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Origin of alcohol in Cundinamarca and its influence in the society of the time

SUMMARY Good morning everybody (good afternoon, si es por la tarde). Today I would like to talk to you about the origin of alcohol in Cundinamarca and its influence in the society of the time.

There is a question that I made to myself: Has alcohol influenced the Colombian society? The answer is yes. But before that aspect, we have to think about the history of alcohol in our country. Historians say that the first alcoholic beverage in Colombia was the Chicha, a fermented drink made of corn. When Spanish arrived to our land, they brought sugar-cane with them. The sugar cane was useful to make guarapo and aguardiente.

At the beginning these drinks were used in rituals and ceremonies, but with the time, they become more and more popular, and started to be part of other kinds of celebrations like parties, birthdays and even in Christmas time.

Soon this liquor demand in our country, forced people to create big factories and to hire people to work in them, which made this business something good to get a lot of money, this contributed in a good way to the Colombian economy.

Although some bad things related with the consumption of alcohol had happened (fights, accidents, etc.,) alcohol is part of the Colombian culture and is an element that can gather a whole family around a table and make them share their best moments.

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