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What You Will Find In This Book?

There is no better feeling than knowing that you want something and it is pretty much possible to achieve that. Unfortunately, we are living in world where we are made to believe that most of the things that we want in our life are simply not realistic and possible. Are you one of those people whose dreams are thought by others as impractical and impossible? If so, then you have landed on the right page. We would not let the negative synergies limit you in expressing your individuality. As George Harrison says, Its all in the mind. Your success, failure, ability to achieve something, determination and belief in your dreams, all are games of the mind. Self motivation is the key to unlocking its potential. It may sound quite bookish to you, but keeping yourself inspired is not an easy task. We will tell you exactly how you can do that. This book is far from being a typical motivational tome. From the basic process of meditation to how to apply the universal laws of success in your life, this book provides practical approaches and positive affirmations to make your dreams come true. Do you have a dream that you want to fulfill but think impossible? Keep reading this book and you will find a way of pursuing that dream.

Table of Contents
Disclaimer .............................................................................................................. 2 What You Will Find In This Book?........................................................................... 4 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6 How to Unleash the Power of Your Mind ............................................................... 7 Seven Universal Laws of Success ............................................................................ 9 Law of Manifestation ....................................................................................... 11 Law of Magnetism............................................................................................ 13 Law of Pure Desire ........................................................................................... 15 Law of Paradoxical Intent ................................................................................. 17 Law of Harmony ............................................................................................... 18 Law of Right Action .......................................................................................... 19 Law of Expanding Influence ............................................................................. 20 Live Your Dreams ................................................................................................. 21 Recommended Resources.................................................................................... 23

Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about -Stephen Richards Are you afraid of following your dreams? Thinking you might fail in your efforts will only bring your motivation down. This brings us to the most important part and that is your perception about failure. Ask yourself what failure is; do you think of it as a shameful or bad experience? The point that we are trying to make here is that it is your perception about things that determine your level of determination in pursuing a dream. Failures are not at all bad. As a matter of fact, failure grooms a person. You learn something new about yourself each time you fail, which brings you one step closer to your dreams. Change your perception; start looking at things with a positive mindset and that is all it requires to achieve your goals in life. Having said that, it is not easy to change ones own perception. Meditation and mind exercises are some of the most effective ways of staying optimistic, motivated and positive.

How to Unleash the Power of Your Mind

Meditation is a mind exercise that boosts your subconscious mind power. It enhances your mental capability to attract more wealth, success and happiness. Think of it as conscious sleeping. Just as you sleep to energize your body to perform the daily tasks, meditation is a conscious state of sleep that gives you energy to pursue your dreams and achieve wealth and happiness. Meditation can be performed in several ways. Following is a simple and effective way of meditating daily. 1. Find a comfortable and quite place to meditate. 2. Sit with your legs crossed and hands clasped in front of you. 3. Close your eyes. 4. Loosen your shoulders and relax your body. 5. At this time, your mind will be full of thoughts and worries. Office work, family issues, dreams, desires and all sorts of worries will wander in your mind. Start transcending your thoughts slowly. 6. A simple way to leave your thoughts behind is to focus on your breath.

7. Inhale and exhale for a few seconds. This will make it easy to concentrate or focus on breathing. 8. Breathe normally after consciously inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds. 9. One by one all the thoughts would drift away from your mind and you will feel totally relaxed. 10. Stay this way for a couple of seconds. 11. Now think about your dreams and goals of life. Dont think about how you would achieve them, just imagine how important it is for you to achieve them and how happy would you become after seeing them manifest. 12. Stay in your world of dreams for a few seconds and then drift out of it slowly. 13. Open your eyes and just relax for a while before moving on with routine tasks. Perform meditation daily and soon you will start having a different perception towards your dreams and desires. This would change your mindset towards failures. You would feel more positive, determined and prepared to face any hurdles that may come your way.

Seven Universal Laws of Success

Meditation is the most basic and easy way of unleashing the power of your mind to attract success and happiness. But there are several other ways as well. This brings us to the most important section of the book, the very successful and infamous seven universal laws of success. The seven universal laws of success, also known as the laws of attraction are based on quantum physics. This branch of science asserts that the universal in which we exist is made up of pulsating cords of energy and everything in it is influenced by humans consciousness and energy. Just like the study of classic physics is based on solid matter, the study of quantum physics is based on vibrating cords of energy. In the world of quantum physics, humans are considered as bodies of energy. The human energies pulsate with the frequency and quality of their perceptions and sentimental values. Quantum physics, being a science of possibilities equate human thoughts as vibrations of energy. The more positive you think the more energetic and happy you will become in life. In a nutshell, quantum physics supports the theory that achieving happiness, success and wealth lies in the hands of an individual. External factors have got nothing to do it.

The universal laws of success, being a breakthrough creation of quantum physics are based on the theory that our future is defined by the quality of our thoughts. These are actually vibrations of energy that attracts wealth and happiness. The stronger positive energies we vibrate, the more it will attract success and joy. How do you think your day would be at work if you have a heated debate with your spouse the same morning or get a speeding ticket or see a major accident on your way to work? One negative or unlucky event may spoil your entire day at work. You must have faced such incidents several times in your life. Well, these are just a few examples to explain how our mood swings, thoughts and perceptions affect our life. If you think of failure as yet another opportunity to prove yourself, then you will never be de-motivated and would always come out smelling like roses. However, if you consider failures as the end of your life, career or whatever the incident is about, then you will always remain depressed and upset. This is what the seven laws of success are all about. They propound that your success and happiness depends entirely upon your definition of these terms. The following section presents in detail all the seven laws of success. We will also tell you how to apply the seven Universal Laws of Success in your life to maximize the potential of human brains to attract abundance in wealth and happiness.


Law of Manifestation
You Are Essentially Who You Create Yourself to Be and All That Occurs In Your Life Is the Result of Your Own Making. -Stephen Richards The law of manifestation asserts that our life and all the material things in it are manifested from our thoughts and consciousness. If you want to achieve something, then first it has to be created in your own mind. For example, to be successful in your life you need to know what success feels like. Or to be happy, you need to have a clear picture in your mind of how does it feels like to be happy. Our life and all the material attributes in it reflect our thoughts and viewpoints. What we think is what we get. Whatever occurred in the past and will happen in future is the result of your own thinking and perception. The law of manifestation supports the school of thought that thoughts become things. So good thoughts create good things and vice versa. To practice the law of manifestation in your life, you need to have a clear concept of needs and desires. Dont follow others. Make a list of what you really need and desire in your life.


Having said that, we do not live in an isolated world. Our needs, wants and desires are highly influenced by the society we live in. So how is it possible to ensure that our desires are actually our own and not shaped by others. Well, meditation is the key to untangle your confused and highly influenced thoughts. Meditation and mind exercises make our mind free of all worries and anxieties related to the external world. Meditate regularly and as soon as you are done with meditation, make a list of your wants and desires. This is the best time to do this as your mind is totally relaxed and free from any societal influences. Once you find out what it is that you desire, now define your desire in specific terms. Suppose you realize that you want happiness in your life. Now this is a very general term. Every person wants to be happy in their life. Narrow it down to what actually makes you happier. Is it money, a healthy personal life, the smile on your kids face or an independent life with no commitments? Your life will become pretty easy once you know what you want out of it.


Law of Magnetism
The Man Who Thinks Hateful Thoughts Brings Hatred Upon Himself. The Man Who Thinks Loving Thoughts Is Loved -James Allen You must have heard of the clich negative forces attract each other. Well this is a fact in classic physicals. Quantum physics is against this relationship. It says that similar forces attract each other. The law of magnetism, being a creation of quantum physics supports the same theory. It says that individuals attract things that are in consonance with their own thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts are like a magnet that attracts similar energies. For example, if you are depressed then the entire world and everything in it would seem upset to you. You will be more attracted towards people that are depressed just like you. If you are depressed, you will attract people who share the same feeling. This will create synergies of depression. The important thing to note here is that the application of law of magnetism is different for different types of energies. If you are happy, you will be more prone to attracting exciting events and happy people. This will create synergies of happiness which is not at all a bad thing. However, the same is not valid if you are


in a state of depression. At this time, you need someone to cheer you up rather than upset you even further. The conscious application of law of magnetism can make it work in your favor. The only thing required is to be aware of your own sub conscious thoughts. Feeling sad and pretending to be happy in front of others is a common practice these days. It is has become so common that we dont even realize we are faking a smile just to make others believe that we are happy and successful. To apply the law of magnetism, it is important that you know how are you feeling from inside. You need to realize your own feelings and sentimental values. It is then possible to ensure that negative feelings do not cause any harm to your personal and professional life. Again meditation is the best way to relax your mind and then recognize your true feelings. If you are actually happy, then you dont have to do anything. The law of magnetism will work in your favor itself. However if the feelings are opposite, then you need to make conscious efforts to stay away from other unhappy people and depressing events.


Law of Pure Desire

Your Burning Desire Is the Energy That Drives the Whole Creative Process -Napoleon Hill The law of pure desire, also known as the law of unwavering desire says that the final outcome of anything is determined by your desire and intention of achieving it. When you are driven by unwavering desire, high motivation, fearless and are extremely inspired to achieve something, then you can be sure of getting that. Hard work may be the key to success. But determination, inspiration and desire to achieve success are what trigger the hard work. The law of pure desire addresses two factors, attention and intention. Attention is the energizing force whereas intention is the transforming force behind different outcomes. Intention is what creates energy. If you are intent on achieving something, you will become energetic and will remain motivated till you achieve your goal. Attention on the other hand, is energy itself. Whether it is an event, activity, goal or an individual; the more attention you put in it the closer you will feel to it. As


soon as you turn your attention away from it, it will disappear or will go far from your life. The law of pure desire takes into account both factors. If you want to be successful in your professional life, be intent on achieving it and devote your unwavering attention to it. The intensity of your intention on the object of attention will determine your level of success. To be attentive and intent, it is important to find out what you actually want out of your life. Needless to say that post meditation is the best time to identify your needs and wants. If you are not paying attention to what you think is your goal in life, then you are wrong in assuming it is what you want in life. Relax your mind and then ask yourself, what is it that you actually desire to achieve? If that thing is on top of you priority list and receives your unwavering attention, it means you made the right choice.


Law of Paradoxical Intent

The Discontent and Frustration That You Feel Is Entirely Your Own Creation -Stephen Richards The law of paradoxical intent asks you to control your desperation and detach yourself from you want. This may sound contradictory to the previous law that asks you to be intent and attentive till you achieve the results. Well, the law of paradoxical intent does not in any way contradict the law of pure desire. You just need to differentiate between desperation, intention and attention. The first and most basic difference between the abovementioned terms is that desperation creates paradox and frustration. It makes an individual impatient, short tempered and irrational. If you are desperate to achieve something, you will become frustrated if you dont reach the desired outcome in a short span of time. On the contrary, intention and attention keeps an individual optimistic and motivated till the end. If you are intent on achieving something, you will not lose your temper or your hope till you finally reach your desired goals. The law of paradoxical intent asks you not to be desperate. The best way of controlling desperation is to detach yourself from the thing you want badly in your life. You dont give up intention, you dont deviate attention; you just detach yourself from the final outcomes. This will make you feel calm, relaxed and more focused. You would be able to think and plan more rationally which will ultimately lead to better results.


Law of Harmony
Universe Wants You to Achieve All That You Desire -Sandra Anne Taylor The Law of Harmony, also known as the law of synchronization propounds the importance of natural laws and the results that flow from it. Align your energies with all other objects present in the universe. Create a harmony with other creations of universe and the universe will reward you for your deeds. In other words, the law of harmony asks you to stay calm and in harmony with the natural laws. Dont run too fast or else you will lose sight of others and will feel isolated in the long journey of life. Dont lag either or everyone else will leave you behind. Synchronize yourself with the natural forces of universe and you will reach your goals in a peaceful manner. Simply said, it is the world of give and take. You give harmony to the universe and in turn it will help you fulfill your desires.


Law of Right Action

Inaction Creates Nothing. Action Creates Success - Stephen Richards Now that you have set your goals and know what you actually want out of life, it is time to move on to some action part. You cannot just wait for your dreams to materialize out of thin air. You need to make a plan of action to achieve what you intend to achieve. The most important thing here is to draft a realistic and right action of plan. The law of right action says that for you to be successful, it is not required to fail others. Your plan of action should be focused on your success and not anyone elses destruction. Make sure your action plan does not tear down the values and dignity of others. Devise your action plan soon after meditating. At this time your mind is free of all the evil thoughts. Not any other time could be better to write a realistic and considerate plan of action. Most importantly, your plan should be flexible enough to survive any distractions and unexpected events. Set different milestones in your plan of action. This will help you determine how much time it would take to reach your desired journey. The purpose of setting milestones is not to rush things. It is just so that you stay on track and follow a proper routine.


Law of Expanding Influence

Encourage, Lift And Strengthen One Another. For The Positive Energy Spread To One Will Be Felt By Us All. For We Are Connected, One And All! -James Allen The law of expanding influence says that the vibrations of our energy expands and influences everyone around us. In other words, energy is contagious. It creates similar vibes around you. If you have reverence for other and are pretty much satisfied with your life, it would reflect on your personal and professional life. It will make you more productive at work, you will spend valuable time with your family and overall have a wonderful social life. Try to look at the positive side of everything. Life is too short to hold back against something or someone. Carry an air of positive energy around you and it will positively affect you, your work, your family and the world at large. Think of the last time you had an argument with your spouse in the morning and how affected your productivity at work. Your bad mood and negative energies will affect you as well as everyone around you.


Live Your Dreams

You Are Today Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You, You Will Be Tomorrow Where Your Thoughts Take You James Allen So are you ready to live your dreams now? As promised in the beginning of the book, we have laid down several ways for you to manifest your dreams and fulfill your desires. As James Allen said in the above quote, it is your thoughts that will shape your future. Know your inner self, identify your needs and then stay intent on manifesting your desires. Meditation is the miraculously powerful therapy that will help you throughout your journey of living your dreams. Initially you will find it difficult to concentrate solely on your breath as it is required in meditation. You might even not feel any


difference in the first few days. However it does not mean that you should give it up. Just a couple of days of practice and soon you will find it easy and relaxing to meditate. The fact that meditation will help you fulfill your dreams is worth all the time and efforts that you would have to put in to excel this art. Summing up, to be successful and happy does not require hard work. It is all in your mind. The more positive, energetic and optimistic you are; the more you will enjoy all the efforts that you put in to achieve your goal. Unleash The Unlimited Powers Of Your Mind To Stay Happy!!


Recommended Resources
1. Our Facebook Community Page:
Like the page and explore powerful content on personal development, self empowerment, spirituality, meditation etcetera. 2. Our Inspirational Blog: This page contains quite a number of inspirational and motivational blogs. Explore the blogs and find a way to change your life. 3. Quantum Success Secrets: It is a program that will trigger your desire to achieve things that you have never achieved before. It tells you how to use the power of your minds to gain success and happiness. As the name suggests, this book contains some secrets that are going to change your life. 4. Discounted Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP): The Discounted Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) is another product that guarantees to change your life. It reveals secret of happiness and getting what you desire. Know how you can make success stand by your side. 5. Miracle Brain System: Miracle brain system is the key to living a rich, healthy, happy and youthful life. It unravels several ways of living the life that you could only dream of living.


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