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A Research Proposal Submitted in Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements in English 2


Acknowledgement I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my Professor, Gen Cafino, who introduced to us the making of a thesis. Without her untiring efforts to remind and correct our mistakes this thesis would not be possible. In addition I would like to thank our parents, because without them studying in this prestigious school wouldnt be possible. This thesis would have remained a dream had it not for the contribution of ideas of our friends and families.

Table of Contents o Chapter I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Statement of the Problem-------------------------------------------------------------------4 Hypothesis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Significance of the Study-------------------------------------------------------------------5

o Chapter II--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Related Literature------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Related Studies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Research Paradigm -------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Theoretical Framework---------------------------------------------------------------------14 Formal Definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------14

o Chapter III------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Research Design------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Respondents-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Locale of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Instrumentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 The Study Population and Sample-----------------------------------------------------18 Procedure---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

o Bibliography--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 o Researchers Profile---------------------------------------------------------------------------20

Chapter I The Problem and its Background INTRODUCTION The focus of this study is to determine the difference between natural and laboratory prepared lagundi medicine against cough. Before the researchers identify the difference on how it is prepared the knowledge about Lagundi is essential. Lagundi is a large shrub that grows in the Philippines and has been traditionally used as an herbal medicine. Lagundi is generally used for the treatment of coughs, asthma symptoms and other respiratory ailments. It is also known for its analgesic effect that helps alleviate pain and discomfort. Lagundi can be prepared naturally by, gathering and mixing its leaves, roots, flowers and its seeds then boiling them into a container for 10 to 15 minutes and then strain and gather the juice for drinking. Lagundi can also be purchased in forms of capsule and syrup to make it easier to handle. It can also be used with other cough remedies and cough medicines.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. What is the perceive effectiveness of laboratory prepared Lagundi? 2. What is the perceive effectiveness of naturally prepared lagundi? 3. What is the difference in the perceive effectiveness of laboratory prepared and naturally prepared Lagundi?

HYPOTHESIS Laboratory and Naturally prepared lagundi has no difference in curing cough. Laboratory prepared lagundi is handy and easy to consume however naturally prepared lagundi needs to be boiled first before ingestion. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY To the students: The study of lagundi can help them develop their sense of awareness to prepare them to a deeper study to discover how the efficiency of lagundi plants can still be developed and maximized. They can further dig extensively to discover about the plants other advantages and uses together with the other similar herbal plants. To the future students: The study of lagundi plants could be an important key for them to open their interest to focus their studies in the field of alternative medicines. To the medical practitioners: The study is most significant for them being the guardians of our health. They can avail of the medical value of lagundi plants which is cheaper than other synthetic medicines aside from the fact that they are readily accessible.

Chapter II Review of Related Studies and Literature RELATED LITERATURE Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a large native shrub that grows in the Philippines and has been traditionally used as herbal medicine. The Philippine Department of Health has conducted research and study for Lagundi and has suggested that the lagundi plant has a number verifiable therapeutic value [1]. Lagundi is generally accepted in the Philippines to be useful for coughs, asthma and respiratory problems. There were no adverse reactions that have been reported for those patients who have used lagundi. Scientific analysis has shown that lagundi has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that lagundi can prevent the bodys production of Leukotriene, which are released during an asthma attack. Also according to scientific studies conducted for lagundi, the leaves, fruit and root of this plant contains antihistamine properties that helps in releasing bronchial muscles thus reducing asthma symptoms. Lagundi is also known for its analgesic effects that help alleviate pain and discomfort. As an analgesic, lagundi also appears to have some efficacy. It has been compared to drugs like aspirin in trials that show that it may be useful in treatment of things like pain after dental extractions. There is a proof that it really helps and improves lives of people like this, I have asthma and sinusitis. My results with lagundi were positive. It saved my life. I do not have to use antibiotics or prednisone anymore. The therapeutic effects of lagundi is indeed a testimony that the indigenous medicinal products developed in the Philippines can very well compete with the more established preparations coming from imported pharmaceutical companies. Especially good for respiratory problems.

At home, people make lagundi teas from the leaves, often producing a large amount and bottling the excess to use later. Commercially, lagundi can be purchased in the form of syrup or capsules to make it easier to handle. It is also blended in with cough medicines and other herbal remedies. As with other herbal medicines, lagundi should not be taken without consulting a doctor, as it may potentially conflict with other medications or it may be contraindicated for a particular condition. If your doctor is resistant to herbal treatments, you may want to seek out a practitioner who supports complementary medicine so that you can get sound advice about whether or not lagundi is safe for you.[ ] Five-leaved Chaste Tree or Vitex Negundo is a medicinal shrub commonly found in tropical, subtropical and also warm temperate regions throughout the world, especially in the Philippines. The use of five-leaved chaste tree for medicinal purposes has been known for a long time in China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines and other Asian countries. Today, pharmaceutical companies in Japan are importing wild vitex negundo from Philippines. The root is reported to be tonic, febrifuge, and expectorant. The root is also used in a great variety of diseases: dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, worms, boils, and leprosy. The flowers are used in diarrhea, cholera, fever, and diseases of the liver, and are also recommended as a cardiac tonic. The seeds make a cooling medicine for skin diseases and leprosy, and for inflammation of the mouth. The leaves are used as a tea for conditions like coughs and asthma.[ ]


Department of Health in the Philippines Scientific Research on Medicinal Herbs Lagundi Studies Scientific name: Vitex Negundo

Lagundi is a shrub that grows in the Philippines. It is one of the ten herbal medicines endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health as an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value. Lagundi has been clinically tested to be effective in the treatment of colds, flu, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and pharyngitis. Studies have shown that Lagundi can prevent the bodys production of leukotienes which are released during an asthma attack. Lagundi contains Chrysoplenol D a substance with anti-histamine properties and muscle relaxant. Plant Description: The Lagundi plant can grow up to five meters tall. It has a single woody stem. Lagundi distinctive feature are the pointed leaves with five leaflets set like a hand. Benefits: Relief of asthma and pharyngitis Relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils diarrhea (roots) Treatment of chough, colds, fever and flu and other bronchopulmonary disorders Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox Removal of worms and boils

Hepatoprotective effect of Vitex negundo against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage.


Recent Use: Lagundi has been proven to be an effective analgesic and antitussive (prepared as a pleasant tasting cough syrup) and has been considered as a replacement for dextromethorphan in the public health system.

New Application: Studies have shown benefit through reduction of coughing and relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscles. Being promoted by the Department of Health (DOH) for cough and asthma. One of a few herbs recently registered with the Bureau of Foods and Drugs (BFAD) as medicines. Studies: Anti-Venom: Snake venom neutralization by Indian medicinal plants (Vitex negundo and Emblica officinalis) root extracts: A methanolic extract study of VN showed it possesses potent snake venom neutralizing capacity and suggests further investigation. Anti-Inflammatory: Vitex negundo Linn (VN) leaf extract as an adjuvant therapy to standard anti-inflammatory drugs: VN significantly potentiated antiinflammatory activity of phenylbutazone and ibuprofen in albino rats. Anti-Inflammatory Activity: Anti-inflammatory Activity and Mechanism of Action of Vitex negundo Linn: Study suggests VN possess anti-inflammatory activity against acute and sub-acute inflammation probably due to prostaglandin inhibition and reduction of oxidative stress. Antibacterial: Essential oil composition and antibacterial studies of Vitex negundo linn. extracts: : Study showed the essential oils and extracts to have antibacterial activity. Ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts showed prominent antibacterial activity against all tested strains. Antifungal: New antifungal flavonoid glycoside from Vitex negundo: Study found a new isolated flavone glycoside and a known compound to have significant antifungal

activity against Tricophyton mentagrophytes and Cryptococcus neoformans. (2) Ethanol extract of fruit seeds showed significant activity against Fusarium solani and moderate response against Microsporum canis with no effect against C albicans. Larvicidal: Differential larvicidal efficacy of four species of Vitex against Culex quinquefasciatus larvae: The methanolic extracts of all Vitex species showed varying levels of larvicidal activity.

Anthelmintic: Study of ethanolic extracts of Moringa oleifera and Vitex negundo on anthelmintic activity against Indian earthworm Pheritima posthuma showed both to have dose dependent activity, with Moringa oleifera showing more activity. Preparation How to make lagundi syrup: clean fresh lagundi leaves and chop. In 4 glasses of water, boil 4 tablespoons of minced lagundi leaves for 50 minutes. Strain the liquid extract and add 1 part honey to 4 parts extracts. Boil in an earthen pot or enamel-lined saucepan for 15 minutes until the desired viscosity is attained. Pour the syrup in clear amber colour bottles. It is one of the ten herbal medicines endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health as an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value. Studies have shown that Lagundi can prevent the bodys production of leukotrienes, which are released during an asthma attack. Even in Japan, lagundi is becoming recognized as an effective herbal medicine, especially since researches have shown that it contains properties that make it an expectorant and it has been reported to function as a tonic as well. More than that, most of the parts of the lagundi plant have medicinal value Common names: Dangla (Ilokano); five-leaved chaste tree, horseshoe vitex Indication: Leaves and flowering tops decoction, syrup, tablets and capsules for

coughs, colds, fever and asthma. Found in: in humid places or along watercourses, in waste places and mixed open forest. Parts used: Leaves and flowering tops Special precautions: Make sure to have the five-leaved varieties, as there are other varieties of lagundi.

Preparation: Asthma, Cough & Fever - Decoction (Boil raw fruits or leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes) Dysentery, Colds & Pain Decoction ( Boil a handful of leaves & flowers in water to produce a glass, three times a day) Skin diseases (dermatitis, scabies, ulcer, eczema) - Wash & clean the skin/wound with the decoction Headache Crush leaves may be applied on the forehead Rheumatism, sprain, contusions, insect bites -Pound the leaves and apply on affected area The growing acceptance of medicinal plants these days can be attributed to the disappointment of modern man in most synthetic miracle drugs that have caused unexpected and sometimes terrifying side effects. It is reported that the incidence of complications in drug therapy in the U.S. is about 10% and that approximately 5% of patients admitted to the hospitals suffer not from diseases but from serious drug reactions. The growing concern over the harmful side-effects of some drugs if improperly taken, have encouraged people to go back to the use of medicinal plants especially in primary health care. As an example, it is now acknowledged that the use of antibiotics for viral infections not only prolongs, but also worsens viral infection.

While before it was considered that a possible secondary infection can be prevented by prophylaxis treatment with antibiotics, this is now considered an obsolete mode of treatment. While studies indicate that most viral infections are self-limiting, and there is no drugs yet that can scientifically prevent colds or reduce their effect, many people still spend a lot on over-the-counter remedies for cough and colds exposing themselves to the risk of harmful effects. Fever is now considered not as an illness itself, but as a protective mechanism of the body that also serves as a warning symptom of an infection that needs to be properly treated. Lagundi is effective in lowering fever of viral origin and for coughs and colds. When you have flu, colds, measles, chicken pox, or mumps, all you have to do is to take one stem of this plant and boil it in water. Lagundi is safe and effective as any of the pharmaceutical antipyretic in the market today. Studies have shown that Lagundi is just as effective as the popular cough syrups in the drug market. Clinical trials have also indicated that it is effective for bronchial asthma. It has anti-histamine and bronchial relaxing as well as mild anti-microbial effects. As early as 1963, it has been discovered that Lagundi has anti-cancer activity since it can control tumor growth in-vitro and in-vivo clinical studies. Today, there is a growing worldwide interest in medicinal plants and traditional methods of healing. It is mainly because the result of research studies has tremendously influenced a growing reversal of traditional perceptions. It is now the consensus thinking that both the traditional methods of healing including the use of medicinal plants and the modern medicines work well, and their integration leads to better treatment. In China and other countries in Asia, the use of herbs or medicinal plants is common.


Lagundi is a fast growing tree and one stem contains at least 5 leaves. It can be planted anywhere even in the wild since this plant is not a sensitive one. Its leaves can be harvested 3 months after planting and can be used for aromatic bath or sponge bathing for wounds and rheumatism. You can also apply the pounded leaves in your forehead for relief of headaches and fever.

Research Paradigm 1. What is the perceive effectiveness of laboratory prepared Lagundi? 2. What is the perceive effectiveness of naturally prepared lagundi? 3. What is the difference in the perceive effectiveness of laboratory prepared and naturally prepared Lagundi? PROCESS: *conduct survey and interview OUTPUT: *to determine which is much effective, Laboratory prepared or Naturally prepared Lagundi against cough.


Theoretical framework The theoretical framework for this paper is based on the survey that we conduct, we begin by developing a model of how individuals choose their cough medicine for example we ask them a couple of questions which is more effective, the laboratory prepared or naturally prepared lagundi; and the result was they prefer laboratory prepared than naturally prepared lagundi and also we had educated them that the natural prepared lagundi is more effective and cheaper than the laboratory prepared lagundi..

Formal definition
Term Genus Diffentia

Adjuvant therapy


Analgesic Antibiotic Anthelmintic Antihistamine

Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine

Aspirin Asthma Bronchitis Cough Dyspepsia Expectorant Ferbifuge Herbal medicine Hepatoprotective Larvicidal Pharyngitis Phenylbutazone

Medicine Respiratory disease Respiratory disease Act Disease Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Chemical Disease Medicine

Given in addition to the primary, main or initial treatment Helps alleviate pain Fights bacterial infections Helps expel worms from the body Use to counter act production of allergic reactions Relieve pain, reduce fever and inflammation Inflammatory disease of the airways Inflammation of the airways leading to the lungs Making sudden noise from expelling air from the lungs Disturbed digestion Helps Excrete sputum in the airway Relieves fever Made from various plants to prevent or treat diseases Any drug that prevents damage to the liver Used for killing larvae Inflammation of the pharynx Used for treatment of

Phrophylaxis Prednisone

Act Medicine





arthritis, bursitis and gout Taken to prevent diseases Relieve rheumatic and allergic conditions and to treat leukemia Inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue Restores or increase body tone


Chapter III Research Methodology

Research Design To undertake a scientific study, all the components should fit together in a meaningful whole. To achieve this goal, the researcher needs to draw up a design, the strategy for conducting the study or the plan to obtain answers to the research questions. Burns and Grove (2001:223) describe the research design as a blueprint for conducting a study that maximises control over factors that could interfere with the validity of the findings. It spells out the strategy the researcher plans to adopt to develop information that is accurate and interpretable. The research design guides the researcher in planning and implementing the study to achieve the intended goal. The control provided by the design increases the probability that the study results are accurate reflections of the real situations. A descriptive survey was selected because it provides an accurate portrayal or account of the characteristics, for example behaviour, opinion, beliefs, and knowledge of a particular individual, situation or group. This design was chosen to meet the objectives of the study, namely to determine the knowledge and views of patients and family members with regards to the difference of laboratory and naturally prepared Lagundi in treating cough. Respondents The respondents of the study include the patients of Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation who are suffering from cough. Locale of the Study The study was conducted at Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation. The hospital caters for the different health needs of people. The majority of the clients are middle-class to upper class Filipinos.


Instrumentation Semantic differential is a type of a rating scale designed to measure the connotative meaning of objects, events, and concepts. The connotations are used to derive the attitude towards the given object, event or concept. Osgood's semantic differential was designed to measure the connotative meaning of concepts. The respondent is asked to choose where his or her position lies, on a scale between two bipolar adjectives (for example: "Adequate-Inadequate", "Good-Evil" or "Valuable-Worthless"). Semantic differentials can be used to describe not only persons, but also the connotative meaning of abstract conceptsa capacity used extensively in affect control theory. The Semantic Differential (SD) measures people's reactions to stimulus words and concepts in terms of ratings on bipolar scales defined with contrasting adjectives at each end. An example of an SD scale is: Usually, the position marked 0 is labelled "neutral," the 1 positions are labelled "slightly," the 2 positions "quite," and the 3 positions "extremely." A scale like this one measures directionality of a reaction (e.g., good versus bad) and also intensity (slight through extreme). Typically, a person is presented with some concept of interest, e.g., Red China, and asked to rate it on a number of such scales. Ratings are combined in various ways to describe and analyze the person's feelings.


The Study Population and Sample According to Burns and Grove (1993:779), a population is defined as all elements (individuals, objects and events) that meet the sample criteria for inclusion in a study. The study population consisted of all adult cough-suffering patients who utilise the Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation. A purposive sample of 20 subjects was selected from the institution. Mouton (1996:132) defines a sample as elements selected with the intention of finding out something about the total population from which they are taken. A purposive sample consists of subjects included in the study because they happen to meet the studys sp ecific requirements, which consists of patients suffering from cough. The sample size of 20 patients were the total of subjects who were willing to participate in the research and who met the sampling criteria during the two weeks period of data collection.

Procedure On the third week of February, year 2013. 20 sheets was given away to 20 respondents who are willing to participate. These respondents are patients of Far Eastern UniversityDr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation who are suffering cough and consider Lagundi as an alternative medication. Two researchers distributed the survey instruments. It was estimated that it would take the subjects approximately ten minutes to complete answering the survey instrument.




Researchers Profile

Name: Ken Rodlyne G. Monoy Ken Rodlyne G. Monoy was born on November 30, 1993. He is 19 years old currently taking up the course Respiratory Therapy at the Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation. He graduated at Pasig Catholic College. He is a hardworking and studious person. He loves reading fictional horror books. He is proficient on using technology specifically computers. He is fond on using FilipinoEnglish language or taglish. He hopes one day to become one of the great doctors of the Philippines.

Francisco Legaspi Memorial School- SY 2001-2006 Pasig Catholic College- SY 2006-2010 Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation- SY 2010-ongoing


Name: Arnel D. Arada Jr. Arnel D. Arada Jr. is a student of Far Eastern University Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation and currently a 1st. year Irregular Respiratory Therapist. He is the leader of the group. He is a studious person and responsible guy. He is a weight lifter but never loses weight even with vigorous training. He loves to study and watch movies. He is currently living in Marian bldg. dormitory. He loves to play computer games and also basketball as his favourite sport. He dreams to Respiratory Therapy cause he wants to help his parents in the future and repay them for their hard work.

Child Jesus of Prague School SY 2001-2006 Child Jesus of Prague School SY 2006-2010 FEU-NRMF SY 2010- on going


Name: Calman Jan M. Asprer Calman Jan M. Asprer is currently studying at the Far Eastern University. He graduated at School of Saint Anthony and received a loyalty award when he graduated. He is a guy who knows how to balance his studies yet still enjoys him and spends time with his friends, families and loved ones. He loves to watch movies, read books and loves help the people around him. School Of Saint Anthony- SY 2001-2006 School Of Saint Anthony- SY 2006-2010 Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation- SY 2010-ongoing


Name: Reginald Paul R. Serrano Reginald Paul R. Serrano was born on January 5, 1994. He is 19 years old and currently studying at Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation. He was the eldest child of three siblings. He lives in Greenview Executive Village, West Fairview, Quezon city. He graduated at Mater Carmeli School of Novaliches, batch 2010.He loves to watch movies and play computer games. He also likes to read educational books to learn new things and to make himself better. He is a healthy guy, exercises regularly. He is a hardworking person and will reach for his dreams. He hopes to finish this Respiratory Therapy course to make his parents feel proud of him. Mater Carmeli School of Novaliches 2005-2006 Mater Carmeli School of Novaliches 2007-2010 FEU-NRMF SY 2010 - on going


Name: Ralph J. Acosta Ralph J. Acosta was born on May 21, 1992. He is 20 years old and currently studying at Far Eastern University-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation. He was the youngest child of five siblings. He lives in Palmera homes Quezon City, Brgy Sta.monica. He graduated at St.Joseph school of Fairview, batch 2009. He likes to read dictionary to enhance his vocabulary also he is a very athletic guy. He is a very loving person and a harworker. He hopes to finish his doctorate to make his parents proud.

St. Joseph School of Fairview - SY 2004-2005 St. Joseph School of Fairview SY 2008-2009 FEU-NRMF SY 2009- on going


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