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Submission Template of the 2nd International Association of Neurorestoratology Annual Conference (IANRAC)

Submission (9) Cell therapy Category Title Transplantation of adipose tissue stem cells for the treatment of traumatic brain injury Corresponding Name George Koliakos Author
Author Gender nstitution Telephone No" +,mail .ork /ddress First Author Name Gender nstitution Telephone No" +,mail .ork /ddress Male !iohellenika #$%&$'%()(&*& koliakos-biohellenika"gr 01 Georgikis 2cholis /3e4 1)%%'4 Thessaloniki4 Greece 2pyros 5etrakis Male !iohellenika #$%&$'%()(&*& spetrakis-biohellenika"gr 01 Georgikis 2cholis /3e4 1)%%'4 Thessaloniki4 Greece



Traumatic !rain njury (T! ) refers to damage of the brain by an e6ternal mechanical force" T! is accompanied by neuronal and glial cell death and traumatic a6onal injury" 7ere4 8e in3estigate the potential beneficial effect of adipose, deri3ed stromal cells (/2Cs) in the restoration of neuronal acti3ity using a T! rat model" /2Cs 8ere isolated from the inguinal fat pad of .istar rats & Cells 'ere genetically modified in order to permanently produce (enus Fluorescent )rotein* allo'ing thus* their tracing in vivo& Fluorescent cells 'ere further differentiated into neuron+li!e cells before transplantation in a T I rat model& mmunofluorescence analysis sho8ed that fluorescent ASCs transplanted into the lateral $entricle of the brain sur$i$e* proliferate and migrate into the brain parenchyma , days post transplantation& Similar analysis at later time points is currently performed in order to assess the potential beneficial effect of ASCs in T I& 9ur preliminary findings indicate that genetically modified ASCs migrate into the brain after intra$entricular infusion& These e-periments may allo' us to unra$el the mechanism of action transplanted ASCs into the damaged brain&





nternational /ssociation of Neurorestoratology ( /N:)4 !+ ; NG4 '%%'((4 C7 N/ Tel< #*0,'%,**90,11%) =a6< #*0,'%,1'0&,191% .ebsite< http<>>888"ianr"org"cn

.ey /ords /dipose tissue4 stem cells4 ?enus fluorescent protein4 traumatic brain injury

nternational /ssociation of Neurorestoratology ( /N:)4 !+ ; NG4 '%%'((4 C7 N/ Tel< #*0,'%,**90,11%) =a6< #*0,'%,1'0&,191% .ebsite< http<>>888"ianr"org"cn

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