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Course Description of FT3857-01A - Tellabs 8600 - Hardware nstallation and !aintenance

"o#ia $olutions and "etwor#s Acade%& nternet' (ttp'))www*no#iasie%ensnetwor#s*co%)acade%& ntranet' (ttp'))inside*no#iasie%ensnetwor#s*co%)acade%&


1. Course Description
Course "u%ber Course Title Tar+et ,roup -earnin+ Tar+et FT3857-01A Tellabs 8600 - Hardware Installation and Maintenan e All e!"lo#ees wor$in% wit& Tellabs 8600 "rod' t installation and !aintenan e( )"on o!"letin% t&e o'rse* "arti i"ants will &a+e been ta'%&t, Tellabs 8600 networ$ ele!ents - Tellabs 8660 ed%e swit & - Tellabs 8630 a ess swit & - Tellabs 86-0 a ess swit & - Tellabs 8605 a ess swit & - Tellabs 8606 Et&ernet a%%re%ator - Tellabs 8607 a ess swit & Installation "rere.'isites and re.'ired tools How to install Tellabs 8600 networ$ ele!ents !e &ani all# How to %ro'nd t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to install t&e "ower s'""l# /or t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to do t&e ablin% /or t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to o!!ission t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to do t&e !aintenan e tas$s /or t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ Fa!iliarit# wit& Tellabs 8600 !ana%ed ed%e s#ste! on e"t In addition to Tellabs 8600 &ardware and tele o!!'ni ations ablin%* t&e st'dent s&o'ld also be /a!iliar wit& ele troni ir 'itr# and wirin% "ra ti e basi s to o!"lete t&is o'rse( Tellabs 8600 networ$ ele!ents - Tellabs 8660 ed%e swit & - Tellabs 8630 a ess swit & - Tellabs 86-0 a ess swit & - Tellabs 8605 a ess swit & - Tellabs 8606 Et&ernet a%%re%ator Installation "rere.'isites and re.'ired tools How to install Tellabs 8600 networ$ ele!ents !e &ani all# How to %ro'nd t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to install t&e "ower s'""l# /or t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to do t&e ablin% /or t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to o!!ission t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ How to do t&e !aintenan e tas$s /or t&e Tellabs 8600 networ$ - da#s 8 0T120ra ti al and t&eoreti al o'rse wit& testbed IMD inter!ediate ECC3, 5E4415 A6-3'!ber, 3



Duration !a0 nu%ber of participants Course T&pe' wit( or wit(out practice $#ill le1el 20port control

Created on 17(0-(-017 at 06,77,13

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