)) this time8 7erent &rofessor enough8 I #as 'ross- It #ou)$nt have sur&rise$ me if a gunman #as to emerge out of the $ar. an$ ta.e me as a hostage- 2r- >ates game #as getting $irtier- Of a)) the mi))ion trains in this 'ountry #ith the se'on$ )argest rai) net#or. in the #or)$ the 'rimina)s ha$ to 'hoose this train5 An$ #hy8 Be'ause the one an$ on)y Te+as "aru)a #as on this very one- ,amn it a))5 2y min$ #as %usy in 'ursing the )atest $eve)o&ment that threatene$ my rea'hing the $estination an$ 'a)'u)ating the 1eroes after the $e'ima) in the &ro%a%i)ity of this ha&&ening #ith an un%iase$ trave)er ?un%iase$ a mathemati'ians say in an un%iase$ 'oin@- 7hat if the entire train #as %)o#n u&8 2y sistertrios 'omments 'ame %a'. to haunt me an$ I hear$ severa) thu$s an$ e(&)osions- The e(&)osions that ha$ interru&te$ my siesta I no# un$erstoo$ #ere soun$s of firing- The &resent e(&)osions 'ame from outsi$e the train an$ I #as re)ieve$ to rea)i1e that the %att)e s'ene ha$ shifte$ to the o&en- I trie$ to resume my ta). #ith her )o#er %erth man an$ manage a )augh in the trying times4I to)$ you there #ere no ghosts- ,i$nt i86 I #his&ere$4ShhhG there #ere 'roo.s an$ %u))etsG6 he #his&ere$47ant to have a &ee& outsi$e86 I +o.e$4Are you ma$86 4They must %e $ea$56 4Sti)) #hy ta.e a G6

He #as a%out to say no $ou%t the #or$ 'han'e %ut it so ha&&ene$ that the )ights #ere s#it'he$ on su$$en)y- I stiffene$ again an$ he 'rou'he$ as #e #aite$ for he)) to %rea. )oose- A sti'. %ange$ against meta) an$ a gruff voi'e starte$ shouting4,ont #orry no# 6 it sai$ in a Bihari a''ent 4A)) is safe- The %an$its have %een .i))e$- The train #i)) start soonG6 I stu'. my hea$ out this time #ithout any hesitation an$ sa# a &o)i'eman in .ha.i ru%%ing thum% on his &a)m evi$ent)y &re&aring snuff as he s&o.e on 'oo))y-

It #as four in the morning an$ the nerve-shattering e&iso$e ha$ in a$$ition shattere$ any ho&es of getting s)ee&- The train ha$ %egun to ratt)e a$ s#ay again an$ after a%out a hun$re$th attem&t to s)ee& again I gave it u&- I 'ooe$ to my frien$ on the %erth %eneath 4Are you as)ee&86 4!es I am 56 he sai$ an $ I a&&re'iate$ his sense of humour- The guy ha$ ear)ier seeme$ to me ho&e)ess42in$ some &upshup86 4"ot a %a$ i$ea s)ee& i$ off on a ho)i$ay it seems 6 he re&)ie$- I #as sur&rise$- I ha$ e(&e'te$ a #hy-ta.e-a-'han'eI ho&&e$ $o#n #hi)e he &ut )ight on- I must say I e(&e'te$ to see a fat $roo&y-eye$ seth0 after a)) he ha$ %ehave$ in su'h a 'hi'.en-hearte$ manner- *ra'ti'a) some of you might say %ut to me 'hi'.en-hearte$- But #hat I sa# #a a &)easant sur&rise- Here #as a man smart an$ so&histi'ate$ $resse$ in im&e''a%)e ')othes- He seeme$ to %e in his )ate t#enties an$ ha$ on air of eing #e))-rea$- 7e shoo. han$s- He #as sur&rise$ to see me too*erha&s he ha$ e(&e'te$ a man %y #hi'h I mean some%o$y o)$er %ut #hat greete$ him #as a %oy4Hi 6 I sai$6Hi 6 he sai$4Ho&e I $i$nt %other you mu'h5 I have this ha%it of s& %or$ering on the e('essive %ut it he)&s one to .ee& smi)ingG6 4Hmm you are :uite a ta).er- !ou ha$ the nerve to +o.e aroun$ in those tense momentsG6

4Oh #e)) I a)so %e)ieve in a)#ays .ee&ing others smi)ing- Humour is im&ortant0 %esi$es it #as essentia) to +o.e then or the nerves #ou)$ have %urst56 4But it 'ou)$ have attra'te$ $anger my frien$-6 4!ou rea))y %e)ieve in ghosts86 4Attra'te$ $anger as in any one those out)a#s for instan'eBetter safe than sorry56 4True 6 I sai$ 4But #hat is gone is- "o# a))s #e)) #ith the #or)$-6 4By the #ay I am Ra+it Ra+it Ahu+a56 4I am Bon$ 6 I )aughe$ "o no &oor I am Te+as "aru)a-6 4So #hat are you $ongGas in stu$iesG 'o))ege86 4I am $oing engineering from IIT ,e)hi 6 I sai$ &rou$)ySu$$en)y his eyes )it u& an$ his fa'e %eame$- I ha$ .no#n the effe't of the name of my 'o))ege %ut never ha$ it ma$e someone so &)um& #ith +oy- His fa'e gave a )oo. of a &rou$ father #hose son ha$ +ust got into IIT4Un%e)ieva%)e 6 he sai$ e('ite$ an$ that $isa&&ointe$ me- I mean I .no# I $ont have a stu$ious fa'e nor $o I s&ort thi'. s&e'ta')es- !et one ought not to mo'. right on fa'e- But I too. it s&orting)y4I .no# I $ont )oo. )i.e one from the &restigious instituteG6 4Oh no it is not that yaar 6 he #as o&ening u&- This #as the first time he ha$ sai$ yaar an$ his forth'oming #or$s to)$ #hy 4I too am from IIT 6 he sai$ an$ )oo.e$ at me )i.e a )ong )ost %rotherIt is a thing #e)) $o'umente$ a%out IITians that #hen t#o of the same s&e'ies meet no matter in #hi'h year they &asse$ out or from #hi'h of the seven great institutions they )oo. u&on ea'h other as )ong )ost %rothers- The eye is one of affe'tion an$ heart of #armth our fraternity is a 'ohesive one it is sai$ an$ it 'ant %e truer*resent)y my eyes )it u& an$ my fa'e %eame$- I )oo.e$ at the other #ith ne# foun$ fon$ness- He to)$ me he #as from IIT Bom%ay &asse$ out a goo$ four years %a'. then enri'he$ his 'urri'u)um vitae #ith a $egree from II2 Banga)ore as so many IITians $o an$ #as no# em&)oye$ #ith ,aim)er Chrys)er the 2er'e$es Com&any in *une4So #hat are your 'arrier &)ans 6 he as.e$ 42BA86

4The )ast thing I #ant to $o no offen'e %ut I fin$ it %oring an$ too $amn trivia) 6 I sai$ #ith the air of a CEO4Oh5 !ou are right in a #ay %ut one nee$s it for the %ran$ name56 4I .no#5 Too sa$ that time has 'ome to this #hen humans are %ran$e$ )a%e)e$ tagge$G fee)s )i.e one is ta).ing a%out un$er#ears56 4Un$er#ears86 4Say +eansG6 4Better5 True %ut one 'ant he)& it 6 he sai$ smi)ing4!ou .no# #hat there are so fe# &eo&)e in IIT itse)f the greatest institution su&&ose$)y #ho stu$y for .no#)e$ge or get ha&&iness out of it0 most are +ust %i$ing their time #aiting for their )a%e) so that they 'an move on to the ne(t one56 47hi'h #as true in our time too0 to ea'h his o#n though56 he sai$4Any#ays enough a%out %oring 'areers #hat you to Chennai86 He smi)e$ s)ight)y- He %)ushe$ a )itt)e- There #as an unmista.a%)e g)immer in his eyes an$ I got it- Something to $o #ith )ove- these are unmista.a%)e signs- An$ I #as not #rong4Im getting marrie$ yaar-6 47e)) 'ongrats5 I sai$ sin'ere)y 4Love or arrange$86 I as.e$ A the first :uestion that &o&s into the min$ #hen one ta).s a%out marriage4!ou #ont %e)ieve it yaar my story5 It is a one in a mi))ion 'ase-6 I fro#ne$4,ont te)) me you are marrying a %oy56 4"o 'ome on56 4Than. 9o$ I +ust as.e$- you sai$ one in a mi))ion these $ays su'h things ha&&en you see-6 4"o no I sai$ in re)ation to )ove an$ arrange$-6 4Then te)) a)) 6 4!ou .no# #hat0 "ive$ita an$ I #ere at s'hoo) together- "ive$ita thats her-6 4I thought as mu'h go on-6 42y $a$ got transferre$ to Chennai #hen I #as in e)eventh an$ #e fe)) in )ove-6 49reat it ha$ %een )ong56 4"ine years56 4SoG #hen $i$ you %rea. it to your &arents86

4That it the most ama1ing &art yaar- you %e)ieve that there is a 9o$- I raise$ an eye%ro# +ust one- 4!ou .no# #hat she is a south In$ian- An$ her $a$ is a &rofessor at IIT 2a$ras-6 49oo$G he must %e im&resse$ %y you-6 4"o noG nothing of that sort- He is 'onservative )i.e he)) an$ #ou)$nt have a))o#e$ "ive$ita to have a )ove marriage- IITian or #ith any%o$y e)se- He 'omes from a s'hoo) that says A Love is a pest. 'nd papa knows best. 4Then86 I as.e$ intereste$- He ha$ a)) my attention- His 'ase #as not $issimi)ar to mine an$ #as having a ha&&y en$ing- I #ante$ to .no# it a))- 4!ou #ont %e)ieve it +ust #hen she an$ I #ere #on$ering ho# to &ut it a'ross to him a marriage &ro&osa) 'ame to my house-6 4Then8 !ou sure)y tore it off56 4E(a't)y that #as my first im&u)se- I to)$ mom I)) have nothing to $o #ith &ro&osa)s- I hate them-6 4So $o I-6 4So I to)$ her to tear the &hoto %ut she someho# 'onvin'e$ me that the gir) #as %eautifu) an$ $eserve$ a )oo.-6 4!ou ha$ it8 "o harm in ) at &retty fa'esG6 4E(a't)y I thought might as #e)) )oo. at a &retty gir)G6 4!es then86 4The roof fe)) over my hea$ an$ the groun$ es'a&e$ from %eneath it #as her-6 47ho86 4"ive$ita56 47hat86 4!es 6 he sai$ an$ I san. into the seat )i.e a %one)ess mamma)- I un$erstoo$ no# #hy he ha$ sai$ one in mi))ion- 2a.e it one in a %i))ion- A$$ it to #on$ers of the #or)$ )ist- Christen him the )u'.iest man on this &)anet- I shu$$ere$ to 'om&are my )ife #ith his- Son of fortune he sure #as- A thought that often 'omes to my min$ #hen #itnessing )ove stories other than mine f)itte$ in again A if on)y my )ife #as so un'om&)i'ate$47hat ha&&ene$ to you Te+as8 A)) #e))86 he as.e$ seeing me $roo& )i.e that4Her &arents never 'ame to .no# a%out it for nine #ho)e years86 I as.e$ in're$u)ous)y4"o #e &)aye$ rea))y safe an$ #e $ont inten$ to te)) him even no#- 7on$er ho# he)) rea't5 7hy ta.e a 'han'e86 The man ha$ &roven his theories of )ife in an e(em&)ary fashion- It #as as so)i$ a &roof as the one given %y 2r- "e#ton

a%out something 'a))e$ gravity #hen he )et an a&&)e fa))- 7hyta.e-'-'han'e motto #as a hit sure)y an$ I #ou)$nt #on$er if in a short time hor$es of 'hi)$ren 'ome out on the streets singing the s)ogan- It #ou)$ 'ertain)y %e'ome a rage- I fe)t %a$ ho# I ha$ ma$e fun of this genius of a man an$ his ingenious motto 'hi'.en-hearte$ he might %e %ut it ha$ serve$ him #e))- I )oo.e$ at him #ith a ne# foun$ res&e't- He ha$ eva$e$ the attention of his future father-in-)a# for nine years an$ I ha$ %are)y manage$ t#o- I #as +ust a minion 'om&are$ to him47i)) you min$ te))ing me #hat ha&&ene$86 he as.e$ again 4!ou seem to %e suffering from +aun$i'e a)) of a su$$en-6 He ha$ &ut it #e)) for my fa'e ha$ %een ro%%e$ of its 'o)our- I mustere$ a)) my 'ourage to s&ea.4,o you .no# #hy I am going to Chennai86 4I am not mu'h of a fa'e rea$er56 4Then )et me te)) you you$ %e g)a$ to .no# that my story is very simi)ar to yours e('e&t that there is one ma+or $ifferent A Her $a$ .no#s an$ I %)ame it a)) on you- If on)y you ha$ met me %efore oh the #ise one5 If on)yG6 An$ I to)$ him a)) as I have to)$ it a)) to so many others- I a)so to)$ him ho# mu'h I a&&re'iate$ his #hy-ta.e-a-'han'e motto %ut ho# I #as in'a&a%)e of fo))o#ing it- I #as too im&u)sive to not ta.e a 'han'e- He em&athise$ #ith meSai$ he un$erstoo$ my &ain an$ &osition %ut to)$ me again that I #as another 'han'e in going to meet my %e)ove$- He a$$e$ that it #as #orth it no# that her father .ne# as he #ont )et her meet me other#iseHe to)$ me to %e 'arefu)- I assure$ him I #ou)$nt ta.e a 'han'e on'e here an$ he #as ha&&y- 4Thats the #ay to go 6 he sai$- He a)so sai$ )i.e so many others ha$ 4!ou rea))y )ove her man56 an$s 'oming from a veteran )i.e him one #hose re)ationshi& ha$ )aste$ a so)i$ nine years an$ #ou)$ go on forever no $ou%t it #as an honour an$ I smi)e$ mee.)y4!ou must 'ome to the #e$$ing Te+as o%vious)y if you 'an s&are time from your $ates 6 he sai$4Oh I $efinite)y #i)) I)) meet her on)y $uring the $ay- !ou must .no# ho# it is #ith gir)s #hen it 'omes to 'oming out of home at night-6

4!es es&e'ia))y #ith "ive$ita0 her father is a frea.- !ou .no# ho# &rofessors are5 He has su'h 'ra1y i$eas a)#ays- "o# sam&)e this- The $ates of a)) the fun'tions ha$ %een $e'i$e$ )ong %a'. %ut +ust a%out a #ee. %efore the marriage this man gets su'h insane i$eas-6 4Li.e86 4The marriage is ne(t Sun$ay an$ on)y yester$ay he te))s everyone that a pooja must %e organi1e$56 4I $ont &refer them mu'h either- 9o$s every#here %ut sure)y not mu'h of a &ain- Just a sma)) pooja, yaar56 4Sma))8 !our hea$ #i)) %urst #hen I te)) you this- The pooja is to ta.e &)a'e some#here in 2aha%a)i&uram not for one-t#o- hours %ut s&rea$ over three $ays56 4Three $ays86 4Three $ays5 An$ #hen I try to $rive into his hea$ that 9o$ #i)) see not #hether you have &raye$ for one or three $ays %ut on)y ho# &ure your heart is he +ust $oesnt get it- Says it is im&erative for our future56 4These su&erstitions sometimes .i)) you56 4I .no# an$ to re'eive su'h a 'ho'. of the %)ue +ust #hen I #as of en+oying a %rea. after a )ong time $rives me to $e&ression- !ou see I am a man #ho ) to en+oy his time- I $e'i$e$ to trave) in train es&e'ia))y as I )ove it- I en+oy )ifes sma))-sma)) +oys an$ this man .i))s them- 7hen I #as a)) geare$ u& to have fun #ith my fami)y an$ a)) this man 'omes #ith this &re&osterous &)an an$ sta%s me56 4Say sta% in the mi$$)e of a soun$ s)ee&-6 4*erfe't)y &ut56 I sym&athi1e$ #ith him- Being a vi'tim of the #hims an$ fantasies of a gir)s father myse)f I 'ou)$ un$erstan$ #hat he fe)t )i.e- If there is ever a man #hom you #ou)$ give anything to avoi$ for the rest of your )ife it #ou)$ %e a gir)s father- !our gir)s of 'ourse- I gave him a frien$)y &at4,ont #orry my frien$ it)) %e a)right- Its +ust a matter of three $ays56 4Oh I $ont .no# #hat I)) $o 6 he a)most 'rie$ 4The on)y so)a'e is that I)) have my sister there- 2ay %e #e have some fun- Oh that remin$s meG the )ast time I ta).e$ to her Shreya $i$nt soun$ a)right- She sai$ there #as something im&ortantG6 47ho $i$nt soun$ a)right86 I as.e$- I #as ha)f $ea$42y sister-6 4I mean #hat is her name86

4Shreya #hy86 That 'om&)ete$ the mur$er- Ra+it Ahu+a urf Shreyas Ra+u bhaiya the one #ho use$ to 'arry her &iggy%a'. a)) $ay )ong the very %rother #ho #as getting marrie$- I #on$ere$ #hat &revente$ her from 'a))ing him Ra+it bhaiya0 #asnt too )ong0 an$ I 'urse$ the In$ian tra$ition of .ee&ing &et namesI ')ose$ my eyes an$ fe)t into my seat- It $i$nt seem )i.e a seat at a)) instea$ a mi))ion mi)e $ee& &it- I fe)t fast an$ hit the %ottom har$- I $i$nt fe)) anything after that for :uite a )ong time"um%e$ that is #hat they 'a)) it I #as-

The train ha$ assume$ #hat must %e its fastest &a'e after the sho'. of the $is'overy of %an$its on tits 'hassis- 2ost of the &eo&)e ha$ su''ee$e$ in their &reserve$ attem&ts of %eating the $emons out of their hea$ an$ ha$ gone off to s)ee&- Thus $ar.ness reigne$ in the Chennai E(&ress an$ the right #as on'e again sti)) if the e(&ression 'an %e use$ in the 'ase of a moving train- Ho#ever amongst a)) this $ar.ness a singu)ar )ight shone on an$ i))uminate$ the %ogey S A H- A trave)er #ho might have %een irritate$ %y this $istur%ing )ight a &assengers in trains so often are an$ $e'i$e$ to tea'h the i))uminator a goo$ )esson #ith his #hat-the-he))-are-you-$oing-at-five-in-the-night s&ee'h #ou)$ have seen t#o &a)e fa'es A &a)er in the ye))o# )ight of the train A ) at ea'h other $um%)y )i.e $u'.s- 7hat he #ou)$ve $one after#ar$s $oesnt %other us for in rea)ity no %o$y 'ame an$ $istur%e$ the $u'.s- They #ere a)one in their 'om&artment #hi'h usua))y fi))s itse)f a)ong the +ourney an$ from the )oo. on their fa'es it seeme$ they #ere in the mi$$)e of #hat is 'a))e$ an a#.#ar$ moment- I as one of the $u'.s 'an te)) you for sure that I $i$nt have a ')ue a%out #hat to s&ea. an$ my %rother-in)a# #as not $ong mu'h %etter #ither*resent)y my fien$ ')ose$ his eyes trying to gu)& in the sho'.er an$ he $i$ have $iffi'u)ty in $oing so as #as evi$ent from the )um& of the si1e of a %a)) #hi'h ha$ forme$ in the mi$$)e of his throat- I $i$nt %)ame him for his rea'tion- It #as natura) I em&athi1e$ #ith the &oor sou) as I sa# him #rithe in his seat )i.e a tro$$en snai)- Of a)) the %a))y sho'.ers if there is one that sen$s the 'hi))iest of 'hi))s $o#n your s&ine it is the one

that $ea)s #ith the $is'overy of your $ar)ing sisters )ove- 47hen $i$ she gro# so o)$86 is a :uestion that ea'h %rother as.s himse)f #on$ering at the #ays of nature A so fats so furious- Ti)) yester$ay the 'ute )itt)e gir) #ho #as so high he says to himse)f &ointing to his .eens has %e'ome %ig enough to start fa))ing in )ove5 Un%e)ieva%)e it seems- !ears f)ash &ast so fast0 he ref)e'ts an$ 'urses them- He his o#n s#eet time thus to try an$ s#a))o# the fa't as it stares in his fa'e A the rea)i1ation that Byes it is for true an$ no no%o$y is here an$ that there is no use of running a#ay from it- I a&&re'iate$ his $i)emma &ro%a%)y %etter that anyone e)se 'ou)$- I have sisters myse)f a$ though the ne#s of their fa))ing in )ove hasnt yet %een 'onveye$ to me I 'an imagine #hat 'onvu)sions it #ou)$ &ro$u'e in me #henever it $oes ha&&en- A %rother #ou)$nt )i.e to hear an e(&)anation from his sister that 42y $ear %rother you yourse)f are in )ove56 the %rother $oesnt see any sense in this &ara))e)5 He says to his sister 4,ont give my e(am&)e- I am #ise- But you are an inno'ent gir) an$ any %a$ guy 'an foo) you- After a)) the #or)$ no#a$ays is %rimming #ith them5 Brothers I te)) you are e(treme)y &rote'tive an$ $ont )i.e su'h ne#s at a))- But eventua))y one $oes see the sense in it a)) an$ the 'ho'. $oes get s#a))o#e$- One says giving u& an$ a''e&ting )ife 4It ha$ to ha&&en some$ay- After a)) she #ont remain so high forever- An$ may %e the %oy is goo$6 %ut the time that it for this rea)i1ation to surfa'e is a #ee %it )ong2ean#hi)e as I muse$ on my frien$s mi(e$ fee)ings I %egan to muse on my mi(e$ fee)ings as #e)) an$ +ugg)ing so many fee)ings #as as si)ent as a ')o'. that has )ost its %atteries I $i$nt .no# #hether to fee) un)u'.y or )u'.y- A &art of me 'a))e$ 2r- >ate names as it has $one so often in this +ourney- 4"othing 'an sto& me no# 6 I ha$ sai$ to myse)f at the *une Station2ere)y a train +ourney a#ay from my )ove te)) me #asnt I right in assuming that8 But first the %an$its an$ no# this5 I 'ou)$ hear 2r- >ate )augh sinister)y f)ashing his &ointe$ in'isors an$ shout $erisive)y 4!ou foo)har$y sou) seems you)) not give u& ta.e this-6 In $es&eration 2r- >ate ha$ fina))y s#it'he$ strategies an$ no# 'on'entrate$ on Shreyas en$- Chea& ta'ti's I te)) you to Harry a $e)i'ate gir) Un'hiva)rous to &ut the &oor gir) at her #its en$ %y 'on+uring u& out of the %)ue this #ho)e pooja %usiness2y $ar)ing mustve %een %usy #ith her $ress rehearsa) a)rea$y in

a mu$$)e #hether to 'hoose the %)ue salwar+kamee: or the &in. s.irt to #ear on the first $ay #hen the ne#s must have arrive$Her s#eetheart #as 'oming to meet her traversing the )ength of the 'ountry en'ountering the roughest of storms an$ here she #as he)&)ess a%out to %e e(&orte$ to some foreign )an$- 2y heart #ent out to her- She &ro%a%)y #ou)$ have fainte$ on hearing this- Even the &hone )ines #ere a)) messe$ u& the &revious $ay ren$ering a 'onversation im&ossi%)e- Oh ho# she #ou)$ have 'o&e$ #ith it5 4Ta.e me on >ate man to man %ut sto& harassing my )itt)e gir)5 7as #hat I #ante$ to shout outBut my se'on$ voi'e to)$ the first to 'a)m $o#n- After a)) #asnt it >ate that ha$ &)a'e$ me an$ the hero of the very sho# #hi'h might have &revente$ me from meeting my $ar)ing in the same 'om&artment8 The use of Bmight here may sense a so)e'ism to you %ut I assure you it is not- I use Bmight for the pooja mi&ht have foi)e$ my &)ans %ut no# that I .ne# a%out it it$ %e a $ifferent s'ri&t- I #as going to meet Shreya if not in Chennai then in 2aha%a)i&uram or for that matter in Tim%u.tu #hi'h not many &eo&)e .no# is a &)a'e in northern 2a)i Afri'a- Therefore this #ise voi'e to)$ me not to 'urse >ate %ut instea$ to )oo. at the %righter si$es of )ife A a thing if there is one I$ #ant you to remem%er from my storyIf this man ha$nt %een &)aye$ %e)o# my %erth %y >ate I #ou)$ have #aite$ for Shreya outsi$e IIT 2a$ras #here #e #ere su&&ose$ to meet &ee&ing $es&erate)y into &assing autos on)y to fin$ nothing )i.e her in them for 9o$ .no#s ho# )ong- Thus 2r>ate though ha$ ruine$ :uite a )ot #as a)so $oing this %est to resurre't it a))- On'e again I #ent into the &ensive mo$e a%out the &ast an$ $eriving ho&e from it- "umerous times a)ong the +ourney everything ha$ %een shattere$ an$ ea'h time one sa# the han$ of >ate- But at a)) those times ha$nt he not #ithout my efforts 'hange$ si$es &roven himse)f an a))y an$ &ut a)) the &ie'es together8 One nee$s &erseveran'e an$ effort thus at a)) times in )ife4Bu'. u&6 one nee$s to say to onese)f 4an$ thin.-6 In the &resent $i)emma ho#ever not mu'h of #as re:uire$There #as on)y one man #ho 'ou)$ he)& me meet Shreya- An$ that man sat right %efore me- I )oo.e$ at him on'e again- He sti)) )oo.e$ &a)e0 his eyes #ere ')ose$ %ut his %reathing #as getting %a'. to norma)- I $e'i$e$ to %rea. the si)en'e- I &ut a 'omforting han$ on his shou)$er an$ he o&ene$ his eyes- 7hat he sa#

mustve %een eyes fu)) of &ity an$ &rayers- *)ea$ing im&)oring for he)&-


4I .no# ho# it fee)s )i.e %rother- I have a sister too 6 I fum%)e$ #ith my o&ening )ines- He .e&t ) at me un%e)ieving)y- He $i$nt s&ea.4I rea))y )ove your sister0 that is the on)y assuran'e I 'an offer you right no# 6 I a$$e$- He #as sti)) si)ent4I ho&e you un$erstan$ Ra+it-6 He .e&t on ) mute)y- I $i$nt .no# #hat to $o- He had to un$erstan$ he himse)f #as a 'rimina) if )ove #as a 'rime4!ou are the on)y one #ho 'an he)& us56 At that the straightene$ himse)f an$ move$ his eye%a))s in surveying me from to& to %ottom4"ot %a$56 he $e')are$ at the en$ of it remin$ing me of his s#eet sister an$ smi)e$- 4!ou .no# #hat you )oo. )i.e a s'hoo) .i$ 6 he sai$ a )itt)e $isa&&roving)y I thought- I sym&athi1e$ #ith the &oor %)ighters #ho have to go through that e(treme)y un&)easant roun$ of %eing e(amine$ %y the gir)s &arents- 2y heart #ent out for them- 4But 6 my frien$ a$$e$ 4That is goo$ as Shreya )oo.s +ust )i.e a tenth gra$e gir)- !ou)) )oo. goo$ together-6 He smi)e$ again an$ I manage$ a sma)) one too re)ieve$ at the &ositive assessment4I am ha&&y for her- !ou rea))y )ove her yaar5 Stay that #ay a)#ays I te)) you or e)se I)) %rea. your )egs 6 he sai$ for'ing mena'e into his voi'e4Brea. them0 $o #hatever you #ant to %ut right no# he)& me- I have to)$ you a)rea$y ho# $iffi'u)t it has %een to 'ome this far an$ no# you sasurji has messe$ it a)) %oth for you an$ me- I have to meet Shreya5 At any 'ost56 I &raye$4I #ish I 'ou)$ 'an'e) the pooja56 4Cant you86 4"ot unti) the o)$ &ig-hea$ is there-6 4Cant #e $o something a%out him86 I as.e$ in a sinister tone im&)ying an e(e'ution4I$ )ove to $o many things to him if on)y "ive$ita $i$nt )ove the %uffoon so mu'hG6 he sai$ frustrating)y )i.e a &o)i'e offi'er #ho has %een or$ere$ to %ring the gangster %a'. a)ive an$ on)y a)iveOh ho# mu'h he$ #ant to 'ut him u& %ut the %)oo$y authorities ho)$ him %a'.- 4If on)yG6 he re&eate$ an$ I re)ate$ to his 2any %oys have fe)t that #ay a%out their gir)s $a$s $o#n the history )ine- BIf on)y is the thing that 'omes to the seething )i&s at su'h times an$ I fe)t for my frien$4But something nee$s to %e $oneG6 I sai$-

4"o# I see #hy Shreya #as so #orrie$ yester$ay #hen I ta).e$ to her- She sai$ there #as something im&ortant she #ante$ to te)) me an$ right then the &hone )ines #ent offG6 4E(a't)y #hat I #ante$ to as. you ho# $i$ you ta). to her8 I trie$ 'a))ing her u& so many times yester$ay %ut the 'a)) #ou)$nt 'onne't- "ot even to her frien$s num%er- "either $i$ I get a 'a)) from her- There #as some &ro%)em #ith the )inesG6 4!es I on)y s&o.e to her at seven in the morning- (asurji has this ha%it of giving his %ri))iant ne#s right in the morningG to set the tone for a %ri))iant $ay0 so #hen I hung u& on him I 'a))e$ my mausi ?Shreyas mom@ to $is'us #ith her an$ my mom my $i)emma5 After that I a)so 'ou)$nt 'onne't an$ then I #as %usy at offi'e-6 42y 9o$ I te)) you #e shou)$ 'a)) her right a#ay from the ne(t station an$ see it 'onne'ts- She)) %e #orrie$ )i.e anything-6 4At five in the morning86 4She$ %e a#a.e I am sure 6 I sai$6I am sure too 6 Ra+it smi)e$ 4Remin$s me of o)$ timesG #aiting #ho)e night %y the &honeG +ust for one 'a))- Ama1ingG )ove is56 4I .no#56 I sai$ $reaming a%out Shreya4But right no# #hat #e shou)$ #orry a%out it ho# to get you to Shreya56 4*oint56 6Ho# ho# ho#G6 he sai$ me$itating47hy $i$ 9o$ have to give me this s'hoo) .i$ fa'e I 'ant even &)ay your frien$-6 4That +ust &roves everything has its &ros an$ 'ons-6 Just then the train #hist)e$ an$ %egan to s)o# $o#n- I )oo.e$ at my ne# frien$ an$ he )oo.e$ at me an$ #e %oth shot to#ar$s the $oor an$ )oo.e$ outsi$e- It #as a station- It )oo.e$ )i.e a $eserte$ is)an$ save for a sing)e %u)% that its )ight to a tea sta))- The #ho)e station #as +ust a%out the )ength of our trainThere #ere har$)y three-four &ersons on the &)atform- Our trains sto&&e$ an$ #e %oth +um&e$ out an$ $ashe$ for the tea sta))- A man sat there beedi #ra&&e$ in a sha#) %ut there #as no sign of a &hone there- 2y heart san.- Ra+it as.e$ the sta)) o#ner 4Any te)e&hone %ooth here86 the o#ner )oo.e$ at us sus&i'ious)y an$ then )i.e a magi'ian &ro$u'e$ from %ehin$ him a %ruise$ an$ %attere$ &hone- 4"o meter sahib #i)) 'harge ten ru&ees &er minute as &er my #at'h an$ you %etter 'a)) :ui'. the train #i)) start soon it is three hours )ate 6 he sai$ in a 'oughing tone an$ )ifte$ his #rist to )oo. at his #at'h- I $ia)e$ the num%er :ui'.)y an$ #aite$- "othing ha&&ene$- I $ia)e$ again- This time a

message 4A)) routes are %usy .in$)y 'a)) )ater-6 The &hone )ines ha$ to 'hoose this time to fai) us5 I shoo. my hea$ in $isa&&ointment an$ Ra+it too. the re'eiver from my han$- He $ia)e$ the num%er- I #aite$ .een)y stu$ying his fa'e to s&ot an sign of su''ess- It sho#e$ none- But su$$en)y he sai$ trium&hant)y 4It is ringing 6 an$ I heave$ a sigh of re)ief- He thrust the re'eiver against my ear- She &i'.e$ u& the &hone4Hu))o 6 she sai$4Hu))oG6 4Oh tan 9o$ you 'a))e$ Te+as I have %een 'a))ing you sin'e yester$ay %ut the 'a))s #ou)$nt 'onne'tG6 an$ she %ro.e $o#nShe starte$ 'rying )i.e a %a%y4,ont 'ry Shreya $ont 'ry56 4!ou $ont .no# #hat has ha&&ene$56 4I .no#- I .no# it a))0 you sto& 'rying- I .no# you have to go to 2aha%a)i&uram-6 4Ho# $o you .no#86 she as.e$ sur&rise$ sti)) 'rying4A)#ays to)$ you that I have a si(th sense56 6Oh shut u& te)) me56 4,ont have time Shreya the train #i)) start any time- !ou +ust $ont 'ry an$ %e strong- ,ont #orry I)) meet you0 it)) a)) %e fineI to)$ you ear)ier that this a)) message u& is im&ortant for our %oo.- Ho# e)se #i)) it %e interesting8 Lifes nothing %ut a story $ar)ing- So +ust en+oy the story that #e)) te)) our gran$'hi)$renAn$ s)ee& no# I .no# you havent s)e&t at a)) an$ eat #e)) for I .no# you have %een s.i&&ing mea)sG6 4But #i)) you te)) meG ho#)) you 'ome86 she as.e$ an$ at that I gave the re'eiver to her %rother4Hu))o 6 he sai$ 4!es its me sis 'an you %e)ieve it8 7ith Te+asG 9o$ is great sis no# $ont #orry #e)) 'ha). out some &)anG %ut #ait ti)) I get thereG I)) see youG you $i$nt te)) you $earest %rother anythin& a%out your e(treme)y entertaining )ove storyG after a)) his ta)es that he use$ to te)) youG $isa&&ointingG6 The train %egan to move- I fishe$ in my &o'.et for money- A hun$re$ ru&ee note 'ame into my han$- I signa)e$ Ra+it to hang u&- He gave the re'eiver to me- 4O.ay %ye Shreya0 $ont 'ry an$ $ont #orry- ,i$nt I te)) you that I am on my #ay8 An$ so I am more than ever0 +ust #ait for me an$ I)) %e there soon ')ut'hing you in my arms an$G an$ right no# I hate to hang u& %ut the train is &i'.ing &a'e- Oh ho# mu'h I )ove running after trains,one that for agesG Love you %yeG6

4Love you too an$ get in safe)y 6 she sai$4Anything for you maam 6 I sai$ an$ hung u& I &ushe$ the hun$re$ ru&ee note in the sta)) o#ners han$ an$ ran #ith Ra+it shouting 43ee& the 'hangeG6 The 'a)) #as &ri'e)ess-

7e #ere %oth rea))y tire$ #hen #e rea'he$ our 'om&artment an$ $e'i$e$ to s)ee&- There #as the #ho)e ne(t $ay to 'ha). out some &)an- *resent)y #hat the %o$y nee$e$ #as a ni'e s)ee& to get the min$ in sha&e to #or. out yet another &)an that$ %ai) me out of yet another 'risis- I fe)t ha&&y after ta).ing to Shreya- At )east she #ou)$nt #orry no#As I ')ose$ my eyes #or$s of the song that I ha$ #ritten 'ame %a'. to me/ There one thin& youve &ot to learn, Lifes full of twists 1n turns, Youve &ot to breaks the rocks in the hot sun, %or the tide to turn. *f there is ri&ht, there has to be dawn. Life &oes on. Life #as in$ee$ %rimming over #ith t#ists an$ turn an$ that is ho# one has to )ive it- On'e 'ant run a#ay from it- I #aite$ for my $a#nAn$ then another song %ri))iant)y #ritten %y Sir *au) 2'Cartney ma$e itse)f hear$6hen it will be ri&ht, * dont know. 6hat it will be like, * dont know 6e live in hope of deliverance %rom the darkness that surrounds us. As I to)$ you there is a song for every o''asion- I #aite$ for the messiah of 9o$ that #ou)$ %ring me $e)iveran'eOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




There #as a %ang- !et again5 An$ yet again #hi)e I #as s)ee&ing- I #as s)ee&ing )i.e a 'or&se an$ the soun$ rushe$ me %a'. to )ife- I +um&e$ fearing that the stu%%orn %an$its #ere %a'. again- But to my re)ief an$ to my frien$s entertaining I #as #rong- I sa# Ra+it near my ear )aughing47hat on earth #as that86 I $eman$e$- !ou a)) %y no# ho# mu'h I hate %eing #o.en u& an$ %eing #o.en u& )i.e that #e))G 4That 6 he sai$ %rining his han$s together 47as this 6 an$ then $i$ it againG the )ou$est ')a& I ha$ ever hear$- Even #hen a#a.e it sent a shiver $o#n the %o$y- The train #hi'h #as as it norma))y $oes threatene$ to $erai)- The #or)$ I te)) you is no more a safe &)a'e to )ive in #hen &eo&)e are e:ui&&e$ #ith too)s )i.e those- I marve)e$ at my frien$s ta)ent- One $oesnt nee$ guns or %om%s #hen one has han$s ')a& )i.e thun$er%o)ts- I #on$ere$ #hy my frien$ feare$ those gunshots- To him those shou)$ have %een no more than $ro&s fai)ing soothing)y into a %u'.et- Life is strange it &roves again fu)) of ironies42an you have got han$-grena$es instea$ of han$s56 I sai$ im&resse$4!ou got s'are$ $i$nt you86 he as.e$ 'hi)$ish)y- 7hat a #aste of a :uestion5 4Of 'ourse I got s'are$ I $ont )ive in a minefie)$ use$ to %e #o.en u& %y %om%s instea$ of a)arm or 'o'.s-6 49oo$ I got you then56 49ot me86 I sai$ un%e)ieving)y4!ou #ere a'ting su'h a hero #hen the %an$its 'ame in you 'o#ar$56 4E('use me 6 I ')eare$ my throat to ')ear the misun$erstan$ing 4Courage is not $efine$ %y ho# you #a.e u& to stu&i$ soun$sEven 'n&ulimal #ou)$ve %een sha.en %y your %rute of a ')a&Courage is a%out 'hara'terG6 my )e'ture on #hat 'ourage #as a)) a%out #as ni&&e$ in the %u$4A)right Teesmaarkhan I got it- I +ust #ante$ to get even-6 4Even86 4Remem%er ho# you s'are$ me #hen you hung your hea$ $o#n )i.e more $ose an$ I may have heart atta'.-6 4>ine5 !ou are s&are$- "o# get u& $ont you #ant to &)an86 4!es 6 I sai$ ya#ning 47hats the time86

4It is nearing e)even an$ I hear$ that #e are a&&roa'hing another station- Train #i)) sto& at some &)a'e 'a))e$ 6adi- 7e are a%out four hours )ate-6 I ho&e$ $o#n #ith my tooth-%rush an$ soa& an$ ma$e my #ay to the #ash-%asin- I #ashe$ my fa'e an$ %rushe$ my teeth an$ ma$e my #ay %a'. to the %erth- 2ean#hi)e the train that ha$ starte$ )osing &a'e fina))y sto&&e$- I got out )a1i)y to en+oy the hust)e an$ %ust)e at the station- The air #as 'oo) the atmos&here e)e'tri' an$ I ma$e my #ay to a ')o$ $rin. sho&The station in these &arts I have a)rea$y to)$ you is )i.e a &)ash of 'o)ours an$ &resent)y on this 'anvas a &arti'u)ar sardarji stoo$ out- His 'o)ours %y #hi'h I a))u$e to the 'o)our of his ')othes stru'. my eyes )i.e a %a)) of fire- He #as %usy hagg)ing #ith the o#ner of a %oo.sho& some fifteen meters a#ay #ith his %a'. to me- He #ore a re$ tur%an of the ri'hest re$ un$er it a green shirt of the ri'hest green an$ sti)) %e)o# %ro#n trousers nee$)ess to say of the ri'hest %ro#n- In short he )oo.e$ )i.e an &)u'. #hat he thought must %e an a&&)e- That no $$ #as in his vi'inity #as a thing that out sardarji must %e than.fu) for7ith my eyes fi(e$ on the human .a)ei$os'o&e I as.e$ the *e&si 2an for a %ott)e of the %everage an$ #hi)e he &ro$u'e$ one I sa# sardarji try to s)i& his &urse into his trousers %a'. &o'.et- 7e)) at )east our sardarji, one sa# #as e(treme)y %usy rea$ing the %oo. he ha$ &ur'hase$ #hi'h he he)$ in his )eft han$7hat Sher)o'. Ho)mes must have $e$u'e$ ha$ he %een there #as that our man no $ou%t a .een rea$er #as a)so a fasti$ious fe))o# #ho #ou)$nt )i.e to #aste time &re'ious as it a)#ays is that it too. for one to go from the %oo.-sta)) to the train in mere #a).ing- He$ have a)so )a%e)e$ our sar$ar+i a%sent-min$e$ an$ 'are)ess for his &urse instea$ of going smooth)y into the &o'.et #ent smooth)y out an$ hit the groun$ #ith a mi)$ thu$ #hi'h #as )ost in the $in of the station- I a&&rise$ you a &ara or t#o %a'. of the 'oo) %ree1e at the station- *resent)y this naughty %ree1e &re'ise)y a nanose'on$ after the &urse ha$ )an$e$ en'ourage$ a stray ne#s&a&er &age to f)y an$ )an$ on to& of the &urse thus 'on'ea)ing it from the eyes of eager thieves that &ro#) a%out at the stationI marve))e$ at the s'ene 'onstru'te$ so %eautifu))y %y the for'es of nature- But having %een e(horte$ %y any mum an$ dadi

to he)& fe))o# %rothers I $i$nt stan$ sightseeing for )ong an$ 'a))e$ out for the human &a)ette #ho ha$ turne$ )eft to#ar$s the train #ith the %oo. sti)) in his )eft han$ a fat %)a'. trun. in his right an$ his eyes sti)) transfi(e$ on the 9o$ )ines4(ardarji 6 I shoute$ an$ at that the sardarji turne$ aroun$There 'omes a stage in ones )ife sooner or )ater $e&en$ing u&on the .in$ of )ife one has )e$ #hen the goriest of horrors 'eases to ma.e an im&a't- The groun$ remains firm)y %eneath the #or)$ $oes not go $ar. an$ the tummy %ears it a)) #ithout inviting %utterf)ies- Any )esser man ha$ he %een in my &)a'e #ou)$ have fainte$ on seeing #hat I sa#- But #hat this +ourney of mine ha$ $one if I 'ou)$ &ut my finger on a sing)e thing it$ traine$ me to a%sor% the #orst of the )ife )i.e the goo$ #ithout even the s)ightest %at of an eye)i$- 2y nerves ha$ %een fu))y 'onverte$ to stee) an$ mus')es to iron- I ha$ sho#n sur&rise or $ismay #hen $ea)ing #ith the &revious sho'.ers %ut to this one I turne$ a %)in$ eye- I $ran. it )i.e a %itter me$i'ine that ha$ to %e ta.en- I ha$ to move on- Let it %e the most a&&a))ing +o)t of my )ife- It ha$ to %e $ea)t #ithIts time I guess to give a#ay #hat or rather #hom I sa#I %et the first thing that)) %um& into your hea$ #hen I te)) the #ho)e thing is 47hat the $evi) is he $oing here86 an$ I $ont %)ame you at a))- It #as the very thing that 'ame to my min$- It #as *rofessor *-*- Si$hu- ,ont as. me A 4Ho# 'ou)$ %e have arrive$ at su'h an o%s'ure station86 I havent a ')ue- He #as hea$e$ #e a)) remem%er to#ar$s Chennai a)right %ut %oar$ing the train from here8 7a$i8 The on)y thing ')ear ho#ever an$ #hi'h must so)e)y 'on'ern the %rave so)$ier #as that his a$versary #as right there an$ there #as no es'a&ing that*in'hing or s)a&&ing #ou)$ have &roven that I #as not $reaming %ut I $i$nt have the time- The first thing to $o on seeing him as he )oo.e$ hither an$ thither for the 'a))er #as to $o an a%out turn the ones they taught us so #e)) at s'hoo) at the morning $ri))s- I hate$ them %a'. then %ut &resent)y a #ave of a&&re'iation s#e&t me- Ho# #e)) the s'hoo) traine$ one to fa'e any situation5 I shifte$ the #eigh on my )eft foot an$ $i$ a neat one-eighty $egree that #ou)$ have ma$e the fussiest of %riga$iers &rou$- I .ne# for sure *a&&i ha$nt s&otte$ me the )arge 'ro#$ at the station- I +ust #a).e$ straight non'ha)ant)y

an$ hi$ at a vantage &oint %ehin$ the *e&si sho& from #here I 'ou)$ s'rutini1e his movementsLying in am%ush I sa# *a&&i after his initia) &u11)ement at the 'a)) &ro'ee$ing to#ar$s the train- He #as )ost in his %oo. on'e more an$ move$ s)o#)y a)#ays in $anger of %um&ing into the hurrying an$ s'urrying &assengers- The train reste$ at the station for a goo$ fifteen minutes an$ *a&&i ha$ a)) the time in the #or)$ to rea'h his seat- 7hen he sa# out of the $anger area I :ui'.)y move$ to the %oo. sho& an$ there after )etting a 'oin $ro& in'ons&i'uous)y %ent an$ &i'.e$ u& the &urse a)ong #ith the 'oin- I s#ift)y move$ %a'. to my %ase the &)a'e %ehin$ the *a&&i sho&I f)i&&e$ o&en the &urse an$ from its right 'om&artment stare$ at me *a&&i smi)ing from his IIT-I 'ar$- He ha$ an a%sentmin$e$ fa'e %ut a genia) one- I remem%er te))ing you he is a +ovia) sort of fe))o# an$ thats e(a't)y ho# the &hoto $e&i'te$ him- One assumes no $ou%t that the &i'ture #as from an age #hen he ha$nt ru%%e$ his shou)$ers #ith me an$ his fa'e #as .in$ A %ereft of the ruth)essness on)y I ha$ seen- I fe)t a strange em&athy for him- A)) his a'tions 'ou)$ %e +ustifie$- He #as after a)) soa.e$ in #hat he thought #as a)'oho)- >or the first time I fe)t I #as not on a vengean'e s&ree #ith him- Hitherto I ha$ a)#ays seen him as an enemy %ut &resent)y I $i$nt- I $ont .no# the reason for su'h an attitu$e 'hange- 2ay %e outsi$e the #a))s of IIT it is a $ifferent )ife- Outsi$e his station a &o)i'eman meets his &risoner #ithout the same harshnessIt #as no time to &hi)oso&hise %ut to $o something- I sear'he$ the &urse- There #ere a fe# hun$re$ ru&ee notes some visiting 'ar$s an$ there #as the ti'.et- 7e #ere trave)ing in the same train- I )oo.e$ $o#n an$ 'ou)$ har$)y %e)ieve my eyes- I $i$nt shout $i$nt f)in'h0 +ust &urse$ my )i&s an$ .nitte$ my %ro#s- Bogey S A H seat num%er HP sai$ his ti'.et- Bogey S A H seat num%er HH sai$ mine-

I move$ 'arefu))y to the #in$o# of my 'om&artment- I &asse$ it on'e :ui'.)y an$ a f)eeting g)an'e sho#e$ me that *a&&i #as %usy #ith his trun.- It #as o&en on the %erth o&&osite to #hi'h Ra+it #as sitting- I turne$ an$ trotte$ to the #in$o# again

an$ from the )eft 'orner the one ')oser to Ra+it I #ave$ my right han$ #hi)e my )eft #as engage$ in &utting a finger on my )i&s A a #arning for Ra+it/ 4,ont rea't56 He #as rea$ing some %oo. an$ noti'e$ me after a%out five se'on$s- He #as ta.en a%a'. to see me in that avatar of an asy)um run#ays A #ith my eyes #i$e o&en )i.e a )unati' an$ my han$ signa)ing franti'a))y )i.e a )unati' too - trying to te)) him to 'ome out- He no $ou%t thought that a %out of e&i)e&sy ha$ 'ome over me an$ #as a%out to say something )i.e 4Have you gone ma$86 #hen sensing that I #ith$re# my #aving right han$ an$ em&)oye$ it too in unison #ith the )eft*ro%a%)y t#o fingers #ere %etter than one on the )i& I thought an$ it $i$ the tri'.- He $i$nt s&ea. %ut .e&t staring at me mute)y &ro%a%)y #on$ering #hat his sister sa# in this %oy #ho #ent on serene mornings an$ #ho .no#s on every morning5 I signa)e$ him again to 'ome out of the train an$ having no other o&tion he $i$ so4Have you gone nuts86 he as.e$ sur&rise$4"o 6 I sai$6Then #hy in 9o$s name #ere you %ehaving in that 'ra1y manner86 4I #ante$ to te)) you to 'ome out %ut I 'ou)$nt s&ea.56 4!ou are s& #e)) enough no#G6 4I mean I 'ou)$nt s&ea. there-6 47hy86 4A)) he)) has %ro.en )ooseG6 47hat86 4That man in there in our 'om&artment on the seat %e)o# my %erth a%ove yours is that &rofessors from IIT ,e)hiG6 4A &rofessor56 he sai$ in e('itement ha&&y as if a reunion of IITians #as in &rogress4The &rofessorG6 47hat $ifferen'e $oes that ma.e8 Strange that three IITians shou)$ %e in one 'om&artment a)) %y 'han'eG6 he #ou)$ have no $ou%t a$$e$ )i.e ,r- * A the #ays of &rovi$en'e Bstrange an$ #on$erfu) A %ut I 'ut him short4If on)y you$ )et me 'om&)ete-6 49o on-6 4He is the very &rofessor-6 I starte$ e(&)aining to him as my story ha$ evi$ent)y s)i&&e$ from his min$ 4*rofessor *a&&i I to)$ you a%out #ho #as soa.e$ in so$a %y my frien$ an$ #ho trie$ everything to sto& me from meeting your sister-6

An$ then it $a#ne$ on him- His eyes %ore no more e('itement %ut in're$u)ity an$ horror- An$ then he s&o.e s&otting an anoma)y 4But you sai$ that he ha$ %een remove$-6 4I #ish I ha$ remove$ him from the #or)$ 6 I sai$ it +ust )i.e that 4I forgot to mention that he too #as going to Chennai to atten$ some marriageG6 4!es its this season you .no#G6 4I $ont .no# a)) that a)) I .no# is that he is right here an$ of a)) the &)a'es right un$er my %erth )i.e a 'arefu))y &)ante$ time %om%56 4So #hat to $o86 he as.e$I ha$ a &)an- I #as 'ertain)y )earning to &)ot :ui'.)y- The +ourney ha$ taught me to thin. on my feet0 shar&en my a'umen an$ a)) that- Than. you I a'.no#)e$ge$ in#ar$)y an$ then shifte$ my attention to Ra+it4I have a &)an-6 4Say-6 4I have his &urse 6 I sai$ #ith &ri$e47hos &urse86 4The &rofessors &urse of 'ourse5 7hat a stu&i$ :uestion5 Ho# 'an other &urses he)& us86 I sai$ irritate$4!ou have his &urse 6 my frien$ sai$ 'a)m)y- But &resent)y his ever 'hanging eyes s&orte$ a )oo. of $isa&&rova)- They ha$ me 'onfuse$4!es here it is-6 I sho#e$ him4Ba$56 he sai$ his hea$4I .no# %attere$ o)$ &urse torn at &)a'e )eather is 'ra'.ing an$ fa$ing- Ca))s for a 'hange- An i$ea) %irth$ay giftG6 4I $i$nt mean that the &urse #as %a$-6 4Then86 I as.e$ &er&)e(e$4I sai$ that for you an$ your #ays- "o# you)) stea) &urses too 6 an$ at that he shoo. his hea$ again intensifying the $isa&&roving )oo. an$ #on$ering again #hether his sister ought to %e a))o#e$ to 'ontinue her roman'e #ith a guy that has a ha%it of &i'.ing &o'.ets at stations an$ #ho .no#s may%e every#here5 I #on$ere$ at the insanity of the notion- I #as getting #or.e$ u&- 4,o I )oo. )i.e a &i'.&o'.et86 I $eman$e$ in$ignant)y though fearing that he might say yes4"o %ut then #here $i$ you get it from86 I $es'ri%e$ to him that s'ene of %eauty-

4Ah 6 he sai$ satisfie$ re)ieve$ that I #as not a thief4!our Bah go to he)) +ut )isten to #hat nee$s to %e $one-6 4Te)) me-6 4!ou go into the 'om&artment an$ someho# ta.e the *rof- a#ay from our %erths- Best thing #ou)$ %e to ta.e him to as far as the $oor on the right si$e- 2ean#hi)e I #i)) snea. in from the $oor on the )eft an$ ')im% onto my %erth turn my hea$ to#ar$s the other si$e 'rou'h an$ )ie there- Then you 'an %ring him %a'. an$ he #i)) not %e a%)e to see me-6 He )istene$ intent)y %ut after I sai$ this sa# something amiss4Ho# #i)) that he)& you86 4I 'annot %e seen so he #ont .no# that I am there-6 4!ou #i)) stay on the to& )i.e a $ea$ %o$y throughout the +ourney8 7ont you 'ome $o#n to eat or got to toi)et an$ ho# on earth #i)) #e &)an86 4I havent finishe$ my frien$0 you are forgetting the &urse 6 I sai$ #aving it4!es #hat a%out it86 4!ou .no# #hat is in it86 4*ro%a%)y his money-6 4An$86 42ay %e the &hoto of his #ife an$ .i$sG6 4An$86 4Stoo& foo)ing aroun$- I .no# #hat a &urse 'ontains-6 4But you are missing the nu% of the story- 7hat must %e the &urse of a train &assenger 'ontain86 His eyes #ere no# the eyes of an a%)e 'ons&irator- He sa# it- he sa# it a)) no#4His ti'.et 6 he sai$ moving his hea$ s)o#)y u& an$ $o#n )i.e one of those re%e)s hat'hing a &)an to %om% the &resi$ents 'ar- On)y %)a'. over'oats %)a'. g)oves %)a'. g)asses #ere missing4A ti'.et-)ess trave)er56 4!ou are right 'omra$e %ut I meant #hat $oes that ma.e him in the yes of )a#86 4A 'rimina) 6 he sai$ an$ I 'ou)$nt have use$ a %etter #or$4A 'rimina) a ) a &erson 'omra$e #ho the )a# ')ear)y states 'an %e senten'e$ to some goo$ time in +ai) or im&ose$ some goo$ fine amount of #hi'h I $o not re'a))-6 4"either $o i-6 4Immateria) the nu% again is that our 'rimina) neither has the ti'.et not the money to save his goo$ se)f-6 2y &artner in 'rime )oo.e$ at me #ith eyes of a&&re'iation- >it he &ro%a%)y fe)t is this %oy for my sister- Has a)) the %rains-

4So #hen the ti'.et-'o))e'tor is a%out to arrest him for his offen'e an$ sen$ him off to an o%s'ure &rison in Hono)u)u to .ee& mur$erers an$ &i'.-&o'.ets 'om&any I)) save him the humi)iation %y $es'en$ing $o#n from my %erth )i.e 9o$s 2essiah in'arnate te))ing the TC that the man he )oo.s u&on as a s#ine from %ehin$ his s&e'ta')es is a'tua))y my res&e'te$ 9uru from IIT ,e)hi a''om&anying me on a te'hni'a) &ro+e't- I)) then &ay off his fine thus %e'oming aG6 4Hero in his eyesG6 4E(a't)y a hero a 9o$s messenger an ange) of humanity a #hatnot5 An$ then he)) have no o&tion %ut to %e gratefu) to me an$ %ury the &ast- Of 'ourse I)) te)) him that I #as not invo)ve$ the )east in that sho#er in'i$ent an$ that I $ont even $rin. an$ he #i)) no $ou%t un$erstan$56 49enius56 4I .no#5 That I am 6 I sai$ a''e&ting the 'om&)iment4Hey %ut #i)) he not as. you #hat are you $oing on this train86 4He #i))-6 47hat)) you te)) him86 I o&ene$ the &urse an$ sho#e$ him *a&&is &hoto- 4,ont you thin. he is a ni'e man8 Just )oo. at his eyes56 4!es he seems to %e- I ta).e$ to him a )itt)e0 seeme$ a &)easant fe))o#-6 4An$ a &)easant fe))oe he is5 He #as angry #ith me on)y %e'ause he thought I insu)te$ him- But after I ')ear his $ou%ts he #i)) %e a $ar)ing again- ,ont you thin. su'h a man tou'he$ %y my a't of $e)iveran'e #i)) un$erstan$ my story86 42ay %e-6 4I thin. he #i))- After a)) a &rofessor 'eases to %e a &rofessor outsi$e the four #a))s of his 'o))ege- Just )i.e a &o)i'eman 'eases to %e a &o)i'eman after his %est %eat is over- So'iety tea'hes us #e)) to &)ay these $ua) ro)es my frien$- A &rofessor he might %e %ut #hen not $e)ivering a )e'ture #hen not &a&ers he %e'omes +ust another human %eing A a father a hus%an$ an$ a frien$- He is a norma) human %eing no# A a norma) man #ho )istens to musi' rea$s nove)s ) to +o.e0 a man vu)nera%)e to emotions )ove sym&athy- Of 'ourse some men are %rutes %ut )oo. at him- ,oes he )oo. )i.e on of those8 I am sure he $oesntyou get #hat I mean86 4Best of )u'.56 4So &erha&s I)) te)) him a) or may %e not %ut right no# )et us rush in0 in the train has starte$ to move- I)) %e stan$ing at this $oor0 you %ait him to the other one-6

4Right a#ay 6 he sai$ an$ #e ')im%e$ the train- It ha$ starte$ moving again- Oh ho# mu'h I )ove running an$ ')im%ing into moving trains5

It ha$ %een a goo$ t#o hours- T#o hours an$ no TC5 2y %a'. #as a'hing from the 'rou'hing &osition I ha$ into in or$er to avoi$ $ete'tion %y *a&&i #ho o''asiona))y stoo$ u& an$ #a).e$ &ast me- Initia))y #hen I #as fresh I fe)t )i.e a tiger hi$ing masterfu))y rea$y to &oun'e on its &rey- But no# as time #as tire$)y tru$ging &ast I #as remin$e$ of a frustrating Bhi$e an$ see. game I ha$ on'e %een invo)ve$ in- I #as hi$ing in a simi)ar a#.#ar$ &osition in a 'u&%oar$ of a ree.y atti' %ut the one giving the B$en as #e use$ to 'a)) it never turne$ u&- He to)$ us the ne(t $ay that #hi)e 'ounting ti)) hun$re$ un$er the o)$ *ee&u) tree he ha$ s'ar'e)y gone ti)) thirteen #hen he ha$ seen a ghost an$ run a#ay- I remem%ere$ ho# I 'ou)$nt straighten myse)f for #ee.s after that e(&erien'e- It #as as though the 'u&%oar$ ha$ &ermanent)y %een atta'he$ to my %a'.- "o# I fe)t the same in the %erthI #ante$ to s)ee& %ut 'ou)$nt affor$ to- The arriva) of the TC 'ou)$nt %e misse$- There ha$ not %een mu'h )i.e %et#een Ra+it an$ *a&&i- They #ere %oth %usy rea$ingAs I #as ya#ning a voi'e ma$e itse)f ')ear- 4Ti'.et &)ease 6 it sai$ an$ it sent a #ave of fresh energy into my %o$y- The TC seeme$ t#o-three 'om&artments a#ay an$ I #aite$ for him to )an$ in our mi$st on'e again #ith the air of a tiger- An$ he arrive$ short)y4Ti'.et &)ease 6 he sai$I &ro$u'e$ my ti'.et from a%ove #ithout getting noti'e$ %y *a&&i #ho #as %usy sear'hing for his- Ra+it a)so sho#e$ his ti'.et- The TC in$ee$ turne$ out to %e a man #ith g)asses an$ ha$ a mena'ing )oo.- He ha$ a re$ tikka smeare$ on his forehea$- His g)asses %a)an'e$ themse)ves on the very ti& of his nose from a%ove #hi'h his eyes )oo.e$ &ier'ing)y at our &rofessor #aiting for him to &ro$u'e his ti'.et-

I 'ou)$nt he)& ) at the &rofessor sitting on the o&&osite si$e rest)ess)y 'he'.ing a)) his &o'.ets for his &urse>in$ing that it #as not in its &)a'e the &rofessor as.e$ Ra+it nervous)y 4Have you seen my &urse86 6"o 6 he re&)ie$ 'on'erne$4Just #ait a se'on$ sir it might have fa))en off 6 he sai$ to the TC as he %ent $o#n an$ )oo.e$ un$erneath- He rose- It #as not there4I $ont .no# #here it has gone56 he sai$ to the TC4I .no# 6 sai$ the TC #ith a sus&i'ious )oo.47hat86 as.e$ *a&&i4I .no# #here your &urse is mister an$ I .no# you #e)) #ait an$ #at'h56 4!ou are getting me #rong sir I am a )a# a%i$ing 'iti1enG6 an$ then su$$en)y *rofessors eyes )it u&- Ho&e #as %a'.- 4Sir 6 he sai$ to the TC 4I might have .e&t it in my trun. )et me 'he'. 6 an$ then he move$ to#ar$s his trun.Horror fi))e$ the TCs eyes an$ he shoute$ 47ait56 A man from the &antry on his roun$s ha$ sto&&e$ to #at'h the entertaining s'ene an$ seeing him the TC or$ere$ 4Ho)$ him5 Ho)$ him tight $ont )et him move I)) %e %a'. 6 an$ at that he )ifte$ *a&&is tru'. an$ rushe$ off- I #on$ere$ #here the TC ha$ gone &ro%a%)y to get a 'ha)an s)i&- But #hy #ith the trun.8 The &antry man hung on to *a&&i )i.e a )over in a fit of &assion an$ it #as funny- *a&&i offere$ no resistan'e yet the man he)$ on to him as if he #as a mass of san$- I %ra'e$ myse)f for $es'en$ing in my ro)e of the $e)iverer- I sa# the TC 'ome an$ to)$ myse)f 4Here you go56 I #as in the &ro'ess of getting u& %ut I ha$ to sto&- Behin$ the TC #ere t#o &o)i'eman a$ hawaldar- The &etty offen'e sure)y $i$nt re:uire three of the &o)i'e for'e5 A &o)i'eman 'ame for#ar$ an$ to)$ the &antry man to re)ease *a&&i- He $i$ so an$ ste&&e$ asi$e- The &o)i'eman )oo.e$ at *a&&i in a ruth)ess manner an$ *a&&i s:uirme$ un$er his g)are- The *rofessor o&ene$ his mouth to s&ea. %ut %efore he 'ou)$ $o so the &o)i'eman s&o.e 47e)'ome 2ansu.h La) after a)) these years #hat a %ri))iant $isguise %ut #hat a foo)ish mista.e---6 The frightene$ )oo. on *a&&is fa'e turne$ to a 'onfuse$ one an$ I #as sho'.e$ too- 7hat on earth #as the &o)i'eman ta).ing

a%out8 7ho the $i'.ens #as 2ansu.h La)8 An$ #hat the $evi) #as a %ri))iant $isguise8 4Sir you are mista.en I am not 2ansu.h La) I am *rofessor *ra%+ot *a) Si$hu a &rofessor at IIT ,e)hi an$ I have )ost my &urse- I #ant to )oo. in to my trun. for it %ut the TCG6 The &o)i'eman )aughe$ )ou$)y 4Ha-ha ha-ha ha-haG6 He )oo.e$ at his su%or$inate an$ they +oine$ in too 4Ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha 6 roare$ the voi'es in our %ogey- I #ante$ to )augh too at that 'omi' s'ene on)y that it #as too %ig a mystery to me- It #as a&&arent that &o)i'e #as 'onfusing *a&&i #ith some 2r- 2ansu.h La) %ut the mi))ion $o))ar :uestion #as A 7ho #as 2ansu.h La)8 The &o)i'eman %ange$ his trun'heon against some meta) an$ it #as a)) $ea$ serious again4Loo. into your trun. in$ee$5 "o use 2ansu.h in $o$ging me5 Ten years5 After ten years #e have ')ose$ in on you an$ your gang an$ you #ant me to a))o# you to o&en your trun. ta.e out your &isto) an$ run a#ay again you s'oun$re)5 I ha$ a)erte$ a)) the offi'ia)s to re&ort to me in 'ase of any sus&i'ion- I .ne# I$ 'at'h you the moment #e shot t#o of your gang on the train an$ #asnt I right8 !ou are un$er arrest56 The 'onfuse$ ) *a&&i #as a horror-stru'. *a&&i no#9one #as the )oo. of a&o)ogy in his eyes for not &ro$u'ing his ti'.et- BTi'.et-)es they might insu)t him #ith %ut 'ertain)y not a Bs'oun$re)- He #as a man of $ignityThere #as a 'hange mean#hi)e in my &)an- I 'ou)$nt $es'en$ an$ te)) the offi'er that he #as my &rofessor- The &o)i'e #ou)$ #ant a &roof an$ the &urse #ou)$ have to %e &ro$u'e$- I ha$ to #ait for the moment #hen I 'ou)$ &)ant it some#here- I 'ou)$nt +ut 'ome $o#n #ith it an$ announ'e 4Here it is56 4E('use me offi'er 6 sai$ *a&&i 4!ou are mista.en- I to)$ you I am not 2ansu.h an$ I #i)) have no more insu)ts- I am a &rofessor an$ $eman$ $ue res&e't- 7hat &roof $o you have that I am 2ansu.h86 4*roof forsooth56 shoute$ the offi'er 4!ou thin. you 'an $ress )i.e a sardarji an$ get a#ay- The $isguise of a Si.h you must have thought #as the i$ea) one for the hea$ of the BTakla .an& ?th gang of the %a)$@- "o %o$y #i)) ever sus&e't you #ith a tur%an

an$ a %ear$5 But you are #rong5 I a&&re'iate your genius %ut %y )osing your ti'.et you have 'ommitte$ a fo))y- Ha#a)$ar 6 he a$$resse$ his su%or$inate 4Tear off his %ear$56

4Shoot %efore they tear off his %rea$56 Ra+it sai$ se'on$s after *a&&i #as ta.en a#ay4Oh 9o$56 I sai$ an$ run after them- >)ashing the &urse in my han$ I shoute$ 47ait56 They a)) sto&&e$- The &rofessors %ear$ #as in &)a'e an$ I than.e$ 9o$- *a&&i )oo.e$ at me un%e)ieving)y- The offi'er shoute$ %a'. 47hat86 I move$ to#ar$s them an$ then as.e$ *a&&i &urse86 4Is this your

His eyes )it u& he 'rie$ 4!es56 He sho#e$ them the ti'.et an$ his I-'ar$- The &o)i'eman turne$ &a)e- They &)ea$e$ #ith *a&&i not to re&ort this in'i$ent %ut *a&&i s#ore he #ou)$- The *o)i'e ha$ no $ou%t %een rash an$ ru$e #hi'h they near)y a)#ays are these $ays %ut I $i$nt .no# ho# mu'h to 'urse them- After a)) they ha$ he)&e$ my 'ause- I$ no# %e an even %igger hero in *a&&is eyes- Life is fu)) of ironies I ref)e'te$ again- An$ strange in$ee$ are the #ays of 2r- >ate- Ho# %eautifu) he ha$ %e'ome my a))y again I marve))e$The &rofessor turne$ to me after finishing his $is'ourse an$ sai$ 4Than.s a )ot5 !ou save$ my )ife5 7here #as the &urse86 4It #as stru'. %et#een the %erth an$ the #a))0 I sa# it +ust in time-6 4Than.s a mi))ion Te+as I $ont .no# ho# to re&ay you- It #as so humi)iating- I)) tea'h those $ogs a )esson56 4It #as my $uty sir I #ante$ to te)) them in the %eginning on)y that you are my &rofessor %ut they #ou)$nt have %e)ieve$ me- I thought if I 'ou)$ fin$ your &urse it)) he)& you more an$ if I 'ou)$nt then of 'ourse I #ou)$ have to)$ them56 4But #here #ere you8 I never sa# you56 4Sir I #as on the %erth a%ove yours s)ee&ing #hen the &o)i'emen 'ame56

It #as a)) #e)) again- *a&&i #as im&resse$ %y my $ee$ %ut su$$en)y an o$$ity stru'. him 47hat are you $oing here8 7hat a%ut the In$ustria) Tour86 4Sir I)) te)) you a)) that in a #hi)e )et us return to our seats56 4A)right 6 he sai$ an$ #e move$-

4Hmmm 6 he sai$ $ra#ing a $ee& %reath- I ha$ to)$ him the rea) se:uen'e of events of the so$a-sho#er night- He )oo.e$ a)most satisfie$ %ut sti)) not 'om&)ete)y4Sir honest)y I ha$ nothing to $o #ith that in'i$ent- It #as a mere 'oin'i$en'e that I #as &resent in that roomG6 4Sir 6 sai$ Ra+it 4He is a fine %oy I .no# him #e))- He isnt )yingLet us try to see things from his &oint of vie#- Ho# 'an he %e %)ame$ for someone e)se going ma$5 I have a)so stu$ie$ at IIT an$ so have you- ,o #e not .no# that these things go on in hoste)s an$ one has to )ive #ith them8 !ou )i.e a fami)y in hoste) an$ even if you $ont $rin. you have to mi( #ith &eo&)e #ho $oAn$ sometimes some youngsters $o go over%oar$- *art of our age sir5 I am sure you must have 'ome a'ross simi)ar s'enes in your $ays56 4"ever ones in #hi'h &rofessors are s&)ashe$ #ithG6 he sai$ an$ one ha$ to agree- Su'h s'enes are rare &ro%a%)y one in an aeon4Sir it #as a 'oin'i$en'e that you #ere there at the $oor 6 I &)ea$e$ again 4An$ in$ee$ that I #as there in that room- But $i$nt you mention some time %a'. BIt is a %eautifu) 'oin'i$en'e that three generations of IITians shou)$ get together in one 'om&artment8 Sir &)ease see the &ara))e)56 4Hmmm %ut one fee)s that your generation is )osing it a))G6 4Sir 6 %egan Ra+it 4I .no# this generation is a )itt)e rash an$ seems to %e un$is'i&)ine$ a$ hea$ing the #rong #ay5 But isnt that the 'ase #ith every generation #hen )oo.e$ from the &oint of vie# of the ear)ier one- Sir in a)) generations some &eo&)e are goo$ an$ some %a$- 7e 'annot genera)i1e an$ a&&)y the e&ithet to a #ho)e generation- I too $i$ some 'ra1y things in my $ays %ut you a&&re'iate ho# #e)) I am $oing in )ife- Sir #e a)) fin$ out #ay sooner or )ater5 *)ease $ont %)ame a)) of us an$ es&e'ia))y Te+as- I .no# him rea))y #e))G6

4A)right a)right 6 *a&&i interru&te$ 4I get it- *ro%a%)y you are right5 One nee$s to %e a )itt)e more a''ommo$atingG6 4E(a't)y sir 6 #e %oth 'on'urre$47e a)) have our &ro%)ems in 'o))ege $ays 6 *a&&i sai$ an$ I #as &arti'u)ar)y intereste$ in )istening to his misha&s- He #as %a'. to %eing the +ovia) *a&&i again- 4But you see a &rofessor has to %e a )itt)e stri't so that the stu$ents $ont ta.e too mu'h )i%erty- "o# Te+as am I not one of the B'oo)est &rofessor as the stu$ents 'a)) us8 But that in'i$ent shoo. the #ho)e fa'u)ty an$ I a$mit to for'e$ me to %e a )itt)e vin$i'tive for the first timeG6 4Sir I am sorry again56 I sai$4Oh I have forgiven you son you save$ my )ife to$ay56 4Than. you sir no# &)ease 'hange the to&i' an$ te)) us something interesting a%out 'o))ege )ifeG6 4Oh )eave thatG6 4Sir &)easeG6 4"othing yaarG6 4Sir I #ont te)) you anyone 6 I sai$He )aughe$ 4It is not that son I #ou)$ )ove to te)) you my ta)es- 7e a)) have %een stu$ents- !ou &eo&)e thin. #e #ere %orn &rofessors5 Of 'ourse you on)y see me an a%sent-min$e$ &rofessor- An$ $i$nt I &rove it %y )osing my &urse86 he )aughe$ again 4!ou see me a)) a%sor%e$ on my &ro+e'ts my %us an$ you assume that is #hat my )ife it a)) a%out- "ot true5 I #or. on my &ro+e'ts so intense)y %e'ause I )ove my #or.- It is my $ream to have a via%)e a)ternate fue) %ut then $ont you have a $ream8 !et you treat &rofessors as %eings from some other &)anet- I a)so thought the same %efore I %e'ame one 6 he smi)e$ $reami)y 4But son %esi$es %eing a &rofessor I am a hus%an$ a father a human %eing- But unfortunate)y #e are a)) tra&&e$ in our images- Sa$ %ut thats ho# it is- In my time there #as so mu'h intera'tion #ith our &rofessors that they #ere )i.e our frien$s %ut these $ays there is none- It is $e&ressing-6 I agree$ #ith him7e a)#ays sa# &rofessors as ones #ho trou%)e$ usIt #as ni'e to )isten to him- The &rofessor might %e a%sentmin$e$ might have the )ousiest $ressing sense %ut he #as a goo$ man- I #as %a'. to ) him again he #as the *a&&i of o)$4An$ 6 he #ent on 4A ma+or reason is the )a'. of res&e't to#ar$s 9urus these $ays- ,ue to so )itt)e intera'tion the stu$ents an$ &rofessors are a)#ays on $ifferent &)anes never un$erstan$ing ea'h other- So &rofessors these $ays have %e'ome a )itt)ekhadoos 6 he grinne$ 4But stu$ents #ho have intera'te$ #ith me

#i)) te)) you I am not- Besi$es I #as a)so a naughty stu$ent- I have gone through it a)) too A %un.s 'ra1y things )oveG6 an$ at that my heart )ea&t- He ha$ mentione$ )ove- my eyes %rightene$ he must sure)y un$erstan$ my &osition +ust )i.e ,r- * ha$4Sir )ove86 I as.e$ teasing4!es son )ove %ut #e #ont go into the $etai)s-6 4Sir +ust te)) me is your marriage )ove or arrange$86 it #as a :uestion on #hi'h hinge$ my futureHe smi)e$ +ust )i.e Ra+it ha$ ear)ier an$ that to)$ the ta)eAma1ing #as )ife- Here in %ogey S A H sat three IITians a)) of #hom ha$ at some &oint of time %een smitten %y )ove- Ama1ing in$ee$5 4Love 6 he sai$ smi)ing an$ in a 'hi)$)i.e manner 4"o more ta).s on this to&i'-6 An$ I #ante$ no more- That #as enough- 7e)) #e 'ertain)y un$erestimate$ tea'hers I though- He #as right #e thought they #ere from a $ifferent &)anet %ut I 'annot te)) you ho# goo$ I fe)t at that moment- It is a)#ays a &)easure to fin$ &eo&)e #ho have )ove$ an$ to fin$ un')es &rofessors A these res&e'te$ e)$ers A #ho have )ove$ is a fee)ing #hi'h I 'a)) Bmost satisfa'tory4!ou .no# #hat sir #hy Ra+it is going to Chennai 6 I as.e$ e('ite$)y an$ then ans#ere$- 4Sir its his marriage0 an$ a )ove marriage5 Been in )ove for nine years56 I a$$e$ an$ %oth of them smi)e$4Congratu)ations son5 7hat a 'oin'i$en'e again 6 *a&&i sai$ in're$u)ous)y 4I am a)so going to a #e$$ing-6 7e .ne# that4Life is a)) a%out 'oin'i$en'e sir 6 I sai$ #ise)y- I ha$ seen themBy the #ay Te+as you sti)) havent to)$ me ho# you are here an$ not on the tour86 4Sir I)) te)) you the truth %ut $ont &unish me56 4Hmmm 6 he sai$ 4I #ont %ut you shou)$ te)) me the truth- !ou to)$ me your %rother #as getting marrie$G6 4"o sir I )ie$ to youG6 4Then te)) me the truth-6 4Sir I $ont .no# ho# to sayG6 4!ou )ove someone86 he as.e$ so 'oo))y that it start)e$ me- I $ont .no# ho# it ha&&ens %ut there is something a%out )ove that &eo&)e #ho themse)ves have %een vi'tims +ust )oo. into the eyes of others an$ )earn the #ho)e story- !ou 'ant hi$e it the g)eam in the eye the smi)e the %)ush A it is a)) too o%viousI mere)y no$$e$ my hea$-

4Be %rave son you $ont have to %e afrai$- I am not a &rofessor here0 treat me as your frien$- "o# te)) me #hy are you going to Chennai86 I to)$ him in %rief- It #as so :ueer ta).ing to a &rofessor a%out )ove- But I #as %eginning to see the human si$e of my &rofessor no# an$ #as treating him as a frien$49o$ %)ess you 6 he sai$ at the en$ of it an$ smi)e$ genia))y- I smi)e$ %a'. an$ a'.no#)e$ge- 4But sir ho# 'ome you %oar$e$ the train from 7a$i86 4Oh I have a sister there- I #as at IIT Bom%ay for some &resentation0 so I thought I must visit her- 7a$i fa))s in the route an$ it$ %een )ong sin'e I visite$ her56 4An$ sir #hat a%out the Bio%u))86 4Oh the &ro+e't is a)most 'om&)ete- One &ur&ose of going to Chennai is to test it56 I remem%ere$ #hat Fineet ha$ to)$ me a%out his &artner- 4!ou see t#o of us are on the &ro+e't2y &artner is a &rofessor in IIT 2a$ras- 7eve %een as a team A he on some areas I on some- But #e $e'i$e$ to ma.e t#o %uses one in Chennai an$ one in ,e)hi- 2y %ut sti)) has some issues %ut this man has 'om&)ete$ his-6 4So you are going for the %us as #e)) as the #e$$ing86 He )aughe$- 4Oh you 'an say that they are one an$ the same- !ou see this 2r- Iyer is a 'ra1y man %ut #e have %e'ome frien$s #hi)e on the %usG6 He ha$ to sto&- An$ the reason #as that our frien$ Ra+it ha$ uttere$ a s:uea) a)most )i.e that of a &ig- His eyes #ere threatening to &o& out of his so'.ets an$ he #as 'oughing #ith su'h for'e that his )ungs #ere in $anger of 'oming out through his mouth- I &atte$ him on his %a'.- The &rofessor ha$ a %ott)e of #ater- He $ran. from it an$ on)y then $i$ he fin$ that his )aryn( #as a)right- He s&o.e in a hoarse voi'e 47hat #as the name you sai$ *rofessor Si$hu86 42r- Iyer Anant Iyer- 7hy #hat ha&&ene$86 4!es #hat ha&&ene$86 I as.e$ too4I te)) you I 'an har$)y %e)ieve this a)) three of us are going to the same $estination- 2r- Iyer is my father-in-)a#56 47hat56 sai$ the &rofessor47hat56 sai$ I an$ san. %a'. again )i.e a %one)ess mamma) into my seat- A)) )imits ha$ in$ee$ %een 'rosse$- >irst I )an$ in the same 'om&artment as Shreyas %rother- Then *rofessor *a&&i a)so )an$s there- An$ then as if this #as not enough #e 'ome to .no#

that #e are going to the same &arty- 7ays of &rovi$en'e I ha$ to a$mit #ere strange an$ #on$erfu)5 !ou 'an never guess #hat sur&rise )ife has in store for you the very ne(t se'on$- *a&&i ha$ a &artner in IIT 2a$ras- The &artner #as Ra+its father-in-)a# an$ Ra+it #as Shreyas %rother- Shreya #ho of 'ourse is my )ove- It 'om&)ete$ the 'ir')e- It #as a)) as if a +igsa# &u11)e ha$ %een 'arefu))y 'onstru'te$ %y 9o$ an$ on)y no# #ere the &ie'es fa))ing in &)a'e- An invisi%)e threa$ ha$ )in.e$ us right from the %eginning of the +ourney on)y no# it ma$e itse)f visi%)e- It is true not on)y for this +ourney %ut for every +ourney for )ife itse)f- 7e go on a%out our )ives ea'h $oing his share of #or. an$ never .no# #ho #e #i)) meet or #hat #e #i)) get unti) 2r- >ate 'hooses to %rea. the ne#s an$ ho#5 Other t#o ha$ a)so sun. %a'. an$ #ere &erha&s a)ong the same )ines- It su$$en)y 'ame to me that $uring my +ourney everything strange an$ &e'u)iar ha$ ha&&ene$ for a reason- An$ so this thing must have a reason too0 it shou)$ he)& me meet Shreya- !es I #as sure that #as its &ur&ose an$ then I #as )ight- I #as no my feet in a f)ash #ith tremen$ous e('itement4Sir you sai$ that the %us an$ the #e$$ing are one an$ the same7hy86 I as.e$4Oh you see 2r- Iyer #ants to inaugurate the %us on the o''asion of his $aughters marriage- Says it is aus&i'ious- So he has this insane i$ea that the %us in its first $rive shou)$ 'arry the #ho)e marriage &arty an$ go to 2aha%a)i&uram for a pooja he is 'on$u'ting- !ou must %e a#are of it- the pooja #i)) serve t#o &ur&ose he says it #i)) %)ess the #e$$ing an$ the %us- He is a )itt)e 'ra1yG to)$ me a%out the &)an on)y three $ays %a'. an$ hasnt to)$ anyone in his fami)y says it is a sur&rise a #e$$ing gift for his $aughter- So Ra+it $ont te)) her a%out this- O.ay86 4!es56 shoute$ a voi'e- It #as not Ra+its a&&rova) %ut a ye)& from me- I ha$ foun$ a #ay- To meet Shreya an$ an ingenious one47hat ha&&ene$86 as.e$ my fe))o# IITians4Sir I $i$nt te)) you everything a%out the tri&- This e(treme)y )ong an$ ta(ing tri& #as on the verge of %eing $e'imate$- An$ I)) te)) you #hy5 This 2r- Iyer of yours is in$ee$ a 'ra1y man s)ight)y foo)ish if I may say in front of you56 4A)right #ith me %ut is it #ith him86 he sai$ &ointing to Ra+it4Oh sir he 'annot agree more in fa't he 'an su&&)y mu'h stronger e(&)etives- Isnt it86 4Bang on 6 sai$ Ra+it-

4So I #as saying that this su$$en &)an of his his o%no(ious ha%it of s&ringing sur&risesG6 4On ear)y morningsG6 a$$e$ Ra+it4On ear)y mornings 6 I re&eate$ 4this must %e ta.en into a''ountG6 4An$ in tight timesG6 as.e$ *a&&i4An$ in tight times 6 I a$$e$ 4"o $ou%t &ut you %oth off #re'.e$ your menta) &ea'e an$ for that he must not %e s&are$ %ut for me sir for me he s&un the most $istressing &re$i'ament-6 47hat86 as.e$ *a&&i4,ont you get it sir in arranging this su$$en pooja he trans&orte$ Shreya )i.e a %)a'. magi'ian from Chennai to 2aha%a)i&uram56 47ho is Shreya86 he as.e$ a%sent-min$e$)y4Sir myG6 I sai$ %)ushing4Oh I get it %ut #hy is she going to 2aha%a)i&uram86 4>or the pooja sir56 47hy #i)) she go for the pooja86 he as.e$ in're$u)ous)y- At first I thought it #as his a%sent-min$e$ness in fu)) form- But then I rea)i1e$ I ha$nt to)$ him this- I ha$ to)$ him Ra+it #as a goo$ frien$ in the %eginning- "othing more4She is my sister56 It #as not me of 'ourse %ut Ra+it #ho sai$ that an$ the &rofessor ha$ his 'ir')e of 'oin'i$en'es 'om&)ete- He uttere$ a s:uea) simi)ar to that of Ra+it an$ $ro&&e$ %a'. una%)e to $igest any more- The same e)i(ir the %ott)e of #ater #hi'h #as use$ to revive Ra+it #as trie$ on our sir an$ it su''ee$e$ yet again- His eyes #ere %a'. to their &)a'es an$ his %a'.-%one #as straighter4Sir 6 I %egan 4!ou must muster a)) your energy an$ e('itement as you are the on)y one #ho 'an he)& me5 I .no# the mystifying 'hains of &rovi$en'e have ta.en a to)) on you as on a)) of us %ut you must he)& me56 4Ho#86 he as.e$ fee%)y4!ou say that everyone #i)) go to 2aha%a)i&uram in the same %us56 4!es-6 4So you must ta.e me a)ong too as some sort of an assistant stu$ent #ho has #or.e$ ')ose)y #ith you on this &ro+e't an$ #ho you thought must %e there for the first $rive-6 4Is there no other #ay 6 he as.e$4"o sir I 'annot &ose as Ra+its frien$ a I )oo. to young an$ there in no %etter #ay sir I am sure you 'an $o it56 I #aite$ for his Byes- I .ne# it #ou)$ 'ome- He #as a ni'e man-

4>ine 6 he sai$ 4,ont #orry56 an$ at that I gave another ye)& an$ hugge$ my favourite &rofessor- He #as a gem in$ee$- An$ then Ra+it hugge$ me- It #as a time to 'e)e%rate- 7hat a +ourney it ha$ %een5 Ho# *rofessor *-*- Si$hu ha$ starte$ as my enemy an$ ho# he ha$ en$e$ as my saviour5 Ho# mu'h I use$ to 'urse Bio%u)) in the &ro+e't $ays %ut ho# it ha$ save$ me time an$ again5 On)y 2r- >ate 'ou)$ $o it a)) an$ &resent)y I hai)e$ me an$ &raye$ that he shou)$ remain my a)) for some more $ays47hi'h of you &)ays the guitar86 as.e$ *a&&i seeing it from the 'orner of eyes )ying on the to& %erth4I $o sir 6 I a$mitte$ an$ he #as im&resse$4,o you .no# ho# to &)ay B2ain Hoon Jhum Jhum Jhum Jhum Jhumroo86 4!es sir one of my favourites 3ishore da is )ovea%)e56 4Then %ring $o#n your guitar a ni'e song for the o''asion an$ the musi' #i)) he)& restore my nervous system-6 42ine too 6 a$$e$ Ra+it an$ I %rought my guitar $o#n- I strumme$ the 'hor$s #hen *a&&i interru&te$ me47ait56 he sai$ 47ait a #hi)e son56 an$ he )ifte$ his trun. o&ene$ it an$ starte$ rummaging insi$e- A %oo. 'aught my eye BThe 9o)$en Bat %y *-9- 7o$ehouse4Sir 6 I interru&te$ 4Is that %oo. yours86 I sai$ &ointe$ to it4!es5 Just %ought it from the station- It is an ear)y 7o$ehouse #or. rare- So strange that you fin$ su'h %oo.s at the o$$est of &)a'es- "ever foun$ it in ,e)hi-6 "o# I .ne# #hat the urgen'y #as in rea$ing the %oo. at the station itse)f- It #as 7o$ehouse after a))- I #ou)$ have $one the same4sir #i)) you )en$ it to me after rea$ing it8 I myse)f have %een sear'hing for his s'hoo) stories-6 4Oh sure5 "i'e to .no# that you )i.e 7o$ehouse too 6 an$ saying that he &ro$u'e$ a mouth organ- He &ut it to his mouth an$ starte$ &)aying- I #as stunne$- B7e 'ertain)y un$erestimate &rofessors #as the thing that resonate$ in my ears again4Sir #i)) you &)ay too56 I sai$ un%e)ieving)y47hy8 Cant i86 4"o sir %y a)) means-6 4Then start &)aying-6 Thus the song starte$ A *rofessor on harmoni'a me on guitar an$ Ra+it singing #e)) enough an$ a$$ing the %eat his tabla that he &)aye$ against the train #a))5 8ain oon 9hum 9hum 9hum 9hum 9humroo 7hakkad .hoomoo )anke .humroo,

8ain Yeh 7yaar <a .eet (unaata 2hala, 8an:il 7e 8eri /a:ar, 8ain ,uniya (e )ekhabar )eeti )aton 7e ,hool =data 2hala. Yoodleyiii; Thus the train ratt)e$ an$ s#aye$ on %rimming #ith +oy an$ e('itement- An$ the 'om&artment #ith the three IITians ma$e the ma(imum noise- I )oo.e$ out of the #in$o#- Both my frien$s ha$ s)e&t %ut I #as too e('ite$ to $o so- The 'om&artment no# ha$ other &assengers too- I #at'he$ as the mea$o#s an$ farms rushe$ &ast- To un$erstan$ #hat In$ia is I ref)e'te$ one must trave) in a train- The #in$o# in a train is not an or$inary #in$o#0 it is a #in$o# to the ri'hness an$ $iversity of In$ia- Ho# vegetation terrain &eo&)e 'hange effort)ess)y as one &asses through the 'ountry in a train is an ama1ing s&e'ta')e- "othing &rovi$es a more 'om&)ete &anorama of In$ia as the #in$o# of a train $oes- An$ of 'ourse ) out of the #i$o# has other a$vantages- It te))s you that you are getting ')oser an$ ')oser to your )oveOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



The $river inserte$ the .ey #hi)e *rofessor Si$hu *rofessor Iyer an$ *rofessor oo&s Te+as +ust Te+as )oo.e$ over his shou)$er- The 'o'onut ha$ %een smashe$ a %rief pooja &erforme$ #ith some &rofessors an$ stu$ents an$ the s&)en$i$)y shining green Bio%u)) smeare$ #ith a vermi))ion tilak4Turn the .ey s)o#)y *an$ey / sai$ *rof- Iyer to the $river ')osing his eyes an$ muttering a &rayer*an$ey turne$ the .ey- The engine roare$ an$ roare$ an$ then #ent 4*hussssG6 2y heart san. 4"ot another &ro%)em no#56 the Bio%u)) %esi$es %eing im&ortant to me #as a)so im&ortant for the nation>ina))y the $reams a%out a)ternate fue) #ere %eing rea)i1e$- I &raye$ to 9o$ an$ so $i$ the other t#o &rofessors-

4I to)$ you go s)o# *an$ey 6 re%u.e$ 2r- IyerHe then too. 'harge himse)f- He turne$ the .ey as gent)y as he 'ou)$ an$ the engine roare$ again an$ this time #ent on an$ on- *an$ey &ushe$ the a''e)erator the engine roare$ more an$ then &utting the %us into gear he &resse$ it again- The %us starte$ moving5 It #as a su''ess- A )an$mar.5 Both of them hugge$ ea'h other an$ then hugge$ me in that moment of g)ory7e #ere on our #ayThus #e emerge$ out of IIT 2a$ras #hi'h is a %eautifu) green &)a'e #ith a %io-reserve too to &i'. u& the other fami)y mem%ers- 7e #ere to meet them at a shrine on a %ea'h a$+a'ent to ECR the East Coast Roa$- 2r- Iyer ha$ 'onvin'e$ everyone to assem%)e there an$ after the sur&rise the &arty #as to move in the Bio%u)) to 2aha%a)i&uram- There #ere )imite$ guests #hi'h in')u$e$ of 'ourse my frien$ Ra+it an$ his &retty sister ShreyaThe #e$$ing #as to %e a sim&)e one an$ on)y very ')ose re)ative ha$ %een invite$- I ha$ %een su''essfu))y intro$u'e$ as *rofessor *-*- Si$hus favourite stu$ent an$ a$$e$ to the &artyThe Bio%u)) in s&ite of a)) its a$vantages ha$ a ma+or $ra#%a'.- At )east &resent)y it ha$- The &rofessors ha$ or$ere$ *an$ey not to go a%ove the s&ee$ of t#enty .&h- An$ #hen one is on his #ay to meet ones )ove an$ after su'h a )ong time an$ after so many im&e$iments the s&ee$ of t#enty is a torture- One 'annot %e satisfie$ #ith a s&ee$ of hun$re$ at su'h a rest)ess moment an$ seeing ri'.sha#s an$ 'y')es overta.e the %us one fee)s )i.e +um&ing out an$ running to his $estination- But I 'ontro))e$ my emotions- 4Be &atient 6 I to)$ myse)f 4!ou have #aite$ for si( months si(ty minutes more #i)) not .i)) you-6 After #e move$ out of the terri%)e traffi' onto the East Coast Roa$ the +ourney %e'ame $e)ightfu)- Shreya ha$ to)$ me a%out the %eauty of the roa$ an$ I 'ou)$nt agree more- It #as a &)easure to $rive on that roa$ even at a s&ee$ of t#enty- The roa$ #as #i$e an$ straight an$ after some time I sa# the sea a&&earing on my )eft +ust as &romise$ %y Shreya- It #as an e(hi)arating vie# #at'hing the sea g)itter in the sun the %us it seeme$ sai)e$ o% the sea- I #as %eho)$ing a sea after aroun$ ten years an$ I )onge$ to %e on the 'oast- 7ith Shreya- I ha$ a)#ays $reamt of it-

The %us turne$ )eft an$ after a short $istan'e ha)te$ near a shrine- It #as a #i$e o&en area of %ro#n san$- I 'ou)$ see a%out t#enty &eo&)e from the %us- They #ere a%out a hun$re$ meters a#ay- Among them #ou)$ %e Shreya- I starte$ fee)ing a %it nervous- I a$+uste$ my shirt a )itt)e an$ then )oo.e$ in the rearvie# mirror to see if my hair #ere a)right- ,isheve))e$ a)right I mean- I then fe)t the &a&er-&a'.et in my +eans &o'.et- It #as there- In it #ere ear-rings for her- Ho# I #ou)$ give them in front of so many &eo&)e I $i$nt .no# %ut I .ne# I #ou)$- Her $a$ #ou)$ a)so %e there I thought %ut I #as 'oo)- After a)) he ha$ never seen me- 7e move$ to#ar$s them #ith the &rofessors )ea$ing the #ay- I trie$ to %e norma) #hi)e #a).ing- I #as 'ons'ious of my movements- She #ou)$ %e staring at me from some#here- I )oo.e$ at the grou& no# that I 'ou)$ see them a)) ')ear)y- I %egan s'anning them from the )eft she #as not there then I 'ame to the mi$$)e0 she #as not there0 sure)y she must %e on the right- I )oo.e$ to the right an$ she #as not there eitherHo# 'ou)$ that %e &ossi%)e8 I )oo.e$ a%out again %ut she #as no #here- I 'ou)$ see them a))- I re'ogni1e Shreyas mother an$ father %ut there #as no sign of her- An$ then I rea)i1e$ that nor #as the &ros&e'tive groom &resent- If it #as a &ran. I$ tea'h them a )esson- 7e fina))y rea'he$ an$ I #as intro$u'e$ %y *rofessor Iyer as Rohit name 'hange$ $ue to o%vious reasons a %ri))iant stu$ent47here is Ra+it86 as.e$ 2r- IyerOh he has gone for a #hi)e to the #ith his sisterG #i)) %e %a'. soon56 sai$ someoneSo that is #here they #ere- That in'rease$ my agony an$ anger- 4Oh I ha$ a sur&rise for my son-in-)a# 6 sai$ 2r- Iyer 4But sin'e he is not here at the moment I #i)) sho# something to you a)) #e $ont have mu'h time5 The aus&i'ious moment shou)$nt &ass 6 He %ro.e his sur&rise of the %us- There #as 'ommotion an$ 'ries of 'ongratu)ations every#hereEvery%o$y move$ to#ar$s the Bio%u)) an$ my frustration in'rease$- Just then my 'e)) rang- The num%er #as an one4Hu))o Te+as86 sai$ the voi'e4!es #hos that86 4It is me Ra+it-6 4Than.s for 'a))ing Ra+it 6 I sai$ annoye$-

4Have you rea'he$ the shrine86 4"o I am sho&&ing in a mar.et5 Of 'ourse I have rea'he$- !our sasurji is e(hi%iting his %us to everyone5 An$ ho# is your sho&&ing getting a)ong8 Buy something for Shreya too she )oves gifts- 7hat an o''asion to sho&56 I sai$ out of irritation47e are not sho&&ing you i$iot56 4Then86 I sai$ 'o)$)y47e are at the %ea'h56 4Oh at the %ea'h5 Some 'arniva) going on86 47i)) you sto& your foo)ish 'omments86 4!es I #i)) %ut te)) your sister that I $ont #ant to meet her- I rea'h hereG fa'ing so many &ro%)ems an$ you t#o $e'i$e to foo) aroun$G6 4"o one is foo)ing aroun$G Listen0 your %us must have ta.en a )eft turn from ECR to rea'h that shrine- Come on to the ECR an$ then #a). straight0 there #i)) %e another roa$ turning )eft after some $istan'e- !ou)) see a %oar$ saying B*rivate Roa$- ,ont #orry a%out that an$ #a). right in- the roa$ )ea$s to the %ea'h"o# 'ome :ui'.56 47hy a)) this fuss86 4>uss5 This #or)$ in not meant for goo$ &eo&)e #ho try to he)& others5 Instea$ of me you say B#hy a)) this fuss- !ou #ante$ to meet Shreya for the first in front of a thousan$ &eo&)e8 Here I arrange a s#eet )itt)e ren$e1vous for you an$ you go on an$ on #ith your nonsense-6 4Sorry 6 I sai$ 'oo)ing $o#n an$ rea)i1ing his e(em&)ary motives7hite one 'ou)$ say shining #hite42r- Te+as $ont imagine that you are the on)y one inte))igent in this #or)$- Others a)so .no# a 'ou&)e of things- I thin. I have some e(&erien'e of )ove hum%)e thought it may %e %efore yours to .no# ho# an$ #here t#o enamoure$ sou)s shou)$ meet-6 4"o# $ont say a)) that 6 I sai$ em%arrasse$4A)right then rush your $ar)ing is very rest)ess56 I 'ou)$ hear Shreya fighting #ith him for that teasing remar.- 2y heart s.i&&e$ a heat- I #as so ')ose to her47i)) %e there in a f)ash5 Bye-6 I #his&ere$ to *rof- *a&&i a%out the ne# $eve)o&ment an$ $arte$ off- On'e on the ECR I $i$nt .no# #hether to run or to #a).- I $e'i$e$ on #a).ing fast rea) fast- As nervousness #as in'reasing again I sa# the turn #ith the B*rivate Roa$ %oar$- I turne$ an$ sa# Ra+it stan$ing far off )eaning against a #a)) the roa$ #as rea))y )ong- I 'ou)$ see the san$ on the %ea'h %ut not

the sea- I 'ou)$ on)y hear the #aves- I #a).e$ :ui'.)y to Ra+it an$ greete$ him em%arrasse$4Hi Te+as you )oo. smart56 he sai$ smi)ing4I am sorry0 my moo$ #as a %it off on not fin$ing you %oth thereG6 4It is o.ay no# go straight %rother on to the %ea'h an$ you)) fin$ her on the rightG run to herG6 47here are you going86 4,o you #ant me to stan$ there #at'hing you %oth8 I $ont min$56 he sai$ %anteringI smi)e$- 4"o you )oo. %etter here56 4I .no# no# vanish an$ ta.e her in your arms an$ #e))G $o #hateverG you have aroun$ ten minutes you)) fin$ me at that B*rivate Roa$ %oar$- I)) .ee& an eye if %y 'han'e someone 'omes56 4See you 6 I sai$ an$ starte$ #a).ing to#ar$s the %ea'h- It #as a %eautifu) roa$ #ith &a)atia) houses on %oth the si$es- There #ere some )ove)y farms too- The roa$ o&ene$ on to the %ea'h an$ I 'ou)$ sti)) see on)y the go)$en san$- A strong %ut %eautifu) that is the on)y #ay to $es'ri%e it #in$ #as %)o#ing- As I #a).e$ the soun$ of the #aves %e'ame )ou$er- There #as no one e)se on the roa$- The moment #as ')oser than ever- Soon I$ see her- I #on$ere$ #hat she #ou)$ %e #earing- She )oo.e$ %eautifu) in everything- The sea #as no# visi%)e to me- I 'ou)$ see the #aves rush to the shore an$ my heart #as fi))e$ #ith %)iss- The roa$ ha$ no# 'ome to an en$- I #as not in the o&en- I sa# her #a).ing %y the sea her hair %)o#ing in the #in$- She sa# me an$ sto&&e$- I starte$ #a).ing to#ar$s her- She remaine$ #here she #as- She #as #earing a #hite salwar+kamee: em%roi$ere$ %eautifu))y #ith %)ue threa$ an$ )oo.e$ very gra'efu)- A %)ue dupatta )i.e the %)ue of the sea #ent aroun$ her ne'. an$ f)e# in the air #ith her hair- Her hair ha$ gro#n a )itt)e )onger an$ #as as %eautifu) as ever- An$ #e)) she #as a %eautifu) as ever tooI ha$ rea'he$ her- I )oo.e$ into her %eautifu) %ro#n eyes out)ine$ %y kajal- They #ere ha&&y eyes sentimenta) eyes- I too. %oth her han$s in mine an$ %rought her ')oser an$ she su%mitte$ herse)f to my arms- "o on s&o.e on)y the #aves )ent their musi'I )oo.e$ at the s.y a%ove there #as a not a ')ou$5 I than.e$ 9o$I )oo.e$ at the ma+esti' sea0 the #aves #ere a)most .issing our feet- I )oo.e$ at the %ea'h an$ there #as no one there ti)) eternity- Everything #as &erfe't &ure %)iss- I 'ou)$ fee) her %reathing against my 'hest- >ina))y our $ream ha$ 'ome true- If

on)y #e 'ou)$ stay there forever #ithout s& a #or$ our sou)s 'om&)ete)y )ost in ea'h other- I fe)t something #et on my ne'.- I re)ease$ her a )itt)e an$ sa# her eyes- a )one tear ha$ tri'.)e$ $o#n her 'hee.- I %rought my )i&s ')ose to her 'he'. an$ .isse$ a#ay the tear- The #in$ ha$ gaine$ momentum an$ the #aves #ere threatening to su%merge our feet- I )oo.e$ into her eyes0 eyes that sai$ so mu'h- She ')ose$ them as I %rought my )i&s ')ose to hers an$ tou'he$ them- The #in$ the #aves0 the s.y the $ay ha$ a)) 'ease$ to e(ist-

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