Update Termination Error When Receiving A CPO

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Update termination error when receiving a CPO Following information: Object: WFRM Sub-object: DELIVERY Log number: 00000000000000042423

There could be some other deliveries created, for which we need to look further. Double click on the GREEN line.

Which opens up the window as shown above

You can click on notes or documents to check further; either the error or the delivery created

<><><> How to delete a CPO and again use the same issue docs for creation of another CPO or even use the STO to create the

When a STO is consumed into a CPO the flag NOVET gets set.

Now as long as this is set, we will not be able to use it in VL10F or in WF10 anymore.

So how do we remove this flag? Go to WF30, enter the CPO / CSTO doc and unblock as shown. When you do this the flag EKPO NOVET is released.

By doing it you should be able to use the same STO (issue doc) back to create another CSTO / CPO. Also it should be available in VL10F

And then the tcode WF40 can be used to delete the table FRET entry; when deleted the entries are deleted from FRET table, hence will not appear in WF30 monitor anymore. <><><>

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