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Physics 151
Lecture 7
Scattering Problem (Chapter 3)

What We Did Last Time

Discussed Central Force Problems

Problem is reduced to one equation

Analyzed qualitative behaviors

l2 = mr + f (r ) 3 mr

2 l Unbounded, bounded, and circular orbits V (r ) = V (r ) + 2mr 2 Condition for stable circular orbits

Defined orbit equation and solved it for the Kepler problem 1 mk 2 El 2

Conic orbits depending on E

cos( ) = 2 1 + 1 + 2 r l mk

Goals for Today

Introduce the scattering problem

What happens when a particle collides How often a particle gets scattered in a given direction How to calculate it from the potential 1/r2 force Rutherford scattering Rainbow scattering

Define scattering cross section


Scattering Problem

Consider unbound motion under central force

Particle comes from infinity goes to infinity Orbit approaches straight lines at large r
B n o ti c e ts h g ai r t S

Assume f(r) 0 as r

Straight section A

on i t c a r e Int

How are sections A and B related?

Why Scattering Problem?

Physical observations are scattering phenomena

Photons scattered by an object Seeing Electrons scattered by an object Electron microscope Electron-nucleus scattering to probe nuclear structure Neutrino-electron scattering to measure neutrino energy Still a good approximation in many cases Classical framework of describing scattering used in QM as well and its more intuitive to understand

Experiments on microscopic objects

Classical description fails with such targets

Lousy Shooter Model

Imagine shooting bullets at a small target

Suppose you have very poor aim

Bullets spread uniformly Number of bullets / area / time = intensity I Number of hits will be proportional to the target size

Hit frequency (bullets/sec)

N hits = I

Target cross section (m2) Intensity (bullets/m2/sec)

Spherical Target

Imagine the target is a solid sphere

We want to know which direction the bullets ricochet Number of bullets ricocheting into solid angle d around a direction is

N = I ( ) d

Differential cross section (m2/str)

Concentrate on the scattering angle

Target is round = has rotational symmetry ()d = () sin d d Number of bullets between and + d is

N = d I () sin d = I ()2 sin d


Differential Cross Section

Classical mechanics is deterministic

Scattering angle is determined by the impact parameter s Probability of scattering between d and + d is proportional to the area of this ring ( s )

2 sds = ()2 sin d


s ds ( ) = sin d
Absolute value taken because ds/d might be negative

Total Cross Section

s ds () = sin d

Lets check if this matches our idea of the total cross section

Integrating over the entire solid angle

T = ()d = 2 sin ()d

4 0

= 2 sds = a 2

Total area of the target

Central Force Scattering

Now consider scattering by general central force

s ds How does relate to s? ( ) = sin d We need to know the shape of the orbit at large r d 2u m dV (1/ u ) +u+ 2 =0 Look at the orbit equation 2 d l du Angular momentum l is related to s by

l = r p 0 = rp0 sin = sp0

If we assume V(r) 0 as r
2 p0 E =T = 2m


l = sp0 = s 2mE

Central Force Scattering

d 2u 1 dV (1/ u ) +u+ 2 =0 2 d 2s E du

Orbit equation in terms of the impact parameter s and the energy E

One can in principle solve this equation and get u = u ( , s, E )

r at = u (, s, E ) = 0


s = s ( , E )

Then we can calculate s ds (, E ) = sin d

Lets look at the orbit we already know

Inverse-square force

Inverse Square Force

Consider a repulsive 1/r2 force

k k Ex: electrostatic force between f (r ) = 2 V (r ) = two like-sign charged particles r r Equation and solution same as Kepler problem Just flip the sign of k

1 mk 2 El 2 cos( ) = 2 1 + 1 + 2 r l mk

Radius > 0

2 El 2 = 1+ >1 2 mk


Hyperbolic Orbit
1 mk 2 El 2 = 2 1 + 1 + cos( ) 2 r l mk

l = s 2mE

2 El 2 = 1+ >1 2 mk

Solution is a hyperbola >1E>0 1 1/r > 0 cos( ) < Scattering angle is

= 2
A bit of work

cos = 1/
k s= cot 2E 2

2 Es 2 cot = 1 = 2 k

Weve got what we need!

Differential Cross Section

k s= cot 2E 2

Differential cross section is

1 k d s ds () = = cot cot sin d sin 2 E 2 d 2 1 k 1 = 4 2 E sin 4

2 2 2

Scattering of particles with charges Ze and Ze k = ZZ e 2

1 ZZ e 1 () = 4 2 E sin 4

Rutherford scattering: particle (Z = 2) scattered by atomic nuclei with Z Existence of nuclei in atoms

Rutherford Scattering

Before Rutherfords discovery

Electron was known to exist in matter Positive charge must exist in atoms, but the distribution was unknown 2 2 1 ZZ e 1 Measurement of () showed () = 4 2 E sin 4 2 Positive charge of +Ze is in one particle 2 2 Z Z e 1 e.g. Z particles of +e each would give 4 2 E sin 4 2

Discovery of atomic nuclei

Total Cross Section

Integrating Rutherford cross section gives

T = ()d =

1 ZZ e 1 2 sin 4 2 E sin 4
2 2 2

ZZ e 1 d (sin 2) = 2 = 0 3 sin 2 2E Because electrostatic force is long-range No matter how large is the impact parameter s, the particle still gets slightly deflected Reality: electrostatic field is shielded by the electrons around the nucleus Finite cross section

Rainbow Scattering

s ds ( ) = sin d

Equation for () assumes that s() is single-valued

True for Rutherford scattering, but not always

If s() is not monotonous

si dsi ( ) = i sin d
Sum up for possible ss


At maximum = m
d =0 ds


( ) =

Called rainbow scattering

( )


From Physics 15c

Youve probably heard of how rainbows are made

But the scattering angle depends on where the light enters the drop If you add up all possible positions, rainbow will be washed out They lied

Real rainbow is made by 1 the light that reflected s internally

Total deflection is = 21 4 2 +

2 2 2 2 1

s = 21 4 2 + sin 1 = sin 1 = n sin 2 R has a minimum around 137.5

From Physics 15c

n = 1.33

Illuminate a water droplet with uniform light

min = 2.40 What is the distribution of light intensity in ? A bit difficult problem Covered in Physics 143a and 151 s ds This goes to infinity The answer: I () at the turning point there sin d

s R


From Physics 15c

Minimum of Sharp peak of intensity I()

I ()

r < rmin


s R

r > rmin

Reflection observed only at min This depends on n, which depends slightly on This is really how rainbow is created


Attractive Force

Repulsive force can only scatter by 0 < < Attractive force can do more

If the potential and the energy are just right, particle can make multiple turns before emerging Called spiraling or orbiting
V (r )
Orbiting region: E V is small r varies slowly



Discussed scattering problem

Foundation for all experimental particle physics

Defined and calculated cross sections

N hits = I

Differential cross section Rutherford scattering

s ds ( ) = sin d

Done with central force problems Next: Rigid Bodies

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