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Bell Work Feb.


Feb 21, 2014

! Enter room quietly, log on to computers.
! Go to CLASS WEBSITE click on typing bell work website.
! UN: Student ID (If your ID doesnt work, put an f in front)
! PW: freedom
! Record the lesson worked on & your results in your spiral
! Copy word of the day in spiral notebook for each day (See Slide 2).
! You have 5 minutes!! (READ ALL SLIDES CAREFULLY)
! After Bell Work is complete log on to CIW. (Work on CIW
Certification Materials)

Certified Students Log on to Edmodo & Begin working on
posted assignments
WC8u Cl 1PL uA?!!
lebruary 18Lh - lebruary 21

" 1uesday
ueclduous-- (ad[) lalllng o or shed aL a parucular season, sLage
of growLh.
" Wednesday
uecllvlLy-- (n) A downward slope, as of ground.
" 1hursday
Lbb-- (n) 1he owlng back of Lhe ude as Lhe waLer reLurns Lo
Lhe sea.
" Ir|day
LbulllenL- (ad[) Cverowlng wlLh fervor, enLhuslasm, or
L & LG
Non-Cernhed Lssenna| uesnon:
WhaL can l do Loday Lo ensure my undersLandlng of Lhe lessons 1-10
and have success ln Lhe class by passlng Lhe cerucauon exam wlLh an
80 or hlgher?
Non-Cernhed Learn|ng Goa|:
?ou wlll be able Lo successfully ldenufy, explaln, descrlbe and glve a
scenarlo example abouL Lhe dlerenL ob[ecuves and vocabulary
learned ln lessons 1-10, and pass Lhe cerucauon exam wlLh an 80
or hlgher.
Cernhed Lssenna| uesnon:
WhaL can l do Loday Lo ensure my undersLandlng and comprehenslon
of how Lo creaLe a wlnnlng resume, compleLe a cover leuer, a Lhank
you leuer & learn Lhe lmporLance of rsL lmpresslons?
Cernhed Learn|ng Goa|:
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo successfully ldenufy and explaln whaL
a resume ls, and wlll learn whaL sLeps are necessary Lo creaLe a
wlnnlng resume, cover leuer, Lhank you leuer & make a good rsL
Agenda: Iebruary 18
- Iebruary 21

# 1h|s Week's Ass|gnment Goa|
$ 2]18-2]21: Non-Cernhed, comp|ete
cernhcanon prep ass|gnments:
ke|nforcement 1est 409 quesnons, etc.)
% Aher rev|ew and teacher assessment of
comp|eted ass|gnments, se|ected students w|||
cernfy th|s week.
% Cernhed Students-See Ldmodo for a||
ass|gnments. Due Ir|day March 7

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