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Model Test Paper 2013 B.Com.

BADM-II Business Organization
Ques. 1 What do you mean by Business Organisation? Discuss the scope of business organization? Ques.2 Explain the steps to be taken for the establishment of a business organization? Ques.3 What is Business Environment? How do they influence a business? Explain. Ques.4 Good ethics, good business Explain this statement? Ques.5 Explain the term Entrepreneur. Explain the importance of entrepreneur in a developing Economy? Ques.6 Explain briefly the role of RIICO in the industrial development ofRajasthan? Ques.7 What are the internal and external sources that can be adopted by a business concern to meet Its financial requirements? Explain. Ques.8 Describe the objective functions, organization and management of the Rajasthan Financial Corporation? Ques.9 What do you mean by Stock Exchange? Describe the function of Stock Exchange. Ques.10 What is OTCEI? Discuss its objectives, working and advantages. Ques.11 Describe the constitution, duties and functions of Securities and Exchange Board of India. Ques.12 Discuss the merits and demerits of different type of business combinations. Ques.13 Money spent on advertisement is an investment and not a waste.Critically examine the Statement. Ques.14 Write a critical note on the different media of advertisement and their proper selection. Ques.15 Critically examine the policy of economic liberalization in India.

Ques.16 What do you understand by Globalization policy? Give a brief account of present trends in Global trading.

Ques.17 Discuss the role of state in the development of industries in India. Also give suggestion to theGovernment for the further development of Industries.

Ques.18 State the principle feature of welfare state and discuss its main objective. Ques.19 Write an essay on workers participation in management in India. Ques.20 Critically examines the present industrial policy of the government of India.

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