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Bobi Grossman

052-8644246, 8 Brandeis St. Tel Aviv 62001 Famil Stat!s" Single Birt# $ate" 1%&0'&1(80 See)ing *osition in +ro,essional Services, Tec#nical +ro-ect .anagement or S!**ort /ngineering Professional experience 2003 Present iTIS Traffic Services LTD, IT Mana er an! Professional Services "xpert
Tec#nical S!**ort /ngineer. 0es*onsi1le ,or service and a**lications s!**ort in a real-time environment. 2or)ing 3it# 1ot# clients and t#e 04$ and 5A teams as 3ell as 3it# international end-c!stomers.

2002 200#

"t ar $et%or&s, 'o(n!er an! )"* B2B net3or) s!**ort, *roviding 6T *ro,essional services to small- and medi!m-si7ed 1!sinesses.
$omain and 2indo3s-1ased servers set-!* and maintenance 8active director , e9c#ange, data server, S5:, 1ac)!* servers, etc.; +lanning, 1!dgeting and im*lementing ,!ll end-to-end net3or) sol!tions, incl!ding designated s stems in t#e cell!lar and radio ,ields. 6m*lementing <<T= *ro-ects in vario!s s!rro!ndings.

+,,, 2002

Militar- Service in t.e Israel Defense 'orces/ Serve! as an $)* in a Tele01i!eo comm(nications (nit/
6nstalled and maintained large-scale video con,erence environments in t#e >ome Front <ommand %-time 3inner o, an a3ard ,or e9cellence.

200, Present ..A. <andidate in T#e <o#n 6nstit!te ,or t#e >istor and +#iloso*# o, Science and 6deas, Tel Aviv ?niversit . 2002 200, B.A. in /conomics and >istor , Tel Aviv ?niversit . 2000 .<S/ <erti,ication at @>i-Tec# <ollege@ 8>er7elia;. +,,# 6sraeli Baccala!reate, .a-oring in +# sics, <om*!ter Sciences, >istor and Frenc#.

B(siness S&ills
S)illed *ro-ect manager, 3it# 1road e9*erience in *ro,essional tec#nical s!**ort. .an ears o, e9*erience in s!**orting a large client 1ase, 3it# #ig# levels o, client satis,action. +ro,icient *ro1lem-solver 3it# 1!siness and tec#nical *ers*ectives to develo* 3or)a1le sol!tions. <a*a1le o, t#in)ing Ao!t-o,-t#e-1o9B 3#en a**ro*riate. Cet3or)ing in,rastr!ct!re - S3itc#es & 0o!ters 8<isco, Cortel;, Fire3alls and =+Cs 8<#ec)+oint, <isco; S stems - .icroso,t Servers, .S +ro-ect, .icroso,t $ namics <0., S#are+oint, .S TFS, S5: Server 0$S >ard3are 8A!demat, 23<om; =ideo <on,erence S stems 8+ol com, Aet#ra;

Tec.nical areas of expertise

Lan (a es 3ebre% - .ot#er tong!eD "n lis. - /9cellentD 'renc. - Basic

0e,erences availa1le !*on reE!est.

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