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Program Description Options Input Formats
1. IEEE Common Format 2. WSCC Format 3. FACTS Format

Menu Toolbar Mouse

# $

INDEX Index K Index + PFLOWWIN:005

1. 173 bus ac-dc-FACTS system (173sys.bat) 2. IEEE 300 bus system (ieee300.bat)


Program Description

UWPFLOW Continuation and Direct Methods to Locate Fold Bifurcations in AC/DC/FACTS Power Systems
By Claudio A. Canizares University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2K-2C4 CANADA Fernando L. Alvarado University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA November 18, 1999 (First Version: December 20, 1996)

This program is provided without charge for testing purposes only. The program or any of its parts may not be used for any commercial applications. The authors would appreciate any comments and suggestions on how to improve the program. Any reports of problems should be directed to the
# $

DESCRIPTION Program Description K Program Applications; Program Description; References + PFLOWWIN:07

authors, who reserve their right to modify the program at any time without previous notification. DISCLAIMER: THE AUTHORS DO NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED WITH THIS PROGRAM, NOR ITS PERFORMANCE.


UWPFLOW is a research tool that has been designed to calculate local bifurcations related to system limits or singularities in the system Jacobian. The program also generates a series of output files that allow further analyses, such as tangent vectors, left and right eigenvectors at a singular bifurcation point, Jacobians, power flow solutions at different loading levels, voltage stability indices, etc. The program reads ac/dc power flow data in WSCC/BPA/EPRI formats [1,3] or IEEE common format [2]; FACTS devices data in a special format described in the on-line help file (WINDOWS) and using the models described in [5]; steadystate load model data in OH format [4] and steady-state generator data in a simple free format as explained in the on-line help. The program also reads ac data in other formats of interest to only some particular users (see on-line help). Additional unformatted data is required for bifurcation analysis, such as the direction of generation change, direction of load change, and maximum generator powers. The program assumes that one parameter, the "loading factor," is allowed to change. All steady state system controls remain operational unless otherwise specified through the program options. The program has been developed in C and C++ and runs under WINDOWS 95 and UNIX environments. It has no limitations on system size, other than those imposed by memory limitations in the corresponding environment, i.e., RAM and swap space in UNIX and WINDOWS. The program has been successfully used to study a real 2158 bus ac/dc system in PC machines, and HP, DEC and SUN SPARC UNIX stations. The program has the following features:

1. Adequate handling of generators limits, with generators being able to recover from a variety of limits, including S limits. 2. Steady state models of generators and their control limits (AVR and Primemover limits) are included. This requires at least one additional input file defining Ra, Xd, and Xq data, as well as Ia and Eq limits. Read the on-line help, examples and corresponding data files carefully to figure out how this works. 3. Voltage dependent load models for voltage stability analysis are also included. To use these models, an additional data file in OH (Ontario Hydro) or ADD (Italian COLAS program) formats is needed. Read the on-line help, examples and corresponding data files carefully to figure out how this works. 4. Either BPA/WSCC ac-dc input data formats (and variations) or IEEE common format may be used. An ac input data format based on an Italian power flow format (.DAT files) and COLAS (.ADD files) can be used also. A fairly complete description of the WSCC and IEEE formats is now provided in the on-line help files. 5. Detailed and reliable steady state models of SVC, TCSC and STATCOM models, and their controls with the corresponding limits are included. The input data format is described on the on-line help files. 6. Secondary voltage control, as defined by ENEL, can be modeled and simulated in the program. 7. The program is able to compute the minimum real eigenvalue and the related right and left eigenvectors at any loading conditions. Several voltage stability indices and tangent vector information can be generated by the program as well. This information allows the user to carry on a variety of sensitivity analyses. 8. The program generates a wide variety of output ASCII and MATLAB (.m) files as well as IEEE common format data files for analysis and plotting of the results.

9. The program has being designed to automatically run script files, i.e., DOS batch or UNIX script files. This feature is used to run the tutorials provided with the program.

For more details about the program capabilities, models and the techniques used refer to [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]. For a PDF copy of most of these documents, access the WEB server URL:

[1] "Extended Transient-Midterm Stability Package: User's Manual for the Power Flow Program," EPRI computer code manual EL-2002-CCM, January 1987. "Common Format for Exchange of Solved Load Flow Data," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 92, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1973, pp. 19161925. Working Group report. "Methodology for the Integration of HVDC Links in Large AC SystemsPhase 2: Advanced Concepts," Vol. 1, EPRI technical report EL-4365, April 1987. "Small Signal Stability Analysis Program Package," Version 2, EPRI user manual EL-6678, January 1990. C. A. Caizares, "Modeling of TCR and VSI Based FACTS Controllers," Internal Report, ENEL and Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, September 9, 1999, 29 pages. C. A. Caizares and F. L. Alvarado, "Point of Collapse and Continuation Methods for Large AC/DC Systems," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 1993, pp. 1-8.







C. A. Caizares, F. L. Alvarado, C. L. DeMarco, I. Dobson, W. F. Long, "Point of Collapse Methods Applied to AC/DC Power Systems," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 1992, pp. 673-683. C. A. Caizares, "On Bifurcations, Voltage Collapse and Load Modeling," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 1995. Paper 94 SM 512-4 PWRS. C. A. Caizares, A. Z. de Souza and V. H. Quintana, "Improving Continuation Methods for Tracing Bifurcation Diagrams in Power Systems," Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena-III Seminar, ECC Inc., Davos, Switzerland, August 1994. A. Z. de Souza, C. A. Canizares and V. H. Quintana, "New Techniques to Speed Up Voltage Collapse Computations Using Tangent Vectors," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, August 1997, pp. 1380-1387. C. A. Caizares and Z. Faur, "Analysis of SVC and TCSC Controllers in Voltage Collapse," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 1999, pp. 158-165. C. A. Caizares et al., "Voltage Stability Indices," Final Draft, Chapter 4 of the IEEE/PES Power Systems Stability Subcommittee Report on Voltage Stability Assessment, Procedures and Guides, January 1999, 71 pages.







Program Options
on Toolbar

Define opitons using menu Execute|Command Line or pressing

Usage: Like any other UNIX program, i.e., command-line options (-option) with redirection of output (>) from screen into files: uwpflow [-options] input_file [[>]output_file] Input file: The input_file could be in WSCC/BPA/EPRI format (or Anarede's variation) or IEEE common format (or Electrocon's variation) for the ac system. Other AC formats may be used (see options below). The dc data could be on either WSCC/BPA or multiterminal EPRI format, although it just deals with the standard two-terminal HVDC problem. The FACTS devices format was specifically designed for this program and is explained in the help file and test systems provided with the program. Output files: The program writes the solution into the output_file in ASCII. It can also write the solved case in a file in IEEE common format using the -W or -w option (HVDC links are written in EPRIs ETMSP format and FACTS devices are written in their own format). Additional files can be created for postprocessing analyses (see options below), such as the bifurcation diagram (nose curve) in column form for plotting with MATLAB or other programs, Jacobians for SMMS or MATLAB studies, etc. Solution Technique:

# $

OPTIONS Program Options K Command Line; Program Options + PFLOWWIN:010

The power flows are solved with simultaneous N-R, allowing for asynchronous systems, area interchange, remote voltage control, and local and remote regulating transformers (LTCs and phase shifters controlling voltages, angles, and/or active and reactive power flows). Options: -a -A -b

Turns off tap and angle limits in regulating transformers. Turns off interchange area control. Solve base case before changing the loading factor lambda. PQ bus number 'num' where the voltage is fixed in order to find the loading factor (lambda) for voltage collapse studies. Must be used with -K and -v options. Increases the loading factor lambda using a continuation method for finding voltage profiles. The output (optional 'file') is a list of max. 8 ac voltages that change the most, plus 3 additional variables for each dc bus (see -e option). Must be used with the -K option. Direct method studies, i.e., find the max. loading factor lambda for a given generation and load direction. The base case loading can be initialized using the -L option; however, the program calculates an initial loading of the system before the direct method is applied. The left evector is written in 'file' (optional). Must be used with the -K option. Generates some debug output. Read load model data from 'file', using Ontario Hydro (OH) format, which is based on the load model: Pl=Pn*V^a+Pz*V^2 Ql=Qn*V^b+Qz*V^2




-d -Dfile

If a bus is not defined in the list, Pn=Qn=0 is assumed. -e Output 3 dc variables per dc link, and 3 internal variables for generators in the output list during the continuation process (see the -i option). Print in 'file' the continuation method direction vector at the maximum loading factor (PoC right e-vector). Output Sensitivity Factors (SF) and Voltage Sensitivity Factors (VSF and tangent vector) during continuation method computations. The number 'num' defines the bus for which the voltage entry and rank in the tangent vector are printed out (tanget vector index); if this number is not defined, the program chooses the bus with the maximum initial voltage entry in the tangent vector. Stability/sparsity value 'val' for factorization (def. 0.01). A value of 0 means choose a pivot based on sparsity only; a value of 1 means choose a pivot based on stability only. Force Q in generators to zero when reading data in IEEE common format, since sometimes a value of Qg creates convergence problems. Turns off recovery from some ac device limits in the program. For example, the program allows to recover voltage control after a Q-limit is reached by monitoring the voltage; this option eliminates that possibility. Prints this message in standard output. Increases the loading factor lambda using a parameterized continuation method for finding voltage profiles. The output (optional 'file') is a list of max. 8 ac






-h -Hfile

voltages that change the most, plus 3 additional variables for each dc bus (see -e option). Must be used with the -K option. -ifile List of numbers and names in 'file' for printing variable profiles with the -c and -H options. The input format is: Number Name [VarType]. Use zero when either the number or the name are unknown. If Name has spaces, wrap it in double or single quotes. VarType is optional and can be: V for voltage (default), D for angle, PG for MW generated, QG for Mvar generated, PL for MW load, QL for Mvar load, or PA for MW area flow. If Name and Number are both equal to 0 and VarType is either PL, QL, PG or QG, the program will print the corresponding total load or generation in MW or Mvar. AC input data in IEEE common format. Write the Jacobian of the solved case in I J VALUE format in 'name.jac'. The equation mismatches and the system variables are also written in 'name.mis' and 'name.var', respectively. With the -B option, it generates the Jacobian, mismatches and variables corresponding to the system without the loading factor as a variable. For PoC studies (-C option) it generates the nxn system Jacobian, mismatches and variables; for the complete (2n+1)x(2n+1) PoC Jacobian, use the -j option. The corresponding Jacobian, mismatches and variables are written in I J VALUE format in 'name.jac', 'name.mis' and 'name.var', respectively. Factor 'val' used in the homotopy continuation method for finding the increments in the loading factor lambda

-I -jname



(def. 1). Must be used with the -c and -H options. -Kfile Read generation and load distribution factors from 'file'. All data is assumed p.u. and must be separated by spaces: BusNumber BusName DPg Pnl Qnl PgMax [Smax Vmax Vmin Pzl Qzl]. If the input variables DPg, Pnl, Qnl or PgMax are unknown, give them a value of zero; Smax, Vmax, Vmin, Pzl and Qzl are optional. The generation factors DPg are normalized for each area, i.e., ||DPg||=1 per area. The load is represented by: Pl=(Pn+Pnl*lambda)*V^a+(Pz+Pzl*lambda)*V^2 Ql=(Qn+Qnl*lambda)*V^b+(Qz+Qzl*lambda)*V^2 where Pn, Qn, Pz, Qz, a, and b are defined with the -D option, and lambda corresponds to the loading factor. If the -D option is not used, the load model default values are: a=b=0, Pz=Qz=0. Busses not in the list are assumed to have zero distribution factors. If BusName has spaces, wrap it in double or single quotes. Write standard error output to 'file' (log file). Loading factor 'val' (def. 0). Simulates load changes in conjunction with the load distribution factors (-K option). Output continuation profiles in MATLAB format. If TEF profiles are needed, use the -O option. Number 'num' of max. N-R iterations, overriding input data (default 50). Turns off all ac system limits. Turns off all ac system controls. The tolerance 'tol' controls the application of limits during the continuation process. The smaller this value,

-lfile -Lval



-n -N -otol

the more steps required of the continuation method (default 0.000001). -Onum This option is used together with -m to output ac/dc TEF information during the continuation method to determine the energy profiles with the help of MATLAB. The integer 'num' corresponds to the number of significant digits in TEF (default and min. 6; max. 10). If the system has HVDC links, the program defaults the PI controller gains (Kp and Ki) of all HVDC converters for dc computations to 'typical' values of Ki=75 and Kp=1. These values can later be changed in the MATLAB output file. The program also generates two MATLAB '.m' files needed for plotting and computation of the ac/dc energy function, namely, 'addtotef.m' (only if dc lines present) and 'tefprof.m'. Turns off P and Q limits in regulating transformers. Turns off P and Q control by regulating transformers. Turns off Q limits in PV busses. Turns off V limits in reactance-controlled (BX) busses. These busses are defined in the ETMSP/EPRI/BPA input data file. Turns off Q limits in reactance-controlled (BZ) busses. These busses are defined in the Italian ADD input data file. Turns off remote voltage generator control. Generators will control their own terminal voltages at their given values. Turns off remote voltage control in reactance-controlled (BX) busses. The local bus voltage will be used for the

-p -P -q -qx




control. -r Turns off V limits in regulating transformers and PV busses. Turns off V control by regulating transformers. Suppress ASCII output_file. Stop value 'val' for the loading factor lambda in the continuation method (-c and -H options), in p.u. of the maximum lambda. The default is 0 for a complete trace of the bifurcation diagram (min. 0; max. 1, i.e., lambda maximum). If the relative error of two consecutive iteration mismatches is larger than 'tol', voltage limits and regulating transformer limits are applied (default 0.1). P.U. tolerance 'tol' for N-R method (default 1e-4). Value 'val' of the tolerance used to reduce the number of equations in the continuation method (-c and -H options), based on the tangent vector technique. The default is 1e-3 (min. 0 or no reduction, max. 0.2). WARNING: This option might produce cycling, backtracking, or singularity problems. If this happens, increase the number of steps in the -U option and/or reduce the value of 'val' in -u. Number 'num' of steps of the continuation method (-c and -H options) between system reductions. Used with the -u option. The default number is 10 (min. 2, max. 100). Voltage magnitude 'mag' at the first PQ bus (unless otherwise specified by -B option) to find the

-R -s -Sval


-Ttol -uval



corresponding lambda for voltage collapse studies. Must be used with -K option. -Vfile Read initial guesses for ac and dc variables from 'file'. The data must be separated by spaces, i.e., BusNumber BusName V_mag V_ang(deg), for ac busses, and BusNumber BusName Variables Values, for dc busses. For defining the dc variable, use the same EPRI format used to define the control modes in the dc lines (e.g., ALGAPA, would represent the dc variables Alpha, Gamma and Power); the values must be given in standard units, i.e., MW, MVAR, kv, Amp, deg. If the input variables are unknown give them a value of zero. Busses not in the list are given a flat start. If BusName has spaces, wrap it in double or single quotes. Write solved case into 'file' using IEEE CARD common format. Similar to -w option, but the solved case is written in 'file' using IEEE TAPE common format. Ignore distribution factors for generations during the initial power flow solution (use only one slack bus). WARNING: This might create some convergence problems, as the Jacobian may be significantly affected by this option. Do not enforce maximum active generation limits (PgMax). See -K option. Print in 'file' an approximation of the left e-vector of the smallest real |e-value| at the current operating point. Print in 'file' an approximation of the right e-vector of the smallest real |e-value| at the current operating point.








Stop continuation method after 'num' steps. Together with the -Z option, it can be used to print a tangent vector for a particular value of the loading parameter lambda. Print in 'file' the normalized tangent vector to the bifurcation manifold at step 'num' of the continuation method (as defined by -z). It is used with the -c or -H options. Print in MATLAB format the Jacobian matrices needed to compute several voltage stability indices. These matrices are printed in the files 'name#.m', where # stands for the step number in the continuation method (c or -H options). A file 'name.m' is also created with all the MATLAB instructions to compute and plot 6 distinct indices: * Minimum |e-value| and singular value for full matrix. * Minimum |e-value| and singular value for reduced Q matrix. * Test function and reduced determinant for a given bus (-1 option). The program generates the MATLAB 'inviter.m' file needed for the computation of these indices. WARNING: This option generates a lot of output files that might clutter your system; it must be used with caution. Used with -0 option, and defines the load bus at which the test functions are computed. If this option is not used, or if the bus 'num' does not correspond to a load bus, the program chooses the bus with the maximum voltage entry in the initial tangent vector. Define the number 'num' of steps used to determine the change of direction of the loading parameter lambda in the continuation method (-c or -H options) due to





voltages increasing after Q-limits are encountered (default 5). -3file Read generator steady-state data from 'file' using free format: BusNumber BusName Ra Xd Xq Ia_max Eq_max Eq_min. For BusNames with spaces, wrap the word in double or single quotes. The program uses either the BusNumber or the BusName to identify the bus; if one of this is not known, give it a 0 value. For round-rotor machines, make Xd=Xq, or define Xq=0. The program assumes the following default values: Ra=0, Xq=<Xd, Ia_max=large, Eq_max=large, Eq_min=0. Turns off Eq limits in all generators. See -3 option. Turns off Ia limits in all generators. See -3 option. AC input data in ITALIAN format. If 'file' name is given, a COLAS ADD file is read, which defines: new bus kV levels; min. and max. bus voltages; load voltage coefficients 'a' and 'b', i.e., Pl=(Pn+Pnl*lambda)*V^a Ql=(Qn+Qnl*lambda)*V^b pilot nodes and generators for secondary voltage control (-# option); and generator and load directions. This file may be used instead of the -K and -D files; however, these files take precedence over the ADD file in defining similar variables for collapse studies. force Vmax Enforce Vmax and and Vmin Vmin on on system system busses busses during during thethe continuation process (-c or H options). Enforce Imax limits on transmission elements during the continuation process (-c or H options). Do not enforce maximum power generation limits

-4 -5 -6file




(Smax). See -K option. -$val Define the base power value 'val', overriding the value given in the input data file. Use secondary voltage control as defined by ENEL, i.e., remote voltage control of pilot busses by generators with participation factors defined as: * over excited -> qi=Qmaxi/Sum Qmax of pilot bus gens. * under excited -> qi=Qmini/Sum Qmin of pilot bus gens.



IEEE Common Format

The complete description of the IEEE Common Data Format can be found in the paper "Common Data Format for the Exchange of Solved Load Flow Data," Working Group on a Common Format for the Exchange of Solved Load Flow Data, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-92, No. 6, November/December 1973, pp. 1916-1925. DC links can be defined using the WSCC format, and FACTS controllers can be defined using the FACTS format. The partial description presented here is based on a general description available at the following web site:
The data file has lines of up to 128 characters (TAPE option). The lines are grouped into sections with section headers. Data items are entered in specific columns. No blank items are allowed, enter zeros instead. Floating point items should have explicit decimal point. No implicit decimal points are used. Data type codes: A - Alphanumeric (no special characters) I - Integer (right justified) F - Floating point (right justified) * - Mandatory item Title Data * Columns Columns Columns Columns Column Column 2- 9 11-30 32-37 39-42 44 46-73 Date, in format DD/MM/YY with leading zeros. provided, use 0b/0b/0b where b is blank. Originator's name [A] MVA Base [F] * Year [I] Season (S - Summer, W - Winter) Case identification [A] If no date

Bus Data *
# $

IEEE IEEE Common Format K Input Format; Common Format; AC Data + PFLOWWIN:012

Section start card *: Columns Columns 1-16 BUS DATA FOLLOWS (not clear that any more than BUS in 1-3 is significant) * 40?- ? NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear)

Bus data cards *: Columns 1- 4 Columns 6-17 Columns 19-20 Columns 21-23 Columns 25-26 Bus number [I] * Name [A] (left justify) * Load flow area number [I]. Don't use zero! * Loss zone number [I] Type [I] * 0 - Unregulated (load, PQ) 1 - Hold MVAR generation within voltage limits, (gen, PQ) 2 - Hold voltage within VAR limits (gen, PV) 3 - Hold voltage and angle (swing, V-Theta; must always have one) Columns 28-33 Final voltage, p.u. [F] * Columns 34-40 Final angle, degrees [F] * Columns 41-49 Load MW [F] * Columns 50-59 Load MVAR [F] * Columns 60-67 Generation MW [F] * Columns 68-75 Generation MVAR [F] * Columns 77-83 Base kV [F] Columns 85-90 Desired volts (pu) [F] (This is desired remote voltage if this bus is controlling another bus.) Columns 91-98 Maximum MVAR or voltage limit [F] Columns 99-106 Minimum MVAR or voltage limit [F] Columns 107-114 Shunt conductance G (per unit) [F] * Columns 115-122 Shunt susceptance B (per unit) [F] * Columns 124-127 Remote controlled bus number Section end card: Columns 1- 4 -999

Branch Data * Section start card *: Columns 1-16 BRANCH DATA FOLLOWS (not clear that any more than BRANCH is significant) * NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear)

Columns 40?- ?

Branch data cards *: Columns Columns 1- 4 6- 9 Tap bus number [I] * For transformers or phase shifters, the side of the model the non-unity tap is on. Z bus number [I] * For transformers and phase shifters, the side of the model

the device impedance is on. Load flow area [I] Loss zone [I] Circuit [I] * (Use 1 for single lines) Type [I] * 0 - Transmission line 1 - Fixed tap 2 - Variable tap for voltage control (TCUL, LTC) 3 - Variable tap (turns ratio) for MVAR control 4 - Variable phase angle for MW control (phase shifter) Columns 20-29 Branch resistance R, per unit [F] * Columns 30-40 Branch reactance X, per unit [F] * No zero impedance lines Columns 41-50 Line charging B, per unit [F] * (total line charging, +B) Columns 51-55 Line MVA rating No 1 [I] Left justify! Columns 57-61 Line MVA rating No 2 [I] Left justify! Columns 63-67 Line MVA rating No 3 [I] Left justify! Columns 69-72 Control bus number Column 74 Side [I] 0 - Controlled bus is one of the terminals 1 - Controlled bus is near the tap side 2 - Controlled bus is near the impedance side (Z bus) Columns 77-82 Transformer final turns ratio [F] Columns 84-90 Transformer (phase shifter) final angle [F] Columns 91-97 Minimum tap or phase shift [F] Columns 98-104 Maximum tap or phase shift [F] Columns 106-111 Step size [F] Columns 113-119 Minimum voltage, MVAR or MW limit [F] Columns 120-126 Maximum voltage, MVAR or MW limit [F] Columns Columns Column Column 11-12 13-15 17 19 Section end card: Columns 1- 4 -999

Loss Zone Data Section start card: Columns 1-16 LOSS ZONES FOLLOWS (not clear that any more than LOSS is significant) * NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear)

Columns 40?- ? Loss Zone Cards: Columns Columns 1- 3 5-16

Loss zone number [I] * Loss zone name [A]

Section end card: Columns 1- 3 -99

Interchange Data

Section start card: Columns 1-16 INTERCHANGE DATA FOLLOWS (not clear that any more than first word is significant) * NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear)

Columns 40?- ?

Interchange Data Cards: Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns Columns 1- 2 4- 7 9-20 21-28 30-35 38-43 46-75 Area number [I], no zeros! * Interchange slack bus number [I] * Alternate swing bus name [A] Area interchange export, MW [F] (+ = out) * Area interchange tolerance, MW [F] * Area code (abbreviated name) [A] * Area name [A]

Section end card: Columns 1- 2 -9

Tie Line Data Section start card: Columns 1-16 TIE LINES FOLLOW (not clear that any more than TIE is significant) * NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear)

Columns 40?- ? Tie Line Cards: Columns Columns Columns Columns Column 1- 4 7-8 11-14 17-18 21

Metered bus number [I] * Metered area number [I] * Non-metered bus number [I] * Non-metered area number [I] * Circuit number

Section end card: Columns 1- 3 -999


WSCC and EPRI's ETMSP Formats

The complete description of these Formats can be found in EPRIs ETMSP manual "Extended Transient-Midterm Stability Package: User's Manual for the Power Flow Program," EPRI computer code manual EL-2002-CCM, January 1987. The following format is presented here in terms of the "input data" cards needed (see the 173-bus ac/dc/FACTS example). The dc data cards described below can be used to define dc links in the IEEE format and should be placed before the END OF DATA card.
C C Comment cards start with "C". C C Format of input data: C A -> Alphanumeric (no special characters) C I -> Integer (right justified) C F -> Floating point (right justified) C C******************************************************************************* C C Title cards start with the HDG card HDG THREE TITLE CARDS (A80) ARE PLACED BETWEEN THE HDG AND BAS CARDS BAS C C System data starts with the BAS card C The order of the data cards does not matter. C C******************************************************************************* C C AC BUSSES C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C | SHUNT | |REMOTE BUS C |Ow|Name |kV |Z|PL |QL |MW |Mva|PM |P |QM |Qm |Vpu|Vm |Name |kV |%Q Bx BUS DATA CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C
# $

WSCC WSCC and EPRIs Format K Input Format; WSCC and EPRIs ETMPS Format; AC/DC Data + PFLOWWIN:013

C Bus Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "B " -> PQ load bus C "BQ" -> PV generator bus with Q limits C "BE" -> PV generator bus with no Q limits C "BV" -> PQ generator bus with V limits C "BX" -> PQ generator bus with local or remote V limits. C As these limits are reached, new capac. or indc. shunt C reactances are added to the bus, as defined on the C the "X" cards (see below) C "BG" -> PQ generator bus with Q limits controlling voltage on C a remote PV load bus C "BC" -> PV load bus with remote voltage control C "BT" -> PQ load bus with voltage controlled by LTC transformer C "BS" -> Swing bus C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name (A8) -> Bus Name C - kV (F4.0) -> Bus kV base C - Z (2A) -> Zone C - PL (F5.0) -> P load in MW C - QL (F5.0) -> Q load in MVars C - SHUNT (2F4.0) -> MW and MVars shunts (+ for Capacitors) C - PM (F4.0) -> Max. generator P power in MW C - P (F5.0) -> generator P power in MW C - QM (F5.0) -> Max. generator Q power in MVars (not needed for "BE" C PV bus types) C - Qm (F5.0) -> Min. generator Q power in MVars (not needed for "BE" C PV bus types) C - Vpu (F4.3)-> PV desired voltage magnitude in p.u. (max. voltage for C "BV" or "BX" busses) C - Vm (F4.3) -> Min. voltage for "BV" or "BX" busses. C - Remote Name (A8) -> Remote controlled bus name for "BG" busses. C - Remote kV (F4.0) -> Remote controlled bus kV for "BG" busses. C - Remote %Q (I3) -> Percentage of Q of remote bus control for "BG" busses. C C******************************************************************************* C C X CARDS C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 C |Ow|Name_1 |kV1 |Name_2 |kV2||MVAr||MVAr||MVAr||MVAr||MVAr||MVAr||MVAr||MVAr X DATA CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C X Input Data for BX Busses: C - Type (A2) -> "X " C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name_1 (A8) -> Name of controlling bus. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> kV base for controlling bus C - Name_2 (A8) -> Name of controlled bus; not needed if it is the same as the C controlling bus C - kV2 (F4.0) -> kV base for remote bus C S1 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 1 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 1 increment:

C +MVAr for capacitors; -MVAr for inductors C S2 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 2 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 2 increment C S3 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 3 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 3 increment C S4 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 4 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 4 increment C S5 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 5 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 5 increment C S6 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 6 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 6 increment C S7 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 7 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 7 increment C S8 (I1) -> Number of MVAr (reactance) increments in step 8 C MVAr (F5.0) -> Value in MVAr of each step 8 increment C C******************************************************************************* C C AC LINES C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M CS N C |Ow|Name_1 |kV1||Name_2 |kV2|||In || R | X | G/2 | B/2 |Mil| L LINE DATA CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C Line Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "L " C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name_1 (A8) -> Name of sending bus C - kV1 (F4.0) -> kV base for sending bus C - M (I1) -> Metered bus for flow interchange C - Name_2 (A8) -> Name of receiving bus C - kV2 (F4.0) -> kV base for receiving bus C - C (I1) -> Circuit ID C - S (I1) -> Section number C - In (F4.0) -> Rated Amps. C - N (I1) -> Circuit number C - R (F6.5) -> p.u. series R of PI equivalent C - X (F6.5) -> p.u. series X of PI equivalent C - G/2 (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt G/2 of PI equivalent C - B/2 (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt B/2 of PI equivalent C - Mil (F4.1) -> Length in miles C C******************************************************************************* C C TRANSFORMERS C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M CS C |Ow|Name_1 |kV1||Name_2 |kV2|||Sn | R | X | G | B |Tap1|Tap2| T CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C

C Transformer Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "T " C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name_1 (A8) -> Name of sending bus C - kV1 (F4.0) -> kV base for sending bus C - M (I1) -> Metered bus for flow interchange C - Name_2 (A8) -> Name of receiving bus C - kV2 (F4.0) -> kV base for receiving bus C - C (I1) -> Circuit ID C - S (I1) -> Section number C - Sn (F4.0) -> Rated MVA C - N (I1) -> Circuit number C - R (F6.5) -> p.u. series R of equivalent circuit C - X (F6.5) -> p.u. series X of equivalent circuit C - G (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt G of equivalent circuit C - B (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt B of equivalent circuit C - Tap1 (F5.2) -> kV tap for sending bus C - Tap2 (F5.2) -> kV tap for receiving bus C C******************************************************************************* C C REGULATING TRANSFORMERS C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C |REMOTE BUS |Sch/|Min C |Ow|Name_1 |kV1||Name_2 |kV2| |Name |kV |Tmax|Tmin|#|Max |P/Q | RT CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C Regulating Transformer Input Data: A corresponding "T" card must be used to C define the impedance and ratings C - Type (A2) -> "R " -> LTC controlling voltage on "BT" load bus with C tap limits C "RQ" -> LTC controlling Q out of sending bus C "RN" -> LTC keeping Q out of sending bus within C Max/Min Mvar limits C "RP" -> Phase Shifter controlling P out of sending bus C "RM" -> Phase Shifter keeping P out of sending bus within C Max/Min MW limits C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name_1 (A8) -> Name of sending bus C - kV1 (F4.0) -> kV base for sending bus C - M (I1) -> Metered bus for flow interchange C - Name_2 (A8) -> Name of receiving bus C - kV2 (F4.0) -> kV base for receiving bus C - Name (A8) -> Name of controlled bus C kV (F4.0) -> kV base for controlled bus C Tmax (F5.2) -> Max. tap in kV with respect to kV1 for LTCs, or C Max. phase angle in degrees for Phase Shifters C Tmin (F5.2) -> Min. tap in kV with respect to kV1 for LTCs, or C Min. phase angle in degrees for Phase Shifters C # (2I) -> Number of tap steps. C Sch/Max (F5.0) -> Scheduled MVar or MW for "RQ" and "RP" types, or C Max. MVar or MW for "RN" and "RM" types

C Min P/Q (F5.0) -> Min. MVar or MW for "RN" and "RM" types C C******************************************************************************* C C AREA DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C |Slack bus | | ZONES | C |Name |Name |kV ||MW Exp. |1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9||0| |VM |Vm A CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C Area Input Data: C - Type (2A) -> "A " C - Name (A10) -> Area Name C - Slack Name (A8) -> Area slack bus name C - Slack kV (F4.0) -> kV base for slack bus C - MW Exp. (F8.0) -> MW scheduled export for the area C - ZONES (10A2) -> Zone names that belong to the area (up to 10) C - VM (F4.3) -> p.u. max. voltage of the area for printed reports C - Vm (F4.3) -> p.u. min. voltage of the area for printed reports C C******************************************************************************* C C DC BUS DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C |AC bus C C |Name_1 |Name_2 |Name |kV ||Gr|Z|N|Xc |Rat |Tstp|Tmin|Tmax|Amn|Amx|Gmn|Imx BD CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C DC Bus Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "BD" C - Name_1 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 1 name C - Name_2 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 2 name C - AC bus Name (A8) -> Converter ac bus name C - AC bus kV (F4.0) -> Converter ac bus kV base C - C (I1) -> Circuit number C - Gr (A3) -> Group C - Z (A2) -> Zone C - N (I2) -> Number of converter bridges C - Xc (F5.3) -> Commutation reactance in Ohms C - Rat (F5.4) -> Nominal voltage ratio of transformer C - Tstp (F5.3) -> Tap steps in % C - Tmin (F5.3) -> Min. tap in p.u. C - Tmax (F5.3) -> Max. tap in p.u. C - Amn (F4.1) -> Min. alpha C - Amx (F4.1) -> Max. alpha C - Gmn (F4.1) -> Min. gamma C - Imx (F4.1) -> Max. current in amps. C C******************************************************************************* C

C DC BUS CONTROL DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C C|Mod|Set Points T C |Name_1 |Name_2 |AC bus |kV ||1|2| 1 | 2 | BZ CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C DC Bus Control Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "BZ" C - Name_1 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 1 name C - Name_2 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 2 name C - AC bus Name (A8) -> Converter ac bus name C - AC bus kV (F4.0) -> Converter ac bus kV base C - C (I1) -> Circuit number C - Mod 1 & 2 (2A2) -> Converter control modes: ID=current; AL=alpha; GA=gamma; C VD=Voltage; PA=P_power; QA=Q_power C - Set Points (2F5.2)-> Control mode values: A, kV, MW, Mvar, or deg. C - T (A1) -> Type: R=rectifier; I=inverter C C******************************************************************************* C C DC LINE DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C C C |Name_1 |Name_2 ||Gr|Z|Ow|R ohm|L mH|C uF|Imax | LD CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C DC Line Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "BD" C - Name_1 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 1 name C - Name_2 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 2 name C - C (I1) -> Circuit number C - Gr (A3) -> Group C - Z (A2) -> Zone C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - R (F6.2) -> Resistance in Ohms C - L (F6.2) -> Inductance in mH (optional) C - C (F6.2) -> Capacitance in uF (optional) C - Imax (F6.1) -> Max. current in amps. (optional) C C******************************************************************************* C C SOLUTION CONTROL CARD C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C |Max| |SLACK BUS | C |Itr| |Name |kV| |Angle | SOL CARD FOLLOWS THIS FORMAT C C Solution control card:

C - Max Itr (I5) -> Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iteration C - Name (A8) -> Name of the slack bus C - kV (F4.0) -> kV base for slack bus C - Angle (F10.4) -> Reference angle for slack bus in degrees C C******************************************************************************* C C Finish system data with ZZ card ZZ C C******************************************************************************* C C Finish data file with END card END


FACTS Formats

The input data formats for FACTS controllers were chosen based on the models described in C. A. Caizares, "Modeling of TCR and VSI Based FACTS Controllers," Internal Report, ENEL and Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, September, 1999. The FACTS "input data" cards described below follow the ac input data cards in the IEEE format and should be placed before the END OF DATA card. For the WSCC format, they can be placed anywhere between the BAS and END data cards (see the 173-bus ac/dc/FACTS example).
C C Comment cards start with "C". C C Format of input data: C A -> Alphanumeric (no special characters) C I -> Integer (left justified) C F -> Floating point (right justified) C C******************************************************************************* C C SVC DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C C |Ow|Bus1 |kV1 |Bus2 |kV2|Xc |Xl |am|aM|s|MVA|Vrf|kV |Xth |al FS CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C SVC Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "FS" (F for FACTS, S for SVC). C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Bus1 (A8) -> System bus where SVC is connected. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> Bus 1 kV base. C - Bus2 (A8) -> System bus that SVC controls. C - kV2 (F4.0) -> Bus 2 kV base. C - Xc (F8.7) -> Per unit SVC capacitive X w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. C - Xl (F8.7) -> Per unit SVC inductive X w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. C - am (F3.0) -> Minimum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - aM (F3.0) -> Maximum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - s (F2.0) -> SVC control slope in % w.r.t. to MVA and kV1 base.
# $

FACTS FACTS Format K Input Format; FACTS Format; FACTS Data + PFLOWWIN:014

C - MVA (F4.0) -> SVC maximum rating in MVAr (capacitive). C - Vrf (F4.3) -> p.u. reference control voltage. C - kV (F4.0) -> Low kV side of step-down transformer (optional). C - Xth (F8.7) -> Step-down transformer reactance in p.u. w.r.t. to SVC MVA C rating and kV1 (optional). C - al (F5.1) -> Initial value of firing angle in degrees (optional). C C******************************************************************************* C C TCSC DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M C |Bus1 |kV1 |Bus2 |kV2|Xc |Xl |am|aM|cont ||MVA|al |M1 | FC CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C TCSC Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "FC" (F for FACTS, C for TCSC). C - Bus1 (A8) -> Sending bus where TCSC is connected. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> Bus 1 kV base. C - Bus2 (A8) -> Receiving bus where TCSC is connected. C - kV2 (F4.0) -> Bus 2 kV base. C - Xc (F8.7) -> Per unit TCSC capacitive X w.r.t MVA and kV1 base. C - Xl (F8.7) -> Per unit TCSC inductive X w.r.t MVA and kV1 base. C - am (F3.0) -> Minimum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - aM (F3.0) -> Maximum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - cont (F8.3)-> TCSC control value: % of X; MW for P; KA for I; degrees for D. C - Mode (A1) -> Control mode: X for reactance; P for power; I for current; C D for angle. C - MVA (F4.0) -> TCSC rating in MVA. Defaults to MVA system base. C - al (F5.1) -> Initial value of firing angle in degrees (optional). C - M1 (F4.0) -> Needed for determining series line reactance for % X C control: M1=Xc/Xline. C C******************************************************************************* C C STATCOM DATA C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M C |Ow|Bus1 |kV1 |Bus2 |kV2|R |X |Gc |Im |IM |s |MVA |Vrf||Con FT CARDS FOLLOW THIS FORMAT C C STATCOM Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "FT" (F for FACTS, T for STATCOM). C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Bus1 (A8) -> System bus where STATCOM is connected. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> Bus 1 kV base. C - Bus2 (A8) -> System bus that STATCOM controls. C - kV2 (F4.0) -> Bus 2 kV base. C - R (F6.0) -> AC R in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. C - X (F6.5) -> AC X in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base.


- Gc (F6.5)

-> DC G in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and a kVdc base defined by the secondary side of the STATCOM transformer(s). - Im (F6.4) -> Max. capacitive current (Imin>0) in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. - IM (F6.4) -> Max. inductive current (Imax>0) in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. - s (F3.0) -> AC voltage control slope in % w.r.t. to MVA and kV1 base. - MVA (F5.0) -> Rating in MVA (defaults to the system base). - Vrf (F4.3) -> AC reference voltage in p.u. w.r.t. kV1 base. - M (A1) -> Control mode: W for PWM control (default); P for phase control. - Con (F6.5) -> Control variable value: - k constant for phase control (defaults to a value of 0.9 for a 12 pulse VSI if no value is given). - DC reference voltage for PWM control in p.u. w.r.t. a kVdc base (defaults to 1 p.u.).


Clear Open Save Save As Edit Exit Alt+F4 F10 F2 F3 Clears the window screen Opens a log (ASCII) file and loads it into the window screen Saves the window screen into a log file Saves the window screen into a new log file Edit input data using Notepad/WordPad Exit UWPflow



Command Line


Defines UWPflow's options Executes UWPflow with the options defined above Run a batch/script file and/or define the input data directory Show help window UWPflow program authorship

Run UWPflow


Batch/Script File





About UWPflow

# $

MENU Menu K Menu description + PFLOWWIN:015


Clear Screen Open a log file Saves screen in log file Clear Screen Edit input data using Notepad/WordPad Define command line options and run program Run UWPflow using defined options Run a batch/script file and/or define the input data directory About UWPflow Help

# $

TOOLBAR Toolbar K Toolbar description + PFLOWWIN:020


Define UWPflow's command line options. Equivalent to pressing the toolbar button .

Left button:

Right button:

Saves screen into log file. Equivalent to pressing the toolbar button .

# $

MOUSE Mouse K Mouse buttons + PFLOWWIN:025


173 Bus AC-DC-FACTS Test System


To run this case open the batch/script file 173sys.bat using

This tutorial briefly illustrates several possible applications of the program 'uwpflow', including the options and files needed to run different cases for an ac/dc/FACTS system in WSCC (EPRI) format. 1. Run a standard ac/dc/FACTS power flow and write in ASCII the output file '173sys.pf0'. Also create the IEEE Common Format file '' with the final solution (-W option), and write the Jacobian (-j option) in '173sys.jac' with the corresponding mismatch and solution vectors in '173sys.mis' and '173sys.var', respectively:
uwpflow 173sys.wsc 173sys.pf0 -j173sys

Observe that the IEEE Common Format file created, '', has the HVDC and FACTS data in the same format as the original input file '173sys.wsc'. However, the generator maximum power information is not available in the IEEE format. The Jacobian can be transformed into MATLAB matrix format using the AWK filter 'tomatlab', i.e.,
tomatlab 173sys.jac sysjac.m

The MATLAB data is stored in this case in the output file 'sysjac.m'. 2. Run a power flow with a load increase of 0.03 (-L option). For this study one needs the generation and load direction information in the file '173sys.k' (-K option). Notice that this example illustrates the use of a distributed slack
# $

173 173 ac-dc-FACTS sample system (173sys.bat) K 173 Bus System; Demos; 173sys.bat + PFLOWWIN:030

bus to solve the power flow problem. The IEEE Common Format file created in the previous run, '', is used as the input data in this case (-I option). Also, the right and left eigenvectors of the smallest eigenvalue of the system Jacobian are stored in the files '173sys.v' (-Y option) and '173sys.w' (-y option), respectively. The ASCII output is stored in the file '173sys.pf1'.
uwpflow -I 173sys.pf1 -L0.03 -K173sys.k -Y173sys.v -y173sys.w

The maximum normalized entries in '173sys.v' and '173sys.w' can then be obtained by running 'maxim', e.g.,
maxim 173sys.w

For on-line help on 'maxim' type: maxim -h 3. Run a continuation power flow (-c option). To do this the generation and load direction information stored in file '173sys.k' is needed (-K option). The last solution point is written in ASCII in the output file '173sys.pf2', and the log information is stored in the file '173sys.lg1' (-l option). The tracing of the bifurcation diagram is stopped after the bifurcation point at 0.8 of the maximum value of the loading factor (-S option):
uwpflow 173sys.wsc -K173sys.k -c 173sys.pf2 -l173sys.lg1 -S0.8

4. Run another continuation power flow (-c option), similar to the previous case 3, but ignoring maximum active power generation limits (-X option). The log information is stored in the file '173sys.lg2' (-l option), and the tracing of the bifurcation diagram is again stopped after the bifurcation point at 0.8 of the maximum value of the loading factor (-S option). Also, in this case the ASCII output is suppressed (-s option).
uwpflow 173sys.wsc -K173sys.k -c -X -s -l173sys.lg2 -S0.8

5. Run a parameterized continuation power flow (-H option); once again the direction file '173sys.k' is needed (-K option). In this example the final ASCII output is suppressed (-s option), and the convergence information is stored in the log file '173sys.lg3' (-l option). The nose curve information is stored

in the file 'sysvp.m' in MATLAB format (-m option). All ac limits are turned off (-n option), and the -e option is used to print out some HVDC variable information. Finally, the option -k is used to reduce the step size in the continuation method, i.e., obtain more points in the bifurcation diagram, and the -S option is used to stop the continuation process after the maximum loading point is reached. The computation takes a couple of minutes, please wait....
uwpflow 173sys.wsc -K173sys.k -Hsysvp.m -m -n -l173sys.lg3 -s -k0.5 -e -S0.9

6. Similar to examples 3, 4 and 5, but in this case the system load is modeled as a nonlinear function of the voltage, i.e., Pl = Pn*V^a + Pz*V^2 Ql = Qn*V^b + Qz*V^2 The -D option is used in this case to define the values of Pn, Qn, Pz, Qz, a, and b stored in OH (SMMS) format in '173sys.oh'. In this case, several voltage stability indices (SF, VSF, TV) are printed out (-f option), together with the voltages and angles of the busses defined in '173sys.vp' (-i option).
uwpflow 173sys.wsc -K173sys.k -c -l173sys.lg4 -s -D173sys.oh -i173sys.vp -f -S0.8

7. This example shows the use of the program to obtain a bifurcation manifold using a detailed generator steady state model, which considers Ra, Xd, Xq, and stator and rotor limits (in Ia and Eq). The generator data is read from the file '173sys.gen' using the -3 option. Once more, the generation and load direction defined in '173sys.k' are needed (-K option), and the convergence information is stored in the file '173sys.lg5' using the -l option. The options -i and -e are used to obtain the desired output. This example also shows some convergence difficulties due to the lack of adequate initial guesses for the internal generator variables (this problem can be significantly reduced by using an IEEE Common Format input file; however, be aware that PgMax information must be defined then in the 'K' file).
uwpflow 173sys.wsc -K173sys.k -3173sys.gen -c -i173sys.vp -e -s -l173sys.lg5

8. Finally, this example depicts how to use the program to find the exact bifurcation point using a direct method (-C option). Again, the generation and load direction defined in '173sys.k' are needed (-K option). The right eigenvector at the bifurcation point is written in the file '173sys.lft', and the bifurcation point is stored in IEEE Common Format in '173sys.poc' (-W option). For the program to converge to the desired solution, an initial solution close to the bifurcation point is needed, thus the -L option is used here to move the system closer to the singularity point detected in case 7. Hence, the -3 option is used again to read the steady state generator data stored in file '173sys.gen'. Once more, observe the convergence difficulties due to the lack of good initial guesses for the internal generator variables.
uwpflow 173sys.wsc -K173sys.k -C173sys.lft -s -W173sys.poc -L0.05 -3173sys.gen

The maximum normalized entries in '173sys.lft' can then be obtained by running 'maxim'.


IEEE 300 Bus Test System


To run this case open the batch/script file ieee300.bat using

This tutorial briefly illustrates several possible applications of the program 'uwpflow', including the options and files needed to run the different test cases. An on-line description of the program and all its options is available by running:
uwpflow -h

In all cases the -I option (input data in IEEE Common Format) are used, since the input data is in IEEE Common Format. 1. Run a standard power flow and write ASCII output in the output 'ieee300.pf0' (output redirection is optional):
uwpflow -I >ieee300.pf0


2. Run a standard power flow suppressing the ASCII output (-s option), and write convergence information in the log file 'ieee300.lg0' (-l option):
uwpflow -I -s -lieee300.lg0

3. Run a standard power flow suppressing ASCII output (-s option), and write the solution in TAPE IEEE Common Format in the file 'ieee300.tap' (-W option):
uwpflow -I -s -Wieee300.tap

4. Run a standard power flow suppressing ASCII output (-s option), and write Jacobian information (-j option) in the files 'ieee300.jac' (Jacobian),
# $

300 IEEE 300 bus sample system (ieee300.bat) K 300 Bus System; Demos; ieee300.bat + PFLOWWIN:035

'ieee300.var' (variables, i.e., V's, P's, Q's, etc.), and 'ieee300.mis' (mismatches, i.e., deltaP's, deltaQ's, etc.):
uwpflow -I -s -jieee300

The Jacobian can be transformed to MATLAB matrix format using the AWK filter 'tomatlab', i.e.,
tomatlab ieee300.jac ieeejac.m

The file 'ieeejac.m' contains the Jacobian matrix in MATLAB format to be used directly by this program. 5. Run a power flow with a distributed slack bus by using the generation direction information defined in the file 'ieee300.k' (-K option), and write the results in the output file 'ieee300.pf1':
uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k ieee300.pf1

6. Run a power flow with a load increase of 0.01 p.u. (-L option). For this study one needs the generation and load direction information in the file 'ieee300.k' (-K option). In this example the program is forced to use only one slack bus by using the -x option. The results are written in CARD IEEE Common Format in the file 'ieee300.crd', and the option -Y and -y are used to write the right and left e-vectors associated to the smallest Jacobian eigenvalue in the files 'ieee300.v' and 'ieee300.w', respectively:
uwpflow -I -L0.01 -x -Kieee300.k -wieee300.crd -s -Yieee300.v yieee300.w

7. Run a continuation power flow (-c option). To do this the generation and load direction information in the file 'ieee300.k' is needed (-K option). An approximation of the right eigenvector at the bifurcation point is written in the file 'ieee300.rgt' (-E option). The solution information is logged into the file 'ieee300.lg1' (-l option), and the final output is suppressed using the -s option. The -N option is used to turn off all system controls:
uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k -c -N -Eieee300.rgt -s -lieee300.lg1

The maximum entries in 'ieee300.rgt' can then be obtained by running 'maxim', e.g.,
maxim ieee300.rgt

For on-line help on 'maxim' type: maxim -h 8. Run a continuation power flow (-c option) similar to case 7. Hence, the generation and load direction information in the file 'ieee300.k' is needed (-K option). However, in this example the continuation process is stopped after 5 steps (-z option), and the corresponding tangent vector at that point is written in the file '' (-Z option). The final output is suppressed using the -s option.
uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k -c -s -z5

The maximum entries in '' can then be obtained by running 'maxim'. 9. Run a continuation power flow similar to case 7, but now the -0 option is used to generate a series of MATLAB files ('sys*.m') that are used to compute several voltage stability indices, namely, eigenvalues, singular values, test functions, and reduced determinants. The solution information is logged in the same file 'ieee300.lg2':
uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k -c -N -s -lieee300.lg2 -0sys

One of the MATLAB files created is 'sys.m', which can be used to compute and plot the desired indices together with the generated file 'inviter.m'. 10. Run a parameterized continuation power flow (-H option); once again the direction file 'ieee300.k' is needed (-K option). In this example the final ASCII output is stored in 'ieee300.pf3', and the convergence information is stored in 'ieee300.lg3' (-l option). The -S option stops the program after the maximum loading point is computed, at about 80 % of the maximum value. The file 'ieee300.vp' is used to define the desired output busses for the voltage profiles (-i option).

uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k -H -lieee300.lg3 -S0.8 ieee300.pf3 -iieee300.vp

11. Similar to examples 7 and 8, but in this case the nose curve and Transient Energy Function (TEF) information are stored in the file 'ieeevp.m' in MATLAB format (-m and -O options). All limits are turned off (-n option), so that the TEF can be correctly processed in MATLAB (read program BUGS in README.TXT). The option -k is used to reduce the step size in the continuation method, so that more points on the bifurcation diagram can be computed. The computation takes a couple of minutes, please wait....
uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k -cieeevp.m -m -O -n -lieee300.lg4 -s -k0.5

The program generates the required MATLAB '*.m' files needed in this case to run 'ieeevp.m' in MATLAB. 12. Finally, this example depicts how to use the program to find the exact bifurcation point detected above (case 11) using a direct method (-C option). Again, the generation and load direction defined in 'ieee300.k' are needed (K option); system limits are also turned off using the -n option. The right eigenvector at the bifurcation point is written in the file 'ieee300.lft', and the bifurcation point is stored in TAPE IEEE Common Format in 'ieee300.poc' (W option). For the program to converge, an initial solution close to the bifurcation point is needed, thus the -L option is used here to move the system closer to the singularity point; however, observe the slow convergence as the system is not close enough to the desired solution point.
uwpflow -I -Kieee300.k -Cieee300.lft -s -Wieee300.poc -L0.3 -n

The maximum entries in 'ieee300.lft' can then be obtained by running 'maxim'.


173 Bus AC-DC-FACTS Test System Data

C 173 BUS AC/DC/FACTS TEST SYSTEM: C WSCC data file C C Case Title (3 A8 lines) HDG 173 BUS AC/DC/FACTS SYSTEM WSCC/ETMSP DATA FORMAT NOVEMBER 1999 BAS C C C System Data C C AC BUSSES C C Bus Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "B " -> PQ load bus C "BQ" -> PV generator bus with Q limits C "BE" -> PV generator bus with no Q limits C "BV" -> PQ generator bus with V limits C "BG" -> PQ generator bus with Q limits controlling voltage on C a remote PV load bus C "BC" -> PV load bus with remote voltage control C "BT" -> PQ load bus with voltage controlled by LTC transformer C "BS" -> Swing bus C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name (A8) -> Bus Name C - kV (F4.0) -> Bus kV base C - Z (2A) -> Zone C - PL (F5.0) -> P load in MW C - QL (F5.0) -> Q load in MVars C - SHUNT (2F4.0) -> MW and MVars shunts (+ for Capacitors) C - PM (F4.0) -> Max. generator P power in MW C - P (F5.0) -> generator P power in MW C - QM (F5.0) -> Max. generator Q power in MVars (not needed for "BE" C PV bus types) C - Qm (F5.0) -> Min. generator Q power in MVars (not needed for "BE" C PV bus types) C - Vpu (F4.3)-> PV desired voltage magnitude in p.u. (max. voltage for C "BV" PV bus type) C - Vm (F4.3) -> Min. voltage for "BV" PV bus type.
# $

173WSCC 173 ac-dc-FACTS sample system input data 173 Bus System Data; WSCC Format Example; DC Input Data Example; FACTS Input Data Example; 173sys.wsc + PFLOWWIN:040

C - Remote Name (A8) -> Remote controlled bus name for "BG" type bus. C - Remote kV (F4.0) -> Remote controlled bus kV for "BG" type bus. C - Remote %Q (I3) -> Percentage of Q of remote bus control for "BG" type bus. C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C | SHUNT | |REMOTE BUS C |Ow|Name |kV |Z|PL |QL |MW |Mva|PM |P |QM |Qm |Vpu|Vm |Name |kV |%Q B BUS_1 345 1750.-56.0 BQ BUS_2 20.0 1000700.0300.0-300.1040 B BUS_3 345 2350.-127. BQ BUS_4 22.0 1200998.0400.0-400..950 B BUS_5 500 -113 B BUS_6 345 239. -56.0 -155 BQ BUS_7 22.0 2060.700.0-500.1.00 B BUS_8 230 139.723.8 BQ BUS_9 20.0 30002000.900.0-900..980 B BUS_10 500 90.0070.00 -190 BQ BUS_11 26.0 16001590.700.0-280.1000 B BUS_12 500 -391 BQ BUS_13 24.0 25402540.1300.-900..960 B BUS_14 500 793.4 207. -146 B BUS_15 345 840. 5.0 BQ BUS_16 22.0 1000862.0300.0-300.1050 B BUS_17 500 617. -69.0 -427 B BUS_19 500 B BUS_20 500 B BUS_21 500 B BUS_22 500 B BUS_23 500 B BUS_24 500 B BUS_25 500 B BUS_26 500 B BUS_28 500 B BUS_29 500 BQ BUS_30 20.0 79004400.4000.-40001000 B BUS_31 500 44001000. 0. B BUS_32 500 B BUS_33 230 B BUS_34 230 3600 700. 0. BQ BUS_35 20.0 50004600.5320.-35001020 BQ BUS_36 22 20001590.600.0-525.1009 B BUS_37 500 912. B BUS_38 500 B BUS_39 230 BQ BUS_40 18.0 424.-400.268.0-134.1020 B BUS_41 230 135.027.00 B BUS_42 230 BQ BUS_43 18.0 460.160.0300.0-220.1000 B BUS_44 345 52.5-32.9 430. BQ BUS_45 26.0 20001680.850.0-440.1050 B BUS_46 230 -72.8-17. BQ BUS_47 11.5 113.110.0100.0-100.1020 B BUS_48 230 121. 25.00


BUS_49 BUS_50 BUS_51 BUS_52 BUS_53 BUS_54 BUS_55 BUS_56 BUS_57 BUS_58 BUS_59 BUS_60 BUS_61 BUS_62 BUS_63 BUS_64 BUS_65 BUS_66 BUS_67 BUS_68 BUS_69 BUS_70 BUS_71 BUS_72 BUS_73 BUS_74 BUS_75 BUS_76 BUS_77 BUS_78 BUS_79 BUS_80 BUS_81 BUS_82 BUS_83 BUS_84 BUS_85 BUS_86 BUS_87 BUS_88 BUS_89 BUS_90 BUS_91 BUS_92 BUS_93 BUS_94 BUS_95 BUS_96 BUS_97 BUS_98 BUS_99 BUS_100 BUS_101 BUS_102

500 230 138 287 287 230 230 500 230 230 230 230 230 230 287 500 20.0 500 115 230 500 13.8 230 500 500 13.8 500 20.0 500 500 500 500 500 345 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 500 25.0 500 200

-80. 320.065.00 237.2-63.2 138.028.00 907.8132.1 117.024.00 121.025.00 987.7 -6.2 200 401. 80.6 205.217.6 -129. 32.2 1700. 300. 160.031.25 -67.5160.0 -44.222.00 -108 3100 28601500.-10001000 1000 1035 83.6 1043 0. 15001201.692.0-711.1055 3200.1100. 3500.500.0 5000.400.0 -66.6 -97. -339.-119. 610. -414. 792. 462. 1200 550. 99999900.5780.-20001000 1200 -220 -674 -110 -220 -870 1085 60004045.2649.-18501000

-43.3 20.0 210.4 -77. 50.0025.00 1180600.0330.0-310.0.98 305. -7.6 27.50 -0.1 -91.


BUS_103 BUS_104 BUS_105 BUS_106 BUS_107 BUS_108 BUS_109 BUS_110 BUS_111 BUS_112 BUS_113 BUS_114 BUS_115 BUS_116 BUS_117 BUS_118 BUS_119 BUS_120 BUS_121 BUS_122 BUS_123 BUS_124 BUS_126 BUS_127 BUS_128 BUS_129 BUS_130 BUS_131 BUS_132 BUS_133 BUS_27 BUS_134 BUS_135 BUS_136 BUS_137 BUS_138 BUS_139 BUS_140 BUS_141 BUS_142 BUS_143 BUS_144 BUS_145 BUS_146 BUS_147 BUS_148 BUS_149 BUS_150 BUS_151 BUS_152 BUS_153 BUS_18 BUS_154 BUS_155

200 500 200 500 20.0 200 500 500 20.0 200 20.0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 230 20.0 500 20.0 230 500 230 20.0 500 230 500 22.0 20.0 230 500 500 500 230 345 345 230 345 20.0 345 230 20.0

8.010 55.6 -329. 777.6 32.6 -189.61.5 148. -0.7 118.5 884. 54.8 5661.3491.

-327 -130 1500957. 400. -400.1.02 -128 -91. -91. 454. 300. -300.1.05 -32. 3367.2500.-10001000 1500

856. 19.6 175. 18.0 882.7300. -300.1.02 902.3-11.4 3191. 630. 204.2-28.2 377.464.5 1570.900.0-400.1.05 3098.1189. 400. -196 15801580.700.0-300.1050 2100.600. -600.1010 3118.78.0 1230. 72.8 406. 41.0 1066.-10.8 457.7 81.7 33.9 11.9 148. -7.9 116.1 38.4 -62. 12.8 255. 100. 370.09999.-99991.00 -190 -60. -220 1590.9999.-99991.05 -319 3055.2000.-900.1.02

B BUS_156 345 B BUS_157 345 31.6 11.5 -18. B BUS_158 345 141.271.4 B BUS_159 345 379. -43. -50. B BUS_160 345 185. 78.5 B BUS_161 500 B BUS_162 500 B BUS_163 500 B BUS_164 500 B BUS_165 500 B BUS_166 500 B BUS_167 500 B BUS_168 500 B BUS_169 500 B BUS_170 500 B BUS_171 500 B BUS_172 500 B BUS_173 500 -220 C C******************************************************************************* C C AC LINES C C Line Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "L " C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name_1 (A8) -> Name of sending bus C - kV1 (F4.0) -> kV base for sending bus C - M (I1) -> Metered bus for flow interchange C - Name_2 (A8) -> Name of receiving bus C - kV2 (F4.0) -> kV base for receiving bus C - C (I1) -> Circuit ID C - S (I1) -> Section number C - In (F4.0) -> Rated Amps. C - N (I1) -> Circuit number C - R (F6.5) -> p.u. series R of PI equivalent C - X (F6.5) -> p.u. series X of PI equivalent C - G/2 (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt G/2 of PI equivalent C - B/2 (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt B/2 of PI equivalent C - Mil (F4.1) -> Length in miles C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M CS N C |Ow|Name_1 |kV1||Name_2 |kV2|||In || R | X | G/2 | B/2 |Mil| L BUS_3 345 BUS_18 3451 .00811.13690 1.2174 L BUS_6 345 BUS_1 3451 .00179.01988 1.2880 L BUS_6 345 BUS_15 3451 .0005 .00530 .04410 L BUS_15 345 BUS_3 3451 .00977.11000 1.0000 L BUS_10 500 BUS_19 5001 -00634 L BUS_19 500 BUS_20 5001 .00077.01804 .69921 L BUS_20 500 BUS_12 5001 -00634 L BUS_10 500 BUS_21 5001 -01188 L BUS_21 500 BUS_22 5001 .00241.05865 243280


BUS_22 BUS_12 BUS_23 BUS_24 BUS_12 BUS_25 BUS_26 BUS_14 BUS_14 BUS_5 BUS_28 BUS_29 BUS_31 BUS_33 BUS_52 BUS_53 BUS_55 BUS_55 BUS_55 BUS_57 BUS_57 BUS_57 BUS_57 BUS_62 BUS_64 BUS_41 BUS_37 BUS_37 BUS_37 BUS_37 BUS_42 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_50 BUS_50 BUS_50 BUS_50 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_39 BUS_39 BUS_39 BUS_39 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_48 BUS_75 BUS_75 BUS_77

500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 230 287 287 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 500 230 500 500 500 500 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 500 500 500

BUS_17 BUS_23 BUS_24 BUS_17 BUS_25 BUS_26 BUS_27 BUS_17 BUS_17 BUS_28 BUS_29 BUS_12 BUS_32 BUS_34 BUS_63 BUS_63 BUS_41 BUS_58 BUS_58 BUS_42 BUS_54 BUS_54 BUS_58 BUS_55 BUS_49 BUS_58 BUS_38 BUS_56 BUS_64 BUS_64 BUS_58 BUS_62 BUS_62 BUS_42 BUS_42 BUS_57 BUS_58 BUS_55 BUS_55 BUS_46 BUS_48 BUS_59 BUS_60 BUS_46 BUS_59 BUS_59 BUS_59 BUS_59 BUS_60 BUS_60 BUS_60 BUS_73 BUS_73 BUS_75

5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5002 5001 5001 5001 5001 2301 2871 2871 2301 2301 2302 2301 2301 2302 2301 2301 5001 2301 5001 5001 5001 5002 2301 2301 2302 2301 2302 2301 2301 2301 2302 2301 2301 2301 2301 2301 2301 2302 2303 2304 2301 2302 2303 5001 5002 5001

-01188 -00826 .00179.04244 -00826 -01795 .00207.04959 -01795 .00040.00960 .00040.00960 -00408 .00177.04189 -00612 .0035 .07000 .0020 .02000 .01070.07905 .01070.07905 .00047.00723 .00119.01244 .00119.01244 .00201.03074 .00073.01025 .00073.01025 .00110.01189 .00128.00979 .00083.01884 .00035.00536 .00074.01861 .00082.01668 .00159 .00159 .00281.04296 .00138.01116 .00138.01116 .00220.03422 .00238.03669 .00037.00366 .00055.00586 .00229.01583 .00229.01583 .00221.03346 .00290.03800 .00309.04677 .00226.03422 .00029.00434 .00141.00967 .00141.00967 .00161.00971 .00161.00971 .00027.00393 .00027.00393 .00027.00393 .00120.02316 .00030.02000 .00020.00820

169610 197580 .45190 .45190 167230 2.303 .4000 .18335 .18335 .00812 .01399 .01399 .03443 .01279 .01279 .01257 .01060 .83334 .00602 .70132 .59401 .06001 .06001 .04824 .01235 .01235 .03858 .04142 .00415 .00623 .01530 .01530 .03669 .04120 .05040 .03753 .00475 .00970 .00970 .00964 .00964 .00459 .00459 .00459 .8576 1.800 .6500


BUS_77 BUS_68 BUS_68 BUS_69 BUS_69 BUS_69 BUS_69 BUS_79 BUS_79 BUS_79 BUS_79 BUS_84 BUS_85 BUS_80 BUS_86 BUS_87 BUS_79 BUS_88 BUS_89 BUS_90 BUS_91 BUS_79 BUS_92 BUS_93 BUS_94 BUS_95 BUS_78 BUS_96 BUS_106 BUS_115 BUS_116 BUS_117 BUS_118 BUS_109 BUS_119 BUS_120 BUS_109 BUS_121 BUS_122 BUS_110 BUS_123 BUS_124 BUS_110 BUS_98 BUS_98 BUS_98 BUS_98 BUS_98 BUS_97 BUS_98 BUS_102 BUS_98 BUS_103 BUS_114

500 230 230 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 500

BUS_75 BUS_71 BUS_71 BUS_72 BUS_72 BUS_73 BUS_73 BUS_73 BUS_73 BUS_73 BUS_84 BUS_85 BUS_83 BUS_86 BUS_87 BUS_83 BUS_88 BUS_89 BUS_90 BUS_91 BUS_80 BUS_92 BUS_93 BUS_94 BUS_95 BUS_80 BUS_96 BUS_81 BUS_115 BUS_116 BUS_117 BUS_118 BUS_114 BUS_119 BUS_120 BUS_110 BUS_121 BUS_122 BUS_110 BUS_123 BUS_124 BUS_114 BUS_126 BUS_108 BUS_108 BUS_108 BUS_112 BUS_97 BUS_112 BUS_102 BUS_112 BUS_103 BUS_112 BUS_127

5002 2301 2302 5001 5002 5001 5002 5001 5002 5003 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 2001 2002 2003 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 5001

3020 3020 3450 3450 2175 2175 3450 3020 3020 3450 2000 3450 3600 2000 3600 3020 2400 3020 2400 3020 3020 2000 3020 2000 3020 3600 1732 2667 2894 2667 2894 2667 1800 2396 1800 1800 2396 1800 2667 2450 2667 2450 752. 602. 752. 747. 838. 838. 747. 747. 838. 838.

.00020.00820 .00006.00131 .00006.00116 .00001.00030 .00001.00030 .00023.00451 .00020.00446 .00063.01412 .00109.02408 .00108.02409 .00041.00737 -01263 .00060.01036 .00072.01382 -00858 .00012.00238 .00066.01266 -01263 .00074.01428 -01263 .00078.01502 .00066.01266 -01263 .00074.01428 -01263 .00074.01413 .00264.05356 -02667 -01000 .00076.01952 -01000 .00082.02119 -01000 .00002-00998 .00140.02338 .00001-00666 .00002-00998 .00140.02338 .00001-00666 .00001-01120 .00154.03409 .00001-01120 .00095.02102 .01113.06678 .01050.06540 .01105.06642 .03903.27403 .02482.16938 .0148 .10101 .01382.09268 .03058.20460 .01668.11381 .02235.16106 .00001-00755

.6500 .00189 .00166 .00717 .00922 .16660 .15250 .54878 .77771 .77674 .36347 .50728 .63786 .10963 .47988 .5411 .56905 .47988 .5411 .53317 264533 .91225 .99210 .73750 .73750 115570 .71260 .03643 .03430 .03580 .15536 .10116 .06033 .05530 .12236 .06804 .09171


BUS_127 BUS_128 BUS_114 BUS_129 BUS_101 BUS_130 BUS_101 BUS_99 BUS_99 BUS_136 BUS_136 BUS_136 BUS_27 BUS_141 BUS_131 BUS_136 BUS_139 BUS_145 BUS_136 BUS_136 BUS_144 BUS_144 BUS_132 BUS_132 BUS_135 BUS_148 BUS_140 BUS_150 BUS_149 BUS_150 BUS_149 BUS_149 BUS_152 BUS_149 BUS_149 BUS_149 BUS_152 BUS_152 BUS_18 BUS_18 BUS_151 BUS_152 BUS_31 BUS_75 BUS_80 BUS_161 BUS_162 BUS_80 BUS_163 BUS_164 BUS_80 BUS_165 BUS_166 BUS_104

500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 230 345 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

BUS_128 BUS_104 BUS_129 BUS_101 BUS_130 BUS_104 BUS_99 BUS_104 BUS_104 BUS_147 BUS_147 BUS_141 BUS_136 BUS_27 BUS_146 BUS_145 BUS_145 BUS_146 BUS_139 BUS_139 BUS_148 BUS_148 BUS_137 BUS_144 BUS_137 BUS_137 BUS_137 BUS_160 BUS_160 BUS_149 BUS_18 BUS_18 BUS_157 BUS_152 BUS_152 BUS_158 BUS_159 BUS_159 BUS_159 BUS_159 BUS_154 BUS_158 BUS_77 BUS_66 BUS_161 BUS_162 BUS_109 BUS_163 BUS_164 BUS_109 BUS_165 BUS_166 BUS_106 BUS_167

5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5002 5001 5002 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5002 2301 2302 2301 2301 2301 2301 2301 3451 3451 3451 3451 3452 3451 3451 3452 3451 3451 3452 3451 3452 2301 3451 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001 5001

2450 1800 2450 2450 2450 2450

3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 2320 2320 2320 1160 2320 2320 2320

1800 3020 1800 1800 3020 1800


.00165.05719 .00002-01331 .00001-01098 .00093.03644 .00072.01600 .00002-00998 .00079.01937 .00087.02087 .00087.02087 .00044.01125 .00044.01125 .00190.03100 .00193.02779 .00056.01415 .00042.00905 .00060.01280 .00021.00457 .00040.00930 .00028.00753 .00035.00750 .00285.03649 .00138.03399 .00190.02580 .00845.07034 .00110.01270 .00320.03950 .00138.05399 .00160.02260 .00080.01060 .00240.03320 .00170.02250 .00210.02380 .00960.08780 .00520.06020 .00490.05370 .00120.01720 .00340.03740 .00340.03720 .00380.03400 .00320.03490 .01080.09650 .00340.03920 83.02390 70.07400 -00720 .00103.02338 -00720 -00864 .00107.02470 -00720 -01000 .00103.03230 -01000 -00935

123870 .69475 .54395 .66425 .72855 .72855 .41460 .41460 207010 233560 .52145 .33397 .47310 .16168 .34280 .25868 .27680 .06328 .05626 .04920 .07977 .02400 .07200 .07626 .19050 .10195 .29245 .19960 .19225 .71325 .50500 .44215 .14935 .31040 .30910 .29120 .28610 .16480 .32620 1.650 2.435 .79020 .76350 139800

L BUS_167 500 BUS_168 5001 3600 .00123.02659 .99351 L BUS_168 500 BUS_147 5001 2134 -00935 L BUS_104 500 BUS_169 5001 2134 -00944 L BUS_169 500 BUS_170 5001 3600 .00123.02662 .99440 L BUS_170 500 BUS_147 5001 2134 -00935 L BUS_104 500 BUS_171 5001 2134 -00935 L BUS_171 500 BUS_172 5001 3600 .00112.02517 .91793 L BUS_172 500 BUS_147 5001 2100 -00840 L BUS_136 500 BUS_64 5001 .00020.00410 .14810 L BUS_27 500 BUS_64 5001 .00179.02524 .26773 L BUS_27 500 BUS_64 5002 .00179.02524 .26773 L BUS_144 230 BUS_61 2301 3070 .00065.01187 .02336 L BUS_144 230 BUS_61 2302 3070 .00065.01187 .02336 L BUS_132 230 BUS_61 2301 3070 .00140.02640 .05100 L BUS_10 500 BUS_27 5001 1630 .00280.02110 .50970 L BUS_14 500 BUS_131 5001 1800 .00259.02967 107650 L BUS_14 500 BUS_131 5002 1800 .00259.02967 107650 L BUS_78 500 BUS_173 5001 1732 -02667 L BUS_173 500 BUS_83 5001 3600 .00122.02373 110355 L BUS_150 345 BUS_82 3451 .00620.06730 .55780 L BUS_44 345 BUS_18 3451 .00180.02450 .21960 L BUS_44 345 BUS_18 3452 .00180.02450 .21960 L BUS_156 345 BUS_6 3451 .00480.04360 .35390 C C******************************************************************************* C C TRANSFORMERS C C Transformer Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "T " C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Name_1 (A8) -> Name of sending bus C - kV1 (F4.0) -> kV base for sending bus C - M (I1) -> Metered bus for flow interchange C - Name_2 (A8) -> Name of receiving bus C - kV2 (F4.0) -> kV base for receiving bus C - C (I1) -> Circuit ID C - S (I1) -> Section number C - Sn (F4.0) -> Rated MVA C - N (I1) -> Circuit number C - R (F6.5) -> p.u. series R of equivalent circuit C - X (F6.5) -> p.u. series X of equivalent circuit C - G (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt G of equivalent circuit C - B (F6.5) -> p.u. shunt B of equivalent circuit C - Tap1 (F5.2) -> kV tap for sending bus C - Tap2 (F5.2) -> kV tap for receiving bus C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M CS C |Ow|Name_1 |kV1||Name_2 |kV2|||Sn | R | X | G | B |Tap1|Tap2| T BUS_3 345 BUS_9 20.01 .01500 3450020.00 T BUS_14 500 BUS_13 24.01 3066 .00006.00539 5300023.00 T BUS_1 345 BUS_2 20.01 .01200 3550020.00


BUS_15 BUS_5 BUS_5 BUS_6 BUS_6 BUS_6 BUS_10 BUS_32 BUS_31 BUS_34 BUS_64 BUS_44 BUS_66 BUS_81 BUS_77 BUS_72 BUS_68 BUS_69 BUS_69 BUS_73 BUS_68 BUS_107 BUS_108 BUS_113 BUS_111 BUS_112 BUS_105 BUS_105 BUS_99 BUS_147 BUS_147 BUS_147 BUS_133 BUS_141 BUS_134 BUS_138 BUS_139 BUS_52 BUS_53 BUS_54 BUS_54 BUS_56 BUS_56 BUS_38 BUS_42 BUS_49 BUS_48 BUS_39 BUS_60 BUS_143 BUS_3 BUS_152 BUS_157 BUS_150

345 500 500 345 345 345 500 500 500 230 500 345 500 500 500 500 230 500 500 500 230 20.0 200 20.0 20.0 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 20.0 500 20.0 20.0 500 287 287 230 230 500 500 500 230 500 230 230 230 20.0 345 345 345 345

BUS_16 BUS_6 BUS_6 BUS_7 BUS_8 BUS_8 BUS_11 BUS_33 BUS_30 BUS_35 BUS_63 BUS_45 BUS_65 BUS_82 BUS_76 BUS_71 BUS_67 BUS_68 BUS_68 BUS_74 BUS_70 BUS_108 BUS_109 BUS_114 BUS_112 BUS_114 BUS_104 BUS_104 BUS_100 BUS_148 BUS_148 BUS_148 BUS_27 BUS_142 BUS_135 BUS_139 BUS_140 BUS_51 BUS_51 BUS_51 BUS_51 BUS_55 BUS_55 BUS_48 BUS_43 BUS_48 BUS_47 BUS_40 BUS_61 BUS_144 BUS_4 BUS_153 BUS_156 BUS_151

22.01 3451 3452 22.01 2301 2302 26.01 2301 20.01 20.01 2871 26.01 20.01 3451 20.01 2301 1151 2301 2302 13.81 13.81 2001 5001 5001 2001 5001 5001 5002 25.01 2301 2302 2303 5001 22.01 2301 5001 2301 1381 1381 1381 1382 2301 2302 2301 18.01 2301 11.51 18.01 2301 2301 22.01 20.01 3451 2301

3000 430. 430. 2000

1500 2500 250. 1008 1300 5000 2000 840. 1120 840. 1120 1120 1120 1120

.00600 .01100 .01100 .00000.00590 .00028.01380 .00029.01390 .00666 .01000 .00150 .00200 .00020.02330 .00000.00520 500 .00720 .00250 .00200 .00085.02845 .00018.01071 .00008.00667 .00410 .01130 .0192 .00009.01578 .004 .015 .00018.01134 .00027.01578 .00018.01079 .00000.00980 .01149 .01149 .01149 .015 .00980 .0035 .005 .005 .00059.01491 .00059.01491 .00030.01330 .00030.01340 .00013.01386 .00013.01386 .00013.00693 .00058.02535 .00026.01386 .00499.11473 .00050.02380 .00120 .010 .01238 .00020.00580 .01950 .00030.01810

3600022.00 5315034500 5315034500 3450022.00 3450023000 3450023000 5400026.00 5500023000 52500 2000 23000 2000 4902828750 3536226.00 54500 2000 5250034500 53300 2000 5373024150 2328011790 5375024150 5375024150 5250013.20 2300013.20 20.0 218. 2350052500 20.0 529. 20.0 220. 2350052500 2350052500 2350052500 5250025.00 5315623000 5315623000 5315623000 20.0 502. 5250022.00 20.0 235. 20.0 508. 5000023000 2875013800 2875013800 2300013800 2300013800 5053023000 5053023000 5250023000 2413018.00 5250023000 2410011.50 2300018.00 2280022500 20.0 233. 3450022.00 3400020.00 3450034500 3450023000

T BUS_154 230 BUS_155 20.01 .00050.01410 2435220.00 T BUS_82 345 BUS_36 221 2000 .00000.00460 3450022.00 C C******************************************************************************* C C DC BUS DATA C C DC Bus Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "BD" C - Name_1 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 1 name C - Name_2 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 2 name C - AC bus Name (A8) -> Converter ac bus name C - AC bus kV (F4.0) -> Converter ac bus kV base C - C (I1) -> Circuit number C - Gr (A3) -> Group C - Z (A2) -> Zone C - N (I2) -> Number of converter bridges C - Xc (F5.3) -> Commutation reactance in Ohms C - Rat (F5.4) -> Nominal voltage ratio of transformer C - Tstp (F5.3) -> Tap steps in % C - Tmin (F5.3) -> Min. tap in p.u. C - Tmax (F5.3) -> Max. tap in p.u. C - Amn (F4.1) -> Min. alpha C - Amx (F4.1) -> Max. alpha C - Gmn (F4.1) -> Min. gamma C - Imx (F4.1) -> Max. current in amps. C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C |AC bus C C |Name_1 |Name_2 |Name |kV ||Gr|Z|N|Xc |Rat |Tstp|Tmin|Tmax|Amn|Amx|Gmn|Imx BD DC1-R-P+GROUND BUS_71 2301 117.6 1.843 .001 .80 1.40 5. 100. 0. 5.E3 BD GROUND DC1-R-P-BUS_71 2301 117.6 1.843 .001 .80 1.40 5. 100. 0. 5.E3 BD DC1-I-P+GROUND BUS_60 2301 117.3 1.843 .001 .80 1.40 90. 170.18. 5.E3 BD GROUND DC1-I-P-BUS_60 2301 117.3 1.843 .001 .80 1.40 90. 170.18. 5.E3 BD DC2-R-P+GROUND BUS_44 3451 124.7 1.194 .001 .92 1.15 5. 100. 0. 4.E3 BD GROUND DC2-R-P-BUS_44 3451 124.7 1.194 .001 .92 1.15 5. 100. 0. 4.E3 BD DC2-I-P+GROUND BUS_37 5001 123.7 0.808 .001 .92 1.20 90. 170.16. 4.E3 BD GROUND DC2-I-P-BUS_37 5001 123.7 0.808 .001 .92 1.20 90. 170.16. 4.E3 C C******************************************************************************* C C DC BUS CONTROL DATA C C DC Bus Control Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "BZ" C - Name_1 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 1 name C - Name_2 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 2 name C - AC bus Name (A8) -> Converter ac bus name C - AC bus kV (F4.0) -> Converter ac bus kV base C - C (I1) -> Circuit number C - Mod 1 & 2 (2A2) -> Converter control modes: ID=current; AL=alpha; GA=gamma; C VD=Voltage; PA=P_power; QA=Q_power C - Set Points (2F5.2)-> Control mode values: A, kV, MW, Mvar, or deg.

C - T (A1) -> Type: R=rectifier; I=inverter C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C C|Mod|Set Points T C |Name_1 |Name_2 |AC bus |kV ||1|2| 1 | 2 | BZ DC1-R-P+GROUND BUS_71 2301IDAL 3100. 15. R BZ GROUND DC1-R-P-BUS_71 2301IDAL 3100. 15. R BZ DC1-I-P+GROUND BUS_60 2301VDGA 447. 18. I BZ GROUND DC1-I-P-BUS_60 2301VDGA 447. 18. I BZ DC2-R-P+GROUND BUS_44 3451IDAL 1920. 15. R BZ GROUND DC2-R-P-BUS_44 3451IDAL 1920. 15. R BZ DC2-I-P+GROUND BUS_37 5001VDGA 485. 16. I BZ GROUND DC2-I-P-BUS_37 5001VDGA 485. 16. I C C******************************************************************************* C C DC LINE DATA C C DC Line Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "BD" C - Name_1 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 1 name C - Name_2 (A8) -> Converter dc bus 2 name C - C (I1) -> Circuit number C - Gr (A3) -> Group C - Z (A2) -> Zone C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - R (F6.2) -> Resistance in Ohms C - L (F6.2) -> Inductance in mH (optional) C - C (F6.2) -> Capacitance in uF (optional) C - Imax (F6.1) -> Max. current in amps. (optional) C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C C C |Name_1 |Name_2 ||Gr|Z|Ow|R ohm|L mH|C uF|Imax | LD DC1-R-P+DC1-I-P+1 19. 1300. LD DC1-R-P-DC1-I-P-1 19. 1300. LD DC2-R-P+DC2-I-P+1 7.82 693. LD DC2-R-P-DC2-I-P-1 7.82 693. C C******************************************************************************* C C SVC DATA C C SVC Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "FS" (F for FACTS, S for SVC). C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Bus1 (A8) -> System bus where SVC is connected. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> Bus 1 kV base. C - Bus2 (A8) -> System bus that SVC controls. C - kV2 (F4.0) -> Bus 2 kV base. C - Xc (F8.7) -> Per unit SVC capacitive X w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. C - Xl (F8.7) -> Per unit SVC inductive X w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base.

C - am (F3.0) -> Minimum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - aM (F3.0) -> Maximum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - s (F2.0) -> SVC control slope in % w.r.t. to MVA and kV1 base. C - MVA (F4.0) -> SVC maximum rating in MVAr (capacitive). C - Vrf (F4.3) -> p.u. reference control voltage. C - kV (F4.0) -> Low kV side of step-down transformer (optional). C - Xth (F8.7) -> Step-down transformer reactance in p.u. w.r.t. to SVC MVA C rating and kV1 (optional). C - al (F5.1) -> Initial value of firing angle in degrees (optional). C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C C |Ow|Bus1 |kV1 |Bus2 |kV2|Xc |Xl |am|aM|s|MVA|Vrf|kV |Xth |al FS BUS_114 500 BUS_114 500 1.1708 0.4925 90175 2 200 1. 26. 0.1 C C******************************************************************************* C C TCSC DATA C C TCSC Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "FC" (F for FACTS, C for TCSC). C - Bus1 (A8) -> Sending bus where TCSC is connected. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> Bus 1 kV base. C - Bus2 (A8) -> Receiving bus where TCSC is connected. C - kV2 (F4.0) -> Bus 2 kV base. C - Xc (F8.7) -> Per unit TCSC capacitive X w.r.t MVA and kV1 base. C - Xl (F8.7) -> Per unit TCSC inductive X w.r.t MVA and kV1 base. C - am (F3.0) -> Minimum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - aM (F3.0) -> Maximum firing angle alpha in degrees. C - cont (F8.3)-> TCSC control value: % of X; MW for P; KA for I; degrees for D. C - Mode (A1) -> Control mode: X for reactance; P for power; I for current; C D for angle. C - MVA (F4.0) -> TCSC rating in MVA. Defaults to MVA system base. C - al (F5.1) -> Initial value of firing angle in degrees (optional). C - M1 (F4.0) -> Needed for determining series line reactance for % X C control: M1=Xc/Xline. C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M C |Bus1 |kV1 |Bus2 |kV2|Xc |Xl |am|aM|cont ||MVA|al |M1 | FC BUS_126 500 BUS_114 500 .00526 .000526 144175 90.0 X 4. C C******************************************************************************* C C STATCOM DATA C C STATCOM Input Data: C - Type (A2) -> "FT" (F for FACTS, T for STATCOM). C - Ow (A3) -> Owner C - Bus1 (A8) -> System bus where STATCOM is connected. C - kV1 (F4.0) -> Bus 1 kV base. C - Bus2 (A8) -> System bus that STATCOM controls.

C - kV2 (F4.0) -> Bus 2 kV base. C - R (F6.0) -> AC R in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. C - X (F6.5) -> AC X in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and kV1 base. C - Gc (F6.5) -> DC G in p.u. w.r.t. MVA and a kVdc base defined by the C secondary side of the STATCOM transformer(s). C - Im (F6.4) -> Max. capacitive current (Imin>0) in p.u. w.r.t. C MVA and kV1 base. C - IM (F6.4) -> Max. inductive current (Imax>0) in p.u. w.r.t. C MVA and kV1 base. C - s (F3.0) -> AC voltage control slope in % w.r.t. to MVA and kV1 base. C - MVA (F5.0) -> Rating in MVA (defaults to the system base). C - Vrf (F4.3) -> AC reference voltage in p.u. w.r.t. kV1 base. C - M (A1) -> Control mode: W for PWM control (default); P for phase C control. C - Con (F6.5) -> Control variable value: C - k constant for phase control (defaults to a value C of 0.9 for a 12 pulse VSI if no value is given). C - DC reference voltage for PWM control in p.u. w.r.t. C a kVdc base (defaults to 1 p.u.). C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C M C |Ow|Bus1 |kV1 |Bus2 |kV2|R |X |Gc |Im |IM |s |MVA |Vrf||Con FT BUS_60 230 BUS_60 230 0.0 0.145 .0017 1. 1. 2.2000. 1. P 0.9 C C******************************************************************************* C C SOLUTION CONTROL CARD C C Solution control card: C - Max Iter (I5) -> Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iteration C - Name (A8) -> Name of the slack bus C - kV (F4.0) -> kV base for slack bus C - Angle (F10.4) -> Reference angle for slack bus in degrees C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 C |Max| |SLACK BUS | C |Itr| |Name |kV| |Angle | SOL 50 BUS_74 13.8 0. C C ZZ END

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