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His musical love letter to Nancy: Paul McCartney lifts the lid on how he composed a romantic song for

his wife
They wed in a lavish ceremony in October last year. And Paul McCartney, 70, has now lifted the lid on how a rainy day inspired him to write a son about wife !ancy "hevell. The sin er famously wrote a love letter to his American heiress wife on #alentine$s %ay while on holiday in Morocco. &n upcomin television documentary 'ive (isses the musician is seen sin in the trac), called My #alentine, recorded for his album (isses On The *ottom.

"he$s the one+ !ancy and Paul McCartney seen at an event last year The former *eatles star wrote the tune on a rainy day while on holiday in Morocco. Paul revealed+ $,e were on holiday to ether, !ancy and &, and it was rainin , it-s )ind of led me towards a )ind of minor.y type thin and the sentiment of you )now, oh it-s rainin . $& wrote the son on #alentine-s %ay in Morocco where we were on holiday and it had been rainin , and &-d said /oh pity about the rain/ and all of that, and she-d said to me /it doesn-t matter, we-ll have a ood time/ 0 and & really li)ed that because & )now there-s nothin you can do about weather. $"o & was in the foyer of the hotel, )noc)in around on this old 1oanna that the &rish pianist played in the evenin s and because it was rainin , because it was not sort of sunny and bri ht and everyone millin around, this minor.y melody came out and the words were pretty much what & was thin)in really, they 2ust spilled out.$

3e performed the son s at the Capitol "tudios earlier this year where much of the collection was created and he is seen sin in his love letter to !ancy live. The recordin too) place hours after the lon awaited addition of Paul$s star to the 3ollywood ,al) of 4ame drew a traffic.stoppin . And to add to the feelin of anticipation, the music had not been performed by the band of musicians before and the show was broadcast online live for the world to see. The reunited entoura e included 5rammy.winnin producer Tommy 'iPuma, Al "chmitt in the control room, musical director %iana (rall at the piano, and (isses... players 1ohn Clayton, (arriem 6i ins, 1ohn Pi77arelli, Anthony ,ilson, Mi)e Mainieri and conductor Alan *roadbent.

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