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In English we use past or after to say times what the time is until half past, or 30 minutes past the hour. We use to to say times before the hour from 31 minutes until the full hour. In English we use oclock only at the full hour. Example: Its eight oclock When speaking about the different times of the day we often use: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Be careful! In English we use at night NOT in the night Lets look at FIGURE 1 to better understand what I just explained

We use the term oclock to refer to a full hour. Examples:

We use the term half (mitad) to refer to 30 minuets. 30 is the limit to use past or after. Examples:

We use the term quarter to 15 minutes. It this is before 30 then we use past or after

Similar to the last example. We use a quarter to refer to 15 minutes but it is after 30 so we use to. Examples:

Remember to use past or after when the minutes are before 30.

When it is after 30 minutes we DO NOT use past or after. WE USE TO and we point to the NEXT hour. Examples:

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