AGENDA For The FORUM To Be Held On 17 FEBRUARY 2014

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AGENDA for the FORUM to be held on 17 FEBRUARY 2014

ITEM nu ber DETAI! Notices of Apologies 1 Mr Paul Ince (stuck in Rome returning transport) Mr Valerie Belacone (we were told its too cold for him)
Peculiar people and Mo#s


onflicts of Interest ! Assets of ommunit" Value $ote of Th%n&' from the (h%)r to *%rl O+'ton for attending and taking the time to read through and suggest impro$ements to the %uestions su#mitted
&o #e 'econded #"( A)) present

Mr *arl +"ston ad$ised the hair that it is good practice that the guest of honour directs the meeting


+pportunit" for ,hoto-r%,h' with Mr *%rl O+'ton.

&he Committee has a fast track queue

,ith &hanks to /ro en%de /hoto-r%,her' !td. -./ 012 3. 4 053 an$ass 043 A'6 +N)7

$ote of Th%n&' from the (h%)r to Mr *%rl O+'ton for the photo opportunit"8
&o #e 'econded #"( A)) present

'ummar" of %uestions su#mitted to #e presented #" Mr *%rl O+'ton $ote of Th%n&' from the (h%)r to Mr *%rl O+'ton for the taking the time to read the summar" of the %uestions su#mitted8 &o #e 'econded #"( A)) present

An" +ther Business $ote of Th%n&' from The De,ut+ (h%)r (women:s li# and all that ru##ish) to Mr *%rl O+'ton for what will ha$e #een an e.cellent and informati$e Meeting &o #e 'econded #"( A)) present

&hanks to Mr *arl +"ston for the kind suppl" of )uco9ade

;ate of Ne.t Meeting

Mr *%rl O+'ton will ad$ise the (h%)r The (o )ttee will lead in the communit" singing of <*%rl O+'ton is our leader= 6alleu>ah? (to the tune of @Michael row the Boat ashore:)


A!! "TAND and applaud Mr *%rl O+'ton out of the Room


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