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The Waterfall home is designed to be a tranquil retreat, with an open roof design to allow a sort of waterfall to fall into the center basin in the floor of the home. Cushions will be placed around the waterfall basin, and be enjoyed year-round. The space is designed with the windows to create interesting light patterns on the floor space. During the winter months, ice is expected to form stalactites from the opening in the roof, and refract light to be of interest to the people inside. The Waterfall Home is expected to be a retreat space for the Li High School, and possibly other affiliates.

Waterfall Home Green Mountain College Fall 2013

Casiana Victoria Arroyo

Site Analysis

Eco Tone: Edible garden and labrinth break apart street edge Biodiversity: Pathways for animals and varying plant species Waste equals food: Compost Pile feeds gardens Life Cycle Anyalysis: edible garden will encourage pollinators Self-Design: Zen Garden and Pathways shape themselves over time

Concept Plan

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Waterfall Home Landscape

Green Mountain College

Fall 2013

Casiana Victoria Arroyo

Design Development Sketch

Perspective Drawings

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Waterfall Home Landscape

Green Mountain College

Fall 2013

Casiana Victoria Arroyo

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