ABB Curves Manual

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Curves Ver 1.0.0.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

WARNINGS ........................................................................................................ 3 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 4 USE CONDITIONS............................................................................................ 4 MENU COMMANDS......................................................................................... 5 USING CURVES ................................................................................................ 7 ADVANCED FEATURES ............................................................................... 17 PRINT COMMANDS ...................................................................................... 20

Curves User Guide page 2

1. Warnings
ABB SACE S.p.A. responsibility towards the user necessarily presumes that the program has been used in a professionally correct manner and that the user has followed all the given precautions/instructions. Even in the case of program defects which have been detected and verified, ABB SACE S.p.A. shall only be responsible for repairing the program in a reasonable length of time. ABB SACE S.p.A declines all responsibility for either direct or indirect damages, however caused, to the user or third parties by use or non-use or late availability of the program, magnetic support or documentation supplied. The user must: - check the use of the program supplied by ABB SACE S.p.A. and the reliability and accuracy of the data entered, and also that the data entered fully corresponds with and is consistent with the printed results; - take all necessary precautions to safeguard and preserve data and to allow him to reconstruct data using his own means should the data be lost or destroyed due to an error in handling or entering data and/or an error in using the program, or even an operational defect of the program and/or processor used; - ensure that the program is only used by professionally and technically qualified personnel able to use it correctly. The user must follow the instructions and notes given and take all the precautions recommended at all times. ABB SACE S.p.A declines all responsibility if the user does not follow the instructions for operation and use indicated. ABB SACE S.p.A. declines all responsibility for any damages due to destruction of data files or other occurrences caused by not having followed the instructions and precautions indicated, by not having used the program correctly or due to an operational defect of the computer used, whatever the cause of this operational defect may be. ABB SACE S.p.A. declines all responsibility for mistakes by the user concerning the use of the program and any mistakes and/or inaccuracies contained in the data and/or data combinations entered. ABB SACE S.p.A. reserves the right to modify and/or update the program and relevant instructions, at any such time that it is deemed necessary or opportune, in the light of new provisions of law and technological, management or operational developments. Conditions of use: - The program is protected by Copyright. - No unauthorized copies of the program and relevant documentation are permitted. - Changing, adapting, re-designing or creating applications based on the program itself, on the files or documentation supplied is forbidden. - ABB SACE S.p.A. reserves the right to take legal action to protect its interests. - The software is not for sale and is distributed for promotional purposes only.

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2. Introduction
Curves allows the visualization of the time-current, energy and peak limitation characteristics of ABB low voltage devices. Program features are the guided verifications of the protection of cables, people and discrimination.

3. Use conditions
Curves visualizes tripping and limiting characteristics according to catalogues, considering the worst working conditions. The algorithms for the verification of the cable protection are described in the international standards. The algorithms for the verification of discrimination respect the guidelines provided in ABB SACE Technical Application Papers, specifically QT1: Low voltage selectivity with ABB circuit-breakers (QT1 from now on). QT1 is distributed in .pdf format along with Curves and it is available in the Help menu. The indications about the adjustments of the releases are valid for general purposes. For specific combinations of circuit-breakers and for specific installation conditions, ABB SACE may provide indications which do not respect the verifications made in the software.

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4. Menu commands
Menu commands allow a simple management of the features of Curves. Frequently used commands are proposed also in the toolbar with the icon represented left of the command described in the following paragraphs. While moving the mouse cursor over an icon, the program will show the description of the command (tool tip).


File Menu
New > Creates a new file. Open > Opens a previously saved Curves file (extension *.crs). Save > Saves the current project. The program will store the list of chosen objects, their status (visible-not visible), the settings of releases and the relations between objects (cable protectiondiscrimination). Save as > Saves the current project with a different filename and/or path. Project data > Enables the user to enter, or change, the data in the project heading (customer, plant, project, board ). Print > Prints a report with the current diagram and the visualized objects (see paragraph 7.1 for details). Exit > Closes Curves.


Edit menu
Copy Diagram > Copies the current diagram in the clipboard; the diagram is available for pasting in the wished format. Copy Values > Copies the descriptions, the reference voltage and all the other useful data of the visualized objects in the clipboard. The information stored vary depending on the object (I.e.: the settings for a circuit-breaker or the sections for a cable). Properties> Opens the control panel of the highlighted object.


View menu
Zoom +. Zoom -. Zoom Extension > Zoom in/out to automatically fit all the curves displayed in the diagram. Ib > Visualizes a vertical line at the Ib of the highlighted object. Iz > Visualizes a vertical line at 1,45xIz of the highlighted object. Ikmin> Visualizes a vertical line at minimum fault current of the highlighted object.

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Ikmax > Visualizes a vertical line at the maximum fault current of the highlighted object. Objects > Switches to panel Objects. Relations > Switches o panel Relations.


Help Menu
The Help menu contains the links to the Help file, QT1, the About window, the Warnings and Use conditions.


Toolbar specific options

The following options are available only in the Curves Toolbar. Show related > Shows the objects linked to the highlighted object for protection or discrimination relations. Relations dialog > Opens the Relations window, where it is possible to assign: 1) the protection of a specific cable to a circuit-breaker or fuse 2) a discrimination link between two circuit breakers Toggle ID > Toggles ON OFF the visualization of a user made ID for the highlighted object Coordinates > Opens the Coordinates window for the highlighted object Voltage > Defines the diagram reference voltage Color > Changes the color of the curve of the highlighted object Thickness > Changes the thickness of the curve of the highlighted object Pattern > Changes the pattern of the curve of the highlighted object

WARNING The icons arent available for each object (I.e.: the Iz for circuit breakers). When an icon is not available it will be marked in grey.

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5. Using Curves
Example of Curves Workflow: 1) Choice of the object(s) to be visualized 2) Definition of the verifications to check (cables protection discrimination between circuit breakers) 3) Choice of the curve (Time-current, Energy limitation, Peak limitation) 4) Setting of the object(s) (if available) 5) Printout of the finished job


Curves main window

The Curves main window is divided into 4 sections: 1) Toolbar > Containing menus and toolbars; 2) Objects > Showing the list of objects in the current file; 3) Diagram > Showing the diagram with the curves of the objects; 4) Relations > Showing the list of discrimination and cable protection relations.

(Figure 1) Main window

Moving the diagram To move the visualized area drag & drop the diagram with the right mouse button .

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Click on New button to choose a product. ABB products (circuit breakers, fuses) will be selected via a specific selection window. Once chosen and selected, the wished product will be added to the list of the visualized objects. The available objects are: Cable: choice of a generic cable. The default data shown in cable window refers to a cable with 3 conductors loaded, method of installation B2 (installation in cable trunking, standard IEC 60364-5-52). The data are user customizable. Cb (Circuit breaker) with electronic release: ABB Air or Moulded Case circuit breaker equipped with an electronic release. Cb (Circuit breaker) with thermomagnetic release: ABB Miniature or Moulded Case circuit breaker equipped with a thermomagnetic release. Fuse: fuses with gG (general purpose) and aM (Motor start-up) fuse-links; sizes from 00 to 3 (NH sizes) and rated current from 2A up to 630A. Also available fuses defined in the standard IEC 60269-2-1. RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breaker): products with Idn from 0,01A up to 1A; A and AC classes; Instantaneous, Selective and Anti-Perturbance versions. User defined: definition of a curve with points, supplying abscissa and ordinate. Area: definition of an area supplying abscissa and ordinate of the perimeter points. The area will be filled in with a pattern (see paragraph 4.5 for details).

(Figure 2) Circuit breaker selection window

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Available curves
I-t LLL: time-current devices tripping characteristic for three phase faults. I-t LL: time-current devices tripping characteristic for two phase faults. I-t LN: time-current devices tripping characteristic for single phase faults. I-t LPE: time-current devices tripping characteristic for phase-earth faults. I-I2t LLL: specific let through energy for three phase faults. I-I2t LL: specific let through energy for two phase faults. I-I2t LN: specific let through energy for single phase faults. I-I2t LPE: specific let through energy for phase-earth faults. Peak: current limitation curve.


Setting the releases

Current object It is the currently selected object. Selecting an object need to: Click on the description in the Objects section Click on the curve The curve of the current object is dashed.

(Figure 3) The red dashed curve is the current object

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Circuit breaker with electronic release How to set an electronic release? In the control panel. Double click on the description or the curve of the release to open its control panel. Choose the wished setting in the pop-up menus: the curves are updated in real time. Set ON-OFF functions of the releases by clicking on the corresponding check box. The control panel are floating and it is possible to see more than one at the same time. Dragging the curve directly in the diagram. Move the mouse cursor on the edge of a curve until it changes its shape into an horizontal double headed arrow for current thresholds, and a vertical double headed arrow for time thresholds. Click and, keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag the curve in the wished position.

(Figure 4) Electronic release control panel

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Setting a release directly in the diagram The position of the mouse cursor defines the threshold that will be set. As a general indication it is suggested to refer to the picture proposed in the release control panel.

(Figure 5) Position of thresholds

While dragging the curve, the cursor changes in real time into the current setting.

(Figure 6) Current setting when dragging a curve

WARNING The program verifies in real time the coherency of the settings. Therefore it is not possible to set thresholds which do not satisfy the condition: I1 < I2 < (I2-S2) < I3 Eventual incoherencies are marked with a warning message, or highlighting in red the current setting while dragging the curve.

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Circuit breaker with thermomagnetic release When a thermomagnetic release has adjustable thresholds it can be set by dragging its curve or in its specific window. When the threshold are fixed this features will be disabled.

(Figure 7) Thermomagnetic release control panel

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Cable The cable control panel contains the data used in the verifications. It is possible to customize all the default values. The data used in the verifications are: Iz: current carrying capacity. K2S2: max withstandable energy during short circuit. Ik min: min. fault current at line end. Ik max: max. fault current at line beginning.

(Figure 8) Cable control panel

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Ik min calculator The calculator in the cable control panel allows a quick assessment of the minimum short circuit current at line end, given the upstream contribution and the cable length. Following the formulas and hypothesis used in the calculation:

Ik min =

0.95 V

A ( Rph + Rpe + Rs + Ra) 2 + ( Xph + Xpe + Xs ) 2

Legenda: V = Rated Voltage. A = Phase coefficient = 1 for single-phase cables, or when PE and Neutral are not distributed; 3 in all the other cases. Rph = Phase Resistance at Tmax. Resistance of the phase conductor at the maximum working temperature (70C for PVC; 90C for EPR). Rpe = PE Resistance at Tmax. Resistance of the PE conductor (or Neutral, if the PE is not available) at the maximum working temperature. Xph = Phase Reactance. The reactance calculation considers conductors in flat disposition, spaced. Xpe = PE Reactance. V * 0.6 Rs = Resistance of the upstream circuit = 3 * Icc max . V * 0.8 Xs = Reactance of the upstream circuit = 3 * Icc max . Ra = Earthing resistance of the network (only for TT systems).

(Figure 9) Ik min calculator

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Fuse The data used to select and verify a fuse are displayed in the fuse control panel. It is possible to select ABB fuses as well as fuses defined in the standard IEC 60269-2-1.

(Figure 10) Fuse control panel

Residual current circuit breaker The data used to select and verify a residual current circuit breaker are displayed in its control panel.

(Figure 11) Residual current circuit breaker control panel

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User defined - Area The User defined object links with a line several points defined by the user. This object can be used to draw, for instance, a MV relay. It is possible to export (Save button) and import (Load button) the user defined curves in .crb format. The object Area works like the user defined curve, with the adding of a pattern which will fill in the area above or below the curve, according to user choice.
Time -Current curve LLL

1 0s

User defined


Area 0 .1s


100 kA

(Figure 12) Examples of User defined (blue) and Area (red) curves

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6. Advanced features
The chapter will describe the advanced features of the program: The verifications of the protection of a cable; The verification of discrimination; The coordinates command


Cables protection and discriminations links are defined in the dialog window Relations.
Protection: links a cable to a device able to protect it against OverLoad (OL), Short Circuit (SC), Not-Direct Touch (NDT). Combo boxes filter the list of protecting devices and protected cables.

(Figure 13) Relations dialog window -Protection

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Discrimination: creates a discrimination link between two circuit breakers. Verifications are made according to QT1. The dialog window shows the following values: o Requested Is: requested discrimination value in [kA]. Full means discrimination up to the Ik o Actual Is: discrimination value with current settings o Ik: max. short circuit current in the downstream circuit breaker; it is the discrimination value to reach to achieve full discrimination o Is max: max discrimination value achievable by the couple of circuit breakers when the rules defined in QT1 are accomplished. This value is read from the coordination tables (energy discrimination)

(Figure 14) Relations dialog window -Discrimination

Once assigned, the relations are shown in the lowest section of the main window (see section 4 of Figure 1) and their status is updated in real-time, when changing the settings. The program shows the curves of the objects linked in the selected relation, automatically switching to the diagram used in the verification.

(Figure 15) Real-time verifications

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Selecting a relation Click on the Relations radio button (see Figure 15) to select a specific relation. The sections Objects and Relations (sections 2 and 4 of Figure 1) are mutually excluded. The status of a verification (Positive Ok; Negative Failed) is marked with the color of the text. Black for positive verifications (Ok) Red for negative verifications (Failed)


This feature allows calculating and showing on screen of the abscissa of a curve given a specific coordinate and vice versa. The icon is active only when a curve is selected.

(Figure 16) Coordinates

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7. Print commands
7.1. Print
The report available in the program (see paragraph 4.1 for details) creates a document containing: Currently visualized diagram Reference voltage List and characteristics of the visualized objects (settings for electronic releases, current carrying capacity of cables, etc.) Current relation (verification and status) Printing the current relation The program prints the result of a relation only if the relation is active when launching the print command (see paragraph 6.1 to select a relation).


Creating a custom documentation of the settings and verifications made with Curves is possible using the commands Copy diagram and Copy values (see paragraph 4.2 for details).

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