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September 25, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to offer this letter of support for Samantha Filippelli. Samantha was enrolled in my
Entrepreneurship class (MCS*4100) in the Fall 2012 semester and proved to be one of my most
committed students. She was always prepared for class and willingly contributed to our discussions and
activities. During the semester she wrote an insightful blog, analyzed the business model of a Canadian
company, and proposed a new product with her group in a public pitch presentation. If her performance
in my course is any indication, then I believe that Samantha will be a great addition to your organization.

Samantha worked well with her team over the course of the semester, applying creative problem
solving techniques each step of the way. They asked the hard questions, tracked down the necessary
research, and prepared tirelessly for their final pitch. They took responsibility for their own learning and
genuinely seemed to enjoy working together.

From my perspective, Samantha was one of the primary drivers behind her groups success. She is
results-oriented, takes initiative, and has a proven ability to bring out the best in her colleagues.
Samanthas positive personality is infectious. She carries herself with confidence, enjoys working as part of
a team, and makes a committed effort every time. Even in the middle of a busy semester, she proved that
she could set priorities, manage her time and motivate herself to complete course requirements.

I recommend Samantha without hesitation. Your organization will benefit from her
resourcefulness, ability to communicate, and overall flexibility. If you have any questions, or I can be of
further assistance somehow, please do not hesitate to contact me.


M.J. (Matthew-Jim) DElia
Instructor, Department of Marketing & Consumer Studies
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
N1G 2W1
519-824-4120 ext. 56801

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