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CentroAmerican 2002

Day 1 - 02 July 2002

1 For what integers n 3 is it possible to accommodate, in some order, the numbers 1, 2, , n in a circular form such that every number divides the sum of the next two numbers, in a clockwise direction? 2 Let ABC be an acute triangle, and let D and E be the feet of the altitudes drawn from vertexes A and B , respectively. Show that if, Area[BDE ] Area[DEA] Area[EAB ] Area[ABD] then, the triangle is isosceles. 3 For every integer a > 1 an innite list of integers is constructed L(a), as follows: a is the rst number in the list L(a). Given a number b in L(a), the next number in the list is b + c, where c is the largest integer that divides b and is smaller than b. Find all the integers a > 1 such that 2002 is in the list L(a).

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CentroAmerican 2002

Day 2 - 03 July 2002

4 Let ABC be a triangle, D be the midpoint of BC , E be a point on segment AC such that BE = 2AD and F is the intersection point of AD with BE . If DAC = 60 , nd the measure of the angle F EA. 5 Find a set of innite positive integers S such that for every n 1 and whichever n distinct elements x1 , x2 , , xn of S, the number x1 + x2 + + xn is not a perfect square. 6 A path from (0, 0) to (n, n) on the lattice is made up of unit moves upward or rightward. It is balanced if the sum of the x-coordinates of its 2n + 1 vertices equals the sum of their y-coordinates. Show that a balanced path divides the square with vertices (0, 0), (n, 0), (n, n), (0, n) into two parts with equal area.

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