Alphabetical List of Medicines

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Alphabetical List of Medicines Therapeutic area wise

A. Analgesics, Antipyretics, Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory medicines, Medicines used to treat Gout and Disease Modifying Agents used in Rheumatoid Disorders S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % Medicine Acetyl Salicylic Acid Diclofenac Fentanyl Ib"# ofen $a acetamol T amadol Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets Tablets Inj. Inj. Tablets Sy#. Tablets Sy "# &a# Inj. Strength 325mg, 350mg 50mg, 25mg/ml 50 mic ogm/ml 200mg,!00mg 100mg/5ml 500mg 125mg/5ml 50mg,100mg 50mg/ml

'. Antiallergics and Medicines used in Anaphyla is S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 Medicine Ad enaline 'ita t ate &et i(ine &)lo #)eni amine *aleate De+amet)sone 1yd oco tisone Sodi"m S"ccinate $ ednisolone $ omet)a(ine Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Tablets Sy#. Tablets Tablets,-bs . /ynae0 Inj. Tablets Tablets Sy#. Strength 1mg/ml 10mg 5mg/5ml !mg 0.5mg 100 mg 5mg,10mg . 20mg 10mg,25mg 5mg/5ml

!. Antidotes and "ther Su#stances used in $oisonings S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % Medicine Acti3ated &)a coal At o#ine S"l#)ate &alci"m gl"conate *et)ylt)ionini"m c)lo ide ,*et)ylene bl"e0 $ alido+ime &)lo ide,24$A*0 S#ecific antisna5e 3enom Route of Administration/ Dosage Form - al Inj. Inj. Sol"tion fo -bs . /ynae o S" ge y Inj. Inj. $oly3alent Strength

1mg/ml 100mg/ml


Sol"tion/6y#)ol(d D. Anticon%ulsants/ Antiepileptics S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 Medicine &a bama(e#ine 6o a(e#am *agnesi"m s"l#)ate $)enytoin Sodi"m Sodi"m 7al# oate Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets Sy# Inj. Inj. Tablets, Sy#. Inj. Tab Sy#. Inj. Strength 100mg . 100mg/ 5ml 2mg/ml 500mg/ml 50mg.100mg 25mg/ml 50mg/ml 200mg,500mg 200mg/5ml 100mg/ml

&. Anti-infecti%e Medicines S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 : < 10 11 12 13 1! 15 Medicine Albenda(ole Ami5acin Amo+icillin8&la3"linic acid A tes"nate A(it) omycin &efi+ime &eft ia+one &)lo o;"ine #)os#)ate &i# oflo+acin 1yd oc)lo ide &lot ima(ole &lo+acillin &o4t imo+a(ole ,T imet)o# im 8 S"l#)amet)o+a(ole0 Do+ycycline Fl"cona(ole *et onida(ole Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets S"s#ension Inj. Tablets $o9de fo S"s#. Tablets Tablets S"s#. Tablets Inj. Tablets Inj Sy#. Tablets $essa ies /el &a#. 6i;"id Inj. Tablets S"s#. Tablets Tablets Sy#. Tablets Inj Strength !00mg 200mg/5ml 250mg/2ml %25mg 22:.5mg/5ml 50mg 100,250,500mg 100mg/5ml 100,200mg 250mg.1gm 150mg base !0mg/ml 50mg/5ml 250mg ,500mg 100mg,200mg 2= 250,500mg 125mg/5ml 250mg :08!00mg,1%08:00mg !08200mg/5ml 100mg 50mg,100mg,150mg 100mg/5ml 200mg,!00mg 500mg/100ml


>it of" antoin



F. Antimigraine medicines S. No 1 2 3 ! Medicine Acetyl Salicylic Acid Di)yd oe gotamine $a acetamol $ o# anolol )yd oc)lo ide Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Strength 3004350mg 1mg 500mg 10mg,!0mg

G. Ant par'insonism medicines S. No 1 Medicine 6e3odo#a 8 &a bido#a Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets Strength 100810mg,250825mg 100mg825mg

(. Medicines affecting the #lood S. No 1 Medicine ?no+a#a in Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj Strength !0mg,%0mg

). *lood products and plasma su#stitutes S. No 1 2 Medicine De+t an420 1yd o+yet)yl Sta c) ,1etasta c)0 Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Inj. Strength %= %=

+. !ardio%ascular medicines S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 : < Medicine Acetyl salicylic acid Adenosine Amioda one Amlodi#ine Dob"tamine Do#amine 1yd oc)lo ide ?nala# il *aleate /lyce yl T init ate Isoso bide 5 *ononit ate/Dinit ate Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets Inj Tablets Inj Tablets Inj. Inj. Tablets S"bling"al Tab Inj. Tablets Strength 25mg,100mg 3mg/ml 100mg,200mg 50mg/ml 2.5mg,5mg 50mg/ml !0mg/ml 2.5mg,5mg 0.5mg 5mg/ml 10mg,20mg

10 11 12

*et)yldo#a *eto# olol >ifedi#ine

Tablets Tablets Inj. &a#s"les

250mg 25mg,50mg 1mg/ml 5mg,10mg

,. Dermatological medicines -.opical/ S. No 1 2 Medicine 'en(yl ben(oate &alamine Route of Administration/ Dosage Form 6otion 6otion Strength 25=

0. Disinfectants and antiseptics S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 : Medicine Ac ifla3in8/lyce in 'leac)ing $o9de &)lo )e+idine ?t)yl Alco)ol 20= Formaldehyde )$ 1yd ogen $e o+ide $otassi"m $e manganate $o3idone Iodine Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Sol"tion $o9de Sol"tion Sol"tion Soln fo /ynae Sol"tion & ystal fo Soln. Sol"tion Strength

>ot less t)an 30=@/@ of &)lo ine 5=,&onc fo dil"tion0 %= 5=,10=

M. Diuretics S. No 1 2 Medicine F" osemide *annitol Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Tablets Inj. Strength 10mg/ml !0mg 10=,20=

N. Gastrointestinal medicines S. No 1 2 3 Medicine Al"mini"m 1yd o+ide 8 *agnesi"m 1yd o+ide 'isacodyl Dicyclomine 1yd oc)lo ide Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets S"s#ension Tablets Tablets Inj. Strength

5mg 10mg 10mg/ml

! 5 % 2

Dom#e idone -ndanset on $anto# a(ole Ainc S"lfate

Tablets Sy "# Tablets Sy#. Inj. &a#/Tab Inj. Sy "#

10mg 1mg/ml !mg,:mg 2mg/ml 2mg/ml !0mg !0mg 20mg/5ml

". (ormones, other endocrine medicines and contracepti%es S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 : Medicine !ondoms ?t)inylest adiol 8 6e3ono geste ol /libenclamide Ins"lin Injection,Sol"ble0 6e3ot)y o+ine *ed o+y $ ogeste one Acetate >o et)iste one $ emi+ Ins"lin 30C20 injection Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tab Tablets Inj. Tablets Tablets Tablets Inj. Strength

0.03mg80.15mg 2.5mg,5mg !0IB/ml 50,100 mic ogm 5mg,10mg 5mg !0IB/ml

$. )mmunologicals S. No 1 2 3 ! Medicine Anti4D imm"noglobin ,)"man0 Antitetan"s 1"man imm"noglobin $oly3alent Antisna5e 7enom Tetan"s To+oid Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Inj. Inj. Inj. Strength 300mic ogm 250IB,500IB 10ml

1. " ytocics and Antioo ytocics S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 Medicine 'etamet)asone *et)yl ? gomet ine *ife# istone *iso# ostol >ifedi#ine -+ytocin .er#utaline Sulphate Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Tablets Inj. Tablets Tablets Tablets Inj. Inj. Strength !mg/ml 0.125mg 0.2mg/ml 200mg 100mic ogm 10mg 5IB/ml,10IB/ml 0.5mg/ml

R. $sychotherapeutic Medicines S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 : Medicine Amit i#tyline 0ore2epam /Dia2epam 1alo#e idol -lan(a#ine Sodi"m 7al# oate Fl"o+etine 1yd oc)lo ide &scitalopram Sertaline Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Tablets Tablets Inj. Tablets Tablets &a#. Tab Tab Strength 25mg 2mg 5mg/ml 5mg,10mg 200mg,500mg 20mg 10mg 50mg

S. Medicines acting on the respiratory tract S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 Medicine 'eclomet)asone Di# o#ionate De+t omet)o #)an 1yd oco tisone sodi"m s"ccinate I# at o#i"m b omide Salb"tamol s"l#)ate Route of Administration/ Dosage Form In)alation Tablets Inj. In)alatin Tab Sy# In)alation Strength 50.250mic ogm/dose 30mg 100,200,!00mg 20mic ogm/mete ed dose 2mg,!mg 2mg/5ml 100mic ogm/dose

.. Solutions correcting 3ater, electrolyte and acid-#ase distur#ances S. No 1 2 3 ! 5 % 2 : < 10 Medicine /l"cose /l"cose 9it) Sodi"m c)lo ide >o mal Saline - al De)yd ation Salts $otassi"m &)lo ide Dinge 6actate Sodi"m 'ica bonate @ate fo injection N/4 Saline N/5 Saline Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Inj Inj $o9de fo Sol"tion Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Inj Strength 5=isotonic,10=,15= 5=80.<= 0.<= As #e I$ 11.2= Soln. As #e I$ As #e I$

6. 7itamins and Minerals S. No 1 Medicine &alci"m gl"conate Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Inj. Strength 100mg/ml in

10 ml am#o"le 2 3 *"lti3itamins ,As #e Sc)ed"le 7 of D "gs and &osmetics D"les0 .hiamine Tablets Inj 100mg

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