Violation of Civil and Political Rights

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Violation of Civil and Political Rights SILAHIS INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, INC.

vs SOLUTA Petitioners: Maniego GM of Security Agency Contractor Panlilio VP for Finance of International hotel

An information indicting union officers, including Teodoro Soluta was filed filed by the Fiscals Office before the RTC in view of the sales and use of marijuana in the union office at the hotel. RTC acquitted the accused : - reason: the marijuana found therein are not admissible in evidence, coupled by the suspicious circumstance of confiscation. Soluta then filed an action before the RTC Manila against petitioners, Fiscal Baustista and Atty. Tuason for maliscious prosecution of the case against them and viol. Of their consti. Rights. RTC ordered Maniego, Panlilio, Silahis Hotel indiv.& collectively, jointly and severally liable to pay Soluta and others actual, moral & exemplary damages. CA affirmed with modification for viol. Of consti.rights against illegal search Hence, this appeal for certiorari: Petitioners - being private persons, they are not covered by the standards set forth in the constitutional protection against illegal search & seizures

SC No merit. Petition is denied. Art. 32 of NCC Any public officer or employee or any private individual, who directly or indirectly obstructs, violates the rights & liberties of another shall be liable for damages. The right to be secure in ones person, house, paperes & effects against unreasonable search & seizures. Such viol. Is a basis of award of damages Art. 2219: Moral dam. May be recovered in the ff cases: 6. illegal search

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