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Version <1.0> <mm/dd/yyyy>

[Insert appropriate Disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>

[Provide information on ho the development and distri!"tion of the Pro#ect $harter %emplate "p to the final point of approval as controlled and trac&ed. 'se the ta!le !elo to provide the version n"m!er( the a"thor implementin) the version( the date of the version( the name of the person approvin) the version( the date that partic"lar version as approved( and a !rief description of the reason for creatin) the revised version.]
Version # 1.0 Implemented By <*"thor name> Revision D te <mm/dd/yy> Approved By <name> Approv l D te <mm/dd/yy> Re son


!P Templ te Version" 11/30/06

Page 2 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>

Note to the Author

[%his doc"ment is a template of a Pro#ect $harter doc"ment for a pro#ect. %he template incl"des instr"ctions to the a"thor( !oilerplate te+t( and fields that sho"ld !e replaced ith the val"es specific to the pro#ect. ,l"e italici-ed te+t enclosed in s."are !rac&ets ([te+t]) provides instr"ctions to the doc"ment a"thor( or descri!es the intent( ass"mptions and conte+t for content incl"ded in this doc"ment. ,l"e italici-ed te+t enclosed in an)le !rac&ets (<te+t>) indicates a field that sho"ld !e replaced ith information specific to a partic"lar pro#ect. %e+t and ta!les in !lac& are provided as !oilerplate e+amples of ordin) and formats that may !e "sed or modified as appropriate to a specific pro#ect. %hese are offered only as s"))estions to assist in developin) pro#ect doc"ments/ they are not mandatory formats.

0hen "sin) this template for yo"r pro#ect doc"ment( it is recommended that yo" follo these steps1 1. 2eplace all te+t enclosed in an)le !rac&ets (i.e.( <Pro#ect 3ame>) ith the correct field val"es. %hese an)le !rac&ets appear in !oth the !ody of the doc"ment and in headers and footers. %o c"stomi-e fields in 4icrosoft 0ord ( hich display a )ray !ac&)ro"nd hen selected)1 a. 5elect 6ile>Properties>5"mmary and fill in the %itle field ith the Doc"ment 3ame and the 5"!#ect field ith the Pro#ect 3ame. !. 5elect 6ile>Properties>$"stom and fill in the 7ast 4odified( 5tat"s( and 8ersion fields ith the appropriate information for this doc"ment. c. *fter yo" clic& 9: to close the dialo) !o+( "pdate the fields thro")ho"t the doc"ment ith these val"es !y selectin) ;dit>5elect *ll (or $trl<*) and pressin) 6=. 9r yo" can "pdate an individ"al field !y clic&in) on it and pressin) 6=. %his m"st !e done separately for >eaders and 6ooters. ?. 4odify !oilerplate te+t as appropriate to the specific pro#ect. @. %o add any ne sections to the doc"ment( ens"re that the appropriate header and !ody te+t styles are maintained. 5tyles "sed for the 5ection >eadin)s are >eadin) 1( >eadin) ? and >eadin) @. 5tyle "sed for !oilerplate te+t is ,ody %e+t. A. %o "pdate the %a!le of $ontents( ri)ht<clic& and select B'pdate fieldC and choose the option< B'pdate entire ta!leC D. ,efore s"!mission of the first draft of this doc"ment( delete this B3otes to the *"thorC pa)e and all instr"ctions to the a"thor( hich appear thro")ho"t the doc"ment as !l"e italici-ed te+t enclosed in s."are !rac&ets.]

Page 3 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>

1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................5 1.1 Purpose of Project Charter..................................................................................................5 2 PROJECT AND PRODUCT OVERVIEW..............................................................................5 3 JUSTIFICATION.......................................................................................................................5 3.1 Business Need....................................................................................................................5 3.2 Public Health and Business Impact....................................................................................5 3.3 Strate ic !li nment............................................................................................................5 4 SCOPE.........................................................................................................................................6 ".1 #bjecti$es...........................................................................................................................% ".2 Hi h&'e$el (e)uirements..................................................................................................% ".3 *ajor +eli$erables.............................................................................................................% "." Boundaries..........................................................................................................................% 5 DURATION.................................................................................................................................6 5.1 ,imeline..............................................................................................................................% 5.2 -.ecuti$e *ilestones ........................................................................................................./ 6 BUDGET ESTIMATE...............................................................................................................7 %.1 0undin Source.................................................................................................................../ %.2 -stimate............................................................................................................................../ 7 HIGH-LEVEL ALTERNATIVES ANAL SIS.......................................................................! ! ASSUMPTIONS" CONSTRAINTS AND RIS#S....................................................................! 1.1 !ssumptions.......................................................................................................................1 1.2 Constraints..........................................................................................................................1 1.3 (is2s...................................................................................................................................1 $ PROJECT ORGANI%ATION..................................................................................................$ 3.1 (oles and (esponsibilities..................................................................................................3 3.2 Sta2eholders 4Internal and -.ternal5................................................................................16 1& PROJECT CHARTER APPROVAL...................................................................................11 APPENDI' A( REFERENCES.................................................................................................12 APPENDI' B( #E TERMS....................................................................................................13 APPENDI' C( GOALS..............................................................................................................14

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<Project Name>

1.1 P!RPOSE O$ PROJECT CHARTER [Provide the p"rpose of the pro#ect charter.] The <Pro#ect 3ame> project charter documents and tracks the necessar information re!uired " decision maker#s$ to appro%e the project for funding. The project charter shou&d inc&ude the needs' scope' justification' and resource commitment as (e&& as the project)s sponsor#s$ decision to proceed or not to proceed (ith the project. *t is created during the *nitiating Phase of the project. The intended audience of the <Pro#ect 3ame> project charter is the project sponsor and senior &eadership.


[%ypically( the description sho"ld ans er ho( hat( hen and here( in a concise manner. It sho"ld also state the estimated pro#ect d"ration (e.).( 1E months) and the estimated pro#ect !"d)et (e.).( F1.D4).

3.1 B!SINESS NEED [;+ample1 * data collection system is necessary to cond"ct a national pro)ram of s"rveillance and research to monitor and characteri-e the + epidemic( incl"din) its determinants and the epidemiolo)ic dynamics s"ch as prevalence( incidence( and antiretroviral resistance( and to )"ide p"!lic health action at the federal( state and local levels. Data collection activities ill assist ith monitorin) the incidence and prevalence of + infection( and +<related mor!idity and mortality in the pop"lation( estimate incidence of + infection( identify chan)es in trends of + transmission( and identify pop"lations at ris&.)] 3.2 P!B#IC HEA#TH AND B!SINESS I)PACT [;+ample1 5ystem + collects information a!o"t + infection as the #"risdictional( re)ional( and national levels and ill assist in monitorin) trends in + transmission rates( incidence rates and + mor!idity and mortality trends to help determine p"!lic health impact.] 3.3 STRATE*IC A#I*N)ENT Pro+e,t Comments Respons e R n5cale+ H , -igh' ). /edium' # , 0o(' N.A , 1ot 2pp&ica"&e NC . Division . Br n,/ Str te0i, *o ls" com"o CDC Str te0i, *o ls" <2eference *ppendi+ $ for )oals> Dep rtment o1 He lt/ nd H2m n Servi,es 3DHHS4 Str te0i, *o ls"
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*o l

<Project Name>

*o l <2eference *ppendi+ $ for )oals> DHHS IT *o ls" <2eference *ppendi+ $ for )oals>

Pro+e,t Respons e R n-


President5s ) n 0ement A0end 3P)A4 Str te0i, *o ls" <2eference *ppendi+ $ for )oals>

4.1 OBJECTIVES [;+ample1 Improvin) epidemiolo)ic analyses !y provisionin) consistent data or to ma&in) pro)ress to ards a ?010 )oal] The o"jecti%es of the <Pro#ect 3ame> are as fo&&o(s+ [Insert 9!#ective 1] 4.2 [Insert 9!#ective ?] [*dd additional !"llets as necessary]

HI*H7#EVE# RE8!IRE)ENTS The fo&&o(ing ta"&e presents the re!uirements that the project)s product' ser%ice or resu&t must meet in order for the project o"jecti%es to "e satisfied. Re9: # I Re92irement Des,ription


)AJOR DE#IVERAB#ES The fo&&o(ing ta"&e presents the major de&i%era"&es that the project)s product' ser%ice or resu&t must meet in order for the project o"jecti%es to "e satisfied. ) +or Deliver ;le I Deliver ;le Des,ription


BO!NDARIES [Descri!e the incl"sive and e+cl"sive !o"ndaries of the pro#ect. address items that are o"t of scope.] 5pecifically

5.1 TI)E#INE [*n e+ample of a hi)h<level timeline is provided !elo .]

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<Project Name>
9e!uirements 2na& sis 8omp&eted 6 stem 7e%e&opment 8omp&eted

Project P&an 8omp&eted

7e%e&oped Protot pe






E=EC!TIVE )I#ESTONES [;+ample1 6or $PI$ ma#or/tactical pro#ects( these milestones co"ld !e "sed to complete the 6"ndin) Plan/$ost and 5ched"le section of the 94, ;+hi!it @00.] The ta"&e "e&o( &ists the high.&e%e& 34ecuti%e /i&estones of the project and their estimated comp&etion timeframe.
E>e,2tive )ilestones Estim ted Completion Time1r me

[Insert milestone information (e.).( Pro#ect planned and a"thori-ed to proceed)] [Insert milestone information (e.).( 8ersion 1 completed)] [*dd additional ro s as necessary]

[Insert completion timeframe (e.).( % o ee&s after pro#ect concept is approved)] [Insert completion timeframe (e.).( % enty<five ee&s after re."irements analysis is completed)]

6.1 6.2 $!NDIN* SO!RCE [;+ample1 )rant( terrorism !"d)et( or operational !"d)et.] ESTI)ATE This section pro%ides a summar of estimated spending to meet the o"jecti%es of the <Pro#ect 3ame> project as descri"ed in this project charter. This summar of spending is pre&iminar ' and shou&d ref&ect costs for the entire in%estment &ifec c&e. *t is intended to present pro"a"&e funding re!uirements and to assist in o"taining "udgeting support. [6or $PI$ ma#or/tactical pro#ects complete and attach the re."ired sections of the 94, ;+hi!it @00 located at http1//intranet.cdc.)ov/cpic/. 6or all other pro#ects( provide a s"mmary of the pro#ectGs e+pected spendin) !elo .]

Page 5 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>

O;+e,t B2d0et Item Code

11/12 20 21 22 23 24 26 31 41 Personne&::. 8ontractua& 6er%ices:: Tra%e&:: Transportation of things:.. 9ent' Te&ecom' <ther 8omm = >ti&ities:.. Printing = 9eproduction:: 6upp&ies:: 3!uipment:: ?rants/8ooperati%e 2greements:: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

. . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

. . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

. . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

. . . . . . . . .

Tot l ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00

Tot l

; .

; .


[;+ample1 *lternatives to developin) a c"stom system may have incl"ded loo&in) at e+istin) $9%5 prod"cts or re"sin) an e+istin) system.] 1. [Provide a statement s"mmari-in) the factors considered.] 2. [Provide a statement s"mmari-in) the factors considered.]


!.1 ASS!)PTIONS [;+ample1 %he system is !ein) developed to capt"re data from p"!lic health partners. 9ne ass"mption is that data is entered electronically into the system.] This section identifies the statements "e&ie%ed to "e true and from (hich a conc&usion (as dra(n to define this project charter. 1. [Insert description of the first ass"mption.] 2. [Insert description of the second ass"mption.] !.2 CONSTRAINTS [;+ample1 %here mi)ht !e time constraints on developin) a system that is "sed to trac& data of hi)hly infectio"s diseases li&e 5*25.] This section identifies an &imitation that must "e taken into consideration prior to the initiation of the project. 1. [Insert description of the first constraint.] 2. [Insert description of the second constraint.] !.3 RISCS [;+ample1 %he ris& of accessi!ility or "navaila!ility of p"!lic health partners for o!tainin) re."irements to develop a data collection system may delay pro#ect delivera!les. * possi!le miti)ation strate)y mi)ht !e to sched"le re."irement sessions ith the partners as early as possi!le. 7ist the ris&s that the pro#ect sponsor sho"ld !e a are of !efore ma&in) a decision on f"ndin) the pro#ect( incl"din) ris&s of not f"ndin) the pro#ect.]

Page @ of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>


)iti0 tion

$.1 RO#ES AND RESPONSIBI#ITIES [Dependin) on yo"r pro#ect or)ani-ation( yo" may modify the roles and responsi!ilities listed in the ta!le !elo .] This section descri"es the ke ro&es supporting the project. N me F Or0 niG tio n A1ameB A<rgB Pro+e,t Role Pro+e,t Responsi;ilities

Project 6ponsor

Person responsi"&e for acting as the project)s champion and pro%iding direction and support to the team. *n the conte4t of this document' this person appro%es the re!uest for funding' appro%es the project scope represented in this document' and sets the priorit of the project re&ati%e to other projects in his/her area of responsi"i&it . ?o%ernment emp&o ee (ho pro%ides the interface "et(een the project team and the project sponsor. 2dditiona&& ' the (i&& ser%e as the sing&e foca& point of contact for the Project /anager to manage 878)s da .to. da interests. This person must ha%e ade!uate "usiness and project kno(&edge in order to make informed decisions. *n the case (here a contract is in%o&%ed' the ro&e of a ?o%ernment /onitor (i&& often "e fu&fi&&ed " a 8ontracting <fficer and a Project <fficer. Person (ho has the authorit to enter into' terminate' or change a contractua& agreement on "eha&f of the ?o%ernment. This person "ears the &ega& responsi"i&it for the contract. 2 program representati%e responsi"&e for coordinating (ith ac!uisition officia&s on projects for (hich contract support is contemp&ated. This representati%e is responsi"&e for technica& monitoring and e%a&uation of the contractorCs performance after a(ard.

A1ameB A<rgB

?o%ernment /onitor

A1ameB A<rgB

8ontracting <fficer

A1ameB A<rgB

Project <fficer

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<Project Name>

N me F Or0 niG tio n A1ameB A<rgB

Pro+e,t Role

Pro+e,t Responsi;ilities

Project /anager #This cou&d inc&ude a 8ontractor Project /anager or an ET3 Project /anager$ Fusiness 6te(ard

Person (ho performs the da .to.da management of the project and has specific accounta"i&it for managing the project (ithin the appro%ed constraints of scope' !ua&it ' time and cost' to de&i%er the specified re!uirements' de&i%era"&es and customer satisfaction. Person in management' often the Franch 8hief or 7i%ision 7irector' (ho is responsi"&e for the project in its entiret . Person (ho is responsi"&e for the technica& da .to.da aspects of the s stem inc&uding the detai&s of s stem de%e&opment. The Technica& 6te(ard is responsi"&e for pro%iding technica& direction to the project. Person (ho is responsi"&e for p&a ing the &ead ro&e for maintaining the project)s information securit .

A1ameB A<rgB A1ameB A<rgB

Technica& 6te(ard

A1ameB A<rgB $.2

6ecurit 6te(ard

STACEHO#DERS 3INTERNA# AND E=TERNA#4 [;+amples of sta&eholders incl"de an epidemiolo)ist performin) a !ehavioral research pro#ect and people in the field collectin) data "sin) a soft are application (the proposed pro#ect) to collect the data re."ired for a !ehavioral research pro#ect.]

Page 10 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>


The undersigned ackno(&edge the ha%e re%ie(ed the project charter and authoriGe and fund the <Pro#ect 3ame> project. 8hanges to this project charter (i&& "e coordinated (ith and appro%ed " the undersigned or their designated representati%es. [7ist the individ"als hose si)nat"res are desired. ;+amples of s"ch individ"als are ,"siness 5te ard( Pro#ect 4ana)er or Pro#ect 5ponsor. *dd additional lines for si)nat"re as necessary. *ltho")h si)nat"res are desired( they are not al ays re."ired to move for ard ith the practices o"tlined ithin this doc"ment.] 6ignature+ Print 1ame+ Tit&e+ 9o&e+ 6ignature+ Print 1ame+ Tit&e+ 9o&e+ 6ignature+ Print 1ame+ Tit&e+ 9o&e+ 7ate+ 7ate+ 7ate+

Page 11 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>


[Insert the name( version n"m!er( description( and physical location of any doc"ments referenced in this doc"ment. *dd ro s to the ta!le as necessary.] The fo&&o(ing ta"&e summariGes the documents referenced in this document. Do,2ment N me nd Version <Doc"ment 3ame and 8ersion 3"m!er> Des,ription #o, tion

[Provide description of the doc"ment]

<'27 or 3et or& path here doc"ment is located>

Page 12 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>


[Insert terms and definitions "sed in this doc"ment. *dd ro s to the ta!le as necessary. 6ollo the lin& !elo to for definitions of pro#ect mana)ement terms and acronyms "sed in this and other doc"ments. http1// ?.cdc.)ov/cdc"p/li!rary/other/help.htm The fo&&o(ing ta"&e pro%ides definitions for terms re&e%ant to this document. Term [Insert %erm] [Insert %erm] [Insert %erm] De1inition [Provide definition of the term "sed in this doc"ment.] [Provide definition of the term "sed in this doc"ment.] [Provide definition of the term "sed in this doc"ment.]

Page 13 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>


CDC Str te0i, *o ls !R#+ /ttp"..III:,d,:0ov. ;o2t.0o ls. o *o l % . -ea&th Peop&e in 3%er 6tage of 0ife o *o l & . -ea&th Peop&e in -ea&th P&aces o *o l ( . Peop&e Prepared for 3merging -ea&th Threats o *o l 6 . -ea&th Peop&e in a -ea&th Hor&d Dep rtment o1 He lt/ nd H2m n Servi,es 3DHHS4 Str te0i, *o ls !R#+ /ttp".. spe://s:0ov.//spl n.&HH6.0o ls:s/tml #6earch for I--6 *T 6trategic P&anJ$ o *o l % . 9educe the major threats to the hea&th and (e&&."eing of 2mericans o *o l & . 3nhance the a"i&it of the 1ation)s hea&th care s stem to effecti%e& respond to "ioterrorism and other pu"&ic hea&th cha&&enges o *o l ( . *ncrease the percentage of the 1ation)s chi&dren and adu&ts (ho ha%e access to hea&th care ser%ices' and e4pand consumer choices o *o l 6 . 3nhance the capacit and producti%it of the 1ation)s hea&th science research enterprise o *o l < . *mpro%e the !ua&it of hea&th care ser%ices o *o l ? . *mpro%e the economic and socia& (e&&."eing of indi%idua&s' fami&ies' and communities' especia&& those most in need o *o l @ . *mpro%e the sta"i&it and hea&th de%e&opment of our 1ation)s chi&dren and outh o *o l A . 2chie%e e4ce&&ence in management practices Dep rtment o1 He lt/ nd H2m n Servi,es 3DHHS4 IT *o ls !R#+ /ttp".. spe://s:0ov.//spl n.&HH6.0o ls:s/tml o *o l % . Pro%ide a secure and trusted *T en%ironment o *o l & . 3nhance the !ua&it ' a%ai&a"i&it ' and de&i%er of --6 information and ser%ices to citiGens' emp&o ees' "usinesses' and go%ernments o *o l ( . *mp&ement an enterprise approach to *T infrastructure and common administrati%e s stems that (i&& foster inno%ation and co&&a"oration o *o l 6 . 3na"&e and impro%e the integration of hea&th and human ser%ices information o *o l < . 2chie%e e4ce&&ence in *T management practices' inc&uding a go%ernance process that comp&ements program management' supports e. go%ernment initiati%es' and ensures effecti%e data pri%ac and information securit contro&s President5s ) n 0ement A0end 3P)A4 Str te0i, *o ls !R#+ /ttp"..III:I/ite/;.;2dinte0r Jinde>:/tml *overnment7Iide Initi tives o *o l % . 6trategic /anagement of -uman 8apita& o *o l & . 8ompetiti%e 6ourcing o *o l ( . *mpro%ed Einancia& Performance o *o l 6 . 34panded 3&ectronic ?o%ernment o *o l < . Fudget and Performance *ntegration
Page 14 of 15 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

<Project Name>

Pro0r m Initi tives o *o l % . Eaith.Fased and 8ommunit *nitiati%e o *o l & . Pri%atiGation of /i&itar -ousing o *o l ( . Fetter 9esearch and 7e%e&opment *n%estment 8riteria o *o l 6 . 3&imination of Eraud and 3rror in 6tudent 2id Programs and 7eficiencies in Einancia& /anagement o *o l < . -ousing and >r"an 7e%e&opment /anagement and Performance o *o l ? . Froadened -ea&th *nsurance 8o%erage through 6tate *nitiati%es o *o l @ . 2 I9ight.6iGedJ <%erseas Presence o *o l A . 9eform of Eood 2id Programs o *o l D . 8oordination of Veterans 2ffairs and 7efense Programs and 6 stems

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