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Alexander P. Shevyakin
2009, page 36


9 Oct., 2008
Here is the information found on the site Radosvet. I think all the anti-Semites would be interesting. Please ...

From the originator: We collected and offers a totally all known details about the hidden Jews-Zionists. This information is
very important - they can learn the true origins of " revolutionaries", mestechkovyh gesheftmaherov, dissidents on
chekistah, writers no coincidence pryachuschihsya for "aliases" of wives and children and so forth. Much, much of our true
history is not known yet. Any additional information about any behind-the-scenes "heroes" we can not prevent. Gradually, as
the cover will rise from the dark pages of history, we learn more and more new data. And at least information about them
would be appropriate.
This book requires the Russian people for their daily work with the incoming information - newspapers, television, every day
brings us a lot of new names. Inevitably, the question of who was a worker. Such as our directory allows no difficulty
answering the question "Who is he?".

This publication is a compilation from various sources. The information we provide in the following order: name, which
figurant the most famous in history, either party nickname in quotes: Further in parentheses - real name (maiden name, label
the expression of GP Klimova, sometimes to the father, sometimes mother) or a specified proportion of Jewish blood, name
and patronymic, can have a real name or middle name, date of birth and death, then should be the main occupation of the
person (the word "gesheftmaher" means an expert on the dark machinations), at the end of the following sources from which
emerge information (a list of sources should be a list). If a different spelling of names, the sources indicated, respectively, after

Reference is intended for all those interested in history as a general, and domestic cryptology. The same information can be
useful to you and in your personal life, for example, when choosing a spouse, in their contacts.
1. Klimov GP Minutes of the Soviet Wise, Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 1994;
2. Klimov GP God's people. Krasnodar. "The Soviet Kuban. 1999.
3. Vronskaya Chuguyiv D. B. Who's Who in Russia and the former USSR, M. Terra, 1994.
4. Platonov OA, Historical Dictionary of Russian Freemasons XVIII-XX venoa, M. Arina, 1996.
5. Great October Socialist Revolution. Encyclopedia M. Owls. Encyclopedia, 1987.
6. Who's Who in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Prima-Do, 1997.
7. Koptelov A. Works, .5, Novosibirsk, 1982.
8. Universal M. Nomenclature, M. October, Soviet Russia.
9. Russia has many faces.
10. Holy hell, M. Book House, 1990.
11. Pikul VS Evil force. Krasnoyarsk, 1989.
12. A. Wild. Jews in Russia and the USSR. Historical background. Novosibirsk, Blagovest, 1994.
13. Jews. In the pages of history, Mn. Zavgiar. 1997.
14. A. Ignatiev. The fifth column, M.1996.
15. Our Motherland.
16. Russian Journal.
17. For the Russian case.
18. Young Guard.
19. Lehaim.
20. Tomorrow.
21. O. Platonov, Ternovy crown Russia. M. Spring, 1997.,
22. Oleg Gordievsky, K. Andrew. KGB. Intelligence operations from Lenin to Gorbachev, Moscow, Tsentrpoligraf, 1999,
23. Source,
24. Runners JK Secret force in the history of Russia. The collection of articles and documents. Izd. 2-e. Extra St. Petersburg,
his publishing house. A. Suvorina joint venture in Russia, 1996.,
25. Activists Soviet Union and the revolutionary movement in Russia. Encyclopedic Dictionary Garnet. Moscow: Sov,
Encyclopedia, 1989,
26. Zaleski, KA Stalin's Empire. Biographical Courier. M. Veche. 2000,
27. AA Shilov Karnauhova MG Activists revolutionary movement in Russia. Bio-bibliographical dictionary. From
predecessors Decembrists to fall tsarism. Vol.2, no. 3. Moscow: Publishing Union society and political katorzhan ssylnodisplaced, 1931,

28. Kozhinov VV Russia Century XX. 1939-1964. The experience of historical research. M. algorithm, 1999,
29. Political and hard link. Biographical Directory of members of the Society politkatorzhan and ssypno-peresepentsev. EDI of
the All-Union Society politkatorzhan and ssylno-displaced, M. 1934.

Abel (Fisher), Rudolph (1902-1971) - chekist, 3/2s. "Abraham", "Alex" (Gorbshteyi) Israel G. (1887-year see unknown.) Revolutionary, a member of the All-Union Society politkatorzhan and ssylno-displaced - in the future VOPISP, 29/154-155s.
Abramovich (Rhein) Rafail Abramovich - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo" wagon, 1/320s. 15, 1993, 3, 45c.; 24/195s.
Agranov (Sorendson) - 3/5s. (Sorenzon) Yakov Saulovich (1893-1939) - chekist, a member of the CPC Central Committee
with, 12/261, 269s.s.; 21/831s. (Sorenson Yankel Shmaevich), 26/14s.

"Adam" (Haevsky) Isaac M. (1872-year see unknown.) - Revolutionary. The terrorist, a member of VOPISP, 29/679s.
Azov (Ashkenazi), Vladimir - journalist, 4/63s.
"Akim" (Goldman) Leok I. (1877-1938) - revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, 3/139s.; 7/260s.; 29/149s.
Aksyonov (Ginsburg), Vasily Pavlovich (1932) - a writer, an emigre, Freemason, 3/9s.; 21/832s.
Aksyonov (Meerson) Michael G. - dissident, exile, priest, 2/159s.; 3/349s.
Aksenova (Ginsburg), Eugene S. - mother of the writer, the author of his memoirs, (sob. information.).
Aldanov (Landau), Mark A. (1886-1957) - a writer, an emigre, Freemason, 4/61s.

"Alexander" (Lion Sokolinsky Y. (1882-year see unknown.) - Revolutionary, Zionist, member VOPISP, 29/598s.

Alexy II (Ridiger) Alex M. (1929) - a priest, patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, 3/14s.

On the top rung of the cross Magen David (six-pointed star)!

Aleshin (Kotliar) Samuel I. (1913) - playwright, Freemason, 4/108s.
Alov (Lapsker) Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (1923-1983) - Film director, producer, author of scenarios, 19, 1998. Number 9,
Ananyev (Severski) Anatoly A. (1925) - writer, Freemason, 3/19s.

Andreyev (Yurkovskaya) Maria Feodorovna (1868-1953) - Actress, Commissioner, sozhitelnitsa Gorky, 21/836s.
Andreyev (Hazan Dora Moiseevna) - wife Andreev, AA, Secretary of the Central Committee of VKP (b), 20, 35, 1998, 7c.;

Andreievich Bobrov (Nathanson) Mark Abramowitz (1850-1919) - left eser, ANC member of Russia, an emigre, 3/373s.
Andropov (Erenstein-Lieberman), Yuri (1914-1984) - chekist, politician, Mason, 14, 15, 1993., 21, 5c. 17, 1995, 6, 8s.;
24/290s.; Boldin In . I. "The collapse of the pedestal, 235s. (Fanstein); 17, 1, 1999. 7c., 15, 132, 1c. on "Koms. Pravda,
1999, 108, 5c.; 1 / 2 - Armenian 2/55s.; father: Andropyan, 21/380836s.s.
Antokolsky Mark M. (Mordukhai Matysovich) (1843-1902) - Sculptor, 19, 1998. Number 10, 46s.

Antonov Ovseenko (Guk) Vladimir (1883-1939) - revolutionary, politician, executed, 17, 3, 1996, 7C.
Arbatov (Altov), George A. (1923) - Academician, 14.

Arbatov (Altov), Alex G. - politician, Mason, son of the previous one.

Argunov (Voronovich) Andrey (1867-1939) - eser, Freemason, 21/838s.

Artuzov (Frauchi) Arthur Khristianovich (1891-1937) - a nephew of MS Kedrov, 22/90s.; Chekist, 3/30s. 14; 26/34s.
Aslanov (Goltsman) Rosalie M. (see 1889-year unknown.) - The daughter of Hebrew teachers, revolyutsionerka member
VOPISP. 29/36s.

Astrakhantsev (Jacobi), Victor S. (1961) - Head of the financial administration of Krasnoyarsk region in 1993 98g.g., 6/44s.
Astra (Poves) Isaac S. - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo" wagon. 15, 1993, 3; 4/5s.
Afanassiev (Sheymenzon) Yuri N. (1934) - great-nephew of Trotsky, professor, politician, Mason, 4, 109s. 15, 1993., 21,
5c.; 24/336s.
Bagritsky (Dzyubin), Edward G. (1895-1943) - poet, 21/840s.; 26/41s.
Baklanov (Friedman), Gregory (1923) - writer, Freemason, 4/109s.; 21/841s.
Barabeychik (Dobroveyn) Isaiah A. - pianist, composer, 3/172s.
Baranchuk (Balyasny) Raphael Samoilovich (see 1887-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, expropriator member VOPISP,
Bauer (Bayer Leverkusen) YA.YA. - Member of the Commission of State, 12/261s.
Belenky (Hatskelevich) Abram Yakovlevich (year of birth. Neizv.-1941) - chekist, free thought, 8, 1998, s.110.
Belsky (Abraham M. Levin), Lev Nikolayevich (1889-1941) - chekist, executed 26/50s.

Belyaeva (Ures) Maria - revolyutsionerka, passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5s.c.
Ber (Raychuk) Elia Elyashev (see 1873-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, bundovets member VOPISP, 29/529s.
Berdyaev (Rapp L.Yu.), wife of N. Berdyaev, philosopher, Klimov GP "My name - Legion, s.120; 2/19s.
Berezovsky (Gludman) Boris Abramovich (1946) - son of a rabbi in Moscow, gesheftmaher, politician, Mason, 15, 1998,
91, 4c.
Beria (Berman, Burson) Lavrenti Pavlovich (1899-1953) - chekist, 15, 1996, 57, 3c.
Bernstein (Katz) - a member of the Central Committee of the Left eserov, 12/462s.

Bernstein (Kogan) - Member of the Board of Donetsk Committee 12/459s.

Bikonsfild (Disraeli) (1804-1881) - English writer and politician, 14.
Blavatskaya (Gan), Helena Petrovna (1831-1891) - theosophist, Freemason, 1/246s.
Blake (Behar) George - Soviet intelligence agents from England, sefard, 22/413s.
Blokhin Peter G. (Sverdlin Gregory I.) - revolutionary, 5/62s.
Bobrov (Nathanson), Mark A. - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo" wagon, 1/320s. 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.;
Bobrovskaya (ur. Zelikson) Tsetsiliya Samoylovna (1876-1960) - revolyutsionerka. 3/63s.; 5/63s.
Bovin (Luns) Alexander (1930) - a journalist and diplomat, a freemason. 14.
Bogdanov (Zilberstein) - revolutionary, 1/319s.; 24/195s.
Bogdanovich (Mihaele) Maria Petrovna - revolyutsionerka, 27/950s.
Bogomolov (Zonderman) Oleg T. (1927) - Academician, 14.
Bogoraz (Bruhman) Larissa Iosifovna (1929) - a relative revolutionary People, a researcher and writer NA Bogoraz-Tang,
dissidentka 1/66s., 107s.
Maxim Boiko - gesheftmaher, 20, 43, 1998, 4c. Father - Vladimir Shamberg - the teacher of one of the universities CIA.
Sulakschin SS Treason, P.78. Praded - (Dridzo) Solomon Abramovich, sm.15, 1998, 85, 3c.
Borodin (Gruzenberg) Mikhail Markovich (1884-1951) - Ambassador of Russia in China, executed 2/54s. 141 pp.; 21/877s.;
26/68s. (Brantveyn); 12/470s.
Bosch (Gotlibova) Bogdanovna Eugene (1879-1925) - revolyutsionerka, chekistka first husband (married for 16 years), left,
and then the wife Pyatakova arrested, committed suicide. 3/71s.
Brandt (Fromm) Willie (1913) - German Chancellor, President of SI 2/23s.

Brezhnev (Ganopolsky) Leonid Ilyich (1906-1982) - politician, 24/s.309 "other unverified information."

Brezhnev (Goldberg) Victoria P. - niece LZ Mehlis, the wife of LI Brezhnev, the mother Brezhnevoy GL
Brodovsky (Braytman) SI - Diplomat. 12/266s.
Brusilovsky (Kaganskaya) Maya L. - a journalist and emigrantka, 3/226s.

Bunakov (Fondaminsky) Ilya Isidorovich (1897-1942) - revolutionary, emigre, destroyed by the Germans, 3/568s.
Burlatsky (Buchbinder) Fyodor Mikhailovich (1927) - journalist, politician, Mason, 14.
Bukharin (Gurevich (Gurvich) Esther Isaevna) wife Bukharin 1/253s.; 2/218s., 20, 35, 1998, p.7.
Bukharin (Gurvich) Svetlana - the daughter of Bukharin (1 st marriage). 8/99s.
Bychkov (Glikstein) Eugene M. (1934) - Chief Roskomdrag, gesheftmaher (sob. information.).
Lech Walesa (Leyba Kone) - politician from Poland 16, 1997, 46-48, 10s.
Vasil'ev (Gol'berg) BA - Head of the Tambov gubernskoy organizations RCPs (b), 17, 3, 1998, 3C.
Vasil'eva (Itsykovich) Tatyana - actress, zhenila by the actor Vasil'eva second husband - G. Martirosyan. (Mosk. komsomolets,
13-20 May 1999, P.23)..
Vasil'eva (Shugal) Sarah N. (1886-year see unknown.) Revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, 29/s.102.
Vebster (Julian Stern) Nesta - writer, author of "Secret Societies and Subversive Movement" - 1/321s.
Ventsov (Krantz) SI - Diplomat 12/265s.
Veresaev (Smidovich) Vikentiy (1867-1945) - writer, Freemason, 3/97s., 4/67s.; 21/859s.
Vertov Dziga (Kaufman), Denis A. (1896-1954) - director, 3/98s.
Vertov Ivan Sergeyevich (scribe) Samuilovich Israel (1878-1965) - historian and revolutionary, 3/252s.
Vinogradov - (Goldberg), Vladimir - gesheftmaher, Mason, 15, 1998, 91, 4c.
Witte (Hotimskaya) Matilda - 2nd wife of the premier Witte, 1/307s.
Vladimir (Sabodan) Victor Markyanovich (1935) - a church worker, 3/105s.
Vladimirov (Itsegson) Mikhail (1870-1932) - Conductor, 3/106s.
Vladimirov (Feldman) - revolutionary, 1/320s.
Vladimirov (Finkelstein), Leonid V. (1919) - a journalist, an emigre. 3/105s.
Vladimirov (Sheynfinkel) Myron K. (1879-1925) - revolutionary, first, whose ashes were desecrated Kremlin wall, 5/81s.;

Vovsi Miron S. (Meer Solomonovich) (1897-1960) - the therapist Red Army, party affairs doctors otraviteley, 21/862s.

Voykov (Weiner Pinhus) Peter L. (1888-1927) revolutionary, the passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.,
One of the organizers of the assassination of the Romanov family, killed in Warsaw, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c. 18, 1996, 8, p.26;
Volin (Fradkin) Boris (1886-1957) - revolutionary, 3/109s.; 5/91s.; 26/95s.
Volin () - writer, 4/74s., 104s.
Volodarsky (Cohen) Moses Markovic (1891-1918) - revolutionary, a member of the Bund, chekist, terrorists killed 2-30s.
(Goldstein); 3/110s.; 5/93s.; 21/863s.; 25/391s. (Kogan); 12/460s.
Volodin (Lifshits) Alexander - playwright, tomorrow, 2001, 26, 3c.
Voltchkov (Berkmam) AF - Diplomat 12/266s.
Vorob'ev (Kaz) Zinovievich Jacob (1885-1919) - revolutionary, chekist, 3/112s.; 5/97s.
Voronov (Arensshen Abram) Gennady Ivanovich (1910) - politician, 17, 1995, 6, 8s.; 24/289s.

Voroshilova (Gorbman) Elizabeth (Gold) Davidovna (1887-1959) wife KE Voroshilov, deputy. dir. Lenin Museum, 21/867s.
Voskov Semen (Samuel) P. (1889-1920) - revolutionary, 3/114s.; 5/97s.
Gaven Yuri Petrovich (Dauman Jan Ernstovich) (1844-1936) - revolutionary 3/117s.; 5/114s.; 26/103s.
Gay (Shtoklyand) Mark Isaevich (1898-1937), chekist, executed. 26/103s.
Gaida Radoma (Geydl Rudolph) (1892-1948), counter-revolutionary, organizer of the rebellion Czechoslovak Corps in Siberia
in 1918., Executed 5/115s.
Gaidar (grandmother - Ruva L. Solomyanskaya) Mr. Yegor (1956) - politician, Freemason, gesheftmaher (Top Secret, number
8, 1993, P.14-15.)

Yegor Gaidar

Gali (Ginsburg), Alexander A. (1918-1977) - poet, singer, playwright, 3/120s., 1998, 10, P.46.
Ganetsky (Fyurstenberg) Jacob S. (1879-1937) - politician and gesheftmaher, financier RSDRP (b), 3/122s.; 5/115s. 16, 1992,
40, 10s.; 12/454s.; 21/867s .; 26/106s.
Garvi (Yuri Bronstein) Peter Abramovich (1881-1944) - revolutionary, emigre, 3/123s.
Gardin (Gindin) Michael - kinodeyatel, 24/285s.
Garin (Garfeldt) - Bolshevik, 24/195s.
Heydrich (Zuess) (3 / 4) (1904-1942) - Head of the German secret police, 2/182s.; 1/214s., 15, 1994, 34, 3c.
Genkin (Rosenthal) AB - Zamnarkoma, 12/262s.
Genkin (Rosenthal) E.B - member commission partkontrolya. 12/261, 262s.
German (Weinberg) (1885-1937) - Bishop of the Alma-Ata, executed 3/127s.

Germanov (Frumkin) Moses Ilyich - revolutionary and partfunktsioner, Lit. Gazette number 52, on Dec. 26., 1990, 11s.
Herzen (The Hague), Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870) - writer, 1/315s.
Heinrich Himmler (Gettinger, father's mother - Kiene) (1900-1945) - Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany, reyhsfyurer HS,
1/213s., 15, 1994, 34, 3c.
Hitler (Shiklgruber) (Frankenberger - for the grandfather - that is originally from Frankfurt am Main) (1889-1945) - The
President and the Chancellor of Germany, a war criminal, 1/377s. 15, 1994, 34, 3c.
Glazunov (Schulze) - revolutionary, 1/320s.
Glodnev (Gladnev) (Sachs) - Director of the Office of narkomata Fin. RSFSR, 2/38s.; 12/454s.

Gnedin (Gelfand), Eugene A. (1898-1983) - son of Parvusa, figure Zionist underground, 16, 1992, 40, 10s.
Golodny (Epstein), Michael S. (1903-1949) - poet, 3/137s.; 26/117s.
Goloschekin (Shaia Itsovich-Isakovich) Philippe Isaevich - (1876-1941) revolutionary, organizer of the assassination of the
king, shot 3/138s.; 26/117s.
Gaulle, de (Kolb) (1890-1970) - general policy of France, 2 / 179, 181s.

Gorbachev (Gayder) Mikhail Sergeyevich (1931) - politician, gesheftmaher, leaflet Voluntary Society sobriety, Novosibirsk.
Gorev (Goldman), Boris I. (1874-1937) - revolutionary, executed 3/144s.; 24/195s.; 29/156-157s.

Gorin (Offenbach) Israilevich Gregory (1940-2000) - playwright, Mason, (sob. information.) (Ofstein) 21/875s.

Gornostaev (Empaher) - registrar associations Department of Justice in Tambov, 17, 1999, 2, 4 seconds.
Gorskaya (Feinberg Ekskuzovich) Rosalie G. - singer emigrantka, 3/146s.
Granin (German), Daniel A. (1919) - writer, Freemason, 3/148s.
Grinevitsky (Appelbaum) - killer of Alexander the Second (1 [13] March 1881), 2/130s.
Grishin (Grissel), Victor (1914-1994) - partokrat 17, 1995, 6, 8s.
Gromyko (Katz Isaac), Andrei Andreyevich (1909-1990) - diplomat, 17, 1995, 6, 8s.
Grossman (Joseph Solomonovich) Vasily S. (1905-1964) - writer, 3/154s.
Gusev (Fridkin) AN - Member of the Commission of State 12/261s.
Gusev Sergey Ivanovich (Drabkin Jacob Davidovich) (1874-1933), revolutionary, a murderer, "podelnik" MV Frunze
Politupravleniya Chief of Army and Navy, 3 / 159 pp.; 5/127s.; 25/399s.; 26 / 135s.
Gusev (Drabkin), Paul N. (1949) - Ch. editor of the Moscow Komsomolets, Freemason, 24/342s.
Gusinski (Guzman) Vladimir (1952) - gesheftmaher, Mason, 16, 1998., 91, 4c.
Guchkov (Vake), Alexander Ivanovich (1862-1936) - gesheftmaher, Mason, and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma,
emigrant, 24/142s.
Davin (Levin), David Yul'evich (1889-1962) - revolutionary, emigre, Sovietologist, 3/162s. (Leviticus), 21/880s.
Damaskin (Tsedrik) (1890-1943) - Clergy, 3/162s.
Dan (Tsederbaum) Lydia Osipovna (1878-1963) - revolyutsionerka. Sister Martova (Tsederbauma). His wife Dana FI (sob.
Dan (Gurvich) Fyodor Ilyich (1871-1947) revolutionary, emigre. Both: 3/162s.; 5/130s.; 21/879s.
"Daniel," "The Law" (Reich) Ilya Lvovich Act Haim Zelmanowitz (see 1876-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, bundovets
member VOPISP, 29/s.528-529.
"Dantes," "Black" (Goltsman) Edward Solomonovich (see 1882-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, a terrorist, a member of
VOPISP, 29/s.151.
Daryalova (Weiner) Natalia Arkadyevna - TV, Mos. MEPC. Krasnoyarsk, 4, 2000, 27s.
Deborin (Ioffe), Abraham M. (1881-1963) - philosopher, 3/165s.; 26/138s.

Dementiev (Campo), Yuriy - poet, 24/342s.

Jagan (Rosenberg) Janet - wife of the premier British Guiana, Secretary General MP BG, 1/248s.
Dzerzhinskaia (Mushkat) Sofia Sigizmundoena (see 1882-year unknown.) Wife FE Dzerzhinsky, revolyutsionerka, 1/462s.;
Dzerzhinsky Edmund (Rufim (middle name "on the mother - Ruth) I.) - The father F.E. Dzerzhinsky, mathematics teacher
Chekhov, 16, 1992, 20, 10s.
Dikiy (Zankevich) - Worker NTMs historian-anti-Semite, 2/23s.
Dneprov (Goldstein) PM - Diplomat 12/266s.
Dobrova Larissa (Queen Laura) - musician, Change, 12, 1991, P.249-251.
Dobrynin (Gutman) Anatoly F. (1919) - diplomat, 17, 1995, 6, 8s.
Doletsky (Fenigstein) Yakov Genrikhovich (1888-1937) - revolutionary, 5/151s.
Domozhirova (Deviller) Maria Ivanovna (1850-1913) - masonka. 2/884s.
Douglas Kirk (Isser Danilovich) - actor, father of Michael Douglas (USA), 2/326s.
Yevtushenko (Gangnut), Eugene A. (1931) - writer, Freemason, 21/887s.

Ezhova (Hayutina (Feigenberg)) Eugene Solomonovna - wife Ezhova NI, before that she lived with Issakom Babel
repressirovana - 2/170s. 16, 1992, 34, C10. Sulamif Izrailevna - 20, 35. 1998, p.7, 15, 120, 2000, c.2.
Elizavetskaya (2 husband), Stokorysh (3 husband) Maydanskaya Liba'i (Love) Isaakovna - the mother of a terrorist
Maydanskogo, soderzhatelnitsa pub, was referred 27/839s.
Yeltsin (Eltsyn) Boris Nikolayevich. (Uncle - Eltsyn Boris (!) Moiseevich. Since 1918. - Member board of the NKVD. The
President then Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) gubispolkoma. In 1937. - Shot) (1931) - politician, Mason, 17, 1996, 3, 3c.; 18,
1993 number 3, 254s.
Efimov (Fridlyand) Boris Yefimovich (1900) - brother Koltsova ME (see), the artist, 26/162s.
Zheleznova (Eisenstadt) Miriam - Worker of the Zionist underground. Borshchiagovsk AM Charged blood, Moscow, Progress,
Culture, 1994, 93s.
Zhirinovsky (Edelstein) Vladimir Volfovich. His mother would soon spread to the E., was married to J. (1946), politician, 14,
15, 1998., 89, 1c.
Zadov (Zinkovsky) Leo (1881-1942) - the head of counterintelligence Makhno, then in the GPU, executed 3/199s., 19, 1998,
10, P.46.

Zakovsky (Shtubis Heinrich Ernestovich), Leonid M. (1894-1938) - chekist, 21/891s.

Zamin (Zalin) Leo B. (Levin Solomon Markovich) narkom of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan (since November 1934.),
Kazakhstan (in January 1935. To January 1939.). shot, 15, 2000, 120, 2c. 18, 1993, 5-6, 161s.
Zvezdin, Zvezdich (Weinstein) Semen Lazarevic (1879-1923), revolutionary, 1/320s.; 24/195s.
"Animal" (Essen) Maria Moiseevna - revolyutsionerka, 7/672s.

Seghers, Anna (Radvan net) (1900-1983) - writer, the International Lenin Prize laureate, 19, 1998, 6.
Zemliachka - Samoylov (by the husband), "Demon" (Zalkind) Rosalie Samoylovna (1876-1947) - Worker of the Zionist
underground, chekistka and executioner, 3/206s.; 21/893s.; 26/182s.
Zenkovich (Radus) - a member of the so-called rabotnoy Commission 12/456s.
Zinoviev (Radomyslsky), Gregory E. (Ovsey Gersh Aronovich) (1863-1936) - revolutionary, executioner, Mason, executed
4/75s.; 21/894s.; 26/183s. (Apfepbaum) 3/208s.
Zorin (Sonnenstein) - diplomat, 17, 1995, 6, 8s., 24/290s.
Ivanova (price) Leah Kopelevna (see 1879-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, 29/s.514-515.
Izgoev (!), Alexander (Alexander Lande (Aaron) Solomonovich) (1872-1935) - a historian and philosopher, 3/217s.
Il'in (Grossman) - a journalist. 2/43s.; 12/458s.
Ilsen (Astshub) - Legal Adviser NKID, 12/454s.
Ilf (Feinsilberg) Ilya Arnoldovich (1897-1937) - writer, 3/219s.; 26/193s.
Ionov (Bernstein), Ilya Ionovich (1887-1942) - revolutionary, a poet-proletkultovets member VOPISP, 3/221s.; 26/194s.
Name: Elias El 29/253s. (Bronstein), 23, 6, 1995, 132s.
Kabakov (Rosenfeld) ID - Member of the Central Committee of VKP (b), 12/260s.
Kaverin (Silber) Veniamin A. (1902-1989) - writer, 3/225s.; 21/899s.
Kazakov (Kedmi) Yash - emigrant, the head of "Nativ, 17, 1, 1999. 3c.

Kalinina (Lorberg) Ekaterina - wife Kalinina MI, Chairman ARCEC Kremlin and the Supreme Council, 16, 1992, 25, p.10.
Kamenev (Rosenfeld), Lev Borisovich (Leyba Boruhovich) (1883-1936) - revolutionary, functionary, Mason, executed
2/231s., 4/76s.; 21/901s.; 26/206s.
Kamenev (Bronstein) Olga Davydovna - sister of Trotsky, head of theatrical narkomata Section of Education (18817-1941),
2/38s.; 3/231s.; 26/209s.

Kaminsky (Hoffman), Grigory Naumovich (1895-1937) - revolutionary, 1/320s.; 3/233s.

Kamkov (Katz), Boris Davidovich (1885-1938) - left eser, executed 3/233s.; 24/195s. (Gresser, Kogan); 2/52s.
Kamov (Kandel), Felix Solomonovich (1932) - screenwriter, emigrant 3/234s.
Karski (Beckman), MA - Diplomat 12/267s.
Kasparov (Weinstein - by his father), Harry K. (1963) - chess player, Freemason, 3/240s.
Kaplan (Roitblat) Fanny (Dora) (1893-1918) - terrorist, 9/205s.

Katayeva (Vergelis) Eugene V. - daughter of "great" writer, the wife of "great" poet, 19, 52. 1996, .53.
Kashkarov (Skalon) Yuri Danilovich (1940) - Editor, emigrant, 3/242s.
Kwasniewski Aleksander - (Stolzman Isaac) - politician in Poland, 16, 1997, 46-48, p.10.
Kvitko Lev (Leib) M. (1890-1952) - poet, executed 3/243s.

Kedrova (1 st husband Plastinina) (Meyzel) Rebekah, nurse worked in the Tver region. The murderer and torturer. Mother
philosopher Kedrov BM and the poet and journalist Kedrov K.M ( B. In the light of the day, M., 1992, 170s.) "shot
himself 87 officers, 33 minds, potopila barge with 500 refugees and soldiers of the Army Miller, 2/142s.
Kennedy (Fitzgerald) - gesheftmaherov clan and politicians in the U.S., 2/177s.

Kerensky A. (the name comes grandfather and means "of A. Kerensky" (the city), the grandfather was falshivomonetchikom
and sat in a prison of the city, said that the names of forgotten (?), A passport issued by the police in the name of K. 2/83s.)
(Kirbis Aron) Alexander F. (1881-1970) - was conceived artificially in a cell Gesey , adopted Kerenskimi (4.6.18811970) Sworn agent, Mason and the Prime Minister, emigrant, 1/393s. 14, 15, 1993, 21, 5c.
Kirienko (Israitel) Sergey - gesheftmaher and politician, Mason, 15, 1998, 86, 1c.; 2/261s.

Sergey Kirienko
Kirova (Markus), Mary L. - wife of SM Kirov, Secretary of the Central Committee of VKP (b), was older than her husband,
16, 1992, 27, p.10, 20, 35, 1998, p.7.
Kirsanov (Korchik) Semen Isaakovich (1906-1972) - poet, 28/288s.
Knut Dovid (Fiusman) David Mironovich (1900-1955) - poet, 3/252s.
Kobrinsky (Ephraim Ben-Arusha) (1910) - General, 13/306-307s.s.
Kozakov (Kedemah Yakov), Yash - dissident, exile, the head of "Nativa" 1/904s.

Kozyrev (Friedman), Andrei V. (1951) - politician, Mason, 15, 1993. Number 21, 5c.; 24/336s. (Tramp) - ibid.

Kollontai (Domontovich) Alexander M. (1872-1952) revolyutsionerka, said. 16, 1992, 20, p.10; 3/258s.
Koltsov (Fridlyand) Mikhail Yefimovich (1898-1940) - writer, executed, 16, 1992, 40, 10s.; 3/259s.; 9/217s.; 21/910s.;
26/228s. (Greenberg - literally - Green Mountain Fridlyand) 2/167s.; 12/270s. (Ginsburg), 12/270s.
Korzhavin (Mandel), Nahum (1925) - Poet, 3/264s.
Korotich (Goldshtyukker) VA (1936) - writer, Freemason, Ogonek, 1989, 3, 31s.
Korchak Janush (Goldschmidt Henrik) (1878-1942) - writer, teacher, doctor, 28, 140s., Ca.
Kravchuk (Blume) Leonid Makarovich (1934) politician, 15, 138, 2000, c.2.
Kramarov Savely - actor, after emigration - married and adopted Judaism evreyke Strongin B. Savely Kramarov Destiny
stranger, M., Tsentrpoligraf, 1999. Images of pages 283-289.
Krasnoshchekov (Tobelson) Aleksandr Mikhailovich (1880-1937) - revolutionary, 5/251s.
Krelin (Kreidlin) Julius Zusmanovich (1929g.r.) - Writer, Freemason, 4/116s.
Krivitsky Walter (Ginzberg or Ginsburg Samuel) (1899-1940) - chekist, nevozvraschenets, 3/276s.
Krohn (Crane), Alexander Alexandrovich (1909-1983) - writer, 21/915s.
Krupskaya (Fishberg - literally - "fish Mountain, party nicknames -" Fish "," Minoga) Konstantinovna Hope (1869-1939) - the
wife or the cover (?) V.I.Ulyanova Blanca, 15, 1997., 80, 4c.

Krylenko (Abraham), Nikolai (1885-1938) - revolutionary, a prosecutor, executed, 16, 1998, 22-23, 10s.

"Krimsky" (Ioffe) Adolf Abramovich (1883-1927) - revolutionary, Soviet ambassador to Germany, suicide, 3/221s.
Homosexual, "a friend" Trotsky, committed suicide because of trouble with the latter, 2/37s.; 25/422s.
"Krimsky" (Yuhimovich) Agafangel Efimovich (1871-1942) - a writer, scholar, 3/281s.
Kuzmin (Tumilovich) Vladimir (1949-2000) - gesheftmaher in 1993 1998g.g. 1st Deputy Governor of Krasnoyarsk region.
After coming to power AILebedev was arrested for embezzlement, 6/51s.
Kuzminskaya (Beers), Tatyana (1846-1925) - sister of the wife Tolstoy, the author of his memoirs, 3/283s.
Kuybishev (Kogan), Eugene - wife Kuybysheva VV 18, 1993, 5-6, pp. 161.
Kulakov (Stein David Abramovich) Fedor Davidovich (1918-1978) politician, 17, 1995, 6, 8s., 24, s.309.

Kuliscioff Anna Moiseevna (Rozenstein, Makarevich - by her husband) (1854-1925) - revolyutsionerka, 3/288-289s, 27/877s.
Kun (Kogan), Bela (1886-1939) - "Hungarian" revolutionary and executioner, executed 2/87s.
Kuchma (Kuchman Leyba Davidovich) - President of Ukraine, 15, 1998, 83, 2c.

Sholom Gottlieb and Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma

Kshevinsky (Grnbaum) - diplomat, Consul General in Kiev, 2/37s.; 12/454s.

Lavochkin (shopman Simon) Simeon A. (1900-1960) aircraft, 24/285s.
Lagetsky (starch) - revolutionary, 1/19s.
Lann (Lozman) Eugene L. (1896-1958) - writer, 19, 1998, 10, P.46.
Lapinsky (Levinson) Meer Abramovich - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.
(Levenzon) 24/195s.
Larin (Lurie) Michael Zalmanovich (1882-1932) - revolutionary economist, 2nd father Bukharin, 3/300s.; 5/268s.; 21/928s.;
25/482s.; 26/268s.

Latsis Martin I. (Sudrabs Jan Fridrihovich) (1888-1938) - revolutionary and chekist, executed 5/269s.; 25/282s.
Lebedev (Polanski), Pavel Ivanovich (1882-1948) - writer, censor, 3/302s.; 12/456s.
Lebedeva (Limso) - revolyutsionerka, 1/320s.
Levitsky (Tsederbaum) - brother Martova (Ts) - revolutionary, 2/51s.; 12/460s.
Lezhenev (Gorelik) Abram Zakharovich - writer, 21/923s.
Ley (Levy) - Fuhrer Labor Front Germany. 2/377s. 15, 1994, 34, 3c.
Lenin (Blank), Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) - revolutionary, Mason, the President of the People (ie, Jewish) Komissarov (ie
Authorized kill), 12/451, etc. P.
Leonidov (Volferzon) Leonid Mironovich (1873-1941) - writer, 21/923s.
Liber (Goldman), Michael I. (1880-1937) - revolutionary, executed 5/310s.
Lilina (Knigisen) - narkom, 2/30s.; 12/456s.
Litvinov - (Genoh M. Meyer, Valah, Finkelstein), Maxim Maximovich (1876-1951) Bolshevik, a diplomat, Mason, 3/315s.;
4/82c.; 12/260, 262s. 16, 1992, 40, pp. 10; 21/925s.; 26/278s.
Lihodeyev (Lides) Leonid Israilevich (1921) - writer, 3/317s.
Lozinsky (Luz), K. (1895-1972) - Chairman of the Knesset, 13/306s.
Lozovskiy (Dridzo) Solomon Abramovich (1878-1952) revolutionary, diplomat, member VOPISP, shot in 1952. as an agent of
"JDC" grandfather Vladimir Shanberga - high school teacher CIA, great-grandfather Boyko M. (see) 15, 1998., 85, 3c.;
12/260s.; 21/926s.; 25/513s., 26 / 281s.; 28/270s. (Bridzo) - 29/366-367s.

Lolo (Munstein) Leonid G. (1867-1947) - poet, emigrant.

Luzhkov (Katz) (LA - name of first wife), Yuri (1936) - politician and gesheftmaher, Mason, 15, 1998., 82, 1c.

Yuri Luzhkov (Katz)

Lui (Luy Vitaly Evgenjevich), Victor (1928-1992) - a double agent: KGB - Western special services, the source of the
informal channel with the West, 22/499s.
Lunacharsky (Rozenel) - wife Lunacharsky, 2/30s.

Lunacharsky (Bailih) Anatoly V. (1875-1933) - revolutionary, narkom Education (1917-1929), 21/928s.

Lyubimov (Kozelsky) Isidore Eliseevich - narkom light industry, 2/55s., 260s.; 21/929s.
Lutov (one of the literary pseudonyms Issaka Babel) 2/170s.

Lyadov (Mandelstam), N. Martin (1872-1947) - revolutionary, 3/327s.; 5/282s., 23, 2, 1997, 72s.; 25/519s.; 26/289s.

Mayevsky (Vikentiy Anitsetovich Gutovsky) Eugene (1875-1918) - revolutionary, executed with Kolchak, 3/329s.
Mazowiecki Tadeusz (Itsek Dieckmann) - politician in Poland, 16, 1997, 46-48, 10s.
Mayorov (Biberman Meer), Michael M. (1890-1938) - revolutionary, 5/283s.; 26/291s.
Maisky (Lyahovsky, Lyahovetsky, Steinman) Ivan Mikhailovich (1884-1975) revolutionary, diplomat, 1/54s.; 3/330s.
(Lyahovetsky) 12/266s.; 21/932s.; 28/270s.
Makarenko (Gershkovich) Michael Yanovich (1931) - a dissident, 3/330s.
Maklakovsky (Rozenblyum) - revolutionary, 1/320s.; 24/195s.

Maxwell (Hoch), R. - "English" the publisher, died mysteriously in 1991. 14.

"Maxim" (Dimanstein) Semyon Markovich (1886-year see unknown.) Revolutionary, leader of the Jewish section NKNatsa,
publicist, falsifier of history, a member of VOPISP, 29/191s.

Maximov (Yastrzhembovsky) Timothy F. revolutionary, the passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.
Malik (Klein), Yakov - diplomat 17, 1995, 6, 8s.; 24/290s.
Mankin - chekist, cousin Sorin (Bluvsteina) sm.18, 11, 1990, 141s.
Marx (Mordechai Levy), Karl (1818-1883) - philosopher and economist, 1/348s.; 2/16s.
Martov (Tsederbaum) Julius Osipovich (1873-1923) - revolutionary, 3/344s.; 21/934s.
Martinov (Zimbar) - revolutionary, 1/319s.; 24/195s.
Martinov (Picker) Semen Yul'evich (1865-1935) - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 45c., 25-525s.
Masaryk (Harriet) Thomas (1850-1937) - President of Czechoslovakia, 2/212s.

Mate Zalka (Bela Frankl) (1896-1937) - "Hungarian" revolutionary, chekist, writer, military 3/322s, 26/175s.
Matviyenko (Bubley) Valentina (1949.) - Vice-Premier of Russian Federation, 15, 2000, 131, 4c.
Mercader (Lopez Ramon Ivanovich), Ramon (1913 1978) - singer Trotskomu sentence. 3/354s.
Meshkovsky (Goldberg), Joseph P. (1873-1922) - revolutionary, 1/319s.; 24/195s.; 25/540s.
Mirov (Abramov), Alexander L. (1895-1937) - chekist, 26/13s.
Mironov (Menaker) Andrey, actor (sob.inf.)
Mironov (Kagan), Leo G. (1895-1938) - chekist, 26/320s.
Mitta (Rabinovich) Alexander Naumovich (1933) - Film director, 21/939s.

"Mikhail Mikhailovich (Freydfeld) Lev (1863-year see unknown.) - Revolutionary, a terrorist, a member of VOPISP, 29/673s.
Mikhailov (Elinson) Leo M. (1872-1928) - revolutionary, 5/301s.
Mikhailov (Katz) Michael - revolutionary, 27/941s.

Mikhailov (Faerman) chekist, commander in Kiev in 1919., 18, 11, 1990, 137c.
Michnik Adam (Aaron Schechter) - politician in Poland, 16, 1997, 46-48, 10s.; 22/582s.

Mikhoels (Vovsi) M. Solomon (1890-1948) - Chairman of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, a director 21/939s.; 26/323s.

Molotov (Karp or Karpovskaya) 3/194s., She (Pearl), Polina (Peri) S.. 18, 1992. 3-4. s.142, 20, 35, 1998, p.7; 26/166s.
Moroz (Yossi) Jacob M. - Head Uhtinsko-Pechora camp, brother-in-law Moti Davidovich Berman, 2 nd chief indeed, the
gulag that 15, 119, 2000, 2c.
Moskvin (Trilisser) Meyer (Michael) Abramovich (1883-1937) - chekist, free thought, 1998, 8, p.114.
Muratova (Moreynis) FA - The wife of a revolutionary Muratova, 18, 1992., 3-4, s.218.
Myasoedova (Goldstein) Samuilovna Clara - the wife of a German intelligence agent of the Russian army colonel
Myasoedova, 11/504s.
Nabokov (Slonim) Vera Evseevna - the wife of writer V. Nabokov, 1/284s.
Nagy (Grotz) Imre - "Hungarian" revolutionary, one of the killers of Czar Nicholas II, executed 2/135s.
Nardo (Knipper) Vladimir Leonardovich (1876-1942) - the director and singer. The brother of actress O.L.Knipper-Chekhova,
Naumov (Giuberger) - pom. Chairman of the Kyiv council, 12/457.
Naumov (Purkin) - revolutionary, terrorist 21/944s.
Nekrasov (Golgofsky) Nikolay Vissarionovich (1879-1940) - politician, Freemason, 21/944s.

Nemtsov (father - Efim Davidovich Neumann, mother - Dina Y. Eydman) Boris Yefimovich (1959). Great-nephew of YM
Sverdlov, a relative Nainy Yeltsin (Girinoy?), Politician, Freemason, gesheftmaher 15, 1997, 69, 4c.
Nesterova (Goldstein), Maria Ivanovna - revolyutsionerka, 27/1022s.
Nikolaev AI the military, his mother - Elstein Toybel Y., 16, 1998, 24-26, 1c.
Nikolaeva (Draul) Milda - wife murderer Kirova responsible worker in Leningrad.
"Nicholay", "Don", "Menachem" (Gordon) Abe Isakovich (1884 -?) - Revolutionary, 25, 398p.
Novakovskaya (Gurovich) for 2 to her husband - Ozhenova, Sofia Ioahimovna (Efimovna) (1859-1927) - revolyutsionerka,

Novik (Sheptun) Freud S. (1886-year see unknown.) - Talmudista daughter, revolyutsionerka member VOPISP, 29/445s.

Novikova (Gertser) Klara B. - pop singer, Novikova CB My story. M: Esmo Press, 2001, p.12.
Nordau (Zyudfeld) Max (1849-1923) - Born in the family rabbi, doctor of psychiatry, author of "degeneracy," the leader of
Zionism after Herzl T.. 1/167-168s.
Ozersky (Friedman) AV - Diplomat 12/266s.
Okulova (Teodorovich) Glafira Ivanovna (1878-1957) - revolyutsionerka, 5/359s.
Albright (Kerbel) Madeleine - politician from the U.S., 15, 1999, 101, 4c.
Oleksy Jzef (Shiman Buhvego) - politician in Poland. 16, 1997, 46-48, 10s.
Olszewski (Lurie) Semen Grigorievich - revolutionary, 27/1091s.

Orlov (Felbin) Leo L. (1895-1873) - chekist, nevozvraschenets, (his brother - Katsnelson 3. - Also chekist) 3 / 242, 396s.s.

Orlov (Mender) Fedor Ivanovich - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.
Orlov (Shapiro), Vladimir Nikolaevich (1908-1985) - literary critic, 3/396s., 20, 41, 1998, p.3, 19, 1998, 8, p.47;
Orlova (Liberzon) Raisa Davydovna - by her husband Kopeleva (1918-1989) - dissidentka, 3/397s.
Otsup (Snarskii) MA - Officer of "Night Time", a friend Manuilova-Manusevicha, 10/65s.
Pavlovich (Veltman), Michael L. (1871-1927) - a member of the CEC, 2/49s.; 12/460s.
Pipes (Pipesh) Richard - Sovietologist, adviser to Reagan, 24/221s.; 25/573s.
Panov (Shulman), Valery M. (1938) - choreographer, emigrant, 3/406s.
Panova (Veltman, for husbands - Bakhtina, Dar) (1905-1973) - writer, Dara shielded her husband and son of 1 st marriage in
Zionist activities, 3/406s.
Papyus (Ankoss) - easy rider of the environment, Nicholas II, mystic, 11/73s.
Parvus (Gelfand), Alexander L. (1869-1924) - revolutionary and adventurer, 18, 1996, 3, 215.

Pauker (Rabinson) Anna - the daughter of a butcher (!) Acting Secretary General Rabbi (!!!), MP Romania, 1/249s.
Peres (Perskiy) Simon (1923) - Israeli Prime, 13/306s.

Peter (Beno Aushpits) Gbor - Head of the Hungarian secret service AVO (from 1945.) 22/367s.
Petrovsky (Birskman) AN - Member of the Commission partkontropya, 12/261s.
Petrovsky (Schwartzman) AM - Diplomat 12/265s.
Pilnyak Boris (Wagga "German") (1894-1937) - writer, 16, 1992, 26, p.10), the grandmother, 12/174s.
Plastinina (Meyzel) Rebekah - nurse worked in the Tver region, after the Revolution, she married a new husband - for Kedrov
M. murderer and torturer. Mother philosopher Kedrov BM and poet, philologist and journalist Kedrov KM (V. In
the light of day, M.1992, P.170).
Plekhanova (Bograd) Rosalie Markovna - revolyutsionerka wife, Plekhanova 27/1200s.
Podbelsky (Paptievich) Vadim (1887-1920) - revolutionary, 5/405s.
Polanski (Gendrih) Dmitry Stepanovich (7.11.1917) - politician, 17, 1995, 6, 8s.; 24/289s.
Ponomarev (Krogius) Boris Nikolayevich (1905) - politician, academician, 14 (Rosencrantz) 21/961s.
Popov (Neumann) Gabriel Haritonovich (1936) "Greek" - Doctor of Sciences, Moscow Mayor, Freemason, gesheftmaher, 14,
15, 1993, 21, 5c.; 24/336s.
Poretsky (Rayss) Ignatius (1899-1937) - chekist-nevozvraschenets, 22/154s., 167s.
Pospelov (Feygelson) Peter (1898-1979) - a member of the CPC Central Committee secretary, editor of Pravda, 14, 15, 1993,
21, 5c. 16, 1992, 2, 10s.; 21/963s.; 24/287s.
Potanin (Wartburg), Vladimir, gesheftmaher. 15, 1998, 91, 4c.
Primakov (Kirshblat) 15, 1993, 21, 5c., 15, 14, c.2 (Finkelstein), Eugene M. (1928) - journalist, academician, politician,
Mason, 17, 1999, 1, 8s. 17 , 1999, 9, 1c.
Pugacheva (Pevzner) Alla B. (1949) - singer, Mason, 15, 1997, 69, 4c.; 24/349s.
Pupko (Firin) Semen Grigorievich (1898-1937) - chekist, 21/1004s.
Putin (Shalomov), Vladimir Vladimirovich - chekist and politician, Mason, 15, 148, 2001, 1c.

Pushnyuk (Kestelman) Natalia (Leah), Y. (1858 -?) Revolyutsionerka, 27/1286s.

Pyatnitsky (Tarshis) Aronovich Joseph (1882-1938) - revolutionary, partfunktsioner, executed 3/444s.; 26/379s. (Levin)
1/320s. (Blyumberg) 12/260s. (Zevin) 24/195s.
Rabichev (Zeidenschner) NN - Member of the Commission partkontrolya, 12/261s.
Radek (Sobelson) Karl Bernardovich (1885-1939) - revolutionary, Mason, executed 3/445s.; 26/380s.
Razumov (Sagovich) MO - Member of the Central Committee of VKP (b), 12/260s.
Rakosy (Kogan), Mathias (1892-1971) - Secretary General MP Hungary in 1920. after the failure of the coup a year sitting in
durdome, then worked in the Comintern, 1/249s.
"Rahmiel", "Rahmilevich" (Weinstein), Aron Isakovich (1877-1938) - revolutionary, a member of the College NKFik,
Reilly George Sidney (Sigmund Rosenblum Grigorevich, Markovic) (1874-1925), British intelligence agent, killed 3/450451s.s.; 22/56s.

Risman (Ristmetz) August Tynisovich (1890-1925) - "Estonian" revolutionary, shot by order of the Estonian court 3/454s.
Rozanov (Goldenbach) - revolutionary, 1/319s.
Rozin (Grossman) - journalist, 2/43s.
Romanov (Zodiya) Peter V. (1943) - politician and gesheftmaher, 6/55s.
Romanov Leonida G. - daughter of Prince Bagrationi-Muhraneli and Madame Zolotnetskoy (Zlotnitskoy) - daughter
tiflisskogo Jew, 16, 1997, 15-17, 9c.
Roshchin (Grossman) Judas Solomonovich (1883-1934) - revolutionary. 3/154s.
Roosevelt (Rozenveld) Franklin Delano (1882-1945) - U.S. President, 2/183s.
Rumiantsev (Lurie) - Journalist 2/45s.; 12/458s.
Rutenberg Martin I. (Pinhus Moiseevich) (1878-1942) - politician, Freemason, killer Gaponov, Chairman of the National.
Committee "- in fact, the Government of Palestine (1929, 1940th he.) 21/978s.

Rutskoi Alexander (1947) - politician, provocateur, Mazn CIA agent in the 1980's he Mother - sell beer larka Zinaida
Iosifovna, 20, 2000. Number 4, 3c.
Rybakov (Aronov) Anatoly Naumovich (1911-1998) - writer, author of the book "The Children of Arbat", Freemason, 3/465466s.; 28/288s.
Rykova (Marshak), Nina S. - wife Rykova AI, the President of ANC, the USSR, aunt playwright M. Shatrova (Marshak), 16,
1992; 25, p.10, 20, 35, 1998, p.7
Ryasanov (Goldendah) David B. (1870-1938) - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, editor, historian,
3/468s., 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.; 24/195s.; 25/639s.
Sabler (Tsabler) Vladimir Karlovich - chief prosecutor Synod, 11/323, 326s.s. Then began to wear the name "Desyatovsky"
Savinkova (Zilberberg) Yevgenia Ivanovna, the wife of B. Savinkova, eserka, 23, 4, 1995, 26s.
Sagersky (Krachman) - Bolshevik, 24/195s.
Samarin (Markovich) AM - Diplomat 12/267s.
Samoilova (Gurevich-Martinovskaya) Tsetsiliya Samoylovna (see 1865-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, a member of
VOPISP, 29/175s.
Sanin (Shenberg) Alexander Akimovich (1869-1956) - actor and director, 3/473s.
Sakharov (Safriano) Andrew D. (1921-1989) - academician and politician, Mason, 15, 1998, 87, 4 seconds. (Goldenweiser)
- 15, 2001, 157, 2c.
Sverdlov (Yankel), Yakov Mikhailovich (1885-1919) - Bolshevik, executioner of Russian people. (Sov. Russia number 144.
December 9, 1999, g, 1), (Movshin); 24/208s.

Svetov (Friedland - father), Felix G. (1927) - writer, dissident, (pseudonym F. Korsakov), 3/477s.

Svetlov (Scheinkman - translation: Shinkarev, host), Michael A. (1903-1964) poet, playwright, 28/255s. approx.
Svyadosch (Brum), Abraham M. - physician seksopatolog, 1/221s.
Sedykh Andrew (Tsvibak Jacob M.) (1902) - Journalist, writer and expatriate, 2/129s.; 3/479s.; 4/101s.

Semkovsky (Bronstein) Semen Yul'evich - revolutionary, a passenger "zaplombirovannogo 'coach, 15, 1993, 3, 4-5c.
Semyonov Julian S. (Lyanders) (1931-1993) - writer, 16, 1996, 2-4, p.10) (Lyakers); 15.1995, 50, 1c.
Shazar (Rubashov) Zalman (1889-1974) - President of Israel, 13/305s.

Silver (Silberwasser), Alexander L. - Chief Medical care department indeed, the gulag that executed 15, 2000, 120, 2c.
Simon (Kaz) Andre - anti-journalist from the Czech Republic, 22/194s.
Slansky (Salzmann) - Secretary General of the Central Committee of CP of Czechoslovakia.
Skiy - the nickname Rafalskogo Sergei Milevicha (1895-1981) - journalist, emigrant, 3/448s
Smollet (Smolka) SP - A journalist, a Soviet intelligence agent, 22/337s.
Snegor Sergey (Sergei I. Stein) - writer, Lit. Newspaper, 1980, 34, 3c.

Sobchak (Finkelstein), Anatoly (1937-2000) gesheftmaher and politician, freemason. 15, 1993. Number 7, 5c.; 24/335s.
"Sova" (Pevzner-Avramov) Gessel-Aron Efroimovich (1885-year sm.neizv.) - Revolutionary, a member of the Poaley Zion, a
member of VOPISP, 29/480s.
Sokolnikov (Diamond), Gregory (1888-1939) revolutionary, partfunktsioner member VOPISP, executed 3/501s.; 12/260s. 15,
1983, 3, 4-5c., 2/984s.; 26/423s .; 29/601s.
Solzhenitsyn (Solzhenitser) Alexander Isaevich (I.) (1918) - writer-dissident, 1/62s.
Solomentsev (Salzmann) Mikhail Sergeyevich (1913) - politician. 17, 1995. Number 6, 8s.; 24/290s.
Solntsev (Bleichman) Joseph Solomonovich (1868-1921) - member of the CEC, 3/49s.; 12/460s.; 24/195s.

"Sonka Zolotaya Ruka" (Blyuvstein) Sheyndlya-borer Solomoniak, Sofia V. - aferistka, 19, 45, 1995. p.22.

Sorin (Bluvstein) - executioner of Nicholas II, chief of the Kiev CZK, 12/475s. 16, 1993, 37, 12s., 18, 11, 1990, 137c.
Steklov Yuri Mikhailovich (Nahamkis Ovsey Moiseevich) (1873-1941) - Bolshevik, 2/51s.; 3/514s. 5-503s. 19, 1998, 8,
p.47; 26/429s.

Stanislavskaya (Bronstein) Zisla-Zynaida Samoylovna (1884-year sm.neizv.) - Revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, 29/84s.
Suvarin (Lifshits) Boris (1895-1984), historian, emigrant, 3/520s.
Sudzilovsky (Rassell) Nikolai Konstantinovich (1850-1930), revolutionary, emigre, 3/521s.
Suslov - (Zues or Sues or Zuess) Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1902-1982) - ideologist of the CPSU, 14, 15, 1998. Number 82, 1c.
17, 1995, 6, 8s.; 24/289s.

Sukhanov (Gimmer) Nikolai Nikolaevich (1882-1940) - revolutionary, Mason, executed 2/49s.; 3/523s.; 4/97-98ss.; 5/505s.;
12/460s.; 21/989s.; 25/709s.
Sukhanova (Flakserman) GK - Ukryvala Lenin in his apartment in 1917., Revolyutsionerka, 5/334s.
Sygolenko (Sygal Haim) Cyril - Adjutant Commander ounovskoy the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, during the occupation of the
genocide carried out the Jewish population, pogolovno destroyed the Jewish towns in Olevsk and , followed by
American special agent, 18, 6, 1990, 245s.

"Dark," "technician", "Yurovsky" (Unshliht) Joseph S. (1879-1938) - revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, chekist, 29/650s.
Tolstaya (Bers), Sophia A. (1847-1919) - the wife of Count Tolstoy, 3/538-539s.s.

Triolet (1 st husband, 2-mu Aragon present. Lastname - Kagan) Elsa Yu (1896-1970) - sister Lili Brik, a writer, 3/542s.
Trifonov (Lurie) Yuri V. (1925-1981) - writer, 15, 2000, 132, 2c.
Trotsky (Bronstein) Lev Davidovich (1879-1940) - revolutionary, Mason, an emigre, 3/543-544s.s.; 26/446s.
Troyanovskaya (Rozmirovich) Helen F. (1886-1953) - chekistka; 21/970s.
Teffi (Chava Korpules, Lohvitskaya) Nadezhda (1872-1952) - writer, 4/100s.
Tyudesheva (Gedimin) Praskovia Innokentevna - revolyutsionerka, 3/125s.
Udenov - the nickname Fudel Sergei I. (1901-1977), 3/570s.
Ulanovsky (Helen) Hope Markovna (1903-1986) - razvedchitsa, was arrested, an emigre, 3/551s.
Uritsky (Radomyslsky) Moses Solomonovich (1873-1918) - revolutionary, killed 2/30s.; 12/460s.
Ustinov (Ulbricht) Dmitry Fedorovich (1908-1984) - Military, 17, 1995, 6, 8s.
Utesov (Blauberg) Leonid Osipovich (1895-1982) - Singer (sob. information.)

West Natanael (Weinstein Nathan) (1903-1940) - American writer, "The master of black humor, 19, 1998, 10, P.46.
Fidel Castro Ruz (Ruiz) (1926) - politician, 1/405s.; 2/180s.
Finn (Finnhalfin) Konstantin Yakovlevich (1904-1975) - writer, 21/996s.

Franco (Bahamonde) (1892-1975) - Spanish dictator. Paul Preston, Franco., Tsentrpoligraf, 1999: 2/16s. 15, 1997, 73, SZ
Fudzhivaka (Eisenberg), Anna - Secretary General of Japan MP, 1/248s.

Anna/Hanna/Hannah Fujikawa (a.a. Reichenberg) - KP Gen. Sekreteri deil, sendikac ei

Khazanov (Faybusovich) Gennady M. - entertainment, 15, 1995, 45, 3c.
"Haim-Zhestianshchik" (Rauf) Lev Abramovich (see 1884-year unknown) - revolutionary, a member of the Poaley Zion, a
member of VOPISP, 29/531s.

Hanussen (Gershel Steinschneider) - hypnotist, Hitler's adviser on public speaking and psychology, 18, 1996, 4, p.25.
Hashin Alexander (Zvi Averbukh) (1888-1938) - writer, editor of "Der Emes" 19, 1998, 8, p.47.
Hernanchuk (Hernan) Ihar - current editor of the newspaper "Freedom" (Minsk), 15, 1997., 80 4c.
Khodorkovsky (Hovert) Michael - gesheftmaher 15, 1998., 91, 4c. (possibly X. name derives from the word heder (hedera) Primary religious school).
Khrushchev (Perlmutter), Nikita Sergeyevich (1894-1971) - politician, 14
"Gypsy" (Khazanov) Israel (Leiser) Solomonovich (Shlemovich) (see 1887-year unknown.) - Revolutionary, a member of
VOPISP. 29/679-680s.

"Seagull", "Galina (Sakova) Asya Moiseevna (see 1889god unknown.) - Revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, 29/564s.
Childs Morris (Moysha Shikovsky) (1902-1991) - 2nd Secretary of the Central Committee of CP USA, an FBI agent, Koms.
Pravda, 6 May 1997, 3c.
Cherkizov (Taubman) Andrey - a journalist, a pederast, director RIPA. 15, 142, 2c.

Chernaia (Bavich) Clara I. (1885-year see unknown) - revolyutsionerka, Social sionistka member VOPISP, 29/41s.
Chernichenko (Kaufman), Yuri D. (1929) - Writer Mason, 15, 1993. Number 21, pp.5, 24, 336s.
Chernomorskiy (Chernomordnik) - Bolshevik, 24/195s.
Cherniy (Glikberg. Glyukberg) Aleksandr Mikhailovich (1880-1932) - a writer. 3/592s.
Chernomorskiy (Chernomordich) - revolutionary. 1/320s.
Chernomyrdin (Shleer) Viktor Stepanovich (1938) - gesheftmaher, politician, Mason, 15, 1999., 107, 3c., 16, 1, 1999,
Churchill (Jerome) Wiston (1874-1965) - politician, Freemason, 2/183s.
Chicherin (Meyendorf), George V. (1872-1936) - revolutionary, diplomat, 14; 21/1008s.
Chubais (Sagal), Anatoly Borisovich (1955) - politician, gesheftmaher, Mason, 16, 1997, 11-12, 3c.

Chudov (Askov) MS - Member of the Central Committee of VKP (b), 12/260s.

Chuzhak (Nasimovich), Nikolai Fedorovich (1876-1937) - journalist, revolutionary, 3/373s.
Shatrov (Marshak) Michael Philipp (1932) - writer, Freemason, 3/605s.; 4/123s.; 21/1010s.
Shakhnazarov (Lapidus) Hosroevich George (1924) - academician and politician, Mason, 14.
Shakhnazarov (Lapidus), Karen G. (1952) - director, son of the previous 14.
Shelepin (Shoen), Alexander N. (1918) - chekist, politician. 17, 1995, 6, 8s.; 24/289s.
Shestov (Schwartzman), Leo I. (1866-1938), philosopher, 3/610s.

Shefto (Perkcal) Yakov-Shai Aronovich-Davidovich (see 1882-year unknown.) Revolutionary, a member of VOPISP, 29/485s.
Eisner (Kosmonovsky) - President of the Bavarian Soviet republic, 15, 1997, 69, 4c.
Etinger (Siterman) YA.YA. - Historian, 28/230s., Ca.
Yurenev (Ganfman) Konstantin Konstantinovich (1888-1938) revolutionary, led a meeting of 6 th Congress of RCPs (b),
2/55s.; 12/266s. (Krotovsky). 5/602s.; 26/510s.
Yurkin (Weinberg) Tikhon Alexandrovich - Zamnarkoma, 12/262s.
Yagoda (Yehuda), Heinrich (Gershel) Genrikhovich (1891-1938) - chekist, relative Sverdlova 12/269s. (Enon Gershonovich)
Yakovlev (Ginsburg) Vladimir (1960) - a journalist and gesheftmaher from 1989. - Owner ID Kommersant, Russian
Vedomosti, 1994, 4, 4 seconds.
Yakovlev (Ginsburg) Yegor V. (1930) - a journalist, (ibid.).
Yakovlev (Nareykis) BA - Director of Institute for the Study of USSR (USA), 21/1022s.
Yakovlev (Epstein) AI - a member of the commission partkontrolya, 12/261s.

Yakovlev (Epstein or Yaakov Lev) Alexander N. (1923) - "the architect of restructuring", PhD, Mason, 14.
Yakovlev (Epstein) M. - Union bezbozhnikov functionary, 12/270s.
Yakovlev (Epstein), Yakov A. (1896-1938) narkom during the collectivization of agriculture, executed 3/639s., 5/603s.;
12/260s.; 21/1019s.; 26/514s.
Yakunin (Edelstein) Gleb P. (1934) - a priest and politician, Mason, 15, 1994, 45, 2c.

Yaroslavsky (Gubelman Miney Israilevich) Emelyan Mikhailovich (1878-1943), revolutionary, chief bogoborets, 3/642s.;
12/261, 269s.; 21/10s.; 26/516s.
Alexander - Aron,
Anastasia - Naina,
Anatoly - Nathan,
Andrei - Gersh,
Boris - Boruh,
Benya, Eugene - Evno,
Emelyan - Miney,
Minya, Yefim - Nahim,
Dmitry - Mordechai (Mordka)
Gregory, Heinrich - Gershel,
Hirsch (hence the name Gershuni)
Zinaida - Zisla, Izot - Israel,
Ilya - Ilyazd,
Constantine - Koshel,
Ludwik, Lazar,
Lazarus - Leiser;
Matvei - Matus,
Miron - Meer,
Michael - Moysha,
Melik, Itsek,
Peter - Pinhas. Pinhus;
Roman - Reuben;
Salman - Solomon (a "poet" Rushdie and terrorist Radueva)
Sergey - Srul;
Philippe - Fischer
Shamil - Samuel,
Yakov - Yankel.
Details of the generalized (Total: 102 entries)
Abeltsev - Abel;
Agutin (Lagutin, Lavutin) - Lavut;
Apdanov, Ladanov - Landau;
Alexandrov - Aronovich;
Alperina - Appern;
Andreev - Gershevich;
Aroskin - Aronskind;
Bakshtaev - guess-rope;
Bauer - Bayer Leverkusen;

Bikkenin - Bikkerman;
Blyumkin - Blumenthal,
Brilev - Brill;
Brunin, Bruno - Bruno;
Bunin - Bunich;
Bushuev - Bush;
Vidmanov - Veydman,
Wiedemann, Volkov - Wolf,
Wulf; Volperin - Volpert;
Halperin - Galpern;
Gorelov, Gorepyuk - Gorelik;
Gorshenin, Girin (the name of his wife Yeltsin - Girina) - Beginning from the Green (green). Grinstein, Greenberg;
Grigoriev, Girenko - Girshevich, Gorshevich - (on behalf of Gersh (Hirsch, Gershel - Gregory); Gluzsky-Gluzman;
Gorshenin, Grigoriev - Girshevich;
Guryev, Guryev - Gurlyand;
Degtyaryov - Dithtyar;
Deynekin, Deineko - Deineka;
Evgeniev - Evnevich;
Eruhmanov - Eyruhman, Ruhman;
Efimov - Nahimson;
Zelenin, Green - Zednik;
Zimin, Zimanov, Zimanenko-winter;
Zolotnitsky - Goldman;
Zorge, Zorka - Zorgenfrey;
Zuskin - Zyuss;
Irmanov - Irmand;
Ishpaykin - Eshpai;
Kalamanov, Kalman, Kalymanov - Kalman;
Kaplin - Kaplan;
Karyagin - Caro;
Kattsin - Katz, Katz;
Kiselev - Kassil, Kiselis;
Klebanov, Klemenov, Klimenko, Klimenkov - Kleib, Kleybman;
Knorin - Knorre;
Kohn - Cohen, Cohen, Cogan;
Kramorenko, Kramarov - Kramer;
Lavrov, Larin - Lurie;
Lavutin, Lagutin, Lagutenko - Lavut;
Ladanov - Landau;
Leontev - Leontovich;
Lesin - Leysner;

Mavrodin - vrodi;
Malikov - Myalik;
Mane - Manevich;
Margolin, Margulin - Margulis;
Markin, Mirkin - Mirkes, Mir, Mirkish;
Markov-Markovic, Markus, Markusha - Matusevich;
Mel'nikov - Melamid;
Mendeleev - Mendel (to the great Russian scientist has no relation), Mironov - Meerovich;
Moskvich-Journalism Moskovets;
Morozov - Frost (has the same roots with the name ) Movroz, Movross;
Nabutov - Naybut. Narbut;
Nuykin - Nudel;
Nemanov - Neiman;
Persov - Peretz, Pertsovich;
Pomerantsev - Pomeranz;
Popov - Popok; Razbash - Rozenbash;
Resin - Reysner;
Rozov, Rozovsky - Rosenberg, Rozenlev, Rozenstein;
Rostikov, Rostotsky - Height;
Rubinov - Rubin;
Rushadze, Rushailo-Rauschenbach, Rauschenberg;
Salmanov - Solomon, Solomon;
Semenov, Simonov - Simanovich;
Semenov, Solov'ev - Soloveichik;
Sorokin - Sorotskin;
Stetsko - Stetsky;
Subbotin - Shabbad;
Surkov - Surkis;
Tetelmin - Tsitsilman (tsitsi - the brush on the ritual shalyah rabbis);
Faybishenko - Faibisovich, Faybishevich;
Furmanov - Furman;
Hernanchuk - Hernan (perhaps any other Jewish surname that starts with "dick");
Kholodov - all from the beginning to "Kalten (cold in Yiddish); Tsipko - Tsipperovich; Makovsky - Ochakovsky;
Cherkasov, Cherkesov - Cherkassky (a Jew from Cherkassov);
Chernov, black, black. Chernyaev, Cherniak - Schwarz, Schwartzman;
Shapirkin, Shapurov - Shapiro, Shvidkin. Shvydkin, Shvidkoi - Shneller;
Shikin - Schick (on behalf of Shikal, perhaps also from the word "Shekel - monetary units, and the proportion of" obschak)
Shiklgruber (authentical Hitler's name). Shkolnik - Eshkol;
Shmakov (Zhmakov) - Shmakov, Shmok;
Shokhin - Shohor; Shumeiko - Shoemaker;
Yagoda, Yagodin - Iegudin, Iegoda.

2009, 36

9 2008
. .
: .
, , , ,
, . , .
. ,
- .
. , .

: , ,
: ( , ..,
, ), , -,
, , (
), , (
). , .

, , .
, , .

1. .. , --, , 1994;
2. .. . . . 1999.
3. . . , . , 1994.
4. .., VIII- , . , 1996.
5. . . . , 1987.
6. , , -, 1997.
7. . , .5, , 1982.
8. . , . , .
9. .
10. , . , 1990.
11. .. . , 1989.
12. .. . . , , 1994.
13. . , . . 1997.
14. ... , .1996.
15. .
16. .
17. .
18. .
19. .
20. .
21. .., . ., 1997.,
22. ., .. . , ., , 1999,
23. ,
24. .. . . . 2-. , .
.. , 1996.,
25. . . .: ,
, 1989,
26. .. . . . . 2000,
27. .. .. . - .
. .2, . 3. .:
-, 1931,

28. .. XX. 1939-1964. . . , 1999,

29. . . - -, . 1934.

() (1902-1971) - , 3/2. , () (1887-

. .) - , - -
, 29/154-155.
() - , , 1/320.; 15, 1993, 3,
4-5.; 24/195.
() 3/5. () (1893-1939) - , , 12/261, 269..;
21/831.; ( ), 26/14.

() (1872- . .) - . , , 29/679.
() - , 4/63.
() (1877-1938) - , , 3/139.; 7/260.; 29/149.
() (1932) - , , , 3/9.; 21/832.
() - , , , 2/159.; 3/349.
() - , , (. .).
() (1886-1957) - , , , 4/61.

( (1882- . .) - , , , 29/598.

() (1929) - , , 3/14.

( )!
() (1913) - , , 4/108.
() (1923-1983) - -, , 19, 1998. 9,
() (1925) - , , 3/19.

() (1868-1953) - , , ., 21/836.

( ) - .., (), 20, 35, 1998, 7.; 26/26.

() (1850-1919) - , , , 3/373.
(-) (1914-1984) - , , , 14, 15, 1993., 21,
5.; 17, 1995, 6, 8.; 24/290.; .. , 235., (); 17, 1, 1999. 7.; 15, 132,
1. . , 1999, 108, 5.; 1/2 - , 2/55.; : , 21/380,836..
( ) (1843-1902) - , 19, 1998. 10, 46.

- () (1883-1939) - , , , 17, 3, 1996, 7.

() (1923) - , 14.

() - , , .
() (1867-1939) - , , 21/838.

() (1891-1937) .., 22/90.; , 3/30.; 14; 26/34.

() (1889- . .) ,
, . 29/36.
() (1961) -
1993-98.., 6/44.
() - , . 15, 1993, 3; 4/5.
() (1934) , , , , 4,
109.; 15, 1993., 21, 5.; 24/336.
() (1895-1943) - , 21/840.; 26/41.
() (1923) - , , 4/109.; 21/841.
() - , , 3/172.
() (1887- . .) - , , ,
() .. - , 12/261.
() ( . .-1941) - , , 8, 1998, .110.
( ) (1889-1941) - , , 26/50.
() - , , 15, 1993, 3, 45.c.
() (1873- . .) - , , , 29/529.
( ..) ., , .. , .120; 2/19.
() (1946) - , , , , 15,
1998, 91, 4.
(, ) (1899-1953) - , 15, 1996, 57, 3.
() - , 12/462.

() - , 12/459.
() (1804-1881) - , 14.
() (1831-1891) - , , 1/246.

() - , , 22/413.
( ) - , 5/62.
() - , , 1/320.; 15, 1993, 3, 45.; 24/195.
(. ) (1876-1960) - . 3/63.; 5/63.
() (1930) - , . 14.
() - , 1/319.; 24/195.
() - , 27/950.
() (1927) - , 14.
() (1929) -,
.. -, 1/66., 107.
- , 20, 43, 1998, 4. - .
.. , .78. - () , .15, 1998, 85, 3.
() (1884-1951) - , , 2/54. 141 .; 21/877.; 26/68.
(); 12/470.
() (1879-1925) - , , ( 16 )
, , , . 3/71.
() (1913) - , 2/23.

() (1906-1982) - , 24/.309 .

() - .., .., ..
() .. - . 12/266.
() - , 3/226.

() (1897-1942) - , , , 3/568.
() (1927) - , , , 14.
( () ) 1/253.; 2/218.; 20, 35, 1998, .7.
() - ( 1- ). 8/99.
() (1934) - , (. .).
( ) - 16, 1997, 46-48, 10.
() .. - (), 17, 3, 1998, 3.
() - , , - .. (.
, 13-20 1999, .23.).
() (1886- . .) , , 29/.102.
( ) - , 1/321.
() .. - , 12/265.
() (1867-1945) - , , 3/97.; 4/67.; 21/859.
() (1896-1954) - , 3/98.
() (1878-1965) - , 3/252.
- () - , , 15, 1998, 91, 4.
() - 2- , 1/307.
() (1935) - , 3/105.
() (1870-1932) - , 3/106.
() - , 1/320.
() (1919) - , . 3/105.
() (1879-1925) - , ,
, 5/81.; 26/90.
( ) (1897-1960) , , 21/862.

( ) (1888-1927) , , 15, 1993,

3, 4-5., , , 15, 1993, 3, 4-5.; 18, 1996, 8, .26;
() (1886-1957) - , 3/109.; 5/91.; 26/95.
() - , 4/74., 104.
() (1891-1918) - , , , 2-30.,
(); 3/110.; 5/93.; 21/863.; 25/391. (); 12/460.
() - , , 2001, 26, 3.
() .. - , 12/266.
() (1885-1919) - , , 3/112.; 5/97.
( ) (1910) - , 17, 1995, 6, 8.; 24/289.
() () (1887-1959) .., . . ,
() (1889-1920) - , 3/114.; 5/97.
( ) (1844-1936) - 3/117.; 5/114.; 26/103.
() (1898-1937), , . 26/103.
( ) (1892-1948) ,
1918., , 5/115.
( - ) (1956) - , ,
( , 8, 1993, .14-15.)

() (1918-1977) - , , , 3/120.; 1998, 10, .46.

() (1879-1937) - , (), 3/122.;
5/115.; 16, 1992, 40, 10.; 12/454.; 21/867.; 26/106.
( ) (1881-1944) - , , 3/123.
() - , 24/285.
() - , 24/195.
() (3/4) (1904-1942) - , 2/182.; 1/214., 15, 1994, 34, 3.
() .. - , 12/262.
() . - . 12/261, 262.
() (1885-1937) - -, , 3/127.

() - , . 52, 26 ., 1990, 11.

() (1812-1870) - , 1/315.
(, - ) (1900-1945) - ,
, 1/213., 15, 1994, 34, 3.
() ( - - --) (1889-1945) -
, , 1/377.; 15, 1994, 34, 3.
() - , 1/320.
() () - . , 2/38.; 12/454.
() (1898-1983) - , , 16, 1992,
40, 10.
() (1903-1949) - , 3/137.; 26/117.
( -) - (1876-1941) , ,
3/138.; 26/117.
, () (1890-1970) - , , 2/179, 181.
() (1931) - , , ,
() (1874-1937) - , , 3/144.; 24/195.; 29/156-157.

() (1940-2000) - , , (. .) (), 21/875.

() - , 17, 1999, 2, 4.
( ) - , 3/146.
() (1919) - , , 3/148.
() - (1 [13] 1881), 2/130.
() (1914-1994) - , 17, 1995, 6, 8.
( ) (1909-1990) - , 17, 1995, 6, 8.
( ) (1905-1964) - , 3/154.
() .. - 12/261.
( ) (1874-1933) , , ..,
, 3/159 .; 5/127.; 25/399.; 26/135.
() (1949) - . , , 24/342.
() (1952) - , , 16, 1998., 91, 4.
() (1862-1936) - , , , ,
() (1889-1962) - , , , 3/162. (), 21/880.
() (1890-1943) - , 3/162.
() (1878-1963) - . (). ..
(. .).
() (1871-1947) , . : 3/162.; 5/130.; 21/879.
, () , (1876- . .) - , ,
, 29/.528-529.
, () (1882- . .) - , ,
, 29/.151.
() - , . . , 4, 2000, 27.
() (1881-1963) - , 3/165.; 26/138.

() - , 24/342.
() - , , 1/248.
() (1882- . .) .., ,
1/462.; 29/.188.
( ( - ) ) - .. ,
.., 16, 1992, 20, 10.
() - , -, 2/23.
() .. - , 12/266.
( ) - , , 12, 1991, .249-251.
() (1919) - , 17, 1995, 6, 8.
() (1888-1937) , 5/151.
() (1850-1913) - . 2/884.
( ) - , (), 2/326.
() (1931) - , , 21/887.

( ()) - .., ,
2/170.; 16, 1992, 34, 10. - 20, 35. 1998, .7, 15, 120, 2000, .2.
( 2 ), ( 3 ) () -
, , , 27/839.
() . ( - (!) . 1918. - .
() . 1937. - ) (1931) - , , 17,
1996, 3, 3.; 18, 1993 3, 254.
() (1900) - .. (.), , 26/162.
() - . .. , .,
, , 1994, 93.
() . ., . (1946),
, 14, 15, 1998., 89, 1.
() (1881-1942) - , , , 3/199., 19,
1998, 10, .46.

( ) (1894-1938) - , 21/891.
() ( ) ( 1934.),
( 1935. 1939.). , 15, 2000, 120, 2.; 18, 1993, 5-6, 161.
, , () (1879-1923), , 1/320.; 24/195.
() - , 7/672.

( ) (1900-1983) - , , 19, 1998, 6.

- ( ) () (1876-1947) -
, , 3/206.; 21/893.; 26/182.
() - .. , 12/456.
() ( ) (1863-1936) - , , ,
, 4/75.; 21/894.; 26/183.; () 3/208.
() - , 17, 1995, 6, 8., 24/290.
() (1879- . .) - , , 29/.514-515.
(!) ( () ) (1872-1935) - , 3/217.
() - . 2/43.; 12/458.
() - , 12/454.
() (1897-1937) - , 3/219.; 26/193.
() (1887-1942) - , -, , 3/221.;
26/194.; : - 29/253. (), 23, 6, 1995, 132.
() .. - (), 12/260.
() (1902-1989) - , 3/225.; 21/899.
() - , , 17, 1, 1999. 3.
() - .., , 16, 1992,
25, .10.
() ( ) (1883-1936) - , , , ,
2/231.; 4/76.; 21/901.; 26/206.
() - ,
(18817-1941), 2/38.; 3/231.; 26/209.

() (1895-1937) - , 1/320.; 3/233.

() (1885-1938) - , , 3/233.; 24/195. (, ); 2/52.
() (1932) - , 3/234.
() .. - , 12/267.
( - ) (1963) - , , 3/240.
() () (1893-1918) - , 9/205.

() - , , 19, 52. 1996, .53.

() (1940) - , , 3/242.
- ( ) - , 16, 1997, 46-48, .10.
() (1890-1952) - , , 3/243.
( 1- ) () , . .
.. . ( . , ., 1992, 170.);
87 , 33 , 500
, 2/142.
() - , 2/177.

( (),
, , (?), . 2/83.) ( )
(1881-1970) - ,
(4.6.1881-1970) , -, , 1/393.; 14, 15, 1993, 21, 5.
() - , , 15, 1998, 86, 1.; 2/261.

() - .., (), , 16, 1992, 27, .10;
20, 35, 1998, .7.
() (1906-1972) - , 28/288.
() (1900-1955) - , 3/252.
( -) (1910) - , 13/306-307..
( ) - , , , 1/904.

() (1951) - , , 15, 1993. 21, 5.; 24/336. () - .

() (1872-1952) , . 16, 1992, 20, .10;
() (1898-1940) - , , 16, 1992, 40, 10.; 3/259.; 9/217.; 21/910.;
26/228. ( - - ) 2/167.; 12/270. (), 12/270.
() (1925) - , 3/264.
() .. (1936) - , , , 1989, 3, 31.
( ) (1878-1942) - , , , 28, 140., .
() (1934) , 15, 138, 2000, .2.
- , - .
, ., , 1999. . 283-289.
() (1880-1937) - , 5/251.
() (1929..) - , , 4/116.
( ) (1899-1940) - , , 3/276.
() (1909-1983) - , 21/915.
( - - , -, ) (18691939) - (?) ..-, 15, 1997., 80, 4.

() (1885-1938) - , , , 16, 1998, 22-23, 10.

() (1883-1927) - , , , 3/221.
, , - , 2/37.; 25/422.
() (1871-1942) - , , 3/281.
() (1949-2000) - , 1993-1998.. 1-
. .. , 6/51.
() (1846-1925) - ., , 3/283.
() - .. 18, 1993, 5-6, . 161.
( ) (1918-1978) , 17, 1995, 6, 8., 24, .309.

(, - ) (1854-1925) - , 3/288-289., 27/877.

() (1886-1939) - , , 2/87.
( ) - , 15, 1998, 83, 2.

() - , , 2/37.; 12/454.
( ) (1900-1960) , 24/285.
() - , 1/19.
() (1896-1958) - , 19, 1998, 10, .46.
() - , , 15, 1993, 3, 4-5.
(), 24/195.
() (1882-1932) - , , 2- , 3/300.; 5/268.;
21/928.; 25/482.; 26/268.

( ) (1888-1938) - , , 5/269.; 25/282.

() (1882-1948) - , , 3/302.; 12/456.
() - , 1/320.
() - (.) - , 2/51.; 12/460.
() - , 21/923.
() - . 2/377.; 15, 1994, 34, 3.
() (1870-1924) - , , (.. )
(.. ), 12/451 . .
() (1873-1941) - , 21/923.
() (1880-1937) - , , 5/310.
() - , 2/30.; 12/456.
- ( , , ) (1876-1951) , ,
, 3/315.; 4/82c.; 12/260, 262.; 16, 1992, 40, .10; 21/925.; 26/278.
() (1921) - , 3/317.
() . (1895-1972) - , 13/306.
() (1878-1952) , , , 1952.
, - , . (.) 15, 1998., 85,
3.; 12/260.; 21/926.; 25/513.; 26/281.; 28/270.; () 29/366-367.

() (1867-1947) - , .
() (. - ), (1936) - , , 15,
1998., 82, 1.

( ) (1928-1992) - : - ,
, 22/499.
() - , 2/30.

() (1875-1933) - , (1917-1929), 21/928.

() - , 2/55., 260.; 21/929.
( ) 2/170.
() (1872-1947) - , 3/327.; 5/282.; 23, 2, 1997, 72.; 25/519.;

( ) (1875-1918) - , , 3/329.
( ) - , 16, 1997, 46-48, 10.
( ) (1890-1938) - , 5/283.; 26/291.
(, , ) (1884-1975) , , 1/54.;
3/330.; () 12/266.; 21/932.; 28/270.
() (1931) - , 3/330.
() - , 1/320.; 24/195.

() . - , 1991., 14.
() (1886- . .) ,
, , , , 29/191.
() , , 15, 1993,
3, 4-5.
() - 17, 1995, 6, 8.; 24/290.
- , () .18, 11, 1990, 141.
( ) (1818-1883) - , 1/348.; 2/16.
() (1873-1923) - , 3/344.; 21/934.
() - , 1/319.; 24/195.
() (1865-1935) - , , 15, 1993,
3, 4-5., 25-525.
() (1850-1937) - , 2/212.

( ) (1896-1937) - , , , , 3/322., 26/175.

() (1949.) - - , 15, 2000, 131, 4.
( ) (1913 1978) . 3/354.
() (1873-1922) - , 1/319.; 24/195.; 25/540.
() (1895-1937) - , 26/13.
() , , (..)
() (1895-1938) - , 26/320.
() (1933) - , 21/939.
() (1863- . .) - , ,
, 29/673.
() (1872-1928) - , 5/301.
() - , 27/941.

(), , 1919., 18, 11, 1990, 137.

( ) - , 16, 1997, 46-48, 10.; 22/582.
() (1890-1948) ,
, 21/939.; 26/323.
( ) 3/194., () () . 18, 1992. 3-4. .142; 20,
35, 1998, .7; 26/166.
() - - , , 2-
, 15, 119, 2000, 2.
() () (1883-1937) - , , 1998, 8, .114.
() .. - , 18, 1992., 3-4, .218.
() -
, 11/504.
() - .., 1/284.
() - , , , 2/135.
() (1876-1942) - . ..-,
() - . , 12/457.
() - , , 21/944.
() (1879-1940) - , , 21/944.
( - , - ) (1959).
.., (?), , , , 15, 1997,
69, 4.
() - , 27/1022.
.. , - , 16, 1998, 24-26, 1.
() - , .
, , () (1884-?) - , 25, 398.
() 2 - , () (1859-1927) - ,

() (1886- . .) , , ,

() - , .. . : -, 2001, .12.
() (1849-1923) - , , ,
.. 1/167-168.
() .. - , 12/266.
() (1878-1957) - , 5/359.
() - , 15, 1999, 101, 4.
( ) - . 16, 1997, 46-48, 10.
() - , 27/1091.
() (1895-1873) - , , ( - 3. - ) 3/242,

() - , , 15, 1993, 3, 4-5.

() (1908-1985) - , 3/396.; 20, 41, 1998, .3; 19, 1998, 8, .47;
() - (1918-1989) - , 3/397.
() .. - , -, 10/65.
() (1871-1927) - , 2/49.; 12/460.
() - , , 24/221.; 25/573.
() (1938) - , , 3/406.
(, - , ) (1905-1973) - , 1-
, 3/406.
() - II, , 11/73.
() (1869-1924) - , 18, 1996, 3, 215.

() - (!) (!!!), , 1/249.

() (1923) - , 13/306.

( ) - V ( 1945.), 22/367.
() .. - , 12/261.
() .. - , 12/265.
(-) (1894-1937) - , 16, 1992, 26, .10), , 12/174.
() - ,
- . . .. , ..
(. , .1992, .170).
() - , , 27/1200.
() (1887-1920) - , 5/405.
() (7.11.1917) - , 17, 1995, 6, 8.; 24/289.
() (1905) - , , 14 (); 21/961.
() (1936) - , , , , 14, 15, 1993,
21, 5.; 24/336.
() (1899-1937) - -, 22/154., 167.
() (1898-1979) - , , , 14, 15, 1993,
21, 5.; 16, 1992, 2, 10.; 21/963.; 24/287.
() , . 15, 1998, 91, 4.
() 15, 1993, 21, 5.; 15, 14, .2 () (1928) - ,
, , , 17, 1999, 1, 8.; 17, 1999, 9, 1.
() (1949) - , , 15, 1997, 69, 4.; 24/349.
() (1898-1937) - , 21/1004.
() - , , 15, 148, 2001, 1.

() () (1858-?) , 27/1286.
() (1882-1938) - , , , 3/444.; 26/379.;
() 1/320. (), 12/260.; () 24/195.
() .. - , 12/261.
() (1885-1939) - , , , 3/445.; 26/380.
() .. - (), 12/260.
() (1892-1971) - , 1920. ,
, 1/249.

, () (1877-1938) - , , 25/374.
( , ) (1874-1925) , ,
3/450-451..; 22/56.
() (1890-1925) - ,
, 3/454.
() - , 1/319.
() - , 2/43.
() (1943) - , 6/55.
- - () -
, 16, 1997, 15-17, 9.
() (1883-1934) - . 3/154.
() (1882-1945) - , 2/183.
() - 2/45.; 12/458.
( ) (1878-1942) - , , , .
- (1929, 1940- .), 21/978.

(1947) - , , 1980- .. -
, 20, 2000. 4, 3.
() (1911-1998) - , , , 3/465-466.;
() - .., , .
(), 16, 1992; 25, .10; 20, 35, 1998, .7
() (1870-1938) - , ,
, , 3/468., 15, 1993, 3, 4-5.; 24/195.; 25/639.
() - - , 11/323, 326..
() , .., , 23, 4, 1995, 26.
() - , 24/195.
() .. - , 12/267.
(-) (1865- . .) - , ,
() (1869-1956) - , 3/473.
() (1921-1989) - , , 15, 1998, 87, 4.;
() - 15, 2001, 157, 2.
() (1885-1919) - , . (. 144. 9
1999, ; 1), (); 24/208.

( - ) (1927) - , , ( .), 3/477.

( - : , ) (1903-1964) , , 28/255.
() - -, 1/221.
( ) (1902) - , , , 2/129.; 3/479.; 4/101.

() - , , 15, 1993, 3, 4-5.

() (1931-1993) - , 16, 1996, 2-4, .10), (); 15.1995, 50, 1.
() (1889-1974) - , 13/305.

() - , , 15, 2000,
120, 2.
() - - , 22/194.
() - .
- (1895-1981) - , , 3/448
() .. - , , 22/337.
( ) - , . , 1980, 34, 3.
() (1937-2000) , . 15, 1993. 7, 5.;
(-) - (1885- ..) - , -,
, 29/480.
() (1888-1939) , , , ,
3/501.; 12/260.; 15, 1983, 3, 4-5.; 2/984.; 26/423.; 29/601.
() () (1918) - -, 1/62.
() (1913) - . 17, 1995. 6, 8.; 24/290.
() (1868-1921) - , 3/49.; 12/460.; 24/195.
- () - , - , 19, 45, 1995.

() - II, , 12/475.; 16, 1993, 37, 12.; 18, 11, 1990, 137.
( ) (1873-1941) - , 2/51.; 3/514.; 5-503.; 19, 1998,
8, .47; 26/429.

() - (1884- ..) - , , 29/84.

() (1895-1984), , , 3/520.
() (1850-1930), , , 3/521.
- (, ) (1902-1982) - , 14, 15, 1998. 82, 1.; 17,
1995, 6, 8.; 24/289.

() (1882-1940) - , , , 2/49.; 3/523.; 4/97-98.;

5/505.; 12/460.; 21/989.; 25/709.
() .. - 1917., , 5/334.
( ) - ,
, ,
, 18, 6, 1990, 245.
, , () (1879-1938) - , ,
, 29/650.
() (1847-1919) - ., 3/538-539..
( 1- , 2- . - ) (1896-1970) - ,
, 3/542.
() (1925-1981) - , 15, 2000, 132, 2.
() (1879-1940) - , , , 3/543-544..; 26/446.
() (1886-1953) - ; 21/970.
( , ) (1872-1952) - , 4/100.
() - , 3/125.
- (1901-1977), 3/570.
() (1903-1986) - , , , 3/551.
() (1873-1918) - , , 2/30.; 12/460.
() (1908-1984) - , 17, 1995, 6, 8.
() (1895-1982) - , (. .)
( ) (1903-1940) , , 19, 1998, 10,
() (1926) - , 1/405.; 2/180.
() (1904-1975) - , 21/996.
() (1892-1975) - . , ., , 1999: 2/16.; 15, 1997,
73, ..
() - , 1/248.

() - , 15, 1995, 45, 3.

- () (1884- . ) - , -,
, 29/531.
( ) - , , 18,
1996, 4, .25.
( ) (1888-1938) - , 19, 1998, 8, .47.
() - (), 15, 1997., 80 4.
() - , 15, 1998., 91, 4. ( X.
() ).
() (1894-1971) - , 14
() () () (1887- . .) - , .

, () (1889 . .) - , , 29/564.
( ) (1902-1991) - 2- , , . , 6
1997, 3.
() - , , . 15, 142, 2.

() (1885- . ) , -, , 29/41.
() (1929) - , 15, 1993. 21, .5; 24, 336.
() - , 24/195.
(. ) (1880-1932) - . 3/592.
() - . 1/320.
() (1938) - , , , 15, 1999., 107, 3.; 16, 1,
1999, .8.
() (1874-1965) - , , 2/183.
() (1872-1936) - , 14; 21/1008.
() (1955) - , , , 16, 1997, 11-12, 3.

() .. - (), 12/260.
() (1876-1937) - , , 3/373.
() (1932) - , , 3/605.; 4/123.; 21/1010.
() (1924) - , , 14.
() (1952) - , , 14.
() (1918) - , . 17, 1995, 6, 8.; 24/289.
() (1866-1938), , 3/610.

() - - (1882- . .) , , 29/485.
() - , 15, 1997, 69, 4.
() .. - , 28/230., .
() (1888-1938) , 6- (), 2/55.;
12/266., (). 5/602.; 26/510.
() - , 12/262.
() () (1891-1938) - , 12/269.; (
), 21/1021.
() (1960) - , 1989. - ,
, 1994, 4, 4.
() (1930) - , ( ).
() .. - (), 21/1022.
() ..- , 12/261.

( ) (1923) - , , , 14.
() . - , 12/270.
() (1896-1938) , , 3/639.;
5/603.; 12/260.; 21/1019.; 26/514.
() (1934) - , , 15, 1994, 45, 2.

( ) (1878-1943), , ,
3/642.; 12/261, 269.; 21/10.; 26/516.

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