Subject-Indian Business Environment Subject Code-360a General Instructions

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Subject-Indian Business Environment code-360A General Instructions:


The Student should submit this assignment in the handwritten form (not in the typed format) The Student should submit this assignment within the time specified by the exam dept Each Question mentioned in this assignment should be answered within the word limit specified corresponding to each question. The student should only use the Rule sheet papers for answering the questions. The student should attach this assignment paper with the answered papers.

ailure to comply with the abo!e i!e instructions would lead to re"ection of assignment.

Specific Instructions:
There are fi!e Questions in this assignment. The student should answer all the four questions. #ar$s allotted %&&. Each Question carries equal mar$s ('& mar$s) unless specified explicitly. The answer should not exceed the world limit of '&& words
Question No 1: Question 1 (a) What are the various factors that constitute environment for business in India? How many of these have affected POSCO as illustrated in the case? Question 1 (b) Why environment ministry refuses to give clearance to projects which will generate large income and profit? Is it a right thing to do? Question 1 (c) o you thin! business should be regulated? Why or why not?

Question ! (i!e a comparati!e analysis of )ndia*s )ndustrial policy since )ndependence. +ow has %,,% pro!en to be a turning point in )ndia*s )ndustrial de!elopmentQuestion 3 .iscuss the business en!ironment scenario for both the following industries/ a" Entertainment )ndustry b" )nformation Technology Question # .iscuss the business en!ironment under economic systems 0 1apitalism2 Socialism2 and #ixed Economy2 from the perspecti!e of pri!ate business. Question $

+ow has the scenario of the following industries changed post %,,&*s reformsa" 3utomobile )ndustry b" +ospitality )ndustry 4hat hurdles do these industries still face-

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