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Reflection 1. Empty Shell, that was me before entering the SIP - Art Workshop. !

ll of hesitations, worries an" re#ections on the concept of SIP. $!t, as a call of "!ty that p!rs!e me to atten" the seminar. I%&e reali'e" many things s!ch as attit!"e really matters. It is a matter of opening yo!r "oor for new learnings. Altho!gh I ha&e an i"ea on "issertation making i nee" to gi&e myself a chance to learn more on this SIP making aspect. I am really &ery happy for this seminar seeing my Ph.( classmates as "isc!ssant on the making of SIP. I am pro!" of them beca!se I "o belie&e that they can e)ten" to the elementary teachers their e)pertise. I was really inspire" to form!late an SIP. $eca!se It became clear to me how to make it.

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