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Important Questions in Oracle, Developer /2000(Form 4.5 and Reports 2.

Oracle ) !"at are t"e #ac$ %round processes in Oracle and &"at are t"e'. ) ("is is one o) t"e most )re*uentl' as$ed *uestion.("ere are +asicall' , -rocesses +ut in a %eneral s'stem &e need to mention t"e )irst )ive +ac$%round processes.("e' do t"e "ouse $eepin% activities )or t"e Oracle and are common in an' s'stem. ("e various +ac$%round processes in oracle are a) Data #ase !riter(D#!R) .. Data #ase !riter !rites /odi)ied +loc$s )rom Data+ase +u))er cac"e to Data Files.("is is re*uired since t"e data is not &ritten &"enever a transaction is commited. +)0o%!riter(01!R) .. 0o%!riter &rites t"e redo lo% entries to dis$. Redo 0o% data is %enerated in redo lo% +u))er o) 213. 3s transaction commits and lo% +u))er )ills, 01!R &rites lo% entries into a online redo lo% )ile. c) 2'stem /onitor(2/O4) .. ("e 2'stem /onitor per)orms instance recover' at instance startup.("is is use)ul )or recover' )rom s'stem )ailure d)-rocess /onitor(-/O4) .. ("e -rocess /onitor pe)orms process recover' &"en user -rocess )ails. -mon 5lears and Frees resources t"at process &as usin%. e) 5"ec$-oint(56-() .. 3t 2peci)ied times, all modi)ied data+ase +u))ers in 213 are &ritten to data )iles +' D#!R at 5"ec$points and 7pdatin% all data )iles and control )iles o) data+ase to indicate t"e most recent c"ec$point ))3rc"ieves(3R58) .. ("e 3rc"iver copies online redo lo% )iles to arc"ival storal &"en t"e' are +us'. %) Recoveror(R95O) .. ("e Recoveror is used to resolve t"e distri+uted transaction in net&or$ ") Dispatc"er (Dnnn) .. ("e Dispatc"er is use)ul in /ulti ("readed 3rc"itecture i) 0c$n .. !e can "ave upto 0 loc$ processes )or inter instance loc$in% in parallel s*l. 2) 8o& man' t'pes o) 2*l 2tatements are t"ere in Oracle 2) ("ere are +asicall' : t'pes o) s*l statments.("e' are a) Data De)ination 0an%ua%e(DD0) .. ("e DD0 statments de)ine and maintain o+;ects and drop o+;ects. +) Data /anipulation 0an%ua%e(D/0) .. ("e D/0 statments manipulate data+ase data. c) (ransaction 5ontrol 2tatements .. /ana%e c"an%e +' D/0 d) 2ession 5ontrol .. 7sed to control t"e properties o) current session ena+lin% and disa+lin% roles and c"an%in% .e.% .. 3lter 2tatements,2et Role e) 2'stem 5ontrol 2tatements .. 5"an%e -roperties o) Oracle Instance .e.%.. 3lter 2'stem )) 9m+edded 2*l .. Incorporate DD0,D/0 and (.5.2 in -ro%rammin% 0an%ua%e.e.%.. 7sin% t"e 2*l 2tatements in lan%ua%es suc" as <5<, Open,Fetc", e=ecute and close >) !"at is a (ransaction in Oracle >) 3 transaction is a 0o%ical unit o) &or$ t"at compromises one or more 2Q0 2tatements e=ecuted +' a sin%le 7ser. 3ccordin% to 342I, a transaction +e%ins &it" )irst e=ecuta+le statment and ends &"en it is e=plicitl' commited or rolled +ac$. 4) 6e' !ords 7sed in Oracle 4) ("e 6e' &ords t"at are used in Oracle are .. a) 5ommitin% .. 3 transaction is said to +e commited &"en t"e transaction ma$es permanent c"an%es resultin% )rom t"e 2Q0 statements. +) Roll+ac$ .. 3 transaction t"at retracts an' o) t"e c"an%es resultin% )rom 2Q0 statements in (ransaction. c) 2ave-oint .. For lon% transactions t"at contain man' 2Q0 statements, intermediate mar$ers or savepoints are declared. 2avepoints can +e used to divide a transactino into smaller points. d) Rollin% For&ard .. -rocess o) appl'in% redo lo% durin% recover' is called rollin% )or&ard. e) 5ursor .. 3 cursor is a "andle ( name or a pointer) )or t"e memor' associated &it" a

speci)ic stament. 3 cursor is +asicall' an area allocated +' Oracle )or e=ecutin% t"e 2*l 2tatement. Oracle uses an implicit cursor statement )or 2in%le ro& *uer' and 7ses 9=plcit cursor )or a multi ro& *uer'. )) 2'stem 1lo+al 3rea(213) .. ("e 213 is a s"ared memor' re%ion allocated +' t"e Oracle t"at contains Data and control in)ormation )or one Oracle Instance.It consists o) Data+ase #u))er 5ac"e and Redo lo% #u))er. %) -ro%ram 1lo+al 3rea (-13) .. ("e -13 is a memor' +u))er t"at contains data and control in)ormation )or server process. %) Data+ase #u))er 5ac"e .. Data+ese #u))er o) 213 stores t"e most recentl' used +loc$s o) datat+ase data.("e set o) data+ase +u))ers in an instance is called Data+ase #u))er 5ac"e. ") Redo lo% #u))er .. Redo lo% #u))er o) 213 stores all t"e redo lo% entries. i) Redo 0o% Files .. Redo lo% )iles are set o) )iles t"at protect altered data+ase data in memor' t"at "as not +een &ritten to Data Files. ("e' are +asicall' used )or +ac$up &"en a data+ase cras"es. ;) -rocess .. 3 -rocess is a <t"read o) control< or mec"ansim in Operatin% 2'stem t"at e=ecutes series o) steps. 5) !"at are -rocedure,)unctions and -ac$a%es 5) -rocedures and )unctions consist o) set o) -0/2Q0 statements t"at are %rouped to%et"er as a unit to solve a speci)ic pro+lem or per)orm set o) related tas$s. -rocedures do not Return values &"ile Functions return one One ?alue -ac$a%es .. -ac$a%es -rovide a met"od o) encapsulatin% and storin% related procedures, )unctions, varia+les and ot"er -ac$a%e 5ontents :) !"at are Data+ase (ri%%ers and 2tored -rocedures :) Data+ase (ri%%ers .. Data+ase (ri%%ers are -rocedures t"at are automaticall' e=ecuted as a result o) insert in, update to, or delete )rom ta+le. Data+ase tri%%ers "ave t"e values old and ne& to denote t"e old value in t"e ta+le +e)ore it is deleted and t"e ne& indicated t"e ne& value t"at &ill +e used. D( are use)ul )or implementin% comple= +usiness rules &"ic" cannot +e en)orced usin% t"e inte%rit' rules.!e can "ave t"e tri%%er as #e)ore tri%%er or 3)ter (ri%%er and at 2tatement or Ro& level. e.%.. operations insert,update ,delete > +e)ore ,a)ter >@2 3 total o) : com+inatons 3t statment level(once )or t"e tri%%er) or ro& level( )or ever' e=ecution ) : @ 2 3 total o) 2. ("us a total o) 2 com+inations are t"ere and t"e restriction o) usa%e o) 2 tri%%ers "as +een li)ted )rom Oracle A.> On&ards. 2tored -rocedures .. 2tored -rocedures are -rocedures t"at are stored in 5ompiled )orm in t"e data+ase.("e advanta%e o) usin% t"e stored procedures is t"at man' users can use t"e same procedure in compiled and read' to use )ormat. A) 8o& man' Inte%rit' Rules are t"ere and &"at are t"e' A) ("ere are ("ree Inte%rit' Rules. ("e' are as )ollo&s .. a) 9ntit' Inte%rit' Rule .. ("e 9ntit' Inte%rit' Rule en)orces t"at t"e -rimar' $e' cannot +e 4ull +) Forei%n 6e' Inte%rit' Rule .. ("e F6IR denotes t"at t"e relations"ip +et&een t"e )orei%n $e' and t"e primar' $e' "as to +e en)orced.!"en t"ere is data in 5"ild (a+les t"e /aster ta+les cannot +e deleted. c) #usiness Inte%rit' Rules .. ("e ("ird Inti%rit' rule is a+out t"e comple= +usiness processes &"ic" cannot +e implemented +' t"e a+ove 2 rules. B) !"at are t"e ?arious /aster and Detail Relation s"ips. B) ("e various /aster and Detail Relations"ip are a) 4onIsolated .. ("e /aster cannot +e deleted &"en a c"ild is e=isitin% +) Isolated .. ("e /aster can +e deleted &"en t"e c"ild is e=isitin% c) 5ascadin% .. ("e c"ild %ets deleted &"en t"e /aster is deleted. ,) !"at are t"e ?arious #loc$ 5oordination -roperties ,) ("e various #loc$ 5oordination -roperties are a) Immediate

De)ault 2ettin%. ("e Detail records are s"o&n &"en t"e /aster Record are s"o&n. +) De))ered &it" 3uto Quer' Oracle Forms de)er )etc"in% t"e detail records until t"e operator navi%ates to t"e detail +loc$. c) De))ered &it" 4o 3uto Quer' ("e operator must navi%ate to t"e detail +loc$ and e=plicitl' e=ecute a *uer' 0) !"at are t"e Di))erent Optimisation (ec"ni*ues 0) ("e ?arious Optimisation tec"ni*ues are a) 9=ecute -lan .. &e can see t"e plan o) t"e *uer' and c"an%e it accordin%l' +ased on t"e inde=es +) OptimiCerD"int .. setDitemDpropert'(<Dept#loc$<,O-(I/IE9RD8I4(,<FIR2(DRO!2<)F 2elect /@G FirstDRo&s @/ Deptno,Dname,0oc,Ro&id )rom dept &"ere (Deptno H 25) c) OptimiCeD2*l .. #' settin% t"e OptimiCeD2*l I 4o, Oracle Forms assi%ns a sin%le cursor )or all 2Q0 statements.("is slo& do&ns t"e processin% +ecause )or evertime t"e 2Q0 must +e parsed &"enver t"e' are e=ecuted. )45run module I m'D)irst)orm userid I scott/ti%er optimiCeDs*l I 4o d) OptimiCeD(p .. #' settin% t"e OptimiCeD(pI 4o, Oracle Forms assi%ns seperate cursor onl' )or eac" *uer' 29095( statement. 3ll ot"er 2Q0 statements reuse t"e cursor. )45run module I m'D)irst)orm userid I scott/ti%er optimiCeD(p I 4o ) 8o& do u implement t"e I) statement in t"e 2elect 2tatement ) !e can implement t"e i) statement in t"e select statement +' usin% t"e Decode statement. e.% select D95OD9 (9/-D53(,< <,<First<,<2<,<2econd<4ull)F 8ere t"e 4ull is t"e else statement &"ere null is done . 2)8o& man' t'pes o) 9=ceptions are t"ere 2) ("ere are 2 t'pes o) e=ceptions. ("e' are a) 2'stem 9=ceptions e.%. !"en noDdataD)ound, !"en tooDman'Dro&s +) 7ser De)ined 9=ceptions e.%. /'De=ception e=ception !"en /'De=ception t"en >) !"at are t"e inline and t"e precompiler directives >) ("e inline and precompiler directives detect t"e values directl' 4) 8o& do 'ou use t"e same lov )or 2 columns 4) !e can use t"e same lov )or 2 columns +' passin% t"e return values in %lo+al values and usin% t"e %lo+al values in t"e code 5) 8o& man' minimum %roups are re*uired )or a matri= report 5) ("e minimum num+er o) %roups in matri= report are 4 :) !"at is t"e di))erence +et&een static and d'namic lov :) ("e static lov contains t"e predetermined values &"ile t"e d'namic lov contains values t"at come at run time A) !"at are snap s"ots and vie&s A) 2naps"ots are mirror or replicas o) ta+les. ?ie&s are +uilt usin% t"e columns )rom one or more ta+les. ("e 2in%le (a+le ?ie& can +e updated +ut t"e vie& &it" multi ta+le cannot +e updated B) !"at are t"e OO-2 concepts in Oracle. B) Oracle does implement t"e OO-2 concepts. ("e +est e=ample is t"e -ropert' 5lasses. !e can cate%orise t"e properties +' settin% t"e visual attri+utes and t"en attac" t"e propert' classes )or t"e o+;ects. OO-2 supports t"e concepts o) o+;ects and classes and &e can consider t"e peropert' classes as classes and t"e items as o+;ects

,) !"at is t"e di))erence +et&een candidate $e', uni*ue $e' and primar' $e' ,) 5andidate $e's are t"e columns in t"e ta+le t"at could +e t"e primar' $e's and t"e primar' $e' is t"e $e' t"at "as +een selected to identi)' t"e ro&s. 7ni*ue $e' is also use)ul )or identi)'in% t"e distinct ro&s in t"e ta+le. 20)!"at is concurrenc' 20) 5uncurrenc' is allo&in% simultaneous access o) same data +' di))erent users. 0oc$s use)ul )or accesin% t"e data+ase are a) 9=clusive ("e e=clusive loc$ is use)ul )or loc$in% t"e ro& &"en an insert,update or delete is +ein% done.("is loc$ s"ould not +e applied &"en &e do onl' select )rom t"e ro&. +) 2"are loc$ !e can do t"e ta+le as 2"areD0oc$ as man' s"areDloc$s can +e put on t"e same resource. 2 ) -revile%es and 1rants 2 ) -revile%es are t"e ri%"t to e=ecute a particulare t'pe o) 2Q0 statements. e.% .. Ri%"t to 5onnect, Ri%"t to create, Ri%"t to resource 1rants are %iven to t"e o+;ects so t"at t"e o+;ect mi%"t +e accessed accordin%l'.("e %rant "as to +e %iven +' t"e o&ner o) t"e o+;ect. 22)(a+le 2pace,Data Files,-arameter File, 5ontrol Files 22)(a+le 2pace .. ("e ta+le space is use)ul )or storin% t"e data in t"e data+ase.!"en a data+ase is created t&o ta+le spaces are created. a) 2'stem (a+le space .. ("is data )ile stores all t"e ta+les related to t"e s'stem and d+a ta+les +) 7ser (a+le space .. ("is data )ile stores all t"e user related ta+les !e s"ould "ave seperate ta+le spaces )or storin% t"e ta+les and inde=es so t"at t"e access is )ast. Data Files .. 9ver' Oracle Data #ase "as one or more p"'sical data )iles.("e' store t"e data )or t"e data+ase.9ver' data)ile is associated &it" onl' one data+ase.Once t"e Data )ile is created t"e siCe cannot c"an%e.(o increase t"e siCe o) t"e data+ase to store more data &e "ave to add data )ile. -arameter Files .. -arameter )ile is needed to start an instance.3 parameter )ile contains t"e list o) instance con)i%uration parameters e.%... d+D+loc$D+u))ers I 500 d+Dname I OR3A d+Ddomain I u.s.acme lan% 5ontrol Files .. 5ontrol )iles record t"e p"'sical structure o) t"e data )iles and redo lo% )iles ("e' contain t"e D+ name, name and location o) d+s, data )iles ,redo lo% )iles and time stamp. 2>) -"'sical 2tora%e o) t"e Data 2>) ("e )inest level o) %ranularit' o) t"e data +ase are t"e data +loc$s. Data #loc$ .. One Data #loc$ correspond to speci)ic num+er o) p"'sical data+ase space 9=tent .. 9=tent is t"e num+er o) speci)ic num+er o) conti%ious data +loc$s. 2e%ments .. 2et o) 9=tents allocated )or 9=tents. ("ere are t"ree t'pes o) 2e%ments a) Data 2e%ment .. 4on 5lustered (a+le "as data se%ment data o) ever' ta+le is stored in cluster data se%ment +) Inde= 2e%ment .. 9ac" Inde= "as inde= se%ment t"at stores data c) Roll #ac$ 2e%ment .. (emporaril' store <undo< in)ormation 24) !"at are t"e -ct Free and -ct 7sed 24) -ct Free is used to denote t"e percenta%e o) t"e )ree space t"at is to +e le)t &"en creatin% a ta+le. 2imilarl' -ct 7sed is used to denote t"e percenta%e o) t"e used space t"at is to +e used &"en creatin% a ta+le e%... -ct)ree 20, -ctused 40 25) !"at is Ro& 5"ainin% 25) ("e data o) a ro& in a ta+le ma' not +e a+le to )it t"e same data +loc$.Data )or ro& is stored in a c"ain o) data +loc$s .

2:) !"at is a 2 -"ase 5ommit 2:) (&o -"ase commit is used in distri+uted data +ase s'stems. ("is is use)ul to maintain t"e inte%rit' o) t"e data+ase so t"at all t"e users see t"e same values. It contains D/0 statements or Remote -rocedural calls t"at re)erence a remote o+;ect. ("ere are +asicall' 2 p"ases in a 2 p"ase commit. a) -repare -"ase .. 1lo+al coordinator as$s participants to prepare +) 5ommit -"ase .. 5ommit all participants to coordinator to -repared, Read onl' or a+ort Repl' 2A) !"at is t"e di))erence +et&een deletin% and truncatin% o) ta+les 2A) Deletin% a ta+le &ill not remove t"e ro&s )rom t"e ta+le +ut entr' is t"ere in t"e data+ase dictionar' and it can +e retrieved #ut truncatin% a ta+le deletes it completel' and it cannot +e retrieved. 2B) !"at are mutatin% ta+les 2B) !"en a ta+le is in state o) transition it is said to +e mutatin%. e% .. I) a ro& "as +een deleted t"en t"e ta+le is said to +e mutatin% and no operations can +e done on t"e ta+le e=cept select. 2,) !"at are 5odd Rules 2,) 5odd Rules descri+e t"e ideal nature o) a RD#/2. 4o RD#/2 satis)ies all t"e 2 codd rules and Oracle 2atis)ies o) t"e 2 rules and is t"e onl' Rd+ms to satis)' t"e ma=imum num+er o) rules. >0) !"at is 4ormalisation >0) 4ormalisation is t"e process o) or%anisin% t"e ta+les to remove t"e redundanc'.("ere are mainl' 5 4ormalisation rules. a) 4ormal Form .. 3 ta+le is said to +e in st 4ormal Form &"en t"e attri+utes are atomic +) 2 4ormal Form .. 3 ta+le is said to +e in 2nd 4ormal Form &"en all t"e candidate $e's are dependant on t"e primar' $e' c) >rd 4ormal Form .. 3 ta+le is said to +e t"ird 4ormal )orm &"en it is not dependant transitivel' > ) !"at is t"e Di))erence +et&een a post *uer' and a pre *uer' > ) 3 post *uer' &ill )ire )or ever' ro& t"at is )etc"ed +ut t"e pre *uer' &ill )ire onl' once. >2) Deletin% t"e Duplicate ro&s in t"e ta+le >2) !e can delete t"e duplicate ro&s in t"e ta+le +' usin% t"e Ro&id >>) 5an 7 disa+le data+ase tri%%erJ 8o&J >>) Kes. !it" respect to ta+le 30(9R (3#09 (3#09 L DI23#09 allDtri%%er M >4) !"at is pseudo columns J 4ame t"emJ >4) 3 pseudocolumn +e"aves li$e a ta+le column, +ut is not actuall' stored in t"e ta+le. Kou can select )rom pseudocolumns, +ut 'ou cannot insert, update, or delete t"eir values. ("is section descri+es t"ese pseudocolumns. @ 57RR?30 @ 49N(?30 @ 09?90 @ RO!ID @ RO!47/ >5) 8o& man' columns can ta+le "aveJ ("e num+er o) columns in a ta+le can ran%e )rom >:) Is space ac*uired in +loc$s or e=tents J to 254.

In e=tents . >A) &"at is clustered inde=J In an inde=ed cluster, ro&s are stored to%et"er +ased on t"eir cluster $e' values . 5an not applied )or 8328. >B) &"at are t"e datat'pes supported #' oracle (I4(9R430)J ?arc"ar2, 4um+er,5"ar , /0203#90. >, ) !"at are attri+utes o) cursorJ OFO74D , O4O(FO74D , OI2O-94,ORO!5O74( 40) 5an 'ou use select in FRO/ clause o) 2Q0 select J Kes.

Forms 4.5 Questions ) !"ic" tri%%er are created &"en master Pdetail relaJ ) master delete propert' @ 4O4PI2O03(9D (de)ault) a) on c"ec$ delete master +) on clear details c) on populate details @ I2O03(9D a) on clear details +) on populate details @ 53253D9 a) perPdelete +) on clear details c) on populate details

2) &"ic" s'stem varia+les can +e set +' usersJ 2) 2K2(9/./922319D09?90 2K2(9/.D3(9D(8R928O0D 2K2(9/.9FF95(I?9DD3(9 2K2(9/.27--R922D!OR6I41 >) !"at are o+;ect %roupJ >) 3n o+;ect %roup is a container )or a %roup o) o+;ects. Kou de)ine an o+;ect %roup &"en 'ou &ant to pac$a%e related o+;ects so 'ou can cop' or re)erence t"em in anot"er module. 4) !"at are re)erenced o+;ectsJ 4) Re)erencin% allo&s 'ou to create o+;ects t"at in"erit t"eir )unctionalit' and appearance )rom ot"er o+;ects. Re)erencin% an o+;ect is similar to cop'in% an o+;ect, e=cept t"at t"e resultin% re)erence o+;ect maintains a lin$ to its source o+;ect. 3 re)erence o+;ect automaticall' in"erits an' c"an%es t"at "ave +een made to t"e source o+;ect &"en 'ou open or re%enerate t"e module t"at contains t"e re)erence o+;ect. 5) 5an 'ou store o+;ects in li+rar'J 5) Re)erencin% allo&s 'ou to create o+;ects t"at in"erit t"eir )unctionalit' and appearance )rom ot"er o+;ects. Re)erencin% an o+;ect is similar to cop'in% an o+;ect, e=cept t"at t"e resultin% re)erence o+;ect maintains a lin$ to its source o+;ect. 3 re)erence o+;ect automaticall' in"erits an' c"an%es t"at "ave +een made to t"e source o+;ect &"en 'ou open or re%enerate t"e module t"at contains t"e re)erence o+;ect.

:) Is )orms 4.5 o+;ect oriented tool J &"'J :) 'es , partiall'. ) -RO-9R(K 50322 P in"eritance propert' 2) O?9R0O3DI41 . procedures and )unctions. A) 5an 'ou issue DD0 in )ormsJ A) 'es, +ut 'ou "ave to use FOR/2DDD0. Re)erencin% allo&s 'ou to create o+;ects t"at in"erit t"eir )unctionalit' and appearance )rom ot"er o+;ects. Re)erencin% an o+;ect is similar to cop'in% an o+;ect, e=cept t"at t"e resultin% re)erence o+;ect maintains a lin$ to its source o+;ect. 3 re)erence o+;ect automaticall' in"erits an' c"an%es t"at "ave +een made to t"e source o+;ect &"en 'ou open or re%enerate t"e module t"at contains t"e re)erence o+;ect. 3n' strin% e=pression up to >26. Qa literal Q an e=pression or a varia+le representin% t"e te=t o) a +loc$ o) d'namicall' created -0/2Q0 code Q a D/0 statement or Q a DD0 statement Restrictions. ("e statement 'ou pass to FOR/2DDD0 ma' not contain +ind varia+le re)erences in t"e strin%, +ut t"e values o) +ind varia+les can +e concatenated into t"e strin% +e)ore passin% t"e result to FOR/2DDD0. B) !"at is 2957R9 propert'J B)P 8ides c"aracters t"at t"e operator t'pes into t"e te=t item. ("is settin% is t'picall' used )or pass&ord protection.

, ) !"at are t"e t'pes o) tri%%ers and "o& t"e se*uence o) )irin% in te=t item ,) (ri%%ers can +e classi)ied as 6e' (ri%%ers, /ouse (ri%%ers ,4avi%ational (ri%%ers. 6e' (ri%%ers .. 6e' (ri%%ers are )ired as a result o) 6e' action.e.% .. 6e'Pne=tP)ield, 6e'Pup,6e'PDo&n /ouse (ri%%ers .. /ouse (ri%%ers are )ired as a result o) t"e mouse navi%ation.e.%. !"enPmouseP+uttonP presed,&"enPmousePdou+leclic$ed,etc 4avi%ational (ri%%ers .. ("ese (ri%%ers are )ired as a result o) 4avi%ation. 9.% . -ostP(e=tPitem,-rePte=tP item. !e also "ave event tri%%ers li$e &"en Rne&P)ormPinstance and &"enPne&P+loc$Pinstance. !e cannot call restricted procedures li$e %oDto(Sm'D+loc$.)irstDitemT) in t"e 4avi%ational tri%%ers #ut can use t"em in t"e 6e'Pne=tPitem. ("e Di))erence +et&een 6e'Pne=t and -ostP(e=t is an ver' important *uestion. ("e $e'Pne=t is )ired as a result o) t"e $e' action &"ile t"e post te=t is )ired as a result o) t"e mouse movement. 6e' ne=t &ill not )ire unless t"ere is a $e' event. ("e se*uence o) )irin% in a te=t item are as )ollo&s .. a) pre P te=t +) &"en ne& item c) $e'Pne=t d) &"en validate e) post te=t 0 ) 5an 'ou store pictures in data+aseJ 8o&J 0)Kes , in lon% Ra& datat'pe. ) !"at are propert' classes J 5an propert' classes "ave tri%%erJ ) -ropert' class in"eritance is a po&er)ul )eature t"at allo&s 'ou to *uic$l' de)ine o+;ects t"at con)orm to 'our o&n inter)ace and )unctionalit' standards. -ropert' classes also allo& 'ou to ma$e %lo+al c"an%es to applications *uic$l'. #' simpl' c"an%in% t"e de)inition o) a propert' class, 'ou can c"an%e t"e de)inition o) all o+;ects t"at in"erit properties )rom t"at class. Kes . 3ll t'pe o) tri%%ers . @ 2 a) I) 'ou "ave propert' class attac"ed to an item and 'ou "ave same tri%%er &ritten )or t"e item . !"ic" &ill )ire )irstJ 2)Item level tri%%er )ires , I) item level tri%%er )ires, propert' level tri%%er &on<t )ire. (ri%%ers at t"e lo&est level are al&a's %iven t"e )irst pre)erence. ("e item level tri%%er )ires )irst and t"en t"e +loc$ and t"en t"e Form level tri%%er. >) !"at are record %roups J @ 5an record %roups created at runPtimeJ >)3 record %roup is an internal Oracle Forms data structure t"at "as a column/ro& )rame&or$ similar to a data+ase ta+le. 8o&ever, unli$e data+ase ta+les, record %roups are separate o+;ects t"at +elon% to t"e )orm module in &"ic" t"e' are de)ined. 3 record %roup can "ave an unlimited num+er o) columns o) t'pe 583R, 0O41, 47/#9R, or D3(9 provided t"at t"e total num+er o) columns does not e=ceed :46. Record %roup column names cannot e=ceed >0 c"aracters. -ro%rammaticall', record %roups can +e used &"enever t"e )unctionalit' o))ered +' a t&oPdimensional arra' o) multiple data t'pes is desira+le. (K-92 OF R95ORD 1RO7-. Quer' Record 1roup 3 *uer' record %roup is a record %roup t"at "as an associated 29095( statement. ("e columns in a *uer' record %roup derive t"eir de)ault names, data t'pes, and len%t"s )rom t"e data+ase columns re)erenced in t"e 29095( statement. ("e records in a *uer' record %roup are t"e ro&s retrieved +' t"e *uer' associated &it" t"at record %roup. 4onP*uer' Record 1roup 3 nonP*uer' record %roup is a %roup t"at does not "ave an associated *uer', +ut &"ose structure and values can +e modi)ied pro%rammaticall' at runtime. 2tatic Record 1roup 3 static record %roup is not associated &it" a *uer'F rat"er, 'ou de)ine its structure and ro& values at desi%n time, and t"e' remain )i=ed at runtime. 4) !"at are 309R(J 4)3n 309R( is a modal &indo& t"at displa's a messa%e noti)i'in% operator o) some application

condition. 5) 5an a +utton "ave icon and la+le at t"e same time J 5) P4O :) !"at is mouse navi%ate propert' o) +uttonJ :) !"en /ouse 4avi%ate is (rue (t"e de)ault), Oracle Forms per)orms standard navi%ation to move t"e )ocus to t"e item &"en t"e operator activates t"e item &it" t"e mouse. !"en /ouse 4avi%ate is set to False, Oracle Forms does not per)orm navi%ation (and t"e resultin% validation) to move to t"e item &"en an operator activates t"e item &it" t"e mouse. A) !"at is FOR/2D/DID!I4DO!J A) )orms run inside t"e /DI application &indo&. ("is propert' is use)ul )or callin% a )orm )rom anot"er one. B) !"at are timers J &"en &"enPtimerPe=pired does not )ireJ B) ("e !"enP(imerP9=pired tri%%er can not )ire durin% tri%%er, navi%ation, or transaction processin%. , ) 5an o+;ect %roup "ave a +loc$J ,)Kes , o+;ect %roup can "ave +loc$ as &ell as pro%ram units. 20) 8o& man' t'pes o) canvases are t"ere. 20)("ere are 2 t'pes o) canvases called as 5ontent and 2tac$ 5anvas. 5ontent canvas is t"e de)ault and t"e one t"at is used mostl' )or %ivin% t"e +ase e))ect. Its li$e a plate on &"ic" &e add items and stac$ed canvas is used )or %ivin% > dimensional e))ect. ("e )ollo&in% *uestions mi%"t not +e as$ed in an 3vera%e Intervie& and could +e as$ed &"en t"e Intervie&er &ants to trou+le u and %o deepppppppppppppUU8e cannot %o )urt"erU.. ) !"at are userPe=itsJ ) It invo$es >10 pro%rams. 2) 5an 'ou pass values toPandP)ro )rom )orei%n )unction J "o& J 2) Kes . Kou o+tain a return value )rom a )orei%n )unction +' assi%nin% t"e return value to an Oracle Forms varia+le or item. /a$e sure t"at t"e Oracle Forms varia+le or item is t"e same data t'pe as t"e return value )rom t"e )orei%n )unction. 3)ter assi%nin% an Oracle Forms varia+le or item value to a -0/2Q0 varia+le, pass t"e -0/2Q0 varia+le as a parameter value in t"e -0/2Q0 inter)ace o) t"e )orei%n )unction. ("e -0/2Q0 varia+le t"at is passed as a parameter must +e a valid -0/2Q0 data t'peF it must also +e t"e appropriate parameter t'pe as de)ined in t"e -0/2Q0 inter)ace. >) !"at is I3-N(# structure J >) ("e entries o) -ro @ 5 and user e=its and t"e )orm &"ic" simulate t"e proc or userDe=it are stored in I3-N(# ta+le in d/+. 4) 5an 'ou call !I4P2D6 t"ruo< user e=itsJ 4) K92. 5) Does user e=its supports D00 on /2!I4DO!2 J 5) K92 . :) !"at is pat" settin% )or D00J :) /a$e sure 'ou include t"e name o) t"e D00 in t"e FOR/245D729R9NI( varia+le o) t"e OR3509.I4I

)ile, or rename t"e D00 to F45N(#.D00. I) 'ou rename t"e D00 to F45N(#.D00, replace t"e e=istin% F45N(#.D00 in t"e VOR3!I4V#I4 director' &it" t"e ne& F45N(#.D00. A) 8o& is mappin% o) name o) D00 and )unction doneJ A) ("e dll can +e created usin% t"e ?isual 5GG / ?isual #asic (ools and t"en t"e dll is put in t"e pat" t"at is de)ined t"e re%ister'. B) &"at is precompilerJ B) It is similar to 5 precompiler directives. ,) 5an 'ou connect to non P oracle datasource J 8o&J ,) Kes . 0 ) &"at are $e'Pmode and loc$in% mode propertiesJ level J 0) 6e' /ode . 2peci)ies "o& oracle )orms uni*uel' identi)ies ro&s in t"e data+ase.("is is propert' includes )or application t"at &ill run a%ainst 4O4POR3509 datasources . 6e' settin% uni*ue (de)ault.) datea+le nPupdatea+le. 0oc$in% mode . 2peci)ies &"en Oracle Forms s"ould attempt to o+tain data+ase loc$s on ro&s t"at correspond to *ueried records in t"e )orm. a) immediate +) dela'ed ) !"at are savepoint mode and cursor mode properties J levelJ ) 2peci)ies &"et"er Oracle Forms s"ould issue savepoints durin% a session. ("is propert' is included primaril' )or applications t"at &ill run a%ainst nonPOR3509 data sources. For applications t"at &ill run a%ainst OR3509, use t"e de)ault settin%. 5ursor mode P de)ine cursur state across transaction Open/close. 2) 5an 'ou replace de)ault )orm processin% J 8o& J >) !"at is transactional tri%%er propert'J >) Identi)ies a +loc$ as transactional control +loc$. i.e. non P data+ase +loc$ t"at oracle )orms s"ould mana%e as transactional +loc$.(4O4POR3509 datasource) de)ault P F3029. 4) !"at is O09 automation J 4) O09 automation allo&s an O09 server application to e=pose a set o) commands and )unctions t"at can +e invo$ed )rom an O09 container application. O09 automation provides a &a' )or an O09 container application to use t"e )eatures o) an O09 server application to manipulate an O09 o+;ect )rom t"e O09 container environment. (FOR/2DO09) 5) !"at does invo$e +uiltPin doJ 5) ("is procedure invo$es a met"od. 2'nta=. -RO59D7R9 O092.I4?O69 (o+;ect o+;Dt'pe, met"od ?3R583R2, list listDt'pe .I 0)F -arameters. o+;ect Is an O092 3utomation O+;ect. met"od Is a met"od (procedure) o) t"e O092 o+;ect. list Is t"e name o) an ar%ument list assi%ned to t"e O092.5R93(9D3R10I2( )unction. :) !"at are O-94DFOR/,5300DFOR/,49!DFOR/J di))J

:) 5300DFOR/ . It calls t"e ot"er )orm. +ut parent remains active, &"en called )orm completes t"e operation , it releases loc$ and control %oes +ac$ to t"e callin% )orm. !"en 'ou call a )orm, Oracle Forms issues a savepoint )or t"e called )orm. I) t"e 5093RDFOR/ )unction causes a roll+ac$ &"en t"e called )orm is current, Oracle Forms rolls +ac$ uncommitted c"an%es to t"is savepoint. O-94DFOR/ . !"en 'ou call a )orm, Oracle Forms issues a savepoint )or t"e called )orm. I) t"e 5093RDFOR/ )unction causes a roll+ac$ &"en t"e called )orm is current, Oracle Forms rolls +ac$ uncommitted c"an%es to t"is savepoint. 49!DFOR/ . 9=its t"e current )orm and enters t"e indicated )orm. ("e callin% )orm is terminated as t"e parent )orm. I) t"e callin% )orm "ad +een called +' a "i%"er )orm, Oracle Forms $eeps t"e "i%"er call active and treats it as a call to t"e ne& )orm. Oracle Forms releases memor' (suc" as data+ase cursors) t"at t"e terminated )orm &as usin%. Oracle Forms runs t"e ne& )orm &it" t"e same Run)orm options as t"e parent )orm. I) t"e parent )orm &as a called )orm, Oracle Forms runs t"e ne& )orm &it" t"e same options as t"e parent )orm.

A ) !"at is call )orm stac$J A) !"en successive )orms are loaded via t"e 5300DFOR/ procedure, t"e resultin% module "ierarc"' is $no&n as t"e call )orm stac$. B) 5an u port applictions across t"e plat)ormsJ "o&J B) Kes &e can port applications across plat)orms.5onsider t"e )orm developed in a &indo&s s'stem.("e )orm &ould +e %enerated in uni= s'stem +' usin% )45%en m'D)orm.)m+ scott/ti%er

) !"at is a visual attri+uteJ ) ?isual attri+utes are t"e )ont, color, and pattern properties t"at 'ou set )or )orm and menu o+;ects t"at appear in 'our application<s inter)ace. 2) Di)). +et&een ?3( and -ropert' 5lassJ imp 2)4amed visual attri+utes de)ine onl' )ont, color, and pattern attri+utesF propert' classes can contain t"ese and an' ot"er properties. Kou can c"an%e t"e appearance o) o+;ects at runtime +' c"an%in% t"e named visual attri+ute pro%rammaticall'F propert' class assi%nment cannot +e c"an%ed pro%rammaticall'. !"en an o+;ect is in"eritin% )rom +ot" a propert' class and a named visual attri+ute, t"e named visual attri+ute settin%s ta$e precedence, and an' visual attri+ute properties in t"e class are i%nored. > ) !"ic" tri%%er related to mouseJ >) !"enP/ouseP5lic$ !"enP/ousePDou+le5lic$ !"enP/ousePDo&n !"enP/ouseP9nter !"enP/ouseP0eave !"enP/ouseP/ove !"enP/ouseP7p 4) !"at is 5urrent record attri+ute propert'J 4) 2peci)ies t"e named visual attri+ute used &"en an item is part o) t"e current record. 5urrent Record 3ttri+ute is )re*uentl' used at t"e +loc$ level to displa' t"e current ro& in a multiPrecord I) 'ou de)ine an itemPlevel 5urrent Record 3ttri+ute, 'ou can displa' a prePdetermined item in a special color &"en it is part o) t"e current record, +ut 'ou cannot d'namicall' "i%"li%"t t"e current item, as t"e input )ocus c"an%es. 5) 5an u c"an%e ?3( at run timeJ 5) Kes. Kou can pro%rammaticall' c"an%e an o+;ect<s named visual attri+ute settin% to c"an%e t"e )ont,

color, and pattern o) t"e o+;ect at runtime. :) 5an u set de)ault )ont in )ormsJ :) Kes. 5"an%e &indo&s re%istr'(re%edit). 2et )orm45D)ont to t"e desired )ont. A) 5an u "ave O09 o+;ects in )ormsJ A) Kes. B) 5an u "ave ?#N and O5N controls in )orms J B) Kes. ,) !"at r t"e t'pes o) &indo&s (!indo& st'le)J ,) 2peci)ies &"et"er t"e &indo& is a Document &indo& or a Dialo% &indo&. 0) !"at is O09 3ctivation st'le propert'J 0) 2peci)ies t"e event t"at &ill activate t"e O09 containin% item. ) 5an u c"an%e t"e mouse pointer J 8o&J ) Kes. 2peci)ies t"e mouse cursor st'le. 7se t"is propert' to d'namicall' c"an%e t"e s"ape o) t"e cursor. Reports 2.5 ) 8o& man' t'pes o) columns are t"ere and &"at are t"e' ) Formula columns .. For doin% mat"ematical calculations and returnin% one value 2ummar' 5olumns .. For doin% summar' calculations suc" as summations etc. -lace "older 5olumns .. ("ese columns are use)ul )or storin% t"e value in a varia+le 2) 2) 5an u "ave more t"an one la'out in report It is possi+le to "ave more t"an one la'out in a report +' usin% t"e additional la'out option in t"e la'out editor.

>) 5an u run t"e report &it" out a parameter )orm >) Kes it is possi+le to run t"e report &it"out parameter )orm +' settin% t"e -3R3/ value to 4ull 4) !"at is t"e loc$ option in reports la'out 4) #' usin% t"e loc$ option &e cannot move t"e )ields in t"e la'out editor outside t"e )rame. ("is is use)ul )or maintainin% t"e )ields . 5) !"at is Fle= 5) Fle= is t"e propert' o) movin% t"e related )ields to%et"er +' settin% t"e )le= propert' on :) !"at are t"e minimum num+er o) %roups re*uired )or a matri= report :) ("e minimum o) %roups re*uired )or a matri= report are 4

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