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Chapter five Concerning the blessedness of the invitation (calling towards Islam) of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam

1. The trees answered his call, prostrating.

2. Walking towards him on shins (truck) without feet.

3. It is though writing lines that were written.

4. With their ranches, calligraphicall! writing of his perfection.

". #ike the cloud following him where$er he went.

%. &heltering him from the intense heat, (as that) of an o$en in the la'ing summer.

(. I take an oath (of truth) ! the moon that was split, it ears.

). * connection with his heart (which shows) the truth of m! oath.

+. What e,cellence -ualities and no le deeds the ca$e contained (in it).

1.. While e$er! e!e (of the dis elie$ers) was lind him.

11. The truth (sid-) and the true(siddi-ue) in the ca$e were not seen ( ! the dis elie$ers).

12. *nd the! were satin! /There is no one in the ca$e/.

13. The! thought a wild do$e and a spider would not

14. #a! an egg, or spin a we for the est of creation.

1". The protection of *llah (made him) dispensed with dou le.

1%. 0rom armours and high forts.

1(. Whene$er time caused me an! distress and I took refuge in him.

1). I recei$e shelter from him which was not misused.

1+. I did not ask for the wealth of the two worlds from his hand.

2.. 1ut I recei$ed a great gift the est hand that was e$er kissed.

21. 2o not den! that his dreams are re$elations (wahi), for $eril! his

22. 3eart does not sleep , when e!es sleep.

23. *nd this was at (the period of) pu ert! of his prophethood.

24. *t that time dreams cannot e denied.

2". 4reat are the lessings of *llah that wahi is nor earned.

2%. 5or was an! 5a i accused (of l!ing when) gi$ing knowledge of the unseen.

2(. 3is miracles are (completel!) clear, not hidden from an!one.

2). Without it 6ustice cannot e esta lished amongst people.

2+. 3ow often has his hand granted freedom (cure) from disease ! (his) touch.

3.. *nd set free the insane from the chains (fetters) of insanit!.

31. 3e re$i$ed the star$ing !ear (of famine) through his dua.

32. 7ntil it resem led a white spot on lack times.

33. 1! means of a cloud which rained so a undantl!, !ou would think large ri$ers

34. 4ushing forth from the sea or like the torrential flood of *rim.

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