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Is our reliance on new technology negati ely affecting the chil!ren"s intelligence#$


Pro Argument (Yes)

Con Argument (No)

1ith new ha e a more interacti e metho! of learning' which helps them stay engage! throughout class)

%his is a ery to the fact that we are facing hea y e2posure of new technology) %he technology is affecting our chil!ren"s intelligence to some e2tent as stu!ies are still un!ergoing) ,owe er' we can"t conclu!e that technology is affecting chil!ren"s I3)

%echnology is slowly New technology also &ecoming a norm of our current generation' which will !efinitely &e utili(e! in the future generations to come) In the current generation' technology is constantly &eing utili(e! &y chil!ren) *urthermore' school &oar!s are starting to integrate computer technology into +in!ergarten classes) ,owe er' the main -uestion is if this .New %echnology. use! in classes &y young generations really help the chil!ren' or harm them# *urthermore' new technology affects our writing' arithmetic s+ills) 0ur !epen!ency on computers for information has taught us into &elie ing that e erything we see on the internet is real) Due to new technology' chil!ren are &ecoming more anti/social' &ecause they are more engage! in their technology' since it"s more comforta&le interacting with people they +now in the irtual worl!' than communicating &ecause many health issues can occur while o erusing it)

possess as a threat' technology' stu!ents !e&ata&le issue' !ue

Due to new technology a! ancement' we are a&le to assist chil!ren with physical an! mental !isa&ilities &y !eli ering software which is specially create! for them)

with someone else in New technology also real life pro i!es economical &enefits In a!!ition to other &enefits' new technology also pro i!es the most up!ate! an! latest e!ucational content to users' when &eing compare! to te2t&oo+s)

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