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Attacking Organisation Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Assessment for Learning

Learning Objective: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule Outcomes: To understand how and when to build up play compared to the direct ball. To recognize support is 360 degrees. To identify when to play short and when to play long and why? To recognise and apply rhythm, mobility of the ball and movement in the game. To develop focus, anticipation, decision making and spacial awareness. Success Criteria Key Factors to Consider I can..
Creating Space: Creating individual space, movement in front, Width, depth, 360 degrees, cross over, decoys runs, split runs, overlaps Decision Making: Observation awareness of other players positions, and movement, play to feet or space, be patient, disciplined Positive attitude to play first time forward Observe the trigger: be positive and decision make quickly Support: Where? How? Distance, Angle, assertive behaviour Delivery: Quality of pass, pace, weight, angle , support between 10-15x Play and move, timing of release, angle and third man runs, positive play, accuracy, change of tempo, penetrate, Change of direction, switch play, Receive: Technique of end product, shot or cross, rhythm of play, open body position in front of play, assertive

Decision Making
Coach the player in possession what do you see? What is happening? What are the options to keep play simple? Diagonal runs off the ball to create space, run and spin to confuse and disorganise Support 360 degrees: in front, behind or to the side Create Space Decision Make Trigger Support Delivery Receive

Attacking Organisation
Grow Key Questions
What are your SMARTER goals? What would you need to happen for you to walk away feeling that you have achieved success? What does rhythm play/ build up possession play look like? What is happening at the moment? Who is involved? How? When? Where? How can we work together to keep possession? What is meant by sharing the ball? How often does this happen? When can you change tempo? Why? What does surprise look like? What are the advantages of build up play? What are the pitfalls? What can you do to overcome the problems? That are the options? Who can help? How successful were you? What are the next steps? Precisely when will you take them?
Can you create a checklist to summarise the key factors?

Coaching Notes (Delivery/ Coaching Approach)

Part 1: Setting the Scene Recap the learning from previous session/ game and discuss areas for development. Introduce topic, co-construct and clarify the learning . Goal set and discuss desired outcome depending on the theme. Outline the rules and conditions. Part 2: Foundation Stage Players have 10 mins to achieve goals set. Using the tactics board, the coach will step in and encourage the payers to discuss how they may improve their score. Is the tempo realistic and game specific? Part 3: Fundamental Stage: Players are encouraged to analyse and discuss areas of success using video and score on white board. How could reach their desired goals? Introduce more numbers and increase the pitch size to challenge players and encourage decision making. Reflect and further goal set as a team and personally. Part 4: The Beautiful Game Concepts and goals are applied through SSG or 11 v 11. Players are encouraged to reassess performance. Coach will step in to reinforce good practice and encourage critical thinking around the theme. Part 5: Revisit the Objectives Reflect and feedback on team and personal performance. Points round up. Coach feed forward , re-affirm players understanding and goal set for game / next training.

Share the Ball and Recognise the Trigger Point of Attack Objectives to pursue by the team: To move into wide areas, disperse defense on the counter, share the ball and recognise trigger point of attack. Look to deliver from wide areas and commit second phase, in units through movement and rotation; disperse and disorganise the opposition. All players must stay in contention, when ball moves, and goal keeper must be alert to counter attack. Play forward quickly on the angle, where possible, and penetrate into dangerous areas; be patient and develop element of surprise. Create and exploit space through a range of combinations. Develop a limited touch strategy, especially in congested areas, varying the pass and movement combinations (to avoid predictability). In deep areas, look to play direct into the forward space. Build up play through defense and midfield, to support attacking options and frustrate opponent.

Sub Principles
Disciplined and Focused: If no pressure, be positive and look to advance forward as quickly as possible combining defense, midfield and attack through the thirds and channels. Aggressive: Press, move as the ball moves and be patient. Attackers look to combine with wide players and be creative in and around 18 yard box to unlock defense. Assertive and Anticipate: In units, move to create and/ or exploit space in wide areas, deliver as early as possible, pace across the face. Vary runs to be avoid predictability. Common Sense :Quick and strong into attacking positions, meet delivery on angle in threes, looking for rebounds. Attackers combined with midfield through decoy running, crossovers and split runs to penetrate and confuse defense. Limited touches to unlock and give more passing options. Communicate: Second phase attack from midfield to deliver ball back into danger areas from clearance. Committed: Keep play in front, attackers, holding and anchor and second phase support in rotation. Full backs looking to overlap and support wide play and utilise free space.

Learning Styles to Support the Delivery and Coaching Approach

Essential Characteristics
Command All decisions made by the coach. Athletes do as they are told Whole group responds to one. Practice Most decisions made by the coach Athletes Make some decisions Practice time is set by the coach and assists with feedback Reciprocal Planned by coach, but athletes coach each other Work in pairs, one instructor, one as pupil Clear criteria, usually on card, responsibility transferred by athletes Self-check Planned by coach, executed by performer Performers check own performance Evaluation based on coachs planning Inclusion Planned by coach Individuals check their own performance, starting at their own level and progressing accordingly Guided Discovery Coach plans a target , and systematically leads athletes to discover it Questioning by the coach is intrinsic Selection of appropriate steps is critical involving redirection if needed Problem Solving Coach sets a challenge in groups. Players are encouraged to share ideas and stimulate thinking Players contribute to decision making at all stages Individual Athletes design the task and plan the programme Coach monitors and advises Learner Initiatives Coach in not involved Self-Coaching The learner is both coach and pupil

Command Conformity to a single standard of performance Efficiency in the use of time Safety and discipline Practice To improve a skill and help athletes to judge their level of performance Reciprocal To improve ability to observe, analyse, synthesise and listen To develop ability to provide feedback To heighten awareness of self and others Self-check To develop self-reliance in the performer Improve honesty and objectivity about the performance To heighten performers awareness of own limitations Inclusion To include all, and exclude none To accommodate individual differences To enter and advance at own level, learning to match aspiration with performance Guided Discovery To engage learners in a convergent process of relevant discovery To enhance problem solving abilities Problem Solving To enhance problem solving abilities To develop insights into the structure of the activity through search for solution, enhancing ability to verify solution and promote self confidence. Individual To encourage independent planning and evaluation under guidance To reveal the level of understanding and encourage persistence, resilience and self-confidence Learner Initiatives Coach in not involved until the evaluation stage Self-Coaching Work fully independently

Thinking Constantly:
What? How? Where? When? Why?

Bringing it all Together 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use few words Avoid jargon Make sure everyone understands Use simple language Avoid criticism, stay positive Make feedback qualitative and quantitative 7. Select effective position 8. Use TGI and points system to support success 9. Give time and allow players to decision make 10. Step back from the group and empower the players 11. Be player centred 12. Use GROW questions to establish learning framework

What you need to say? How you can say it so that it is most effective ? Where you can best position yourself in relation to the group so that everyone gets the point, and understands expectations and goals set? When will you apply different teaching and learning tools to empower the players and engage their Habits of Mind? Why will you stop the session and give support, feedback and feed forward? Give a point system to indicate success, such as 8/10 or 2/10 rather than good or bad. This will give clarity to the quality of performance.

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Skill Practice Unopposed

Rules and Conditions 1. In 3, pass and move crossing over and occupying all three cones (pathways) at every point 2. Once hit 18 yard box, pass or shoot first time

Starting Position 3 players start on half way, cross over, pass and move one touch

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Skill Practice 3 v 2

Rules and Conditions 1. In 3, pass and move crossing over and occupying all three cones (pathways) at every point 2. Once hit 18 yard box, pass or shoot first time 3. Opposition close down immediately

Starting Position 3 players start on half way, cross over, pass and move one touch

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Skill Practice 3 v 4

Rules and Conditions 1. In 3, pass and move crossing over and occupying all three cones (pathways) at every point 2. Once hit 18 yard box, pass or shoot first time 3. Opposition close down immediately 4. If opposition breakdown the move = 2 points 5. If attacking break through defense = 5 points

Starting Position 3 players start on half way, cross over, pass and move one touch

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Skill Practice 4 v 5

Rules and Conditions 1. In 3, pass and move crossing over and occupying all three cones (pathways) at every point 2. Once hit 18 yard box, pass or shoot first time 3. Opposition close down immediately, stay in zone 4. If opposition breakdown the move = 2 points 5. If attacking break through defense = 5 points

Starting Position 3 players start on half way, cross over, pass and move one touch

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Skill Practice Unopposed

3 7

4 2




Rules and Conditions 1. Every player has a number. 2. Four random players start with the ball in their hands and throw to next consecutive play in the zone. 1-2-3-412 back to 1 3. All players must be on the move. 4. Vary the pass. 5. Once practiced, move to feet.

Starting Position Pass and move in Zone . On call of 3, 5 , 7, 9 start with the ball and pass to next consecutive number. Add more balls and new starters. Begin with hands then move to feet.

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Skill Practice Unopposed

Rules and Conditions 1. Limited touch. 2. On call 3, 5 or 7, send ball clock wise/ diagonal/ anticlockwise. 3. Penetrating pass must be varied every time.

Starting Position Pass and move in Zone . On call of 3, 5 or 7 passes , send ball clockwise and continue Vary to anticlockwise and diagonal movement

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Functional Play 6 v 3

Rules and Conditions 1. 5 v 5. 2. 10 pts = Attacking team score through yellow gates 3. On call of a combination of 3, 5, 7 passes , play a ball into opposite zone and continue attack 4. 20 pts = Defenders must score through the blue gates

Starting Position Pass and move in zone attempting to score through gate . On call of 3, 5 or 7 passes , send ball into opposition zone and continue.

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule

Playing Model: 4- 5 1

Phase of Play 8 v 6

Rules and Conditions 1. 10 pts = consecutive passes ,one touch, depending on the agreed rhythm decided by team 2. 10 pts = for a combination of 2 short 1 long , direct, forward penetrating pass into final third ending in a shot attempt or goal 3. 10 pts = midfield receive the ball forward 4. 10 pts = Opposition score through blue gates

Starting Position Anchor midfield plays wide . Keep possession and on 3 third pass play forward to strikers feet of advancing position, changing tempo. Vary number of touches to 5 and 7

Theme: Attacking with a Three, Five, Seven Rhythm Rule Playing Model: 4- 5 1 v 4-4-2 Starting Position

RB plays forward/ across and start possession, rhythm

Team: 11v11 game Scenario

3-0 up and controlling the game 5 minutes prior to half time. How can you avoid predictability and confuse the opponent, keep possession and exploit the element of surprise?
Points Differential: 11v 11 Area 1 = long range shots, decoy runs, receive forward from attacking ball Area 2 = delivery, overlap, overload from attacking forward ball Area 3 = build up, rhythm decided by team and be patient Area 4 = Limited touch when under pressure, build up when given time Rotate , disperse and opposition, create and exploit space
Area 1 Decoy runs Receive forward +10 Area 2 Delivery, overlaps, overload +10 Area 3 Build up play Rhythm? +10 Area 4 Limited Touch/ First Time +10 Loss of possession -20




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