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Monday - MaLh: revlew unlL 6, WrlLlng: flcLlon

sLorles, sclence: human body

1uesday- MaLh: revlew unlL 6, WrlLlng: flcLlon
sLorles, sclence: human body
Wednesday - MaLh: unlL 6 AssessmenL, WrlLlng:
flcLlon sLorles
1hursday - MaLh: unlL 6 AssessmenL, WrlLlng:
flcLlon sLorles
lrlday - MaLh: make and Lake games, WrlLlng:
flcLlon sLorles
Cheetah Chatter
Ms. 8adLke - 4
MaLh: We have flnlshed up unlL 6 and are golng Lo
be revlewlng on Monday and 1uesday. We wlll be
LesLlng 1hursday and lrlday. Look for a revlew
packeL Lo come home Lo help your chlld sLudy.
WrlLlng: We are conLlnulng along wlLh our flcLlon
sLorles. We developed some greaL characLers and
now are Lrylng Lo deLermlne Lhe problems and
soluLlons of our sLorles.
8eadlng: 8emember Lo be readlng aL home aL leasL
20 mlnuLes every day! Cur readlng sLamlna has
gone up as a class. Awesome work!
Sclence: We are conLlnulng on wlLh our Puman
8ody unlL. We are lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe skeleLal sysLem
and how our bones move.
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Pave a greaL week! Ms. Radtke

Ms. 8adLke's conLacL lnfo:
emall: #%1($68(%3+/$=,&./,&.8/>?8@281& (Lhls ls probably Lhe easlesL/fasLesL way Lo reach me)
hone: (920) 424-0420 ex. 4326
1wlLLer: [Ms8adLke WebslLe: hLLps://

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