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+omplete the senten#es %ith the #orre#t *orm o* the erbs in bra#kets: &he "hildren ########## +lo(e, the

flowers in Write ,uestions %ith -o or -oes. Gi e short ans%ers I play football. Do you play football? Yes, I do / No, I dont I li(e in )isbon. ########################? ####################### I study 2nglish. ########################? ####################### I wat"h &3 after dinner. ########################? ################ I drin% mil% at brea%fast. ########################? ################ I li%e "ats. ########################? ############################
Ha te hat es Dodoe s Lo ve lov es

He is / are from *ortugal. $y "at drin% / drin%s mil%. $y father wor% / wor%s in a ban%. $ary tou"h / tou"hes her nose. $ar% study / studies hard.

Write the he ) she ) it *orms our garden. -e ########## +arri(e, at s"hool at ../0. 1 pianist ########## +play, the piano. $ary ########## +spea%, 2nglish (ery well. I ########## +ta%e, a shower e(ery morning. $r. 'mith ########## +go, to wor% by bus. $y 2nglish tea"her ########## +be, (ery gentle with us. 1 do"tor########## +treat, patients. 1nn and her sister ########## +be, twins $y "at ########## +li%e, fish.

"at"h ################ "ome ################ start ################# wat"h ################ wish ################# push ################# fix ################### tou"h ################ play ################## write##################

Pass - passes

Tea ch tea che s


help my mother Le ar ########################? lea r s

go goe s
most e r b s :

Pl ay pl ay s

Mi xmi xes

NEGATI VE He / she / it does not play I/ you / we / they do not play

SHORT FORMS does not = doesnt do not = dont

Eat -ea ts

! s

Fly flie s

Sa ysa ys

HOW TO !s" MA(E ! HE ) s SHE ) IT h FORMS " ! # h " ! $ :

Wa shwa she s

AFFIRM ATIVE He / she / it plays I / you / we / they play

INTERRO GATIVE Does he / she / it play? Do I/ you / we / they play?

Ha ve has

! e s o% e

We use the present simple to talk about: things that are always true habits and things that happe n repeat edly. we often use the simple presen t with words that tell you how often: for

Say - says We use the present simple to talk about: things that are always true

Play- plays

Pass - passes

habits and things that happen repeatedly. we often use the simple present with words that tell you how often: for example always,
never, often, sometimes, usually, once a day


most erbs : !s !s" !sh " !#h" !$ : !es o%el & ' & !s #onsonant & ' !'

Wash- washes

Mix- mixes

go - goes

AFFIRMATIVE He / she / it plays I / you / we / they play

NEGATIVE He / she / it does not play I/ you / we / they do not play

INTERROGATIVE Does he / she / it play? Do I/ you / we / they play?

SHORT FORMS does not = doesnt do not = dont Love - loves

Have - has

Fly- flies

Eat -eats

#ir#le the #orre#t *orm o* the erb: $ary ta%e / ta%es "are of her brother. $ar% play / plays in the par%. &he men eat / eats fish. I swim / swims in the la%e.
Teach - teaches Hate - hates Do- does Lear - lear s

Write the he ) she ) it *orms "at"h ################ "ome ################ start ################# wat"h ################ wish ################# push ################# fix ################### tou"h ################ play ################## write##################

Say - says

Play- plays

Pass - passes

Teach - teaches

#ir#le the #orre#t *orm o* the erb: $ary ta%e / ta%es "are of her brother. $ar% play / plays in the par%. &he men eat / eats fish. I swim / swims in the la%e. $ary and 'ue li(e / li(es in )isbon. He is / are from *ortugal. $y "at drin% / drin%s mil%. $y father wor% / wor%s in a ban%. $ary tou"h / tou"hes her nose. $ar% study / studies hard.

We use the present simple to talk about: things that are always true

habits and things that happen repeatedly. we often use the simple present with words that tell you how
often: for example always, never, often, sometimes, usually, once a day

+omplete the senten#es %ith the #orre#t *orm o* the erbs in bra#kets: &he "hildren ########## +lo(e, the flowers in our garden.


most erbs : !s !s" !sh " !#h" !$ : !es o%el & ' & !s #onsonant & ' !'

Hate - hates

-e ########## +arri(e, at s"hool at ../0. 1 pianist ########## +play, the piano. $ary ########## +spea%, 2nglish (ery well. I ########## +ta%e, a shower e(ery morning. $r. 'mith ########## +go, to wor% by bus. $y 2nglish tea"her ########## +be, (ery gentle with us. 1 do"tor########## +treat, patients. 1nn and her sister ########## +be, twins $y "at ########## +li%e, fish.

Wash- washes AFFIRMATIVE He / she / it plays I / you / we / they play

Mix- mixes

go - goes

Do- does

NEGATIVE He / she / it does not play I/ you / we / they do not play SHORT FORMS does not = doesnt do not = dont

Write ,uestions %ith -o or -oes. Gi e short ans%ers I play football. Do you play football? Yes, I do / No, I dont
Love - loves

INTERROGATIVE Does he / she / it play? Do I/ you / we / they play?

I li(e in )isbon. ########################? ####################### I study 2nglish. ########################? ####################### I wat"h &3 after dinner. ########################? ################ I drin% mil% at brea%fast. ########################? ################ I li%e "ats. ########################? ############################ I help my mother ########################? ######################

Have - has

Fly- flies

Eat -eats

Lear - lear s

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