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%diastasiologhsh troxwn clc disp('> Meleth pinion') disp(' ') disp('> Euresh metaferomenhs rophs [Kpcm]') Md1=T_leit*100*i;%x100 gia

metatroph se Kpcm, epi i apo sxesh metadoshs disp(' ') disp('> Euresh apaitoumenhs sxeshs metadoshs diataxhs meiwthra') i12=(RPMtoRAD(n_leit)/i)/RPMtoRAD(n11);%sxesh metadoshs meiwthra fprintf('> H sxesh metadoshs tou meiwthra einai: %4.2f ',i12) disp(' ') choice=0;%prwth diastasiologhsh %kwdikoi: 1 gia allagh ylikou, 2 gia arithmo odontwn,3 gia lipantiko, 4 gi %diametro while(1) disp('> Prwth proseggish diametrou pinion') disp('------------------------------------') if choice==1 | choice==0 yliko=input('Dwse kwdikh onomasia ylikou: ','s'); p0=input('Dwse antoxh ylikou se epifaneiah piesh, p0 [Kpmm^2]:'); E=input('Dwse metro elastikothtas, E [se kp/mm^2]: '); psi_d=input('Dwse syntelesth synergazomenou platous, Psid [Kwstopoulos, sel. 223]: '); end if choice==4 d01=input('Dwse diametro,se mm: '); else d01=(95/p0)*((Md1*p0*(i12+1))/(psi_d*i12))^(1/3);%sel. 222 end if choice==1|choice==0 v_kyl=(d01/2)*RPMtoRAD(n_leit/i)/1000;%h taxythta shmeiou kylishs end fprintf('H prwth proseggish ths diametrou tou pinion einai: %5.3f mm \n',d01 ) disp(' ') if choice==2 | choice==4| choice==0 Z=input('Dwse arithmo odontwn, Z: '); m=d01/Z;%to module fprintf('To module ypologisthke %5.3f mm \n',m) m=input('Plhktrologhse to amesws megalytero typopoihmeno module [Kwstopo ulos, sel. 48]: '); d01=m*Z;%H diorthwmenh timh ths diametrou pinion fprintf('H diorthwmeni timh ts diametrou einai %4.2f mm \n',d01) qk=input('Dwse syntelesth fortishs, qk [Kwstopoulos,sel. 209]: '); e=input('Dwse vathmo epikalypshs,e [Kwstopoulos, sel. 208]: '); end disp(' ') disp('> Ypologismoi antoxhs pinion') disp('-------------------------------') disp('1. Ypologismos antoxhs se kampsh') disp('> Ypologismos perifereiakhs dynamhs') Pu=20*Md1/d01;%perif. dynamh, se Kp b_tr=psi_d*d01;%platos troxou apo synt. ergazomenou platous if choice~=3 if v_kyl>5 s_b=input('Dynamikh fortish. Dwse antoxh ylikou se kymainomenh k ampsh,Sbw [Kp/mm^2]: '); else s_b=input('Statikh fortish. Dwse antoxh ylikou se kampsh, Sb [Kp /mm^2]: ');

end end s_max=(Pu*qk)/(b_tr*e*m);%h megisth tash S1=s_b/s_max;%o syntelesths asfaleias ths diataxhs se kampsh disp(' ') disp('2. Ypologismos antoxhs se epifaneiakh piesh ') b_syn_tr=b_tr-5;%platos suynergazomenou, se mm if choice==0 Yw=((1/1.43)*(E/2))^(1/2);%o syntelesths ylikou Yc=input('Dese synt. Kylisews Yc, apo pinaka [Kwstopoulos, sel. 219]: ') ; Yl=1;%syntelesths fortishs Y1=1;%parametros ylikou end if choice==3 | choice==0 ix=input('Dwse ixwdes lipantikou: '); Y2=input('Apo diagramma, dwse syntelesth lipanshs: '); end p_ep=p0*Y1*Y2;%epitrepomenh tash p_max=sqrt((Pu*(i12+1))/(b_syn_tr*d01*i12))*Yw*Yc*Yl;%h megisth askoymenh ep ifaneiakh piesh S2=p_ep/p_max;%syntelesths asfaleias se epif. piesh disp(' ') fprintf('> H megisth tash se kampsh vrethike %7.3f Kp/mm^2 \n',s_max) fprintf('> O syntelesths asfaleias se kampsh einai %4.2f \n',S1) fprintf('> H megisth piesh epifaneias vrethike %7.3f Kp/mm^2 \n',p_max) fprintf('> O syntelesths asfaleias se epifaneiakh piesh vrethike %4.2f \n',S 2) if S1<((v_kyl<=5)*2+(v_kyl>5)*1.5) | S2<1.25 disp('> Mh eparkhs antoxh. Epanalhpsh diadikasias.') choice=menu('Ti thes na allaxeis?','Yliko','Arithmo odontwn','Lipantiko' ,'Diametro'); else disp('> Eparkhs antoxh. ') answer=menu('Thes na epanadiastasiologhseis to pinion?','Nai','Oxi'); choice==0; if answer==2 break end end end

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