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Listening skills practice: Introducing a friend - answers

Answers to Introducing a friend - exercises ! Preparation 1. Hi, Im Pablo. 2. Hi. How are you? 3. Where are you from? 4. Nice to meet you.

1. Check your understanding: gap fill 1. Sumi 2. Greta 3. Pablo

2. Check your understanding: gap fill Sumi: Pablo: Sumi: Pablo: Greta: Pablo: Greta: Pablo: Greta:
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Hi, Pablo. How are you? Hi, Sumi. Im fine, thanks. Pablo, this is Greta. Hi, Greta. Im Pablo. Hi. How are you? Im fine, thanks. Where are you from, Greta? Im from Germany. Where are you from? Im from Argentina. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

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