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Model Test Paper 2013 BA-III

English-II Prose and fiction

1. The Guide is a story of a saint who is neither born nor made but simply happens almost like the weather. Delineate Rajus character in the light of the above statement. 2. Write a critical note on R.K Narayans art of characterization in reference to Guide? 3. What according to S.Srinivas is the politics of failure that prevails in the English department of elite institutions regarding the education of the students reserved categories? 4. Is the shroud referred to only the actual piece of cloth used to cover the dead or is this the symbolic shroud in which the humanity of Ghisu and Mhadav is trapped ?Justify the title the shroud in light of the above statement? 5. Write the characteristics of the author in line with the story Birthday. 6. Discuss KanchaIliah as the exponent of Dalit Rights. 7. Write an essay on ShashiDeshpandes delineation of women characters in the story My Beloved Charioteer? 8. Write a note on the process of editing a text. 9. Define a book Review. Write a note on the process of Review writing? 10. Write a detailed note on the character and personality of Jane Eyre.

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