Sdtask 1 Contextual Factors Chart

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Source of Factor Community

Urban, suburban, or rural; socioeconomic; census data on families

Contextual and Environmental Factors

Greenwood School District 50, suburban area 2012 Estimated Population: 69, 56 !edian household income: "# ,911 20$ % o& population below po'ert( le'el in 200)*2012 21$5% o& population has a bachelor+s de,ree or hi,her 9$-% o& population has a hi,h school diploma or hi,her .ousin, /nit: 1)$2% .ome 0wnership: 6 $2%

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; graduation rate; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; per pupil expenditure

District 50 Enrollment for 2013: 9,041 Students with subsidi1ed meals: )-$)% 2ree 3unch: 5,2#1, 5)% 4educed 3unch: -52 5 5% District ,raduation rate: 9$-% Ethnic brea6down: 7sian: 101*1%, 8lac6: #,62 *-0%, .ispanic: 10 6* 12%, 9hite: -0-1*-5%, 0ther: 196*2% per pupil e:penditure: "6,50 Percent with ;EPs: 1#% 3imited En,lish Pro&icienc( 4ate: )$6% ES03 Students: 11% Per Pupil E:penditure: "),# 0

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; achievement scores; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; recognitions; teacher student ratio

Merrywood Elementary School Enrollment: 5-2 Students with Subsidi1ed !eals: ##2 or 61% Achie ement Scores: Student scores on P7SS 2012*201# !ritin" <ot !et: 2#$5% !et: -#$)% E:emplar(: #2$ % En"lish #an"$a"e Arts <ot !et: 15$ % !et: #6$9% E:emplar(: - $5 Math <ot !et: 21$ % !et: -1$5% E:emplar(: #6$9% Science <ot !et: 29$9% !et: 55$)% E:emplar(: 1-$#% Social St$dies <ot !et: 12$2% !et: 5#$1% E:emplar(: #-$ % Ethnic %rea&down: 7sian 5 ), 1$-)% 7&rican 7merican 5 1 6, #2$5% .ispanic 5 61, 11$#% 9hite 5 2)1, 51$)% 0ther 5 16, 2$95% 'ercent with (E's: -5 5 12% 'ercent En"lish #an"$a"e #earners: 60, 1#$2% )ifted and *alented: -6 Students School +eco"nitions: =itle ; 2ocus School, with hi,hest a'era,e per&ormance ,ap between student sub,roups *eacher,st$dent +atio: 21 to 1 4th )rade )eneral M$sic -$ of St$dents: 2- Students Ethnicity: 6 7&rican 7merican, 2 .ispanic, 16 9hite #an"$a"e -eeds: 2 E33 students in this -th ,rade class

Classroom Demographics
Ethnicit!, language needs, gender, identified special needs including

>op(ri,ht ? 201# b( Educational =estin, Ser'ice$ 7ll ri,hts reser'ed$ E=S, the E=S lo,o and 3;S=E<;<G$ 3E74<;<G$ 3E7D;<G$ are re,istered trademar6s o& Educational =estin, Ser'ice @E=SA$ P47B;S and =.E P47B;S SE4;ES are trademar6s o& E=S$

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